Teleportation. Facts, fiction, scientific reality

Other celebrations

Domitian in Rome (I century BC) arranged a trial of the famous philosopher Apollonius at that time. The philosopher disappeared from the courtroom in front of the assessors and the emperor himself, the defendant found himself far from Rome on the same day.

To this day, mass escapes from prisons, which were officially recorded at the beginning of the 20th century, have not been unraveled in any way.

Carlos Diaz, an Argentine by nationality, on January 4, 1975, returning home, he felt dizzy, and then, in order not to fall, he sat down on the lawn for a minute. When he woke up, he was already 500 miles from the previous place. Passers-by who listened to the poor fellow decided that the wasp had gone crazy and was sent to the hospital.

Current scientists, studying this phenomenon, have accumulated a lot of material, which confirms this fact documented, this is an unnatural phenomenon; sometimes there are quite funny stories.

Cases of human teleportation

  • In 1871, there was a sensational case with a London clairvoyant, Mrs. Guppy, who, having a large physique, suddenly teleported from her house to the other end of London, and found herself right on the table in front of a group of people who were engaged in a seance.
  • Not at all a funny incident occurred in Kazakhstan (late 40s). One of our compatriots, living in a village not far from Stalin's camps, having gone over a little for one day, fell asleep under his barracks, and having gone into himself, woke up in a camp on the territory behind barbed rows of wire.
  • The authorities gathered and conducted a serious investigation. The investigation showed only the fact that getting into the camp was impossible. The case was closed, and a non-disclosure agreement was taken from the poor fellow.

Case of human teleportation in China

The authenticity of the video still causes a large number of various disputes.

Human teleportation is possible

In 1937 N.F. Volkov while in the notorious prison called "Crosses", he suddenly felt that he was losing consciousness, and in order not to fall, he wanted to grab onto something, turning into himself, he saw that he was on the banks of the Neva, tightly clinging to the parapet. What happened next no one knows.

Over the past decades, modern scientists have been able to provide strong evidence that teleportation at the given level of technological development is not feasible.

This is impossible from the point of view of Newtonian mechanics, the main theses of which are based on the fact that all substances are composed of atoms. They do not come into motion just like that, without the influence of a second force, they do not disappear and do not arise anew in another place.

However, according to quantum theory, such incredible things are possible.

By examining the unusual properties of atoms, scientists have found that the electron behaves like a wave and, in the seemingly random way of its course inside the atom, can make quantum jumps.

Teleportation training

In a room with subdued light, you need to take a horizontal position. In addition to the performed relaxation ceremony, one must relax, each muscle of the body should feel relaxation.

As a result, there may be a complication of the place of dragging up to the formation of your own world, but you must be very careful, because in the resulting world the probability for return teleportation may not be transmitted.

The exercises provided are not uniform in trainings of a similar plan, but having taken up the technique of these exercises in their entirety, he can additionally compose on the basis of existing ones.

A professional lesson in teleportation of objects and teleportation itself in the Russian Federation ranges from 50 euros, and the training itself can take years.

Students' activities should be their work and life.

To achieve such a goal: to teach a person to teleport to a point of time and space arbitrarily chosen by him, also to move small groups of people and objects of special purpose are amenable to units, people with special knowledge and biological characteristics.

They say that you don't have to learn to be a wizard or finish anything.

You just need to watch a couple of fantastic films, books, go to several master classes, listen to smart people, and without any effort, teleportation will come out on its own.

Here, you are lying tired on the sofa and you want, for example, a pie, but there is no desire to take a walk to the store. And so you took it, imagined it to yourself, strained, and it already materialized in front of you.

We wish you that it would be you who became this lucky person.

Introduction…………………………………………………………………………. 2

1. Teleportation…………………………………………………………………….. 3

2. Hypnosis…………………………………………………………………………. 8

Conclusion………………………………………………………………………… 16

Literature………………………………………………………………………. 17


these, while psychological in nature, are nonetheless outside or near traditional scientific psychology. Hence the particle "para" that is included in this term.

It is difficult to object to such a use of the term "parapsychology": after all, in essence, it is almost all the same what we call a certain field of phenomena, regardless of whether these phenomena are real or imaginary. Such a conventional and purely terminological meaning of the word "parapsychology" is not its only meaning.

According to some authors, this is the science of that area of ​​nature, in front of which human knowledge is powerless today. In this sense, parapsychology turns out to be a scientific field that opposes natural science and adjoins the system of near-sciences.

mental processes of a person or other living beings, as well as carrying out a variety of experimental research in order to identify the physical mechanisms for their implementation and develop methods for teaching people the practical use of Psi-phenomena.

The field of parapsychology includes such phenomena as hypnosis, telepathy and teleportation. It is these phenomena that we will consider in this paper.

1. Teleportation.

“In December 1952 I got off the train at a suburban station about a mile and a half from my home in Sussex. The train from London arrived late, the bus had already left, and there was no taxi. The rain poured incessantly. It was 5:59 in the afternoon. At 6 o'clock I had to call from abroad, and it was a very important call for me. The situation seemed hopeless. And what was really bad was that the telephone at the station did not work, because there was some kind of damage on the line, and I could not use it.

In desperation, I sat down on a bench in the waiting room and began to compare the time on my watch and the station clock. Considering that at the station the clocks always go a couple of minutes ahead, I decided that the exact time was 5:57 pm, that is, there were still three minutes left until 6:00 pm. What happened then, I can’t say. When I came to, I was standing in the lobby of my house, which was a good 20 minutes' walk away. At this time, the clock began to strike 6. The telephone rang on the minute. After I finished my conversation, I realized that something very strange had happened, and then, to my great surprise, I saw that my shoes were dry, there was no dirt on them, and my clothes were also completely dry.

It must be assumed that Major Pole was somehow mysteriously transferred to his home, for he very much desired to be at home, and he made no conscious effort to do so. If it could happen spontaneously like that, then why can't teleportation happen at will.

clothing, 500 miles from Bebedouru, where he had been four and a half days before. His account of being captured by four-foot-tall creatures, transported by them to another planet, and then returned to Earth sounds fantastic, but this case, like many similar incidents, was thoroughly investigated, and after that no doubts remained that da Silva believed in what he was talking about. It is noteworthy that in all cases of teleportation associated with UFOs, the victim returns in a state of shock, trance and semi-amnesia, which completely coincides with stories that dealt with fairy abductions in more ancient times.

As you can see, some cases of teleportation occurred spontaneously, without obvious extraneous influence, while others, on the contrary, were clearly controlled, albeit unconsciously, by the will of certain people with a high nervous organization.

The reality of teleportation remains one of the most controversial topics in the new era. Countless works, one way or another confirming or refuting the possibility of teleportation, are replaced by new ones, no less controversial and emotional.

The first way - more or less realistic - is called quantum.

Its meaning lies in the fact that a certain channel is created (while it is called quantum), through which object A transfers its properties to object A1, and A1 duplicates A in its parameters. Then A is destroyed, and its absolute twin continues to exist in the place chosen for transfer .

Quantum teleportation takes place in four stages:

its "disassembly" - splitting and translation of information about it into some information code,

transferring the code to the "assembly" location,

· in fact, the re-creation is already in a new place.

Even with the most successful developments of this particular type of teleportation, it will not work to “transfer” a person in this way. And here's why: firstly, the process of "encryption" and data processing already at the first stage is too long in time, and it is still difficult to say how long the connection between the "assembly point" and the "disassembly point" will last, because in Danish experiments the connection thousandths of a second remained between the gas clouds.

Secondly, the probability that the model-structure of the recreated object will retain the order and organics of the original is negligible. In addition, it is not known what happens to matter immediately before the transfer of information and immediately after materialization.

Further, how will non-material structures behave, for example, those connected with brain neurons and, accordingly, with consciousness? Will the adequacy of the impulse connections in the body, the direction of the blood flow, and so on, be preserved, or will the output be something ugly and mutated, depending on the humidity of the air and the type of lighting?

Hole - implies the direct movement of the object, without any copies and recreation. Was here - appeared there.

It can be accidental and, accordingly, provoked. In the first case, a person, as it were, falls out of the space-time continuum, in the second case, he is “expelled” by scientists or walks voluntarily into a hole in the continuum.

The hole theory, in contrast to quantum practice, proceeds from the fact that there are so-called zero-transitions, in other words, holes, which serve as “teleport doors”.

These holes are either discovered or created. Such mythological gaps in the smooth body of space-time are mentioned by most mystics and are associated with other dimensions inaccessible to human perception. So, smells and voices can be heard from them, but they are inaccessible to direct visual perception.

According to scientists, this is the safest method of teleportation for a person, since there is no “disassembly” of the body, the integrity and structure of the body is preserved.

One of its main shortcomings is the uncertainty of the place of materialization. According to the hole theory, an object cannot completely fall out of the continuum, based on the axiom of energy conservation, but it’s still difficult to say whether the teleporter will end up in the territory of the Teletubbies.

The "hole" theory quite easily operates with hypothetical concepts, adjacent to the theory of the unevenness of space and time. Its spectacularity and artistry are captivating, but the simplicity of the description is alarming.

But the man will have to wait. In the case of quantum teleportation - maybe before the appearance of chips, in order to take them out before teleportation and insert them into a second copy after - the probability of errors in the reconstruction of the molecules of the teleported brain is too high. In the case of a hole, you will have to wait until the holes show themselves with at least some certainty - say, like in the movie "Window on Paris".

So, teleportation is movement in space bypassing the physical path, instantaneous movement from one point to another. There are also two types of teportation: quantum and hole.

2. Hypnosis.

Hypnosis (other Greek ὕπνος - sleep) is a temporary state of consciousness, characterized by a narrowing of its volume and a sharp focus on the content of suggestion, which is associated with a change in the function of individual control and self-consciousness. The state of hypnosis occurs as a result of special effects of the hypnotist or purposeful self-hypnosis. In a more general sense, hypnosis is a socio-medical concept of a set of methods of purposeful verbal and sound influence on the human psyche through a consciousness inhibited in a certain way, leading to the unconscious execution of various commands and reactions, while being in an artificially induced state of body inhibition - drowsiness or pseudosleep. .

Hypnosis can be caused by either physical or mental factors. The first is achieved by monotonous movements of the hands above the head, swaying the head, or by acting on the auditory analyzer with monotonous strokes of the pendulum, or fixing the gaze on an immovable object, uniformly pressing on the head with the fingers. The mental form of hypnosis is manifested by verbal or written suggestion. In the development of general hypnosis, three consecutive states (stages, phases) of the nervous system are distinguished:

1. Cataleptic phase - while the person is motionless, the eyes are open, the gaze is fixed at one point, the limbs retain the position attached to them.

The indicators of the first stage are a feeling of peace, a pleasant state of lightness in the body, control over thoughts, maintaining sensitivity and the ability to exit this state on your own. With further immersion, drowsiness and drowsiness are felt, lethargy of the flow of thoughts, relaxation of the muscles, inability to open the eyelids or move the hand.

2. Lethargic phase - there is a loss of sensitivity, muscle relaxation, deep sleep.

The second stage is characterized by drowsiness and difficulty in movements, a slight degree of catalepsy. Further immersion causes a sharp drowsiness, waxy and then "springing" catalepsy, a significant weakening of skin sensitivity, the complete disappearance of one's own thoughts.

3. Somnambulistic phase - a person is lethargic, inactive, but retains muscle activity. Mental abilities cannot manifest themselves on their own, a person turns into a somnambulist - an automaton that performs any, even the most incredible, orders of a hypnotist, without retaining memories of this when awakening.

after awakening, age regression and the possibility of calling repeated hypnosis.

The results of suggestions can come both during sleep and after waking up. In any case, a person becomes a robot, a puppet in the hands of a hypnotist, as he begins to live according to the task that the hypnotist suggested to him. Millions of people have witnessed how a hypnotist during public sessions forced people to put their hand into the flame, inflict wounds on themselves, while not experiencing pain. Hypnotist, claiming that the hall is severely cold, forcing hundreds of people to shrivel and wrap themselves in clothes, or, conversely, suggesting that it is hot in the hall, therefore, to take off their clothes. At the same time, as the observing doctors testified, the human body really felt either cold (“goosebumps”, cramps in the legs, jaws, limbs icy to the touch), or heat (profuse sweating, rise in body temperature). It was also found that these people were distinguished by a stable psyche and excellent health. Experiments are known when, under the influence of the orders of a hypnotist, a tender mother threw herself with a knife at her child, a loving husband beat his wife, etc. Murders and beatings were recorded in a state of hypnosis. Moreover, this was done by respectable people who, having come out of a state of hypnosis, could not believe that they had done this. Cases are described when, after hypnosis, the character and habits of already adults changed.

In practice, various methods and techniques of hypnotization are used. The first group includes techniques that affect certain analyzers without verbal suggestion. Most often, a mixed method of hypnotization is used. It consists in the simultaneous application of verbal influence and influence on various analyzers - visual, auditory, skin.

states. These words are, of course, conditioned stimuli, in all of us are strongly associated with the sleepy state and therefore cause it.

I. I. Bul in the book "Fundamentals of Psychotherapy" brought all the methods of hypnotization into three groups. The first group includes methods of predominant influence on the visual analyzer, the second - on the auditory, and the third - on the skin. When the visual analyzer is affected, the hypnotized person is asked to fix his gaze on an object located at a distance of about 25-30 cm from the eyes. Suggestions are monotonous, repeated many times, have a specific figurative character. The methods of influencing the auditory analyzer include all methods in which the use of noise and sound stimuli is carried out. The effect of ticking clocks, the sound of a metronome, the monotonous hum, the noise of train wheels, and so on is well known. The hypnotist's speech during verbal suggestion should work accordingly - be monotonous, quiet, monotonous. The effect on the skin analyzer is to use the so-called passes, namely, weak, uniformly repetitive skin irritations. Finally, when using the verbal method, the onset of hypnotic trance is achieved with words alone. Words, rhythm and intonation of speech play an important role: the hypnotist pronounces the words in a suggestive tone, sometimes stretching out some words with small pauses between phrases.

Many years of experience in the use of hypnosis for therapeutic purposes has contributed to the selection of the general mass of diseases in which hypnotherapy gives the best results. This is primarily neurosis and drug addiction. Particularly favorable results are observed when hypnotherapy is used to eliminate neurotic symptoms, obsessive fears and conditions characteristic of psychasthenia, insomnia, depressive states, and sexual neuroses. Hypnotherapy is useful even in the treatment of cardiac neurosis or angina pectoris. Many authors point out that hypnosis can improve the condition and provide urgent help during an asthma attack, get rid of allergies. Hypnotherapy gives excellent results in the treatment of obese patients - it leads to the normalization of metabolic processes, a decrease in appetite. The use of hypnosis in urology and gynecology is also shown. The list can be long; I will summarize by saying that the effectiveness of hypnotherapy is well known for almost any disease and as a method of psychoprophylaxis.

It should be emphasized that hypnosis is effective in the treatment of both physical and mental pain. However, it should be cautioned that the validity of the use of hypnosis depends on a number of medical, psychological and ethical aspects, which can be summarized in the following postulates:

Only qualified and ethically impeccable persons have the right to conduct pain hypnotherapy.

Hypnotic trance and hypnotherapy procedures should serve the return of physical and mental health. In this regard, only medical specialists and psychologists have the right to therapeutic use of hypnosis.

It is unacceptable to conduct hypnosis in order to correct the worldview and religion of patients.

There can be no justification for intervening in the process of hypnotherapy with the privacy of patients or their moral principles.

Persons involved in pain hypnotherapy should systematically deepen their medical and psychological knowledge.

Compliance with the above postulates guarantees the validity of the use of hypnosis. However, we must not forget that hypnosis is still a mystery in the medical and psychological sense.

3. Telepathy

Research into telepathy by scientific methods began in 1882 with the founding of the British Society for Psychical Research. However, there is still no clear answer to the question of whether such a phenomenon exists.

Telepathy is the cornerstone of modern science. Without an answer to the question of whether a person can, without the help of the senses and at a great distance, perceive the feelings and thoughts of another person, it is impossible to determine the ratio of the physical and the mental in a person, and in nature as a whole, i.e., to answer those questions for which the science of psychology exists. One thing is clear - it is high time to remove the hundred-year ban from telepathy, as from a phenomenon that is somewhere beyond human understanding and accessible only to a narrow group of initiates.

In everyday life, telepathy occurs spontaneously and without mind control. But when it comes to trying to consciously control this process, everything is not so simple. The criterion of scientific knowledge is the repeatability of the result and its independence from the beliefs of the experimenter. And here the skeptics turn out to be right, since no one has yet been able to fix the absolute coincidence of the information transmitted and received with the help of telepathy.

The failure of most experiments in the field of telepathy is due to the fact that many researchers perceive it as a primitive analogue of television. That is, if at the “one end of the wire” the inductor (transmitter) is presented with a picture, then at the “other end” the recipient (receiver) should see exactly the same picture. But, even in the case of television, the transmission of information does not look like this, because it is not a picture that is transmitted, but electromagnetic signals that encode it. This means that telepathic transmission has nothing to do with how most people imagine it.

Mind-controlled telepathy is not the superpower of individuals. This is a phenomenon inherent in every person, and at the same time a rather complex technology for encoding, transmitting and decoding information, based on the achievements of modern psychology, physiology and mathematical processing of fuzzy signals.

I consider it necessary to consider three types of telepathy: instinctive telepathy, mental telepathy and intuitive telepathy. They cause different ways of activity, tune (if you use a familiar word) to different levels of communication.

1. Instinctive telepathy is based on shocks of energy coming from one etheric body to another, impressing it. The highest form of this instinctive telepathy has come down to us in the frequently used expression: "I have a feeling that ...", and similar phrases. They are rather astral, operating through astral substance, using the area of ​​the solar plexus as a sensitive payment for sending and receiving impressions.

2. In mental telepathy, the throat center is mainly involved; there is also sometimes little cardiac activity and always solar plexus reactions. Hence our problems. Often the transmitter sends a message through the throat center while the receiver is still using the solar plexus. The throat center can, and often does, participate in sending the message, but the receiver probably uses the solar plexus center. The throat center is the main center, or vehicle, of any creative work. The heart and throat must, after all, be used in synthesis.

3. Intuitive telepathy is one of the achievements on the Path of Discipleship. This is one of the fruits of true meditation. The areas involved are the head and throat, and the three centers activated in this process are the head center which receives impressions from higher sources; the center, which is the receiver of idealistic intuitive impressions; this center can then "transmit" what is perceived and realized, using the throat center as a creative thought maker and factor in embodying the sensed or intuited idea.

the vital body as transmitter and receiver of feelings, thoughts and ideas, there will be no progress in a correct understanding of the methods of communication.

Jung writes of four means by which consciousness is orientated in experience. “Sensation (i.e. perception by the senses) tells us that something exists; thinking says what it is; feeling tells us whether it is favorable or not, and intuition tells us where it came from and where it will go. Emotions are based on unconscious information, are more subject to a person and are mediated by socio-cultural values. Consciousness creates the basis of conceptual thinking, without which rational activity is impossible. But the very awareness of something can be intuitive.”

In this paper, we examined such phenomena studied by parapsychology as teleportation, telepathy and hypnosis.

Hypnosis (other Greek ὕπνος - sleep) is a temporary state of consciousness, characterized by a narrowing of its volume and a sharp focus on the content of suggestion, which is associated with a change in the function of individual control and self-consciousness. The state of hypnosis occurs as a result of special effects of the hypnotist or purposeful self-hypnosis.

It should be emphasized that hypnosis is effective in the treatment of both physical and mental pain.

activities, set up (if you use a familiar word) for different levels of communication.

Teleportation - movement in space bypassing the physical path, instantaneous movement from one point to another. There are also two types of teleportation: quantum and hole.


1. V. M. Bekhterev Hypnosis. Suggestion. Telepathy. Ed. "Thought", 1994

2. Dubrov A.P., V.N. Pushkin "Parapsychology and modern natural science"

4. Miroshnichenko VV "Physical models in parapsychology". // Parapsychology and psychophysics, 1996, No. 1 (21), p. 3-24

5. Ritzl M. "Parapsychology: Facts and Opinions". 1999

6. Stanislav Grof "Beyond the brain" Philosophy of science and the role of paradigms.

Teleportation in the rays of science fiction and physics.

Veinik V.A.

Terms that reflect the movement of objects in space in an "unconventional" way, i.e. prohibited for use by the RAS Commission for Combating Pseudoscience and Falsification of Scientific Research (CRANBLIF, on a chain at the gates of the academy since 11/11/1998):
Dr. Name
Levitation or antigravity
lifting yourself; walking on water
- " -

lifting an object within sight
lifting and moving yourself
- " -
lifting and moving an object within sight
moving an object to any distance due to "piercing" the space


Levitation(lat. levitas - lightness, lightness< levis - лёгкий, нетяжёлый, бестелесный, бесплотный) - парение в воздухе предметов, людей и животных без использования видимых физических средств и вопреки силе притяжения.
A brief description of the technical methods of levitation can be found in the article of the chemist, candidate of technical sciences Vladimir Georgievich Urazaev [ UVG]. It is a pity that none of them is related to the gravitational field of the Earth.
In religion and mysticism, levitation is understood as the ability to supernaturally overcome gravity without additional devices.
Judgments about the physical nature of levitation are very contradictory. A number of researchers believe that levitation occurs as a result of the appearance of a biogravitational field, which is created by a special mental energy emitted by the human brain. This hypothesis, in particular, is supported by the biophysicist, Doctor of Biological Sciences Alexander Petrovich Dubrov (born in 1931). At the same time, he emphasizes that such a biogravitational field is born due to the conscious efforts of the levitant, and therefore he is able to control it, and therefore change the direction of flight.

Moving through or far?

Considering that the topic of this article is not the hovering of objects in one place, but their movement over long distances, let's leave levitation alone and turn to a set of processes collectively referred to as teleportation.
There are two main terms for moving cargo (including people) from one place to another:
A) Transportation or, a little more scientifically, transportation(lat. trans - through, re, through, through + portatio - carrying, transportation, delivery) - the movement of goods and / or people at any distance. It is carried out with the help of transport, i.e. any means appropriate to the task at hand.
Synonymous with the term "transportation" the word " broadcast"(lat. trans - through, through, through, through + latio - carrying, bringing). However, this term is "occupied" by technical methods of transmitting information over a distance - sounds, images, etc.
b) Teleportation(Greek tele - far away, far + lat. portatio - carrying, transportation, delivery) - moving something in space over a long distance. In the twentieth century, the word acquired an additional artificial meaning - the movement of something through obstacles without any means of transportation. The term " body portation "forced, because the more correct word" trance portation" has long won the widest application, has become commonplace, albeit with an erroneous translation.
A more or less suitable replacement for the word "teleportation" (meaning "through") could be the Latin " transfer"(Latin prefix trans - through, through, through, through + fero - to carry, lift, lift, receive, carry away, bring), which for known reasons (obeisance to the West!) It is customary to "derive" from the English transfer (- transfer, move) and use in tourism, banking, innovation-economic, sports, sewing, psychological and other topics. transfer, "derived" from the French. transfert, which has exactly the same Latin roots, but reflects the financial fraud of traders.
So, it is easy to see that both words transportation and teleportation are almost identical (old-glory, same, too). Their semantic load involves only the movement of objects past or through obstacles.
c) Given the above, I would suggest replacing the term "teleportation" with another one that more accurately reflects the essence of the process - forwarding, from the old Russian. throw what, through what, throw, sweep, throw, throw through (V.I. Dal). If, as usual, the Russian language is considered humiliating for use in "scientific" word formation, then a more convenient Latinized term will do - transpungation(lat. transpungo - to pierce< trans - через, пере, сквозь, насквозь + pungo - колоть, жалить, проникать). Оба термина (русский и латинский) обозначают не просто движение в пространстве, а именно "прокалывание" пространства. Таким образом, термины нацеливают на существенно иное освещение проблемы - в расчет предлагается брать не способ прохода through space, but the state of a moving object, i.e. whether it is necessary to "spray" it at the point of departure and somehow collect it at the point of arrival. Moreover, you need to know in advance what is there, at the point of arrival, otherwise unpleasant overlays will arise ...

History of terminological confusion.

The term telekinesis was the first to enter parascience (Greek para - near, about, at) (Greek tele - far, far + kinesis - movement). It was used in 1890 by the Russian researcher of paranormal phenomena Alexander Nikolaevich Aksakov (1832-1903), nephew of the writer Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov (1791-1859).
In 1914, on another continent, the term psychokinesis(Greek psyche - soul, spirit, breath, breath, butterfly + kinesis - movement). Its author was the American publisher Henry Holt (Henry Holt, 1840-1926), and popularized in 1934 by the American parapsychologist Joseph Rhine (Joseph Banks Rhine, 1895-1980).
The term " teleportation"In 1931, the American explorer of the "unknown" and writer Charles Fort (Charles Hoy Fort, 1874-1932), who is also the forerunner of the modern ufological movement, came up with.
Wikipedia says: telekinesis, otherwise psychokinesis- "the term by which in parapsychology it is customary to denote the ability of a person to by thought to affect physical objects". Generally speaking, telekinesis, like teleportation, is the traditional movement into the distance, and psychokinesis is the movement of the soul.
Wikipedia continues: "Initially, the terms tele- and psychokinesis were considered synonymous, but gradually, as data appeared that the impact of human consciousness on material objects may not be limited to the kinetic component, a separation occurred. Psychokinesis- a more general term - combines any (macro- and micro-) phenomena, one way or another connected with the influence of thought on matter, including: telekinesis, pyro- and cryokinesis, aero- and hydrokinesis, biohealing, teleportation, thoughtography (thoughtography) , levitation, etc.".
Nothing like this! The soul (Greek psyche) is one thing, but thought is a completely different thing. According to the Wikipedians, "Horses, people mixed up in a heap, and the volleys of a thousand guns merged into a drawn-out howl ..." [Lermontov M.Yu., "Borodino", 1837].
The opinion of biophysicists A.P. Dubrov and V.N. Pushkin: "Psychokinesis is often characterized as a person's ability to influence various objects with the help of mental effort. At the same time, it is believed that an act of pure thought is triggered, which, being some non-material entity, affects material objects or processes. This point of view, of course, is incorrect and in no way can correspond to the principles of materialistic natural science, on the basis of which it is necessary to analyze the phenomena related to parapsychology.
Undoubtedly, in this case we are talking about the influence of material factors on material objects - fields, features of space, charges, etc. Such very specific material influences are closely connected with the mental state of people and with the process of thinking directed at certain objects. Despite the important role of the psyche, the nature of the psychokinetic effect should be sought not in "pure thought", but in the material processes that implement this mental activity" [ DP].

Teleportation in the imagination of writers.

In this article, it is absolutely impossible to pass by one of the ditties of the songwriter Yuri Sergeevich Entin (born 1935): "The most harmful of people - This is a storyteller - a villain, A very skillful liar, It is a pity that he is not tasty!" ("Chatushki Babok-Yozhek", 2006).
Sometimes the teleportation process is described as one of the mind's hidden skills. Substitute words used: jantation, transgression, null transport, null jump, hyperjump, hyperjump. Naturally, science fiction writers invent such pseudo-terms, demonstrating their involvement in something scientific. For example:
- Juntation- the term was coined by the American f / f Alfred Bester (Alfred Bester, 1913-1987) and used in the work "Tiger! Tiger!" ("Tiger! Tiger!"; another name for "The Stars My Destination" is "The Stars are My Destination", 1956). Here jantation is teleportation by force of will, which got its name from the name of an accidental discoverer - scientist Charles Fort Jante, who, under the influence of stress, teleported from a dangerous place during a fire at a space station.
- Apparition/ disapparation(English apparition / desapparition - appearance / disappearance) - the ability to instantly move in space over a sufficiently long distance, disappearing in one place and appearing in another in a matter of seconds. The inventor of the term p / f Joanne Rowling (Joanne Rowling, born in 1965), the author of a series of novels (7 pcs.) About Harry Potter (1997-2007).
- Transgression(lat. transgressio - crossing some border< trans - через, пере, сквозь, насквозь + gressio = gressus - шаг, ходьба, ход, движение, течение). Интернетный словарь под названием "Словопедия" дает такое объяснение: "понятие, обозначающее ситуацию достижения субъектом внешней позиции по отношению к чему-либо в процессе пересечения границ и выхода за пределы, по ту сторону явлений, состояний или объектов, которые, в свою очередь, также являются внешними, чуждыми субъекту и не способствуют свободному проявлению его истинной сущности". Далее не менее "вразумительно".
The remaining terms carry a semantic load extracted from Einstein's theory of relativity, which is based on the malicious MES - mathematical bullshit [ VVA-VZH]. For example:
- hyperjump, hyperjump (from Greek hyper - above, above, over). Our zealous anusolises of the Western cultural mass suggest using the terms warp jump and warp jump (English warp - deformation, warping), as well as adapting the English words jumping (jump) and warping (deformation) to something, believing that it is smarter this way. Some seriously invent hyperdrives [ GD-06].
- Gravikinesis(lat. gravitas - heaviness, weight, strength; heaviness, including pregnancy, weakness, decrepitude) - gravity control, the ability to create spatial holes that draw everything into themselves, up to the owner of this ability.
- Zero-transportation - a way to move in space without loss of time, consisting in the disappearance of the body at the place of departure and its simultaneous appearance at the place of arrival. The term was introduced by the brothers-co-authors Strugatsky (Arkady Natanovich, 1925-1991, and Boris Natanovich, born in 1933) in the story "The Boy from the Underworld" (first publication in the journal "Aurora", 1974, No. 11-12), in which mention is made of the possibility of interplanetary and interstellar communication through the null cabin on the Moon.
- Derythrination- a scientific term coined by the Strugatskys to describe a way to move in space through hypertransitions. See the story "Return (Noon, 22nd century)", 1962: "Deritrinitation. I remembered it from the third time. In a word, as far as I understood, any body at the light barrier, under certain conditions, extremely strongly distorts the shape of the world lines and, as it were, pierces the Riemannian space... During deritrinitation, these very legenous accelerations are especially dangerous.Where they come from and what they are, I did not understand at all.Some local vibrational fields, plasma hypertransitions, and so on.The fact is that extremely strong interferences are unavoidable time scale distortions.
One of the writers (Magomedov Abdulla, "Null-transportation", the newspaper "Dagestanskaya Pravda", 01/30/2010) introduced the invented by him mudochter, which, in zero-transport mode, can easily fly to Mars.
In the process of forced killing of time (on the subway, in lines, etc.) reading sci-fi nonsense, it always amused me how a teleporter, sending someone somewhere, guesses that he is at the point of arrival of the subject. There should be absolutely nothing in it! If there is another subchik, then it is clear what will happen. If the end point is empty, i.e. only air, then an excess of this gas will appear inside the passenger (Latin passus - step). Instant greeters will hear either a Big Bang, or a Deafening Fart, or a three-story checkmate of a comrade suddenly taking off into the stratosphere.
The second thing that has always interested me is how the flying contraption penetrates space rubbish, never getting stuck in anything. After all, she could not use the methods of Rust Rust (Rust Mathias, born in 1968), who slipped on his plane through the air defense from Finland to Red Square.

Attempts to classify unfortunate teleportation.

In science fiction literature, there are the following teleportation options, which were put together by a certain Mikhail Bezotchestevich Popov (the author carefully hides his patronymic) [ PMB]:
1) Psychic teleportation(the phenomenon of aport, from the French. apport - transportation, towing, serving) involves an instant journey without the help of technology, only by willpower. For obvious reasons, this process is only available to a select few and is often described in a religious context.
2) Space curvature- the most popular fantastic method of teleportation that does not contradict the laws of physics [more correctly, mathematics, because Physics is completely irrelevant here. - VVA]. However, in order to intervene in the structure of space and "pull" two of its remote areas to each other (or simply "break through" a through tunnel), such an amount of energy will be required that is unlikely to be available to mankind in the foreseeable future.
3) subspace(hyperspace, another dimension) often serves as a "shortcut" in space, but it refers only indirectly to teleportation. The latter is usually viewed as a very fleeting process, and moving through subspace always takes time.
4) Informational teleportation - the decomposition of the traveler into elementary particles, the transfer of information about the original structure of his body over a considerable distance (at the speed of light or a little slower) and the re-creation of the "client" in another place. It is believed that this type of teleportation was one of the first in science fiction - it is described in Page Mitchell's short story "The Man Without a Body" (1877).
Moldavian physicist Konstantin Zakharievich Leshan proposes to divide teleportation into two types [ LKZ]:
"The first method - more or less realistic - is called quantum. Its meaning is that a certain channel is created (while it is called quantum), through which object A transfers its properties to object A1, and A1 duplicates A in its parameters. Then A is destroyed , and its absolute twin continues to exist in the place chosen for the transfer.
P.S. Quantum teleportation does not transfer energy or matter over a distance. An obligatory step in quantum teleportation is the transfer of information between the points of departure and reception via a classical, non-quantum channel, which can be carried out no faster than at the speed of light, thereby not violating the principles of modern physics.
Second the method of teleportation is called hole, and implies the direct movement of the object, without any copies and recreation ["Theoretical" achievement of Leshan himself. - VVA.]. Was here - appeared there. How? The universe has a finite extent. It is constantly expanding, but outside its boundaries there is something else, where there is no time, space, matter, there is nothing that is so familiar and familiar to human consciousness. This Something rejects everything that can accidentally get into it from the Universe. Instantaneous teleportation is carried out by throwing the body out of the finite universe, after which the body returns to a random point. But if the space is "curved" in such a way that point A coincides with B, then the body instantly gets from A to B.
It seems that the West liked teleportation through the "backyards" of the Universe, since Leshan's idea was stolen and he now has to desperately defend his priority.

The bible about teleportation.

Wikipedia: "Supporters of the reality of telekinesis claim that this phenomenon has been known since ancient times and is mentioned in the Bible, in particular in the Acts of the Holy Apostles (liberation of St. Paul and Power, Acts 16:19-40)".
If only one of the authors looked into the Bible! It only speaks of how in the prison where the arrested Paul and Silas were sitting, at night "a great earthquake suddenly occurred, so that the foundation of the prison shook; immediately all the doors were opened, and the bonds of all were weakened" (Acts 16:26). Then the frightened guard released the prisoners.
Nevertheless, a couple of events similar to teleportation are noted in the Bible:
a) Teleportation for 600 km. In the Book of the prophet Ezekiel it is said how from the eastern gate of the house of the Lord in Jerusalem "the spirit lifted me up and transferred me to Chaldea, to the settlers" (Ezek.11:24). Here Chaldea is an Asian country (the capital of Babylon) at the mouth of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers on the northwestern shore of the Persian Gulf.
b) Teleportation for 66 km. The Acts of the Holy Apostles tells how the Apostle Philip, who was near Jerusalem (on the road towards Gaza), "was snatched up by an angel of the Lord, and the eunuch no longer saw him, and continued on his way, rejoicing. And Philip ended up in Azoth" (Acts 8: 39-40). Here Azot is a city (now Ashdod) on the Mediterranean coast, 30 km south of Tel Aviv.

Who performs psychokinesis - soul, spirit or thought?

Unfortunately, throughout the twentieth century, researchers have not bothered to figure out who, in fact, commits paranormal phenomena - a person with the help of "thoughts", a soul or a spirit. And it was hardly possible without revising the philosophical basis of materialism. A significant achievement in this direction can be considered the work of thermal physicist Albert-Viktor Iozefovich Veinik (1919-1996). Without delving into the details of his theory, let's try to answer the question - WHO (or WHAT) rules the show in occultism (lat. occultus - secret, intimate), so hated by diamatchers of all stripes.
"A person is like a vessel that is simultaneously filled from two sides - good and evil - with thoughts, sensations, memories, feelings, desires, impulses, etc., and he can't really do anything." [TRP, p.543; PVB, p.89]. This mechanism alone is enough to make sure - a person cannot think for himself.
According to the law of trinity f the human formula is written as [BBA-5a]:
Man = body + soul + spirit.

Bible: "And may the God of peace Himself sanctify you in all its fullness, and your spirit and soul and body be kept intact without blemish at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ" (1 Thessalonians 5:23).
"A person has a body, soul and spirit, they differ in the composition and properties of their substances. The soul is called upon to take care of the body, and the spirit communicates with the upper world. After sleeping, the body ("biosuit") rots, and the soul with the spirit is separated and continues to live all personality traits.In the physical world, only the soul and spirit give life to the body; there are no energy or field forms of life - this is from the evil one" [ PVB, p.244].
Body(flesh, using the term A.I. Veinik, "biosuit" [ TRP, p.545]) is a living (!) piece of meat with bones. However, from the point of view of biblical truths, this is a secondary, meaningless object. The Bible sees in man not flesh, but a kind of "vessel" intended for the cultivation of the spirit.
Soul is a picoobject (picobody) of the chronological-metric world. The mass (metric, dimensions) of the soul that left the body is not equal to zero, but it is thin enough to freely penetrate walls and other obstacles [ VVA-DR]. The soul takes care of the body. A "vessel" controlled only by the soul without the participation of the spirit is an ordinary animal.
Spirit is a femtoobject (femtobody) outside chrono- outside metric world. According to the nature of their interaction with a person, only two types of femtoobjects are known: the spirits of good (plus-femtoobjects, emit a positive field) and the spirits of evil (minus-femtoobjects, emit a negative field) [ VVA-DR]. The spirit communicates with the upper world. According to St. Theophan the Recluse (in the world - Georgy Vasilyevich Govorov, 1815-1894) "the spirit is the soul of our soul."
"Spirits are objects of the extra-chronological-extra-metric world (femto-objects). Bible
claims that there are only two types of spirits: good and evil - according to the nature of their interaction with a person. Numerous observations, experiments and measurements of various indirect signs confirm both the facts of existence and the differences in the behavior and properties of these types of spirits.
Moreover, under certain conditions, a person himself, even during his lifetime, can enter into
communication with spirits is no longer indirect, but direct evidence of the fact of their existence. Saints can do this along the line of the Light Forces, and along the line of the dark ones - psychics who are highly "advanced" in communication with the AP. In the first case, the initiative usually comes from the Light Forces, and in the second - from the evil one, when "unclean" people appear to a person in a variety of, often frightening, guises, for example, in the form of "aliens", black men, headless giants, all kinds of animals and monsters and other abominations" [ PVB, p.41].
"Thought is real and has force properties, which we have proved in direct experiments" [ PVB, pp. 42-43].
"Thought is material, that our sensations, feelings, thoughts, words and actions serve as sources of the corresponding chronal field containing complete information about all these sensations and thoughts. This conjecture was confirmed by convincing experiments, many of which are described in my book "Thermodynamics of Real Processes" [ PVB, p.68].
"Organ of thought, which creates thought, is absent in man. Everything is bestowed by the spiritual world, which is primary, and matter is secondary" [ PVB, p.55].
"The thought is not born by the material brain, but comes to us ready-made from the spiritual world of good and evil. The brain serves only to control all the functions of the perishable body" [ PVB, pp. 260-261].

Preliminary conclusion.

So, the main question: can the subtlest "breath" of the soul or thought instantly "drag" objects through others, regardless of their "impudent" resistance, and also influence any processes of nature?
From the previous paragraph, the answer suggests itself:
a) The soul cannot, in principle, it is designed to "control" the psychic's body.
b) Thought can, but indirectly. She, most likely, is a signal to those spirits (good or evil) with whom the psychic is in contact and enjoys their patronage. The guardian spirit, in turn, includes the "ordered" processes of nature. Naturally, they (the spirits) do this not in any case, but at their own discretion (when they consider it necessary, useful, "profitable"). Why spirits indulge people who are fond of parapsychology (extrasensory perception) is a question of exceptional importance, but goes beyond the scope of the task set in the article. On this topic, it is best to read the book "Why I believe in God" [ PVB].
c) Thus, only spirits perform paranormal activity. Therefore, in the term "psychokinesis" the soul (Greek psyche) is included as a "driving force" quite erroneously. When referring to psychokinesis, the “psychic-” component should mean the spirit, not the soul, although in Greek and Latin the translation of the words psyche (Greek), pneuma (Greek), spiritus (Lat.), animus (Lat.) is practically the same - spirit, soul, breath.
d) Given the "scientific" confusion in explaining the meaning of the concepts of "soul" and "spirit", the term "psychokinesis" can be considered digestible. Moreover, the Greek component "kinesis - movement" included in it is acceptable similar to the philosophical interpretation of movement in general.

Auxiliary concepts are timelessness and spacelessness.

Specialist in the field of thermodynamics, thermal physicist A.I. Veinik, explaining some of the consequences of his theory, writes:
“Like any truly simple substance, metric at the level of the nanoworld emits the corresponding nanofield, which is an interaction substance and has power properties. It is the metric nanofield that is responsible for the interactions that are now called gravitational and inertial…
At the level of the microworld, the metric, like all other substances, has a discrete, granular, portioned, quantum structure. The measure of the amount of a metric substance contained in one serving, or metriant, is currently unknown. It is pointless to talk about the configuration and conjugation of individual metric portions (quanta) of matter, due to their configuration, because outside the quantum of space, the property of extension is completely absent.
In the macrocosm, the metric substance has continual properties and endows the macroscopic bodies, of which it is a part, with the properties of extension and order of position, the ability to move, etc. "[ TRP, p.250].
Newton's ideas about the order of sequence and the order of position deserve special attention. At the same time, it is appropriate to pay attention to one subtlety, which concerns the difference between these two orders. The essence of the matter lies in the fact that real time determines the chronal potential, or chronal, and space is the substance. This endows the order of succession and the order of position with certain fundamentally different properties. The order of position has the peculiarity that at a given point in space there can be only one metriant at a time, belonging to some body. Another metriant, belonging to the second body, can get to this point only by the method of displacement, substitution.
"As for the order of the sequence, the chronal and the course of time can have the same values ​​​​for any number of different bodies. This means that many bodies can simultaneously be at a given time point. However, if we are on one body, and on the second the course of time has accelerated, then we will see its future, and if it has slowed down, then its past in comparison with us.The opposite picture is obtained if we speed up or slow down the passage of time on our body, for example, in the cabin of some device.All this contributes to the problem of order sequences of known specifics and can be used as the basis for constructing the corresponding "time machines".
Of course, one can speak of orders of sequence and position in relation to bodies containing chronal and metric substances. Outside of these substances, neither the order of succession nor the order of position can exist. In other words, without chronal substance, the body exists outside of time, without metric substance, outside of space. Timelessness means looseness with the chronal substance, independence from time, timelessness, "spread out" in time. Out-of-spatiality must be understood as looseness with space, independence from it, existence in parallel, inside space, "smearing" over its volume, as the body's lack of properties of extension, size and mass, and, probably, as omnipresence.
In this regard, a natural question arises: are timeless and extraspatial systems possible in nature? Why not? After all, there are ensembles that do not have in their composition certain quanta, for example, quanta of an electrical substance; in particular, the photon has a similar property. In the same way, there can be ensembles that do not contain quanta of chronal matter, or space, or both at the same time. In principle, all this is easy to imagine, and experience shows the same (see Chapter XXVI). Such ensembles will exist outside of time and space, they will not have the properties of duration and extension, for them the concepts of order of sequence and order of position have no meaning. The absence of extension makes the corresponding bodies all-permeable, and the absence of mass eliminates the prohibitions of mechanics on too high speeds and accelerations" [ TRP, pp. 252-253].
“I deliberately dwelled in more detail on the description of the properties of chronal and metric phenomena, since the interpretation presented here is very different from the usual one, where time and space are distinguished into special categories, standing aside (above) from all other phenomena. From what has been said, it should be clear that that time and space are very particular categories, which, moreover, have a significantly different rank. Therefore, in principle, they are not able to contain the entire Universe as boxes without walls. And they can neither be summed up nor forced to replace each other. At the same time, a special of theoretical and practical interest should be timeless and metricless bodies and objects "smeared" in time and space [ TRP, p.254].

An attempt to reclassify all the same teleportation.

The seriousness of the problem of moving in space in an "unconventional" way lies in the need to divide it (if you like, classify it) into three groups of processes:
A) movement of living (intelligent) objects;
B) movement of inanimate (material) objects;
C) teleportation effect used by femtoobjects;
D) theoretic movement of theorists on a sheet of paper.
Group A. The difficulty of moving living (intelligent) objects, and first of all a person, lies in the indispensable preservation of their most important components - the soul and spirit - at the moment of stopping, i.e. cessation of traffic (any - emergency or planned). Otherwise, the movement is completely meaningless.
Group B. The movement of inanimate (material) objects may well be replaced intensification(from lat. intensio - amplification, tension) paren (matter at rest or absolute vacuum) or transmutation(lat. transmutatio - change, rearrangement of letters< trans - через, пере, (на)сквозь + mutatio - изменение, обмен, перемена), т.е. превращением одного объекта в другой.
When intensifying paren (matter at rest), they have already learned to "knock out" material particles. "There are no fundamental grounds for denying the possibility of birth from paren objects that are at a higher level of evolutionary development than a simple body. However, we are still very far from such a deep insight into the physical essence of the paren intensification process. Moreover, if we continue to stick to traditional positions, then even the observed proton multiplication is almost impossible to explain" [ TRP, p.317].
"Unfortunately, we do not yet have sufficiently simple, reliable and universal devices that would allow us to tell the paren the necessary amount of behavior so that the unobservable simplest form of matter turns into an observable, already more complex ... I think that over time the necessary devices will be created and we will be able to synthesize individual complex forms of evolving matter, up to human robots, from simpler ones, including from paren. But now, not being able to directly evoke from the paren the form of matter of interest to us, we are forced to be content with passive observation of what was previously evoked without our participation" [ TRP, pp. 78-79].
Group B. Movement of any objects carried out by femtoobjects. "Spirits are also evidenced by the many different physical effects they demonstrate, for example, teleportation effect when the objects of our chronological-metric world are freely transferred through walls and other obstacles. It has been theoretically proved that this effect can be performed only by extra-chronological-extra-metric objects that live outside of time and space, which are the spirits. The teleportation effect is used by dark forces in effects such as UFO and poltergeist" [ PVB, p.80].
"Now it should be clear that in EL (UFO, poltergeist, etc.) mysterious cases of people passing through walls and rocks, falling stones or bricks from the sky or indoors from the ceiling, the appearance of water flows in the room, etc. - all this is the tricks of the evil one. He uses teleportation effect infinitely varied, often very witty, to surprise, intrigue and attract the gullible with the sole purpose of getting their souls "for eternal storage" in their "residence" [ PVB, p.43].
"From the foregoing, a general conclusion can be drawn: the extremely complex and multifaceted phenomenon under discussion is actually generated by a single cause - objects of the hyperfine world (femto-objects), moreover, of a purely terrestrial, and not alien origin. It is very significant that they gravitate towards the pole of evil, that is, they are minus-femtoobjects... This is evidenced by the sign of chronal radiation and numerous cases of their negative impact on the psyche, health and life of people, sometimes committing suicide or dying under various mysterious circumstances" [ PVB, pp. 234-235].
Group G. All varieties of teleportation, one way or another arising from relativism, are inventions that have nothing to do with physics (Greek physis - nature, nature, substance). True, not so long ago (in 1993), the Americans introduced the term " quantum teleportation", which transmits to a distance not energy or matter, but information" through a classical, non-quantum channel, which can be carried out no faster than at the speed of light, thereby not violating the principles of modern physics. "To some extent, they are right, if not a terrible Einsteinian color of the proposed idea. A little later, the Americans in Moldova in the arena of the mathematical circus was born " hole teleportation", which broke all the records of relativistic reprises by its absurdity.

Seriously about teleportation.

Theoretically, two types of teleportation of biological objects are possible.
1-a. Flight in a rocket covered with an "extra-chronological-extrametric shell".
"I want to draw attention to another fantastic ability that should be inherent in objects of the extra-chronological-extra-metric hyperfine world. This ability is expressed in the ability to transfer objects of our chronological-metric world through any obstacles at any distance and at any speed. Science fiction writers call something like this teleportation I will use this term. The essence of this effect, which is extremely simple in terms of its physical content, is as follows.
We are well aware of the concept of shielding, isolation. For example, by isolating an electrically charged dielectric body, we deprive this body of the opportunity to manifest its electrical properties in the environment, while the electric charge and potential of the body itself remain unchanged. Obviously, it is possible in principle to more or less successfully isolate any body from the penetration through the corresponding insulating sheath of any simple substance. Such a body will retain within itself unchanged all its properties associated with this substance, and will be incapable of manifesting these properties in the external world. This is a general law, valid for all truly simple phenomena, it cannot have exceptions.
According to OT, there are truly simple chronal and metric substances associated with phenomena of the same name. Consequently, by isolating our chronological-metrical body with an extrachronal-extrametrical shell, we thereby deprive it of the opportunity to manifest its chronal and metrical properties outwardly, however, inside the body, the chronal and dimensions (mass) will remain constant. This means that our isolated body will behave as an extra-chronological-extra-metric, that is, as "smeared" in time and space: it will be able to penetrate through any obstacles, and it will be possible to transfer it at any speed to any distance. Of course, the real speed of movement and the penetrating ability (external dimensions) of our body will depend on the degree of perfection of the superimposed extra-chronological-extra-metric isolation ...
Apparently, if a person succeeds in inventing an extra-chronological-extrametric insulating shell, then with the help of an apparatus with an unsupported mover ("movement due to internal forces"), the boundless expanses of the Universe will be available to him. Without any participation of femtoobjects" [ TRP, pp. 534-535].
1-b. The flight of a man covered with an "extrachronal-extrametric shell".
"If an extra-chronological-extra-metric object (femto-object) is concentrated around our body, having formed the necessary isolation, then the body inside will maintain the pace of all its processes and its size and mass, but outside it will be without dimensions and mass, and it will be easy to transfer it from place to place. a place through all sorts of obstacles. An amazing imaginative possibility! According to this principle, in a poltergeist, objects are transferred through walls, doors of refrigerators and cabinets and glass without damaging them. Similarly, a UFO sometimes "plays" with an airplane, flying in front of it, then disappearing and appearing behind, etc. .p. There are many testimonies when visitors, having visited a small-looking UFO, find vast rooms inside, it always shocks and creates the illusion of unreality "[ TRP, p.535].
2-a. Rocket flight through the "metricless corridor".
"Here it is appropriate to touch upon another curious problem related to cosmic movements. If space is an empty box, then in relation to it, in principle, the existence of the so-called zero-space, beloved by science fiction writers, is impossible, because between any two bodies or points inside the box there is always there must be a certain distance, not equal to zero, dictated by the scale of the extensions existing in the box.In contrast, the space-substance allows the possibility of removing its quanta (metriants) on the path of the spacecraft, for example, using a special beam. In the thus formed metricless corridor, the extension property is completely absent. This is null space. I think that in order to create the necessary beam, one will also have to use a chronal phenomenon, because in paren [paren is an absolute vacuum. VVA] the course of time tends to infinity, and the speed of movement - to zero; the chronal component of the beam should eliminate this drawback" [ TRP, p.322].
2b. Rocket flight through the "chronal beam-corridor".
"Another teleportation option: it is necessary to create, for example, a powerful planetary-scale chronal beam-corridor ("transport channel") directed into space. It is possible to make long-distance flights through it without the mentioned out-of-time-out-of-metric insulating shells. The beam power should be reflected in the flight parameters as follows way: with the growth of the chronal of the beam, the passage of time in it slows down ("time compression"), the rate of the process of movement (flight speed) increases, the passable space, proportional to the speed of movement, lengthens ("expansion of space"). and the path to be overcome. Corresponding conditions can be reproduced in terrestrial conditions. All these methods of movement resemble null spaces about science fiction writers.
However, in the event of an unforeseen violation of the out-of-metricity of the beam, for example, in the event of an unexpected failure of the supply power plant, a catastrophe will occur if the device was currently passing through (was inside) obstacles. The same misfortune threatens in case of accidental violation of non-metric isolation in the conditions of teleportation according to the first option.
At the same time, the discussed catastrophe in a softened form can be used for good, if the degree of non-chronism and non-metricity of the shell or beam is changed smoothly. For example, one body can be forced to penetrate into another with variable nonchronality and nonmetricity of the first body. The composition and physical properties of the newly formed total system will differ significantly from the composition and properties of the original bodies, which will cause the release (or absorption) of colossal energy. As a result, instead of a catastrophe, we will find a powerful source of free energy. For a long-term functioning of such a source, the out-of-chronism and out-of-metricity can be changed periodically, in the form of cycles, so that a circular process is formed ... Science fiction writers in their descriptions of teleportation and null-space clearly lost sight of such a truly wonderful opportunity. Now the matter has become small - it is necessary to create an extra-chronological-extra-metric beam with the necessary variable chronological-metric parameters" [ TRP, pp. 535-536].

The paradox of the infinity of the universe.

"The first paradox is based on the fact that in the chronological-metric world it is difficult for us to imagine the end of its extension - the question always arises, what is beyond this end? It turns out that it is customary to explain one incomprehensible to another incomprehensible.According to OT, an extrachronal-extrametric shell around the Universe easily solves the problem that has arisen: this shell can reduce the external dimensions and mass of the Universe down to zero and make the latter capable of penetrating through any obstacles according to the principle of teleportation. It opens up the possibility of the existence of a large number of finite universes, located in each other or near each other and possessing inside the most diverse properties" [ TRP, p.550].


VAI91. Veinik A.I., "A delusion named UFO", magazine "Light", 1991, No. 7, pp. 16-18.

PVB. Veinik A.I., "Why I believe in God. A study of the manifestations of the spiritual world", 2nd edition, Minsk: Publishing house of the Belarusian Exarchate, 2000 (editions: 1 - 1998; 3 - 2002; 4 - 2004; 5 - 2007; 6 - 2010)

TRP. Veinik A.I., "Thermodynamics of Real Processes", Minsk: "Science and Engineering", 1991.

VVA. Veinik V.A., "Essays on the main philosophical trends", Moscow: Samizdat, 2010.
Chapter 5-a. Relationship between science and religion.
Chapter 5-b. Relationship between science and religion.

VVA-DR. Veinik V.A., "Spirituality of Russia. To be or not to be - that is the question", 11/18/2010.

VVA-ZhS. Veinik V.A., "Is there life after death?", 24.11.2010

VVA-VZh. Veinik V.A., "Why does the Universe need life?", 12.08.2010.

VVA-PP. Veinik V.A., "Prophecies and prophets", 12/26/2010.

GD-06. "Hyperdrive will take the ship to parallel universes", 01/10/2006.

DP. Dubrov A.P., Pushkin V.N., "Parapsychology and modern science", Moscow: Progress, 1986. 246 p.
Dubrov Alexander Petrovich(born 1931), biophysicist, doctor of biological sciences.
Pushkin Veniamin Noevich(1931-1979), psychologist, Doctor of Psychology.

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Leshan Konstantin Zakharia, physicist. Studied at Kiev University (KSU) with a degree in Nuclear Physics. Founder (2001) and editor of the scientific journal "Hole Physics, Teleportation and Levitation".

PMB. Popov Mikhail, "One leg here ... Teleportation" // magazine "World of Science Fiction", 2006, vol. 37, No. 9 (September).

UVG. Urazaev V.G., "Technical levitation: a review of methods" // "Technologies in the electronic industry", 2007, No. 6.
Urazaev Vladimir Georgievich(born 1952), chemist, candidate of technical sciences. Graduated from the Kazan Institute of Chemical Technology (1975). At present he is the chief technologist of CJSC "Lint" (Kazan).

ETM. "Encyclopedia of secret techniques", "What is teleportation?"

2. Hypnosis.

Hypnosis (ancient Greek ὕπνος - sleep) is a temporary state of consciousness, characterized by a narrowing of its volume and a sharp focus on the content of suggestion, which is associated with a change in the function of individual control and self-consciousness. The state of hypnosis occurs as a result of special effects of the hypnotist or purposeful self-hypnosis. In a more general sense, hypnosis is a socio-medical concept of a set of methods of purposeful verbal and sound influence on the human psyche through a consciousness inhibited in a certain way, leading to the unconscious execution of various commands and reactions, while being in an artificially induced state of body inhibition - drowsiness or pseudosleep. .

Hypnosis can be caused by either physical or mental factors. The first is achieved by monotonous movements of the hands above the head, swaying the head, or by acting on the auditory analyzer with monotonous strokes of the pendulum, or fixing the gaze on an immovable object, uniformly pressing on the head with the fingers. The mental form of hypnosis is manifested by verbal or written suggestion. In the development of general hypnosis, three consecutive states (stages, phases) of the nervous system are distinguished:

1. Cataleptic phase - while the person is motionless, the eyes are open, the gaze is fixed at one point, the limbs retain the position attached to them.

The indicators of the first stage are a feeling of peace, a pleasant state of lightness in the body, control over thoughts, maintaining sensitivity and the ability to exit this state on your own. With further immersion, drowsiness and drowsiness are felt, lethargy of the flow of thoughts, relaxation of the muscles, inability to open the eyelids or move the hand.

2. Lethargic phase - there is a loss of sensitivity, muscle relaxation, deep sleep.

The second stage is characterized by drowsiness and difficulty in movements, a slight degree of catalepsy. Further immersion causes a sharp drowsiness, waxy and then "springing" catalepsy, a significant weakening of skin sensitivity, the complete disappearance of one's own thoughts.

3. Somnambulistic phase - a person is lethargic, inactive, but retains muscle activity. Mental abilities cannot manifest themselves on their own, a person turns into a somnambulist - an automaton that performs any, even the most incredible, orders of a hypnotist, without retaining memories of this when awakening.

Finally, the third stage is characterized by illusions, hallucinations, complete inhibition of the activity of the second signal system. In the deepest phase, hallucinations are realized post-hypnotically, amnesia remains after awakening, age regression and the possibility of invoking repeated hypnosis.

The results of suggestions can come both during sleep and after waking up. In any case, a person becomes a robot, a puppet in the hands of a hypnotist, as he begins to live according to the task that the hypnotist suggested to him. Millions of people have witnessed how a hypnotist during public sessions forced people to put their hand into the flame, inflict wounds on themselves, while not experiencing pain. Hypnotist, claiming that the hall is severely cold, forcing hundreds of people to shrivel and wrap themselves in clothes, or, conversely, suggesting that it is hot in the hall, therefore, to take off their clothes. At the same time, as the observing doctors testified, the human body really felt either cold (“goosebumps”, cramps in the legs, jaws, limbs icy to the touch), or heat (profuse sweating, rise in body temperature). It was also found that these people were distinguished by a stable psyche and excellent health. Experiments are known when, under the influence of the orders of a hypnotist, a tender mother threw herself with a knife at her child, a loving husband beat his wife, etc. Murders and beatings were recorded in a state of hypnosis. Moreover, this was done by respectable people who, having come out of a state of hypnosis, could not believe that they had done this. Cases are described when, after hypnosis, the character and habits of already adults changed.

In practice, various methods and techniques of hypnotization are used. The first group includes techniques that affect certain analyzers without verbal suggestion. Most often, a mixed method of hypnotization is used. It consists in the simultaneous application of verbal influence and influence on various analyzers - visual, auditory, skin.

Here is what I.P. wrote about this. Pavlov: “Now a constantly used method is repeated words (moreover, pronounced in a minor monotonous tone) that describe the physiological acts of a sleepy state. These words are, of course, conditioned stimuli, in all of us are strongly associated with the sleepy state and therefore cause it.

I.I. Boole in the book "Fundamentals of Psychotherapy" brought all the methods of hypnotization into three groups. The first group includes methods of predominant influence on the visual analyzer, the second - on the auditory, and the third - on the skin. When the visual analyzer is affected, the hypnotized person is asked to fix his gaze on an object located at a distance of about 25-30 cm from the eyes. Suggestions are monotonous, repeated many times, have a specific figurative character. The methods of influencing the auditory analyzer include all methods in which the use of noise and sound stimuli is carried out. The effect of ticking clocks, the sound of a metronome, the monotonous hum, the noise of train wheels, and so on is well known. The hypnotist's speech during verbal suggestion should work accordingly - be monotonous, quiet, monotonous. The effect on the skin analyzer is to use the so-called passes, namely, weak, uniformly repetitive skin irritations. Finally, when using the verbal method, the onset of hypnotic trance is achieved with words alone. Words, rhythm and intonation of speech play an important role: the hypnotist pronounces the words in a suggestive tone, sometimes stretching out some words with small pauses between phrases.

Many years of experience in the use of hypnosis for therapeutic purposes has contributed to the selection of the general mass of diseases in which hypnotherapy gives the best results. This is primarily neurosis and drug addiction. Particularly favorable results are observed when hypnotherapy is used to eliminate neurotic symptoms, obsessive fears and conditions characteristic of psychasthenia, insomnia, depressive states, and sexual neuroses. Hypnotherapy is useful even in the treatment of cardiac neurosis or angina pectoris. Many authors point out that hypnosis can improve the condition and provide urgent help during an asthma attack, get rid of allergies. Hypnotherapy gives excellent results in the treatment of obese patients - it leads to the normalization of metabolic processes, a decrease in appetite. The use of hypnosis in urology and gynecology is also shown. The list can be long; I will summarize by saying that the effectiveness of hypnotherapy is well known for almost any disease and as a method of psychoprophylaxis.

It should be emphasized that hypnosis is effective in the treatment of both physical and mental pain. However, it should be cautioned that the validity of the use of hypnosis depends on a number of medical, psychological and ethical aspects, which can be summarized in the following postulates:

Only qualified and ethically impeccable persons have the right to conduct pain hypnotherapy.

Introduction to a hypnotic trance and conducting hypnotic sessions occurs only with the consent of the patient.

Hypnotic trance and hypnotherapy procedures should serve the return of physical and mental health. In this regard, only medical specialists and psychologists have the right to therapeutic use of hypnosis.

It is unacceptable to conduct hypnosis in order to correct the worldview and religion of patients.

There can be no justification for intervening in the process of hypnotherapy with the privacy of patients or their moral principles.

Persons involved in pain hypnotherapy should systematically deepen their medical and psychological knowledge.

Compliance with the above postulates guarantees the validity of the use of hypnosis. However, we must not forget that hypnosis is still a mystery in the medical and psychological sense.

3. Telepathy

Research into telepathy by scientific methods began in 1882 with the founding of the British Society for Psychical Research. However, there is still no clear answer to the question of whether such a phenomenon exists.

Telepathy is the cornerstone of modern science. Without an answer to the question of whether a person can perceive the feelings and thoughts of another person without the help of the senses and at a great distance, it is impossible to determine the ratio of the physical and mental in a person, and in nature as a whole, i.e. answer those questions for which the science of psychology exists. One thing is clear - it is high time to remove the hundred-year ban from telepathy, as from a phenomenon that is somewhere beyond human understanding and accessible only to a narrow group of initiates.

In everyday life, telepathy occurs spontaneously and without mind control. But when it comes to trying to consciously control this process, everything is not so simple. The criterion of scientific knowledge is the repeatability of the result and its independence from the beliefs of the experimenter. And here the skeptics turn out to be right, since no one has yet been able to fix the absolute coincidence of the information transmitted and received with the help of telepathy.

The failure of most experiments in the field of telepathy is due to the fact that many researchers perceive it as a primitive analogue of television. That is, if at the “one end of the wire” the inductor (transmitter) is presented with a picture, then at the “other end” the recipient (receiver) should see exactly the same picture. But, even in the case of television, the transmission of information does not look like this, because it is not a picture that is transmitted, but electromagnetic signals that encode it. This means that telepathic transmission has nothing to do with how most people imagine it.

Mind-controlled telepathy is not the superpower of individuals. This is a phenomenon inherent in every person, and at the same time a rather complex technology for encoding, transmitting and decoding information, based on the achievements of modern psychology, physiology and mathematical processing of fuzzy signals.

I consider it necessary to consider three types of telepathy: instinctive telepathy, mental telepathy and intuitive telepathy. They cause different ways of activity, tune (if you use a familiar word) to different levels of communication.

1. Instinctive telepathy is based on shocks of energy coming from one etheric body to another, impressing it. The highest form of this instinctive telepathy has come down to us in the frequently used expression: "I have a feeling that ...", and similar phrases. They are rather astral, operating through astral substance, using the area of ​​the solar plexus as a sensitive payment for sending and receiving impressions.

2. In mental telepathy, the throat center is mainly involved; there is also sometimes little cardiac activity and always solar plexus reactions. Hence our problems. Often the transmitter sends a message through the throat center while the receiver is still using the solar plexus. The throat center can, and often does, participate in sending the message, but the receiver probably uses the solar plexus center. The throat center is the main center, or vehicle, of any creative work. The heart and throat must, after all, be used in synthesis.

3. Intuitive telepathy is one of the achievements on the Path of Discipleship. This is one of the fruits of true meditation. The areas involved are the head and throat, and the three centers activated in this process are the head center which receives impressions from higher sources; the center, which is the receiver of idealistic intuitive impressions; this center can then "transmit" what is perceived and realized, using the throat center as a creative thought maker and factor in embodying the sensed or intuited idea.

Therefore, it is obvious that there is a need to better understand the activity of the centers discussed in detail in Indian philosophy; until there is a more or less real understanding of the role played by the vital body as transmitter and receiver of feelings, thoughts and ideas, there will be no progress in a correct understanding of the methods of communication.


Jung writes of four means by which consciousness is orientated in experience. “Sensation (i.e. perception by the senses) tells us that something exists; thinking says what it is; feeling tells us whether it is favorable or not, and intuition tells us where it came from and where it will go. Emotions are based on unconscious information, are more subject to a person and are mediated by socio-cultural values. Consciousness creates the basis of conceptual thinking, without which rational activity is impossible. But the very awareness of something can be intuitive.”

The study of intuition is the main task of science, which is called parapsychology.

In this paper, we examined such phenomena studied by parapsychology as teleportation, telepathy and hypnosis.

Hypnosis (ancient Greek ὕπνος - sleep) is a temporary state of consciousness, characterized by a narrowing of its volume and a sharp focus on the content of suggestion, which is associated with a change in the function of individual control and self-consciousness. The state of hypnosis occurs as a result of special effects of the hypnotist or purposeful self-hypnosis.

It should be emphasized that hypnosis is effective in the treatment of both physical and mental pain.

In everyday life, telepathy occurs spontaneously and without mind control. There are three types of telepathy: instinctive telepathy, mental telepathy and intuitive telepathy. They cause different ways of activity, tune (if you use a familiar word) to different levels of communication.

Teleportation - movement in space bypassing the physical path, instantaneous movement from one point to another. There are also two types of teleportation: quantum and hole.


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