Proper nutrition during pregnancy. The best nutrition in early pregnancy


Starting to eat right during pregnancy is important as early as possible. If you start eating right before conception, then this will be a great start for the child. Proper nutrition during pregnancy will help your baby develop and grow well, as well as keep you in great shape.

additionally You don't have to stick, but you definitely need to eat different products to provide yourself and the baby with all the necessary complex of vitamins and nutrients. Because balanced and balanced diet women during pregnancy has a significant impact on the health of the unborn baby.

Nutrition in the first trimester of pregnancy (weeks 1-13)

Nutrition of a woman in early pregnancy is practically no different from nutrition ordinary person. There is only a need to select high-quality and environmentally friendly clean products nutrition. And yet, some features in the diet during these weeks need to be taken into account.

  1. Flaw folic acid. Vitamin B 9 (folic acid) deficiency can appear as early as 1-4 weeks after conception, depending on the mother's diet and its supply in her body. This vitamin is especially important in the first trimester of pregnancy, because it is necessary for normal cell division, growth and development of all organs and tissues of the child, special role he plays in the formation of the basic structures of the nervous system of the baby. In a pregnant woman, folic acid deficiency can manifest as fatigue, irritability and loss of appetite. The main sources of vitamin B 9 are:
    • legumes;
    • Spinach;
    • Cabbage;
    • green onions;
    • Polka dots;
    • Salad;
    • Beet;
    • Tomatoes;
    • Carrot;
    • Caviar;
    • kidneys;
    • Liver;
    • Egg yolk.
  2. Increased calorie content of food. Many women, having learned that they are pregnant, having listened to the advice of grandmothers and mothers, begin to eat for two. Reception high-calorie foods power on early stages pregnancy leads to the appearance of excess weight, which then will not be easy to get rid of. Women need to understand that this stage the baby's needs for energy are not great, and, therefore, all the "superfluous" will go to you.
  3. Fighting toxicity. Early gestosis () usually occurs in the first trimester and manifests itself in the morning in the form of poor health, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite. To reduce these discomforts, try not to get up immediately after waking up. Eat a cracker or biscuit cookie, drink a glass of water without gas. During the day, eat food, preferably warm, every 2-3 hours in small portions so as not to overload the stomach. At one time, it is better to eat either a dense or liquid dish, without combining them. Give preference to fruits, vegetables, baked, boiled and steamed dishes. It is better to refuse fried, smoked, spicy and canned foods. Keep in mind that vomiting leads to the loss of minerals, including salt, so completely refuse moderately salted foods when early gestosis not worth it.

Nutrition of a pregnant woman in the 2nd trimester (14-26 weeks)

In the second trimester of pregnancy, due to the active growth of the fetus and the beginning of the functioning of its organs (kidneys, intestines, liver, nervous system), the energy needs of the baby increase, and the energy needs of the body of a pregnant woman in nutrients from food increase accordingly. So, daily requirement in proteins increases to 80 g / day, and the energy value of the daily diet should gradually increase to 2200-2400 kcal.

important The body of a pregnant woman experiences a double load on her body. Proper nutrition will help us cope with some of the possible problems during this period.

  • and vitaminD. In the second trimester of pregnancy, the need for these substances increases, because they are necessary for the proper development of the baby - the formation of his teeth and bones, the nervous system, heart and muscles. Calcium and vitamin D deficiency can lead to fetal growth retardation, and for the mother, result in the development of caries, osteoporosis, muscle pain and heart palpitations.

Some foods interfere with the absorption of these substances in the body, these include: sweets, White bread, semolina, fatty and salty foods, so it is best to refuse them or reduce their consumption to a minimum.

But the use of products, the main suppliers of these elements, must be increased: everything, spinach, green onions, oatmeal, sea fish liver, egg yolk.

  • Anemia. Most often, anemia manifests itself in the second trimester of pregnancy and is characterized by a decrease in the number of red blood cells; in the expectant mother, this occurs due to a lack of diet.

To avoid anemia, be sure to include in your diet first meat products(especially liver), eggs, vegetables (radishes, bell pepper), berries and fruits rich in vitamin C, which contributes to better absorption of iron (, cranberries, prunes, apples), cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal).

  • Constipation. Toward the middle of pregnancy, women may begin to have difficulty passing stools. By reducing intestinal motility, she has a constantly growing uterus. To cope with this problem, foods rich in fiber, fresh vegetables and fruits, which should make up to 2/3 of the daily diet, will help her. However, it is by no means impossible to refuse animal proteins that are contained in fish and meat for this period, since they are the building material for the fetal body.
  • . An unpleasant burning sensation in the chest, nausea and a bitter taste in the mouth after eating are all signs of heartburn, which usually occurs in expectant mothers in the middle and in the second half of pregnancy. Avoid these discomfort you can, if you eat in small portions and refuse fatty, salty and spicy.

Give preference to the following dishes: cottage cheese, lean meat,. Dishes from grated carrots, viburnum, lingonberries, from, honeycomb and alkaline mineral water- help you cope with heartburn.

Nutrition in the 3rd trimester (27-42 weeks)

In the third trimester of pregnancy, the growth rate of the fetus slows down, mainly its weight gain, but future mom is no longer as active as before, so her diet should not be as high in calories. Especially such a transition, leading to a decrease in the calorie content of food, should occur after the 32nd week of pregnancy, mainly due to a decrease in the intake of simple carbohydrates and animal fats.

  1. Unloading days. The need for unloading days exists constantly, both in ordinary life and during pregnancy. Such days should be held no more than 1-2 times a week, and contain only cottage cheese, apples in your diet. Such a daily menu will allow the body to cleanse itself, come into “tone” and prepare for the next day.
  2. Late preeclampsia. This complication causes much more concern for doctors and requires constant monitoring and treatment. In the event that you have been diagnosed with such a diagnosis or there is even the slightest likelihood of its development, then you must completely abandon salt or reduce its use as much as possible. Sweets, smoked, salty and fried foods are also banned.

Prohibited Products

There is no certain during pregnancy. As they say, if something is impossible, but you really want it, then you can! Of course, this does not mean that you can fill up on smoked sausages or pickled cucumbers. Everything should be in moderation! Of course, there is no need to deny yourself a piece of cake or fried chicken wings with mashed potatoes, but this should only happen occasionally and in small quantities!

Information And are probably the only products that should not be ingested future mom!

Vegetarianism during pregnancy

If you belong to the category of vegetarians who do not eat not only, but also all animal products (for example, eggs), then you and especially your baby do not receive a huge amount of vital vitamins, trace elements and amino acids. In addition, the calorie content of your diet is minimized, which is not the norm for the period of pregnancy. Therefore, vegetarians are still recommended, at least during pregnancy, to reconsider their views on their eating behavior, and thereby significantly reduce the likelihood of having a not entirely healthy baby.

In the first period of pregnancy, you can not drastically change your menu, but at the same time you need to be careful about your diet. Craving chips, Coca-Cola? Fight yourself! remember, that harmful products can adversely affect your baby's health. In addition, some pregnant women may even change their tastes. If a woman has not previously eaten pickles, fried potatoes, in such an important period of her life, she may want to eat these harmful foods.

Choice of food

It is important to understand that a pregnant woman does not just want to use a particular product. If there is not enough calcium, the woman begins to in large numbers consume dairy products. Does a pregnant woman eat seaweed? This is the first signal that there is not enough iodine in the body.

With a lack of vitamin C future mommy consumes large quantities of fruits, vegetables, pickles, potatoes. The fact that vitamin B1 is needed is indicated by products such as green peas, nuts. The lack of potassium, vitamin B6 is indicated by the desire to eat as many bananas as possible.

It happens that at the beginning of bearing a baby, a pregnant woman does not consume healthy foods at all, because she cannot tolerate them because of. Do not force yourself, it is better to consult with your doctor. Now there are many different useful products- Enfamama, Nutridrink, Femilak. These are special complexes of minerals, vitamins, which perfectly cope with the lack of useful components.

Nutrition in the first trimester

In the first two weeks, it is important to eat a full and varied diet. First of all, you need to forget about fast food - pizza, french fries, hot dogs. It is better to give preference to cheese, dairy products, cereal salads, yogurt.

In the second week of pregnancy, it is important to fortify your diet. Include fresh vegetables, fruits - pumpkin, mango, peaches in the menu. To avoid early toxicosis, you should forget about fatty, fried. In addition, you need to include in the menu products in which there are many, they have a positive effect on the fetus. You can buy a course of vitamins that you will take during the planning of the baby.

As for products with folic acid, these are dried fruits, frozen berries, fruits - pomegranate, raspberries, kiwi, figs, strawberries. Of no small importance are vegetables - lettuce, parsley, beans, spinach.

Also, in the first weeks of gestation, it is necessary to consume vegetable, animal products - legumes, potatoes, milk, meat, cottage cheese, butter.

When the fetus is just being formed, it is better to give up sweets - cakes, jams, sweets, various confectionery. These foods lead to weight gain. Don't get carried away with sugar. It is forbidden to drink alcohol, take various medications. You will have to give up various canned food, seasonings, they contain toxic substances.

Menu for the second and third trimester

IN recent periods pregnancy, you need to carefully monitor what you eat. Sometimes, due to a disturbed diet, heartburn occurs.

Nutritionists recommend giving preference to baked, stewed food, as well as food that is steamed. But it is better to refuse fried foods, otherwise thirst will appear, you will want to drink heavily, and later, due to an excess of fluid, swelling will begin to bother you.

In addition, you have to give up everything salty. You can add a little salt to the dishes, but it is best to refuse smoked meats, various pickles. Due to the large amount of salt, a woman drinks a lot, the load on the kidneys increases.

Just before giving birth, it is advised not to oversalt food, not to drink more than 2 liters of water per day. Also, do not completely eliminate salt, because dehydration can occur.

Love? We'll have to forget about it, replace it with other drinks. Remember that coffee activates the uterus, everything ends with hypertonicity, miscarriage.

If you are worried that you will gain weight during pregnancy, use more fish, meat, bread, cereals.

The main diet of a pregnant woman

To feel normal, you need to eat every 4 hours:

  • Breakfast - prepare something dairy, you can also eat fruit in addition.
  • Lunch - a sandwich with vegetables, fruits. You can drink yogurt.
  • Dinner - dairy, black bread, unsweetened cookies.
  • Snack - fruit, yogurt, low-fat sandwich. But it’s better to forget about puff, muffin, sausage, pizza, fried, fatty.

Subject to simple rules you can protect yourself from food poisoning. Except general advice: put food in the refrigerator in a timely manner, wash fruits, vegetables, do not eat undercooked, not fully fried food, eggs, expired foods, other recommendations must be followed:

  • Cheese. It is better to choose products from pasteurized milk, processed, hard varieties. Be sure to cut off the rind before use.
  • Do not buy cut by weight, give preference to vacuum-packed products.
  • Seafood can be consumed if it is of high quality.
  • Don't forget to clean up your fridge.
  • Fish and meat must be well cooked.
  • Try to warm up, but do not boil the dishes, store them for no more than a day.
  • Give up raw milk. Give preference to pasteurized, sterilized products.
  • The liver can be consumed no more than once a week. Remember, various harmful toxic substances can accumulate in the liver.
  • It is better to transport frozen foods in insulated bags, try to defrost them in the refrigerator, do not freeze them again.
  • Always store meat and vegetables separately from each other.
  • If you cut raw meat, fish, be sure to wash the knife, board and hands.

Thus, a pregnant woman should take her menu seriously. Do not abuse junk food. Remember what you eat affects the health of the unborn baby.

Nutrition in the first trimester of pregnancy is a special topic. After all, right now it’s tormenting you (if not, then pah-pah-pah!), And just looking at the products turns you out. But what to do, because there is something you need? Now more than ever it is necessary to eat properly and balanced, because the health and development of your baby directly depends on it.

So. You and I are pregnant. What and how do we do? What are we giving up and what, on the contrary, are we leaning on? How many times a day do we eat? About this and everything related to nutrition in early pregnancy, this article.

First: through we fight toxicosis.

Yes, these are not fairy tales. Properly organized (in terms of quantity and quality) nutrition significantly reduces the manifestations of toxicosis. For this you need:

  • eat often (5-6 rubles a day), but in small portions;
  • the first meal (it can be crackers or something light) to spend right in bed;
  • drink plenty between meals pure water(up to 2 liters per day);

Second, we eat healthy and wholesome food.

We forget about hot dogs, french fries, fatty dishes, smoked meats (this applies to both sausages and fish), marinated, salted and canned food, ketchup, mayonnaise. We do not like sweet sodas (especially Coca-Cola) and all products containing artificial colors (even yogurts). To the offer to drink a couple of sips of wine or beer, we answer: “Ugh, what a disgusting thing!” and do not give up under any pretext.

Now we have steamed, boiled and baked vegetables, meat, eggs, cheese on the table, fresh salads, fruits. Definitely greens. Let's not forget the fish. We replenish calcium reserves by eating dairy products, primarily cottage cheese.

We are careful about allergen products (chocolate, honey, citrus fruits, etc.).

Third: if we want something, it’s not just like that. So, this “something” we really miss.

There are numerous anecdotes and stories about the "food vagaries" of pregnant women. But the fact that a woman in the middle of the night wanted seaweed or gnawed on a wall is not a jump. This is a signal from the body about the lack of the substance it needs, in the examples given - iodine and calcium. Pregnant women often lack iron. This substance provides normal level hemoglobin, which is needed to carry oxygen to tissues. If the mother has anemia, the baby will experience oxygen starvation. It can be obtained from red meat, fish, egg yolk, apricots, dark green leafy vegetables and grains.

Fourth: we do not forget to take vitamins prescribed by the doctor every day.

Today's ecology and health of pregnant women, unfortunately, are not in the most ideal states. Therefore, the doctor prescribes to each woman the vitamins necessary at the stage of bearing, and then feeding, a child. We are no exception. Every morning (or lunch, depending on how it is written in the instructions) we honestly take, which supplement the diet (calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins B, C, A, E, etc.) and do not lead to excess body weight.

Fifth: we do not want to acquire unnecessary fat, so we do not eat “for two”, but “for one, but with high quality”.

Do not listen to your mothers and grandmothers that now you simply have to eat for two. Pregnancy is not a reason to consume food, if not in tons, then in buckets. This will lead to nothing but excess weight. Now, when our body consumes extra energy and irreplaceable substances, it is better to focus on the quality and usefulness of products. Therefore, those who have not fully mastered the “golden rules for pregnant women” return to the beginning of the article and read the paragraph “Second ...”. By medical indications, an average woman should gain about 13 kilograms during pregnancy. Plus or minus a few kilograms is considered normal. As for weight gain in the first trimester, it has been proven that at this time it is absolutely independent of nutrition.

And one more thing: we do not do stupid things, namely: we do not sit on diets.

Pregnancy is not the time for experiments and, moreover, tracking the figure in this way. If you are really afraid to get better, do better fitness for pregnant women. This is good for both you and your baby.

Sixth: we are smart and we will succeed.

Yes, it is very difficult for us to rebuild our eating habits. But we understand that this must be done for the sake of the crumbs, whose health depends on us directly. And we not only understand, but also do. And we all succeed. And very soon, well, after some 8 months, a miracle will happen, and we are no longer just pregnant, we are already MOMS.

Especially for- Olga Pavlova

Nutrition during pregnancy should be correct. This axiom is known, perhaps, to all expectant mothers. But some take it literally - "you need to eat more." After all, who does not dream of giving birth to a hero, weighing 4 kg? Yes, and many believe that the more a child weighs at birth, the healthier it is and will develop faster than its peers. But this opinion is wrong. On what factors does the weight of a child depend and why is it harmful to eat a lot?

The weight of the child depends on the initial weight of the mother, as well as the number of kilograms gained during pregnancy. There is such a thing in medicine - BMI (body mass index). By determining this index, doctors will find out whether there are deviations in body weight or not. To calculate it, you need to divide body weight by height in meters squared. For example, a woman with a height of 167 cm and a body weight of 70 kg has a BMI of 25 70: (1.67x1.67) = 25

BMI values:

19.8-26 - normal weight

26-29 - overweight

29 - obesity

35 - morbid obesity

Women who are overweight, as determined by calculating BMI, have increased risk premature birth and miscarriage in the early stages, the risk of developing eclampsia, impaired heart formation, etc. Yes, obese women often give birth to children with a lot of weight, but this is not a reason to rejoice. childbirth big baby often end in birth trauma.

Depending on the BMI, the norms of weight gain during pregnancy are also determined. Ladies with normal weight can gain 11.5-16 kg. Overweight - 7-11.5. Underweight - 12.5-18 kg. Moreover, the weight should be gained smoothly and evenly. At normal weight in the 2nd and 3rd trimester - no more than 0.4 kg per week, with excess - no more than 0.3 kg per week.

However, even if weight gain is more than normal or a woman initially has a lot extra pounds You don't need to follow any diet. Although nutrition during pregnancy by weeks, of course, needs to be reviewed. Compose your sample menu and show the doctor. He will advise which products should be excluded, determine the reason for the large increase.

The calorie content of food should be increased by about 300 kcal per day. Moreover, it is necessary to increase calorie content not by the quantity of food, but by its quality. Let's say, "catch up" on the missing calories with dry cookies, is more likely to harm and lead to constipation than to benefit. About 20% of the diet should be proteins, 30% fats, 50% carbohydrates.

In addition, care must be taken to daily nutrition contained everything essential vitamins and micronutrients.

Vitamin A Required daily dose- 800 mcg. There is this vitamin in most green and yellow vegetables, as well as in egg yolks, milk, butter. Decomposes quickly in air.

Vitamin B2. The norm is 1.6 mg per day. Found in green vegetables, dairy and seafood, eggs and cheese.

Vitamin B6. The norm is 2.2 mg per day. Found in vegetables and walnuts, peanuts, hazelnuts, chicken and fish.

Vitamin B12. The daily norm is 2.2 mcg. This element has good resistance to light and heat. Found in beef liver, spinach, green salad, sea ​​kale and various seafood, chicken, hard cheeses.

Vitamin C It is recommended to consume about 70 mg per day. Ascorbic acid can be found not only in citrus fruits, contrary to popular belief, but also in most vegetables and fruits, as well as in greens. Another interesting point that expectant mothers should be aware of is ascorbic acid (and in in kind and in "synthetic") does not contribute to the proper degree of strengthening the immune system and, of course, does not help to avoid acute viral diseases or alleviate their course.

Vitamin D Its norm is 200-400 IU. As you know, this substance is formed due to the action sun rays on the skin. Therefore, its shortage is unlikely to occur in the summer, and at any other time of the year, if you go for walks regularly. It is found in significant amounts in products of animal origin (butter, milk, egg white, caviar, etc.) - nutrition during pregnancy should always be rich in these protein foods.

Vitamin E. The norm is 10 mg. Its deficiency is extremely rare. Also found in animal products.

Vitamin K Its daily intake should be 65 mg. This substance is found in white cabbage, tomatoes, animal products. It is it that helps to better assimilate calcium, which is especially important in the last trimester of pregnancy.

Folic acid. Its norm during pregnancy is at least 0.4 mg. But, as studies show, even a complete, varied diet cannot fully provide the body with folic acid. It needs an additional intake, and without waiting for conception and the entire first half of the child's gestation period. With a lack of folic acid in the embryo, a serious and incurable pathology can occur - a neural tube defect.

Calcium. It is he who keeps our bones and teeth strong. In utero, the child receives calcium from the mother, thereby depriving her of this most important trace element. The result of this action is often on the face - when the future mother's teeth begin to crumble. And this is all despite the fact that nutrition during pregnancy in the early stages, and during the remaining months, was correct and balanced. Calcium is found in dairy products, fruits and vegetables. A lot of it in some varieties of cheese. The daily norm is 1000 mg per day. If you have signs of a lack of calcium in the body, contact your doctor to prescribe a drug containing this trace element.

Iron. This microelement plays essential role in the production of hemoglobin. The main sources of iron are protein foods: legumes and meat. But even with good nutrition and a fairly high calorie content of food, iron deficiency is not uncommon. Normally, his expectant mother should receive about 3 mg per day, but since iron is very poorly absorbed (only a tenth is absorbed), its daily intake for pregnant women is 30 mg. Very helpful in the absorption of vitamin C.

Sodium. Contained in most consumed products, but to a greater extent absorbed from table salt. Improves the absorption of vitamin D. The lack of this microelement can only occur during starvation and in strict vegetarians. One of the signs is convulsions and neuralgia. An overabundance can have symptoms in the form of swelling of the limbs and face. It is very important not to lean on table salt, since among the things that pregnant women should not eat in large quantities, in the first place, perhaps, it is she.

Phosphorus. Its norm is 1000 mg per day. This microelement is necessary for the formation of the bones of the fetus. It is extremely rare to suffer from a deficiency. Moreover, many vitamin remedies for expectant mothers, for this reason, they do not contain phosphorus at all. The exchange of phosphorus compounds occurs, among other things, due to vitamin D. It is found in the meat of animals, birds, and fish.

Zinc. This trace element is especially important in the first trimester of pregnancy. The recommended dose is 15 micrograms per day. Be very careful when taking additional medicines to replenish iron and copper, since these substances may prevent the absorption of zinc, in principle, as it will interfere with the absorption of iron and copper with additional intake. This point must be taken into account by the doctor prescribing multivitamins or mono-vitamin preparations. Zinc is found in many fruits, including exotic ones.

These are the main recommendations of doctors. Of course, you should not try to scrupulously calculate how much of a particular substance has entered your body with food. All the same, it will not be possible to calculate correctly, and this will only cause nervous breakdowns. If you have a shortage of any element, believe me, the symptoms will definitely appear. Well, an additional intake of all, without exception, is recommended except for folic acid and potassium iodide. Expectant mothers can also be prescribed calcium and iron supplements, because, as we have already said, their deficiency is quite common among pregnant women.


If you belong to the category of vegetarians who do not accept not only meat, but also any other animal products (dairy, for example), then you definitely need additional sources of vitamins B12 (2 mcg per day) and D (400 IU per day). per day) that you do not receive due to the nature of your diet. Plus, you also need to pay attention to the calorie content of food (most vegetarian dishes are low-calorie, which is not the norm for expectant mothers), and its value. In general, who wants to know what is mild pregnancy and a balanced diet to help. Therefore, it may be worth changing your diet for a while? So you will not risk the health of your baby.


Not all women, immediately after receiving the news that they will become mothers, quit habitual image life. This applies to both professional athletes and women leading an active lifestyle. Of course, you need to be careful with loads. But nutrition during pregnancy in this case should be somewhat different - more high-calorie, since the future mother-athlete spends more energy, and therefore needs more dense nutrition. It is necessary to increase the amount of carbohydrates in food.


A pregnant 16-year-old girl is not uncommon. From all doctors you can hear opinions that getting pregnant in such early age dangerous, because the body is still growing on its own and for him it is too much stress. But if this is the case, then you need to pay attention to nutrition, first of all. Also, as in the case of athletes, food should be high in calories.

Multiple pregnancy

The huge loads experienced by the body when carrying 2 or more children necessitate an increase in the calorie content of food (by approximately 150 kcal per day, depending on BMI). In addition, it is recommended to increase the dose of additional folic acid intake to 1 mg per day. There is also an increased need for vitamin B6. And this means that you should not give up fish and poultry, very rich sources of pyrodoxine.

Toxicosis and digestive disorders

In case of toxicosis, poisoning and other unpleasant phenomena that cause rejection of food, an additional intake of vitamin B6 should be provided, which contributes to better absorption of proteins, and therefore to alleviate the manifestations of malaise. Also highly recommended fractional nutrition during early pregnancy - you need to take food and fluids often, but little by little, this helps to avoid bouts of nausea and vomiting. If nothing helps, and everything eaten and drunk is rejected by the body, you should go to the hospital - injections vitamin preparations and intravenous glucose will help to hold out during this difficult period.

lactose intolerance

This pathology is caused by a low level of lactase - an enzyme, without which it is impossible to digest lactose. This pathology mainly affects people living in northern latitudes, as well as residents of African and Asian countries. Lactose intolerance is dangerous because it does not properly absorb the calcium contained in dairy products. When they are used, flatulence, diarrhea, and painful spasms in the intestines occur.

With such a pathology, it is necessary to consume foods rich in calcium, but not containing lactose. An example of this is soy milk. If there is still a lack of calcium (daily intake of less than 600 mg), it makes sense to additionally take calcium tablets. In the case of living in countries with a cold climate, in winter and with rare walks on fresh air, you should also take vitamin D (400 IU per day).