Useful masks for blondes. Dedicated to blondes


Basically, blonde hair color is obtained by dyeing it more light shades. For this procedure, as a rule, chemical dyes are used, which negatively affect the condition of the hair. As a result, with frequent use, they become weak and damaged, and for some they begin to fall out and the color fades.

In order to restore color and give a beautiful appearance, it is recommended to use hair masks for blondes, recipes for which you will find below in this article.

What ingredients can be used

The pigment of light hair is pheomelanin. It is not always produced in the required quantity in a woman’s body. It is for this reason that hair begins to look dull, pale, and unkempt. In order to give them a beautiful appearance and natural shine, it is important to normalize the production of the required hormone.

So, it is necessary to influence the curl correctly. They will help with this simple products food and various medicinal herbs. Using them as part of masks for blonde hair, available good result. In addition to maintaining hair color, the formulations help improve scalp health and strengthen hair follicles.

Let's consider the most basic components that are recommended to be included in the care product:

  1. The color of chamomile gives the curls a golden hue.
  2. Use fresh lemon to brighten.
  3. Exotic banana has a nourishing effect on strands that have lost their shine and in the autumn-spring period, when curls lack vitamins.
  4. A beekeeping product (honey) has a strengthening and nourishing effect. Reduces hair loss hair follicles. Improves the condition of curls: natural shine appears, they become silky and manageable.
  5. Rhubarb helps to diversify the appearance of hair. Can be obtained from straw yellow to light white.
  6. A fermented milk product (kefir) removes yellowness and reddish tints. In addition, it improves growth and strengthens the root system of curls.
  7. Strongly brewed loose leaf tea helps to acquire an unusual shade and also adds a natural shine.
  8. Glycerin removes the yellow tint from blonde hair.
  9. Ground cinnamon lightens curls, but in rare cases gives a slightly yellow-red effect. It is for this reason that you need to be more careful with this component.

Before preparing a care composition for blondes, it is important to look at the permitted components. There are also foods and herbs that, instead of white shade give a darker one. Among them are the following: cocoa, coffee, oak bark, sage, black loose leaf tea, soy sauce, walnut. Such ingredients are mainly used for darker hair.

Therefore, before choosing any recipe, it is important to review its ingredients and make sure that the products are included in the approved list.

Rules for using masks for blonde hair

Each mask for blonde hair is very easy to prepare. You can even make it at home. Buying and preparing all the required ingredients is easy and simple - just go to the nearest supermarket or any pharmacy kiosk. Before purchasing a product, it is important to check its expiration date. In order to receive maximum effect depending on the intended composition, you must adhere to the basic rules:

  1. It is necessary to use formulations prepared at home regularly - 2 times a week.
  2. To wash off any mask, cosmetologists recommend preparing fresh decoctions green tea or chamomile color.
  3. Dry your hair in air without using electrical appliances. It is also worth remembering that after the mask, you should not use any chemical cosmetics for blonde hair.
  4. If a recipe requires chopping ingredients, then it is best to use a blender.
  5. Before applying the mixture to your head, you need to make sure that it will not cause allergic reaction. How to do this correctly? Apply the mass in a small amount to any area of ​​the skin (it is advisable to choose the most delicate one). If nothing appears within a couple of minutes, then feel free to use the mass for its intended purpose. Otherwise, it should not be used.
  6. For fair hair, masks are mainly applied only to the curls themselves. It is worth reading the application instructions carefully.
  7. If your ends often fork, you need to constantly trim them.
  8. It's not always possible to get desired result. In order not to be upset by the resulting effect, you need to try the mixture on any strand.
  9. After application, it is important to wrap your head under plastic and a terry towel.

The effect after applying the mask should be visible after the first use. But, as practice shows, this is purely individual for everyone.

Masks for healthy blonde hair

Any mask for blonde hair prepared according to HairFace recipes at home should not only preserve the color, but also have a beneficial effect on the curls themselves. In order to do this, we suggest considering the main ingredients that have a positive effect on hair and preserve color.

    Milk composition. Pour 3 teaspoons of chamomile into a thermos and pour a glass of boiling water. Let the infusion stand for 1 hour. Then strain and pour into a suitable container. Meanwhile, add 10 drops of fruit vinegar to 200 ml of milk (in our case we used apple cider vinegar).

    Mix the mixture and apply to curls. Wrap under warm clothes and keep for 30 minutes. We wash them as usual. Ready mask with milk for blonde hair helps improve the structure of the curl (silky, manageable, strong) and at the same time appears bright color blonde

    Lemon composition. Let's take:
    olive oil - 20 ml;
    freshly squeezed lemon juice - 20 ml;
    warm pure water- 60 ml.

    Combine the prepared components in a suitable container and mix well. We apply both to the scalp and to the curls themselves. We create a greenhouse effect and walk around with this “hairstyle” for 30 minutes. We rinse.

    Chamomile for hair. Pour one chamomile-colored tablespoon into a small saucepan and pour a glass of boiling water. Cover and leave for 60 minutes. Then we filter the resulting infusion.

    Take your hair balm (it will be better if it is from natural ingredients without sulfates). Add so that it turns into sour cream. Apply exclusively to hair and wait 40 minutes. It is necessary to rinse without using shampoo.

    Onions for improved growth. Masks for blondes for hair growth help restore and activate the growth process due to the active onion component.

    Peel 2 medium onions and pass through a meat grinder or food processor. Place the resulting onion pulp in gauze, folded several times, and squeeze out the resulting juice. Take 3 tablespoons of juice and mix with the same amount of castor oil. Stir the mixture.

    It is necessary to apply first from the roots, smoothly moving towards the hair shafts themselves. Wrap it up and leave it for 20 minutes, wash it with the addition of natural shampoo. And we advise you to read on our website how to get rid of the smell of onion in your hair.

    Glycerin mask. We will need:
    banana - 1 piece;
    avocado - 1 piece;
    natural honey product - 40 g;
    glycerin - 20 ml;
    castor oil - 5 ml;
    olive oil - 5 ml.

    Wash the fruits, remove the peel and the inner pit of the avocado. Place in a separate container and turn into a puree. So, now you need to take 2 tbsp. l banana puree and combine it with 1 tbsp avocado puree, then add all the oils and mix.

    It is necessary to distribute the composition exclusively onto the curls, without affecting the roots. After wrapping, it is important to wait 40 minutes. We wash off masks for blonde hair with essential oils in the traditional way.

    Green tea for dry blonde hair. In a saucepan, mix 1/2 cup of large-leaf green tea, 20 grams each of chamomile, oregano, and nettle. Pour in 5 cups of boiling water, cover and leave for half an hour. Strain the broth through a sieve and add 1/2 of the bread to it. rye bread(pulp).

    Thus, a paste is obtained that must be rubbed into the scalp and root zone. We walk for 60 minutes and rinse.

    Honey nutritional composition. Let's prepare:
    shampoo for your hair type - 40 g;
    baking soda - on the tip of a knife;
    beekeeping product - 1/2 cup.

    Before you start making a mask, you need to prepare a solution in which we will wash your hair. To do this, combine shampoo with baking soda and rinse your hair with it. Afterwards, you need to dry them slightly, using only a towel.

    Then heat the honey in microwave oven or in a water bath, whichever is more convenient. Cool it slightly and distribute it evenly over the entire length. We wrap the hair under plastic and wrap it in a warm towel.

    This type of mask should be done before going to bed. When we get up in the morning, we wash it off.

    Kefir composition. The following ingredients will be required:
    kefir - 1/2 cup;
    lemon essential oil - 3 drops.

    Warm kefir slightly to achieve better effect, add a few drops of oil and apply evenly to the curls. We wrap our heads as usual. Leave for 60 minutes and wash off without using shampoo.

    Night view of the mask. In a small container, mix 1/4 cup warm kefir and one chicken egg. Whisk everything together and pour in 40 ml cognac, herbal shampoo natural basis 20 g, 40 ml fresh lemon juice.

    Mix and apply only to curls, without affecting the root system. We warm up and go to bed. Wash off in the morning as usual.

    By the way, you can also do face masks at night, as they are considered more effective.

    Firming mask. Let's prepare:
    head onions- 1 PC;
    beekeeping product - 20 g;
    olive oil- 20 ml;
    quail yolks - 5 pcs;
    natural shampoo— 20 g.

    Peel and rinse the onion. Using a food processor or blender, puree it. Heat the honey in a water bath, combine it with oil. Cool slightly and pour into onion puree. Then add the yolks, shampoo and stir everything well.

    Distribute evenly over all curls and hold for 30 minutes. You need to remove the hair mask according to this recipe for blondes warm water.

Follow the rules of use and requirements of recipes for masks at home from HairFace, and then your hair will always be beautiful, healthy and will delight you for many years!

You can be a blonde from birth (if nature gave you blond hair) or you can become one at any time using hair dye. Be that as it may, but in any case, blonde hair requires special care. Especially if the hair was dyed, because after this procedure, due to changes in the structure of the hair, it becomes brittle and splits.

You only need to care for blond hair using special means, which are intended specifically for this type of hair (this is usually indicated on the packaging). Your arsenal of care products should include shampoos, conditioners, masks and hair serums. You can also use different tint balms and masks that will protect your hair from drying out (they do not wash off).

And don't forget about your scalp, as it can be damaged by bleaching your hair. In addition, some are very effective in caring for blond hair. folk recipes, which you can use yourself at home.

Tincture for blonde hair "Chamomile and rosemary"

Pour a spoonful of chamomile and a spoonful of rosemary into 3/4 cup of vodka. Place the tincture in a dark, warm place in a dark glass bottle. Shake the bottle daily. After 2 weeks the tincture is ready. Then it must be strained through cheesecloth, poured into a clean bottle and capped. 2 times a week, wipe your scalp at night with a soft old toothbrush, soaking it in the tincture.

Chamomile mouthwash

Pour two tablespoons of dried flowers into a liter of boiling water, cook over low heat for 5 - 7 minutes. Cool and strain. After washing, rinse your hair with this decoction, and your hair will become healthy, silky, and acquire a beautiful golden hue.

Lightening with lemon

Dissolve the juice of half a lemon in a liter of water and use this mixture as a rinse. Lemon will give your hair shine and silkiness. However, lemon dries out hair, so this recipe not suitable for dry hair.

Treatment mask for blondes

1 teaspoon of any hair balm
-5 drops lemon essential oil
-1 tablespoon green tea
-1 glass of boiling water

Wash your hair with shampoo and apply the mask, leave for 30 minutes, then rinse as usual.

Honey mask for blondes

Wash your hair with shampoo, to which you first add a pinch of soda. Dry your hair with a towel, apply acacia honey to it. Wrap your head in film and thin cloth. The mask needs to be kept on for a long time - from eight to ten hours. Honey will release a special substance that acts like hydrogen peroxide. But it will not harm the hair, but on the contrary, it will even out the color and improve the structure.

Chamomile mask for blonde hair

A chamomile mask will strengthen blond, dry hair and give it a warm golden hue.

Mask composition:
* ½ cup of lanolin (sold at the pharmacy);
* 2 tbsp. spoons of dried chamomile flowers;
* 1 glass hot water.

Pour boiling water over the chamomile flowers, cover with a lid and let steep for an hour. Then strain the infusion through a fine sieve or gauze folded in four layers. Mix chamomile gruel with lanolin and heat in a water bath or in the microwave. Pour the resulting mixture into a glass jar, let it cool to a temperature that is pleasant for the skin and apply to your hair and scalp. Keep the mask on for 15-20 minutes, then rinse off big amount warm running water. If necessary, wash your hair with shampoo. Store leftover mask in a tightly closed jar and use after preheating. required amount, 1-2 times a week.

Mask for blonde hair

Mix 1 tablespoon of henna (without a slide) with 1 tablespoon of boiling water, add 1 tablespoon of kefir, a couple of cloves of crushed garlic, 1/2 teaspoon of cocoa, 1 teaspoon of honey. Mix all the ingredients, then add 1 egg to the resulting mass and mix thoroughly again.

Adding a golden hue

1. Infuse 100 g of chamomile inflorescences for very light hair (200 g for darker hair) in 0.5 liters of boiling water for 30-40 minutes. Strain, moisten hair generously with infusion and leave for about 1 hour.

2. Pour 100-150 g of chamomile inflorescences into 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave for 1.5-2 hours. After straining, add 60 g of glycerin. The effect lasts up to 1 month.

Hair lightening

1. Infuse 150 g of chamomile for 2 weeks in 0.5 liters of 40° vodka, strain, add 50 ml of hydrogen peroxide.

2. For dark hair, pour 100 g of chamomile into 0.3 liters of boiling water, stir, drain after an hour, squeeze out the remainder, add 50 ml of 30% hydrogen peroxide. Lubricate hair and leave for 30-40 minutes. Wash your hair with shampoo.

3. 1 tbsp. l. chamomile and 1 tbsp. l. nettle pour 1 liter of water. Leave for 30-40 minutes. Moisten your hair with the broth, tie it with a scarf and leave for 15-20 minutes. After drying your hair, moisten it with chamomile essence mixed with water 1:1. After an hour, moisten again with chamomile infusion. Instead of nettles, you can use sage leaves.

4. Infuse 200 g of chamomile with 400 g of vodka for a week. Pour 100 g of henna into 300 ml of hot water for 1.5-2 hours. After cooling, pour the henna infusion into the unstrained chamomile infusion. Leave for 1.5-2 weeks, then drain the liquid, wet your hair with it and leave for 30-40 minutes. Wash off with shampoo.

5. Heat 20 ml of water to a boil, add 10 g of long tea, 50 g of chamomile, 40 g of henna, boil for 5 minutes. Cool, add 400 ml of vodka and leave for 2-3 days. Drain the liquid and wet your hair with it, leaving for 30-40 minutes. Wash your hair with shampoo.

Straw yellow shade on light hair

1. Pour 20-30 g of dry crushed rhubarb roots with a glass of cold water, boil, stirring, 15-20 minutes, remove from heat, cool slightly. Rub the resulting liquid into clean, dry hair.

2. Boil 150 g of chopped rhubarb root in 0.5 liters of white wine to half its volume. Hair gains light brown shade. If you add 1/2 tsp to this decoction. baking soda, the hair will turn out straw-yellow with a reddish tint.

For golden hair shine

Apply 1 cup of cooled strong chamomile infusion to clean hair and leave for half an hour, insulating your head with cellophane and a scarf. You can wash your hair with shampoo and rinse with acidified water.

For hair loss

To treat hair loss, masks are used, which are usually done regularly, once every 2-3 weeks. But be careful with your hair color as it may change a little, especially for blondes. Rub a mask that matches your hair color into the roots of your hair and cover your head with cellophane and a towel. After 2 hours, rinse your hair and rinse with herbal decoction.

Mask for blonde hair. Mix 1 tablespoon of henna (without a slide) with 1 tablespoon of boiling water, 1 tablespoon of kefir, a couple of cloves of crushed garlic, 1/2 teaspoon of cocoa, 1 teaspoon of honey. Mix everything thoroughly, then add 1 egg to the resulting mass and stir again.

Mask for dark hair. Pour the tobacco from one cigarette into 0.5 cups of strongly brewed tea. Add 1 tablespoon of henna and sour milk, 1 yolk, 1 teaspoon of vitamin A in oil, sea ​​buckthorn oil and cocoa. This mixture must be stirred until smooth, heating in a water bath.

Fresh milk for extra shine on blonde hair
Milk is very effective remedy to maintain hair shine. You have blonde hair and want to add shine to it without dyeing it. Rinse them special shampoo for blonde hair warm water, and then rinse them with the mixture prepared in advance: pour 2 cups of chamomile decoction and 6 drops into a cup of milk apple cider vinegar. After a short stay with the mask on your head, rinse your hair generously with water.

Lotion for blonde hair with lemon

After each shampoo, rinse your hair with water to which the juice of one lemon has been added. If you have light hair and want it to be even lighter, stay in the sun after rinsing your hair with lemon juice.

Mask for thin and split ends

1 part plantain herb, 1 part nettle herb, 1 part chamomile, rye bread crumb. One tablespoon of this collection is poured with 1.5 cups of boiling water and left for 2 hours. Then the infusion is filtered and the rye bread separated from the crusts is softened in it. The result should be a paste. It is applied to the hair, and an insulating cap or piece of cellophane is put on the head and covered with a thick terry towel. The effect of the mask is about 1 hour. After this, it is washed off with clean warm water.

Aspirin for blonde hair

The green tint in hair that may appear after chlorinated pool water can be removed by rinsing the hair with aspirin dissolved in water. It is necessary to wet the hair with this liquid, gently massaging it, and leave it on the hair for ten minutes, and then rinse with clean water.

Recipes of our ancestors

Knead equal portions of beech ash or crocodile fat until smooth. If crocodile fat is not available, goat fat will do. By applying the resulting mixture - Gallic soap - to their hair, the ancient Romans, according to Pliny, turned from brunettes to blondes. Lightening agents contained substances that killed the hair follicle, so sometimes fashionistas went bald and, for huge sums of money, bought wigs made from real hair brought from the northern countries or cut off the hair of German slaves.

Even Emperor Nero wore a wig of blond hair sprinkled with gold powder. The natural color of hair and skin was considered almost indecent, and citizens of both sexes went to various lengths so that no one would suspect them of true children south. The inhabitants of Ancient Greece also became blondes by wetting their dark strands with donkey urine: blond hair was supposed to emphasize the purity, innocence and even divinity of its owner, although not even all the Olympian gods were golden-haired.

1. After lightening your hair, use products for colored hair for at least 2-3 weeks (ideally, special lines for blondes): this way you will be able to preserve their color and shine longer. Further, many hair stylists advise alternating care products for colored hair with those that you usually use: for volume, restoration, etc.

2. Be sure to use various products to shine your hair - masks, oils, serums, etc. After bleaching, the hair becomes more porous and shines unevenly in the light. As a result, it may seem that the shade is different along the entire length. Besides, shiny hair always look beautiful!

3. Use a hair mask at least once a week - bleached hair needs intensive nutrition and restoration more than any other hair. Choose hair masks containing vegetable oils and proteins, amino acids, keratin, ceramides: these ingredients will provide maximum benefits to hair weakened after coloring. intensive care. And it is useful to apply oil elixirs to the ends of the hair; in addition to protecting and nourishing the hair, they also make it more shiny. The main thing is that the composition contains not synthetic, but natural vegetable oils!

Save blonde: 8 main rules for caring for bleached hair

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Christina Aguilera, Having started her career as a platinum blonde, she managed to be a red-haired, pink-haired, brown-haired, and brunette... Now the pop star is blonde again. By the way, it is Aguilera who is credited with one of the most unusual celebrity home recipes for hair care - they say that masks made from... ketchup are very helpful for good color and shine of blond hair.

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

Jennifer Aniston V last years doesThathighlighting, then bronding, or simply dyeing the hair blonde. And she looks much better blonde, you must agree! The actress has her own recipe for hair beauty - sprays with sea ​​water which she always carries in her purse.

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

Star of the series Pretty Little Liars by Ashley Benson whom all fans are accustomed to seeing as a blonde, also somehow couldn’t resist experimenting with hair color. But she was brown-haired for only a few months - soon after changing her color, the actress was noticed wearing a light wig, and then she dyed her hair back.

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

One of the sexiest Hollywood blondes, Blake Lively she wears makeup exclusively for roles - the girl was both a brunette and a redhead, but men, of course, like Lively the blonde most of all. Advice from hair colorist Blake Lively Rhona O'Connor: if you don't want to new color hair quickly faded - do not wash your hair within 48 hours after dyeing.

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

Although many believed that dark color hair does Charlize Theron brighter and even sexier, less than six months passed before the actress returned to her usual blonde. The star's hit product is oils for deep conditioning hair, with their help she restores hair after filming in films and commercials.

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

U Dakota Fanning Scandinavian roots, so it’s not surprising that blonde suits her very well. The girl was brown-haired not for long - just a couple of months, exclusively for filming the film “Hide and Seek”.

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

Cameron Diaz a natural blonde, she experimented with different shades of hair: she was a burning brunette, brown-haired, bright blonde, and even “bald” (in fact, a special wig cap was used). Actress - fan mineral water Evian. Diaz always carries a small bottle of spray with her and uses it as a toner and moisturizer for her skin and hair.

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

Drew Barrymore natural color whose hair is dark blond, feels most comfortable as a blonde and believes that hair color greatly influences the character, behavior and attitude of others towards you. "The most fun time I spent my life with red hair. As a brunette, I was offered serious and interesting roles, and when I was a blonde, I had no end to fans,” the actress admitted on the eve of her 35th birthday, before Once again become blonde. “Blonde hair makes you look younger,” she says.

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

Emma Stone - She is a natural blonde, but she does not hesitate to change her hair color for roles. A trendsetter in the field of hair trends, she, oddly enough, became a redhead, dyeing her hair during a screen test for "To the Super Peppers." The young star is sure: everyone takes blondes less seriously, even in Hollywood, where the cult of blondes reigns. “At the very beginning of my work, I had an agent who believed that as a blonde, I could only play cheerleaders. And one day, wanting to change my situation, I dyed my hair brown, and a week later I got my first role,” the actress admitted in an interview.

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

Natural blonde Emma Watson often tinted her hair darker and thinks it makes her look more mature and serious.

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

Ann Hataway Both blond and rich chestnut look the same, and dyeing your hair is not a problem for the actress. However, she no longer wants to cut her hair short. If only again for some very desirable role, as was the case with "Les Miserables."

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

For filming the sequel "Sin Cities" Jessica Alba I had to lighten my hair again. Actress stylist Robert Ramos I did this in two stages so as not to damage them. Meanwhile, the star wrote on Twitter: “Bye, bye Brown hair

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

Dark-haired Sarah Jessica Parker, who at the beginning of her career was given the eternal roles of gray mice-girlfriends of the main characters, became a blonde before the film "L.A. Story"- and this was the beginning of the takeoff of her career. Now the actress can afford any hair color, but she doesn’t wear anything darker than ash blonde and light chestnut.

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

Possessor luxurious hair Julia Roberts doesn't spend much time caring for them. If the shade fades, go to the colorist, but this usually happens before an important event.

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

Nicole Kidman It is unlikely that she would have become an object of admiration for millions of fans, maintaining her nondescript natural hair color. Stylists once gave the star’s golden shade of hair a name: “strawberry blonde.” And at one time there was even a rumor that to maintain it, the actress rinses her hair with cranberry or strawberry juice.

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

Kristen Stewart I am sure that you can experiment with hair color and length endlessly. “It’s so exciting to change just with one hairstyle,” - says the actress.

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

Chameleon model Linda Evangelista"wore" the most different shades hair and hairstyles. And sometimes, thanks to the efforts of hairdressers, she became simply unrecognizable.

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

According to American press reports, hair care Lindsey Lohan spends $800 a week and visits the salon at least twice a week Andy Lecompte where she gets masks and other restorative hair treatments.

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

Early career Madonna She was firmly convinced that men prefer blondes and every two and a half weeks she tinted her hair roots with hydroperite so that no one would guess that they were dark. Now she doesn’t pay attention to such conventions and prejudices!

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

The most sexy girl Planets Miley Cyrus Before becoming a short-haired blonde, she managed to be a long-haired brown-haired woman. But she became the sexiest, being a blonde - and that says a lot!

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

Yes, yes, and Monica Bellucci I managed to visit the camp of blondes! However, she came to her senses in time. And she did the right thing, otherwise she would hardly have been among the owners of the most luxurious hair: her hair was very difficult to lighten, became brittle and lost its shine.

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

Gwyneth Paltrow She has admitted more than once that she prefers being blonde. By the way, this spring the actress and her hair stylist David Babai opened a salon for express hair styling, where clients are also offered environmentally friendly clean products for hair.

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

Natalie Portman For a long time I remained faithful to the dark color. But, as they say, don’t promise - and last year, when Hollywood was gripped by yet another blonde craze, she became a blonde.

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

Turning blonde was a success Rihanna not easy: despite the fact that the colorist lightened the hair in several stages, the hair still suffered. However, this did not deter the star from numerous experiments with hair color. U Rihanna your recipe: if your hair looks bad, you just need to cut your hair shorter!

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

Rose McGowan some time ago I dyed my brown hair almost radically White color. By the way, in early youth she did everything the other way around - she preferred radical black.

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

Victoria Beckham I wouldn't Victoria Beckham, if I hadn’t been a blonde. However, what did she do with her hair (according to the tabloids, her weekly budget for personal care is about $15,000).

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4. To save cold blonde, use a special toning shampoo or leave-in balm(usually similar means have purple or blue tint). Tint pigments take time to work, so leave them on your hair for 5-7 minutes (if your hair is very light, 3-5 minutes).

5. If you dry your hair with a hairdryer or use a styler, be sure to use heat-protective products: the more shades your hair is lightened, the more fragile and defenseless it becomes against external influences.

6. From mid-spring to mid-autumn, use hair care products with SPF - look for sunscreen filters in shampoos, conditioners, and conditioners. Ultraviolet radiation severely damages bleached hair, and it also fades faster.

7. If you go to the pool, first apply protective oil to your hair (you can use any vegetable oil - olive, avocado, etc.). Because bleach, copper salts and other impurities can cause bleached and highlighted hair... to turn green. This happens especially often if your hair is very light, or if you went to the pool in the first days after dyeing.

Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

(shampoo, conditioner and leave-in spray veil Flash Filler) with a complex with UV filters, chamomile extract and panthenol to protect hair from dullness and brittleness, designed specifically for the care of colored and natural hair blonde shades

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

Mask for colored hair "Splendor of Color" MasqueForBeautifulColor, Oribe with a complex based on vegetable oils, keratin, phytoceramides and plant extracts for moisturizing, softening harsh hair, UV protection and loss of color and shine

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

Leave-in protective repair hair spray K-PAK Leave-in Protectant, Joico with a reconstructive complex based on keratin, plant extracts and oils to protect hair from ultraviolet radiation, thermal damage, moisturizing, nourishing and conditioning

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

Shampoo for preserving the color and shine of dyed hair Soin Vegetal Capillaire « Plant care for hair”, Yves Rocher with a plant phytocomplex based on natural oils and hawthorn extract

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

Repairing hair serum “7 essential oils”, Аloxxi with jojoba, olive and walnut oils for conditioning, protection and styling

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

Range for preserving the color and shine of dyed hair Reflection Chroma Captive, Kerastase(shampoo-bath, balm and mask) with Systeme Capture complex, based on zinc gluconate, linseed oil, UV filters and vitamin E to restore hair structure, color intensity and protection from negative impact environment

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

Heat protection hair sprayHeatprotectionmist,Toni & Guy Hair Meet Wardrobe with conditioner and antistatic effect

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

Color maintenance shampoo bleached hair and prevent the appearance of yellowness “Silver highlights” Silver Reflex Shampoo, C:Ehko Men, conditioning restorative hair cream-balm C|8 Nutry Conditioner Cream, Napura and other products for professional skin and hair care at home - in the May MaxiCase

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

New line for shine, protection and softness of hair “Flax and Sweet Almond Milk”, Le Petit Marseillais(shampoo, conditioner and mask) with almond milk, flax extract, monounsaturated fatty acids and vitamins A and E.

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8. The simplest and affordable way to revive the color of light or bleached hair - rinse it after washing with a decoction of chamomile flowers. It is not surprising that many stars like to resort to it, and star hair stylists and colorists every now and then recommend various professional products with chamomile extract.

Those who are unlucky enough to be born blonde can correct this unfortunate mistake of nature and dye their hair. But it must be remembered that blonde hair needs special care. If the hair is exposed to the aggressive effects of coloring, then strengthening and nourishing masks simply necessary. Their task is to restore beauty and strength, prevent fragility and dullness. You can use a wide variety of masks and rinses, but always special ones for blond hair. You can make such masks at home. This process does not require special knowledge and preparation, as well as large financial investments.

Recipe for chamomile rinse: pour two tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers into 1 liter of boiling water and put on low heat, where it boils for five minutes. Afterwards, cool the resulting broth and strain through cheesecloth. After washing your hair, rinse your hair with the resulting decoction. There is no need to wash it off. After several rinses, your hair will not only become manageable and silky, but will also acquire a light gold shade.

Lemon can discolor naturally light hair. But this method cannot be used for dry hair, because lemon tends to dry out the hair. Dissolve the juice of half a lemon in 1 liter of boiled, cold water. After washing your hair, apply the resulting rinse.

If your hair coloring has given you an uneven color, or your hair structure is disturbed, then you need honey mask for light hair. Wash your hair as usual, but add a pinch of salt. Dry your hair a little and apply a little liquid honey. For a warm compress, wrap your head in a plastic cap and a towel on top. Keep the mask on for nine hours. After expiration, wash your hair thoroughly with warm water.

: mask for blonde hair

Mix a tablespoon of henna, boiling water, kefir, then add a couple of cloves of garlic, half a teaspoon of cocoa and a teaspoon of honey. Mix the resulting mass well. Then break 1 egg and mix thoroughly again. Apply the mask to clean hair, hold for 15*20 minutes and rinse with traditional warm water.

To restore your hair to its former shine, apply a mask of chamomile decoction to clean hair. Then immediately put a plastic cap on your head and insulate it with a towel. The mask needs to be applied for 30 minutes. Then wash your hair with shampoo.

If you want even more shine, wash your hair with fresh milk. It is extremely effective and refreshes hair.

You can also use a mask with the following composition for this purpose: mix 200 g of milk with 400 g of chamomile decoction, add 6 drops of apple cider vinegar. Apply the mask to those washed with a special shampoo for blondes and leave for ten minutes. Then rinse off the mask with plenty of warm water.

Well known medicinal properties Luke. Hair is no exception. Masks containing onions not only affect the beauty of the hair, but stimulate its growth and improve the condition of the scalp. Are different onion masks with its speed. Here are a few examples of such masks.

Masks for blondes at home. Mask 1. The most simple mask prepared from 2 tablespoons of onion juice and the same amount castor oil. Mix the ingredients and rub into the scalp and hair. Cover your head with a hat and towel for half an hour. Wash off the mask with warm water and shampoo.

Masks for blondes at home. Mask 2. Mix a teaspoon of dry yeast, castor oil and 2 tablespoons of onion juice. First, dilute the yeast with 2 tablespoons of warm water and leave to brew for 10 minutes. Then pour in the oil and juice. The resulting paste must be rubbed into the scalp for 10 minutes, and then washed off with warm water and shampoo.

Masks for blondes at home. Mask 3. This mask consists of 4 teaspoons of finely chopped onion and 1 teaspoon of honey. Mix the mixture thoroughly and apply to hair. Keep the mask on for half an hour. Rinse off as usual with warm water and shampoo.

The proposed masks not only affect the strength of the hair, but also change its color. For example, chamomile and lemon perfectly lighten non-dark hair. The anti-inflammatory qualities of chamomile and coltsfoot have a beneficial effect on the scalp. Therefore, if the slightest irritation occurs, use natural masks.

The proposed recipes involve familiar and common ingredients. But if you don’t have the entire set at hand, you can make do with what you have. Each component individually will have its effect and a beneficial effect will be achieved. The scalp will be grateful for masks made from kefir, onions or egg yolks. Any vegetable oil will soften and restore hair structure. At the same time, your hair will become smoother and silkier. Lemon juice and vinegar will destroy dandruff and strengthen hair roots.

Unfortunately, masks cannot provide guaranteed result. Struggle for beautiful hair must come from all directions. After all, hair health depends on general condition body. Hair needs nourishment from the inside, through the roots. Hair requires vitamins and minerals from the body. Silicon, calcium, vitamins A, E, B12 are the basis of magnificent hair. Food, which is a source of nutrients, is of great importance. Favorite hair porridge is rolled oats. And of course, you need fresh vegetables and fruits.

On the other hand, hair should be subjected to as little aggression as possible - blow-drying, styling with a curling iron, straightening with an iron. Hair suffers from hairspray, foam and other cosmetics. They don't breathe, which means they die.

If you know which homemade masks for blond hair increase their shine and radiance, strengthen the roots and make them stronger, you can do it yourself, in the most short time restore and make your curls truly beautiful. You need to know which ingredients can be included in such masks and which cannot.

There are many anecdotes and simply interesting stories about blondes, but in any case the fact remains undeniable: they are incomparable. Blonde hair creates the impression of defenselessness, weakness, something very warm and positive. Researchers have found that blondes' hair grows faster and thicker than brunettes', but it is quite thin and often prone to breakage, dryness and split ends. Very often they fade, become faded, and droop in lifeless strands. To prevent this from happening, you need to use homemade masks for blonde hair, which give it natural shine, shine in the sun, emphasize its beauty, and restore it from damage. With the help of special products you can even give them desired shade . For example, or make the curls golden. Anything is possible with these unique and very useful masks

, which faithfully serve for the benefit of the beauty of blondes.

Composition of masks for blonde hair

  • - the most reliable, safe, time-tested means of caring for blond hair: infusions or decoctions of its flowers give the hair a very beautiful delicate golden hue, which glares in the light and creates a feeling of simply fantastic shine. If you are too lazy to make masks or don’t have time, you can simply rinse your blond locks with chamomile decoction after each wash - the result will not be long in coming in this case either.
  • Lemon- the second product after chamomile, which is simply necessary for blondes: its lightening properties can even dark strands make it lighter. If you add its juice to masks, your hair will become very beautiful, it will not get dirty as often, and the greasiness will go away.
  • Banana perfectly nourishes the most tired and dull strands, it must be included in masks for blond hair in the off-season, when there are not enough vitamins.
  • Honey nourishes and strengthens roots, prevents hair loss, makes strands shiny, soft, manageable, restores damage in the form of fragility and split ends.
  • Rhubarb second only to chamomile in its lightening properties: it even dark hair It can make it a little lighter, and it will help blondes acquire a variety of shades, constantly changing the image.
  • Kefir It will only highlight the beauty of blonde hair, improve its condition, remove unwanted yellowness, and accelerate growth.
  • Green tea, if it is natural and properly brewed, can also contribute to the care of blond hair. He will give them beautiful shade, shine, strength and energy. Green tea in the same way as chamomile decoction, you can rinse blond hair after washing it.
  • Glycerol- this viscous, transparent liquid, a representative of polyhydric alcohols, eliminates the straw yellowness of blond hair.
  • Cinnamon often used for home hair lightening: what should blondes do for their curls? cinnamon masks, they will shine, become more elastic, stop falling out, and begin to grow faster. But be careful: these products can give the effect of yellowness and even redness on blond hair.

These products should become the basic components in masks for blonde hair, as they will help blondes enhance their charm.

There is another list of products that can leave unpleasant shades of an incomprehensible color on the hair, ruining all the charm. This is coffee, cocoa, oak bark, black tea, soy sauce, decoction of walnuts. These ingredients are more suitable for brunettes, so blondes should avoid those masks that contain these components. When everything is decided with the set of products, you can begin to study the technology of preparing products for the care of blond hair.

Homemade masks for blonde hair will not cause much trouble, as they are easy to prepare. All ingredients are either ordinary products that can always be bought in any store, or drugs from a pharmacy (glycerin or chamomile, for example). Following the basic principles of preparing such masks will allow you to achieve the desired result and avoid disappointment.

  1. Masks for blonde hair give different tint effects. In order not to be disappointed in it and get exactly what you want, check each composition for separate strand. Only after assessing the test result, treat the entire head with the mask.
  2. Recommended in parallel with single strand testing check masks for allergens for your skin. This will avoid rashes, redness and other unpleasant reactions. To do this, just smear a small amount of the mixture on your wrist. Unpleasant sensations- a signal to wash away this mask once and for all.
  3. Don’t want to spend a lot of time and tediously combing dried cakes and stuck lumps out of your hair after masks? Then mix all the ingredients in a blender.
  4. Many masks for blonde hair do not need to be applied to the roots, especially if they only serve as a tint or lightener. But masks against hair loss or for hair growth must be rubbed into the scalp.
  5. The warming effect for masks is desirable. To do this, after applying them, put on a shower cap or an ordinary food-grade plastic bag. If the mask is for night use, a scarf is tied on top; if it is for day use, a towel is tied.
  6. It is recommended to wash off masks for blonde hair with chamomile decoction or green tea.
  7. After such procedures, it is better not to apply any store-bought products (balms and conditioners) to your hair, but only dry it in a natural way, without using a hair dryer.
  8. The duration of the masks is from 15 minutes (in the presence of cinnamon, cognac, onion, mustard and other ingredients that irritate the scalp) to 8 hours (for example, kefir mask It will be much more effective if you leave it overnight).
  9. Frequency - 1–2 times every 7–10 days. Everything here is very individual.

If the technology for preparing and using masks for blonde hair at home is done correctly, the results will become noticeable immediately.

Do not forget that the same remedy can give different effect, because shades brown hair so many.

To find your recipe, you may have to try more than one miracle mixture.

Find out about a protein mask that will help both oily and dry hair.

Recipes for the best masks for fair-haired beauties

Each mask for fair-haired beauties carries a double charge. Firstly, she carefully cares for blond curls and makes them fantastically beautiful. Secondly, thanks to its composition, it is able to solve whole line problems associated with the scalp, with the internal health of the hair. So, some reliably strengthen weakened roots, thereby preventing strands from falling out. Others, having a beneficial effect on subcutaneous blood circulation, provide good hair growth. Therefore, choosing for your airy curls mask, consider its main purpose.

  • Strengthening

Two mixtures are prepared separately.

Mixture No. 1. Mix 2 drops essential oils rosemary, chamomile and ylang-ylang.

Mixture No. 2. Mix 1 s each. spoon cosmetic oils jojoba, avocado, , are brought to a warm (but not hot) state.

The mixtures are combined and applied to the head for half an hour.

  • For hair growth

Recipe No. 1. Mix a pinch of ground red pepper with 2 s. spoons of cosmetic peach oil, dilute 100 ml of chamomile decoction. Keep on your head for no more than 15 minutes.

Recipe No. 2. Mix 100 ml of warm, liquid honey with 250 ml of hair conditioner and 4 s. spoons of cinnamon powder. With this mask you can walk for up to an hour and a half.

Recipe No. 3. Brew 1 s. a spoonful of colorless henna with the same amount of boiling water. Mix with 1 s. spoon of kefir, add 2 crushed cloves of garlic, 1 teaspoon of fresh honey melted in a water bath. Just before applying, mix a beaten raw egg into the mask. To prevent garlic from harming the scalp, it is better to wash off the mask after 15 minutes.

  • Restorative

Brew 1 s. a spoonful of quality green tea a glass of boiling water. Cool, strain. Mix the resulting tea with 1 teaspoon of herbal balm (any store bought one), add 4-6 drops of lemon essential oil before applying.

At 2 s. spoons regular shampoo add a pinch of baking soda. Wash your hair with this solution and dry your hair with a towel. Heat half a glass of honey in a water bath and apply a thin layer to the strands. Wrap your head in cellophane (polyethylene) film, put on a scarf (not very thick). Go to bed with this one.

2 s. Pour a glass of boiling water over spoons of dried chamomile flowers, leave covered for an hour, strain. You will need to use chamomile paste. Mix it with 100 grams of lanolin, heat it slightly in a water bath, cool, and process the curls. Keep on your head for 20 minutes.

  • For a golden hue

Pour 200 grams of dry chamomile inflorescences with 500 ml of boiling water, leave under the lid for an hour, strain. Every other day, moisten your hair with the resulting infusion and dry it naturally. In just a week, the dullest blond hair will shine with a beautiful golden hue.

  • For shine

If you add 60 grams of glycerin to the mask in the previous recipe before rinsing your hair and leave this mixture on your head for at least an hour, in addition to a golden hue, your hair will shine with a fantastic shine.

  • For straw yellow shade

Grind 30 grams of dry rhubarb root, pour cold water(about 250 ml), put on fire and boil. Stirring, keep on low heat for 20 minutes, cool. Rub the pulp into the roots and moisten the hair generously with the liquid. After an hour, rinse everything with shampoo.

  • For light brown shade

Grind 150 grams of dry rhubarb root, pour in 500 ml of white wine, simmer over low heat until the mixture is reduced by half. It is used in the same way as the previous mask.

  • For split ends

Mix 1 teaspoon of dry herbs: plantain, chamomile. Pour 200 ml of boiling water and leave covered for two hours. Soak 50 grams of rye bread in the resulting infusion, rub into the roots, distribute over the strands for no more than 20 minutes.

  • To enhance shine

Mix 200 ml milk room temperature, 400 ml of chamomile decoction, 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. Moisten your hair generously with this mixture and rinse after 20 minutes.

  • For dry hair

3 s. Mix spoons of banana puree with raw yolk.

  • Against hair loss

3 s. mix banana puree with yolk, 2 tsp. spoons of sour cream. Separately beat 1 s. spoon honey and burdock oil, heat them slightly in a water bath and mix with the first composition. Burr oil here you can equally replace almond, castor, flaxseed, and olive.

  • Brightening

Grind 30 grams of rhubarb root, pour in 500 ml of vinegar, put on low heat for 10 minutes. Add 2 s. spoons of decoctions of chamomile and calendula, juice of two lemons, keep on fire for another 5 minutes. Cool, squeeze in the juice squeezed from two more lemons, add 50 grams of honey, 50 grams of alcohol.

  • Night kefir

Mix 50 ml of kefir with egg, 2 tsp. spoons of cognac, 1 teaspoon of herbal shampoo, 2 tbsp. spoons of fresh lemon juice. Cognac can be replaced with vodka.

There are a lot of recipes for homemade masks for the beauty and health of blonde hair. The main thing is to use them wisely, not to make a mistake with the choice, and not to be disappointed. One of the remedies must definitely become the secret weapon of blondes with which they will defeat everyone on the spot. After all, after it, their hair will exude simply unrealistic shine and such an attractive radiance that no man will be able to resist it.

What homemade masks can be used to make blonde hair shine and shine: tips for blondes

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