What do you need to buy for discharge? We're going home in the summer

For a wedding

Now, as a rule, mother prepares things for discharge from the hospital herself and in advance. It is impossible to deny yourself the pleasure of choosing the very first items of clothing and household items for a newborn. At this time - in the last months before giving birth - the mother already knows (if she wants) the sex of the child, his expected weight, and, of course, the season when the baby will be born. And, if the mother is already on vacation, most of her thoughts are focused on the baby preparing for the birth.

So, if we are expecting a baby in the cold season, things for a newborn to be discharged from the maternity hospital in winter and autumn are:

  • Diapers - regardless of how the baby will be raised later, disposable ones and several are needed for discharge. Buy those that are marked “For Newborns”.
  • Underwear - undershirts or blouses with long sleeves (of course, made of cotton fabric, with seams on the outside) and rompers. You can also wear a bodysuit. Despite the fact that in our time it is considered wrong to swaddle a child, it is quite possible that you will want to simply swaddle the child the old fashioned way for discharge - why not. Then - thin diapers. We prepare extra underwear - kids love to let out a fountain right at the moment of changing clothes. A light cap (cap) is usually put on the head, but the most experienced mothers recommend a scarf.
  • The second layer of clothing can be different - a warm suit (flannel, flannel, velor, wool): a blouse with long sleeves and romper pants, warm socks, a hat and maybe mittens (for scratchy hands). It can also be a warm diaper (flannel or flannelette).
  • The most discussed question is what will happen from above, what the baby will wear to dad and relatives, will be photographed, and taken home. This could be: a jumpsuit with a hood, a special envelope for newborns, or a traditional set: an elegant lace diaper - a corner, a blanket in a duvet cover and a bright bow. You can combine these options - it all depends on the weather and your imagination. If you plan to be discharged from the maternity hospital in the fall or winter, then perhaps both overalls and a warm blanket will come in handy. At the same time, most likely you will go home by car, so think about how it will be convenient and quick to fasten your child to his first

The pack answers many questions that parents have before leaving the hospital: how to dress the baby, how to tie a bow, how to decorate the car, etc.

“Don’t you really know what to dress the baby in?” - Experienced mothers and grandmothers are sincerely perplexed, forgetting that they themselves once asked the same question when leaving the maternity hospital.

What to wear when leaving the maternity hospital in spring and summer?

The first trip outside upon discharge from the maternity hospital is a significant event for mother and baby. The child is cold or overheated - the mood is ruined for both the baby and the mother.

Let’s figure out how to avoid stress associated with a child’s “0+” wardrobe.

So, for dressing a newborn, there is one important rule: a baby needs to be dressed in one layer of clothing more than an adult.

It is this axiom, simple at first glance, that confuses future parents.
To make their already hectic life easier, below are approximate patterns for dressing a newborn baby for the spring season, depending on temperature conditions.

What should you dress your baby in when the temperature is low?

The first and second schemes are for very low temperatures, but spring is also different in different regions.

Envelope for discharge from maternity hospital spring, summer

Modern envelopes are a multifunctional purchase.

Basic forms

  • blanket envelope

  • envelope with handles

  • convertible envelope

Spring envelopes will be included in your baby's demi-season wardrobe. Most manufacturers determine the temperature regime for using demi-season envelopes: from -10⁰С to 10⁰С. This accessory will reliably protect the child from changeable spring weather, wind, rain or dampness.

Summer kits are necessary for babies born between May and September. As a rule, such envelopes are lightweight, made of natural cotton fabric, with a hypoallergenic synthetic padding lining.

Elegant envelopes for discharge from the maternity hospital

These envelopes belong to the category of iconic things that can be passed on from generation to generation.

Silk and satin, lace, rhinestones, removable veils - manufacturers claim that this set is quite suitable for daily walks. Whether it's suitable or not is up to you to decide.

What should I dress my baby in at temperatures from +2° to +8°C?

What should I dress my baby in at temperatures from +8º to +13ºС?

What should I dress my baby in at temperatures from +13º to +17ºС?

The approaching summer puts all the jackets, overalls, booties, warm hats, and fleece blankets into the closets.

Kits for discharge from the maternity hospital in the summer

For summer discharge, it is advisable to prepare

  • cotton hat and socks
  • cotton slip and body
  • light blanket or blanket
  • thin diaper

The most important summer tip: don't overheat your babies!

Overheating is indicated by redness of the skin under the diaper and thirst. Carefully monitor your baby's reactions.

We will discuss the items of a newborn’s summer wardrobe in detail below.

Slip overalls for discharge from the maternity hospital in the summer

Pay attention to a wonderful and absolutely necessary item in a baby’s wardrobe: a jumpsuit. Among mothers and many sellers of children's clothing, such a jumpsuit is known as

  • "little man"
  • "bodysuit with arms and legs"
  • pajamas
  • rompers with sleeves

There are a huge variety of slips, but for children of the age category “0+” it is recommended to buy models that meet the following requirements:

  • 100% cotton jersey (can also be flannelette, fleece or insulated velor)
  • the fabric should be soft and of high quality, then the seams will not bother the baby
  • the slip should come completely unfastened. The most comfortable slips of the “0+” category have buttons located in the front in the middle, running from the neck to the groin, diverging on both sides along the legs

  • most slips have built-in anti-scratch mittens (in some models these mittens look like cuffs)
  • Pay attention to the presence of a sewn trace on the legs. If it is not there, you should worry about socks for the baby. Sewn-in traces are comfortable, since the baby is dressed in completely closed clothes, which will not crumple anywhere or move to the side, exposing the delicate body. Slips without sewn-in traces will last longer, since the panties will easily turn into breeches as they grow, and then into shorts
  • the number of slips for the first month of life is from 5 pieces (1-2 slips should be warm). Choose relatively the same color scheme - this will make washing children's clothes much easier

Note. Name options for slip-on overalls in English-language online stores may be as follows:

  • one pieces
  • footies
  • sleep 'n plays
  • double snaps

Summer is the best time for fashionistas and fashionistas, including young ones:

Suit for discharge from the maternity hospital in summer

The choice of children's clothing is so varied that your long-awaited happiness can leave the maternity hospital in a tailcoat or elegant dress

Kits for discharge from the maternity hospital in the summer

Whatever look you choose for your baby, it’s important to remember: summer weather can bring surprises. For discharge, you need to prepare several sets of clothes: for hot and cool weather. The most correct decision in this case would be to purchase a kit for discharge from the maternity hospital.

Blanket for discharge from the maternity hospital in the summer

An accessory that came to us from pre-Christian times - after all, babies have always required special attention. Since the middle of the twentieth century, the discharge blanket has become an indispensable attribute of the “maternity discharge” tradition. And even now, many mothers prefer this accessory.

For summer, light cotton blankets with a thin synthetic padding layer are suitable. The size of the baby blanket from 0 to 1 year is 110x80 cm.

Summer blankets for babies

  • lungs
  • comfortable
  • “breathe”, i.e. allow air to pass through
  • when folded, they take up little space and fit perfectly in small children's bags
  • reliably protect the baby from the evening or morning coolness, unexpected wind, drafts, air conditioners in supermarkets
  • can absorb a small amount of moisture (in case the child is sweating)

When purchasing a blanket, be sure to check with the seller the composition of the product.

Advice. Don't buy a blanket with a lot of unnecessary details and decorations if you will use it daily (while walking or sleeping at home)

Important. In the first years of a baby’s life, his things should have a clear distinction: household items (clothes, blankets) should not be used outside and vice versa

The video “Do-it-yourself baby blanket” will tell you how to sew a much-needed item with your own hands.

Knitted blanket for discharge from the maternity hospital in the summer

Knitted blankets are a classic that is always relevant. A blanket created by the hands of a mother or grandmother will be the best amulet for a baby. A handmade item carries the energy of the master, and loved ones will wish the little miracle all the best. An accessible master class in the video “Children's Blanket” will teach you how to crochet blankets. Knitting enthusiasts can get inspired by watching the video “How to knit a baby blanket.”

How to tie a beautiful bow for discharge from the maternity hospital in spring and summer?

The discharge bow is a symbol that has many meanings.

  • In pre-Christian times, the string used to tie a baby was supposed to protect him from the “evil” eye
  • With the advent of Christianity, many traditions disappeared, but not the tradition of bandaging a baby. The simple rope was replaced by a bright baptismal belt. It symbolized the baby’s connection with the outside world and family.
  • There was a tradition in the Romanov royal family that determined for many years to come the choice of ribbon color depending on the gender of the newborn.
    At baptism, boys in the royal family were awarded the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called. The award had a blue ribbon; accordingly, the boys were necessarily tied with a blue baptismal sash. The girls were awarded the Order of St. Catherine, which had a red ribbon. How much time has passed since then, and we are still looking for blue and pink ribbons, repeating the traditions of the royal family

You can make an elegant bow for your baby yourself using the photo diagram below

The video “Bow for discharge” will provide a step-by-step master class on creating a royal bow for discharge from the maternity hospital

Car for discharge from the maternity hospital in the summer

Advent agencies offer many ideas for decorating the car that will bring the newborn home.

At your service

  • ready-made sets of thematic stickers

The arrival of a new family member from the maternity hospital is an exciting and touching moment. Parents think about it long before the baby is born. How to properly and beautifully dress a newborn when discharged? How can we ensure that this event remains in the family’s memory for a lifetime? There are many nuances that need to be thought through. Discharge from the hospital in winter seriously complicates the task.

What should I dress my child in so that it is both comfortable and beautiful? must be practical, because a child’s dowry is not very cheap. I would like the discharge kit to be able to be worn later. Things for a newborn in winter should protect him from frost and provide maximum comfort.

Indeed, those mothers who think through what is needed for discharge in advance do the right thing. Among all the variety presented in stores, there are things necessary for the baby. But there are many items of clothing that you can completely do without, while saving money on the family budget.


Today it is not difficult to buy a beautiful kit for discharge from the maternity hospital in winter. But it may happen that mom will only use some items. The rest will remain unclaimed. Therefore, you need to clearly determine what is needed for discharge from the maternity hospital in winter. If you know the list of necessary clothes, you can put together a set yourself.

Small kits for discharge from the hospital in winter are more practical and economically justified than those that include many items. If necessary, you can purchase missing items separately.

The lists of things in ready-made kits are very different from each other. Each manufacturer creates a set at its own discretion.

When choosing clothes for discharge from the maternity hospital in winter, you should consider some rules:

  1. The material from which a set of clothes for a newborn is made must be of high quality and safe. All clothing that comes into contact with the skin of a newborn should be made of natural, soft and pleasant to the touch fabrics.
  2. It is recommended to avoid colors that are too bright because more dye is used to color such fabric. This means that the likelihood of allergies in the baby increases. For the same reason, you shouldn’t buy a kit that has a strong or unpleasant smell.
  3. Things to leave the hospital in winter should not only be comfortable, but also beautiful. Since everyone has their own concept of beauty, when choosing children's clothing, mothers rely on their own taste preferences.
  4. The thickness of winter clothes should be sufficient to protect the baby from the cold.

Today, children's stores offer a variety of kits for newborns for discharge from the maternity hospital in winter. But before you buy anything for your baby, you need to inquire about the availability of documents confirming the quality and safety of the item.


Choosing an envelope for discharge in winter is not easy. Firstly, it is expensive, so I want it to last for some time. Secondly, the envelope for discharge from the maternity hospital will remain on the photo and video shoot, which means it must be elegant. Thirdly, you want this thing to be warm, comfortable and soft at the same time.

What do modern mothers dress their children in when they leave the maternity hospital in winter? Let's look at the most common models. The most elegant of all presented is an envelope-blanket with a lace corner and ribbon. One of the advantages of this option is the festive, elegant look.

The disadvantages include:

  • soiling;
  • short period of use (the baby quickly grows out of it);
  • difficult to care for (ruffles may lose their appearance when washed).

You can dress a newborn in a human envelope, insulated with padding polyester or down.

The advantages of this model include:

  • elegant, but not pompous appearance;
  • It is convenient to dress a child in it;
  • does not get wet, very warm and light;
  • perfect for .

Among the disadvantages, it should be noted a short period of wear and the likelihood of the insulation being knocked down during washing.

The best quality option for dressing a newborn for discharge in winter is a sheepskin envelope. Such envelopes are very durable, do not lose their appearance, and do not get wet. Even if the baby grows up, it can be used as a cover for the legs or a bedding for the stroller.

Among the disadvantages of a sheepskin envelope, the high cost and not very solemn appearance stand out. This is more of a comfortable, very practical and high-quality item than an elegant one.

As a type of clothing that you can dress your child in for discharge in winter, it is worth noting the transformable cover. The insulation can be different materials (down, padding polyester, sheepskin). The main advantage of such models is their versatility. Using zippers from an envelope you can easily get a jumpsuit with legs and arms. Therefore, its service life is much longer than that of other models.


What clothes should you buy for your baby when he leaves the hospital in winter?

If you make a minimal list of things, then this:

  • underwear (familiar, conservative vest and rompers or a modern slip);
  • cap;
  • socks or booties.

These things should be made of soft fabric. When choosing a style, you should avoid models with tight elastic bands on the waist, so as not to rub the unhealed umbilical wound. You can’t buy things that you have to put on over your head. This is very inconvenient and unsafe in the first days of a baby's life. New clothes that the baby will be discharged in, like other things for the newborn, need to be washed and ironed.

The list of things for discharge from the maternity hospital in winter is supplemented by a warm suit, which is worn over underwear. It can be made of thick knitwear, velor, fleece or wool.


Many parents prefer a blanket instead of an envelope when leaving the maternity hospital in winter. When choosing this item, you need to carefully study the filler, because the comfort and health of the baby depends on its quality.

A winter discharge from the maternity hospital suggests cotton wool, down, wool, padding polyester, and polyester as a blanket filler. Each option has its own positive and negative qualities. For example, cotton wool is very warm, but heavy. Down is light and warm, but difficult to wash and can cause irritation. Synthetic fillings are easy to wash, they are warm and light, but not all are breathable.

Duvet cover

If preference is given to a blanket rather than an envelope, then you want it to be elegant. But a fancy blanket is impractical. Therefore, you need to buy a beautiful duvet cover. It will transform even the simplest blanket. The duvet cover can be made from natural fabrics (they are preferable) and synthetic ones.


A winter discharge from the maternity hospital requires two hats - a thin one (bottom) and a warm one, worn on top. The bottom cap should be made of soft natural fabric in the shape of a cap. The warm hat model requires strings so that it fits snugly to the head.


If the baby is discharged in a blanket, then you will need a beautiful bow. Traditionally, in our country, a blue or light blue ribbon is used for boys, and pink or red for girls. But you can deviate from this tradition by expanding the color range.

The bow can be tied using different technologies; it can be made in advance. Today there are many master classes that make it easy to make not just an ordinary bow, but a whole work of art that will decorate even the most modest envelope or blanket.

Additional things

Discharge items for newborns in winter include socks or booties. Parents often forget about this small wardrobe detail. Nevertheless, in winter they will keep the baby’s feet warm.

Color and quantity of necessary items

When considering what to wear for your baby when leaving the hospital, you should note the color of the things. Traditionally, boys are dressed exclusively in blue, and girls in pink. Today there is such a wide range of things in a variety of colors that it is not at all difficult to choose something that matches the color, deviating from generally accepted stereotypes. It is better to give preference to calm colors.

An approximate set of things that the baby will need upon discharge:

  • diaper - several pieces;
  • knitted bodysuit - 1;
  • warm suit - 1;
  • socks or booties - 1;
  • knitted cap - 1;
  • warm hat - 1;
  • envelope or blanket with duvet cover and bow - 1;
  • baby cream for tender cheeks - 1.

What to do before your trip

Before leaving the hospital, you must feed the baby. Most newborns do not maintain the recommended feeding interval at all. Therefore, it does not matter whether it is time for the next meal. If the baby is discharged, it means it’s time to eat. Then the likelihood that the discharge will be calm and measured increases significantly.

Machine for discharge from the maternity hospital in winter

When checking out in winter, the car should not only be clean and ventilated, but also warmed up to a comfortable temperature. A mother can carry her baby in her arms, but this does not guarantee the safety of the treasure. Therefore, a car seat would be preferable. It will be even more useful in the future if you have your own car.

What documents are given upon discharge?

Upon discharge, the mother is given:

  • for the registry office - birth certificate;
  • for a pediatrician - a statement about the baby’s health condition;
  • for the antenatal clinic - an exchange card and a description of the birth.

How to beautifully issue an extract in winter

In order for the discharge to go smoothly, you need to take care in advance not only of what the baby will go home in.

There are three additional questions to consider:

  1. Photoshoot.
  2. Video shooting.
  3. Outfit for mom. There are often situations when everyone forgets about mom. Therefore, it will be better if she herself collects elegant things for herself before giving birth and packs them in a separate bag.

Discharge from the maternity hospital in winter creates certain nuances in choosing clothes for a newborn. Today it is easy to choose a set of things from suitable materials or buy a ready-made set for every taste and financial capabilities of parents.

Useful video about clothes for discharge


In the old days, upon discharge, it was customary to wrap a newborn in an openwork blanket, which was carefully passed down from generation to generation. But modern mothers must solve a completely different problem - how to dress the baby so that beautiful photographs remain for life, and the child is warm and comfortable.

The choice of children's clothing on the modern market is so large that it is quite easy for an inexperienced mother to get confused in all this variety. The main task is to dress beautifully, but do not forget about comfort. The baby should not be hot or cold. It is important for babies to maintain temperature balance.

Therefore, for your first outing, it is better to choose the “three in one” option - comfortable, seasonally appropriate and beautiful clothes.


Firstly, it should be recalled that winters are different. In some places they are accompanied by severe frosts, while in other areas the temperature rarely drops below 10 degrees. Accordingly, the mother should use logic and not be overzealous with “wrapping the baby in furs” where it can be done without it.

The second important point is adherence to the principle of multi-layering. Typically three layers are used:

Underwear is a disposable diaper of a suitable brand, a thin cotton hat and a vest. The latter can be successfully replaced with a modern body model. It is not recommended to use sliders - the elastic band can damage the navel that has not yet healed! Instead, the legs are wrapped in a thin diaper made of natural fabric (this item of clothing covers the baby’s body to chest level). First you need to put on your socks. The process of swaddling is quite complicated for an inexperienced mother - the diaper on looks beautiful only if you have some experience. Fortunately, upon discharge, an experienced nurse helps dress the baby.

Basic clothing is selected taking into account the climatic conditions of a particular region. For a cold winter, this is a flannel diaper and a long-sleeved vest, sewn from the same material. If the bottom diaper was not swaddled, you can use a knitted overalls. For a cold winter, choose a warm jacket (fleece, thick knit) and a blanket - it should be thinner than the top layer.

Outerwear is formed from a classic set - an insulated envelope and a warm hat. At the request of the mother, the set can be supplemented with cute ribbons. Another option is to use warm overalls. But it should be borne in mind that in this case it will not be possible to wrap the child in diapers. And the overalls themselves are a little colder than the envelope - each leg lies separately, and this is not as comfortable as in an envelope.

Winter discharge is always more difficult than spring, autumn or summer. The baby needs to put on a bunch of clothes! And mom can’t go wrong with the quality of materials and insulation - only natural fabrics are chosen, especially for underwear, and the insulation must be fully consistent with the weather.


The autumn statement is also entirely focused on weather conditions. At the beginning of autumn, the role of outerwear can be played by a “corner” - a special elegant diaper. Deep autumn requires purchasing a demi-season envelope. If there is the first frost, it is better to use a well-insulated envelope.

The first layer of clothing for the baby will be: a disposable diaper, a cotton vest or bodysuit, socks and a thin hat. The baby's feet freeze quickly. Therefore, socks are selected based on the temperature reading on the street thermometer. In fairly warm weather, these are thin cotton, and in cold weather, mohair-based socks.

Basic clothing is a jumpsuit made of cotton or thick knitwear. This item of clothing allows you to quickly change a diaper without undressing your baby completely. Very convenient and impressive in appearance! For windy and cold weather, a fleece option (fleece or flannel) is suitable.

For outerwear, choose a “corner” or a demi-season envelope. The head is protected with a knitted cap.

That is, regardless of the season, the baby should wear two or three layers of clothing. Experienced mothers know that it is worth focusing on themselves. If it’s comfortable to wear a dress and a jacket, then the baby should have three layers. And if a dress or T-shirt with jeans is enough for the mother, the child dresses in two layers.

As for the models and the high cost of various parts of a children's wardrobe, it all depends on the financial capabilities and preferences of the parents. But it is important not to forget that comfort comes first, and compliance, for example, of an envelope with the latest fashion trends comes last.

The child will be happy that he is surrounded by loving people - parents, relatives. By and large, it doesn’t matter to him how much it costs or what the clothes look like for the first appearance. Therefore, it is important for parents not to lose their minds. Although, of course, in the modern world, mothers can buy anything for their child - there are no restrictions.

Not every young mother can hope that the young father or relatives will purchase everything necessary for discharge from the maternity hospital. To avoid unpleasant surprises and disappointments, it is better to take care of what you will need for discharge in advance.

As practice shows, it is more convenient to pack two bags. One bag is with those things that will be needed directly in the maternity hospital, and the second is with things for discharge. These bags should be signed and the person (or those) who will transfer these bags to you should be made aware of their existence.

What will you need in the maternity hospital?

If you have entered into a contract with a doctor who will deliver you, then you should ask him what you need to take for yourself and the child. If not, here we will provide an approximate list of things that may be needed in the maternity hospital. It should be remembered that some maternity hospitals have restrictions and prohibit the use of certain personal items. Therefore, you need to be prepared for the fact that some things will have to be returned home. But at the same time, you shouldn’t worry if you forget to put something in, you won’t be in captivity and your relatives can always bring the missing things.

The most important thing you need when entering a maternity hospital is documents. It is recommended to always carry them with you, starting from 7-8 months of pregnancy.

Required documents

  • Passport, photocopy of passport;
  • Health insurance policy, its photocopy;
  • Exchange card;
  • Birth certificate;
  • An agreement with the maternity hospital or with a personal doctor (if there is one), telephone number of the doctor (with whom you plan to give birth);
  • Referral to the maternity hospital.

If possible, it is better to ask in advance whether it is possible to take a bag with you upon admission. Since in some maternity hospitals, women in labor with contractions are admitted only with documents, and the only thing they are allowed to take with them is a phone.

In cases where the expectant mother goes to the maternity hospital early, all the necessary things can be taken at once.

Things you will need in the maternity hospital

Personal care products- toothpaste, shampoo, toilet paper, towel, comb, wet wipes and more (based on your personal needs);

Slippers- better new and rubber ones;

Comfortable clothes- Convenience should especially concern feeding the baby. This could be special nursing underwear, a T-shirt, a nightgown, or a robe. In the cold season, you may need socks, tights, a warm blouse;

Dishes- plate, fork, spoon, glass;

Towels- one medium size, one small;

A bottle of still drinking water will not be superfluous

Postpartum bandage;

Sanitary napkin- choose the largest ones with a high degree of absorption;

Nipple cream - to prevent the formation of cracks and irritation on the breast during the first feedings;

Breast pads- useful thing. In the first days, and for some even months, milk flows heavily from the breast, to protect clothes from leaking, it is very convenient to use these pads. Some are reusable and some are disposable. For the maternity hospital, disposable ones are better;

A notepad and pen - if you suddenly need to write down the doctor’s recommendations or something else;

A boiler or a small electric kettle (if allowed, of course);

Mobile phone with charger.

For a child

Diapers and vests for babies are usually provided at the maternity hospital, as they must be sterile. But some maternity hospitals allow you to take things for the baby. Most often this is:

  • Disposable diapers;
  • Cotton socks and hats (bonnets);
  • Your baby will also need:
  • Wet wipes (for children);
  • Baby soap;
  • Baby cream, powder - doctors recommend purchasing the simplest ones, since they have the least allergic reactions.

Discharge from the maternity hospital is a long-awaited and exciting moment and, if possible, it is also better to prepare for it in advance.

Most often, if the baby and mother are healthy, they are discharged from the maternity hospital 3-4 days after natural birth, and 7-8 days after cesarean section.

Let's start with the documents:

Before discharge, you must be given a certificate of birth of the child; exchange card for the child and for you; an extract (conclusion) about the child’s health status, how the postpartum period proceeded, and doctor’s recommendations.

Based on the birth certificate, you will subsequently receive a birth certificate for the child.

On the day of discharge you will need:

Clothes for you - it is better to prepare for discharge those things that YOU wore during pregnancy. If this is a cold season, be sure to remind the young dad to take warm clothes and shoes for you.

Baby clothes. Children's clothing should be washed and ironed first. Clothes for a newborn should be selected based on the time of year. Don't forget your diaper to avoid any surprises along the way.

Decorative cosmetics - to look good in photographs;

Camera, video camera (if you have one) - check if the batteries are working;

If you are driving a personal car, then you will need a special child seat (0+) for your baby.

If you have not yet managed to purchase one, you can call a taxi with a child car seat (check with the operator about its availability).

What you need at home

  • Baby cot with mattress, bumpers;
  • Chest of drawers with changing table;
  • Stroller;
  • Night light;
  • Bath for bathing;
  • Bed dress;
  • Clothes and diapers for the baby;
  • Oilcloth for the bed;
  • Fleece blanket, wool;
  • Diapers, disposable diapers;
  • Baby care and hygiene products.

And of course, the most important thing for the baby is your love and care!

Other information on the topic

  • Mom's diet or nutrition of a woman during breastfeeding

  • Sling for a newborn. What is it for?

  • The basics of caring for a baby: what you need to know?