How to properly apply moisturizer on your face. How to apply day cream on face


The result of using cosmetics depends not only on the price, composition and quality of the purchased cosmetics, but also on how to apply the cream on the face.

Anyone who wants to prolong the youthfulness of the skin, while maintaining its freshness and attractiveness, must follow the rules for applying the cream to the face, know the directions of the massage lines, take into account the individual characteristics of the epidermis and the properties of the cosmetic product used.

Depending on the purpose, the cream can be moisturizing, nourishing, day, night, whitening. It can also be anti-aging, that is, get rid of wrinkles, or.

Each of these types of cosmetics has its own characteristics and must be taken into account during application. We will figure out how to properly apply this or that cream on the face.


The main task of such creams is to actively moisturize the dermis and protect it from ultraviolet radiation. They contain antioxidants - vitamins that prevent the harmful effects of free radicals that accelerate skin aging. Day creams also include moisturizing, tonal and mattifying creams.

Applying a day cream on the face is best done in the morning after taking a shower and about half an hour before creating a make-up. The remains of the product that do not have time to be absorbed are removed with a dry cloth.


Such a cream is a rich source of nutrients for the skin, which help maintain its elasticity and good turgor - smoothness and elasticity. Manufacturers can saturate night creams with various therapeutic supplements - plant extracts, vitamins, collagen or enzymes. This type of cosmetics also includes anti-aging, or anti-aging, creams.

It is correct to apply any night cream only after a thorough make-up removal, an hour or two before bedtime. Going to bed, you need to make sure that the product is completely absorbed, and remove the excess with a cotton pad.


A daily essential for all skin types, not just dry ones. Active hydration is also required for oily dermis. If in the first case the face is completely covered, then in the second - only areas with hyper-exfoliation, where dead cells are abundantly separated.

The moisturizer is designed for daytime use, but can also be used in the evening. Such a cream is not recommended to be applied in extreme heat or frosty weather.


This type of cream is categorically not used for hyperactive sebaceous glands that constantly produce sebum. Women with this type of dermis can cause a violation of cellular respiration, as well as stimulate the already powerful work of the subcutaneous glands.

For owners of mixed or combined skin types, cosmetologists advise applying a fat cream on the face only on the cheeks or in the décolleté area.


Use the remedy only in the presence of hyperpigmentation - freckles, spots, age-related melasma. How to apply such a cream? The most colored areas of the skin are covered with a dense layer, and after 10–15 minutes, excess cream is removed with a napkin.

This tool is used in the evening, so that after the procedure it was not necessary to go out into the sun. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting a photoburn of the skin.


The cream is not used frequently, once or twice a week is enough after a facial steam bath or deep peeling. Cosmetologists advise applying a cleansing cream to the face only on problem areas.

In the presence of a large number of comedones - black dots - the cream is applied in a thin layer along the massage lines or exclusively on the T-zone.


Facial skin needs to be looked after always, constantly, at any age. Aesthetic goals and types of cosmetics may change, but you need to take care of your skin daily.

Facials "on the great holidays" lead to early aging and additional efforts to try to restore what was lost. Daily facials, cleansing the skin and applying cream should become a habit, they are simple and do not require large investments.

Application technique

In order to prevent hyperextension of the epidermis as a result of active treatment of the face with cream, cosmetologists advise applying it along special lines that coincide with the direction of the lymph flow. On these vectors, the skin does not experience stretching. These lines are called massage:

  • Forehead . Vectors in the forehead originate at the bridge of the nose - at a point between the eyebrows and arcuately directed to the hairline, repeating the shape of the eyebrows.
  • Around eyes . In this tender, delicate area, the cream should be applied along an arcuate line that repeats the orbital bone around the eye. Along the upper movable eyelid, the line runs from the inner corner of the eye, heading towards the outer. On the lower eyelid, the movement goes from the outer corner to the inner and ends near the nose.
  • Nose and cheeks . The initial vector comes from the bridge of the nose and moves towards the tip of the nose. Then the massage lines smoothly slide from the wings of the nose, describe arcs on the cheekbones and cheeks, heading towards the temples and auricles.
  • Above the lip and at the bottom of the cheeks . The vector originates in the center of the dimple above the lip and ends at the earlobe on each side.
  • Chin . The massage line slides from the center of the chin along the lower part of the cheek area and ends at the tragus of the ears.
  • Neck and décolleté . Apply the cream on the neck according to all the rules, starting from the chest and rising to the chin. Then gently slide along the side lines of the neck, smoothly moving to the shoulders, rushing to the collarbones.

Step-by-step instruction

How to apply the cream on the face? The technique of manipulation consists of 10 stages:

  1. Perform a thorough make-up remover and wash your hands.
  2. Squeeze a pea of ​​the cream from the tube or draw the product from the jar with a sterile spatula. Never try to take the cream from the container with your hands, as bacteria from hands, even relatively clean ones, get into the humid environment of the cosmetic product, multiplying in it and causing future skin problems. You can warm up in your hands only a drop of cream, which you will use immediately.
  3. Apply a dot of cream to the bridge of the nose and spread the product in an upward arc, spreading it to the hairline. In this case, you can not stretch the epidermis.
  4. The next pea of ​​cream is intended for the upper point of the nose, which must be carefully lowered to the tip, having worked out the wings of the nose and the cheekbones along the massage lines.
  5. If the area above the lip is occupied by unwanted vegetation, then you need to start from the middle of the nasolabial folds. How to apply the cream on the face in the case when the "antennae" are absent? Then you should start from the central point above the upper lip, in the fossa. With any of the two options, we continue to slide along the massage vectors.
  6. Gently massage your chin from above and then pat it from below.
  7. Continue to apply the cream and work the contour of the lower part of the face, finishing at the earlobe on each side.
  8. Work the décolleté and neck from the bottom up, starting from the chest and heading towards the chin. Next, go down to the collarbones along the line of the lateral sections of the neck.
  9. Apply a special eye cream to the eyelid area, with the patting movements of the ring fingers, walk along the orbital bone from the inner corners of the eyes along the upper mobile eyelid to the outer corners, and then return to the bridge of the nose along the lower eyelid from the outer corners of the eye to the inner ones.
  10. After 10-15 minutes, blot the treated areas with a paper towel to remove excess cream.

Common myths

The scheme of how to properly apply the cream on the face can become ineffective if you follow the misconceptions:

  • There should be a lot of cream . Such a myth harms not only your budget, but also your skin. The amount of any agent should be optimal, how much the dermis can absorb. The remaining excess must be removed, as they interfere with cellular respiration and disrupt metabolism, which will further lead to early aging.
  • Movements must be clear and confident . Beauticians advise: do not strain your hands, you need to relax your hands and work only with your fingertips, moving smoothly along the massage guides. It is unacceptable to rub and stretch the skin, as this provokes the formation of new wrinkles.
  • It is better to use the same cream . The truth is that some cosmetic formulations have a cumulative effect. For example, a night face cream, anti-wrinkle product, or anti-aging product is most effective by the end of the second week of regular use. But over time, the epidermis gets used to any care, so it becomes necessary to change the cream. You can do it seasonally, changing summer and winter cosmetics.
  • An effective cream should “pinch” . This misconception can only be true for products with irritating components - anti-cellulite, fruit acids and others. If this action has a regular cream, then there is a high risk of the occurrence and development of an allergic reaction, which will only increase, causing itching and turning into swelling.

The described techniques on how to apply this or that cream on the face are basic. They are applicable for day and night cosmetics, moisturizing and nourishing creams. Having mastered the practice of applying cream on the face, any woman will be able to slow down the inexorable passage of time and ensure youth and beauty to her skin.

From how much we will how to apply face cream, depends largely on the effect of the cream. Before applying the cream, you need to prepare your face. How? First you need to clean it from urban dust and dirt and make-up, then wash with warm water. Do not wipe the skin dry after washing, it is enough to blot it with a towel, because the effect of the cream is more effective on wet skin. It is worth remembering that clean skin is a guarantee that the cream will be absorbed into it no faster, which means that the effect of it is more noticeable.

Many people wonder how long the cream should be kept on the face and whether it should be rubbed in.

Day cream, which is easily absorbed, does not need to be washed off. But applying a night cream requires a more careful approach.

What cream to use after peeling or mask? If a combination of cream and mask is planned, then first the mask is applied to the skin of the face, and only then the cream. In this case, the cream should be light and with a high level of moisture. The same goes for scrub and peeling. Remember, the cream is applied to cleansed skin after scrub or peeling. Thus, the cream will give the skin more nutrients and at the same time soothe the skin. Very effective post-peel foundation protective cream from Christina.

The classic dose of the cream is a pea - this volume should be enough to apply on the face and neck. The application of the cream requires care, especially in terms of the amount of cream. The cream is designed to help the skin, which means that you need to ensure that it was not too much and not too little.

The cream applied to the face should have a temperature corresponding to the body, so the cream should not be applied immediately, but for two or three minutes, gently rubbing it with your fingers and massaging the skin.

Apply cream correctly- a whole art. So, you can not strongly rub the cream into the skin, you can not press too hard on the skin and rub it. The skin on the face and neck is very thin, delicate and sensitive, so the movements should be light and smooth. The area around the eyes and eyelids requires special attention - in no case should the skin be stretched in these areas.

When applying the cream, remember that you are not only moisturizing and nourishing the skin, but also activating blood circulation so that the nutrition of the skin cells becomes better, which means that its overall appearance improves. Well, for a greater effect, it is important to choose the right cream itself, otherwise all efforts to improve the color and healthy appearance of the face will be in vain.

And the last rule. Even if the cream is ideal for your skin in all respects, it still needs to be changed periodically, because the skin needs a break of at least two or three days so that the natural metabolic process is not disturbed.

How to apply night cream? The night cream is different in texture from the day cream, it is thicker and denser. Therefore, you need to be able to properly apply a night cream. Having a dense consistency, the night cream will prevent the skin from breathing, so it is advisable to apply it one and a half to two hours before bedtime. During this time, the skin will take away the useful elements it needs from the cream, and the cream can be washed off before going to bed. The same should be done with a nourishing cream.

How to apply the cream around the eyes?

Eye cream Apply with light patting movements from the outer corner of the eye to the inner. In no case should you rub the eye cream into the skin, as early wrinkles may appear on the skin. You do not need to apply a lot of cream around the eyes, one small pea will be enough. If after application the cream is not completely absorbed, remove it with soft wipes.

A woman who wants to look young and well-groomed needs to know how to properly apply cream on her face during daily care. Leading cosmetologists recommend using cosmetics from the age of 22-25, until this age, micellar water and tonic are enough for the youthful dermis. It would seem that what is easier is to apply a product suitable for the type of skin and wait for the results promised by the manufacturer. However, not all so simple. In order for a cosmetic product to bring as much benefit as possible, it must be distributed along special lines. Moreover, for each part, the direction of the lines should be individual. It sounds like outlandish wisdom, but in fact everything is quite simple - you just need to remember a simple sequence of movements.

The popular Russian cosmetologist Olga Fem says: “In my practice, I often meet with the incorrect use of cosmetics by clients. In the process of leaving, they make serious mistakes, while believing that they correctly follow all the recommendations. The result of such actions is usually dull and tired skin, as well as the appearance of wrinkles. The reason for these consequences is ignorance of the needs of the dermis and the lack of thoughtful care. Nevertheless, according to the expert, it is not difficult to organize proper care, it is enough just to follow some basic tips.

Step by step instructions for daily application of the product:

  1. The face must be cleansed before applying the cream. Micellar water or milk (cream) are suitable for cleansing. Rinse off with warm water to help remove makeup and sebum.
  2. After washing, you need to carefully blot with a towel (do not rub!) And apply a tonic. The latter is best distributed on a moist dermis.
  3. Take the right amount of money. It is very important to know how much cream to apply. It needs just enough to cover the surface and not create a thick surface layer.

Advice. It is not recommended to take the product from the jar with your fingers - moisture may remain on their pads, and there are also microorganisms that begin to multiply in a creamy environment. As a result, this leads to damage to the product and the appearance of allergies.

  1. Distribute the composition along the massage lines.
  2. After a while, remove the excess with a napkin.

How to apply face cream? An indispensable condition - the movements should be soft and smooth. It is permissible to carry out light pats - they minimize stretching.

To obtain the maximum cosmetic effect, there is a special scheme for applying the cream on the neck and face. In each zone there are certain subtleties of application. There are 5 main zones - chin, cheeks, nose, forehead and the area around the eyes.


The line of the mouth is closely connected with the area of ​​the lower part of the chin. The manifestation or absence of a second chin largely depends on attention to this area. A sufficient amount of cream is applied to the center of the chin, after which it is gently smoothed towards the ears. After this, the movements are carried out from the chin to the forehead, ending at the base of the nostrils. The dermis should not be pulled too tight.


It is the cheeks that are responsible for the manifestation of nasolabial creases. Sagging cheeks form cheeks and folds near the lips, which greatly ages. Such manifestations can be avoided by correctly applying the cream along the massage lines of the face.

The product in the cheek area is distributed with massage movements from the nose to the temples.

Advice. In parallel with the application of the product, you can perform a cheek massage. The thumbs are fixed in the corners of the mouth. With the pads of the remaining three fingers, slightly press on the center of the nose. Next, make light strokes along the line of the cheekbones to the temples. These manipulations will improve blood circulation in the cheek area, prevent sagging skin.


The nose area also requires care, although it is generally believed that it is less prone to wrinkles. Yet this area is also responsible for the appearance of nasolabial folds and vertical creases in the bridge of the nose.

How to apply face cream on the nose area? Movement should be carried out from the wings of the nose to the bridge of the nose. It is permissible to make a light massage of this area. Alternately, with your hands, you need to stroke the bridge of the nose from the bottom up with any two fingers (5-8 times with each hand).

Eye area

The area around the eyes is considered one of the most delicate, thin areas. That is why this area requires close attention, accuracy.

Attention! When caring for the area around the eyes, it is recommended to use products designed specifically for this area.

How to apply cream on the face along the massage lines of the eyes? The first movement is carried out from the outer corner of the eye to the bridge of the nose. Next - to the upper eyelid and back to the outer corner. These circular motions minimize stretching of the skin and also help smooth out fine lines under the eyes.

Advice. The amount of product applied to the area around the eyes should be small - just a small drop of the product is enough. Excessive application of the composition can provoke the appearance of edema, swelling of the eyelids.

The product is distributed with light movements, after which weak tapping can be carried out for better absorption. When small wrinkles have already formed under the eyes, tapping to massage the skin takes a little longer.

Important! Do not stretch or rub the dermis around the eyes to prevent damage to the sensitive dermis.


The forehead area is less prone to wrinkles than, for example, around the eyes. However, forehead wrinkles, as well as a vertical crease between the eyebrows, add a few extra years to you at once. To prevent this, you need to know how to apply face cream.

Apply to the forehead area with smooth horizontal slides from the center to the temples, as well as up to the beginning of hair growth. Do not press too hard on the skin, pat, and rub the composition too intensively.

After the woman has smeared the cream on her forehead, you can perform a delicate massage of the zone, but only if the product has not had time to be completely absorbed.

Applying the cream on the face along the massage lines allows the least stretching of the epidermis, which prevents the formation of wrinkles. Also, massage lines duplicate the movement of the lymph flow, so the correct application of the cream on the face allows for a light lymphatic drainage massage.

The technique of applying cream along massage lines allows you to achieve the following results:

  • Toning the forehead muscles, preventing the formation of wrinkles.
  • Reducing the appearance of nasolabial folds.
  • Fresh, clear look, no visual effect of tired eyes.
  • The area around the eyes does not sag, which means that "crow's feet" do not form longer.
  • Removal of fatigue of the neck, décolleté, chest.

Important! The positive effect of the use of a cosmetic product will be noticeable if all the application rules are followed with accuracy.

How to properly apply face cream in the sequence of daily basic skin care procedures? Indeed, in addition to regularity in care, the order is important - the stages must follow one after another.

How to take care of your face step by step:

  1. Cleansing. It is considered a prerequisite, it is unacceptable to apply funds to contaminated skin during the day.
  2. Toning. Removes residues of cleansers and prepares it for application.
  3. The choice of composition by type. You need to apply a moisturizer for the face at the moment when all the preliminary procedures are completed. In other words, you need to apply a cream as a completion of dermis care.

Daily application should be approached with the utmost care. Incorrect, ill-conceived distribution of the composition will not only not bring the desired positive effect, moreover, it can lead to stretching and the formation of wrinkles. The best way to apply is the distribution of the caring agent in the direction of the massage lines. Remembering the order of movements is not difficult at all, and as a result of this approach, the dermis will always look fresh and rested.

Since ancient times, girls and women have understood that the most important advantage can be safely considered our sweet and pretty face.

Therefore, they began to take care of him as they imagined, and many beauty secrets came to us precisely from the depths of centuries, from our great-great-grandmothers, who used exclusively natural remedies for care.

Face creams for industrial production appeared relatively recently, some hundred years ago a pharmacist simply mixed the ingredients in a mortar, and then spread them out with a spoon over pot-bellied, pretty bubbles, doing everything manually, clearly and accurately measuring the ingredients on simple pharmaceutical scales.

Since then, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge, and the production of cosmetic products has already reached a completely new level, now creams are produced in huge quantities, and the abundance of original manufacturers, as well as the most innovative recipes, makes choosing a cream a completely difficult task.

Nevertheless, despite such a breakthrough in cosmetology, both as a science and as a business, for many women and girls on the planet, much has remained unchanged, for example, that beauty must be cherished and protected, youth must be taken care of, and attractiveness is created by our own hands.

However, in order to always look good, in order for the skin to always shine with youth and sparkle with health, you need not only learn how to choose your own face cream, for example, night, day, nourishing, or moisturizing.

This is really not enough, because the world did not converge at all on the choice, you also need to know exactly how to apply the cream on your face so that it starts working “for you”. It would seem that it could be easier - somehow smeared cream, and that's it, the main thing is to be thicker and fatter.

Many people think so, but this approach to business is not at all correct, and this way you can only harm your own epidermis, and at the same time add additional problems to yourself. Among other things, by applying the cream incorrectly for quite a long time, even if the cream itself is good enough, you can artificially add a couple of new, fresh wrinkles to yourself, which were previously only outlined, for example, in the area of ​​nasolabial folds or under the eyes.

Cream application. Start over

If you have already thought about how to apply a cream on your face, this is a great sign, it is always useful to think, it means that you absolutely care about how you look today and how you will look years later. The correct application of the cream on the face plays a huge role, and this, in no case, should not be forgotten.

Therefore, we have collected for you some practical tips on how to apply cream on your face from the country's leading cosmetologists, who certainly know what to do, how and when.

  1. The first, basic rule when applying any cosmetic product to your own face, which must always be followed, unconditionally, and under absolutely any circumstances, whether it is a global flood or a comet falling directly on the lawn near the house - the face must be clean! First of all, you need to clean your face, for example, after washing your face, and only then apply the cream to the skin.
  2. If washing with water, especially from the tap, is not suitable for you, in this case you can use a variety of cosmetics. Milk, foam or tonic, good thing, the choice today is simply incredibly wide. Start applying the cream only after the cleansing procedure.
  3. If you are going to apply cream on your face, it is better not to wipe it dry with a towel. First, try to wash your face with warm water, and then just pat it lightly. With this treatment, the pores of the dermis will open, and the cream will be better absorbed deep into the epidermis, and, therefore, it will work much better, that is, the effect produced by the cream will increase significantly.
  4. Pay attention to how to apply the cream on the face, depending on what kind of cream we are talking about and how long it should be left there, as well as whether it should be wiped off or removed with a napkin. In fact, there is practically nothing complicated. If you are going to apply a daytime light moisturizer, then, in theory, it should be absorbed without residue and after a few minutes, no excess on the skin can be found at all, because of this, we are simply not talking about erasing such a cream. If your day cream is noticeable on the skin, after fifteen minutes, you can lightly blot it with a napkin. Even more so if it interferes with normal daytime makeup.
  5. A heavy, nourishing night cream usually has a more oily and oily texture, so it can often remain on the surface of the epidermis, even several hours after application, if a thick enough layer has been applied. Which, however, is also better to avoid, both for the sake of banal savings, and in order to rid yourself of the beautiful, from the risk of clogging your own pores, with an excessively oily or viscous cream.
  6. Night cream is best applied a couple of hours before going to bed, and there are several reasons for this. The first, of course, is that you yourself must control the processes on your face, the second is that the cream should not be “wiped” on the pillow at all, and the third, leaving the oily cream overnight, you risk aggravating any existing skin problem . Therefore, apply the cream, wait an hour and a half, in extreme cases, two, and remove the excess cream with a cosmetic tissue, perhaps slightly moistened with water. To do this, you can also use sprays for the body and face, as well as simply thermal water.
  7. In addition, many women are concerned about the question of how to apply the cream on the face, before or after the procedure for applying a mask, or doing peeling at home. There is no difficulty here either. There is a simple law - first masks, peels, and so on, and only then, at the end of everything, a cream, nourishing, moisturizing or soothing, whichever you prefer, according to functions and skin type.
  8. Good advice, if there are areas on your pretty little face where unwanted hairs grow, for example, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe antennae, then it is better not to apply nourishing creams to these places. This can activate growth and strengthen the hairline, and no one needs it.

There is one more good advice, for a snack. No matter how great your cream may seem to you, no matter how great it would work on your epidermis, it doesn’t matter, you need to change it over time, choosing other means for yourself. In extreme cases, if changing the cream is completely undesirable, then you can simply let the dermis rest for a day or two, this should be enough.

How to apply cream on the face, a practical guide to action

So, you have already studied all the basic rules, you have purchased the necessary cream, it remains only to directly apply it to the surface of the epidermis and wait for the result.

Correct application is not at all difficult, and if you apply only a desire, then you can learn this simple matter in one, two times, already on the third, without making any mistakes.

Do not overdo it, everything should be in moderation

The Poles have one entertaining saying, which, in a “non-literal” translation, may sound like the expression “What is superfluous is not great.” This is an extremely smart and useful rule, and the intricacies of applying the cream should also be guided by this rule.

It is believed that a good, high-quality face cream should be taken, about the size of a large pea, and it should be enough not only to apply on the face, but also on the neck.

Warm up the cream - you will benefit

Beauticians, by the way, quite rightly, believe that the cream for application to the face should be warm, so they do not recommend storing it in the refrigerator, with rare exceptions, when it is so necessary for its safety.

In addition, before spreading the cream on the face, a few seconds or even minutes, rubbing it with your fingertips. Please note that this is exactly what the most prominent beauticians do in expensive beauty salons.

Massage lines - that's your card

Experienced cosmetologists, when explaining to beginners how to apply cream on the face, say that you need to carefully learn the direction of standard massage lines, and only work on them in the future. This will prevent the appearance of unwanted wrinkles, and moreover, it will even help to smooth out existing ones.

For any girl or woman, this is quite affordable - just type in any search engine the query "how to apply cream on the face" or simply "massage lines for applying cream" and immediately get a huge number of relevant pictures. You can download the picture and "peep" into it when you need it.

But believe me, this is simply not required. In just a couple of applications, you just learn a simple science and your hands themselves, mechanically, will do everything right.

Not all girls know how to properly apply cream on the face. It is important to know that the correct application technique and other subtleties help maintain a radiant look.

Application rules

To properly apply the cream on the face, you need to know, follow a few simple rules:

  1. More doesn't mean better- Do not apply half the jar at once. A large amount of funds will not improve efficiency. On the contrary, many creams should be applied in a minimal amount - the size of the bead is quite enough for the face and neck area. When applying an excessive amount, the product is simply wasted - it is not absorbed into the face, therefore it does not work as it should, does not bring a positive result;
  2. Apply with soft smooth movements- light claps with fingertips, this is the correct technique for applying the cream. The pressure on the surface of the face should be minimal, barely touching the skin. If the product is rubbed in, pressing too hard on the skin, the result will not be positive. On the contrary, stretch the upper layers of the epidermis, which is especially harmful when the skin began to lose elasticity;
  3. Move from the center of the face to the edges, from the bottom up - the technique was developed by specialists for a long time, it was able to recommend it as the most effective. Movements from the bottom up help fight age-related changes by tightening the epidermis;
  4. Use a moisturizer during the summer, and apply nourishing at night, in winter, on the contrary - in the hot season during the day, the face needs moisturizing so that it does not dry out under the scorching sun. At night, the skin needs nutrition, at this time of the day it recovers from stress, environmental pollution. In winter, during the day, more nutrition is needed to help the face cope with the effects of cold, wind. At night it is more useful to apply a moisturizer. You need to have only 2 types of funds, just swap them depending on the season;
  5. Use a special eye cream- here the skin of the face is thinner, more sensitive, you need specialized care, you should use a special tool.

Massage lines

For proper application of the cream on the face, you should know how to use massage lines. When applying the cream along the lines, the result is much better, facial care brings a visible effect.

Basic massage lines:

  • From the bridge of the nose up to the hairline, in an arc to the temples;
  • From the bridge of the nose down to the tip of the nose, along the sides to the wings;
  • From the chin up the cheekbones, the main surface of the cheeks to the temples;
  • From the upper lip to the wings of the nose;
  • From the temples to the inner corner of the eye, along the lower eyelid;
  • From the inner corners of the eye to the temples along the upper eyelid.

Don't forget to take care of your neck. From the clavicular bones, apply the product up to the chin, from the ears down the sides of the neck. If you skip these steps, then the neck will look worse over time, it will set off the blooming look of the face. That's the whole technique of applying cream along the massage lines of the face.

Features of applying various types of creams

Creams are divided according to the time of application into day, night, and according to their functions: moisturizing, nourishing, whitening, lifting. Each type differs in application technique, nuances in use.


It should be applied after morning washing, let it act on the skin for about a quarter of an hour. Excess left on the skin - remove with a napkin, cotton pad. Next, apply makeup. Go outside no earlier than half an hour after application. There is an exception to the rule - express means, they need only 3-5 minutes to be absorbed. For more information, please read the label on the package.


Apply the cream along the massage lines on the face at night, thoroughly washing off the decorative cosmetics. This should be done about half an hour before bedtime, and before going to bed, you should make sure that the product has been completely absorbed, or otherwise remove the excess with a napkin. After application, you should not go outside.


It would be a mistake not to apply moisturizer on normal, combination, oily skin. Not only the dry type needs hydration, the rest of the types benefit from getting a dose of moisture. For example, by moisturizing oily skin, you can reduce the production of sebum, reduce the appearance of oily sheen.


Should be used on dry, normal skin. For oily skin types, the use of the product should be avoided, because it can clog pores and create a film on the face. For mixed skin types, apply only on the cheeks and neck, avoiding the T zone.


This cream is used by girls with age spots, with freckles. It is best to apply it exclusively to problem areas, avoiding other areas of the face. Then let it soak in, remove the excess with a cotton pad.


The product is applied to fix the effect after using a peeling, or a special mask-film for cleansing. After such procedures, it is useful to apply this type of cream. It is important to remember that peeling should be carried out no more than 2-3 times a month so as not to injure the skin of the face.

Basic Mistakes

At first glance, there is nothing complicated in applying the face cream. It is necessary to apply the cream on the face according to the scheme of massage lines, and apart from that there are no secrets. But many girls do not realize how many mistakes they make during this simple procedure.

  • Applying to damp skin- after washing, be sure to wipe your face with a towel or napkin so that the skin becomes dry and then you need to apply cream. If additional hydration is required, it is better to resort to the help of a special tonic, and apply it before the cream;
  • Do not use the cream regularly- if you apply the product occasionally, at different times of the day, then you can forget about a positive result. It is the daily application, at the same time without gaps and days off, that is the key to a blooming face, a healthy complexion and unfading beauty;
  • Apply nourishing cream until the age of 25- up to a certain point, the skin independently produces nutrients, and if you start applying care products too early, you can disrupt these processes and the skin will begin to undergo age-related changes earlier. Therefore, before the onset of the desired age, it is better to give preference to light moisturizers;
  • Change facial products frequently- Applying the same cream for several weeks or longer, you can achieve more noticeable results if you constantly change the means. Creams have a cumulative effect - with regular use they work at full capacity than with a single use;
  • Scooping cream from a jar with your hands- it is best to extract it with a special spatula, then transfer the composition to your hand, and from there apply to your face. The fact is that when you lower your fingers into a jar, you can bring harmful microorganisms there, which will multiply there and the cream will no longer be so useful;
  • Keep packaging exposed to light- it is best to put the jar in a box or cabinet to minimize exposure to sunlight. Although now special packaging is being developed to avoid negative consequences during the storage of the cream, it is better to play it safe. Also, it is useful to check the tightness of the closure of the jar after each use;
  • Don't track expiration dates- usually in a closed package, the cream is stored for no more than 3 years. But after opening, the period is reduced to one year. The product should not be applied after the expiration date.

Cream application video

To better understand the technique of applying the cream along the massage lines of the face, you can watch this video.

The specialist explains the rules of application in an accessible language, shows the correct movement of the hands and the required amount of cream to cover the entire face.