What is peeling gommage for the face. Facial gommage: gentle cleansing


Gommage appeared on the market of cosmetic products not so long ago, so some women are not familiar with this tool. What is gommage for the body is known only to those who follow the latest in the cosmetics market. Meanwhile, it is not a problem to purchase this type of cosmetic products today, for example, you can even buy bernard cassiere on the Internet.

The word “gommage” itself is translated from French as “eraser”, and the main function of the product comes from this concept - cleansing the skin from dead cells.

However, every woman who takes care of herself has peeling among her cosmetics. Peeling improves the condition of the skin, its texture, rejuvenates and reduces the number of fine wrinkles on the face. The procedure not only cleanses of impurities, but also allows the skin to breathe, smoothes it, reduces pores, and stimulates blood circulation. If everything is so wonderful, then why else do you need gommage?

What is body gommage?

Gommage is the same peeling, only much more gentle. Its action is more gentle, delicate, the skin during its application is not injured and rests.
Most often, gommage is produced in the form of a cream or mask that is applied to the skin. There is an opinion of experts that peeling is a mechanical process of skin cleansing, while gommage breaks down unnecessary particles with the help of fruit acids as chemically active substances. At the same time, it does not contain solid particles that can damage delicate and sensitive skin. Therefore, gommage is ideal for thin, sensitive, dry, aging skin or acne-prone skin.

Thanks to the application, and later the massage removal of the product, blood circulation is stimulated, the processes of cellular metabolism are accelerated, the protective functions of the skin are improved, and congestion is eliminated. With regular use of the product, the skin becomes more elastic, fresh and toned.

How to apply gommage?

What is gommage for the body has become clearer, but its application needs to be explained. Like any cosmetic product, gommage must be used correctly. The frequency of application depends on the type of skin: for oily and combination skin, it is necessary to use the product no more than 3 times a week, for normal - no more than 2, and for dry and sensitive - 1 time.

Immediately after application, you should not go outside, especially in windy and sunny weather. The skin after gommage should not be exposed to sunlight. Use the product immediately after taking a bath or shower so that the skin is steamed.

The term "gommage" refers to the skin care product itself and to the cosmetic deep cleansing of the face, through which this treatment is carried out. This is a relatively new technique in cosmetology. Gommage combines the properties of the two most popular means for cosmetic skin treatment - peeling (mechanical cleaning) and scrub (chemical effect on dead cells of the epidermis).

Gommage - general information.

Let's give a definition of what a facial gommage is and for what purposes this remedy is used.

Gommage is a product in the form of a thick cream for cleansing and rejuvenating the face based on vegetable acids in combination with abrasive particles. Fruit acids dissolve dead skin cell structures, freeing the epidermis from impurities and leaving only living young cells. Abrasive components perform the function of scrubs, but do it in a softer and safer way.

We list all the cosmetic and health effects of gommage:

  • cleaning the skin of the face from dead tissue;
  • gentle facial massage with abrasive elements;
  • stimulation of metabolic processes in the skin;
  • stimulation of blood circulation in the soft tissues of the face;
  • increased skin susceptibility to other drugs (creams and masks);
  • improvement of the protective function of cells;
  • enrichment of cells and tissues with oxygen;
  • elimination of minor facial defects.

As a result of a lack of vitamins or due to the adverse influence of the environment, the processes of natural cleansing of the dermis slow down, and due to the presence of dead epidermis scales, the skin of the face becomes dull and lifeless. These same transformations occur as a result of age-related fading of the skin. Gommage provides a pronounced effect of smooth and young skin, comparable only to drug injections.

The word "gommage" in translation from French ("gomme") means "eraser". By the softness of the impact, this method really resembles the process of gently erasing or rolling the top layer of a paper sheet without damaging its main structure. Sometimes the gommage procedure is even called "skating".

The product itself, like a facial scrub, belongs to the class of exfoliants - that is, cosmetic preparations that remove the top layer of the skin. Unlike scrub, the effect of gommage is more gentle, so the product can be recommended for people with sensitive, prone to irritation and allergic reactions, thin, dry, fading skin. Gommage is suitable for the treatment of the face, neck, décolleté.

How is gommage for the face.

The frequency of application of the procedure depends on the type of skin: for women with combination and oily skin, it is recommended to use the product three times a week, for normal or dry skin, the product can be used once a week.

Method of application.

  1. Before use, it is necessary to slightly steam the skin - you can take a warm shower or wash yourself with any hygienic cleanser: the main task is to degrease the skin and remove coarse dirt, so that the effect of the procedure is enhanced.
  2. The product itself, which looks like a cream, is applied to the face with a thin layer with soft massaging movements. (Contact with eyes should be avoided).
  3. Gommage is left on the skin for 5-10 minutes: it is important to prevent drying out, otherwise it will be difficult to remove the product.
  4. When the gommage cream dries slightly, it is rolled up with gentle movements of the palms from top to bottom, supporting the skin with your fingers.
  5. At the end of the procedure, the face and neck are rinsed with warm water to eliminate the remnants of the "roll".
  6. In salons, a moisturizing or nourishing cream is applied to the face after cleaning.

If the skin has minor damage or there are pustules on it, it is better to wash off the gommage, rather than roll it.

Exfoliation of keratinized skin particles during the procedure is carried out not due to mechanical action, but due to the influence of fruit acids and compounds that make up the product and act on obsolete cells in a softening and dissolving manner.

After applying and removing the product, the skin becomes elastic, fresh and takes on a well-groomed youthful appearance. However, during the day after the procedure, the face should be protected from insolation (exposure to the sun). That is, visiting the beach after gommage is not recommended. It is not recommended to expose the skin to wind and cold. Visiting the solarium on the day of the cleansing procedure is also undesirable.

Gommage recipes at home.

Gommage is actively used in beauty salons, but it is possible to carry out this procedure at home. The algorithm of actions in this case is similar to that described above. In this case, it is not necessary to purchase funds in a specialized store, you can cook it yourself.

Creamy gommage for oily skin.


  • barley flour (2 parts);
  • rice flour (1 part);
  • dry cream (1 part).

All ingredients are mixed with water or your favorite cleanser until a homogeneous composition is formed. The mixture should be viscous so as not to drain from the face immediately after application. Next, we apply homemade gommage on the face using standard technology.

Orange gommage (for normal and dry skin).


  • 1 part oatmeal or ground oats;
  • 1 part orange powder (for its preparation, you can grind dried orange skins in a coffee grinder);
  • 2 parts semolina.

You can do it even easier: grind the hercules in a coffee grinder and soak it in milk.

Home gommage is slightly inferior in effectiveness to professional cosmetics, but also has a pronounced cleansing and rejuvenating effect. The mixture is applied to the face for a couple of minutes, then you can massage the skin a little and rinse off with warm water. You can carry out such a procedure for the whole body: to enhance the effect, you need to add a little natural ground coffee to oatmeal.

The relevance of gommage in modern cosmetology.

Gommage for facial rejuvenation and cleansing has become so relevant and in demand that almost all well-known brands in the cosmetology industry have begun to produce this product. However, not all manufacturers managed to make this drug super popular. The reason is that the product is still relatively new on the market of cosmetic products: not all customers have yet managed to understand the difference between scrub, peeling and gommage.

However, the popularity of the tool is growing every day. Having tried such a cream once, most women continue to use it in the future, abandoning more traditional remedies. The improved gommages of the new generation, in addition to the cleansing effect, stimulate the lymph flow and circulatory system, and help to even out the relief of the face. These characteristics are possessed by products with the addition of sea salt and seaweed. These same cosmetic preparations also remove excess moisture from the body and contribute to weight loss.

Most modern women know that the skin needs not only to be moisturized and nourished, but also periodically cleansed of dead particles that interfere with skin renewal. For such peeling (that is, the removal of the keratinized surface layer of the skin), there are several types of cosmetics. These can be soft tonics with fruit, flower or other acids, or a facial scrub or gommage. What is Facial Gommage?

Facial gommage appeared on the market relatively recently, so it has not yet gained due popularity, although gommage has many advantages over a regular scrub.

How is a gommage different from a facial scrub?

A traditional scrub contains solid particles that mechanically remove dead cells. Gommage acts more gently and cannot injure the skin, unlike scrub, since it does not contain solid particles.

That is, gommage for the face is a delicate cream with an exfoliating effect.

Facial gommage functions

Gommage contains chemically active substances, such as fruit acids, as well as aromatic oils and various components for nutrition, softening or. There are gommages for the face, lips, body, hands and feet. Depending on the purpose, the composition of the product also changes, for example, antifungal components and antiperspirants are added to the foot gommage.
Gommage is ideal for dry, sensitive, thin and aging skin. It is not suitable only for old skin that has lost elasticity, as it is easy to stretch.
In addition to effective and gentle cleansing, gommage stimulates blood flow due to micro-massage during application, accelerates cell metabolism and improves the protective functions of the skin. In addition, it improves the skin's susceptibility to other cosmetics, making the skin supple, young and fresh.

How to apply gommage for the face

It is not difficult to apply gommage for the face, but you should not do it too often. If you have oily or combination skin, you can use this remedy up to three times a week.

For dry skin, no more than once a week. It is advisable to pre-steam the skin and prepare a sponge or massage brush.

Gommage for the face is applied to wet, clean skin with light massage movements along the massage lines using a sponge or brush. The product must be left on the skin for a while. When the gommage dries and forms a soft crust, you can gently remove it with your fingertips along with dead skin particles.

Avoid contact with eyes and skin stretching. Rinse your face with warm water.

If there are pustules on the face or the skin is damaged, then it is better not to roll the gommage, but immediately rinse it off carefully.

After applying gommage, any or cream will work more effectively. Apply facial gommage correctly and be beautiful!

Starting from the age of fifteen or even thirteen, most of the girls begin to think about caring for their skin. After watching television shows and reading fashion magazines, beauties rush to stores and buy tonics, washing gels and face creams. For a transitional age, this is quite enough.

But, the older the girl, the more voluminous her cosmetic bag. After a couple of years, at least one mask, scrub, foam and gommage will definitely appear in it. If everything is more or less clear with the first three points, then not so much is heard about the last. What is Facial Gommage? Let's try to figure this out.

What it is?

Gommage is a new tool in the beauty industry. It appeared relatively recently and instantly gained popularity, but so far in narrow circles. The fact is that gommage for the face is a kind of analogue of a scrub. These two different products have the same goal - deep cleansing of the skin by removing dead skin particles and other impurities in the form of dust and dirt.

The task is the same, but the approaches are completely different. Scrub is an aggressive agent, based on its smallest particles that act as an abrasive. It can easily injure too sensitive skin and instead of smoothness, unwanted redness or even cuts will appear. Not much fun, is it? Therefore, scrubbing the skin of the face is often impossible.

What should girls do with overly delicate, "aristocratic" skin? After all, you also need to take care of it, clean the pores from dirt, cosmetics, and the skin from dead cells. Just to help the "unfortunate" beauties, cosmetologists have developed a new remedy - gommage.

How does it work?

With the definition of this concept, it seems to have figured out, it's time to learn more about the principle of its operation. Unlike scrub, which mechanically affects the entire skin of the face, regardless of its condition (presence of inflammation, damage), gommage has a slightly different effect. It literally dissolves dead skin particles that clog pores on the face. For this, a special “thank you” to lactic acid, which is necessarily part of the product.

But is this approach safe? Yes, it is not only safe, but also very useful: after all, in addition to acids, it contains vitamins that restore and nourish the skin and plant extracts that soothe it. They are also responsible for maintaining its firmness and elasticity.

Varieties of gommage for the face

Gommage mask- the most common tool in this line. It is applied to the prepared face with massage movements, from top to bottom, and removed - rolling, from bottom to top. Keep the gommage mask on the skin for no more than twenty minutes. During this time, the tool will have time to act and will not cause irritation.

Cream gommage what is this novelty? A little less common, but much more convenient tool. It's much easier to use. With gommage cream, you do not need to waste time waiting for it to dry, you do not need to rinse it off. It is enough to apply a light, airy mass on the skin of the face and neck and distribute it with active massage movements.

Gel gommage far behind its counterparts in popularity. Almost no one has heard of him. And in fact, very in vain! Gel gommage acts even softer than a mask. Its texture is smoother and gliding. The composition, as a rule, contains more substances that soothe and nourish the skin. Gel-gommage is suitable for owners of very sensitive skin, for those whose gommage mask causes irritation.

Preparation for the procedure

Before applying gommage to the delicate skin of the face, it must be properly prepared:

  • First, you need to cleanse your face by simply washing your face. It is advisable to use a gel for washing or foam;
  • secondly, you should steam the skin, expand the pores for better cleansing. This can be done with steam cleansing: hold your face over a boiled decoction of chamomile or cornflower. At the same time, it is better to collect the hair in a bun so that it does not interfere and does not stick to the face. And you should put a towel on your head, which will also cover the container with hot broth, so as not to release healing steam. After five minutes, you can pat your skin dry with a clean towel.

Pros and cons of the procedure

The advantages include:

  • good replacement for scrub. If, after using the scrub, some girls experience irritation, a feeling of dry skin, tightness or even scratches, then they should abandon such a rough remedy in favor of something more gentle. And they just become gommage;
  • truly gentle cleaning. Gommage under no circumstances will harm even the most sensitive skin;
  • gel gommage is suitable for absolutely everyone. It's just that owners of normal or combination skin usually prefer scrubs. But all this is a matter of taste, and there are no restrictions on the use of this remedy (only intolerance to its individual components);
  • efficiency. Do not think that gommage copes worse with its main task - cleansing - than a scrub or mask. It perfectly removes impurities, allowing the skin to breathe, and also relieves it of excess fat, which causes oily sheen;
  • improvement of the regenerating function of the skin. Regular use of gommage for the face will allow it to maintain elasticity for a long time and normalize water and lipid balance.

There are few cons of this cosmetic product, but they are still there. Most of it comes down to individual contraindications. For example, it could be:

  • allergy. Unfortunately, some elements from the gommage composition can cause allergic reactions. If redness, irritation and burning or slight itching are noticed after use, this means that an unsuitable remedy has been chosen;
  • the presence of severe damage to the skin. It is better to wait until all wounds and acne heal, and even then use this cosmetic product;
  • also, you should not use this product if you go to the beach or to the park, in a word, under direct sunlight. Ultraviolet already adversely affects the skin, it should not be irritated even more with gommage or scrub;
  • in windy weather, it is better to abandon the peeling procedure with scrub or gommage. The situation is the same as in the case of ultraviolet - the skin is subject to aggressive external influences.

Gommage is one of those cosmetic products that can be easily prepared in your own kitchen. A dairy product is taken as a basis: full-fat cream or full-fat milk / kefir. Egg white is responsible for the stickiness of the mask and its texture. Oatmeal ground in a blender or semolina will contribute to effective cleansing and renewal of the skin. Another important ingredient is orange powder. It is sold in cosmetic stores and pharmacies.

You can also cook it yourself. To get started in the grocery store, you need to choose a large and ripe orange. Greens won't work. And also rotten ones, with a washed crust, will not work either. At home, the fruit should be washed well and carefully peeled. Cut the orange peel into small pieces, leave it on a paper towel to dry. When the crusts harden - grind them in a blender or coffee grinder. Should be powder. Large particles, if any, should be removed.

It remains only to mix the cream, egg white, ground oatmeal and orange powder and the gommage with your own hands is ready!

So, as you can see, gommage and scrub are the same for the intended purpose. The difference in the effect on the skin (scrub - rough, mechanical, gommage - gentle, acidic). Lovers of diversity in personal care should pay attention to the varieties of gommage: cream, gel, mask. Of course, there will be less space in the cosmetic bag, but how much joy from a new useful acquisition!

Faberlic offers several products for deep and gentle cleansing of the skin: a cleansing gommage for the face of the Oxygen Breathing line (art. 0271), a cleansing gommage with essential oils of the Expert series (art. 1072), a cream-gommage for all skin types of the Verbena series ( art. 0806).

Our skin tends to get rid of dead, keratinized particles. But sometimes this natural physiological process is inhibited. The reason for this may be the wrong lifestyle, bad habits, insufficient facial hygiene, aggressive environmental influences, but most often - banal aging. As we age, the exfoliation process slows down. New cells under the layer of keratinized membranes cannot breathe freely, their functions are impaired. As a result, the skin becomes lifeless, dull. This is where gommage (mask) comes to the rescue. What is it, we will consider in this article.

For whom gommage is useful, how often to carry out this procedure and what cosmetic means to use - read below. We will give several recipes for making gommage masks at home. And also we will advise effective purchase means.

How is a gommage different from a scrub?

The procedure for exfoliating the skin, its cleansing, is called peeling (exfoliant). It has two varieties - scrub and gommage mask. for the types of peeling and how they differ? The scrub contains solid particles - small or not. It can be crushed coffee beans, grape or apricot seeds. Thus, when using a scrub, our skin undergoes a cleansing process that can be compared to the action of a grater. Fine hard particles polish the cheeks and forehead in a very aggressive way. If the skin is young and prone to oiliness, this procedure is effective and very useful. But even in this case, small pimples or abscesses can be damaged during the scrub peeling process. Gommage does not contain solid particles. This tool can be compared with the Substances contained in the gommage, they simply dissolve the keratinized particles. Therefore, such peeling is more gentle.

Gommage mask - what is it?

This word is of French origin. "Gomme" simply means "eraser". School eraser very clearly symbolizes the principle of gommage. This tool contains chemically active substances (most often fruit acids), which gently dissolve dead cells. No mechanical friction occurs at the same time - only micromassage. At the same time, the blood flow is stimulated, and this accelerates the processes of cellular metabolism. Thus, not only effective and gentle cleansing of the skin takes place, but congestion in the pores is also eliminated. Few people know another effect that the gommage mask has: that it is an excellent way to prepare the face for the perception of other caring cosmetic creams. With regular use of the procedure, the skin becomes fresh, elastic, radiant. In a word, young. And aromatic oils, which are part of many gommage masks, make the procedure of such peeling also pleasant. After such cleansing, the skin absorbs nourishing or moisturizing creams well, its color becomes more even, and the oval of the face is tightened.

What are gommages

In fact, this tool is a cosmetic mask with an exfoliating effect. There are different gommages - for the face, hands, body, legs. Depending on which part of the body the mask is intended for, additional functions (softening, whitening, nutrition) are added to its main function. For example, antiperspirants and antifungal components are added to foot gommage. Naturally, for the face, the remedy should be chosen according to your skin type. How does the gommage mask work? That this is a soft peeling, we have already said. Unlike clay scrubs and masks, which must be washed off, gommage, drying out, forms a thin soft film on the skin surface. It must be carefully rolled up with your fingertips. The whole procedure is a bit like the principle of depilation cream. Only in the case of gommage, not hairs are removed, but dead skin cells.

How often to apply

The answer to this question depends on the type of skin. If she is youthful, fat, with black dots, then gommage can be done three times a week. The same can be said about But people with a normal or dry type should limit the use of gommages to once or twice a week. As for the method of withdrawing funds from the face, then there are some nuances. You should not wait for your gommage mask to dry completely. That this is harmful, you will see by trying to tear off the frozen layer from the face. Always follow the cosmetic manufacturer's instructions. If your skin contains pustules, damage, or is simply too flabby, abandon the principle of rolling the mask altogether. It is best to eliminate it in the usual way - rinse with warm water using a sponge.

How to do gommage at home

Before the procedure, it is desirable to steam the face. It is not at all necessary to stand over a pot of boiling water. Just take a hot shower or bath. When the skin is damp (but not wet), apply the cream with light movements along the massage lines. Do not forget about the neck and décolleté, but avoid the area around the eyes and eyebrows. It is best to put cucumber mugs or cotton pads moistened with thermal water on the eyelids for the duration of the procedure. So you can simultaneously take care of the skin of the face and eyes. During the mask, try to relax, do not use facial expressions. When a soft film forms, roll it from your forehead to your chin. After the procedure, you need to wash with warm water. What is a gommage mask for the face, you will see after the first application. You should not go out into the cold, wind or go to the beach immediately after the procedure. Cleansed skin is very sensitive not only to creams, but also to environmental influences.

Gommage recipes

All mixtures should be stored dry in glass containers, and diluted with water just before application to the face. So, what do people in the know advise for gentle cleansing of oily skin? Mix together a tablespoon of rice flour and dry cream. We stir. Add two tablespoons of barley flour. Before use, dilute with warm water so that the mixture does not drain from the face. And for sensitive or dry skin, what should be a homemade gommage mask? The reviews of those who used it recommend taking two tablespoons of oatmeal and mixing it with semolina and ground orange zest. These ingredients need to be taken half as much as oatmeal. It is better to wash off such masks from a home first-aid kit with warm water, and not roll them up. But the effect of soft exfoliation will be no worse than after purchased funds.

What is a gommage face mask "Avon"

For fans of Avon products, the company has prepared a pleasant surprise, which is part of the Planet SPA line. Now, in addition to scrubs and masks from "SPA-Planet", you can also find a small, 50 milliliter tube with gommage. Officially, the product is called "Excellent Cleansing", which is consistent with the result. This gommage mask with Dead Sea minerals perfectly exfoliates dead particles, tightens pores, and refreshes the complexion. The structure of the product is gentle, gel. The smell of silt and salt seems to take you to the shores of the Dead Sea. Within three minutes, the gel on the skin turns into a transparent glossy mask. Roll it up and wash your face thoroughly. The tool is spent sparingly, but it is inexpensive - about a hundred rubles.

What the reviews say

What is a gommage mask from Avon, Russian users have recently learned. But the tool immediately fell in love with it. And not only because of the democratic price. Regarding the ease of use, the women gave the “Excellent Cleansing” gommage a solid five plus. After all, unlike mud masks, which you need to devote 10-20 minutes of your life, this remedy hardens in three minutes. The substance is removed well - no need to delay the skin. The product is used very sparingly. For one procedure, it is enough to squeeze out literally two drops of the gel. All users are satisfied with the effect produced by the Avon gommage. The skin after the first procedure becomes smooth, soft and fresh, like a baby's.