How to develop a child's brain so that he becomes smart and successful. Intellectual development of a preschool child

To mom

Consultation for parents

Every child is curious and insatiable in learning about the world around them. In order for the baby’s curiosity to be satisfied, and for him to grow in constant mental and intellectual development, probably every parent is interested.

One of most important tasks education small child– development of the mind, the formation of such thinking skills and abilities that make it easy to learn new things.

Intelligence is the thinking ability of a person - mind, reason, mind; level mental development.

Intellectual development– this is both a process and a level cognitive activity a growing person in all its manifestations: knowledge, cognitive processes, abilities, etc.; it is carried out as a result of the influence of life circumstances and the environment on the child. The leading role in intellectual development belongs to systematic intellectual education.

The intellectual development of a child presupposes that the child has an outlook and a stock of specific knowledge. The child must master perception, elements of a theoretical attitude to the material being studied, generalized forms of thinking and basic logical operations, and semantic memorization.

Intellectual development presupposes:

Analytical thinking (ability to reproduce a pattern);

Rational approach to reality (weakening the role of fantasy);

Logical memorization;

Interest in knowledge and the process of obtaining it through additional efforts;

Mastery of spoken language by ear and the ability to understand and use symbols;

Development of fine hand movements and visual-motor coordination.

The goal is to create conditions and promote the intellectual development of children.

The main task of a teacher in working with children is to help each child set feasible tasks, master techniques for solving them, and help them find application for the results of their activities.

1. Formation of techniques for mental operations of preschoolers (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, classification, analogy), the ability to think and plan their actions.

2. Development in children of variable thinking, imagination, creative abilities, the ability to give reasons for their statements, and build simple conclusions.

3. Developing children’s ability to purposefully master volitional efforts, establish right relationship with peers and adults, to see oneself through the eyes of others.

The basis for organizing work with children is the following system didactic principles:

is created educational environment, ensuring the removal of all stress-forming factors of the educational process (the principle of psychological comfort);

new knowledge is not introduced in a ready-made form, but through the independent “discovery” of it by children (the principle of activity);

it is possible for each child to advance at his own pace (minimax principle);

with the introduction of new knowledge, its relationship with objects and phenomena of the surrounding world is revealed (the principle of a holistic view of the world);

Children develop the ability to make their own choices and are systematically given the opportunity to choose (the principle of variability);

the learning process is focused on children acquiring their own experience creative activity(principle of creativity);

continuous connections are ensured between all levels of education (the principle of continuity).

The principles outlined above integrate modern scientific views on the basics of organizing developmental education and provide solutions to the problems of intellectual and personal development of each child.

Methods and techniques:


Intellectual development of preschool children | Mom, dad and baby!

All children of early preschool age are very receptive to new information. The child’s consciousness during this period is compared to a sponge, absorbing a huge amount of diverse information about the world around him.

Children gain this knowledge and skills by communicating with peers during play, taking part in classes and conversations with teachers. Therefore, for the intellectual development of preschoolers, it is extremely important to properly organize the learning process and direct the children’s activity in the right direction.

A child has a huge potential for constant learning, inherent in him by nature itself. Such curiosity can serve as an excellent basis for the gradual development of a preschooler as a comprehensively developed personality.

The task of educators is to unobtrusively “pick up the key” to each child, taking into account his talents, abilities and skills, as well as age. A child should learn new things gradually and without coercion.

In addition, the teacher should encourage little man to self-improvement and acquiring new knowledge and skills. Only in this case, subject to all necessary conditions, the mental education of children will be properly organized.

Models of mental development of preschool children

Each child is an individual, so the mental development of all children cannot be summed up “with the same brush.”

However, it is possible to note the stages of development of certain knowledge and skills that are common to all children. In this regard, three models of mental development of preschool children are distinguished. Let's look at the following table.

ModelCharacteristic Emotional

From birth and throughout one and a half years of a child’s life, emotional development occurs most actively. This is the basis for the full development of the baby’s intellect, his “pass” to successful life. Therefore, from birth, a child should be in a calm home atmosphere, feeling the love and approval of loved ones.


At the age of 5 years, children actively develop their hearing and vision organs. This is the ideal time to “buy in” the children’s abilities for logical thinking, as well as their sensitivity to musical works. In order to achieve this, you need to play educational games with your child, assemble construction sets and solve logic puzzles.

The speech model of mental education of children involves the development of the natural ability of children to remember information by ear. For example, a preschool child can learn a foreign language much easier and faster than any adult.

Therefore, such talent must be developed and encouraged in the process of education. This could be reading books, conversations on given topics, learning poems and songs.

Thus, using a comprehensive influence on the child’s consciousness, it is possible to grow a harmoniously developed personality.

What characterizes the development of thinking in preschoolers?

  • Questions. Children’s constant “whys” indicate the child’s incessant “mental” work. The task of educators is to give the “correct” answers.
  • With age, the child “masters” speech and develops the ability to reason. In this way, the baby learns to solve his “problems”, compare various phenomena and their interrelationships.
  • In preschool age, the child develops the first “sprouts” of initiative, curiosity, confidence and flexibility. The task of educators is to promote their development.

The process of intellectual development of preschoolers should also be monitored by the child’s parents. After all, only in a family does a child receive such important parental approval, support and care. Let's give children self-confidence and love!

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Gender education for preschoolers

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Some theoretical issues related to teaching role-playing games to preschool children with problems in intellectual development are considered; presented guidelines on planning role-playing games with children, notes on game activities; Recommendations are given for parents on teaching role-playing games to children with developmental problems in the family.

The manual is addressed to teachers-defectologists, educators working with children with intellectual disabilities, students of faculties correctional pedagogy, parents who want to actively participate in the process of raising their child.

Teaching role-playing play to preschoolers with problems in intellectual development: Educational method. By

1. Characteristics of games as an activity for a preschool child

One of the main factors in the development of a person’s personality is activity. Each stage mental development a person corresponds to a certain type of leading activity, which at a given stage of development has the most decisive influence on changes in his mental processes and psychological characteristics personality (L. S. Vygotsky, L. N. Leontiev, A. V. Zaporozhets, D. B. Elkonin).

The leading activity during the period preschool childhood is a game. In this regard, the main direction of pedagogical work in both mass and special preschool institutions is play management.

There is a whole range of games: didactic, active, dramatization games, construction and constructive games, musical fun games and creative role-playing games. They own special role in the development of a child’s personality, therefore, in the future, when speaking about play, we will keep in mind this type of game.

Role-playing play is formed in the course of a child’s life, in the course of his communication with people around him. How to activity role-playing game is a complex education consisting of the following components: target, need-motivation, content, operational, effective.

Intellectual development of older preschoolers when preparing children for school | Social network



Every year, life makes increasingly higher demands not only on adults, but also on children: the amount of knowledge that needs to be passed on to them is steadily growing; teachers want the assimilation of this knowledge not to be mechanical, but meaningful.

Among the tasks facing a preschool institution, an important place is occupied by the task of preparing children for school. One of the main indicators of a child’s readiness for successful learning is the development of intellectual and cognitive abilities, a certain level of mental maturity of the child. This means that at the time of entering school, a preschooler must have formed all the leading cognitive processes: perception (color, size, shape, space, sounds, etc.), memory (verbal semantic), attention, thinking, imagination.

It often happens that the reader, counting and writing child When starting to study, they have difficulty completing logical thinking tasks. Therefore, in preschool age it is much more important to develop in a child attentiveness, the ability to reason, compare and analyze, generalize and highlight essential features objects, find patterns. In addition, preschoolers with developed intelligence remember material faster, are more confident in their own abilities, and adapt more easily to a new environment.

Until the 50s, the intellectual development of a preschooler was in first place in development preschool education, in the 90s, with talk about the intrinsic value of preschool age, there was a departure from this position, and other directions became priorities.

Currently, the intellectual development of preschool children in preschool educational institutions is being discussed again as a priority task.

According to many Russian and foreign experts, it is in preschool childhood that intensive formation takes place intellectual abilities– transition from visual forms to logical ones, from practical thinking to creative thinking. During this period of childhood, the formation of the first forms of abstraction, generalization, simple shapes conclusions.

Preschool age is sensitive to the development and improvement of perception, attention, memory, and imagination. This is due to the fact that in children from birth to 6-7 years of age, the work of all analyzers is improved, the development and functional differentiation of individual areas of the cerebral cortex, and the connections between them.

Unfortunately, kindergartens that would work with the priority of the child’s intellectual development no longer exist. Much attention is still paid to aesthetic and patriotic education, but intellectual development is lacking.

The reason is the lack of a special program aimed at this work.

Many people see the difficulty of creating such a program in the fact that it should not only help teach a child to think, structure the information he receives, i.e., form a high readiness for schooling, but also be focused on maintaining the self-worth of preschool age - games.

Such a program requires special personnel, special work with parents, special visual teaching aids.

However, in the absence of a unified program for intellectual development in our country, a variety of test tasks, exercises, and games are being quite actively developed, aimed at developing individual mental processes (memory, attention, thinking, imagination).

These tasks and games are used whenever possible by teachers in educational process in order to develop and improve the level of general preparation of the child for school.

However, the success of intellectual development is determined by the fact that it is organized systematically according to a plan and is carried out on the basis of didactic principles that regulate the learning process.

This opportunity can be provided by special developmental classes, which are primarily aimed at the intellectual development of a preschool child.

It is best to conduct such classes by a psychologist or a specially trained teacher. Since the use of developmental tasks requires an adult to have certain knowledge and skills: the ability to dose and combine individual tasks appropriate to age; the ability to present tasks in such a way as to make children want to complete them.

An example of such activities is the complex we have developed and used in our work, aimed at developing the cognitive processes of children aged 5–7 years, which combines a number of advantages.

Firstly, Special attention The classes focus on creating a comfortable environment for children, a sense of internal security, relaxedness and freedom. One of the conditions for creating a comfortable environment for a preschooler is positive, emotionally charged communication with an adult, his support for all the child’s endeavors and actions.

Secondly, all classes are designed in a playful way and are carefully thought out in terms of their plot content. A well-thought-out storyline for each lesson makes it logically coherent.

And the game form achieved through a special organization makes it possible to remove the excessive didactic nature of classes, gives them an emotional overtones, and arouses children’s interest and desire to engage. The plot of each lesson is built around fairy tale characters who come to visit children. Characters get the greatest emotional response from children puppet theater, which, due to the fact that they can move and speak, look like they are alive.

Thirdly, as is known, in order to realize the full development of a preschool child, not only demonstration didactic material is needed, but also individual one. The set of lessons we have developed includes a large amount of ready-made handouts.

The advantage of the set of classes is that it can be used not only for collective, but also for home education of a preschool child. The use of special tasks and exercises by parents will help to effectively develop the intelligence of a child who does not attend preschool.

Example of an activity aimed at development

mental processes in older children

“The top is a gray barrel”

More details on the website

"Intellectual development of preschool children in modern preschool educational institution. Content and technology".

Moscow 2012

Intelligence (from Latin - understanding, understanding, comprehension) is a relatively stable structure of an individual’s mental abilities. This is how the psychological dictionary defines the concept of “intelligence.” In turn, structure is a set of stable connections of an object, ensuring the preservation of its basic properties under various external and internal changes; the main characteristic of the system, its invariant aspect. As noted

M.A. Kholodnaya (1997), from a psychological point of view, the purpose of intelligence is to create order out of chaos based on bringing individual needs into line with the objective requirements of reality. Intelligence is the psychological basis of rationality, this researcher believes. In general, intelligence is a system of mental mechanisms that determine the possibility of constructing a subjective picture of what is happening “within” the individual.

Sometimes, when talking about intelligence, in psychology they mean the development of cognitive processes. At the beginning of the century, V.V. Zenkovsky, for example, included in this concept such mental cognitive functions as perception, attention, thinking, memory.

Nowadays, speaking about the development of mental processes in preschoolers,

D. B. Elkonin examined the features of the development of sensations, perception, memory, and thinking. In general, in psychological knowledge the processes of sensation, perception, and thinking are classified in the cognitive sphere. The processes of attention and memory are called processes that accompany human cognitive activity.

It is believed that human cognition of the world around us is carried out in two main forms: in the form of sensory cognition and in the form of abstract thinking. Sensory cognition is possible thanks to the processes of sensation, perception, as well as memory, which stores this information. The main forms of abstract thinking include concepts, judgments and inferences

The problem of a child’s intellectual development has long been fruitfully developed in psychology and pedagogy.

At preschool age, the cognitive potential of thought processes is formed, motivation for subject-based operational, gaming, educational, creative activities and communication is developed. Research by Russian psychologists P. Ya. Galperin and A. V. Zaporozhets indicates that the forms of cognition used in preschool childhood are of enduring importance for the intellectual development of the child in the future. A.V. Zaporozhets noted that if the corresponding intellectual and emotional qualities of a child do not develop properly at the stage of preschool childhood, then later it turns out to be difficult or even impossible to overcome the emerging shortcomings in personality development in this aspect.

The theoretical foundations of the formation of intellectual skills are widely presented in a number of psychological and pedagogical studies (L. S. Vygotsky, P. Ya. Galperin, E. N. Kabanova-Meller, N. A. Menchinskaya, V. F. Palamarchuk, S. L Rubinshtein, T. I. Shamova, I. S. Yakimanskaya, etc.).

At the same time, special emphasis is placed on elucidating the psychological patterns of intellectual development of the individual, on ways to stimulate it, taking into account the age characteristics of children and the possibilities of the content of educational material.

Research by many domestic and foreign psychologists: P. P. Blonsky, L. S. Vygotsky, V. V. Davydov, V. A. Krutetsky, J. Piaget, Ya. A. Ponomarev, S. L. Rubinshtein, N. F. Talyzina, L.M. Fridman, G. Hemley and others show that without targeted development various forms thinking, which is one of the important components of the process of cognitive activity, it is impossible to achieve effective results in teaching a child, systematizing his educational knowledge, skills and abilities.

During the preschool period, the child not only intensively develops all mental functions, but also the laying of a common foundation of abilities. In the personal sphere, a hierarchical structure of motives and needs, general and differential self-esteem, and elements of volitional regulation of behavior are formed.

Moral forms of behavior are actively acquired. Thanks to this, children have all the components psychological readiness to school, and through special organization of educational work, it is possible to successfully teach children of this age the beginning of mathematics and literacy. Naturally, the sooner they begin to study with a child, the more ability he will show to assimilate new knowledge and use it creatively, but if the learning results turn out to be minimal, this will indicate an initially low level of mental development of the child, i.e. about the insufficient level of formation of intellectual abilities associated with organic disorders or other reasons leading to problems in the formation of basic mental processes

Modern psychological and pedagogical research demonstrates the continuity of the concepts of mental and intellectual development. Sometimes these terms almost replace each other.

The first stage of mental or intellectual education is traditionally considered to be the development of curiosity and sensory education of children of early and early preschool age

Currently, sensory education (from the Latin Sensus feelings) is defined by preschool pedagogy as specifically organized process familiarizing the child with the sensory cultural culture of humanity in order to develop sensations, perceptions and ideas about the external properties of objects

At the same time, researchers in the process sensory education children, there are three types of orienting actions, distinguished by the use of forms of social mediation.

The first type of action is identification action, i.e. comparison of the quality of a perceived object with a standard. Children compare various objects with each other, finding out whether they are the same (according to some criterion). In particular, the didactic game “Hide the Mouse” will help you learn to determine the color by placing the door next to the house.

The second type is correlation with a standard. They are necessary if some property of the perceived object is not exactly the same as that of the standard, but is similar to it. For example, a child is shown one or another geometric shape, and he must find a toy of this shape.

The third type of action, perceptual modeling, presents particular difficulties for preschoolers. It is necessary for analyzing the heterogeneous properties of things and is a reconstruction of the perceived quality from the standard material. Children can perform these actions, for example, by laying out pictures consisting of elements of various shapes (Christmas tree, house, man) When forming optimal conditions For the development of sensory and mental or intellectual abilities of children, the most important role is played by the generalization of the experience of observations, objective and productive activities in a functional and symbolic form.

In preschool practice, it is the development of intelligence that often decides which school or class to send a student to.

A child who has sufficient intellectual competence, by the end of senior preschool age, shows awareness in various areas of human activity, knows about the basic natural phenomena and patterns, gets acquainted with universal sign systems - the alphabet, numbers, knows how to use models and diagrams that reproduce the hidden properties and connections of a particular object in a visual form accessible to the child. The ability to correlate the plan of real objects and the plan of models that reproduce these objects indicates a fairly high level of development of various forms of children's thinking (visual-figurative, conceptual). A.V. Zaporozhets paid special attention to this circumstance.

A.V. Zaporozhets put forward the idea that the process of developing new actions and methods of cognitive activity in children proceeds differently depending on what stage of intellectual development the child is at.

The formation of mathematical concepts is a powerful tool for the intellectual development of a preschooler, his cognitive powers and creative abilities, and is part of his general preparation for school.

By solving various mathematical problems, children show volitional efforts, learn to consistently perform the necessary actions in order to achieve a certain result, as well as generalize and systematize the accumulated knowledge, and use it in their daily and play activities. By mastering various knowledge, they acquire the ability to briefly and accurately answer questions and draw conclusions.

Thus, the formation of elementary mathematical concepts contributes to the development of qualities necessary for the future schoolchild.

The formation of elementary mathematical concepts is assessed in the process of preschoolers performing diagnostic tasks, conducting various kinds technologies.

Completion of tasks is assessed in points:

0 – the child did not complete the task;

1 – the child completed the task.

For example, let’s carry out 1 technology with a preschooler -

Nikita Zaitsev, preparatory group

Quantity and counting.

Objectives: Reveal knowledge of numbers from 0 to 9; ability to count within 10, name numbers in forward and reverse order; use ordinal numbers correctly, understand the relationships between numbers in the natural series (7 is more than 6 by 1, and 6 is less than 7 by 1); increase and decrease each number by one (within 10); name the previous and subsequent numbers to those named or indicated by a number, determine the missing number; decompose one number into two smaller ones (within 10 on a visual basis), make up a larger number from two smaller ones; correlate the number and quantity of objects; make a larger number from two smaller ones; correlate the number and quantity of objects; compose and solve simple one-step addition and subtraction problems on a visual basis; use action signs in digital expressions: plus (+), minus (-), equal (=).

Material: A set of numbers, action signs: plus (+), minus (-). Equals (=) . Cards with images of different numbers of objects. A box with a set of toys (10 nesting dolls, 7 cars, 10 cucumbers, 7 apples) for task No. 16, 17, 18.

  1. I’ll start counting, and you continue: 8, 7, ...; 3, 4…
  2. Show the numbers: 7, 8, 3.
  3. (Five different objects are placed in a row in front of the child.) Name: the first and fourth objects on the left, the third and fifth objects on the right.
  4. What number is greater than 6 by 1? What number is less than 6 by 1?
  5. Which number is greater (smaller) – 8 or 9? How long? Show the number that represents the number that less number 8 on 1.
  6. Name the neighbors of number 5.
  7. I will name the number, and you name the previous and subsequent numbers.
  8. I'll count from 1 to 10, and you name the missing number.
  9. What numbers are used to represent the number 10? Show them.
  10. How many units does the number 5 consist of?
  11. What numbers can be used to make the number 7?
  12. I will clap my hands several times, and you show me a card with the same number of objects drawn on it.
  13. Find cards with the same number of objects.
  14. Look at the card. How many objects are there on it? Name a number that is 1 more (1 less).
  15. Look at the cards with different amounts objects and match the numbers to them.
  16. Problem 1. Anya took 7 nesting dolls, and Misha took two cars. How many toys did Anya and Misha take? (Before the child begins to solve this problem, he is asked to repeat the condition of the problem, the question of the problem, and tell how he will solve the problem.)
  17. Problem 2. Maxim had 6 cucumbers, he gave 2 cucumbers to Denis. How many cucumbers does Maxim have left? Write down the solution to the problem using action signs and numbers.
  18. Task 3. Children sculpted several apples from plasticine. They put one in the basket, they had 3 apples left. How many apples did the children make in total?

While the child was completing tasks, she filled out a diagnostic table

Job No.


For loving parent his baby is the smartest. Yes, intelligence is an innate human ability, and the level of its development in the early years depends on heredity. But even if the genome did not add up to mom or dad’s expectations of getting a little genius, you can raise him.

So, you’ve decided to figure out how to develop a child’s intellectual abilities, raise your daughter or son smart, talented, and even more successful than you. It is possible to shift responsibility to teachers or tutors at the age of 4-6, but it is better to study together.

We have developed the LogicLike platform to help parents.
Now it's just create a profile for a child, and we will remind you and tell you where to start.

Basic intellectual abilities that need to be developed in children

Develop practical and emotional intellect preschooler, his creative and logical thinking is conscious, with an understanding of what needs to be worked on. Children aged five to seven years urgently need training:

  • perception - a cognitive process (it can be simple, complex and special in relation to abstract concepts - time, movement, events);
  • memory - the foundations of the foundations, without which further development is impossible effective development intellectual and creative abilities of preschool children;
  • attention: exciting mental activities help in the formation of voluntary attention; The parents’ task is to “switch” the child from involuntary attention during the game to voluntary attention for better perception and assimilation of new information.

At this stage, you need to “have time” to develop general intellectual abilities - analytical, logical, deductive. And then, as the child moves to a new level, the acquired thinking skills will become the basis for achieving high results in new, more complex training and exercises.

Development of intellectual abilities of preschool children

Issues of development of emotional and social intelligence are the subject of a separate article. We will talk mainly about how to develop mental intelligence(logical-mathematical and spatial) and everyday intelligence (sanity and intelligence).

Intelligence is realized through a number of abilities that need to be developed from early childhood:

  • to learn and learn;
  • analyze information for its systematization and high-quality assimilation;
  • ability to think logically;
  • find patterns and differences in the information received, build associations with previously learned facts.

Do you doubt whether you can handle all this on your own? But you are not the one who will give in to difficulties. Otherwise, they would not have read our material, which is not so easy for a person to understand, loaded with dozens of diverse daily tasks. 🙂

You can easily make activities a fun time together. Turn the development of intellectual and creative abilities into fun game, and your child will learn to master and absorb tons of information.

Among the most effective tasks and exercises for developing the mind and intelligence of a preschooler:

  1. . While the child and mother are thinking about the answer (it’s good if the son or daughter gets used to pronouncing the logic of their own reasoning), solving riddles develops logical thinking, concentration and memory. The main benefit of puzzles, charades and other riddles is effective training for the brain. Such exercises to develop intellectual abilities will become something like a warm-up before playing sports (only it will be the brain, not the muscles, that will be pumped).
  2. Logic problems (,). If riddles are, first of all, training for the speed of thought, then tasks are already classes to develop the skill of deeply and comprehensively analyzing a situation, to develop flexibility of thinking and quick wits. Logic problems train well the ability to hold several conditions in mind at once and form the skill of developing your own approach to finding the correct or better answer.
  3. - the simplest option to start with. They are bright, “tailored” to training voluntary attention and stimulate active logical thinking (plus they can develop memory, the ability to make forecasts, and build strategies). Many games of this kind are based on the speed of completing assigned tasks.

Also on at this stage It is worth instilling in children a love of reading and sports, music and dancing. In dancing, martial arts, and team sports, you always need to move and think simultaneously for yourself and for other participants in the process. All this works great for the development of intellectual abilities not only in preschoolers, but at any age. Both the ancient Romans and modern scientists are unanimous in their opinion: the capabilities of the mind and the degree physical development interconnected.

Development of intellectual abilities of schoolchildren

From primary school onwards, it is imperative for boys and girls to develop critical and logical thinking ( detailed information with a specific solution – ).

At the age of 6-10 years, a person’s mentality is formed - analytical, visual-figurative or mixed.

Already in primary school Children should actively develop:

  • working memory (the ability to hold several intermediate facts, decisions, conclusions in the head);
  • skills of ordering thoughts in judgments, striving to build the correct architecture of thinking;
  • the ability to draw conclusions from the received arrays of information;
  • Gradually increase the speed of performing analytical and other operations.

To better understand how to develop intelligence in a child, how to be able to help him improve his mental abilities, you need to realize:

  • only comprehensive work on increasing intellectual abilities in primary school age (logic, creativity, erudition, emotional, social and practical intelligence) will form a successful personality;
  • a pronounced tendency towards analytical thinking does not cancel creative impulses, they only “hide” behind logic, but they can and should be developed in order to raise a harmonious personality;
  • It is necessary to increase your intellectual abilities not only at the computer or in another relatively passive way, but also through sports: the undisputed leaders are chess, karate; Any team sports, general physical training and athletics are also useful.

Exercises to develop intellectual and creative abilities in younger schoolchildren

In the first grades, children do not yet learn mathematics; they are just beginning to be introduced to the course of arithmetic. However, it is already possible to solve simple problems of searching for patterns and other logic tasks with them.

The LogicLike educational website includes more than 2,500 entertaining educational tasks for children. Register and show it to your child.

Such exercises are excellent training in the ability to think and reason. Those exercises that are recommended for younger children are also effective for the development of intellectual abilities at primary school age (see more details above about logic riddles, tasks and intellectual games).

The period from seven to ten years is the most intense in terms of intellectual development. At this time, nature itself helps: the child’s sense of competition intensifies and voluntary attention and conscious interest in analytical activity are formed. You can safely add to mathematical and logical problems:

  • tasks on spatial thinking (figures and their development, reflections, etc.);
  • chess - perfectly develops the intellect and motivates with the opportunity to surpass your opponent in flexibility and inventiveness of the mind; – are able to teach the game of chess to decent level even for a beginner and significantly increase interest in this game;
  • various puzzles for verbal-logical, visual-figurative and abstract-logical thinking, creativity, ingenuity and ingenuity, including truth and lies tasks, algorithms, puzzles with matches and much more.

The comprehensive training program is structured in such a way that the level of difficulty in each category of tasks gradually increases. Where to begin?

As a result of completing the development course logical thinking and intelligence and a 10-12 year old child will not only be able to solve such complex problems that many adults may not be able to do, but in many aspects of intellectual development he will be two heads taller than his less purposeful peers.

Middle school and adolescence

From the age of 10-12, in classes for the development of intelligence, you can focus on competition or on an entertaining and playful form of pastime with benefits for the mind and mood. Perhaps the best answers for any parent to the question of how to develop intelligence in a schoolchild:

  • various Olympiads (real and “game”, at school and at home between friends);
  • entertaining competitions for solving logic problems;
  • family, friendly and official chess tournaments;
  • joint solving of Sudoku, solving crossword puzzles;
  • guessing rebuses, logical riddles, tasks and puzzles for logic and ingenuity, and much more.

Setting an example: how to develop intelligence in an adult

The same goes for mom and dad. Yes, the answer to the question whether intelligence can be developed in adults after 40 years of age is unequivocal and positive. You can increase your level at 20, 35, and 55 years old. What changes is the time it takes to get results and the amount of effort required.

How to act to improve the functioning of your own brain as an adult?

  1. Remove barriers that may be stopping you from moving forward:
    - turn off the fear of failing in new activities;
    - realize that just knowledge of a narrow topic, even at the highest level, does not make a person smarter on all fronts, and often, on the contrary, greatly interferes with the versatile harmonious development of the intellect and personality;
    - even if you are already an established super-pro in your business, your motivation should not suffer, especially if you already have children: work out with them, for them and for yourself.
  2. Do you understand the importance of regular exercise? Human brain- it's the same muscle. If it is not exercised for years, it will become flabby, but it can be brought into shape through a cycle of classes to increase its intellectual level through the development of creative abilities and logical thinking. Decide with your children logic problems, play chess, solve riddles, captivate them with puzzles and puzzles, especially mathematical ones.
  3. Read more books. But even if you have speed reading skills, don’t forget that sometimes you just need to read for pleasure: delve deeply into the plots, enjoy the works, “living the adventures of the main character.” A good book (remember what works inspired you in childhood and youth) can work as a full-fledged “vitamin complex for the mind.” This is fertile soil, but in order for the brain to be constantly in good shape, it must be regularly trained.

How to increase the level of intelligence in an adult and a child at the same time?

Engage in sports, reading and the comprehensive development of logical thinking and intellectual abilities together as a family.

Okay, everything is clear with sports activities and reading. It would be nice to find a place where the most interesting and diverse tasks, riddles, conundrums and other tasks for the full development of intelligence are collected... Perhaps an online service created for raising smart kids and adults?

Take responsibility for organizing both any offline family activities and online joint activities:

  • You can study on a tablet, but it’s better to use a home computer or laptop;
  • set a time that is convenient for everyone, and teach your child discipline: make your joint training of intellectual abilities a family ritual, for example, after dinner;
  • you can start with 20-30 minutes a day, it is important to do a mental warm-up “without downtime” - regularly, every day;
  • During the summer holidays, some children should increase the load to keep their brain in good shape.

Develop your logic and intelligence playfully, easily and with pleasure, while having a pleasant time with your family: for the benefit of your soul and mind.

We have prepared a special complex for the formation of a logical foundation of thinking

  • 2500 tasks, 15 categories, 5 difficulty levels.
  • Video lessons and blocks with theory.
  • Hints and explanations from experts.
Development of intellectual abilities in preschool age

For a preschooler, the leading role in his intellectual life is played by practical interaction with objects. This experience is complemented by visual representations, seemingly guiding speech development. Nevertheless, the development of intelligence occurs as one masters all three forms of information representation: in the form of actions, visual images and linguistic signs. That is, the presentation of information should be carried out in different ways (visual-spatial, sensory-sensory, verbal-symbolic). Preference for one way of presenting information leads to the formation of a superficial understanding of the world. The development of intelligence involves the development of the ability to translate from one “language” of information presentation to another and vice versa. To form an objective picture of the world, to develop the child’s intelligence, taking into account his individual characteristics of perception, it is necessary to introduce the preschooler to different ways reflections of reality. The child knows the meaning of things, gestures, words, events, etc. But these meanings are not scattered, but are combined into certain structures.

An individual system of meanings characterizes the meaningful structure of the intellect of an individual subject. For its development, it is necessary to expand the child’s horizons, study the patterns and connections in the world around him. The intellectual development of a child is determined by a complex of cognitive processes: attention, perception, thinking, memory, imagination.

Famous psychologist N.F. Dobrynin wrote that when a child is guided by quickly passing interests, when his attention, depending on the feeling of pleasure or displeasure, is focused on this or that object, when this is accompanied by what we call interest and has the character of a game, we then speak about involuntary attention. Such involuntary attention, arising without a consciously set goal, predominates in a six-year-old child. However, by the end of the preschool period, the rudiments of voluntary, active attention associated with a consciously set goal, with volitional effort. Its occurrence is an important new formation in the child’s psyche. Voluntary attention does not appear by itself from involuntary attention, but only during the interaction of a child with an adult. The first who drew attention to this was the Soviet psychologist L.S. Vygodsky. Each person, in the process of his development, through communication with other people, masters historically established ways of organizing his own attention. The first stages of such mastery occur at the age of 6-7 years. The main types of attention - involuntary and voluntary - are closely interrelated and sometimes transform into one another. The attention of a 6-7 year old child is characterized by involuntariness; he cannot yet control his attention and often finds himself at the mercy of external impressions. This manifests itself in rapid distractibility, the inability to concentrate on one thing, in frequent changes activities. The teacher's guidance should be aimed at the gradual formation of voluntary attention, which is closely related to the development of responsibility. This involves carefully completing any task - both interesting and not so interesting.

The most important characteristics of attention are stability of attention, as the ability to maintain concentration for a longer period of time, switching of attention, as the ability to quickly navigate a situation and move from one activity to another, and distribution of attention - the ability to concentrate simultaneously on two or more different objects. The role of emotional factors (interest), mental and volitional processes clearly affects the development of attention. All properties of attention are well developed as a result of exercises.

A child’s perception is developed literally from the first months of life. By the age of 6-7 years, a child usually distinguishes well the colors and shapes of objects (he names various geometric figures). The child is well oriented in space and correctly uses the variety of symbols of spatial relationships. More difficult for the child

is the perception of time - orientation in the time of day, in assessing different periods of time. It is still difficult for a child to imagine the duration of any task.

A child’s thinking is connected with his knowledge. And by the age of 6, his mental horizon is already quite large. In studies conducted by N.N. Poddyakov and his colleagues revealed interesting data regarding the knowledge that is formed in children in preschool age. There are two contradictory trends here. First, in the process of mental activity there is an expansion of the volume and deepening of clear, clear knowledge about the world around us. This stable knowledge forms the core of the child’s cognitive sphere. The second is that in the process of mental activity a circle of vague, not entirely clear knowledge arises and grows, appearing in the form of guesses, assumptions, and questions. This developing knowledge is a powerful stimulant mental activity children. During the interaction of these trends, the uncertainty of knowledge is reduced - it is clarified, clarified and turns into definite knowledge. During preschool age, forms of mental activity also develop: concept, judgment, inference. All types of activities available to him can contribute to the development of the thinking of a six-year-old child. In this case, it is necessary to organize conditions conducive to in-depth knowledge of a particular object. In research institutes preschool education Attempts were made to form in the child the initial forms of so-called methodological knowledge, which simultaneously reflect the most essential relationships of the objects cognized by the child, and the organization of his cognitive experience, the ordering of newly acquired knowledge. This methodological knowledge reflected in the simplest form the interconnection of objects and phenomena, their movement, change and development, and the possibility of their qualitative transformation. For example, children developed the knowledge that objects and phenomena should not be considered by themselves, but in connection with other objects. What is characteristic of such a child’s knowledge of this or that subject? It involves going beyond the scope of this subject and considering it in a more general set of objects and phenomena. At the same time, the child invariably encounters other objects little known to him, knowledge about which appears to him at first as vague and unclear. Thus, the deepening process of cognition of objects and phenomena inevitably leads to the emergence and growth of vague, indistinct knowledge. Let us recall that this knowledge, manifested in the form of guesses and assumptions, is an important stimulus for the child’s mental activity. Various games, construction, modeling, drawing, reading develop in the child such mental operations as generalization, comparison, abstraction, and establishment of cause-and-effect relationships. Classes with a child can improve thinking skills by 3-4 times.

In a 6-7 year old child, memory is involuntary, based on emotions and interest. That is, the child easily remembers what interests him. But the memory mechanisms of a six-year-old are not exhausted involuntary memorization. By this stage of life, an important new formation appears in the psyche - children master mnemonic activity proper, and voluntary memory arises in them. The age of six or seven is very important for the development of many motor abilities. Motor memory For children of this age, it allows them not only to master fairly complex movements, but also to perform them quickly and accurately, with less stress than before, and to flexibly change the mastered movements. Emotional memory reaches a high degree of development in a six-year-old child. But the child remembers not a feeling in general, but a feeling for a specific person, object, i.e. his emotional memory is inseparable from the figurative, visual one. This type of memory is very developed in six-year-old children and forms its basis. Its development is manifested not only in a significant expansion and deepening of the range of ideas, but also in the transition from individual and specific images to generalized ideas. When we talk about the memory of six-year-old children and its formation, we must not lose sight of its features related to the gender of the child. Research in recent years indicates that in boys and girls the rate of maturation of various brain formations does not coincide; the rate of development of the left and right hemispheres, which differ significantly in their functions, is also different. It has been established, in particular, that girls develop functions of the left hemisphere much faster than boys. But in the latter, on the contrary, it is the right hemisphere of the brain that is more effective due to the earlier maturation of its functions. What does this have to do with children's memory? Scientists have now discovered that left hemisphere to a greater extent than the right, is responsible for conscious voluntary acts, verbal-logical memory, rational thinking, positive emotions; the right hemisphere plays a leading role in the implementation of involuntary, intuitive reactions, irrational mental activity, imaginative memory, and negative emotions. When working with six-year-olds, one should not ignore information about the “distribution” of roles between the hemispheres. You should develop all types of memory, strive to learn memorization based on mental activity and understanding. The formation of concepts, according to scientists, plays a key role in the process of intellectual development, and also implies the inclusion of sensory impressions, figurative representations, and verbal (sign) definitions. The most active formation of concepts occurs in adolescence, but the beginning of this process can be seen already in early childhood. For example, mastering speech, the ability to communicate. In addition, the depiction of objects and phenomena of everyday life also indicates the development of conceptual thinking. Getting acquainted with the world, the child actively assimilates the signs of objects, their properties, connections with other objects, and generalizes the acquired knowledge.

The child’s imagination, having arisen at the border of early and preschool age, undergoes serious changes in preschool age. Along with the further development of involuntary imagination, a qualitative new type imagination - arbitrary imagination. Psychologists associate its appearance and further development in preschool age with the emergence of new, more complex types of activities, with changes in the content and forms of communication between the child and others, primarily with adults. External support plays an important role in the development of a child’s imagination. If at the first stages, during the period of its inception, the imagination of a preschooler is practically inseparable from real actions with game material and is determined by the nature of the toys, the attributes of the role, the similarity of substitute objects with the objects being replaced, then in children of 6-7 years old there is no longer such a close dependence of the game on the game material and imagination can already find support in objects that are not similar to those being replaced. Images of the imagination at this age are characterized by special brightness, clarity, mobility and variability. The imagination of a six-year-old child is often of a recreative (reproductive) nature. It helps to imagine what the teacher is talking about, what is written in the book, what has not yet been in the child’s direct experience or memory (events of history and the future, distant countries, amazing, rare animals, plants, etc.). But the child’s imagination is not limited to this. In the process of creating images, a six-year-old child uses both a combination of previously received ideas and their transformation, which is carried out by analyzing and synthesizing existing ideas. Among the most accessible methods for transforming reality for a child is changing the sizes of objects, reaching to extremes. In general, exaggeration (hyperbole) is widely used by children to create sharp opposites that are easily accessible to a still undeveloped understanding (people are either examples of virtue and beauty, or monsters and villains, etc.). The child also creates new images, attributing to objects unusual qualities (often anthropometric), endowing them with the ability to transform into another object, into a different state, etc.

Speech is closely connected with the child’s thinking. 6 years is a period of extremely intensive development. Let us remember that in preschool age the leading activity is play. In the process of playing out situations and roles, mastery of the functions and forms of speech becomes very important for him. At the same time, the physical side speech activity recedes into the background, overshadowed by the task of mastering the diverse functions of speech and the forms of their expression. The emphasis moves to the semantic (meaning) side of speech. A significant expansion of a child’s social circle by the age of 6 leads to the development of his free speech. By the time he enters school, he practically masters all aspects of his native language: vocabulary, sound composition, grammatical structure. Mastering concepts and their meanings allows a six-year-old child to apply generalization in speech and develops his thinking.

Today, intellectual abilities are external manifestations intelligence are classified differently by different authors. One of the approaches is the division into divergent and convergent. Another additionally highlights learning ability as an intellectual ability.

Convergent abilities manifest themselves in the process of finding the only the right decision this problem.

Divergent abilities allow you to find several solutions and put forward many correct ideas regarding the same object.

Learning ability manifests itself in the ability to assimilate new knowledge and methods of activity. Learning ability is characterized by the child’s level of independence when performing tasks, as well as the use of knowledge and methods of activity to complete a similar task. The highest degree of learning ability is the active creative initiative of the subject. When assessing the effectiveness of learning, it is necessary to take into account the starting level and individual characteristics intellectual development of every child. M.A. Cold introduces a fourth type - intellectual styles. But this type abilities in preschool age are not sufficiently organized; they are only beginning to be identified under the condition of a high level of intellectual development. Intellectual abilities are reflected in the ability to analyze, compare, generalize, juxtapose, synthesize, and are manifested in the development of the child’s speech, attention, perception, memory, imagination, and thinking. The development of intellectual abilities and mental experience is closely related to the education of certain personal qualities. Conventionally, they can be divided into 4 groups:

cognitive: initiative, curiosity, independence.

self-esteem: self-confidence, sense of intellectual competence.

communicative: goodwill, the ability to take into account the point of view of another person, criticality in assessing “indisputable” truths, the ability for intellectual dialogue.

emotional: characterize the attitude towards life phenomena, surrounding reality, art, creativity, cognition, intellectual activity. Nurturing the above listed personal qualities is a condition for the development of intelligence. Developed intelligence, in turn, contributes to the formation of these personality qualities. This relationship can be shown as follows:

Personal qualities of the subject

Intellectual development.

In this article:

Parents begin to think about how and where to begin the intellectual development of children, perhaps from the moment the kids take their first steps. Caring mothers and fathers believe that the sooner they begin to develop the child’s intellectual abilities, the easier it will be for him to learn in the future and the greater heights he will achieve. Is it really? How and when should we begin to develop children intellectually, and most importantly, is the process of development at home different from the same process in preschool institutions? Read about it below.

What do psychologists say?

Child psychologists unanimously assert that in preschool age - which, by the way, begins not at one year old, but at three years old, and continues until seven - the main activity of the child was, is and will be play. First these are the most simple games, which as the child grows up become more complicated with the plot, rules, use of auxiliary objects, etc.

Playing without
time restrictions in preschool age, by the age of 6, when it’s time to go to school, the child feels that he has already played enough and is happy to get acquainted with a new type of activity - studying. The main thing that guides a child at this age is cognitive interest. It encourages him to study, learn something new, and be one of the best in the class.

If you review the main literary materials devoted to the development of a child’s intellectual abilities, you will notice that they are all built on teaching the child in a playful way. The authors constantly remind readers that they are dealing with preschool children, whose development can be built solely on play, which, however, in this context already acts as a means of preparing for school.

According to the authors’ recommendations, parents deliberately deprive their child of childhood by teaching him, albeit in a playful way, what he would have learned anyway in his time in elementary school. What does this give? Parents get a reason to be proud of a child who, at three years old, reveals truths unknown to a first-grader. But not more.

Yes, indeed, children can be encouraged in a playful way to remember numbers and letters. But will they really understand what they are teaching? At three years old, a child is not able to understand what a letter or number is. He doesn't own one yet simple concepts, as "sound", "sign" or "number". And even if you try to explain it to him in a primitive form, he will not understand. This means that the baby will remember the letters and numbers imposed by adults, but without much desire, most often only with the goal of pleasing the parents. Such activities seem unnecessary and incredibly boring to younger preschoolers.

What do parents need to know about the intellectual development of children?

Based on the above, some may conclude that it is not advisable to develop a child’s intellectual abilities at such an early age. But that's not true! It is necessary to develop the baby, but it is important to do it correctly. For example, from 3 to 6 years old, you should try to read a lot to your child and communicate with him as much as possible, discussing what you read, saw, and heard.

If so
If you want to teach your little one to count, then you can start counting fingers, cars on the street, stray dogs or cats with him. So, counting everything that comes across on the street and at home, you can add the crumbs to the count. At the same time, there is no need to fill his head with numbers, drawing cards or practicing with a magnetic board. In early preschool age, a child is not able to adequately perceive such information.

Simple and interesting way development of a preschooler's intellect at home - these are lessons in joint creativity. Together with the child, parents can:

  • draw with pencils and finger paints;
  • sculpt from plasticine or dough;
  • make applications, crafts, etc.

use as many natural materials as possible. Let the baby glue and sculpt on the bark of a tree, make appliqués using leaves, cones, dried flowers; invite him to burn wood. Support your child’s natural interest in activities of this kind by offering new ideas and organizing your own mini-exhibition of works for friends and acquaintances.

Advice to parents: do not blindly adhere to methods for early development intellectual abilities of children, forgetting that you are dealing with a child who, first of all, should have a childhood. Give preference to benefits that are designed to develop memory, attention and observation skills.

How do they work to develop intellectual abilities in kindergarten?

A program for educating preschool children for the purpose of their intellectual development in kindergarten built largely on didactic games. Such games make the learning process interesting and emotionally charged for children. Didactic games are divided into games:

Games with objects (most often with toys) are carried out with the aim of introducing children to their main characteristics, teaching them to group and classify objects. Play activity This kind of learning should become more complex as the child’s skills improve, requiring him to make logical conclusions. Children enjoy remembering the order of objects and taking part in searching for hidden toys.

During the didactic game, it is extremely important to determine goals for the child. So, for example, if the main goal is to study and consolidate the names of objects, then you need to focus the child’s attention on this. If you need to teach a child to distinguish signs, then they must be clearly visible in the objects involved in the game.

Children enjoy playing games such as "Magic Bag", "Guess What's Missing" or "Guess What's Changed". The teacher hides, changes or adds objects in them, asking the child leading questions.

Board games
involve the use not of the objects themselves, but of their images, for example in the form of pictures, puzzles, cubes. Such games are designed to develop thought processes, attention and ingenuity.

Word games are extremely important for speech development. They contribute to the formation of auditory attention, teach children to correctly reproduce words and sounds, and help accelerate the process of speech development.

Word games can be of four types:

  • travel (designed to introduce children to the world around them);
  • assignments (help improve the ability to build causal connections, comprehend the order of actions);
  • riddles (needed to develop the ability to analyze);
  • conversations (strengthen the connection between children and teachers, necessary for communication).

In general, it can be noted that didactic games in kindergarten are necessary for the development in children of curiosity and the desire to jointly solve problems in a team united by common interests.

Tasks and models of mental development of children in preschool age

Speaking about the main tasks of the intellectual education of children three to six years old, we can highlight the following:

As for the models of mental development of preschool children, among them we can highlight:

  1. Emotional
  2. Logical
  3. Speech.

Emotional. From the moment of birth until about one and a half years, the child develops emotionally. Positive emotions, love and support from loved ones help him achieve harmony in this process.

Logical. IN During the early preschool years, the baby experiences active development of vision and hearing. It is at this time that children develop logical thinking and become receptive to the musical world. At this stage, you need to play logical educational games with your baby more often.

Speech. We are talking about a model of mental behavior of preschoolers, which involves stimulating their development of the ability to perceive and remember oral information. For example, it is in preschool age that children learn and remember foreign words more easily and quickly. The task of adults is to give the child the opportunity to develop in this direction while reading children's books aloud, learning poems and songs.

Conclusion. It is possible to develop a child intellectually in preschool age in a natural way, unobtrusively telling the child about everything that he has to face in the world around him. Only in this case, by the time the doors to the child open classroom, he will have a desire to learn, he will have formed a special worldview that will allow him to express his personal opinion.

Intellectually developed, smart individuals have always been at a high price. A person characterized by a good store of knowledge in various fields has an advantage over other people, which leads to success in professional activities. It is necessary to distinguish between developed intelligence and erudition. After all, you can know a lot of fascinating information, but not be able to analyze, compare, or think logically. Today, there are many ways to develop intelligence that can be used from a very early age.

Child's intelligence

Knowing that the human psyche is the ability to perceive in a certain way the world and react to it, then it is not difficult to understand what intelligence is. - quality of the psyche, covering all aspects of human activity: mental, emotional, and physical. It is the ability to adapt to a variety of situations based on one's level of development. In other words, a well-developed intellect is synonymous with a harmoniously developed personality, a combination of the wealth of the inner world with physical development.

“Did you know that the development of a child’s intellectual abilities is an integral part harmonious development, which includes spiritual and physical education?

Many parents will ask the question: why develop a child’s intelligence? The answer is obvious: in order for the child to become able to learn quickly, easily and effectively, to successfully use acquired knowledge, to make discoveries in the future, or to learn to do something that others cannot. Therefore, attention should be paid to the development of intelligence from early childhood.

Stages of intelligence development

First of all, the level of intelligence (intelligence quotient, IQ) is manifested in the child’s thinking ability. Thinking is directly related to physical activity. By moving, crawling, running, stomping through puddles or playing in the sand, the baby learns about the reality around him, developing his brain. It is for this reason that one should not limit motor activity crumbs, allowing him to independently explore the world. Prohibitions and restrictions inhibit the baby’s brain activity.

When the baby grows up, it is better to play games with him as actively as possible to develop logical thinking, counting and generalization, and speech. You can already start teaching your baby to read: this will intensify the development of thinking, form and increase the vocabulary.

Younger schoolchildren will develop intellectually by playing board or computer logic games. Play is a great way to organize learning about anything. Agree, it is much better when the development of intellectual abilities takes place in an unobtrusive environment.

Even more interesting is how to intellectually develop teenagers. The school curriculum becomes more complex year after year, and therefore the first exams can become a real test for students with intellectual difficulties. Adolescence is characterized by changes in the physical and mental spheres, as well as a slight decrease in cognitive interest. This is where parents need to think carefully about how to stimulate the intellectual development of teenagers, not just by forcing them to read more.

Factors of intellectual development

"Did you know that breast-feeding activates the baby’s mental development?”

The mental development of a child depends on certain factors:

1. Genetic factors. This refers to the one that a child receives from his parents at birth. The level, quality and direction of a child’s intellectual development largely depend on these factors.

2. Factors that arise during the mother's pregnancy. The kind of lifestyle a pregnant woman had affects the mental development of the child. For example, mental retardation of the unborn child can be affected by:

  • malnutrition
  • lack of iodine in the mother's body
  • illnesses during pregnancy
  • taking medications
  • consumption of alcohol, drugs, smoking.

3. Environmental factors. Impairments in the mental activity of children can arise due to:

  • poor nutrition of children
  • lack of communication
  • restrictions on motor and cognitive activity
  • single-parent family.

4. Large family factor. Studies have shown that firstborns are more mentally developed than other children in the family. However, in large families, children develop better in socially: They easily acquire communication skills and quickly adapt to society.
5. Factor of the family's social status. Children from very poor families do not always please their parents with their school performance.
6. School influence factor. In the majority secondary schools Teachers still consider a good student to be a student who is calm, answers questions as required, and does nothing without asking. These characteristics do not correspond to children with high creative potential: those who take a non-standard approach to solving tasks. Only individual and student-oriented approaches to education will stimulate the mental development of children in school today.
7. Factor of the child’s personal qualities. The development of mental abilities is also influenced by what kind of character and temperament a child has. Thoughtful children are attentive to difficult tasks, but they lack self-confidence and are afraid of failure. Easily excitable children are somewhat superficial, but are capable of spontaneously expressing creative impulses.
8. Factor of personal qualities of parents. It’s good when parents are intellectually developed, successful, self-confident, and love their work: in such conditions, children develop faster. However, this is not the main condition for growing smart child. The main thing in education is the care of parents and faith in the strength of children.

Intelligence of preschoolers

"This is interesting. A child’s brain is 80% formed before the age of three. Try not to miss this moment to shape your baby’s intelligence.”

The main type of life activity of a preschool child. Thanks to the game, the child gets to know the world around him: learns colors and shapes, learns about plants and animals, learns to communicate. The game is the main method of developing intelligence.

Having seen the toy for the first time, the baby carefully examines it: examines it, twists it, shakes it, tastes it, listens to it. Knowing this "exploratory" nature of young children, we need to offer them toys that stimulate their thinking ability:

  • block constructors
  • toys that can be taken apart
  • simple household items that you can play with.

How else can a baby explore the world while developing his brain?

  1. Try not to buy all the toys. You can make toys with your own hands, transform household objects into toys: this will make it more interesting to study them.
  2. Involve your child in co-creation. Make a toy together with your child and play with him.
  3. Allow your child to use different objects that interest him as toys. Naturally, within reasonable limits: they must be safe.
  1. Many toys distract attention. Therefore, it is better to remove excess toys.
  2. Children love multifunctional toys.
  3. Children usually get bored with toys from the store quickly.
  4. The child will be more interested in complex toys that can be explored endlessly.

Along with playing with toys, engage in didactic (educational) games with your child, play sports games outside, read and teach your baby to read, start learning the basics with your baby foreign language, engage in drawing and modeling, develop your child musically. There is no need to overload the child. It is ideal when classes are held in a playful way, are exciting and bring pleasure. Only then will the preschooler’s intellect develop naturally and harmoniously.

Watch a video about how you can develop the mental abilities of kids

Features of intellectual development of schoolchildren

Study becomes the leading activity for younger schoolchildren. Based on this type of activity, children actively develop thinking, related features (analysis, planning, etc.), the need for learning and motivation for it. The development of the student’s personality depends on how interesting the learning activity is and how successful it is. In progress educational activities children acquire the ability to learn and use theoretical knowledge. refers to the period of intensification of intellectual development. Mental development also stimulates other qualities of the student. Thanks to this, awareness of the need for educational activity comes, voluntary and intentional memorization occurs, attention and the ability to concentrate develop, etc. The success of intellectual development at this age depends on the personality and activities of the teacher, his ability to take a creative approach to teaching children, to use modern methods training aimed at stimulating all cognitive processes, taking into account the individual characteristics of students.

It is interesting that school-age children develop a mentality. Some students have an analytical mindset, other students have a visual-figurative one, and others are characterized by the presence of both figurative and abstract elements. In order to harmoniously develop the minds of schoolchildren, the teacher needs to influence both the logical and figurative components of the mind, presenting educational material in a voluminous manner.

Successful learning is facilitated by the presence of the following components of schoolchildren’s thinking:

  • be able to think: analyze, synthesize, summarize, classify information, formulate judgments and conclusions;
  • be able to think critically, having several options for solving a problem;
  • be able to highlight the main thing, see the goal.

To successfully develop thinking at school age, it is best to use the ideas of developmental education. This educational technology assumes that the tasks are of a problematic nature, which stimulates the active development of the student’s intellect.

Diagnosis of intelligence

Knowing the level of mental development of a child, you can choose the right teaching methods for him. To determine the IQ level, special ones are used. For kids - bright pictures, by looking at which and answering questions, the child demonstrates a certain level of his intelligence. Preschoolers can undergo diagnostics using special tasks and questionnaires.

Psychological tests are used to check the IQ of schoolchildren. They are built in the form of blocks aimed at studying intelligence in different areas. By focusing on the results, you can find out how he perceives information best.

Ways to develop intelligence

What can improve a child's mental qualities?

  1. Games that develop the brain. These can be chess or checkers, puzzles, logic, psychological and board games.
  2. Mathematics and exact sciences. Mathematics teaches you to structure concepts and treat everything with order.
  3. Reading. A good fiction book will always give you something to think about. Read to your child, teach yourself to read, discuss what you read.
  4. Education. The learning process is valuable in itself, as it activates the development of all human abilities.
  5. Studying of foreign language.
  6. Learning something new. Read encyclopedias and reference books with your child, watch educational films and programs, go to. Create conditions in which your child will be interested in discovering something new every day. This will expand your horizons and erudition. Let the child be inquisitive.

How to stimulate the intellect?

  • constantly ask your child questions
  • use the words “Think”, “Be more attentive”, “Remember”
  • while walking, relaxing, give your child tasks (observe, count, solve a riddle)
  • teach your child to finish what he starts
  • Discuss with your child the results of his activities, identify shortcomings, and think about how to do better.


Develop your child harmoniously. Books alone are not enough to make a child smart. Create a whole system for your baby’s intellectual development at home. Study together, paying attention to the comprehensive development of mental abilities. Let the classes be not boring and bring benefits.