Why is it important to develop critical thinking in children? How to develop a child's logical thinking


It can rightly be called the crown of human knowledge. It is a mental activity with its own goals, motives, operational functions and results. It can be characterized in different ways: as the highest degree of assimilation and processing of information and the establishment of causal relationships between objects of reality, as a process of displaying the obvious properties of objects and phenomena and, consequently, the formation of ideas about the surrounding reality, and as a process of cognition of the world, based on the incessant replenishment of the baggage of concepts and ideas about it.

But, regardless of the interpretation, it can be established that the better a person’s thinking is, the more effectively he can interact with the outside world and other people, study and learn, understand phenomena and truths. Thinking is formed as a person develops from his very birth, but life circumstances do not always develop in such a way that it continues to develop. It often happens that, having reached a certain level, development slows down. However, this process, like many others, each of us is able to influence. In other words, everyone is capable
, and how this is done, we will talk in this article.

But before we get down to the main material, a few words should be said about what thinking is in general. In total, there are several of its main types, studied by specialists most often and most of all:

  • Visual-figurative thinking;
  • Verbal-logical (it is also abstract) thinking;
  • Visual-effective thinking;

Below we present short description each of the types of thinking and indicate the effective and simple ways their development.

Visual-figurative thinking and exercises for its development

With the help of visual-figurative thinking, reality is transformed into images, and ordinary phenomena and objects are endowed with new properties. It involves the visual solution of problems and tasks without the need to resort to practical action. The brain is responsible for its development. Visual-figurative thinking should not be confused with imagination, because. it is based on real objects, actions and processes, and not imaginary or invented.

Develop visual-figurative thinking in adults and children can be the same way. Here are some good exercises:

  • Think of a few people you have interacted with today and visualize in detail their clothes, shoes, hair, looks, and so on.
  • With just two nouns, one adverb, three verbs, and adjectives, describe the words “success,” “wealth,” and “beauty.”
  • Swipe: imagine the shape of the ears of your pet or, for example, an elephant; count the number of apartments in your entrance and imagine how they are located in the house; and now flip English letter"N" by 90 degrees and determine what came out of it.
  • Describe in words the following objects and phenomena: a flying swan, sparkling lightning, the kitchen of your apartment, lightning, a pine forest, a toothbrush.
  • Replay in your mind the image of a recent meeting with friends and give mental answers to several questions: how many people were in the company, and what did each of them wear? What food and drinks were on the table? What were you talking about? What was the room like? In what position did you sit, what sensations did you experience, what taste did you feel from the food and drinks you consumed?

These exercises can be modified at your own discretion - you can do whatever you want, but the main thing here is to use visual-figurative thinking. The more you use it, the better it will develop.

You can also check out a course that will help you develop your thinking in just a few weeks. Check it out here.

Verbal-logical (abstract) thinking and exercises for its development

Verbal-logical thinking is characterized by the fact that a person who observes a certain picture as a whole, singles out only the most significant qualities from it, not paying attention to minor details that simply complement this picture. There are usually three forms of such thinking:

  • Concept - when objects are grouped according to features;
  • Judgment - when any phenomenon or connections between objects are affirmed or denied;
  • Inference - when specific conclusions are drawn on the basis of several judgments.

Everyone should develop verbal-logical thinking, but it is especially useful to form it from an early age in children, because this is an excellent training of memory and attention, as well as fantasy. Here are some exercises you can use for yourself or your child:

  • Set a timer for 3 minutes, write during this time maximum amount words beginning with the letters "zh", "sh", "h" and "i".
  • Take a few simple phrases like "what's for breakfast?", "let's go to the movies", "come over" and "there's a new exam tomorrow" and read them backwards.
  • There are several groups of words: “sad, cheerful, slow, cautious”, “dog, cat, parrot, penguin”, “Sergey, Anton, Kolya, Tsarev, Olga” and “triangle, square, board, oval”. From each group, select those words that do not fit the meaning.
  • Identify the differences between a ship and an airplane, grass and a flower, a story and a verse, an elephant and a rhinoceros, a still life and a portrait.
  • A few more groups of words: “House - walls, foundation, windows, roof, wallpaper”, “War - weapons, soldiers, bullets, attack, map”, “Youth - growth, joy, choice, love, children”, “Road - cars, pedestrians, traffic, asphalt, poles.” Choose from each group one or two words without which the concept ("home", "war", etc.) could exist as such.

These exercises, again, can be quite easily modernized and modified, simplifying or complicating at your discretion. It is thanks to this that each of them can be an excellent way to train abstract thinking, both in adults and in children. By the way, any such exercises, among other things, perfectly develop the intellect.

Visual-effective thinking and exercises for its development

Visual-effective thinking can be described as the process of solving mental problems by transforming what has arisen into real life situations. It is rightfully considered the first way to process the information received, and it develops very actively in children under 7 years old, when they begin to combine all kinds of objects into one whole, analyze them and operate with them. And in adults, this type of thinking is expressed in identifying the practical benefits of the objects of the surrounding world, being the so-called manual intellect. The brain is responsible for the development of visual-effective thinking.

An excellent way to learn and train here is the usual game of chess, solving puzzles and sculpting all kinds of figures from plasticine, but there are also several effective exercises:

  • Take your pillow and try to determine its weight. Then weigh your clothes in the same way. After that, try to determine the area of ​​​​the room, kitchen, bathroom and other rooms in your apartment.
  • Draw a triangle, a rhombus and a trapezoid on the landscape sheets. Then take the scissors and turn all these shapes into a square, cutting once in a straight line.
  • Lay out 5 matches on the table in front of you and make 2 equal triangles out of them. After that, take 7 matches and make 2 triangles and 2 squares out of them.
  • Buy a constructor in the store and make various shapes out of it - not only those indicated in the instructions. It is recommended that there be as many details as possible - at least 40-50.

As an effective addition to these exercises, chess and more, you can use our excellent.

Logical thinking and exercises for its development

Logical thinking is the basis of a person's ability to think and reason consistently and without contradictions. It is necessary in most life situations: from ordinary dialogues and shopping to decision various tasks and development of the intellect. This type of thinking contributes to the successful search for justifications for any phenomena, a meaningful assessment of the world around us and judgments. The main task in this case, it is to obtain true knowledge about the subject of reflection with the basis for the analysis of its various aspects.

Among the recommendations for the development of logical thinking, one can single out the solution logical tasks(and this is also an excellent training of memory and attention in children and adults), passing tests for the IQ, logic games, self-education, reading books (especially detective stories), and training intuition.

As for specific exercises, we advise you to take note of the following:

  • From several sets of words, for example: “armchair, table, sofa, stool”, “circle, oval, ball, circle”, “fork, towel, spoon, knife”, etc. you need to choose a word that does not fit the meaning. Despite its simplicity, this is a very effective technology for the development of logical thinking, and similar sets and exercises can be found in large numbers on the Internet.
  • Collective exercise: get together with friends or the whole family and divide into two teams. Let each team invite the opposite team to solve a semantic riddle, where the content of some text is transmitted. The point is to define. Here is a small example: “The clergyman had an animal in the household. He experienced strong warm feelings for him, however, despite this, he performed a violent action on him, which led to his death. This happened for the reason that the animal did something unacceptable - it ate part of the food that was not intended for it. Thinking logically, one can recall a children's song that begins with the words: "The priest had a dog, he loved her ..."
  • Another group game: a member of one team performs an action, and a member of the other must find its cause, and then the cause of the cause, and so on until all the motives for the behavior of the first participant are clarified.

Again, these exercises (in particular, the last two) are excellent ways to develop logical thinking and intelligence, suitable for people all ages.

Creative thinking and exercises for its development

Creative thinking is a type of thinking that allows you to systematize and analyze ordinary information in an unusual way. In addition to the fact that it contributes to the extraordinary solution of typical tasks, questions and problems, it also increases the efficiency of a person's assimilation of new knowledge. Applying creative thinking, people can consider objects and phenomena from different angles, awaken in themselves the desire to create something new - something that did not exist before (this is the understanding of creativity in its classical sense), develop the ability to move from one task to another and find a lot of interesting options for doing work and ways out of life situations.

Ways of development creative thinking are based on the idea that a person realizes only a small percentage of his potential during his life, and his task is to find ways to activate untapped resources. The technology for developing creativity is based, first of all, on several recommendations:

  • You need to improvise and always look for new ways to solve everyday problems;
  • No need to focus on established frameworks and rules;
  • You should expand your horizons and constantly learn something new;
  • You need to travel as much as possible, discover new places and meet new people;
  • It is necessary to make learning new skills and abilities a habit;
  • You should try to do something better than others.

But, of course, there are also certain exercises for the development of creative thinking (by the way, we advise you to familiarize yourself with our courses on the development of creative thinking and thinking in general - you will find them).

Now let's talk about exercises:

  • Take several concepts, for example, “youth”, “man”, “coffee”, “kettle”, “morning” and “candle”, and select for each of them the maximum possible number of nouns that define their essence.
  • Take several pairs of different concepts, for example, "piano - car", "cloud - steam locomotive", "tree - picture", "water - well" and "airplane - capsule" and select the maximum number of similar features for them.
  • Imagine several situations and think about what might happen in each of them. Examples of situations: “aliens are walking around the city”, “it’s not water that runs from the tap in your apartment, but lemonade”, “all pets have learned to speak human language”, “it snows in your city in the middle of summer for a week”.
  • Look around the room where you are now, and stop looking at any object that interests you, for example, on a closet. Write down on a piece of paper 5 adjectives that match it, and then 5 adjectives that are completely opposite.
  • Think about your job, hobby, favorite singer or actor, best friend or other half, and describe it (him/her) in at least 100 words.
  • Remember some saying or, and write, based on it, a short essay, verse or essay.
  • Write a list of 10 purchases you would make before the end of the world.
  • Write a daily plan for your cat or dog.
  • Imagine that when you returned home, you saw that the doors of all the apartments were open. Write 15 reasons why this might have happened.
  • Make a list of 100 of your life goals.
  • Write a letter to yourself in the future - when you are 10 years older.

Also, to activate creativity and intelligence you can use in Everyday life two great methods - and . These ways to develop creativity will help you break all stereotypes, expand your comfort zone and develop an original and no matter what. similar type thinking.

In conclusion, we say that if you have a desire to organize or continue your education and develop your thinking more effectively, then you will certainly like one of our courses, which you can familiarize yourself with.

For the rest, we wish you every success and comprehensively developed thinking!

"The Science of right thinking"- this is how the word logic is translated from the ancient Greek language. And who among us would not want to think right? The value of formed logical thinking is undeniable.

Logic allows us to:

  • Analyze the surrounding reality;
  • Find the main and secondary in the flow of information, which helps to quickly and permanently memorize information without overloading the memory;
  • Understand the cause-and-effect relationships of phenomena and events.

Just at this time, the child begins to form logical and abstract thinking. And if this “sprout” is not helped to grow stronger, then many of the child’s educational endeavors will not lead to success. Especially when it comes to mathematics and other exact sciences. Also read about the benefits of logical thinking.

Here are 5 exercises to help improve your child's logical thinking.

Exercise 1: Finding the Most Significant Words

Tell your child six words. One of them is of the most general order, for example, the word "city". And the other five words will be somehow connected with it. It is necessary that two words be more significant for the word "city" than the rest. Eg, "streets, cars, houses, trees, cafes".

The task of the child is to find the two most meaningful words out of five, and then explain your choice. And your task is to reason with the child and come to a logically correct solution. There are two options for complicating the exercise. You can limit your search for words to a specific time (for example, 20 seconds). Or use for exercise more Difficult words.

Exercise 2

Choose two objects and ask your child to find as much as possible in common between them. Start with simple pairs like "apple and pear", but gradually complicate the task. For example, you can ask a child what a book and a computer, dad and mom, him and his best friend have in common.

If suddenly the child's answers began to go beyond logic, do not scold him. abundance non-standard options will clear sign formed creative thinking of the child!

Exercise 3. Name the reason

Name the child any event and ask him to name it probable causes. Start with simple options, such as "runny nose", "sunburn", "deuce". And then gradually move on to more complex ones, for example, "mistake", "friendship", "ice".

Exercise 4. Name the consequence

In this exercise, you need to name the event to the child and ask him what consequences it may entail. For example, you can name the following simple and complex events: "overeating", "warming", "hit" And "danger", "care", "lateness".

Exercise 5

A logic game that got its name due to the condition: when guessing a word, you can only answer the questions of the second player with “yes” or “no”. And the task of the second player is to select questions that will bring him closer to unraveling the word.

The game also trains imagination, attention and the ability to remember, because keeping all the conditions in memory - not an easy task. And what else contributes to the development of the logical thinking of the child?

However, often their study is not given to the child due to unformed logical thinking, it turns out vicious circle. Then interest comes to the rescue. And programming. Playfully, the child will be able to master it (as early as 7 years old!).

Read more about computer courses at Unium. Programming is strong foundation, which with early years will help to make the child's thinking more structured, systemic and logical.

In this article:

Before we talk about how the development of thinking occurs in children, let us dwell on what the process of thinking is in principle, how it proceeds and what it depends on.

Thinking is a process in which two hemispheres of the brain take part at once. The decisions that a person makes are directly dependent on how complex he is able to think. That is why it is so important to pay attention to the development of thinking in childhood.

Many parents believe that early childhood it makes no sense to develop thinking in children, since they make the lion's share of decisions at this age for kids. Children, on the other hand, devote most of their time to games and the development of creative abilities during modeling, drawing, and construction. Nevertheless, in the life of every child there will surely come a moment when, already as an adult, he will have to accept correct solution- one on which his future life will depend.

Moreover, in our time, testing employees for the IQ level is practiced, based on the results of which decisions are made on hiring in reputable companies.

It is the logical and creative thinking are the basis of almost every invention created by man.
Therefore, the task of every parent who wants to give a child a chance to succeed in life as much as possible is to develop his thinking from childhood.

Thinking in a child

When they are born, children do not have a mind. For this, they simply do not have enough experience and insufficiently developed memory. Around the end of the year, the crumbs can already
observe the first glimpses of thought.

The development of thinking in children is possible through purposeful participation in the process during which the child learns to speak, understand, act. We can talk about development when the content of the baby’s thought begins to expand, new forms of mental activity appear, and cognitive interests increase. The process of development of thinking is endless and is directly related to human activity. Naturally, at each stage of growing up, it has its own nuances.

The development of thinking in babies occurs in several stages:

  • actionable thinking;
  • figurative;
  • logical.

First stage- active thinking. Characterized by the child's acceptance of the most simple solutions. The kid learns to know the world through objects. He twists, pulls, throws toys, looks for and presses buttons on them, thus getting the first experience.

Second phase- creative thinking. It allows the baby to create images of what he will do with his hands in the near future, without their direct involvement.

At the third stage, logical thinking begins to work, during which, in addition to images, the child uses abstract, abstract words. If you ask a kid with a well-developed logical thinking questions about what the universe or time is, he will easily find meaningful answers.

Stages of development of thinking in children

In early childhood, babies have one feature: they try to taste everything, take it apart, and they are guided by exceptionally efficient thinking, which in some cases persists even after they grow up. Such people, being adults, no longer break - they grow up as designers, able to assemble and disassemble almost any object with their hands.

Figurative thinking develops in toddlers in the younger to school age. Usually the process is influenced by drawing, games with the designer, when you need to imagine final result in the mind. The most active figurative thinking in children becomes around the end of the period of preschool age - by the age of 6. Based on the developed
figurative thinking begins to form logical.

IN kindergarten the process of development of thinking is associated with the education in children of the ability to think in images, memorize, and then try to reproduce scenes from life. When children enter school, they can also continue to engage in such exercises.

At the same time, you need to understand that most of the school programs are built with an emphasis on the development of logic and analytics, so parents will need to work on the development of figurative thinking in kids. To do this, together with the child, you can invent and stage interesting stories, together do different kind crafts, draw.

After 6 years, the process starts in babies active development logical thinking. The child is already able to analyze, generalize, draw conclusions, draw something basic from what he has seen, heard or read. At school, most often they pay attention to the development of standard logic, completely unaware that they teach children to think in patterns. Teachers try to suppress any initiative, non-standard solution, insisting that children solve problems as indicated in the textbook.

What should parents do?

The most important thing is that in the process of working on the development of the child's thinking, parents do not get bogged down in dozens of identical examples that completely kill creativity in children. It will be much more useful in such cases to play with the child in Board games, for example in checkers or "Empire". In such games, the kid will get the opportunity to make really non-standard decisions, in this way developing logic and gradually transferring thinking to a new level.

Are there ways to help nurture creativity in a child? The most important thing to learn is that the development of creative thinking takes place most actively in communication. In the process of communicating with people, as well as when reading a book or even viewing an analytical
transmission in the mind, several opinions arise at once regarding the same situation.

As for personal opinion, it appears in a person exclusively in the process of personal communication. Creative personalities they stand out among the main mass, first of all, by the understanding that there can be several correct answers to one question at once. To convey this to a child, just words will not be enough. The kid himself must draw such a conclusion after numerous trainings and exercises for the development of thinking.

IN school curriculum the development of associative, creative, flexible thinking in children is not provided. Therefore, the entire responsibility for this lies on the shoulders of the parents. In fact, it turns out not to be as difficult as it might seem at first glance. With a child, it will be enough to periodically design, work with pictures of animals and geometric shapes, put together a mosaic, or just fantasize with a baby from time to time, for example, describing all the possible functions of an object.

Features of the development of thinking at a young age

As noted above, at each age the development of thinking has its own characteristics. IN younger age this process is mainly associated with the actions of the child, who is trying to find solutions for certain immediate problems. Very young children learn to put rings on a pyramid, build towers from cubes, open and close boxes, climb on a sofa, etc. When performing all these actions, the child is already thinking, and this process is still called visual-effective thinking.

As soon as the baby begins to learn speech, the process of developing visual-effective thinking will switch to new stage. By understanding speech and using it to communicate, the child tries to think in general terms. And although the first attempts to generalize are not always successful, they are necessary for the further development process.
The kid can group completely dissimilar objects if he can catch a fleeting external resemblance in them, and this is normal.

For example, at 1 year and 2 months old, it is common for children to name several objects at once with one word that seem similar to them. It can be the name "apple" for anything that is round, or "kitty" for anything that is fluffy and soft. Most often, children at this age generalize on topics outward signs which are the first to be noticed.

After two years, children have a desire to highlight a certain feature or action of an object. They easily notice that "the porridge is hot" or that "the kitty is sleeping." By the beginning of the third year, babies are already free to single out the most stable signs from a number of signs, and also to imagine an object according to its visual, auditory description.

Features of the development of thinking in preschoolers: predominant forms

At preschool age, in the child’s speech, one can hear interesting conclusions such as: “Lena is sitting, the woman is sitting, mom is sitting, everyone is sitting.” Or the inference may be of a different kind: seeing how mother puts on a hat, the child may note: "Mom is going to the store." That is, at preschool age, the child is already able to conduct simple cause-and-effect relationships.

It is also interesting to observe how at preschool age children use two concepts for one word, among which one is generic, and the second is the designation of a single object. For example, a kid can call a car "car" and at the same time
same time "Roy" named after one of the cartoon characters. Thus, general concepts are formed in the mind of a preschooler.

If at the most tender age the child's speech is directly woven into actions, then in time it will outstrip them. That is, before doing something, the preschooler will describe what he is going to do. This suggests that the concept of action is ahead of the action itself and acts as its regulator. Thus, visual-figurative thinking gradually develops in children.

The next stage in the development of thinking in a preschooler will be some changes in the relationship between word, action and images. It is the word that will dominate in the process of working on tasks. Nevertheless, until the age of seven, the child's thinking continues to be concrete.

Exploring the thinking of preschoolers, experts offered children to solve problems in three ways: in an effective way, figuratively and verbally. In solving the first problem, the children found the solution using the levers and buttons on the table; the second - using a picture; the third was a verbal decision, which was reported orally. The research results are in the table below.

From the results in the table it can be seen that the children coped best with the tasks in a visual-effective way. The most difficult were verbal tasks. Until the age of five, children did not cope with them at all, and the older ones solved it only in some cases. Based on these data, we can conclude that visual-effective thinking is predominant and the basis for the formation of verbal and visual-figurative thinking.

How does the thinking of a preschooler change?

At preschool age, the child's thinking is primarily situational in nature. Younger preschoolers are unable to think even about what is difficult for them to perceive, while middle and older preschoolers are able to go beyond personal experience, analyzing, telling and
reasoning. Closer to school age, the child actively uses facts, assumes and generalizes.

The process of distraction at preschool age is possible both in the perception of a set of objects and in the course of explanations in verbal form. The child is still pressured by images of certain objects and personal experiences. He knows that the nail will sink in the river, but he does not yet understand that this is because it is made of iron, and iron is heavier than water. He backs up his conclusion with the fact that he once saw a nail actually sink.

How actively thinking develops in preschoolers can also be judged by the questions that they ask adults as they grow older. The very first questions are related to objects and toys. The child turns to adults for help mainly when the toy breaks down, falls behind the sofa, etc. Over time, the preschooler begins to make attempts to introduce parents to games, asking suggestive questions about how to build a bridge, a tower, where to roll a car and so on.

After a while, questions will appear that indicate the onset of a period of curiosity. The child will be interested to know why it rains, why it is dark at night and how fire appears on a match. The thought process of preschoolers during this period is aimed at generalizing and distinguishing between events, objects and phenomena that they happen to encounter.

With admission to the first grade, the activities of children change. Schoolchildren need to think about new phenomena and objects, certain requirements are imposed on their thought processes.
The teacher makes sure that the children learn not to lose the thread of reasoning, to be able to think, to express thoughts in words.

Despite this, the thinking of schoolchildren in lower grades is still concrete-figurative, although elements of abstract thinking are becoming more and more obvious. Younger students are able to think about what they know thoroughly at the level of generalized concepts, for example, about plants, about school, about people.

Thinking in preschool age develops rapidly, but only if adults work with the child. With admission to school, for the development of thinking, scientifically developed methods are used to accelerate this process, applied under the guidance and control of the teacher.

Features of thinking of secondary school students

Secondary school children are considered to be students between the ages of 11 and 15. Their thinking is built primarily on the knowledge acquired in verbal form. Studying subjects that are not always interesting for themselves - history, physics, chemistry - children understand that not only facts play a role here, but also connections, as well as regular relationships between them.

High school students have more abstract thinking, but at the same time, figurative thinking is actively developing - under the influence of studying works of fiction.

By the way, a kind of research was conducted on this subject. Schoolchildren were asked to talk about how they understand Krylov's fable "The Rooster and the Pearl Grain".

Pupils of the first and second grades did not understand the essence of the fable. It seemed to them in the form of a story about how a rooster digs. Third grade students were able to compare the image of a rooster with a person, while they literally perceived the plot, summing up,
that pearls are inedible to a man who loves barleycorn. Thus, third-graders take out of the fable not correct conclusion: All a person needs is food.

In the 4th grade, schoolchildren are already able to note for themselves some features of the image of the hero and even give him a description. They are sure that the rooster is digging manure because they are confident in their knowledge, they consider the character to be proud and pompous, from which they draw the correct conclusion, expressing irony towards the rooster.

High school students are able to demonstrate a detailed perception of the image, due to which they deeply understand the moral of the fable.

In the process of studying the foundations of science, schoolchildren are introduced to the system of scientific concepts, where each concept is a reflection of one of the aspects of reality. The process of forming concepts is long and is largely related to the age of the student, to the methods by which he learns, and to his mental orientation.

How the thinking of the average preschooler progresses

The process of assimilation of concepts is divided into several levels. Developing, students learn about the essence of phenomena, objects, learn to generalize and make connections between individual concepts.

So that the student is formed as a holistic and harmonious, comprehensive developed personality, it is necessary to ensure that he learns the basic moral concepts:

  • partnerships;
  • duty and honor;
  • modesty;
  • honesty;
  • sympathy, etc.

The student is able to master them in stages. At the initial stage, the child summarizes cases from his own or the lives of friends, drawing appropriate conclusions. At the next stage, he tries to apply the accumulated experience in life, either narrowing or expanding the boundaries of the concept.

At the third level, students try to give detailed definitions of concepts, pointing out the main features and giving examples. At the last level, the child fully masters the concept, applying it in life and realizing its place among other moral concepts.

At the same time, the formation of conclusions and judgments takes place. If younger students judge everything categorically in an affirmative form, then in the third or fourth grade, children's judgments are rather conditional.

In the fifth grade, students reason using evidence, both indirect and direct, using personal experience, trying to substantiate and prove.
High school students, on the other hand, calmly use all the forms of expression of thought available to them. They doubt, admit, assume, etc. It is already easy for high school students to use deductive and inductive reasoning, raise questions and justify answers to them.

The development of inferences and concepts occurs in parallel with the ability of schoolchildren to master the art of analyzing, generalizing, synthesizing and a number of other logical operations. How successful the result will be depends largely on given age from the work of teachers in the school.

Features of the development of thinking in children with physical disabilities

We are talking about children with impaired hearing, vision, speech, etc. It is worth noting that physical defects cannot but affect the formation of a child's thinking. A toddler with poor eyesight and hearing loss is unable to experience the same amount of personal experience as a completely healthy child. That is why the lag in the development of thought processes in children with physical disabilities is inevitable, since they will not be able to copy the behavior of adults, gaining the necessary life skills.

Visual and hearing impairments will lead to difficulties in the development of speech and cognitive activity. The development of the capabilities of children with hearing impairments is carried out by specialists - deaf psychologists. They help to improve the development of thought processes in a child. Help here
it is simply necessary, because it is deafness that is the main obstacle to the knowledge of the world and the development of a person, since it deprives him of the main thing - communication.

Today, hearing-impaired children have the opportunity to study in specialized institutions, where they are provided with corrective assistance.

The situation is somewhat different with children who have intellectual disabilities, which is manifested low level mental abilities and thinking in general. Such children are inactive, do not seek to master substantive activities, which is the basis for the formation of thought processes.

At the age of three, such children have no idea about the world around, they have no desire to distinguish themselves and learn something new. Toddlers are lagging behind in development in all respects, from speech to social.

By the end of preschool age, such children lack voluntary attention, memory, they are unable to memorize. The main form of their thinking is visual-effective, which nevertheless lags far behind the level of its development in children without intellectual impairment. In order to be able to study in specialized institutions where they will work on the development of their thought processes, such children must undergo special training at preschool age.

Exercises for the development of thinking in children

In conclusion, we give several options for games and exercises with which you can develop thinking in children in early age:

Useful for the development of thinking in children will be games with a designer, both wooden and metal or plastic, as well as modeling from dough, clay or plasticine, and applications.

You can invite your child to draw, color, play role-playing games, collect puzzles and puzzles, complete pictures by dotted lines or numbers, look for differences in pictures, etc. Do not forget to read to the child, communicate with him. And do not limit his communication with peers, from which he will also draw new ideas, improving his thinking.

As you can see, it is not so difficult and even interesting to develop a child’s thinking if you do it with pleasure and in game form. Just help your child see the world in all its colors.

In psychology, there are three forms of thinking in preschool children: visual-effective, visual-figurative and space-time (temporal). The features of the development of thinking of preschoolers of each of the above types will be discussed in this article. You will find out what stages the child goes through in the learning process outside world How is the mindset of boys different from that of girls?

Features of the development of visual-effective thinking in preschool children

The development of a child's thinking at an early age occurs through direct perception of the world around him. He begins to interact with objects. Among all the processes developing in the psyche, the fundamental role is given to perception. Both the consciousness of the child and his behavior are almost completely determined by what he perceives in currently. All his experiences focus on those objects and phenomena that surround him.

Thought processes, which are external orienting actions, are visual and effective: with the help of this form, children discover numerous connections between them and the objects of the world around them. External actions are the basis and starting point, which serves as the starting point for the formation of all other forms of thinking.

The child receives necessary experience, when he begins to persistently and regularly reproduce the same elementary actions, as a result of which he receives the expected result. Ultimately, this experience will form the basis of more complex thought processes that develop in the child's head.

This experience at the initial stages of the development of visual-effective thinking in preschoolers is unconscious and is included in the direct process of performing an action. It is important to note that objects in this case are not only carriers of practical and consumer functions, but also general characteristics which are often abstract concepts. Those actions that the child performs with objects are aimed at isolating their main features.

How visual-effective thinking develops in preschool children

In the process of visual and orienting actions formed during manipulations with various objects, visual images are formed. At this stage in the development of visual-effective thinking in preschool children, for a child, the main features of things are their shape and size. In early childhood, color is not fundamental to recognizing things. Children pay attention to contours and overall shape.

A special role is played by correlative actions, which are aimed at the development of visual and effective thought processes. The kid here manipulates two or more objects and learns to gradually correlate their sizes, shapes, and the place where they are located. He begins to perform actions with several objects - he strings rings on a pyramid, puts cubes on top of each other. However, during these processes, he does not take into account the characteristics of objects, he will begin to select them in accordance with the shape and size much later, as well as arrange them in a given order.

For this reason, most toys designed for children of this age (this includes various pyramids, cubes, nesting dolls, etc.) involve correlating actions. At the same time, for the development of visual-effective thinking in preschool children, all of them should be aimed at obtaining a certain result, so that all manipulations have one common goal. Correlating actions can be performed depending on the order that the adult suggests. If a child is engaged in imitation, that is, he performs the same actions as an adult participant in the game, then the result will be obtained only with the direct participation of the mentor. However, for the formation of effective thinking in children, it is necessary that the baby independently learns to highlight the most important characteristics items, pick up the components and assemble them in the correct order.

This type of thinking in children is formed for the most part independently. The participation of an adult should be limited to only one thing: he needs to interest the child in the subject and cause a desire to start interacting with it. At first, the child can begin to practically try out objects, since he has not yet mastered the skills of visual comparison of size and shape. The peculiarity of the development of this type of thinking in children is clearly manifested in the example of playing with a nesting doll: by applying two halves that are not suitable for each other, the baby will try to get the desired result by force - to squeeze in the wrong part. As soon as he is convinced that his actions do not bring the desired result, he will begin to use other elements until the necessary part falls into his hands. For the development of thinking in children, toys are designed in such a way that they themselves will tell you which of the elements is most suitable. Sooner or later, the baby will be able to independently achieve the long-awaited result.

After external orienting actions are mastered, the child begins to visually correlate the characteristics of things. Here the visual perception is laid down, when the qualities of one object are taken by him as a model with which the baby will compare the properties of other things. The manifestation of this ability lies in the selection of details by eye. This greatly speeds up the interaction with objects, since the practically directed action is performed immediately, the process of practical trials goes aside.

At the next stage in the development of thinking, when children reach the age of two, they are already able to select objects visually according to the model. During the game, an adult offers the baby to give him exactly the same object, to which he must respond correctly and choose from the whole mass of toys the most suitable thing, in his opinion. However, the thinking here is directed to three key filters - first the child will look for an object that matches the shape, then the size, and only lastly the color. It turns out that a new perception is formed for already known characteristics that the child uses regularly, and subsequently it is transferred to less significant indicators.

It is worth noting that the peculiarities of the development of thinking in children at an early age are such that they cannot correctly select an object of a rather complex shape, especially if an adult offers the baby to find several things at once. In addition, the child may completely lose sight of the characteristics that seem to him not very important. For example, if he needs to build a pyramid of a certain size from cubes according to the model, then he will not pay attention to colors, although he already knows how to distinguish them.

A little later, with the development of this kind of thinking, children acquire permanent patterns with which they can compare all objects. They are things whose form is very pronounced, or ideas about them. For example, a baby may perceive everything triangular as a house, and everything round as a ball. This will tell parents that their baby has already acquired certain ideas about the shape of objects, and they are fixed in his brain in connection with certain things.

Ideas about the shapes of objects are formed depending on how quickly the baby begins to master the visual orientation. So that the development of this form of thinking in children does not slow down, and his ideas about the characteristics of objects become as extensive as possible, the baby needs to get acquainted with the properties of things when they are in a certain environment. He has to be in constant interaction with a rich sensory environment, and it is she who influences his further development, both physical and mental.

Correlating actions the child regularly reproduces and repeats. Due to this, certain mental actions are formed in his head. One of the features of the development of this form of thinking in children is that even at this age, children begin to have actions that they perform only in their minds, without resorting to external influences. For example, he can choose the most suitable detail in his mind through vision.

Psychology of the development of visual-figurative thinking in younger preschoolers

At the heart of the guess, the test that has passed through mental analysis is associated with the images of objects. Approximately about three years, visual-figurative thinking is formed in children of primary preschool age. At an early age, this form of thinking in children is only in its infancy, which is why the baby can use it only within a limited range of tasks. The psychology of the development of thinking in children at this age is such that they perform more complex actions with the help of a visual-effective form.

For the development of all types of thinking, children of primary preschool age require certain educational toys, without which these processes can be seriously delayed. The most suitable are compound toys, when using which the baby is required to correlate parts by size or color. Sometimes during the game two identical things are used at once, one of which serves as a model, and the second is needed in order to reproduce the action with the object.

One of the very first reproducing actions is nesting one object into another. Toward the end of the first year of life, the child takes his toys out of the box and puts them back. First he takes them out, and then scatters them. If an adult collects them back, then the baby will again get them. This continues several times in a row.

A few months later, the child quickly collects small toys in a certain container. An adult should support this initiative and, in order to form visual-figurative thinking in children, show how to collect toys in a small box, and then transfer them to some other container. If the child is interested in this, such an activity will greatly captivate him. However, he will begin to enjoy the process itself, and not the final result.

Interaction with inserts in the process of the formation of visual-figurative thinking in children is a more complex process. A similar set is several objects of approximately the same shape, but different sizes. The main task of the child when playing with liners is to correlate the size of objects in order to develop hand coordination. These items are very useful for the development of not only perception, but also thinking.

How to develop visual-figurative thinking in preschool children

Another extremely useful toy is a pyramid. Parents should teach the child to play with her correctly - first of all, put on rings and take them off. For kids, a pyramid with large multi-colored rings located on the rod will be the most suitable. small length(about 20 cm). How to develop thinking in a child with this toy? An adult should put the rod in front of the child and show how to string the rings and how to remove them. The parent can take the baby's hand and put the pyramid ring into it. After the exercise has been done several times, you can let the child complete it on their own.

For the development of figurative thinking in children under one and a half years old, the pyramid requires the simplest - a maximum of five rings. An adult must take it apart himself and show the baby all the necessary manipulations. Now there are pyramids with rings of different sizes - this task will become more difficult for the child, but it will significantly speed up his development. At first, the baby will string the rings, not paying attention to the size, but in this case there is a way out: buy a pyramid with a conical rod. The ring that should be on top cannot be worn below.

When the baby is a little older, for the development of visual-figurative thinking of preschoolers, actions with a pyramid can be diversified. Invite him to fold the track, putting the rings from largest to smallest. At first, let him not pay attention to their size, but later he himself will learn to lay out a narrowing path.

A pyramid with multi-colored rings is an excellent material for teaching a child to distinguish colors. However, in this case, the adult will have to not only take part in the game, but also comment on it. Therefore, in this case, for the development of figurative thinking in preschool children, two pyramids will be required at once. The kid is shown a red ring and asked to find a similar color. If he coped with the task, he is shown that the rings matched in color and praised. In the case when the child brought the wrong ring, he is again asked to bring the ring of the right color, but the wrong option is removed.

At first, the baby's speech is inextricably linked with his actions, but over time, words begin to anticipate any actions. He will first say what he is going to do, and only then will he do what he planned. At this stage of development, visual-effective thinking passes into visual-figurative. The child has enough life experience to imagine certain objects in your head and perform certain actions with them.

In the future, the thinking of preschool children develops on the basis of the relationship between image, word and action, where everything big role starts to play the word. However, up to about seven years of age the child's thinking is concrete, that is, it is not isolated from what he perceives in the surrounding life. Starting from about the age of six, the development of figurative thinking of preschoolers allows them to skillfully apply the available factual material, generalize it and draw the necessary conclusions.

Development of a form of visual-verbal thinking in a child

The development of visual-verbal thinking in a child is based not only and not so much on the perception of objects, but on descriptions and explanations received from parents orally. Despite this, the baby still thinks in concrete terms. For example, he already knows that metal objects sink in water, so he is sure that the nail will sink. However, he reinforces this with personal experience, which is expressed by the words: "I myself saw how the nail sank."

At this age, children are very inquisitive and ask adults a lot of questions. For the development of thinking in preschool children, parents or educators must have an answer to each question. The first questions are often related to the disruption of the usual order of things, for example, when a toy breaks that used to work fine. The child is interested in adults, how to be and what to do. Somewhat later, questions arise about what surrounds him.

The development of thinking of children of middle preschool age and younger schoolchildren is accelerating. When baby goes to school, the nature of its activities is undergoing significant changes. For example, the range of subjects that make up his interest is greatly expanding. The teacher guides the children in the classroom so that they can express their thoughts freely in words. They are invited to think first, and then perform a certain action. Despite the fact that at primary school age children still think in concrete-figurative concepts, abstract thinking is already laid in them. Their mental processes begin to spread to animals, plants, surrounding people, etc.

However, in this case, the pace of development depends, first of all, on how well the training program is chosen. If children are engaged in a program of increased complexity, then by about eight years of age their ability to abstract reasoning is much higher than that of their peers who are trained according to standard patterns. The main advantage of this method is that the teacher is always well aware of what factual material needs to be used and how the thought processes of a particular student are formed.

Stages of development of spatio-temporal thinking of children

Another type of thinking in preschool children is spatio-temporal or temporal. Adults are well aware that time is a very ambiguous and relative concept. Children also think about something similar, but initially they should be introduced to this concept. Child psychologists have long noted the fact that the main guideline for a child in relation to time is some bright event or a significant impression, the expectation of something. IN this case it turns out that the baby is perfectly oriented both in the past and in the future tense, but the present is absent. The child imagines the present as the current moment, what is happening this very second.

It has been observed that even very young children are able to learn what is repeated daily - morning, evening, night. It is easier for a child to navigate in time if parents wish him good morning or Good night. Due to the fact that thinking in preschool children is visual-figurative, it is difficult for them to operate with abstract concepts.

Time is just an abstract category - it cannot be seen, felt or heard.

One of the features of the development of temporal thinking in preschool children is the “natural sense of time”, because even infants are guided by their internal biological clock inherent in them by nature.

If a clear time schedule was instilled in children from an early age, then it will be much easier for them to learn the time. Their body adapts to the existing rhythm of life, so the idea of ​​time periods develops in their brain much faster than those of those children who do not have a certain routine. If today the baby was fed at noon, and yesterday at 2 pm, it is much more difficult for him to navigate in time.

For hours, children begin to be interested from about three or four years old. If the baby has good natural data, then by this age he is able to navigate them. For the development of space-time thinking of children from an early age, parents should introduce them to the very concept of time.

This should not be devoted to any separate conversations, you just need to say words denoting temporary concepts in the process of playing and communicating with the baby. As a result, the adult simply comments on his actions and plans. It is these concepts that are initially fixed in the mind of the child. However, they may not refer to daily activities, but to what parents tell their offspring about.

A little later, you can start designating more specific time periods, so that the child has a concept in his head regarding the past, present and future. This is far from being as simple as it might seem at first glance, as the baby often confuses these words. It is difficult for him to understand abstract concepts, but over time he will master this too. You can immediately give information on calendar concepts - days, months, weeks, etc. In order for all of them to be constantly in his mind, you need to purchase a special children's calendar and hang it in the baby's room.

You should be prepared for the fact that spatial thinking in children is not sufficiently developed, and the baby is not immediately able to remember such complex words and concepts. Parents need to be patient, gradually and consistently teach the child time. Every morning you need to tell him what day of the week it is, the date of the month, etc. Over time, he will learn to independently determine them according to the calendar. Parents need to think about how to turn this process into exciting game. It is most convenient if temporary concepts are mentioned in conversations and plans.

So that the child can quickly remember what a week is, it is easiest, starting from Monday, to circle each past day. When Sunday evening comes, the baby needs to be shown that 7 days have passed, which make up one line on the calendar. Due to the fact that the child thinks objectively and visually, it will be much easier for him to remember the concept of the week using this approach.

You can do it a little differently - get a calendar with large cells and draw an image in them every day. It should symbolize an event related to the life of the baby on this day. You can also mark important events on the calendar. family holidays and other dates. Thanks to this approach, by about the age of five, the baby will learn to prepare for future events, will begin to plan and allocate his time.

The features of the development of thinking in preschool children are such that already in two years old the child is able to realize that there is a change of seasons. This process may be accelerated if parents draw the baby's attention to the changes that occur in nature when the seasons change. You can not only tell the child about these changes, but also ask him, for example, about how the square or playground looked like quite recently. The kid, of course, will not be able to immediately remember the sequence in which the months go, so you need to return to this topic again and again. In books for children, one way or another, the concept of seasons and time in general is also affected.

Only after the child understands the days, weeks, years and months, you can move on to hours. So that these conversations do not go to waste, it is better to introduce him to the numbers from 1 to 12. The easiest way is to talk with the baby about the clock using the example of a large dial with divisions printed on it. Parents should tell him about how the minute and hour hands move, and a child between the ages of five and seven is able to perceive and assimilate such information.

After he has memorized all this, you need to train him day by day, asking where the arrows are when he gets out of bed or goes to bed.

Early Childhood Development: Differences in Thinking Between Boys and Girls

Studies have shown that girls are born more mature than boys. Boys start walking 2-3 months later and talk 5 months later. And already by the period of puberty, this interval increases to 2 years.

The different sexes of children are not only differences in primary and secondary sexual characteristics. It is also a different brain, and a different psyche and different development thinking: u younger preschoolers-girls it is higher.

At preschool age, girls are ahead of boys in the development of verbal (oral, verbal) abilities. They do not differ much from them in terms of the speed of mastering speech, but after 2 years the girls become more sociable and willingly contact other children. Girls' speech is more correct.

Boys, unlike girls, have better spatial thinking. As a rule, it is more difficult for them to clothe their thoughts in the form of a correctly constructed statement.

The processes of perception, the development of thinking of younger preschoolers and their memory also differ greatly. When solving spatial problems, girls mainly use speech supports, and when solving speech or logical problems, they use figurative and emotional ones.

Boys are always more focused on information, and girls on relationships between people. If boys ask questions for the sake of obtaining specific information, then girls - to establish emotional contacts.

In girls at preschool age, matures more slowly right hemisphere, and for boys - the left. It is because of this physiological features girls under 10 remember numbers better, and it is easier for them to solve logical problems. However, they complete the development of memory faster.

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Understanding how the child's mind works, we can begin to develop his thinking. Our brain has two hemispheres. The left hemisphere is analytical, responsible for reasonable logical thinking. A person with a more developed left hemisphere is distinguished by consistency, an algorithm of actions and abstract thinking. He sets tasks, chooses methods for solving it, comprehends the results and draws a conclusion. The right hemisphere is creative. It is responsible for the fantasies and dreams of a person, as a result of which we have - music, poetry, painting. People with a developed right hemisphere love to read and compose stories, novels and novels themselves. Experts believe that in young children, parents should try to develop both logic and creativity, but during classes, look closely at how the child thinks, what is easier for him.


Human thinking is divided into 4 types. Consider them:


manifests itself in a baby when he pulls the handles - try everything, feel it, strive to break the typewriter, tear a soft toy, tear off the hands of dolls. Until the age of 3, the games of the child are based on this type of thinking. In adulthood such a child becomes - an auto mechanic, designer, adjuster, they say about him - "Jack of all trades!"

How to deal with a child?

- Collect sorters and constructors together with your child, build cities and houses from cubes. You will see how interested kid will take apart your construction and build it his own way, or add new details the way he sees the object with his mind. When disassembling your building, the baby analyzes and selects important and unnecessary details for him. Combining them, he builds his house, thereby applying another mental operation - synthesis.
- Sew to dolls, soft toys different clothes. This is not a whim of little girls, namely, by undressing and dressing their favorite toy, the child will thus develop visual-effective thinking. Comparing his dressed doll with her former appearance, the baby makes a generalization and draws a conclusion.


After 3 years, a preschool child develops visual-figurative thinking. That is, acquiring tactile skills, feeling objects and putting them into figures, the child begins to memorize their images and details. Composing, for example, a house from individual items, the child establishes a relationship between them, highlights the main features - walls, roof and secondary features - a window, a door. The kid begins to think, operating with a system of images and embodying these images in drawing, modeling, and application.

How to deal with a child?

Draw the child familiar objects, let him guess - what is it?
- Fold from counting sticks, matches - figures, a house, a tree, show the child, mix the sticks and ask the baby to fold this figure himself.
- Show the folded figure to the child, and then remove 1-3 sticks in different places. Have your child complete the object.
- playing with counting sticks, you can simultaneously introduce the child to the first geometric shapes - a square, a triangle, a rectangle, a rhombus. It is good if the kid remembers the difference between a square and a rectangle.


By the age of 5, preschoolers begin to develop verbal-logical thinking. Logical thinking implies - analysis of facts, comparison, highlighting the main thing, generalization and conclusion. Thus, the verbal-logical development of the child consists in expressing the actions of logical thinking in words. If 3x summer baby ask, pointing to the typewriter: “What kind of toy is this?”, He will answer: “This is a typewriter, it drives.” A 5-year-old child will answer in a more detailed form: “This is a machine, it has large wheels and a body, it carries firewood, sand.” Such an answer shows the ability of children to analyze and highlight the main feature of the subject - one of the main mental operations of preschool children.

How to deal with a child?

- Experts advise the first time, when working with a baby, to speak aloud your analysis, generalization and conclusion. For example, lay out clothes and put shoes next to you, explain: “Things lie here, what do they have in common? A jacket is clothes, a dress is clothes, a jacket is clothes, and shoes are not clothes, they are shoes. They are superfluous here, they must be removed.
- Make a table and arrange the objects according to their purpose, color, geometric shape, animals, birds, fish, flowers. Add 1-2 elements to the line that do not match the rest. The child must find and explain how they differ. Or leave 1 cell free, let the kid add a figure that should be in this line and explain why?
- Play with the child in opposite words - antonyms: big - ... small, fat - ... thin, cheerful - ... sad, tall - ... low. Let the child tell where the animals live: a hare - ... a hole, a bird - ... a nest, a bear - ... a den. He will name the actions that specialists perform: the educator - ... educates, the builder - ... builds, the doctor - ... heals.
- Play with your child board games, checkers, chess, the direct purpose of which is the development of logical thinking.


The development of creative thinking does not depend on the age and the formed intellectual data of the child. This type of thinking is characterized by the ability to be creative - to offer new non-standard solutions to old problems. The fantasies and imaginations that every child has mandatory conditions creative process. It is the parents who should contribute to the development of creative thinking in children.

How to deal with a child?

- Each time after a walk, invite your child to draw a park in which you walked - trees, flowers, paths, benches. Or draw an unusual, funny thing that surprised him today on the street. Let him explain why this struck him.
- When reading fairy tales, stories about animals, invite him to compose the ending of the hero's story, prompt, fantasize with him.
- Developing the imagination of the baby, arrange a Shadow Theater in the evening. Children love the performances and actively participate in them. Turn on the lamp, pull white cloth, with the help of a set of cardboard figures, act out a fairy tale. Or show the figures on the fingers, which are projected in the form of a flying bird, a jumping hare, a dog.
- Cutting Christmas snowflakes, origami, modeling, designing, coloring, crafts in the fall from cones and leaves - types of applied art that develop children's creative thinking.

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