Should you wake up your newborn to change the diaper? How often to change a diaper, according to Dr. Komarovsky

Choice of colors

Starting from the first days of life, parents try to provide the child with the best. Moms and dads choose quality items, a playpen, a stroller, and surround the baby with love and care. One of the integral parts of caring for your baby is the choice of disposable diapers. But the question immediately arises of how often a newborn’s diaper needs to be changed so as not to harm the baby and ensure him dryness and comfort throughout the day.

Pampers – necessary remedy hygiene for the baby. Not only the baby’s health, but also his well-being depends on a properly selected diaper. It should be taken into account that timely changing of diapers for a child means:

  • the opportunity for the baby to feel comfortable and cozy, because he has to wear a diaper all day;
  • your baby's skin will always be dry and healthy;
  • improving the mood of the baby, and, accordingly, the parents.

How to recognize that “the time has come”

  1. The diaper is dirty. It is necessary to check the contents of the diaper at least once every half hour. If feces are found, the baby will definitely have to be wiped with wet wipes or rinsed under warm running water. Discard the damaged copy and prepare a clean one.

For girls, wipe or wash, moving from the belly to the butt, so that feces do not fall on female organs, otherwise all kinds of infections may develop.

  1. The child is restless and capricious. Perhaps the hygiene product is leaking, creating discomfort for the baby.

Diaper leakage occurs due to a number of reasons:

  • The diaper is not suitable for the baby in size, weight or volume. This information indicated on the package;
  • a hygiene product was chosen without taking into account the gender of the baby;
  • disposable panties are worn incorrectly or become deformed as the baby moves.

How many times a day should you put on a new diaper?

The frequency of changing disposable panties depends on:

  1. Baby's age.
  2. Urinary frequency, volume and frequency.
  3. Conditions of the skin.
  4. Diets, health, illnesses.
  5. Air humidity and temperature indoors and outdoors.

At a temperature of 18-20 degrees and air humidity of 40-70%, a child feels more comfortable in a diaper than in a hot and stuffy room.

For the convenience of mothers and babies, most manufacturers have equipped disposable hygiene products with indicators that change color depending on the degree of soiling of the diaper.

Rules for changing a diaper

Let's denote the most important points related to replacing and purchasing a diaper:

  1. It is important to choose the right diapers - according to the size, weight, age and height of the baby. For newborns, look for models with a cutout for the navel, so as not to injure the skin around the umbilical wound.
  2. To determine which hygiene products are suitable for your baby, you can purchase 1-2 pieces of different diapers or panties and test each one.
  3. Check the contents of your panties every 30-40 minutes while you are awake.
  4. Allow your child to rest during sleep, and once again do not disturb the baby. Therefore, be sure to check the fullness before putting your child to sleep.
  5. Change disposable panties before going out. During the walk, the baby will sleep comfortably.
  6. Be sure to change diapers if your baby poops. In this case, wash the baby or wipe it with wet wipes. If irritation occurs, use powder or baby cream.
  7. When changing disposable panties, leave the newborn for 20 minutes without diapers or onesies. Thus the child will accept air baths, which are one of the components of the hardening procedure.
  8. It is better to change the diaper before going to bed at night. If the baby wakes up at night to feed, check the fullness of the panties. In the morning you need to change the diaper.
  9. When choosing whether to change a disposable hygiene product before or after feeding, it is better to give preference to the second option. After all, during feeding, the baby can dirty more than one diaper. And after eating, newborns often fall asleep sweetly.

How to change a diaper

Changing a diaper correctly is a simple task for new parents, if you consider the following recommendations:

  1. Prepare a place for changing disposable hygiene products. Be sure to cover the area with a diaper that can be easily removed and washed. Place next to the prepared area: powder, diaper cream, wet wipes.
  2. Wash your hands with hand sanitizer and laundry soap.
  3. Place the baby on the prepared place with his back down.
  4. Carefully open the Velcro strips of the diaper on both sides. With one hand, grab the baby's legs and lift them up. Remove the dirty diaper from the table with your second hand.
  5. Using wet wipes, wipe the dirty parts of the baby’s body or wash the baby with warm running water.
  6. Wipe skin Dry the baby with a soft towel.
  7. Place the baby back in place to change hygiene products. With one hand, grab the baby's legs and lift them up. With your other hand, slide the diaper under the baby's bottom. Place the baby on the diaper, pushing it from the front side between the legs.
  8. Holding the diaper in front with one hand, unfasten the Velcro with the other and stick it on front side. Repeat the process on the other side of the diaper.
  9. Check that the Velcro is fastened securely and that it does not interfere with the baby. A correctly worn diaper should not be loose or, conversely, put pressure on the baby’s tummy.

How often should I change

For babies, diapers should be changed every 2-2.5 hours. Depending on the fullness, frequency of stool and the baby’s well-being, you can change the diaper more often or less often. But at the same time, do not leave the baby in the same diaper for more than 6 hours of wakefulness.

There is an opinion that disposable panties can disrupt sperm production. However, this is not at all true. Spermatogenesis appears in boys at the age of 10 years. Therefore, diapers cannot provide Negative influence on sexual function.

Newborn in the first days

In the maternity hospital, the baby may urinate up to 25 times a day and stool several times a day. Therefore, you need to check the contents of diapers at least every 20-30 minutes, and change them every 3-4 hours.

During the day and time

It is necessary to change diapers during the day depending on the frequency of stool and how full it is. But you should know when it is necessary to change the diaper:

  • after waking up in the morning;
  • before a walk or going to the clinic, on a visit;
  • after feeding and bathing;
  • before bedtime and after lunch.

Frequency of shifts at night

During the first days of life, babies sleep soundly at night, waking up only to feed. Therefore, you should not wake up your baby once again to check the diaper. It is enough to observe the behavior of the baby.

During the walking period

It is not necessary to change a diaper for a newborn or children of the first year of life during walks if:

  • put on a clean diaper before going outside;
  • disposable panties do not leak or get dirty;
  • The child is cheerful, active and not capricious.

At the same time, every 30-40 minutes of wakefulness it is necessary to check the hygiene product for cleanliness.

Depending on the season

The frequency of changing diapers may also depend on the season. After all, in the summer, children drink a lot, and accordingly, the diaper fills up faster, unlike the winter season.

Depending on the gender of the child

The gender of the child does not affect the frequency of changing diapers, but is a fundamental factor when choosing disposable panties. After all, girls and boys differ anatomically in the process of urination. Babies who are given hygiene products without taking into account their gender will feel uncomfortable, and the panties themselves will leak and fill more often.

For boys

Before purchasing hygiene products for boys, be sure to choose models with an absorbent layer closer to the stomach.

For girls

For girls, you need to look for diapers with a special absorbent layer closer to the middle.

How does age affect how often you change diapers?

The age of the baby is a significant factor influencing the frequency of changing diapers:

  • For babies up to two months of age, change disposable panties every 3-4 hours. Check the contents of the hygiene product at least once every half hour. Exchange a dirty copy for a clean one;
  • for infants from 2 to 6 months - the frequency of changing hygiene products is once every 4-6 hours, depending on fullness and bowel movements;
  • after 6 months - change diapers as needed, at least every 6 hours.

What to do if irritation, dryness and rash appear

If your baby has the first symptoms of an allergy to hygiene products, you must:

  1. Change the brand of diapers, choose the right size.
  2. Gently rinse the baby's skin with slightly warm water and dry with a soft towel.
  3. Apply dexpanthenol-based products to irritated areas. Use powder protective cream under a diaper or drying lotion, applied in a thin layer to the skin.
  4. Change diapers more often and leave the baby naked, especially in the summer.
  5. Bath the child, wipe the damaged areas with herbal decoctions of chamomile and string.
  6. If the symptoms do not go away within 3-4 days and the child’s condition worsens, consult a doctor.

A way to reduce the number of diapers: homemade tricks

There are several tricks that moms use to reduce the number of diapers:

  • leave the baby naked more often, allowing him to take air baths;
  • wear hygiene products only when necessary - when going outside, for a walk;
  • After each feeding, hold the baby over the potty or bathtub. And after urinating, put on a diaper;
  • purchase reusable panties with liners that can be washed or make similar ones yourself;
  • choose budget items, participate in promotions from children's stores and social networks.

Is it possible to do without diapers?

Of course, it is possible to raise a child without diapers, but it will be difficult. At the same time, costs will not decrease, because the amount spent will increase. washing powder, vest, rompers, diapers.

With the arrival of a baby in the family, parents begin to master new tasks and procedures, for example, they learn how to change a diaper, what products can be used for delicate skin, and how often the baby needs to be changed. With the advent of disposable diapers for newborns, work for young mothers has decreased slightly, since such devices significantly save the time and effort of adults.

There is no single rule on how often to change a diaper, but there is a set of rules that every mother should follow:

  • the diaper must be changed after each serious bowel movement, since fecal discharge is not completely absorbed and therefore comes into contact with the skin;
  • You should change disposable panties before going to bed, both during the day and at night, because a filled diaper will cause discomfort for the baby and, most likely, will wake the child up earlier than expected;
  • It happens that you have to change panties at night, for example, if the product has shifted and is leaking;
  • It will be more convenient for you to put on a clean diaper for your newborn before a long walk, going to visit or shop, traveling, or leaving your baby with family;
  • even if after 4 hours the diaper is still not very full, it would be correct to replace it with a new one to prevent overheating and sweating of the skin;
  • You should immediately change the diaper if its integrity is damaged, for example, if the Velcro comes off or there are holes and tears in the top layer of the product;
  • In the initial months of life, the diaper should be changed frequently, since the baby can go to the toilet after almost every feeding. Over time, you will determine how many disposable products you need per day, and gradually this amount will decrease.

Each mother herself determines how often to change her baby’s diaper, since all children go to the toilet with different frequencies, so it is impossible to say with accuracy how many disposable products are needed per day. It is not at all necessary to replace panties after each urination; for a newborn, a new diaper every 3-4 hours is enough, and at night one is enough. The main thing is to periodically check the dryness of the skin and the fullness of the product in order to change it in a timely manner and prevent discomfort for the baby.

On initial stage The process of dressing a newborn can take a lot of time, but soon you will get the hang of doing all the manipulations correctly and will begin to cope with this process in a matter of minutes. To change a diaper you will need:

  • clean diaper;
  • wet wipes or a ladle with warm water and baby soap;
  • towel;
  • powder or soft cream.

Before preparing your baby for changing clothes, prepare all the above-mentioned devices, since after placing the baby in the changing area, he should not be left there alone in order to avoid falling from a height.

First you need to remove the used diaper and cleanse the skin of moisture and secretions. Heavy soiling You should initially remove it with napkins, and then wash the baby with warm water and soap. After washing, pat the skin dry with a towel and leave to dry briefly. naturally. When you need to change a diaper on the street, it will be enough to wipe your butt and legs with napkins, permissible temperature It would be right to give the body the opportunity to “breathe” by leaving the baby lying naked for a few minutes.

Dry skin should be treated with baby talcum powder or cream to protect against irritation. If your skin is dry, you should use special gel-like suspensions for diapers or regular baby hypoallergenic creams. For normal type skin and in case of excessive sweating, it is better to prefer standard powder, which will eliminate excess moisture.

We place the baby on his back and lift his legs, grasping both with one hand. At this time, the second hand places the unfolded diaper under the back with the Velcro side. We place the baby on top and straighten the bottom side of the disposable panties, adjusting the elastic bands and pulling out the Velcro fastenings. We place the front side of the diaper on the baby’s tummy and secure it with clasps. All that remains is to correct the areas between the legs by turning out the internal elastic bands; often they twist inward, and this can lead to fluid leakage.

Now you know how to change a diaper. After putting on a clean disposable device, you can dress your baby in a vest or suit, being careful not to loosen the Velcro. By the way, it is better to choose models with reusable fasteners; such devices can be opened and closed again without difficulty.

After changing clothes, be sure to wash your hands with soap. Or at least treat them with wet wipes to eliminate germs and unpleasant odors.

There is no single definition of how many disposable diapers are needed per day, but they should be changed frequently - every 3-4 hours, and strong filling or heavy bowel movements even more often, at the request of the child.

To prevent the greenhouse effect and irritation from frequent use diapers, skin protectants should also be used with them. The main ones are:

  • baby powder is a choice for sweaty skin; talcs with the addition of natural flavors are often found. If your baby is allergic, it is better not to experiment with such products, as they can cause irritation. The best option it will become ordinary chalk powder;
  • standard baby creamuniversal device, because it is suitable for treating the whole body: the cream can be applied to the butt, legs, arms, often children's cream is also used to treat the face against chapping. Having chosen the right remedy, not irritating, you can use it for different purposes;
  • special diaper cream - leading manufacturers of products for newborns offer a lot of options for specific products specifically for lubricating the bottom. Such preparations can also be used as a regular emollient cream; it is good to lubricate irritated skin with them before bed, so that the baby will not be bothered by peeling and burning at night;
  • baby soap – free of fragrances and chemicals active ingredients, usually does not have a pronounced odor, but it perfectly kills germs and viral infections.

If after use protective agent If you notice slight redness or a scattering of small pimples on the skin, you should change the drug: perhaps some component of the product acts as an allergen for sensitive body crumbs.

Many women and young mothers are ready to erect a monument to the man who invented diapers. Indeed, with the advent of disposable diapers, child care has become much easier. Now you don’t need to wash huge mountains of diapers and onesies twice a day. The time saved on laundry can be devoted to your child, redoing household chores, or just relaxing. But against the backdrop of this idyll, a huge number of questions arise - are diapers harmful? Can they be used permanently? Does the skin swell under the diaper? How often should a diaper be changed so as not to harm the baby? Let's try to understand the topic in more detail.

How to change diapers for a newborn

Most young mothers remember this shyness in front of their child when they first had to change his diaper. But experience and dexterity take their toll - after a week the process becomes ordinary, fast and insignificant. If this is your first time encountering the process of changing a diaper, we will tell you how it is done.

  1. The baby is placed on the changing table. Some mothers prefer to do this on the bed, but in this case, constant bending will cause back pain.
  2. The child needs to be undressed and the dirty diaper removed. If the baby craps himself, he should definitely be washed. If you have a daughter, you should wash your butt only under running water, your hand should move from the vagina to the anus, but not in the opposite direction. This is done to prevent germs from stool from entering the vagina.
  3. If the child has not pooped, you can simply wipe the perineum with a damp, clean cloth. It is better to use wet wipes only when hiking conditions- on the street, in the clinic, at a party. Constant exposure to alcohol and other components can cause a reaction on the child's skin.
  4. After hygiene procedures Give the child time for the butt to dry out and air out a little. This is prevention skin rash. 10-15 minutes is usually enough.
  5. Do not treat your skin with anything unless necessary. If you have diaper rash, use diaper powder or cream. Under no circumstances should you use cream and powder at the same time. They create a thick layer on the skin, under which the butt cannot breathe.
  6. After treatment (if necessary), put a diaper on the child. To do this, grab both of the baby's legs with one hand and lift the baby's bottom. Use your other hand to place the diaper underneath. Be sure to pay attention to the diaper - the back and front are usually marked there.
  7. After fastening the fasteners, check whether the diaper is tight around the legs.
  8. If your baby's belly button has not yet healed, do not cover the open wound with the top of the diaper.

This simple rules who will help you change your diaper, even if you don’t have motherhood experience yet.

How often should a newborn's diapers be changed?

This question worries many mothers. On the one hand, you should not keep your baby in a diaper for too long - this can lead to diaper dermatitis and severe rashes. On the other hand, changing diapers frequently can be expensive - in the first days a child may need up to 20 diapers per day.

Newborns need to change their diaper often, every 2-3 hours. Over time, when the baby begins to grow up, he will pee less often, and he will also poop less often. A child in the first months of life can defecate up to 10-12 times a day and pee about 20-25 times a day. Most often, the process of defecation occurs after eating - that’s how it works small organism. That's why experienced mothers It is not recommended to change a child’s diaper before feeding.

If your baby poops, the diaper needs to be changed immediately, even if you put it on 3 minutes ago. Avoid prolonged contact of feces with the baby's delicate skin - a rash may appear on the bottom. If the baby has not pooped, then the diaper is changed 2-3 hours after the previous shift or earlier if the diaper is full. You should also be sure to wear a diaper if you are going for a walk, going on a visit or to the clinic.

Constantly monitor your baby's skin. If it is wet, it means that the diaper is already full, or it is of too poor quality. in summer hot weather Try to reduce the amount of time your baby spends in a diaper.

It depends on the quality of the diapers, as well as the sensitivity of the baby's skin. Before going to bed, be sure to do hygiene procedures and put on a clean diaper for your child, regardless of how the previous one was worn. If the child sleeps peacefully all night without waking up, you should not wake the baby. In this case you must choose good models diapers so that liquid does not leak onto the legs. If the child cries and is naughty, it is worth changing the diaper after night feeding. If the baby poops, this also requires a mandatory diaper change.

What to do if a rash appears on the skin

If you notice that your child has a rash or redness on his bottom after putting on a diaper, you need to take action. Firstly, it is worth doing hygiene procedures more often - constantly wash the child, keep him naked longer, regularly apply cream or powder to the bottom. Secondly, the rash may be an allergy to the diapers themselves. That is, perhaps this brand of diapers is not suitable for you, choose another manufacturer. Fortunately, in the modern assortment there are no problems with this. Thirdly, you need to take certain measures to get rid of the rash. Be sure to add a decoction of string to the water when bathing - it will dry and heal all wounds on the body. Try lubricating your child's skin with a healing agent, such as Bepanthen cream. It perfectly regenerates the skin and quickly relieves delicate baby skin from diaper rash and rashes. If you cannot cope with the problem on your own, be sure to consult a doctor.

Diaper, washing machine, a slow cooker, various nasal aspirators and bottle sterilizers make the life of a new mother much easier. Now she can devote more time to her tiny man. But in order for these fruits of civilization to be safe, the rules of their operation must be followed. Change your baby's diaper every 2-3 hours and after each bowel movement, and there will be no problems with your baby's delicate skin!

Video: Do ​​you need to change your baby's diaper while sleeping?

In this article:

Disposable diapers make life easier for new parents. They help the baby sleep peacefully throughout the night and help the mother rest. All more parents prefer diapers for their babies. Every year models are improved, new materials and technologies are developed. But even taking into account the fact that their safety has long been proven, mothers have many questions: how long can a newborn stay in a diaper, how often to change a diaper to prevent diaper rash and skin irritation, is it worth waking up the baby to change the diaper? Find answers in our article.

How many times a day should you change your diaper?

How often should a newborn be changed? You can answer this way - as it fills. But with regard to newborns, it is necessary to take into account that they pee very often - up to 25 times a day. The volume of liquid released is small, but the diaper quickly becomes wet. Therefore, it needs to be replaced at least once every 2-3 hours.

The first few weeks of life the baby adapts to independent life"outside mom." At the same time, the body is actively cleansing itself of original feces, and therefore diapers are often changed for newborns.

Even if it was put on just a few minutes ago, but the baby is soiled with feces, immediate replacement is required. Otherwise, the baby's skin will quickly become red and inflamed, and bacteria entering the baby's genitals can lead to infection. Therefore, it is recommended to check the cleanliness of a disposable diaper every half hour. A clean diaper should be put on after bathing, before bed and before going for a walk.

It turns out that newborns have to change diapers often. This expense item is quite expensive for the budget of a young family: up to 20 diapers per day.

What you need to know about changing a diaper?

Each baby gradually develops its own individual rhythm of dealing with natural needs. Therefore, the first rule of changing a diaper is to focus on the child. You shouldn't do this by the hour. Some people need to change diapers much more often, while others stay dry and clean longer. But there are still certain rules that must be followed.

The question of how often to change a baby’s diaper can be answered as follows:

  • After every bowel movement. Regardless of whether it has been put on for a long time or just recently, fecal matter when it comes into contact with the baby’s skin greatly irritates it. Therefore, it is important to stop such contact as quickly as possible.
  • Before a walk, going to the doctor, visiting, traveling in public transport, sleeping at night. After the above, it is also necessary to put a clean diaper on the child. Even if it is not full after sleep or a walk, it is better to replace it, because the little one has been in it for too long.
  • If the skin under the diaper is wet, no matter how long it has been in place, you should remove it immediately.
  • In summer, or if the room is hot, the time spent in a diaper is reduced. In the cold season, the baby is allowed to stay in it for up to 6 hours, provided that it is a product made of high-quality, highly absorbent material.
  • A newborn's diaper in the maternity hospital should be changed as often as the need arises, that is, at least once every 2 hours and after each bowel movement.
  • It needs to be changed as often as for a girl. The gender of the baby in this case does not matter.

If the diaper gets wet after just two hours, if it leaks on the sides or causes diaper rash, you need to change the brand. A newborn's diaper has to be changed more often if it is the wrong size.

Should I wake the child?

Some parents don't use it disposable diapers during the day, preferring . But at night, diapers allow the baby to sleep more soundly and give the mother, who is tired during the day, the opportunity to rest. And here the question often arises: is it necessary to change the diaper at night? Should I wake my newborn to change his diaper?

It’s not easy to say unequivocally how long it takes to change a newborn’s diaper at night. It depends on the various factors. The rate of diaper contamination is affected by what the baby eats (,), the state of the digestive and urinary system, the air temperature in the room, and the age of the child.

It is impossible to say exactly how long it takes to change a newborn’s diaper, but you can follow the following rules:

  • It doesn’t matter whether the baby is sleeping or not, you should put on a clean diaper immediately after bowel movement.
  • If the diaper is full, then it will also have to be removed, even if the baby does not wake up. Otherwise, you can cause skin problems.
  • It is better to change the diaper as soon as the newborn wakes up. This usually happens once every few hours.

Is it necessary to change a newborn's diaper at night if it is not full and the baby is sleeping soundly? In this case, it is better not to disturb the baby and change his clothes after waking up.

Why do diapers need to be changed regularly?

The main reason for frequent diaper changes is diaper dermatitis, which manifests itself in redness of the skin, rashes, irritation and diaper rash. If the baby’s skin comes into contact with urine for a long time, then it is impossible to avoid such problems.

For a certain category of children whose skin is especially sensitive, especially infants, this problem is very relevant. Therefore, a newborn’s diaper in the maternity hospital needs to be changed as often as it becomes overfilled or soiled. Diaper rash that appears causes anxiety to the baby and requires treatment.

How to change a diaper correctly

Changing a newborn's diaper is easy:

  • All replacement supplies must be prepared in advance so that the child is not left unattended. Even if the baby has just been born and is still lying quietly on the changing table, he can be injured.
  • After each act of bowel movement, it is necessary to clean the baby’s skin. wet wipe, or better yet, wash it clean water. There is no need to use soap every time you wash your baby. It can dry out delicate skin newborn
  • In between changing diapers, you need to give the baby the opportunity to take air baths - lie naked for about 15 minutes. This procedure will improve the skin and strengthen the child.
  • If irritation and diaper rash appear on the skin, you need to use by special means. This can be an ointment, cream or powder.
  • A newborn's diaper should be changed as often as needed. At first, up to 20 pieces can be spent per day. Of course, it’s not cheap, but you won’t be able to save money in such a situation without compromising the baby’s health. Later, when the child grows up, these expenses will be reduced.

Compliance elementary rules The use of disposable diapers allows the baby to be in a comfortable dry environment, and the mother not to have to deal with permanent shift and washing diapers. To keep your baby's skin healthy, you should remember that a newborn's diaper needs to be changed as often as required due to his age and physiological characteristics. Failure to comply with this rule in order to save money may lead to serious problems in the health of the newborn.

Useful video about changing a diaper while sleeping

The function of a disposable hygienic diaper is to absorb liquid physiological secretions in an amount corresponding to the filler capacity, and protect clothing and bed sheets from pollution.

Accordingly, it is necessary to change the diaper so that the hygiene product continues to fulfill its duties to the required extent. A diaper that is full, soiled or damaged must be changed..

The immutable rules are:

Is this necessary at night?

This is a special question, because mothers value the time so much when the child is sleeping - you can relax, devote a little time to yourself or to household chores.

It is worth putting on a fresh diaper after an evening bath, before feeding and bedtime.. Even if the current product is not completely filled or dirty, the night is long, and a new diaper will not hurt. This will provide some guarantee that the child will not wake up because he is wet and uncomfortable.

If during night feeding it becomes noticeable that the diaper has exhausted its resource, or the child has lost weight, change the baby’s clothes and replace the hygiene product.

How often is it required?

Situations in which the diaper is changed immediately:

  • the baby pooped;
  • the skin under the diaper is damp;
  • The diaper is heavy and soaked through.

For boys

There is a lot of debate about the acceptability of disposable diapers for boys. Opponents believe that it is unacceptable to “overheat” the genitals of a future man, and that the “greenhouse effect” will affect fertility.

According to Dr. E.O. Komarovsky, such statements are unfounded, and diapers do not in any way affect the productive health of future fathers. In this regard, let us turn to the questions practical. Changing diapers for a boy has its own characteristics caused by physiology. When changing your baby's clothes, it is important to position the penis correctly - point the organ down.

Otherwise, there is a risk that the clothes or the baby himself will get wet. The diaper at the top is not particularly sealed with absorbent, and if the boy pees, hygiene product will turn out to be useless. Check this detail.

Do not tighten the diaper around your baby’s waist too much – over-squeezing urethra will not allow the boy to fulfill his physiological needs normally. The child will be worried. Conveniently, modern diapers in common sizes are available in two types: for boys and for girls. Such products take into account the physiological differences between children of different sexes - the absorbent is distributed differently in order to “insure” the most used areas of the diaper during urination.

There are no particular differences between boys and girls in the frequency of diaper changes - focus on fullness, cleanliness of the inner surface and the absence of moisture or redness on the skin.

We invite you to watch a video on how to change a boy's diaper:

For girls

When changing diapers, it is important for girls to wash the baby properly. Movements should be directed from front to back, from the perineum to the butt. Otherwise, you may get an infection in your genitals.

In the maternity hospital

Changing a boy's diaper in a maternity hospital is a little different from the same process at home.

After birth, within 1-3 days, the baby passes the original feces - meconium. The consistency is denser and very dark discharge. Meconium is washed and cleaned much worse than ordinary infant liquid stool.

Please note that during the first time the baby will adhere to the usual position in which he was in the womb. Wash and change clothes in a compact manner collected baby not so convenient. Over time, the situation will change. Place a blanket on the changing table and a waterproof diaper on top. On a hard surface, the baby will roll from side to side, this is uncomfortable for both him and his mother.

You will have to change the diaper more often in the maternity hospital - the newborn urinates and defecates very often. Bring a supply of diapers with you suitable size. Girls also pass meconium; when changing a diaper, it is better to wash the baby rather than wipe it with napkins. It’s time for a newborn girl to change her diaper every 3-4 hours.

At home

Caring for the baby at home continues. The frequency of replacing children's sanitary panties at home is every 3-4 hours. IN home environment follow the principle: if everything is dry and clean, the diaper has not yet become heavy, you can wait to change clothes.

We invite you to watch a video on how to change a baby’s diaper at home:

At night

Regarding the use of diapers at night, suitable general recommendations. Put on a fresh diaper before bed. If the night goes by without any fuss from your baby and you don't notice any leakage or stool, don't wake your baby for a routine diaper change.

The pediatrician advises resorting to changing the diaper if the child has gone great need", since upon contact with urine, the discharge will inevitably lead to irritation of the delicate skin of the newborn.

Be sure to check that the skin under the diaper is dry and there is no redness or diaper rash. According to the doctor, mothers need this hygiene product to make their lives easier. The child does not receive any benefit from the diaper. There is no harm from a diaper if parents follow the rules for its use.

How many times a day should I put on a new diaper?

As we have already figured out, there is no exact answer to this question. It all depends on the condition of the diaper at the time of inspection, the presence of feces in the hygiene product, and the condition of the child’s skin. If the diaper is not yet full, not soiled with feces, and the newborn’s skin is dry, clean and without signs of irritation, then stick to the guideline of 3-4 hours. After this time, you can change the child's clothes.

Remember that all children are different. The mode of urination, the amount of discharge, and the frequency of stool depend on the lifestyle and physiology of the individual child. There are few generally accepted norms and guidelines here. After your baby is born, you will need time and observation. You will soon know how this happens in the case of your offspring. An individual diaper changing regimen will be developed based on observations of the child.

The baby may also let you know that it is time to take off his overfilled diaper - the child will begin to whine, fidget and worry. If the diaper gets wet unreasonably quickly (within 1-2 hours), you may need to switch to using products bigger size. It is also possible that you purchased a diaper with a low-quality absorbent. If you notice that the diaper does not fit, try a different brand.

We invite you to watch a video about how often you need to change your baby’s diaper:

Change process

The sequence of actions will be slightly different depending on why you decided to replace the product with a fresh one.

Changing a diaper when baby poops:

  1. Use the clean edges of the diaper to collect the discharge, moving from the abdomen to the buttocks.
  2. Carefully remove the diaper from under the baby, lifting the baby by the legs with one hand.
  3. Roll up the used product and secure the package with Velcro.
  4. Wash the baby warm water, use detergent only when necessary. If you are not at home, use wet wipes.
  5. Put a clean diaper on your baby.

The diaper is full, but the baby's skin and inner surface products are dry and clean:

The skin under the diaper is wet:

  1. Remove and roll up the diaper.
  2. Remove moisture from your baby's skin using any in an accessible way– wash and pat dry with a towel or diaper, wipe the body with wet wipes.
  3. Put a dry diaper on your child.

If the skin after all hygiene procedures is dry and without redness (irritation, diaper rash), it does not need to be additionally lubricated or treated with anything.

If you have diaper rash and the folds get wet from heat or sweat, use powder (do not get carried away with the amount and make sure that the product does not get into the Airways!). If the skin is dry and irritated, lubricate it with baby cream. Follow the principle: wet - dry, dry - moisturize.

Try not to use disposable diapers in the hot summer - the skin suffers greatly from overheating. As a last resort, wear a diaper at night.

To change a diaper at home you will need:

  • warm water;
  • towel or diaper;
  • changing table (or a section of the bed covered with waterproof oilcloth and a soft diaper on top);
  • wet wipes;
  • diaper cream (situational);
  • powder (situational).

It’s good if someone in your household can help you at first. A young mother needs to “get her hands on” in order to manage the whole process independently and confidently.

How to put it on a baby?

The diaper is put on correctly if there is symmetry, and you can insert your index finger between the skin of the abdomen and the diaper.

Over time, every parent masters the skill of changing a diaper. After some time, young parents gain “combat experience” and can give master classes to beginners. Everything will work out if you follow the recommendations.