Is it healthy to drink your own urine? Various methods of using urine therapy and their effectiveness.

Other reasons

There are all kinds of urine and each has, in addition to the general ones, properties unique to it, and therefore a corresponding effect on the body. The quality and composition of urine is influenced by nutrition, a person’s emotional state, his individual constitution, as well as a person’s thinking. It is necessary to keep in mind the influence of different lunar cycles and seasons. Only from the above list it follows that for each type of disease or health disorder it is advisable to use your own urine. Only in this case will the abstract phrase “they say it cures all diseases” turn into concrete and effective recommendations on how to treat. Without knowledge of these features, as well as many others, you will be disappointed and you will not feel any “miracles” of urine therapy.

Original urine

The reaction of urine in children in the first days of life is sharply acidic. Most of the nitrogen excreted in urine is excreted as urea. In addition, the urine of newborns is saturated with information from rapidly unfolding life processes. These features of the urine of newborns are good to use to suppress putrefactive and fermentative processes, when the internal environment of the body is shifted to the alkaline side and it “rots alive.” The smell of senility is the outward expression of this decay. People who have such a body odor are recommended to drink it, people with dysbiosis in the large intestine and other disorders are advised to take an enema. Urine from newborns is excellent for treating rotting, non-healing wounds, gangrene and other similar diseases. Due to the fact that it contains a lot of urea, it can be used as a natural diuretic to remove excess fluid from the body, to reduce cerebrospinal fluid pressure, intracranial and intraocular pressure; heal the kidneys (especially if they have various infections); it can enhance digestive processes; suppress various kinds of infectious diseases; dissolve fibrin (blood clots) in the blood, reduce its coagulability; Use for oncological diseases (drink internally, compresses externally).

Children's urine

The main advantage of children's urine (from 1 month to 12-13 years) is its saturation with immune bodies. The immune system has central and peripheral organs. The central organs include the bone marrow and thymus gland; to the peripheral - the spleen, lymph nodes and lymphoid tissue of the gastrointestinal tract. By old age, the weight of the thymus gland decreases by 90%, and the spleen by 50%; the immune function in the bone marrow and lymph nodes is inhibited due to the accumulation in the body of substances that inhibit the activity of these organs, in other words, due to slagging in the body. Experiments by scientists have shown that if you transplant old immune cells into a young body, their activity is restored, but if you transplant young cells into an old body, their activity fades. This is direct evidence of the dependence of immunity on the degree of slagging in our body. Therefore, a person who wants to get rid of infectious, viral and tumor diseases, along with taking baby urine to boost immunity, needs to cleanse his own body at the cellular level using urine fasting.

Urine of mature people

Especially from 18 to 30 years old, it is balanced in its hormonal composition and other parameters. It is advisable to use it to correct the functions of the body for a person aged 35 to 60 years. To treat diseases, you only need to use your own urine (remember treatment with “nosodes”). If you decide to use a “urine donor” to stimulate your own body, then select a young, healthy, same-sex person of the same build as you. You must know his lifestyle, habits, nutrition, and also feel his disposition towards you, complete understanding on his part of your “strange” requests. Do not hesitate to bring him up to date, especially if you use urine in the form of rubs or compresses.

Senile urine

Due to the fact that a person at this age lives as an asexual being, with reduced immunity, imbalance of hormonal functions, etc., this is the most unsuitable urine, which can only be used by oneself to treat various diseases and disorders. It can be used by other people only in desperate cases, when it is necessary to urgently start urination, etc.

Male and female urine

Naturally, male and female urine have their own distinctive characteristics, which primarily depend on the hormonal set, as well as its “magnetization” by the male or female principle. Therefore, it is recommended to use a person of the same sex as you as a “urine donor”. In rare exceptions and for a short time, urine from a person of the opposite sex can be used. Children's urine (from 1 year to 10 years), due to the low content of hormones responsible for gender differences in it, can be used by persons of the opposite sex, but not more than 1-3 months. The younger the child, the longer the urine intake, the older he is, the shorter.

Urine of pregnant women

This type of urine is very useful and unique. The composition of urine and its properties reflect the work of the mother’s body, the functioning of the uterus as a reproductive organ, the placenta and the child’s body. Such a unique selection of substances and “recorded” functions cannot be found anywhere else. Let us briefly describe the distinctive features of the urine of pregnant women and the changes occurring in their urinary system.

During pregnancy, structural and functional changes occur in the kidneys and urinary tract. The maximum of these changes is observed in the 20th-35th weeks of pregnancy. The flow of blood plasma passing through the kidney increases by 45%, glomerular filtration increases by 60%. As a result, the urinary excretion of substances of metabolic and nutritional importance (glucose, amino acids, water-soluble vitamins) increases.

The amino acids most abundantly excreted in the urine are: glycocol, histidine, threonine, serine and alanine (the excretion doubles at the 16th week and by the time of delivery reaches an amount 4-5 times greater than before pregnancy). Excessive cortisol is released.

The release of some water-soluble vitamins increases 3-4 times (folic acid, cyanocobalamin, ascorbic acid). The excretion of end products of protein metabolism (urea) and nucleoprotein metabolism increases in the urine. The kidneys secrete the enzyme erythropoietin, which stimulates the formation of red blood cells. Pregnant women in the second half of pregnancy have 5 times more of this enzyme than before it.

So, the urine of pregnant women is a nutritious “cocktail” (glucose, amino acids, vitamins); its high urea content makes it a good diuretic and anticancer agent; Hematopoietic stimulating factor helps with anemia in all its types. As you can see, this is truly universal urine that can be used to stimulate the body’s defenses and treat a huge number of ailments. Therefore, whenever possible, do not miss this “priceless medicine”.

Before using the medications listed on the website, consult your doctor.

At the dawn of humanity. Man learned to live from animals, imitating them, and also copied much from nature, since his instinct was not as developed as that of his fellows. He saw animals licking their wounds and drinking their urine for fevers.

Avicenna writes:


The most useful urine is the urine of an Arabian camel, that is, a purebred camel, and human urine is the weakest, although even weaker is the urine of groomed domestic boars. The strongest urine is the old one, and the urine of a emasculated animal is weaker in all respects. Human urine is the purest.

As they say, the nature of urine is hot and dry.

Actions and properties
All types of urine are cleansed. Human urine with ash grapevine applied to the bleeding area and the bleeding stops. Camel urine helps against dandruff if you wash your hair with it, just like bull urine.

Urine reduces bahak well - spots.

Wounds and ulcers
Donkey urine, like human urine, and especially old urine, helps with creeping and moist ulcers. Oka helps against peeling, scabies and baras - vitiligo, especially with the bavrak - soda and juice sorrel. Urine sediment is applied to areas affected by erysipelas, and this is beneficial. As part of the ointment, urine helpsfrom jarab - eczema, from safa - dermatitis and from ulcers infected with worms. They urinate on foot ulcers many times and leave them like that until they heal.

Tools with joints
Urine is useful for nervous pain, especially goat urine, domestic and mountain, and helps mainly from spasms and tension . It is also put into the nose when stretched.

Head organs
If dissolved in bull urine myrrh and let it into the ear in liquid form, it soothes the pain. Goat urine also works on its own or mixed with myrrh. Old human urine prevents pus from draining from the ears. Camel urine is very helpful for loss of smell and is very powerful in opening up blockages in the ethmoid bone.

Eye diseases
Urine is condensed in a copper vessel and then it helps against cataracts and trachoma, especially children’s urine, as well as urine boiled with leek.

Respiratory and chest organs
The urine of infants is said to help with "standing breathing."

Nutritional organs
One man with a diseased spleen dreamed that he was told to drink three handfuls of his own urine every day. He did this and recovered. This treatment was tried and found to be wonderful. Human urine and camel urine, especially with the milk of a dairy camel, help against dropsy and hardening of the spleen. “It is reported from the words of the prophet: “If you drank milk and camel urine, you would probably be healthy.” In fact, people drank it and got better.”

Goat urine is used for fever, especially the urine of mountain goats, and is most useful with the fragrant spikenard. Pig urine kept in the bladder has the same effect if taken with strong wine.

Eruption organs
Pig urine crushes stones into kidneys and in the bladder and drives period. Donkey urine helps with pain in the kidneys, and human urine, boiled with leek, if you sit in it for five days, once a day, is useful for pain in the uterus.

Drinking human urine helps with bite vipers It is also watered on bitten places, especially if bitten by a viper that lives on the rocks; mixed with natural soda, it is poured over the area bitten by the dog, and over every bite and injection. Old urine helps against all poisons and even against the poison of the sea hare.”

My most significant urine therapy recipes

$1.With scanty menstruation, also with primary infertility with normal periods, take 100 g of juice sweet clover and alfalfa with one liter of urine from a young woman in labor after the fourth month of pregnancy. Shake in a thermos forty times before each dose and take half an hour before or two hours after meals, 200 g every eight hours for 20 days, starting on the second day after menstruation. Treatment continues for up to five months or until menstruation normalizes or until pregnancy occurs.

$2.For stomach and duodenal ulcers, take 50 g of juice plantain And juicealoe mix 100 vinegar and honey with two liters of your own or child’s urine in a three-liter thermos. Shake 200 times at first and 40 times before each dose. Take 100 g every eight hours before or after meals. In case of hyperacid conditions, it is taken closer to meals, and in case of insufficiency of gastric juice at least half an hour before it. If after two weeks of taking there is no noticeable improvement, then another 50 g is added to the contents of the thermos

There are many radically opposing opinions regarding the usefulness or harmfulness of using urine. Let's try to figure out in this article what is true and what is false.


Urine has a set of valuable characteristics:

  1. destroys pathogenic microorganisms (disinfects);
  2. disinfects;
  3. removes toxins;
  4. eliminates inflammation.

Applications backed by science

At the end of the 18th century, a chemist from France, I. Ruel, isolated a component from human urine, which later received the name. By reacting with various elements, it produces many useful complex compounds. It is this component that has become widespread in various areas of life.

Dentistry and cosmetology

Gels designed to restore teeth to a snow-white shade contain urea peroxide. When it decomposes, oxygen atoms are released. They penetrate the enamel and destroy the pigment that contributed to the darkening.

The effect of hydroperite for lightening hair of dark colors is based on this same feature.


Due to its bactericidal properties, it is included in shampoos, soaps and other hygiene products that help destroy bacteria and fungi. Can serve as a deodorant and antiseptic.

Furniture industry

It is synthesized to produce resins and adhesive, glue-like substances, which in turn are used for the production of fiberboards. Cabinet and upholstered furniture are made from fiberboard.


Osmotic diuretics are intended to eliminate swelling. After ingestion, the liquid from the tissues gradually moves into the blood. Most often they are prescribed for lungs.


Agricultural crops are fed with the help of urea fertilizer. It has a good effect on the growth and formation of plants, especially strawberries.

White granules containing nitrogen are poured into the soil or dissolved in water, and then the resulting solution is sprayed onto trees, shrubs and seedlings.

Common Misconceptions

Proponents of urinotherapeutic methods believe in miraculous cures. However, this confidence is not confirmed or scientifically substantiated. Followers of urine drinking are at the mercy of myths.

Urine therapy is a panacea for all ailments

A universal method that relieves ailments of any etiology does not exist in nature. Taking urine inside can only temporarily relieve the sufferer from unpleasant symptoms; steroid medications also act. Then the symptoms return with renewed vigor.

Why buy artificial hormones if you have your own?

Hormonal levels and balance are regulated by the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. When a person applies evaporated urine to the skin or drinks it, he adds unaccounted for, and therefore unnecessary, hormone-containing substances to the body. Such rash behavior leads to disruption of the regulation of hormone production.

No contraindications

Such self-deception can be costly for people with sexually transmitted diseases, diseases of the digestive system, and inflamed mucous membranes of organs.

VIDEO About urine therapy

Prevention of ailments

Never used for prophylactic purposes. They are prescribed exclusively during periods of exacerbation.

And urine therapy is almost identical to the consumption of steroids.

Urine therapy has no side effects

The opposite is true. Consumed over a long period of time, the yellow liquid has the same harmful effects as steroid treatment. Patients treat the latter with apprehension, trying to delay the moment and trying to find a non-hormonal approach. The same should apply to drinking urine.


The long-term effects of urine can affect:

  1. the functioning of the adrenal cortex, leading to dysfunction and premature aging;
  2. women's health, resulting in;
  3. endocrine processes, contributing to obesity;
  4. the functioning of nerve endings, causing mental disorders;
  5. the vital activity of hormone-producing cells, promoting their death, and when the changes become irreversible, leading to disability.

When planning to take the advice of urine worshipers, it is important to weigh the pros and cons and carefully study the possible prospects.

VIDEO We smash traditional methods of treatment (urine therapy) - Everything will be fine - Issue 295 -11/27/2013

Most medications are expensive drugs containing a minimum of natural substances. However, for hundreds of years, ordinary urine has been used for treatment. The healing method is called urine therapy. What it helps with and what are the dangers of such self-medication will be useful for all fans of Gennady Malakhov to know.

The essence of medical practice

One of the branches of alternative medicine is urine therapy, also called urotherapy or uropathy. All of these terms refer to a practice that uses the healing properties of human urine to combat various ailments.

There are several ways to use urine therapeutically:

  • Ingestion (or urophagia) - drinking through the mouth (orally);
  • External use - rubbing liquid into damaged areas of skin, gums, hair, etc.;
  • Washing is used to cleanse the body of toxins and harmful substances. For example, passing through the nose (for sinusitis), introducing an enema into the anus, etc.

Uropathy was known back in ancient India. It is mentioned in Ayurveda and yogic texts, Sushret Samhita and other monuments. In the West, the technique has been widely used for only a little over a century.

To date, discharge treatment has no evidence of clinical effectiveness. Which, however, does not prevent urine from being one of the most popular means of folk healing.

In this video, Gennady Malakhov will tell you how he himself feels about urine therapy and how this technique can help:

How is urine therapy useful? Composition of urine

Urine is a waste product of the body that is produced in the kidneys. It contains many products of cellular metabolism that must be cleared from the circulatory system.

Human excretory fluid has the following components:

  • Water (95%);
  • Urea (9.3 grams per liter);
  • Chlorides (1.87 g/l);
  • Sodium (1.17 g/l);
  • Potassium (0.75 g/l);
  • Creatinine (0.67 g/l);
  • Other dissolved ions, inorganic and organic compounds.

Due to the presence of a group of physiologically active substances, treatment with urine is akin to hormonal therapy. True, to achieve this effect the liquid must be taken orally in large quantities.

Doctors recognize urine’s ability to destroy harmful and pathogenic microorganisms in wounds, tissues and pathological foci.

What does urine therapy treat?

According to the popularizers of this treatment method, it can help with a large number of ailments:

  • Problems with the human integumentary system. Biological catalysts, vitamins and minerals that are part of the substance show effective results for psoriasis, fungus and mechanical damage to the skin;
  • When washed with excretory moisture, the hair increases in length and quality. It is enough just to add a few drops of urine to the shampoo before washing your hair, and the recipe for magnificent hair is ready;
  • Fight against early skin aging. You can literally wash away annoying wrinkles from your face and look several years younger;
  • If you rub a small amount of urine into the temporal lobes, you can forget about chronic headaches for a long time;
  • Rubbing also treats inflammation of the paranasal sinuses;
  • Acceleration of healing processes for wounds, cuts, bites and burns. According to experts, regeneration is accelerated by 30-40%. Such use is especially important in conditions of inaccessibility of traditional antiseptics.

Doctors practicing in the field of alternative medicine recommend not to disdain drinking urine, despite numerous social prejudices.

However, this action must occur subject to certain rules:

  • The substance should preferably be fresh. During long-term storage in the refrigerator, the quality and content of nutrients decreases significantly;
  • Not everyone has the luxury of drinking their own urine. This is contraindicated for patients suffering from urinary tract diseases (especially bacterial ethology);
  • Drinking the secretions of another person is not only possible, but even necessary. But in this case, you need to not only inquire about the presence of certain diseases, but also about the age of the “donor”. Older and mature people are recommended to choose youth products (18-25 years old);
  • There are legends about the benefits of urine from pregnant women, but it is extremely difficult to get it due to the lack of a civilized market;
  • You should not drink the secretions of a member of the opposite sex;
  • You need to be especially careful when choosing cookware. Plastic containers are only suitable for testing. Glass glasses and even crystal are suitable for urine therapy.

Famous adherents of the technique

Among the pioneers who made their way through the jungle of social stereotypes, the following names are worth special mentioning:

  • John Armstrong- founder of the urine therapy movement in Europe and the USA. He is the author of the fundamental work “Water of Life”. Based on this work, he developed a treatment practice in 1918, which he tried with varying degrees of success on thousands of patients;
  • Fourth Prime Minister of India Morarji Desai on the CBS 60 Minutes program, he stated that he uses urine for medicinal purposes. According to him, urine is the only available medicine for millions of poor Indians;
  • British theater and film actress Sarah Miles I have been consuming the products of my body for three decades. During this time, she said, she got rid of allergies and strengthened her immunity;
  • Singer Madonna prefers the external use of urine on his own legs to eliminate mycosis;
  • Boxer Juan Manuel Marquez uses his secretions for nutritional purposes.

Negative consequences of urine therapy

Despite widespread propaganda on the pages of cheap newspapers, dubious book publications and on the air of irresponsible TV programs, uropathy remains officially unrecognized technique.

Evidence-based medicine says that the use of urine can lead to serious negative consequences for the body:

  • Even a healthy person begins to suffer from chronic nausea and diarrhea. The gastric mucosa is damaged and the intestines are struck;
  • Urine therapy for sexually transmitted diseases can cause blood poisoning;
  • Survival manuals issued by the US and British Armies prohibit drinking “home-made” liquids when thirsty and in the absence of other sources of moisture. Dehydration will only be intensified due to the presence of salts in the composition;
  • Even rubbing it into areas of the skin can lead to big troubles. There are severe cases where self-medication led to necrosis (death) of large areas of tissue. There is a risk of limb amputation.

Urotherapy is in use in a number of backward third world countries (for example, Mexico), but in developed countries this topic is closed

What could an Indian Prime Minister, an American singer and a Spanish boxer have in common? All of them, by their own example, confirm the effectiveness of the practice of urine therapy. What it helps with depends on the method of application. Rubbing allows you to achieve a disinfecting effect, and drinking it fights a dozen known ailments.

Video: treatment of skin diseases with uropathy

In this video, herbalist Boris Tkachev will tell you how, with the help of urine therapy, you can treat arthrosis, allergies, joint pain, and most skin diseases:

A general urinalysis (UCA), also called a clinical urinalysis, is one of the most common laboratory tests performed for diagnostic purposes. It is prescribed for many diseases and includes the determination of up to 20 indicators, each of which helps in making the correct diagnosis. If you have been prescribed a general urine test, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the rules for interpreting its results.

Why is a general urine test prescribed?

Urine (lat. urina), or urine, is a type of biological fluid secreted by the kidneys. Along with urine, many metabolic products are removed from the body, and therefore, by its characteristics, one can indirectly judge the composition of the blood and the condition of the urinary tract and kidneys.

Urine includes substances such as urea, uric acid, ketone bodies, amino acids, creatinine, glucose, protein, chlorides, sulfates and phosphates. Analysis of the chemical and microbiological composition of urine plays an important role in diagnosis: any deviations from the norm indicate abnormal metabolism in the patient’s body.

When is a general urine test prescribed? This study is necessary for any diseases of the genitourinary and endocrine systems, for abnormalities in the functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as for suspected diabetes. Also, a general urine test is prescribed for patients who have had a streptococcal infection. In addition, it is carried out for preventive purposes and to monitor the dynamics of diseases.

How to take a general urine test?

To ensure that the analysis results reflect the true clinical picture, preparation for the procedure and urine collection are carried out in compliance with a number of rules.

Basic requirements when preparing for a general urine test:

  • You must purchase a special sterile container for collecting fluid in advance from a pharmacy or from a doctor;
  • collection should be carried out in the morning: for analysis it is recommended to use the morning liquid that has accumulated overnight, while the “average portion” of a stream of urine is important for collecting into a container;
  • the night before, you should stop taking any medications that could affect the composition of your urine (it’s best to consult your doctor about this), as well as alcohol and coloring foods (beets, carrots, rhubarb, bay leaves, etc.);
  • morning urine is collected on an empty stomach, you should not eat or drink anything before;
  • Before collecting the analysis, you should not be too cold or overheated.

Collection rules:

  • it is advisable to collect 100–150 ml (or 2/3 of a special container);
  • before collection, you need to thoroughly clean the genitals: in some cases, women are recommended to use a tampon;
  • the collected liquid should be delivered to the laboratory as soon as possible (with a delay of no more than 2 hours);
  • if the liquid needs to be stored for some time, then the container can be placed in a dark and cool, but not too cold place;
  • It is advisable to transport the container at positive temperatures in the range of 5-20 degrees.

What does a general urine test show: deciphering the results

Decoding the results of a general urine test will help you understand the results obtained before visiting a doctor. However, in no case should you engage in self-diagnosis and self-medication based on the data obtained: to correctly analyze the results and make a diagnosis, you must contact a specialist.

Organoleptic indicators

Volume . The total volume of fluid for analysis does not allow us to draw any conclusions about diuresis disorders. It is only necessary to determine the specific gravity of urine (relative density).

Diuresis is the volume of urine produced over a certain period of time (daily or minute diuresis). Daily diuresis is usually 1.5–2 liters (70–80% of the liquid drunk). An increase in daily diuresis is called polyuria, a decrease to 500 ml is called oliguria.

Color urine, as well as transparency, is determined by the laboratory assistant by eye. Normal color can vary from straw to deep yellow. It is determined by the presence of coloring substances in the urine - urobilin, urozein, uroerythrin. Any other shades can signal certain pathologies in the body, for example:

  • dark brown – jaundice, hepatitis;
  • red or pink color indicates the presence of blood in the analysis;
  • dark red – hemoglobinuria, hemolytic crisis, porphyrin disease;
  • black – alkaptonuria;
  • a grayish-white color indicates the presence of pus;
  • green or blue color is explained by rotting processes in the intestines.

Smell during a general urine analysis it is not decisive, since many foods containing essential oils or simply strong-smelling foods can give it a specific odor. However, some odors may indicate certain pathologies:

  • the smell of ammonia indicates cystitis;
  • fecal odor - E. coli;
  • putrid odor – gangrenous processes in the urinary tract;
  • the smell of acetone – ketonuria (the presence of ketone bodies in the urine);
  • the smell of rotting fish – trimethylaminuria (accumulation of trimethylamine in the body).

Normally, the smell of urine is mild and somewhat specific. If the container is open, the smell becomes pungent due to the oxidation process.

Foaminess . Normally, when shaking urine, practically no foam forms in it, and if it does, it is transparent and unstable. If the foam persists or is stained, we can talk about jaundice or the presence of protein in the urine.

Transparency urine of a healthy person approaches absolute. Cloudiness can be caused by the presence of red blood cells, bacteria, mucus, fats, salts, pus and other substances. The presence of any substance is detected using special techniques (heating, adding various acids, etc.). If red blood cells, bacteria, protein or epithelium were detected in the urine, this indicates urolithiasis, pyelonephritis, prostatitis and some other diseases. White blood cells indicate cystitis. Precipitation of salts indicates the presence of urates, phosphates, and oxalates.

physical and chemical indicators

Density . The specific gravity of urine is an indicator that depends on age. The norm for adults and children over 12 years old is 1.010–1.022 g/l, for children 4–12 years old – 1.012–1.020, for children aged 2–3 years old – 1.010–1.017, newborns – 1.008–1.018. The density of urine depends on the amount of salts, proteins, sugars and other substances dissolved in it. In some pathologies, this indicator increases due to the presence of bacteria, leukocytes, and red blood cells. An increased rate may indicate diabetes mellitus or infectious processes in the urinary tract. In pregnant women - indicates toxicosis. Density may also be increased due to insufficient fluid intake or fluid loss. A reduced rate indicates renal failure and diabetes insipidus. It may also occur when drinking too much or taking diuretic medications.

Acidity Normally it is in the range of 4–7 pH. A reduced rate may indicate the presence of many diseases: chronic renal failure, increased levels of potassium in the blood, parathyroid hormones, ureaplasmosis, kidney or bladder cancer, etc. Increased acidity also occurs with dehydration and fasting, when taking certain medications, at high temperatures and heavy consumption of meat. A pH higher than normal may indicate diabetes mellitus, decreased potassium levels, and disturbances in the acid-base balance of the blood.

Biochemical characteristics

Protein . Its concentration normally should not exceed 0.033 g/l. Detection of elevated levels may indicate kidney damage, inflammation in the genitourinary system, allergic reactions, leukemia, epilepsy, and heart failure. An increase in the amount of protein occurs with increased physical activity, profuse sweating, and long walking.

Increased protein in the urine is detected in physically poorly developed children 7–16 years old and pregnant women.

Sugar (glucose) in urine at normal levels – no more than 0.8 mmol/l. Increased sugar can be a consequence of diabetes, excessive consumption of sweets, kidney problems, acute pancreatitis, Cushing's syndrome, increased adrenaline levels due to damage to the adrenal glands. Also, increased sugar levels in the urine can occur during pregnancy.

Bilirubin is a bile pigment that should normally be absent in urine. Its detection indicates a sharp increase in the concentration of bilirubin in the blood, which is why the kidneys take on the job of removing it (normally, bilirubin is completely eliminated through the intestines). An increased level of this pigment in the urine indicates cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis, liver failure, and cholelithiasis. The cause may also be massive destruction of red blood cells in the blood due to hemolytic disease, sickle cell anemia, malaria, and toxic hemolysis.

Ketone bodies (acetone) Normally, they should not be detected in a general urine test. Their detection indicates metabolic disorders as a result of diseases such as diabetes mellitus, acute pancreatitis, thyrotoxicosis, and Itsenko-Cushing's disease. Also, the formation of ketone bodies occurs during fasting, due to alcohol intoxication, with excessive consumption of protein and fatty foods, due to toxicosis in pregnant women, as well as after injuries affecting the central nervous system.

Microscopic studies

Sediment (organic, inorganic) . In a general urine analysis, sediment refers to cells, cylinders, and salt crystals that settle after short-term centrifugation. We will talk in more detail about the various substances that can be detected in sediment below.

Blood cells (erythrocytes, leukocytes) . Erythrocytes - red blood cells - may be present in urine in small quantities (for women - 0-3 in the field of view, single ones - for men). An increased level of red blood cells indicates serious diseases, such as:

  • urolithiasis disease;
  • nephrotic syndrome;
  • kidney infarction;
  • acute glomerulonephritis;
  • cancer of the kidney, bladder, prostate.

Leukocytes in the sediment, identified in a general urine test, may be a consequence of urinary tract diseases (pyelonephritis, cystitis, urolithiasis, prostatitis, urethritis, cystitis, etc.). Normally, leukocytes in the urine of women and children are 0–6 per field of view, and in men – 0–3.

If the results of a general urine test revealed an increased level of leukocytes, you should make an appointment with a urologist, who will probably prescribe additional tests - a repeat OAM or in combination with a urine test according to Nechiporenko, a three-glass test, or an ultrasound of the kidneys. Often, all concerns are dispelled after repeated and additional studies are carried out.

Hyaline casts - These are cylindrical formations, which are dominated by renal tubular cells and protein. Normally they should not be in the urine. Their detection (over 20 in 1 ml) indicates hypertension, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis. These cylindrical formations can also occur when taking diuretics.

Grainy cylinders . Their composition is dominated by erythrocytes and renal tubular cells. The presence of granular casts in the urine in any quantity indicates viral infections, pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis. Lead poisoning is also possible.

Wax cylinders , or waxy casts, are formed as a result of a long stay in the lumen of the renal tubule of a hyaline or granular cast. Their presence in the urine in any quantity indicates pathologies such as chronic renal failure, renal amyloidosis (deposition of insoluble protein - amyloid) in the kidney tissue, nephrotic syndrome.

Bacteria . The presence of any bacteria in a general urine test indicates inflammatory processes in the urinary system. That is, normally bacteria should be absent. Their detection indicates infectious diseases such as urethritis, cystitis, prostatitis and others. For the results to be reliable, careful hygiene of the intimate areas is necessary before collecting urine.

Mushrooms in urine, which normally should not be detected, are the result of infectious fungal lesions of the urinary tract and external genitalia. In addition, their detection may indicate immunodeficiency states and long-term use of antibiotics.

Salts . Their absence in urine is normal, but their presence in sediment may indicate the possibility of kidney stones. Elevated levels of uric acid (urate) can be the result of gout, nephritis, and chronic renal failure. Urates are often the result of a certain diet and dehydration. In newborns, the presence of urate is normal. Oxalates can be formed due to diabetes mellitus and pyelonephritis, hippuric acid crystals - due to intestinal dysbiosis and liver failure, phosphates - due to high calcium levels in the urine. However, it is always worth remembering that the detection of certain salts is often associated with increased consumption of certain foods, which means their concentration can be easily reduced by changing the diet.

A summary table of the main indicators of a general urine test with normal values ​​is as follows:

So, with the help of a general urine test, you can identify a variety of kidney and bladder diseases, problems with the prostate gland, tumors and pyelonephritis, as well as a number of pathological conditions in the initial stages, when there are no clinical manifestations as such. Therefore, OAM should be performed not only when painful sensations appear, but also for the prevention and early detection of many diseases of the genitourinary system in order to prevent their further development.