How to make your child assiduous. Notes from a Nanny Practitioner

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Hyperactivity in early childhood can lead to persistent conflicts with peers and poor academic performance in the future. Psychologists strongly recommend cultivating in a child such a quality as perseverance from an early age. Read on and you will learn how to teach your child perseverance.

Hyperactivity in children begins to appear from an early age. As a rule, such children begin to talk, walk, and crawl early. Happy parents, looking at their child, cannot get enough of it; they are proud of the baby’s success during the first few years. However, by the age of three, they clutch their heads and have no idea how to get the baby to sit still for a while.

The main disadvantage of a hyperactive baby is that he is not able to spend more than fifteen minutes in one place. Mothers suffer from this first of all, since they are the ones who spend most of the time with the baby. The child's activity does not leave time for housework, cooking dinner and hobbies.

As soon as your child turns one year old, you can begin to teach him perseverance. During walks, parents should talk to the child so that he is distracted as little as possible, trying to concentrate his attention on the speech of mom and dad.

You need to speak with older children in a serious tone. If you allow playful notes in your voice, the child will think that you want to play with him, as a result of which he will not be able to perceive speech adequately. When trying to play an unfamiliar game or read a new book, the mother should explain to the child the purpose of this activity and tell him how he can benefit from it.

When the baby begins to be distracted by foreign objects or sounds, give him time to rest, for example, organize a tea party together. After which you can return to class again.

Below are some practical tips that will help parents develop perseverance in their baby:

. If the baby has already reached the age of two, try to transfer his attention from passive to voluntary mode. For example, read him a fairy tale and then ask him to retell it. Discuss pictures, games, cartoons with your child.

. Most mothers and fathers do not understand how to develop perseverance in a child at the age of one, since this period is characterized by excessive activity, the baby tries to take his first steps. When you offer a child a toy, it is important not just to put it in his hands, but also to do everything possible to make him want to study it in detail. Tell your child where a cat’s nose is, what a car’s wheels are for, where a lion’s tail is, etc.

. Parents should take an active part in the process of their child’s exploration of the vast world. It is important not only to provide your child with toys, but also to tell him about their functions and purpose. Try to organize play activities in such a way that the child is surrounded by a small number of toys at a time, ideally there should be no more than three. Otherwise, the baby's attention will be scattered.

. When the child reaches one and a half years of age, provide him with educational toys. Soft puzzles will be an excellent solution - they will have a beneficial effect on the development of attention in the baby. At first, you will have to help your child put together a whole picture from small pieces, but after a while he will learn to do this on his own.

. If your child is already able to hold a pencil in his hand, learn new drawing techniques with him and be sure to give him a coloring book with his favorite cartoon characters.

Perseverance, the ability to do something with great care and to the end, is not something every child has. Especially at the age of 6-8 years, a child, even having already entered primary school, may still feel like a very small baby and does not take his studies seriously, or he has simply lost self-confidence after some failure. In general, it is better to develop perseverance from early childhood, preferably in a playful way, for example, by building a pyramid according to colors or putting together puzzles.

How to develop this quality in a child when he is already 6-8 years old:
1. The most important rule is that everything should happen in a patient and friendly manner, that is, you should not shout at your offspring and punish him if something doesn’t work out right away.
2. Since children at this age are very active, do not forget to alternate boring educational games with active ones.
3. The child’s own room can serve as a reason for developing perseverance, because you can probably find scattered toys or things in it, as always. Ask him to race with you to put everything in its place.
4. You shouldn’t put everything on the table at once, for example, pencils with an album and plasticine, this will only distract the baby’s attention. There should be a sequence in everything: they completed some picture, for example, assigned for homework according to the school curriculum, and then made a craft from plasticine. This also applies to other items. There is no need to jump from one homework to another if the previous one is not yet completed or put it off until tomorrow. Patiently sit down with your child and go through the lessons, after which you can let him go about his children's business.
5. Constantly create a pleasant and calm atmosphere that will allow you to concentrate better. No running TV or other extraneous noise.
6. Always praise and encourage your child for his successes and tell him how proud you are of him.
7. In your free time from studying, don’t forget to just play with your offspring, because fun, like nothing else, contributes to the development of perseverance. The offspring can repeat something after you, for example, rhythmic movements to music. Games for finding differences in two pictures or memorizing objects and then naming them in order are useful for concentration.

The main thing is to do everything together with your child and inspire him to conquer new heights!

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When the time comes for a child to enter school, many parents show concern that restlessness will interfere with the child’s studies and school. After all, often the inability to concentrate, due to restlessness, affects the student’s academic performance.

Perseverance itself develops gradually for everyone to varying degrees; some people can sit and pore over tasks for hours, while others can’t sit for even a minute. It should also be noted that perseverance is associated with attention. After all, when something is very interesting to us, we calmly, regardless of the time, quite carefully deal with this matter. The conclusion is that interest develops perseverance. It is very important to develop perseverance in the early stages of a child’s development, because later restlessness can really negatively affect educational results.

Of course, it is difficult to force a child to immediately perform complex tasks for a long time. You need to start long after entering first grade. Play with your child, come up with some interesting tasks so that your child will be interested in completing the task. At first, give easy, short-term tasks, then a little more difficult and for a longer period of time. During such games, it is advisable that nothing distracts the baby. Remove scattered toys and books, it is better to sit at the table. Let the child feel more comfortable. If you feel that your child is starting to lose interest, give him a rest, let him run and jump. Change the topics of the lessons so that your child does not get bored with them. The main thing is not to lose patience and do not scold the baby, ask what he himself would like to do, support him.

Watch how long your baby plays with one toy, to see if he quickly gets bored with old toys. Offer him games with old toys, don't overwhelm him with new ones. After all, the more entertainment items there are, the more distracted the child becomes. Ultimately, the baby begins to lose interest in one toy after an hour or two of play. Do not accustom your child to watching TV; half an hour or forty minutes will be enough.

What games can be offered to develop attention and perseverance? This could be making words from cubes, playing shop with a score, finding differences, crafts (plasticine, paper - develops fine motor skills), drawing, coloring, putting together puzzles, mosaics. Show your imagination, come up with your own games.

Parents are often interested in the question of how to teach their child to be diligent and attentive. Some children, as early as two years old, can play with their favorite toys for a long time, while others cannot wait for their mother to make a little Easter cake in the sandbox and are already running to play with the car. To understand how to help a child learn to manage his own attention, you need to know and take into account the age characteristics of children. Often parents are faced with the problem of restlessness in their child in senior preschool and junior school age. In this article we will look at how to cope with this problem in children of different ages. When a child is born, at first he cannot fix his gaze on an object. Gradually, he develops an attachment to his mother, who takes care of him. It is on the mother’s face that, as a rule, the baby’s gaze first focuses. Growing up, the child learns to follow moving objects and people, take things in his hands, and examine them for a long time. This is how a child’s attention develops. He becomes interested in interacting with the world, especially when he has the opportunity to crawl and walk independently. The child is already interested in balls, toys that can be pushed, rolled in front of him, and monitor the results of his actions with them (tumbler, musical toys). The peculiarity of children's attention is its instability. It is very easy to distract a child and switch to something else. The child's attention is attracted by bright, sounding toys, as well as toys that provide various tactile sensations. For a small child, this is a normal situation - quickly switching from one activity to another, easily starting a new game. This is how children learn about the diversity of the world, get acquainted with objects, people, and sensations. But the task of parents is to gently and unobtrusively, in a playful way, to develop in the child perseverance, the ability to complete a task or game started, and to be attentive in their actions. After all, first-graders so often face the problem that yesterday they were playing carefree, but today they cannot concentrate and sit through a long lesson. Every parent has the power to help their child develop perseverance and attentiveness to school age, without overloading the child and giving him the opportunity to enjoy the game. What is needed for this? First of all, the personal example of parents is important. You need to be consistent in your words and actions, finish what you start, and keep your promises. After all, a parent is a child’s first and most important role model. It is very important to form and maintain a daily routine, performing the same actions at a certain time. The child should feel that the main points of the regime are not subject to doubt and discussion (time to get up in the morning, nap time, time to eat, play, walk, go to bed in the evening). It is necessary to develop a regime that will be convenient for parents and the baby, and will allow all family members to feel comfortable. The child will thus know in advance what awaits him during the day, and his energy will follow the right path, without being wasted on unnecessary whims and arguments with parents. To teach a child to be assiduous, you need to talk to him a lot from early childhood. Children who perceive an adult’s speech well better understand the purpose of any action, and it is easier to direct their attention. If you notice that it is difficult for a child to concentrate on the game even for a short time, you need to tell him before starting the game what you want to do. For example, feed a bear. Try to make sure that the game attracts the child, and with your participation, develop the plot, come up with a story. Don’t just feed the bear with a spoon, but go to the kitchen together, take some pasta and pour it into a bowl. “Cook” the food and let the child do everything he already knows how to do. One action follows another without the child having time to get bored. At the end of the game, ask your child to help remove the toys. Accompany any action with comments and explanations. Gradually, the child will learn to immerse himself in the game, and it will become more difficult to distract him with foreign objects. There are a few more tips that are important for instilling perseverance in your child. During the game, you need to turn off the music and TV, and there should not be too many toys. For very young children this is 2-3 toys, for older children a little more is possible. The remaining toys can be removed for a while, alternating and replacing them periodically. This makes it easier for the child to focus his attention and less likely to be distracted. Even a 4-5 year old child’s attention is still highly dependent on what interests him and easily switches from one to another. But, nevertheless, a child of this age can, as a rule, play for a long time on his own, including with other children; he is captivated by the plot of the game itself. The task of parents at this age is to provide the opportunity for such play for the child, carefully selecting toys, while paying attention to what is interesting to the child himself. If it is very difficult for a preschooler or first-grader to concentrate on one lesson and complete the task, you need to help him develop this ability. Various mosaics and puzzles, joint creativity with parents (embroidery and beadwork for girls, design and modeling for boys) develop perseverance very well. Coloring books, modeling from clay and plasticine, any activity that requires concentration on the process of activity, are suitable for this purpose. It is very important that the child enjoys the activity; you also need to make sure that he does not get tired or lose interest. It is better to break a big task into many small stages, completing each of which, the child will see the result of his work and will receive joy and satisfaction from what he has done. After class, you need to teach your child to clean up his/her workplace; this disciplines him and helps him become more organized. If a child is restless at school, you should pay attention to whether he has a good relationship with the teacher, whether he is interested in the curriculum, and whether it is too difficult for the child. Parents need to develop their child’s interest in the educational process, without focusing on grades. Discuss with your child what happened in class more often, talk to him about what they are going through now. Perhaps inattention is caused by a lack of understanding of the material, and, accordingly, a lack of interest in this topic. To develop perseverance and patience, any help around the house is also useful, the main thing is to praise and thank the child for his help. It is important to reinforce and preserve the child’s desire to help an adult, to instill in him the ability to complete a task, gently correcting his mistakes, and to show by example the correct way of action. Board games selected in accordance with the interests and age of the child help develop perseverance. Bright design and fascinating rules can attract the attention of any child, but even in board games the participation, help and tips of parents are important. This is necessary in order to help the child understand the game process, immerse himself in it, and form the right attitude towards any new task that requires patience and attentiveness. Pay attention to the games “Kalakha Lux”, “Tower”, “Mikado”. The most important thing is to praise your children more often for their successes. If something doesn’t work out for them the first time, remind the child that it is important to be patient, that sometimes you need to practice to build, for example, a tall tower out of cubes. Point out to your child his achievements, any step forward, thus forming in him the desire and desire to play, act and learn further. Be confident that your child can become diligent and attentive, show him that you love him no matter what, and your confidence will definitely be passed on to the child.

An overly active child is a real problem for parents. “Stop it,” “calm down,” “sit down,” “don’t scream”—it seems that mom’s vocabulary consists only of these words.

By evening, the cat hid and refused to come out, grandma, who came to visit, hastily retreated, the neighbors are tired of knocking on the radiator, and you dream of hugging a pillow. But it was not there. A child who has not sat down for a minute during the day does not want to sleep, demands to drink, eat, a fairy tale, and so on in a circle. A restless child is not a diagnosis or a sentence. We tell you what to do if you have a small perpetual motion machine living in your apartment.

What's the matter?

A child's restlessness is manifested by the following symptoms: hyperactivity, short temper, inattention and impulsiveness. Such children really cannot sit in one place, they are always on the move, and in a chaotic movement - the child can simply run chaotically around the apartment, throwing toys aimlessly. If mom offers a game - sculpting from plasticine, putting together puzzles, then interest and attention is enough for a maximum of five minutes. Plasticine is smeared on the wallpaper, puzzles scatter across the floor - the game is over. Even when you read a bedtime story to your baby, he cannot listen to it calmly, he jerks his legs, tugs at the blanket with his hands, and periodically jumps out of bed.

There is no point in reproaching and scolding a child - he simply does not understand what you ultimately want from him. Shouting and punishment will have the opposite effect - you will only intimidate your offspring and get an additional set of behavioral problems in addition to restlessness.

Let's remember the main rule - we treat not the effect, but the cause! By finding the “source” of this behavior, you will be able to cope with the situation and, over time, direct the child’s energy in the right direction.

We solve problems

The child does not know how to regulate his motor functions. He runs and screams not to spite you, but because he simply cannot, does not know how to cope with his overflowing energy.

What to do: create a calm atmosphere at home. Create a daily routine and strictly adhere to it. For example, at nine in the evening, shower, then read a fairy tale, and then sleep. And no “five minutes”, “buts” or other “good reasons”. To sleep means to sleep. In addition, make the microcosm of your active child predictable.

All things, toys - everything should be in its place, he should only drink tea from that polka dot cup, and go out for a walk after lunch. A clear, simple, predictable world calms a child, and he will react to any “force majeure” situation by running, stomping and screaming. It would also be good to track those moments when the child is extremely active - look for a provoking situation. Maybe before he started destroying the house, he watched cartoons about robots for two hours? Or was he scared by a dog while walking? An excited, irritated, frightened child cannot yet express his emotions in another way - and becomes fussy and squealing.

The child cannot concentrate, cannot concentrate on one activity.

Yes, almost all children are not able to do the same thing for a long time - they get bored and tired. You should be wary if your son or daughter is absolutely unable to do anything and complete the task. He grabbed the construction set with the intention of building a house - he poured it out of the box onto the floor, scattered it and ran on. I wanted to draw - I ran my brush over the paper twice, saw a peacefully sleeping cat and went to wake him up.

What to do: study together, “learn” concentration. Yes, this is quite possible, you just have to be patient. Come up with games and activities for your child that will last, for starters, five minutes. Before inviting your child to make an applique, prepare all the “inventory” yourself - paper, scissors, glue. Otherwise, the child’s ardor will fade away the moment he takes out the scissors. Praise, encourage, admire - motivate!

Another great way is to do household chores together. Invite your child to water the flowers (it’s quick and interesting - he won’t have time to get bored), give short tasks - bring a book, put clothes away in the closet. “Action - result - praise” - this algorithm is slowly fixed in the mind of the fidget, over time he will be able to perform tasks that require longer concentration of attention. One more nuance: be tactful and do not act against the child’s wishes. Perhaps he simply does not want to learn colors or draw now, so the lesson will not be useful.

Hyperactivity is a character trait. You've probably met adults who simply gush with energy, they are always on the move, talk a lot, and are overly emotional. What can you do here?

Perseverance, diligence, and attentiveness of a student are the key to his success at school and in later life. But in order for a child to have these qualities, it is necessary to develop them from birth.

A person’s ability to control his behavior, to perform work for a long time, sometimes even difficult and uninteresting, is laid down in early childhood and develops gradually. To develop perseverance, to bring what is started to the final result, to be attentive - this is the primary task of parents in the preschool period.

It is very difficult for a child to concentrate on one thing for a long time, his attention is unstable, but this is necessary for a quick, comprehensive knowledge of the world. Therefore, in order to attract his attention and keep it longer, tasks should be bright and interesting, all classes should be conducted in a playful, entertaining way. You can buy him carnival costumes for children and try to play some kind of performance together.

Parents, who are the unquestioned authority for the child, must themselves meet the requirements that they present to their child: keep their promises, not commit rash acts, responsibility and consistency of actions. Then the child, imitating his parents, will easily acquire these skills without much effort on the part of mom and dad.

It is very important to follow a daily routine; it disciplines the child, because he knows perfectly well when it is time to eat and go to bed. The baby will not waste energy on unnecessary whims; at the same time, he gets used to following the rules, which also contributes to the child’s self-control.

When children play with their parents, it is necessary to try to follow the sequence of actions of joint play, which do not have time to get boring for the baby. They should be interesting for him, drawing him into the world of the game, and then the baby will stop being distracted and completely immerse himself in interacting with you.

The end result in activities and games should always be present; praise the baby, inspire him to further exploits, awaken the desire to hear praise again and finish what he started. At the time of play, it is necessary to remove all possible irritants: the TV on, other toys. In general, a child should not have a lot of toys lying around in plain sight; this distracts his attention: he wants to play with everything, but as a result the game does not work out. It’s better to leave a few favorite ones, and when he gets tired of playing with them, replace them with new ones.

When choosing activities and games for your baby, it is better to base it on his hobbies, since interest is the main component of perseverance at a tender age. A good reason to discipline your baby is cleaning up after playing. It’s great if the baby wants to help mom with cleaning or cooking. Even if you have to redo everything later, the child will do everything with pleasure, receive well-deserved praise and learn to help his parents.

To develop perseverance and attentiveness at school at 3, 5, 7, 8 years old, use activities that contribute to this: drawing, modeling, applique, cutting, puzzles, board games, all kinds of construction sets. Play with your child, guide him, arouse interest, then the child will more easily adapt to school, and commitment and perseverance will not be a reason for reproach, but a natural process.