Why does skin dry out in winter: reasons and solutions. Proper care for very dry skin

New Year

Many people face the problem of peeling facial skin, and this can happen in either winter time, and in the summer. Dermatologists recommend not to ignore such symptoms of the body, as this may be a sign of serious health problems. It is necessary to understand that such a deviation results in premature aging of the skin, that is, early aging. Let's figure out why the skin dries out in winter, what to do to solve this problem?

Dry skin - sensations and symptoms

In general, if we speak correctly, the dermis of the face itself is prone to dryness. One of the main reasons for this is dehydration. That is, when the body does not have enough moisture or its level always remains below normal, consequences begin in the form of redness, peeling, unpleasant tightness and general dryness of the face.

Important! This problem should not be neglected by both older ladies and young girls. Microcracks and the most “ crow's feet” can appear quickly and be clearly visible even on young skin.

What symptoms indicate that the skin on the face is dry and needs intensive hydration. Here are some of them:

  • Excessive feeling of tightness in the face.
  • The tone and elasticity of the skin disappears.
  • Typical phenomena are redness and peeling.
  • The dermis quickly hardens, becoming rough.
  • Started showing up too early expression lines, “crow’s feet”, “cobwebs”, other unpleasant flaws.
  • The face has a dull color, that is, there is no vibrant blush.
  • begin to form fine lines in the area of ​​the cheekbones, mouth and eyes.

Causes of dry facial skin

To summarize, all the reasons why facial skin dries can be divided into internal, that is, those that occur due to some changes in the body, and external - factors surrounding us. By using correct definition negative factors, it is possible to eliminate existing problems in a fairly short period of time.

Why does the skin dry out in winter and what to do?

  • Climate. The environment and weather conditions are of great importance. If the face is exposed to direct rays of the sun too often or sudden temperature changes occur, for example, when a person comes from the cold into a warm room, then the condition of the skin becomes significantly worse. Causes such as dry air, winds and severe frosts also have an extremely negative impact on the condition of the skin.

Important! To decrease Negative influence, you should apply special cosmetic protective products before going outside.

  • The skin can dry out excessively due to incorrectly selected cosmetics or due to the use of expired cosmetics. If such a problem arises, then you need to reconsider the contents of your cosmetic bag. It is worth understanding that a high price does not guarantee the absence of this problem. It is advisable to consult a cosmetologist to correctly determine your skin type, and then choose the right cosmetics.
  • Skin may peel due to overuse decorative cosmetics. In addition, many women forget to wash it off before bed. Always use special means for makeup removal, which can be bought at any cosmetic store.

Important! There are special toners that not only cleanse the skin, but also tighten the pores, thereby preventing pollution.

  • Often the problem of dryness occurs due to improper washing. It is important to choose the right foam or gel for washing, depending on your skin type. Many people prefer to use regular soap, although, as a rule, it is precisely this that causes excessive dryness. In some cases, chlorinated water has a negative effect on the skin, so it must be replaced with filtered water.

Important! Try to dry your face not with a towel, but gently blot it with a napkin or paper towel.

  • If there is a problem with dryness, then you should completely avoid using cosmetics that contain alcohol, since it is this component that leads to itching, irritation and dryness.
  • Also, dryness on the face can be a sign of an allergy to some components of cosmetics. Be sure to check if your cosmetics contain lanolin acid or lanolin, since these ingredients are powerful allergens.

Internal factors of dryness

In some cases, when the question arises, the skin of the face is very dry - what to do, the problem lies inside the body, and it is not so easy to correctly determine it. First of all, for this you will have to take tests and undergo the necessary medical examination:

  • Often the cause of dryness lies in a deficiency of certain vitamins. If the owner has a reason fatty type skin, then most likely there is a lack of vitamins E, A and B in the body. It is advisable to change the diet or consume additional vitamin complex however, this can only be done after consulting a doctor.
  • Sometimes the cause of peeling is a lack of moisture. The daily fluid intake is at least 1.5 liters. The problem is also likely to occur if you consume a lot of alcohol or coffee - these are the drinks that contribute to dehydration.
  • Among other things, problems with the skin can lead to excessive dryness. endocrine system, gastrointestinal tract, as well as dermatological diseases.

How to restore a healthy appearance to your skin?

Humidification and protection are two main conditions that contribute to the harmonization of water, providing the desired level of moisture. Special products that contain the following substances can help with this:

  • Dexpanthenol is used to moisturize severely dry, middle-aged skin. Cosmetics containing this substance also contribute to the renewal of the epidermis.
  • Hydrocortisone removes peeling. Apply to problem areas for about two weeks.
  • Hydrants not only normalize the moisture level, but also perform a protective film-like function. These products include glycerin, cosmetic waxes, and mineral oils.
  • Hexahydric alcohol sorbitol has the property of hygroscopicity, so it significantly enhances the moisturizing effectiveness of creams.
  • Linoleic acid regulates water balance and retains moisture. Collagen, lactic and hyaluronic acids have similar properties.

Using homemade masks

Nature gives us a huge number of products and herbs that allow us to provide our skin with comprehensive care. First of all, we're talking about about preparing masks based on simple but effective ingredients.


To remove the stratum corneum from the surface of the skin, you can prepare soft scrub:

  1. Pour boiling water over the rolled oats and leave for 20 minutes.
  2. Add the white of one egg to the mixture.
  3. Apply the resulting mass to the skin with gentle finger movements and massage for about a couple of minutes.

Important! Pieces of apples, watermelon, cucumbers or coffee grounds are useful for the same purpose.

Skin nourishing product

After a cleansing scrub, it is very useful to saturate the dermis with nutrients:

  1. Take 2 tablespoons vegetable oil, mix it with two yolks and 1 tablespoon of honey.
  2. Warm the mixture slightly.
  3. Apply to face, leave for 20 minutes.
  4. Rinse off a little warm water.

Important! It also has an effective softening effect linen mask. Pour a glass of boiling water over a spoonful of seeds and cook until a thick paste is obtained. Apply warm product for 15 minutes and then rinse with water.

Curd mask

For skin with dilated capillaries, this mask is very useful:

  1. Take 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese, 1 teaspoon linseed oil, 1 teaspoon of tea leaves, 1 tablespoon of parsley juice and 1 teaspoon of chopped zest of any citrus fruit.
  2. Mix all ingredients well.
  3. Apply the mask for 15 minutes in a thin, even layer.

Important! After each procedure, you must use a moisturizing cream that is suitable for your skin type.

Treatment by a cosmetologist

If the cause of the trouble when the skin dries out in winter is more serious problems(weakening of functions sebaceous glands, cells are not able to retain moisture), which means you need to seek help from a specialist in the field of cosmetology.

Most effective cosmetic procedures Today the following are considered:

  • A hot compress perfectly warms dry skin, removes flaking and dust, restoring lost elasticity and softness.
  • Various peelings promote cell renewal.
  • Masks containing collagen tone well and also significantly tighten the skin. A qualified cosmetic massage gives a similar effect.
  • Acid mesotherapy (therapeutic injections) nourishes the dermis with beneficial severe dryness fatty acids.
  • Biorevitalization (injections hyaluronic acid) has strong moisturizing properties.
  • Salt cleansing is also very useful.

Vitamin complexes

Excessive dryness and flaking can be symptoms of a lack of microelements necessary for the skin in the body:

  • For example, detachment of the epithelium in the nose, forehead and ears indicates a deficiency of vitamin B12. To replenish its supply, you should include it in your diet. a small amount of liver, meat, fish roe, kidneys, as well as dairy products.
  • A lack of vitamin A can cause not only dryness, but also the appearance of various pustules, which, in turn, lead to peeling. This vitamin is found in yolks, as well as orange and red fruits and vegetables.
  • For supporting water balance Vitamins F, C and E are also very useful. They are rich in: brown rice, seafood, brown bread, nuts.

Important! In winter, it is advisable to take multivitamins.


Dermatological diseases also contribute to the occurrence of dry skin, so for preventive purposes it is always necessary to respond in time to the appearance of dry skin. allergic reactions, ichthyosis, eczema, lichen, dermatitis. Their transition to a chronic form can lead to the fact that it will be almost impossible to get rid of constant peeling.

Today, many girls are wondering what to do if their facial skin is dry? To solve this problem, you need to carefully care for your skin, eat right and try to give up bad habits. This way you can preserve the beautiful and healthy looking face, but it’s yours.” business card”.

If in warm season Many men may neglect skin care, considering it a frivolous matter, but winter turns this activity from desirable to necessary. Cold air and wind outside, combined with hot radiators indoors, incredibly dry the skin, everyone has felt this more than once. If you don't want to have flaky, red skin, especially on your face and hands, it's worth getting into the habit of a few simple rules self care in winter period. Try using them daily and you will quickly see the difference!

How to deal with dry skin in winter

So, here are 10 tips for men on how to easily and painlessly avoid excessive dry skin during the winter.

1. Take a warm shower (not hot!)

Please note that in winter you should take a warm shower, avoiding too hot water. If you choose a temperature as close to boiling water as possible, you wash away the natural moisturizing layer from your body, which helps withstand the cold air outside.

In addition, experts say that warm or cool showers are better for your muscles, which is especially important if you exercise actively during the winter.

2. Reduce the time and number of showers

In winter, it’s generally better not to overdo it water procedures: Showering once a day is ideal.

Of course, if you play sports and lead an active lifestyle, one shower a day may not be enough. In this case, try to wash quickly, as a long shower, like a very hot one, washes away too much of our natural protective sebum, leaving the skin defenseless against the cold air outside, which makes it dry and chapped.

3. Use a moisturizing shower and wash gel

If you have dry skin suffering from cold temperature, regular soap can significantly worsen this problem. Dermatologists unanimously say that alcohol and alkalis contained in most common body and hand washes cause skin irritation, which is especially noticeable in winter.

If you want to reduce the risk of problems with flaky and red skin, pay attention to the type and composition of the bottles that you buy at the supermarket or pharmacy. In winter, it is best to choose a moisturizing gel or cream-gel. In addition, pay attention to the ingredients: the less fragrances, antibacterial, deodorizing and other difficult-to-read components they contain, the better. It makes sense to take a closer look natural cosmetics, which has a much less aggressive effect on skin covering.

4. Skip the sponge and washcloth.

Many men regularly use a washcloth, as their grandmother once taught them in childhood. In fact, unless you have previously rolled in the dirt, this detail in the shower is completely unnecessary! Instead of non-existent contaminants, you wash away the same protective layer skin, which leads to dryness and redness. And, by the way, sponges lying around in the bathroom for months are a real breeding ground for bacteria.

What to do without a washcloth? Just apply the shower gel with your hand, that will be enough.

5. Lather only certain parts of your body.

We all want to be clean, but we shouldn’t go overboard in this matter, especially in winter. Excessive use of soap or shower gel leads to dry skin, especially if you shower several times a day.

Instead of lathering yourself all over, focus on the areas where you really need it: armpits, legs, etc. This way, the skin on the rest of your body won't be once again be exposed to aggressive alkalis contained in soaps and gels. You'll still be clean and smelling great, but you'll also avoid issues with dryness and irritation. By the way, this approach will also save on shower gel; you won’t have to worry about buying a new bottle for much longer.

6. Use a facial moisturizer

Hygiene and personal care have long ceased to be considered an “unmanly” activity. If some other procedures can still be avoided, then moisturizing the skin of the face in winter is really necessary process, especially if you notice signs of dryness and flaking.

In addition to a softening aftershave cream, dermatologists recommend using a regular moisturizer every day. Apply a thin layer of it in the morning or before bed, and the winter wind will bring you much more less problems and troubles.

7. Use chapstick

Lips are one of the areas that suffer most from dryness and flaking in cold weather. It’s easy to deal with this: buy hygienic lipstick or lip balm. Stores offer products designed specifically for men, but in reality you can easily buy regular chapstick popular brands. To avoid running into a colored or strange-smelling option, choose blue or white flowers, preferably indicating that they are designed to protect against cold.

8. Wear gloves

Hands are another weak link, prone to dryness and redness. In fact, the secret here is quite simple: wear gloves.

Everything ingenious is simple: if you don’t want chapped skin on your hands, wear gloves

Yes, it may seem to you that it’s not that cold outside, but you have gloves in your pocket/car and don’t want to take them out... This is a mistake! It is much easier to wear gloves than to suffer from chapped skin later on and treat it with creams and oils.

9. Humidify the air in your home

In our climate, skin irritation is caused not only by frost and wind outside, but also by too dry air in the house due to constantly hot radiators. To maintain humidity at the required level (experts say it is 45-55%), you can purchase an air humidifier, models for rooms of different sizes and according to different prices can be found at any electronics store. There is another, simpler secret! Place small containers of water on the batteries; it will gradually evaporate and combat excessive dry air.

10. Drink plenty of water

And finally, last tip. It's no secret that the skin does not exist on its own, it is only the outer shell of our body, so everything actually comes from the inside. To avoid excessive dry skin in winter, you need to... drink more!

Water is the way to combat dry skin from the inside, not the outside

According to doctors, optimal norm For a man of average build, approximately 8 glasses of water per day are recommended. It is not necessary to calculate milliliters, just remember to drink water from time to time and at least sometimes replace coffee and tea with it. In just a few weeks you will notice how the condition of your skin improves without extra effort and cosmetic procedures.


Winter frosts are a big stress for the skin, so cold season It makes sense to pay a little more attention to self-care. Moreover, it is not at all difficult to avoid dry skin if you follow simple rules. Don't freeze!

1. Low humidity

In winter, cold dry air outside and hot air indoors take all the moisture from the skin, causing it to become overdried and often begin to peel.

How to solve a problem. Increase humidity indoors (at home or in the workplace) with humidifiers that replenish moisture in your skin and hair. Also wear gloves to prevent dry hands and cracking. To replenish lost moisture, moisturize your hands every time you wash them and don't apply before going outside (this will make your hands even more chapped).

2. Hot shower and bath

Usually in winter we find another use for the bathroom - we get into the shower, turn on the hot (or very hot) water and warm ourselves up. If you do this too, then be aware that this greatly dries out your skin. The same goes for taking a bath: too hot water and taking a long bath has a negative impact on the condition of the skin.

How to solve a problem. We strongly recommend that you warm up in any other way and wash with warm water. Shower or bathe for no more than 10 minutes, then dry and moisturize your skin while it is still damp. Moisturizer is more effective than lotion. If you tend to have dry skin, moisturize your skin twice a day during the winter.

3. Dehydration

As a rule, in the summer we drink a lot of water in order to cool down and fight thirst. During winter, we don't feel thirsty, so we tend to drink less water, which consequently leads to skin dehydration.

How to solve a problem. It's simple - try to drink water! If drinking 1.5 liters per day is false, drink the amount you can.

4. A large number of clothes

Yes, yes, it is the layering of clothes in winter that affects the condition of our skin. How more clothes, the more friction it exerts on the skin. This is especially true for such wardrobe items as stockings and tights. Wool clothing can also cause irritation and dry skin.

If your skin is prone to eczema, do not wear woolen products directly on bare skin as this may cause irritation and eczema.

How to solve a problem. Choose soft, breathable fabrics (such as cotton) instead of itchy wool or polyester. Loose, non-tight clothing will reduce friction and also eliminate the problem of excessive sweating.

5. Excessive cleansing of skin and hair

Frequent bathing or hot showers or baths can strip your skin of its protective layer, leaving it dry and sensitive.

How to solve a problem. Do not use soaps or skin care products that contain alcohol. Instead use mild soap fragrance-free and moisturizing body care products (shower gel, etc.).

When the skin becomes dry, it sebaceous glands don't produce sufficient quantity protective film. This makes the skin vulnerable to adverse factors. external environment. The lack of a protective film and lack of moisture in the cells lead to dryness, peeling and rapid aging of the skin. To avoid this, you need to properly care for dry skin. And to combat dryness, you must first know the causes of dry skin.


How to care for dry skin:

  • drink up to 2 liters of water per day;
  • wash your face with water room temperature. Avoid using hot or too cold water. It is best to wash your face with milk, cream or oil for washing;
  • do not use lotions containing alcohol, which dry out the skin;
  • use moisturizing masks several times a week;
  • choose the right cream (the label should say “for dry skin”);
  • use a humidifier;
  • do treatments for dry skin.

Today the most effective procedures for dry facial skin are:

*Peelings(mechanical, hardware, chemical) remove dead cells, renew the skin;

*Collagen masks (tighten, moisturize and tone the skin);

*Different kinds facial massage(improves blood circulation, refreshes complexion);


*Biorevitalization ( introduction of hyaluronic acid by injection, which has a moisturizing effect);

*Care salon treatments active nutrition and moisturizing of the skin.

Beautiful hands are a woman’s calling card. However, cracks in the skin and redness will not improve man's hands. In winter, the skin dries especially strongly. Why does this happen and how to deal with it? Let's talk in this article.

Skin care in winter is significantly different from summer toiletry - the cold season sets its own requirements and changes the weather not only outside, but also in the house. First of all, in winter the question arises: how to get rid of dry skin? Folk remedies and professional creams are used, but often the results are temporary.

To protect your skin during winter, it is not enough to know how to care for it, but you also need to understand the causes of dryness and skin reaction to cold.

Why does skin dry out in winter?

With the onset of cold weather, many people notice dry skin. The reasons for the appearance of unpleasant sensations lie primarily in climate change - cold air, wind, snow directly affect exposed areas of the skin, damaging the epidermis. Therefore, redness, peeling and, in more advanced cases, cracks in the skin occur. Even if you don’t notice how your skin dries, peeling and redness don’t appear, climate change still has an effect: the epidermis dries, tightens, causing discomfort, and the mucous membranes, especially in the nose, become thinner and more vulnerable.

Lack of proper skin care in winter leads to deepening facial wrinkles and the emergence of new ones.

Dry skin in winter naturally occurs with climate change. Under the influence of a decreased temperature, the moisture in the air crystallizes and falls out in the form of precipitation. You may have noticed that in the cold, freshly washed items dry faster - the same thing happens with our skin. In addition, the skin itself reacts to cold - the upper layers of the epidermis are exposed to hypothermia, the skin cracks in the cold, especially the thinnest and most sensitive ones, such as the skin of the lips.

If the skin cracks in the cold, this can still be somehow understood, but why does it peel off even in the warmth of home? Besides external reasons, the microclimate of the room can also become a source of skin problems. With the onset of cold weather, the weather in the house also changes - the heating season begins. Two processes occur here at once: on the one hand, the air coming from outside already has low humidity, on the other, the temperature in the house is higher due to heating, and Fresh air from the street has low temperature. At the meeting of warm and cold air currents, there is not unity, but a certain struggle of opposites, and the main victim of these battles is humidity, it “shamefully flees from the battlefield” in the form of condensation. Thus, the air humidity in the apartment in winter is several times lower.

Exposure to dry air in a room for a long time can have an impact, we won’t go into all of them, but in general, a lack of moisture affects cognitive abilities, immunity, and contributes to higher fatigue.

The winter period makes its own adjustments to the functioning of the subcutaneous glands, which is worth taking into account to ensure proper facial care. In the cold, blood circulation slows down, the secretion of the sebaceous glands is reduced, which affects the skin. In fact, the type of epidermis changes: under the influence of dry air and frost, oily skin becomes close to the combined type, combined skin becomes normal, and normal skin becomes dry. It is important to remember this when choosing how to care for your face in winter.

To fully protect your facial skin from the effects of cold, you should take skin care measures from mid-autumn - according to climate change.

Stages of facial skin care

How to conduct it correctly winter care behind the face? The main stages in winter do not differ from standard procedures:

  • cleansing,
  • hydration,
  • nutrition.

Despite the commonality of the stages, their implementation has its own adjustments. First of all, one should take into account the change in the type of epidermis in winter time, skin cleansing should be more gentle - skin damaged by frost becomes thinner and more vulnerable, so you should choose a gentle scrub with soft granules. Oily skin care includes daily cleansing using soft scrubs in winter, normal and combination skin You can clean with a scrub several times a week, and for dry skin in severe frosts it is better to avoid even soft scrubs.

How to moisturize your skin in winter? When moisturizing your skin, don't forget about... direct way add moisture - apply it directly to the skin.

Washing is necessary hygiene procedure, but in winter it’s worth making a few adjustments to it:

  • Water for washing should be at room temperature: cold water constricts blood vessels and reduces the secretion of sebaceous glands, and too hot will dry out the skin. Water at room temperature is more effectively absorbed by the epidermis
  • Cleansers should be selected from low content alkalis, you can choose soap based on olive oils or gentle gels and soft remedies for removing makeup.
  • In winter, you should not use cosmetics on alcohol based , as they dry out the skin.
  • After washing, gently pat your skin dry with a soft towel.

Also, before resorting to the entire arsenal of cosmetic and folk remedies, it is worth adjusting the influence if possible environment. Of course, we cannot change the weather conditions, but we can control the atmosphere of our home. You can use a smart microclimate system to control the main indicators of the microclimate - the amount of carbon dioxide, temperature and humidity. How to get rid of dry air at home? The easiest way is to use it throughout the winter period.

Skin beauty starts from within, so do not neglect methods healthy image life and everyday beauty secrets:

  • To drink a lot of water. On average, you should drink 4-5 glasses clean water in a day. Our bodies are largely made up of water, and maintaining fluid balance helps maintain skin elasticity and a vibrant appearance.
  • Proper nutrition. Excess fatty foods, sugar or foods with dyes cause redness and acne on the skin, so you should pay attention to nutrition Special attention. The most beneficial fats for your skin are omega-3 fats, which can be obtained from nuts and fish. You should also eat foods rich in antioxidants, including bell pepper and beets, as well as bright berries - raspberries or cranberries.
  • Vitamins. The winter and spring periods are characterized by, so it is worth taking additional multivitamin complexes and herbal teas, vitamin C is especially often recommended in winter.

When external factors Once smoothed out as much as possible and at least the humidity at home is normal, you can begin to protect your skin from the cold outside.

Which cream to choose? According to the stages of care, the best choice- combine moisturizing and nourishing creams. Any cosmetic store will advise you on protective creams which need to be used in winter, however It's worth remembering a few simple rules:

  • Summer and winter cream must be different. Summer moisturizer is usually made with water based, it is lighter, absorbs faster and is less saturated. Winter moisturizer should be thicker, oil-based - it looks thicker and has a richer color.
  • In winter due to the reflection of light from the snow sunlight significantly enhanced, therefore daily cream It’s worth choosing one with SPF 15 or more.
  • A rich cream to nourish the skin should be chosen with hyaluronic acid, silicone, glycerin or other components that retain moisture and antioxidants.
  • Don't forget about night skin care. Night cream should be more nutritious, with natural oils, for example, with coconut or avocado oil.

Face masks in winter

At home, you can carry out full cosmetic procedures skin care. Nourishing mask based on natural products At the same time it moisturizes the skin and replenishes the deficiency of nutrients.

For oily skin you can use a mask from egg white And lemon juice To do this, beat two whites with two tablespoons of juice, then apply to the face and leave for 25 minutes.

Combined dermis can be nourished with honey-based masks, for normal skin masks from oatmeal. These skin types are as close as possible, so masks can be combined and alternated.

Dry and sensitive skin can be nourished with masks based on honey and cottage cheese. In addition, you can use masks made from milk, cottage cheese and cucumber to nourish the skin.

For all skin types V winter season and off-season can be used nourishing masks based on clay. You can add vitamins in liquid form to such masks, such as vitamins A and E; they will not only nourish the skin, but also make it more elastic.

Hands dry out most often in winter. Regardless of the age and condition of the skin, the impact of frost on the hands has the greatest impact. This is due to the fact that the skin of the hands, in principle, contains less moisture and sebaceous glands than the skin of the face, and is more often exposed to cold and wind. And, of course, the final chord is the numerous detergents and cleaning products that your hands constantly encounter. Therefore, in winter it is worth using not only soap with a reduced alkali content, but also gentle detergents, and use gloves when cleaning.

Dry hand skin in winter requires care no less than the epidermis of the face, and the stages of care are similar. To cleanse the skin, especially if peeling and cracks have already appeared, you can use a soft scrub - the same as for the face. After cleansing, you need to use a nourishing cream with ingredients that retain water - urea, wax and others. If the skin of your hands cracks in the cold, it’s time to introduce “heavy artillery”: apply a very rich nourishing cream to your hands at night, and then put on mittens or gloves. In the morning after such a compress, the skin will look much better.

It is known that the lower the air temperature, the lower the humidity. If outdoor humidity decreases by a few percentage points, then indoors with the beginning of the heating season it decreases to 20%. And this is 3 times less than normal. This is why the skin becomes drier in winter.

Do not also forget that any detergent cosmetic product, as a rule, is alkaline. If you have a dry skin type, you should not cleanse your skin with regular toilet soap. It dries out the body even more. Give preference to soft cosmetics.

In general, during the winter, try to moisturize your skin as often as possible.

One of the factors for dry skin is also general dehydration of the body. To maintain optimal hydration levels, you should regularly monitor the amount of fluid you consume. Experts recommend drinking 1.5-2 liters of purified still water during the day.

Cold also undoubtedly affects the condition of the skin. When going out into the cold, spasms of skin blood vessels occur. At the same time, the work of the sebaceous glands slows down, blood microcirculation and vascular trophism are disrupted.

Caring for dry skin in winter

1 hour before going out into the cold, it is necessary to apply any cosmetic products that contain water (for example, moisturizer) to the skin. Foundation). Also in winter, experts recommend using it in the morning. nourishing creams. And in the evening, dry and sensitive skin of the body needs to be moisturized, knowing that you will not go outside.

Can be used to nourish and cleanse the skin natural lotion. To prepare it, mix 2 tablespoons of chamomile flowers and 1 tablespoon of linden flowers. The resulting mixture is poured with boiled milk. The infusion should sit for 30 minutes. After this, it must be strained. The milk is ready for use.

Store this cosmetic product in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.

Exfoliating peels and scrubs dry out the skin even more during the winter. That is why qualified specialists recommend enzyme peeling at this time. This procedure deeply and gently cleanses the skin without causing mechanical impact.

Experts recommend including biorevitalization using hyaluronic acid in your care procedures in winter. This acid is the best moisturizer today. This procedure eliminates wrinkles, increases skin elasticity and restores water reserve.