Features of teaching left-handed children. School difficulties for left-handed children Lesson notes for a left-handed child


In these games, a large place is given to preparing the hand for writing, developing the ability to navigate the plane of a sheet of paper in a notebook; tasks such as the development of visual-spatial orientation, visual-spatial perception, and visual memory are solved; improving motor functions and hand-eye coordination; consolidation of skills of working at a given pace, knowledge of color, shape, size, properties of various materials and techniques for working with them.



Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution Bolshealekseevsky combined kindergarten "Kalinka" of the Stupinsky municipal district

Senior teacher Granchak Irina Alekseevna


What traits are typical for most left-handed people?

* flexibility of thinking;

* the desire for a philosophical understanding of the world and constant self-improvement;

* propensity for cooperation and creativity;

* the ability to live and work “alone” despite the indifference, misunderstanding and even irritation of many others.

The reasons for the origin of left-handedness may be different, and therefore it is impossible to talk about any general features characteristic of all such children. One thing is certain: left-handedness cannot be considered the cause of disorders or deviations in development, the culprit of reduced intellectual and physical capabilities, as was previously thought. This is not a disease. Predominant use of the hand does not depend on the child’s desire or reluctance and not on his stubbornness, but develops in connection with the special organization of brain activity.

Even in those moments when little left-handers demonstrate their early adulthood and maturity, parents and those around them should not forget that left-handed children, with all their wisdom, do not cease to be children who want to live an ordinary, normal life. They really need help and support.

Parents, teachers! Whether you understand children or not, let them have their own way. And become for them that very guiding star that allows them to find their way in the darkness. Over time, you will see that this is the wisest pedagogical decision.

If your child was born left-handed, consider yourself lucky!

These games are designed taking into account the physiological and psychological capabilities of children of senior preschool age and represent the final stage in their preparation for school. In these games, a large place is given to preparing the hand for writing, developing the ability to navigate the plane of a sheet of paper in a notebook; tasks such as the development of visual-spatial orientation, visual-spatial perception, and visual memory are solved; improving motor functions and hand-eye coordination; consolidation of skills of working at a given pace, knowledge of color, shape, size, properties of various materials and techniques for working with them. Work continues on fine motor skills and the arbitrariness of mental processes.

The goal of each game is to use as many receptors as possible to develop the channels of auditory, visual and kinesthetic perception, as well as the ability to perceive and reproduce information to obtain a result.

“Make a letter or number”

Target: Develop motor functions, hand-eye coordination, differentiation of conceptsleft-right, up-down, front-back;improve speech, accuracy, eye.


The child has plasticine, cards with letters or numbers, and blanks made of dense but transparent polyethylene the size of a card.

Leading. In front of you are cards with numbers and letters. Name the ones you know. Choose any card, carefully slide your finger over the letter or number. What line elements does it consist of? Try to fashion this letter (number) on a transparent card using plasticine sausages. Work carefully and take your time. The letter (number) must fit on the card and be similar to the selected sample. To check if you did everything correctly, place a sample card under your card. They must match. Start sculpting and name all your actions.


Target: Improve fine motor skills, visual perception, differentiation of conceptsleft-right, top-bottomand their speech designations; reinforce conceptsclosed line – open line;work on accuracy and pace of execution.

Material: A set of cards with drawings of different configurations - some of them are closed, others are not; a set of metal chains with a small cell.


The presenter invites the child to take the chain with three fingers and circle any drawing, laying the chain on top of it. The child names all his actions. The facilitator encourages accuracy by reinforcing conceptsclosed and open line.A child who can easily cope with the task can be asked to lay out the drawing on a blank sheet of paper, looking at the sample, as well as from memory, without relying on it.


Target: Improve fine motor skills, tactile and visual analyzers, the ability to qualify according to a given principle; work on the pace of completing the task.

Material: Seeds of four types, four stickers with pasted seed samples.


The presenter invites the child to select seeds of one type from a pile of seeds with three fingers and arrange them into cells. You need to take one seed at a time, identify it by touch, name it and put it in the cell where a sample of this type is pasted. The game is over when all the seeds are placed in their “houses”.


Target: Develop hand-eye coordination; consolidate knowledge about shape and size; improve your technique of working with scissors and your eye.


Exercise 1: The child has a sheet of paper with images of geometric shapes of various sizes, arranged randomly.

Leading: What figures do you know? Count them and say: which figures are more (less)? Show me the biggest circle, the smallest triangle. First cut out the largest rectangle without affecting the other shapes, and then the smallest shape.

Task 2: Four large unfinished (unclosed) geometric shapes are drawn on a sheet of paper: circle, square, triangle, rectangle.

Leading: What geometric shapes do these spirals resemble? Show the beginning and end of each line. To get real spirals, you need to cut them exactly along the lines. Start with the most difficult figure.


Target: Develop fine motor skills, visual analyzer, and the ability to perform tasks according to a diagram.

Material: objects imitating buttons, needles, threads; Schemes for sewing buttons with four holes.


The presenter invites the child to thread a needle, choose a pattern and try to sew a button as shown on it. During the task, the child describes his actions, including the direction of movement of the hand with the needle.


Target: Develop the visual analyzer, consistency of actions eye-hand, visual-spatial perception, work on increasing the volume of visual memory.

Material: A set of cards with images made up of straight lines of the same length (for the leader); The child has a set of counting sticks.


Leading: Here are the stick picture cards. Choose the lightest one and make the same one out of sticks. When you do this, I will sit with my back to you, and you describe in detail all your actions. When you finish your work, I will try to guess which picture you chose, and then we will compare it with your stick drawing. . .


Target: Practice discrimination skills top bottom in relation to oneself; develop voluntary attention, motor-auditory memory, gross motor skills.


The child, at the command of the leader, makes movements with his arms, legs, eyes, head in a given direction

Note: To consolidate skills, the child is offered the role of a leader.

To increase the effectiveness of classes with a left-handed child, you can use the following procedure for individual work:

take the child’s hands in yours, thereby relieving his tension, talk about what he loves or what he would like to talk about, and only after that start the lesson;

do a warm-up, including finger games;

play the games in the following order:

a) the role of the leader is played by an adult;

b) the role of the leader is played by the child;

4) talk with the child about his attitude to the game (not in general, but specifically), about the difficulties he experiences; Offer to teach this game to one of your peers.


1. Eysenck G.Yu. Personality structure. St. Petersburg, YUVENTA, M: KSP+, 1999.

2. Kutepova I. Avdeeva L. A set of activities for left-handed children 4-5 years old. –M.: magazine “Preschool Education” No. 8, 2007.

3. Kutepova I. Dvinina L. A complex of psychocorrectional and creative games for left-handed children 5-7 years old. –M.: magazine “Preschool Education” No. 11, 2007.

4. Leontyev A.N., Luria A.R., Smirnov A.V. On diagnostic methods of psychological research of schoolchildren // Council of Pedagogues, 1968 No. 7.

5. Logacheva G. Levsha – M.: magazine “Preschool Education” No. 11, 2007.

6. Khorsand D.V. If the child is left-handed. –M.: AST; St. Petersburg: Sova, 2006.

7.Erikson E. Childhood and society. St. Petersburg, 2000.

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Chapter 2. Educational work with left-handed children of preschool age

2.1 Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of left-handed children.

When determining left-handedness, right-handedness or two-handedness, additional testing should be performed. In this case, the following rules must be observed:

Offer each task to the child in a playful way;

Do not fix his attention on which hand he is using;

Place all objects strictly in front of the child before completing the task.

So, to diagnose left-handedness, we selected a group of 10 people attending (senior speech therapy group 03) MDOU No. 7 “Kolokolchik”. We carried out a number of diagnostic methods with them:

1. Observation of children in free activities.

2. Testing No. 1.

Tests for children of primary preschool age to determine the dominant hand.

A) Opening the box.

The child is offered several different small boxes, for example from matches (you can paint them in different colors so that repetition of actions eliminates chance in the assessment of this test).

Task: “Find a match in one of the boxes.”

The leading hand is the one that performs active actions (opens, closes).

B). Untying knots.

Loosely tie several knots in advance using medium-thick cord.

The leading hand is the one that unties the knot (the other holds the knot).

IN). Picking up an object.

The child is asked to pick up an object lying on the floor. Right-handed people very rarely take it with their left hand, and left-handed people with their right hand.

Tests for middle and older children

A) Interlocking fingers.

Assignment: “Quickly, without thinking, interlace the fingers of both hands.”

No matter how many times the request is repeated, the thumb of the same hand is always on top, usually the leading one (right for right-handers and left for left-handers.

B) Crossing arms.

The leading hand is considered to be the hand whose hand is first directed to the forearm of the other hand and ends up on top of it, while the hand of the other hand is under the forearm of the leading hand.

3. Tasks to determine the leading hand (results in Appendix No. 1).

Tasks to determine the leading hand.

Draw what you want

left hand right hand

Draw 10 crosses with a pencil

left hand right hand

Task No. 4 (Appendix 2)

Goal: to develop the accuracy of the child’s hand movements.

Progress of the game:

The game begins by drawing paths of different shapes; at one end of each path there is a car, and at the other there is a house. For example, like this:

Then the child is told: “You are a driver, and you need to drive your car to the house. The road you will travel is not easy. Therefore, be attentive and careful." The child must use a pencil, without lifting his hand, to “drive” along the bends of the paths. It's better to start with relatively simple ones. In the future, when the child gets used to the game, you can narrow the paths and change the rhythm of the bends.

For example, like this:

As a result, we identified 2 left-handed children: Misha V. and Artem G. We conducted individual testing with them.

Task No. 5 (results are presented in Appendix No. 3)

Determination of the leading hand

Leading hand

Drawing identical pictures (house, person, car) with the right and left hands

Drawing 10 crosses with a pencil with the right and left hand

Laying out cards, lotto (stack in one hand, cards laid out in the other)

Untying 3-4 knots previously tied on a cord

Stringing 5-10 buttons with different holes on a lace

Throwing a tennis ball at a target on the floor or wall (repeat several times)

Unscrewing and screwing the lids on 3-4 jars

Unscrewing and screwing a nut from a children's construction set with a wrench

Folding a picture (mosaic, cut pictures, etc.)

Folding figures from cubes

Pouring water from one narrow-necked bottle to another

Fastening and unfastening buttons and zippers

Folding small parts (buttons, beads) into a long cylinder

Winding thread onto a spool or winding thread into a ball

Presence of left-handed relatives in the family (parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents)

Task No. 6 Drawing with the right and left hands. (Appendix No. 4.)

Thus, individual testing and analysis of children's work confirmed the left-handedness of Misha V. and Artem G. Recommendations for organizing classes and individual work were developed for them, and advice was drawn up for parents.

These recommendations must be followed from the initial moment of learning to write, however, if this is not done on time, then it is necessary to use these tips in gentle correctional work with left-handed children who already know how to write.

Landing when writing: When seated correctly, left-handed children should sit upright without their chest touching the table. The entire feet are on the floor on a stand, the head is slightly tilted to the right. In the classroom, at a desk, a left-handed child should always sit to the left of his neighbor so that the right hand of his desk neighbor does not interfere with him when writing. The table lamp is located to the right of the child.

Hand position:The hands should lie on the table so that the elbow of the left hand protrudes slightly beyond the edge of the table, so that the left hand moves freely along the line from top to bottom, and the right hand lies on the table and holds the sheet.

Hand position: The left hand should mostly be facing the table surface. The fulcrum points for the hand are the nail phalanx of the slightly bent little finger and the lower part of the palm.

Hand grip techniques: The pen is placed on the middle finger, on its upper nail part. The nail phalanx of the thumb holds the handle, and the index finger is easily placed on top of the handle at a distance

1.5 - 2 cm from the writing ball and controls the movement of the fingers. During the writing process, a movement occurs from left to right (the direction of the pen is to the left, and the movement of the fingers is to the right).

Notebook orientation: The notebook lies tilted to the right so that the lower right corner of the page on which the child writes is directed towards the middle of his chest. It is difficult for a left-handed child to navigate in a notebook, in a line. He cannot immediately determine the side from which to start writing and confuses the directions. In such cases, the left side of the sheet should be marked with a colored pencil.

How parents should behave with a left-handed child:

Considering the increased emotionality and extreme impressionability of such a child, be sensitive and friendly with him.

Create a favorable climate for him in the family.

Take for granted the child’s peculiarity and do not try to turn him into a “right-hander”, explaining to everyone and him that there are a lot of “left-handed” people and this is also a type of norm.

Do not make excessive demands on him and do not contrast him with other, ordinary children.

Under no circumstances should you teach your child reading, writing or foreign languages ​​before school, i.e. where failures await him, reducing the child’s level of self-esteem.

Love him for who he is.


Having studied the psychological and pedagogical literature on this issue, we learned and were convinced that left-handedness is a type of norm.

As we found out, left-handed children are a heterogeneous group. Therefore, the approach to each child should be individual. The manifestation of certain developmental disorders is associated with the predominance of some factor in the development of left-handedness. In any case, parents of a left-handed child should not be wary, much less negative, about left-handedness.

The inappropriateness and harmfulness of retraining has a great influence on the development of a child’s abilities, since this is what can cause the occurrence of neuroses.The most common neurotic symptoms in retrained left-handers are: sleep disturbances, appetite, headaches, abdominal pain, fears, stuttering, tics, obsessive movements, motion sickness in transport, lethargy, lethargy, sudden changes in mood.

So, neuroses that arise in left-handed children during retraining are serious diseases, the manifestations of which must be noticed in time in order to begin treatment without delay.

Constant support, approval, exclusion of ridicule, insults, dissatisfaction help to avoid the main thing that leads to neurosis - a feeling of inadequacy, failure.

It is absolutely clear that in no way should one emphasize the child’s left-handedness and no attempts should be made to change anything. Just calmly explain to the child that this is a type of norm.

Along with the opinion about the significant difficulties in the development of left-handed children, there is also a directly opposite idea about the unique abilities of left-handed people. It is believed that left-handed children are creative and emotional.

The main thing is to instill in the child confidence in his usefulness, “normality”, and try, perhaps, to find the advantages of his left-handedness. You need to perceive the child as he is, and then left-handedness will not become a problem.


1. Barkan A.I. Practical psychology for parents, or How to learn to understand your child. - M.: AST - PRESS, 2001. – 432 p.

2. Bezrukikh M.M. Left-handed child at school and at home. - M.: Ventana - Graf, 2005. - 240 pp.: ill. - (Your child).

3. Bezrukikh M.M. Left-handed child - 2nd ed., additional. - M.: Ventana – Count,

2006. – 64 p.: ill. – (Future first grader).

4. Bezrukikh M.M., Knyazeva M.G. If your child is left-handed. – Tula,

1996. - 79 p.

5. Dobrokhotova T.A. , Braginina N.I. Lefties. – M., 1994. – 93 p.

6. Kutepova I. Left-handed in the world of right-handed people. // Preschool education, 2002.-No. 4. – 64-69s.

7. Maiskaya A. A child is left-handed: how to achieve harmony with the “right” world. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2006. – 96 p.

8. Makaryev I.S. If your child is left-handed. 2nd ed., erased. – St. Petersburg: Publishing House “Lan”, 2003. – 80 p.

9. Pavlova L.N. Left-handed: a gift of nature or costs // Pedagogical Bulletin.-1996, No. 6.- P.7.

10. Usova A.P. Education in kindergarten. - M., 1976.

11. Mental education of preschool children /ed. Podyakova N.N., Sokhina F.A. – M., 1994.

12. Shcherbakova E.V. On the issue of the development of cognitive activity //DV, No. 10, 1991.

Left-handed children have an excellent ear for music, show unique abilities to solve non-standard problems, and are drawn to various types of fine arts, but the development of speech is sometimes delayed. Parents are worried whether it is dangerous to be left-handed in the modern world, and whether this will affect learning in kindergarten and school.

Even in this progressive age, writing with the left hand still evokes an emotional response in society. What should parents do with an unusual child? Do they need to retrain a left-handed person and what should not be done with him? Science has long found answers to these questions.

From this article you will learn

Reasons for the birth of left-handers

From 7 to 17% of the population- left-handed. This means that approximately every seventh baby is born right-brained. And there is no pathology or deviation from the norm in this. From a biological point of view, left-handers are genetically healthy people.

This is interesting! The phenomenon also occurs in other species. Left-handed dogs, for example, are more likely to learn circus tricks and search work than a general training course.

The brain is responsible for laterality. The cerebral hemispheres control the body crosswise: The right hemisphere is responsible for the functions of the left half of the body. Hence the synonym – right hemisphere.

This hemisphere of the brain is responsible for creativity, imagery and spontaneity. While the left hemisphere, which predominates in most people, gives them logic, consistency and analytical abilities.

What determines the appearance of left-handed babies has not yet been determined exactly. Among the confirmed factors of left-handedness, three can be distinguished:

  • Before birth: genetic factor. The right hemisphere is inherent in the DNA, and already at the moment of conception the unborn child is left-handed.
  • At birth: traumatic factor. Compensation for the consequences of left-hemisphere birth injuries leads to the active development of the right side.
  • After birth: environmental factor. There may be imitation, forcedness, overtraining, injuries to the right hand.

Left-handedness and left-handedness

True left-handedness- the result of a genetic factor. The right hemisphere of the brain in true left-handers is more active by nature and predominates in everything: in everyday life, learning, sports, communication. Not only the arm, but the entire left half of the body is used more intensely.

Left-handedness as a result of injury is forced. A negative impact on the left hemisphere of the brain leads to activation of the right, and the growing person masters the world differently than most of his peers. In real and compensated left-handers, creative activity predominates, imagination and intuition are developed.

Left-handedness the same is a habit, a preference for the left hand for writing, playing and holding cutlery. In all other respects, a left-handed person is no different from a right-handed person, including genetically.

This is interesting! Preferring the right or left hand for writing is not an absolute sign. A right-hemisphere person can write with his right hand, but for other types of activities he chooses his left.

How to determine whether a child is left-handed or right-handed

The choice of laterality occurs most often at the age of about 3 years, less often - closer to 6 years. And a fifth of people grow up without having decided on their dominant hand, having equal control of both limbs. This phenomenon is called ambidexterity.

Once the baby begins to actively use his hands to grasp and hold, parents can develop the necessary skills for living in a right-handed world.

The first and most accessible diagnostic tool is observation. Parents need to take a closer look at their child and note with which hand he manipulates objects:

  • moves a movable toy;
  • folds a pyramid;
  • indicates something;
  • collects small objects (pebbles, buttons);
  • holds cutlery;
  • brushing his teeth;
  • unscrews the caps;
  • sweeps or wipes surfaces;
  • combs;
  • draws and writes.

Also note which hand becomes the supporting hand when falling, which side the thumb is on top when gripping the handles into the lock.

For reference! Dr. Komarovsky advises testing left-handedness based on signs of left-footedness, vision and hearing functions. Functional tests help identify a hidden left-hander.

The intellectual and sensory abilities of true left-handers are absolutely consistent with the norms, but the manifestation of some developmental features is possible:

  • Perseverance is formed with difficulty, each structured lesson is given to the child with effort.
  • Speech is formed somewhat slower and more intermittently: from a “sleeping” state it suddenly makes a leap.
  • Sound pronunciation is far from ideal, but consultation with a speech therapist easily solves this difficulty.
  • Mathematical ability: Geometry and stereometry are easier for such children. The methods for solving problems are extraordinary.
  • Good hearing, close to absolute. The child prefers the structure and sound of the classics.
  • May occur difficulties with orientation in space, it is difficult for a child to master the directions “right - left”, “top - bottom”.
  • Artistic taste, the sense of color, balance, harmony develops earlier and appears brighter.
  • Emotionality is higher and is developing more actively.

It is important that parents’ observations and concerns are accompanied by competent diagnosis. Regardless of the dominant hemisphere, children may suffer from actual brain dysfunction. For example, some symptoms are considered not only as signs of right hemisphere, but also as alarm bells:

  • mobility that is not amenable to pedagogical correction;
  • pronounced disorders of the emotional-volitional sphere;
  • stable mirror reproduction of a picture or text;
  • significant delay in the development of speech and mental functions;
  • various forms of dyslexia in children over 4 years old.

A left-handed child needs patient support from adults. He needs to be helped to get used to the space. Parents need to control themselves and not break down with phrases: “Are you completely stupid?”, “You don’t know right from left?” What is obvious for right-handed children is difficult for left-handed children.

Do I need to retrain

People around you always touch the main parental nerve: you must teach your child to write with his right hand at all costs! Whether a child will be comfortable living in a right-handed world depends on how the parents react to their child’s normal features. There is nothing wrong with holding cutlery or writing utensils in your other hand.

If a child grows up with the confidence that he's just like everyone else, he will not have any difficulties in sports, everyday life or driving a car.

Important! The modern view of left-handedness is this: if you start retraining a true left-hander, this will upset the child’s psychological balance.

The pressure of right-handed rules requires the child to have greater mental strength, which he could spend more effectively on adapting to the world around him.

Consistency is important. He should not be ashamed of his uniqueness. Help him understand the possibilities and fully adjust to life. Soon he will see that he is more successful at what others struggle with.

In most cases, nature is wiser, and retraining a left-handed person is at least incorrect:

  1. Genetic left-handed organism originally designed to work in a mirror way. Retraining will lead to the appearance of neuroses and obsessive states in a child who already lives according to unusual rules.
  2. Retraining a compensatory left-hander – intrusion into the natural process rehabilitation and adaptation of the psyche and physiology of a little man who was born genetically right-handed. He is forced to make efforts to achieve comfort after injury. Why go against this?

Restoring the functions of the left side of the brain in case of injury does not require shifting the pencil to the other hand, but a whole range of measures.

If a genetically right-handed child strives to operate with his left hand and is successful in this, let him act. Such training helps to open up unprecedented brain capabilities. Left-hemisphere children who use their left hand are more successful in sports and school, their mental and physical abilities are universal.

The consequences of retraining a left-hander can be:

  • enuresis of a neurotic nature;
  • movement disorders;
  • sleep disorders;
  • fatigue;
  • tics;
  • disturbances of appetite and digestion;
  • stuttering;
  • low adaptation;
  • attention and memory disorders;
  • decreased will;
  • weight fluctuations;
  • dizziness and pain;
  • emotional disturbances.

This is only part of the possible consequences of parents and teachers trying to fit a left-handed child to generally accepted standards.

Watch the story where it is told in detail and interestingly about the developmental features of a left-handed child.

Features of education

Now it is clear that retraining a left-handed person is impossible or makes no sense. When raising a left-handed child, you need to adhere to several fundamental positions:

  • Warn all specialists about this feature working with a baby. Kindergarten teachers, additional education teachers, coaches and school teachers should treat left-handers with understanding and attention, without singling him out in the team.
  • Make sure that no one from the environment did not express regret or irritation about the child’s non-standard “habits”.
  • Be aware of the slowness in teaching left-handed children to read and write. You should not choose groups and classes with an intensive program.
  • Support your child at every stage of learning. It is better to check lessons at school together and correct mistakes immediately, rather than leaving the child alone with his difficulties.
  • Be loyal to manifestations of the formation of memory, thinking, attention and speech.

In order not to harm the development of a left-handed personality, parents and teachers should avoid any manifestations of a negative attitude towards a child’s peculiarity:

  • indications of left-handedness in a negative sense;
  • reproaches for laziness and slowness;
  • expressions of anger;
  • shouting, comments, punishments, lectures.

None of the above contributes to the development of independence, self-confidence, high self-esteem and the desire for success.

Teaching writing and reading

In kindergarten and primary school, teachers must know how to teach a left-handed child to write, and use a personal methodology and program for working with such a pupil.

At the stage of mastering the alphabet, everything will be different: the type of exercises, sitting at the desk, the position of the notebook, the outline of each capital letter, holding the instrument, the direction of the light.

Important! You should not send your child to a special group or take him to individual lessons. The most important skill is the ability to communicate and learn with right-handed children on equal terms, and not at all to write beautifully.

  • If the desks in the classroom are not personal, then Preferable seating on the left side.
  • When developing handwriting in left-handed people reverse or forward tilt allowed, intermittent characters, distorted handwriting.
  • It is important that A left-handed first-grader held a pen correctly and learned not to smear the written text with the palm of my hand. The same goes for drawing.
  • To cope with the difficulties of tracing (reproducing) similar letters, It is advisable to use visual materials and memorable images.
  • Be tolerant of mistakes and confusion between E and S, I and R is an important factor in the successful development of writing.

When reading, a child faces another difficulty - the perception of the text. He strives to immediately build a coherent image, to cover the entire page, but it’s hard for him. In grades 1–2, left-handed children usually lag behind in reading speed until they develop the skill of reading whole words.

Development of motor skills

As with learning to read, it is best to break a motor skill down into a series of simple actions. When each of them is mastered, all that remains is to connect them. Start by mastering everyday skills like scissors. In sports training, you can use visual images, sequential photos, and videos.

Development of creative abilities

Despite all the creative thinking, left-handed people lack the ability to work out details. They tend to perceive the whole image or snatch some significant part from the context. A typical plasticine craft for such a child has very simple shapes, but a very bright character.

It would be wrong to tell a child that his creativity is somehow different. He is an artist, that’s how he sees it. But it is necessary to provide a scientific basis for painting or architecture.

  • let the child understand that you're on his side and you will not allow anyone to invade his personal space and change it;
  • compare not with others, but with himself in the past: what has become better;
  • explain advantages and disadvantages possession of the right or left hand;
  • practice fine and gross motor skills, develop personal skills, and not try to “catch up” with right-handers;
  • teach skills in specific situations;
  • encourage in time without making too high demands;
  • organize a comfortable workplace and personal space, this is equally important for a boy and a girl, best of all is a separate room where the world of children's fantasy reigns;
  • always remain a sensitive teacher, show kindness and participation.

Every recommendation makes sense. The baby needs to be consistently taught to order and rationality. This takes a lot of energy from parents, but the results are worth it. A characteristic feature of an adult left-hander is orderliness combined with unique creative abilities.

Great and famous people

To increase your child’s self-esteem, give examples of famous people who had the same feature. To improve achievements in a particular field, select relevant great personalities. For example, for a child musician the best example would be Beethoven or Bach, and will inspire a young chess player Einstein.

Among the great right-brain names you can find anyone: presidents and rulers ( Bill Clinton, Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great), scientists ( da Vinci, Ivan Petrovich Pavlov), artists ( Michelangelo, Picasso).

13 surprising facts about left-handed people

Want to support your child a little more? Use facts about lefties casually. Here are some examples:

  1. Although we are talking about a genetic factor, the existence of the gene for left-handedness has not yet been confirmed, as well as the linkage of this gene with gender. But there are more left-handed men.
  2. The son of a left-handed father has a greater chance of being right-brained, unlike his daughter.
  3. There is a cultural dependency. For example, in America and Great Britain, left-handedness is more common than in Russia.
  4. Left-handed people throw javelin no worse than right-handed people; there are even separate world records.
  5. In ancient Rome, left-handed slaves were considered discount goods.
  6. All cockatoo parrots are left-footed. Gorillas are divided equally between left-handed and right-handed.
  7. The holiday - Left-Handers Day - is celebrated on August 13th.
  8. Snails grow their shells in a right or left direction. There are much fewer left-sided ones.
  9. If you put your fingers together, you can determine your laterality. For left-handed people, the left thumb is on top. The statistics for this test are not the same in different parts of the world.
  10. About a quarter of people confuse the directions left and right.
  11. Left-handed men remember faces better than right-handed men.
  12. Almost every left-hander can master using both hands at the same time, while right-handers are not capable of this.
  13. Left-handed people have an advantage in boxing, tennis, badminton and fencing.

Raising a right-hemisphere child is more difficult, which makes it more interesting. He develops according to his own individual program and always remains a mystery to parents and teachers. The specifics of upbringing, training and daily communication with a left-handed child ultimately boils down to understanding that his peculiarity is not a pathology, not a disease or a deviation.

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How to teach left-handed children

Currently, due to major changes in the field of education, much attention is paid to the development of individuality and the education of a full-fledged personality. All innovations and psychological and pedagogical approaches strive to introduce into their programs conditions in which all students and pupils would be equally comfortable.

The problem of a child’s adaptation in life always worries parents. And any deviation from generally accepted norms, even not necessarily pathological, causes them concern. Sometimes adults strive at all costs to adjust the child to general standards, for his own convenience. Very often, parents want to retrain their left-handed children, believing that this is wrong. But is this really so?

The relevance of this study is due to the large number of issues related to this problem and the very small degree of its development. Society has an ambiguous attitude towards left-handedness; some consider it a serious disadvantage, while others consider it a manifestation of genius. There are legends about the fantastic abilities and even genius of left-handed people. But these are just legends. Upon careful analysis, information about left-handedness as a pathology turns out to be equally unproven.

Society has an ambiguous attitude towards left-handedness; some consider it a serious disadvantage, while others consider it a manifestation of genius. The existence of such extreme points of view indicates that this phenomenon has been poorly studied. Most of humanity is right-handed. There are much fewer left-handers, according to researchers from different countries, from 5 to 30%. It is noted that there are people who are strongly left-handed or strongly right-handed, that is, those who are most active with one or the other hand, and there are ambidexters - people who are equally good at using both limbs. The number of left-handers decreases noticeably as people get older, but this does not mean that left-handedness disappears on its own. It’s just that the social environment forces them to relearn, sometimes with great difficulty.

There are two definitions:"left-handedness" and "left-handedness". According to the famous Russian neuropsychologist, professor at Moscow State University of Psychology and Education A. V. Semenovich, left-handedness is a preference and active use of the left hand, i.e. an external manifestation of the fact that for some reason the right hemisphere of the brain has taken upon itself (temporarily or permanently) the main, leading role in ensuring voluntary movements. Left-handedness can also be a temporary symptom. This may be due to a delay in the formation of interhemispheric interactions in the baby, and as the functional potential of the left hemisphere increases, a “transformation” of a left-handed person into a right-handed person may occur. But this does not always happen.

As for the concept of “left-handedness,” according to A. V. Semenovich, this is a manifestation of a stable, unchanging psychophysiological characteristic, a specific type of functional organization of the nervous system (primarily the brain) of a person, which has fundamental differences from that of right-handers, if this left-handedness is genetic . In other words, left-handedness is not just a preference for the left hand, but also a completely different distribution of functions between the hemispheres of the brain. Left-handedness can also be associated with dominance of the left eye, left ear, or left leg.

The lack of knowledge of this problem is largely due to the fact that domestic teachers and parents have been actively and for a long time retraining left-handers, although in many countries of the world in which left-handed children are not only not retrained, but also create conditions for a normal existence, training, and obtaining a profession, this is not any "negative feature". In such countries there are special stores for left-handed people, where you can buy knives and scissors, various tools, sports equipment, sewing machines and even computers with keyboards adapted for left-handed people. Unfortunately, we don’t have this; perhaps the limitation in the choice of certain professions is what pushes parents to retrain.

The characteristics of left-handed children lead to a special subject-development environment, special, specialized programs, recommendations for parents and teachers on the training and education of left-handed children. But, unfortunately, in domestic pedagogy and psychology there are no full-fledged such programs, there are only individual recommendations, elements of programs and individual advice, which are very little tested and too scattered, which greatly complicates training and education for both teachers and parents, and of course and directly to the children themselves. And while there are no such conditions in our country, left-handed children face a lot of difficulties when entering an educational institution. According to research by M.M. Bezrukikh, adaptation reactions of left-handed students are difficult, which often leads to the risk of school maladaptation, school stress, and the risk of difficulties in the learning process. The most acute problem is the problem of left-handedness, which in terms of the functional organization of the brain is not always simply the opposite of right-handedness; rather, a different nature of the functioning of the brain can be noted. In this regard, a child’s psychological problems can begin not only upon entering school, but also with an incorrect and oppressive approach from teachers and parents, they can also manifest themselves in a preschool institution. The most common negative consequence is asthenic neurosis, in which there is increased fatigue, rapid exhaustion of the nervous system, and a sharp decrease in performance. Headaches, restless sleep, irritability, incontinence appear, and appetite decreases. Affective reactions are noted: violent outbursts of discontent, refusal to work.

Neurosis can manifest itself differently in boys and girls. Boys are characterized by disinhibition, restlessness, and motor restlessness. And for girls, low mood, lethargy, and tearfulness are more typical. Quite often, left-handed children are worried about fears of failure and reproach from teachers and parents. For some children, fears are short-lived, and if there are no new stresses, they may disappear.

And in order to avoid the above problems, it is necessary to study the problem of functional asymmetry of the brain and left-handedness as actively and globally as possible and to convey the results of research to employees of educational institutions and parents. At the present stage, there are some authors who have contributed to the development of this topic. For example, Bezrukikh M.M. There are works with recommendations for parents on the upbringing and methods of adaptation of left-handed children, publications characterizing left-handed children, their characteristics and individuality, which describe the difficulties and problems of such children with possible solutions, and there are also methodological developments in the form of notebooks for classes with left-handed children . Also, such authors as Chuprikov A.S., Dobrokhotova T.A., Arakelov G.G. also have publications on this topic. But to achieve significant success in development and education, as well as to create full-fledged and high-quality programs that could be implemented in general education preschool and school institutions and successfully bring into life such a group of people as “left-handers,” there are very few of them. And accordingly, there is a very high probability that children will still continue to experience difficulties and discomfort when adapting and functioning in kindergartens, schools and in later life.

Our study was conducted on the basis of MADOU No. 48 and consisted of selecting left-handed children by testing according to the methods proposed by M.M. Bezrukikh. (“interlocking of fingers”, “Napoleon’s pose”, “simultaneous actions of both hands”, “speed of movements”), as well as using the methods of F. Kretschmer (watering flowers, pouring sand with a spatula, brushing teeth, pushing a ball with a stick, getting books from the shelf, open the zipper). Based on the results of the ascertaining experiments, 10 children aged from 3.5 years to 6.5 years with different functional asymmetries of the brain were identified. Studying their adaptation cards, medical records, identifying characteristics by interviewing parents and educators. The formative experiment consisted of developing the main directions of psychological and pedagogical support for children with different functional asymmetries of the brain in a preschool institution, the goal of which was to implement a person-oriented approach to children, taking into account their characteristics; and, directly, the implementation of the developed support system. Based on the results of our research, a list of recommendations was identified for working with left-handed children. Some of them:
- the most important thing: do not show your negative attitude towards the child’s left-handedness!
- during classes, it is recommended that left-handed children be seated on the left at the table so that the child does not interfere with the neighbor, thereby not feeling insecure and uncomfortable;
- when learning material, left-handers should not repeat it automatically to themselves; it is necessary to use special techniques, the associative method is especially effective;
- during productive work, it is advisable to use special products for left-handed people (for example, scissors, pens);
- organize a rational daily routine for the child, without overload, since left-handed children, as a rule, are excitable and get tired quickly;
- perform special exercises and games that develop visual perception and hand-eye coordination;
- classes should begin and end with tasks that children can easily cope with;
- actively use games and exercises aimed at interaction between the hemispheres.
In conclusion, I would like to note that many parents are interested in whether left-handers have any differences from right-handers and which of them adapts better to the school environment and gets higher grades. Left-handed children will learn much better than their right-handed peers if, before the start of classes, in the preparatory period, that is, in kindergarten, certain educational work is carried out with them, otherwise they will lag behind right-handers. This is due to the specificity of information processing by left-handers. and first of all, I would like to note that it is important to develop personality and individuality, to form high moral and ethical qualities, regardless of which side of the hemisphere dominates, and what is also very important: the forced retraining of left-handed children, and thereby the forced change of the existing system brain function leads to undesirable consequences. And in order for a left-handed child to be as comfortable as possible in the right-handed world around him and to protect him from unnecessary difficulties, it is necessary to identify and understand his characteristics. This is why it is necessary to work through and study this problem as actively as possible, so that raising and educating left-handed children will not pose any problems in the future. Moreover, according to some studies, the percentage of left-handed children increases significantly every year.

In the past, the attitude towards left-handed people was the most contradictory: such people were attributed either to complicity with the devil or to divine providence. In the 20th century, the “rights” of left-handers and right-handers became equal, but children who perform most actions with their left hand require a special approach to training and education.

The hand is only the visible part of the iceberg; in reality, everything is much more complicated. As you know, each hemisphere of the brain performs its own function: the left is the sensory center responsible for speech, reading, writing, while the right gives us the opportunity to distinguish objects, voices, melodies, and remember images. Often the left half of the brain dominates (it is responsible for controlling the right half of the human body), but it also happens the other way around. Ambidexters are very rare - people whose both hemispheres are well developed; they have equal command of both their right and left hands.

How to understand that a child is left-handed?

First of all, take a closer look: often by the age of 2-3 you can definitely tell whether your child is left-handed or right-handed. Look at which hand he performs certain actions:

  • Assembles a pyramid or cubes;
  • He puts the phone to his ear;
  • Brushing his teeth;
  • Combs;
  • Watering flowers;
  • Holds a spoon;
  • Peels fruit;
  • Which eye does one look through a kaleidoscope or telescope?
  • Which foot does he step on first when running?
  • Which ear does he listen with?

If the baby performs most of the actions with his left hand (ear, eye), you are left-handed.

This tendency can be passed on genetically: in a family where at least one parent is left-handed, the likelihood of raising a child with a dominant left hand is 10 times higher! This is not a deviation, as was previously believed, and there is no need to retrain children. Their right hand is not so adapted to work and will be less dexterous.

How to help your child prepare for school?

  • If the child is left-handed, it is very important to determine in time that this particular hand is the dominant one, and it is advisable to do this before the child goes to first grade. Otherwise, he will be retrained by force, and this is fraught with problems with the student’s mental health;
  • Test your child which hand he uses better: take a closer look at which hand is on top when intertwining his fingers, with which hand he cuts out figures, opens boxes, boxes, and so on. Assess the level of activity of both hands, and only then calculate which one is dominant;
  • Left-handed children may periodically have difficulties with concentration, orientation in space, they may confuse letters and process information more slowly. In the emotional sphere, things are not so simple with lefties either: they are vulnerable and touchy, get tired faster, and are capricious. These traits make it very difficult for children to adapt to school. Parents need to be patient and encourage their child, because, despite failures, left-handers often show talent in music, drawing, singing and other arts;
  • Under no circumstances be overly demanding, don’t force someone to change their hand when writing, and don’t criticize them when they fail. To better understand information, left-handed people often need visual illustrations and aids, so even a math problem can be sketched out rather than read out at first. “There were four apples lying” - we draw them on paper, “they ate one” - we crossed out the apple - this will make it easier for the child to concentrate;
  • As soon as your child starts kindergarten or school, be sure to meet the teacher and make sure that all conditions have been created for the child. In particular, the baby should sit to the left of the neighbor, so as not to disturb each other, the light should fall from the right. If at first a student confuses the beginning and end of a line, you can mark the left side of the notebook with a pencil or stickers;
  • For left-handed people, mirroring is a common problem. The connection between the two hemispheres of the brain is not yet sufficiently developed, so children may draw upside down or write letters incorrectly. By the age of 10-11, this phenomenon passes, but you can help your child.

Exercises for left-handed children

First of all, spatial exercises are needed: show your left hand, take an apple with your right hand, show your left eye with your right hand, and so on. Having dealt with the parts of the body, you can proceed to the objects: put the album on your left, take the apple that lies near your right hand, and so on. Gradually the number of items can be increased.

You also need to prepare your hand for writing in a timely manner: the simplest option is coloring books, the child learns to hold a pencil in his hand, regulate the pressure, and coordinate movements. You can transfer drawings through carbon paper and paint stencils. Plasticine or clay trains the muscles of the hands and fingers well. Various appliques, stringing beads, unfastening hooks or buttons are also aimed at developing fine motor skills. You can learn letters together, sketch them on paper and cut them out, and then paste them into a special album. A similar technique is used with numbers, shapes, and so on. The main rule is visualization, as much clarity as possible.

  • Scientists have not found a gene for left-handedness to this day;
  • There are far more left-handed men than women;
  • August 13th is Left-handed Day;
  • The last five US presidents (Ford, Reagan, Bush Sr., Clinton and Obama) are left-handed;
  • In boxing, tennis, fencing and other doubles competitions, left-handed people are much stronger, since it is more difficult for a right-handed person to calculate where the opponent will hit;
  • In ancient Rome, left-handed slaves were considered damaged goods and were even required to return their money;
  • There are a lot of creative people among left-handers - Leonardo da Vinci, Charlie Chaplin, Michelangelo, Picasso. There is evidence that even Caesar and Napoleon were “left-handed.”

Every child is special, and it is in your power to help him get comfortable in this huge world. Activities with a left-handed child may be unexpected and seem incomprehensible to you, but who knows, perhaps the child will teach you to look at this world differently!