Crochet finger puppet theater. Crochet finger theater: master class with photo and video


We put the fairy tale "Morozko".

Scenario .

Nastenka (stepdaughter)
Ulyana (daughter)
Choir - a group of children

Storyteller: Roll, apple, on a golden platter. Show a fairy tale to children about good and evil, about bad people and about good people. A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.
In an open field - a village, on the edge there is a hut. We will look into the hut, congratulate everyone on the new day.

Cockerel: Ku-ka-re-ku!

Choir: Early, early in the morning the cockerel: ku-ka-re-ku! And the cows pulled him into harmony: mu-mu-mu! It's time for everyone to get up and get to work. The sun looks out the window, tells us to wake up.

Storyteller: At the gate the snow is shining. Nastenka-beauty does not sleep - she gets up early, a snowball sweeps cleanly.

Stepmother (turning to Nastenka): Well, are the pies ready?
(Turns to Ulyana): Wake up soon, my flower, wake up, talk to me. I have baked pies for a long time, I brought you warm stockings.

Ulyana: Oh, mother-mother, the day is so long ahead! I'll sleep under the covers. And then eat pies.

Stepmother: No matter how you get sick with me, no matter how you lose weight with me. Well, my joy, my dear friend, eat, my daughter, a pie with cabbage!

Storyteller: She cares for her own daughter and does not force her to work, but she shouts at Nastenka, orders her to go fetch water.

Stepmother: Hey, you lazybones! You go for water, but wash the dishes! Split more firewood, don't forget about the cows: give them water, feed them, and put a senza on them.

Nastya: It is so hard for an orphan to live in the world, because no one needs a poor thing, and no one will pity me, no one will warm me with a kind word.

Storyteller: And on the street, girlfriends - the right word - laughter, and the guys are great, as one - all daredevils. Everyone plays and frolic, sing, dance, have fun.

Chorus: Let's go, Nastya, in a round dance, all the people are having fun.

Nastya: I also want to play, but who will do the work?

Ulyana: Mom, I'll go for a walk. I will find a groom. Keep away, honest people, skip the round dance.

Choir: Can you sing?

Storyteller: Ulka puffs out her cheeks, Ulka starts a song - she made all the people laugh, but they didn’t take them to a round dance.

Ulyana (crying): I call my mother to help: tell me to drive Nastka away! They call her in a round dance, but I don’t take me-at-ut ...

Stepmother: Hey, old man, come on, don't blink, harness the horse as soon as possible! Take your Nastya to the cold - she brought Ulyanushka to tears!

Storyteller: He cried, grieved, put his daughter in a sleigh, took him to a thicket of snow - to death, to frost.

Father: Oh, my daughter, poor daughter! The bad woman disliked you. But I don’t dare to argue with her ... (Seats Nastenka under a thick spruce) Don’t cry, don’t cry forever, tea, we say goodbye.

Storyteller: Nastenka is sitting, trembling, cold is running down her back... Santa Claus suddenly appeared, stopped next to her.

Frost: I love to freeze everyone, but I can't stand the heat. Well, are you warm, girl? Are you freezing, young lady?

Nastya: Warmly, warmly, Morozushka.

Frost: I will let in so much frost that the Christmas trees will crack! Everything is cold! Well, girl, is it warm?

Nastya: Warmly, Morozushka.

Frost: Tell me quickly, what is it that warms you so much?

Nastya: I, Morozushka, sing, warm my darling. (Sings the Russian folk song "Lady")

Frost: Eh, eat well! I thank you, I give you a warm coat, and also a casket of goodness - gold and silver.

Nastenka returns to the village.

Dog: Whoa-whoa! They take the old man's daughter in gold, but they don't take Ulyanka into a round dance!

Storyteller: The stepmother saw what her stepdaughter had become - she could not say a word, she just spread her hands.

Stepmother: Well, old man, why are you standing there, open your mouth? It would be better if I put my daughter in a sleigh! You, Ulyana, get ready quickly. If you go to the forest - be bolder with Frost!

Storyteller: And he took her alone, to listen to the silence of the forest.

Ulyana: In vain I listened to my mother, in vain I came to the forest. At home, pancakes in sour cream, and in a saucepan - jellied meat.

Frost: I love to freeze everyone, but I can't stand the heat. Well, are you warm, girl?

Ulyana: Oh, it's cold, there's no urine! I'll freeze closer to the night! Bring the fur coat as soon as possible and the chest is heavier!

Santa Claus: Oh, do you have gifts too? Instead of a fur coat, here is matting. Instead of other good things - gold and silver - here's a chest of ashes for you. Next time, don't be mean.

Ulyana returns to the village.

Dog: Whoa-whoa! Here the people are laughing at the top of their lungs - Ulyana is carrying miracle gifts!

Stepmother (in the house): What kind of barking? What's the cry? I'll run straight! (running after the dog)

He runs up to Ulyana, sees her "gifts" and cries with anger.

Frost: So you had to pay for greed and anger!

The script is taken from here.

Fairy tales are very captivating for young children. They lovingly and with interest look at the pictures in the books. But much more potential for development is provided by interactive fairy tales, that is, those in which the child himself can take part. The best option is a do-it-yourself crocheted finger theater. We will consider the schemes in detail. The beauty of the finger theater is also that it develops fine motor skills. And with it, as you know, the speech of the baby is very closely connected.

What to knit

Let's try to make a finger theater. "Kolobok", "Turnip" and "Teremok" are the most favorite fairy tales for kids. Consider all the main characters that we have to connect.

  • "Turnip": grandmother, grandfather, bug, granddaughter, cat, mouse.
  • "Teremok": mouse, frog, hare, fox, wolf, bear.
  • "Kolobok": grandmother, grandfather, bun, bunny, fox, wolf, bear.

As can be seen from the list, many of the characters in these fairy tales are repeated, it turns out that only 12 heroes are needed for 3 fairy tales. The same finger will help to play a few more fairy tales: "Mashenka and the Bear", "The Wolf and the Fox", "The Snow Maiden".

For work you will need: multi-colored threads for knitting, a hook, a plastic needle, beads, or other colored ones. And also: lace, ribbons, beads and other little things for decoration.

The toys are small, so it is better to take a thin cotton thread (100 g per 300 m) and a hook of the appropriate size. The size of the hook is always written on the package with threads.


For the mouse you will need threads of white, gray and blue colors. Knitting patterns are very simple.

  1. We start with a gray thread. From the thread you need to make a loop and knit 6 columns into it, the loop is tightened and a base circle is obtained.
  2. Second row - in each loop of the first row we knit 2 columns, we get 12 loops.
  3. Third row - now we do the addition through the loop.
  4. Rows 4-7 just knit 18 stitches.
  5. Eighth row - decrease through the loop, 12 loops remain.
  6. 9-12 rows - change the thread to white and continue to knit.
  7. We knit the 13th row only for the back wall, we continue to knit 5 more rows, we finish work with the base.


Let's go back to row 13. We bring the blue thread through the wrong side and begin to knit on the front wall.

Small parts

For the nose, we tighten 4 columns into a loop, as at the beginning of work. In the 2nd and 3rd rows, we add 2 columns on one side. To make the ears, we make 7 columns into the loop, but we don’t tighten it very much and slightly spread the edges to make a semicircle. We hide the ends of the threads inside with a needle. Pens. In the loop we make 6 columns of gray. 2 row - 6 more columns. 3-6 rows are already knitted with a white thread. The finished handle needs to be slightly stuffed with padding polyester and tightened. The tail is a chain of air loops.

Now we sew all the small details in place. This can be done using threads that match the color and a regular needle. We embroider cilia, antennae and mouth on the muzzle. The nose and eyes are beads. If desired, make teeth from 2 white beads. For stability, it is better to fill your head a little. The mouse is ready.


You need to tie a few more animals to get a full-fledged crocheted finger theater with your own hands. The schemes are very similar to a mouse, only for the head you need to make 2 more rows. In the middle there will be another row with the addition of 6 loops and one with a decrease. The rest of the knitting patterns are similar.

For girl characters, we also knit a skirt. The wolf, the hare and the bear need panties. To do this, at the level of the 13th row, we simply change the color of the thread.

For a frog, handles are knitted differently. We make 11 air loops and close 3 more in a ring. In this ring we knit 3 fingers, each with 3 air loops, and we return back.

Chanterelle - sister can knit a beautiful scarf. We start with 18 loops, and gradually reduce their number on both sides. You should not reduce the most extreme loops, otherwise the scarf will turn out to be stepped. At the end, we make chains of air loops along the edges of the triangle so that it is convenient to tie a scarf on a fox.

That the animals were more elegant, we decorate the dresses with lace along the edge. you can sew on beads and small rhinestones. Useful for decoration and ribbons, they make bows on the tails of animals.

Grandmother, grandfather and granddaughter

The turnip finger theater will not do without the main characters. All people knit in approximately the same pattern, so their description can be combined. We knit a granddaughter like a mouse, grandparents with an addition so that they turn out a little more.

Grandfather will make a wig with a bald head and a beard with a mustache. For hair, we collect 28 air loops and turn the work without connecting it into a ring. Further according to the scheme: 3 air loops, a connecting column in the previous row. So to the end. For a beard with a mustache, we make a ring of 20 air loops and repeat the wig pattern 4-5 times.

Let's make a fashionable bun on the grandmother's head. To do this, we begin to knit like a head. We knit 5 rows, then, for we make out the front of the hairstyle. Half-column, 5 columns and another half-column, we complete the work. For a beam, we knit 20 air loops, and back with single crochets. We twist the resulting ribbon with a snail and sew the entire structure to the head.

Grandparents are incredibly glasses. To make them for dolls, you will need color-coated paperclips. The paper clip must be straightened and twisted into rings with a pencil. We sink the bows directly into the head and sew them with threads for strength.

It remains to do the granddaughter's hair. Ponytails suit her very well. We wind the yarn of a suitable color on a cardboard rectangle and cut it. Then sew in small strands in the center of the head. The hair will already be parted, it remains to make ponytails.


  • 1 row - we make 6 columns in a tightening loop.
  • 2 row - in each column of the previous row we knit 2 columns.
  • 3 row - we make an increase through the loop.
  • 4 row - we add after 2 loops of the previous row.
  • 5-7 row - we knit the resulting 24 loops.
  • 8 row - decrease after 2 loops.
  • 9 row - decrease through 1 loop.
  • 10 row - decrease after 2 loops. There should be only 8 loops left. Now it's time to fill the turnip with filler, having previously formed a hole for the future finger.
  • 11-16 rows knit 8 loops. We make reductions for another 2-3 rows and fill the resulting finger inward.

We knit 3 leaves for a turnip. We collect 11 air loops, then 2 half-columns, 2 columns, 3 columns with a crochet, 1 column and 3 more columns in one loop. We expand the work and repeat the same thing in reverse order. Sew the leaves to the base. The turnip is ready.


If you decide to crochet a finger theater, do not forget about Kolobok. Its base is made like a turnip. Before stuffing, we will make a kolobok face. We sew on beady eyes, embroider eyebrows with black thread, and a mouth with red thread. We make handles as for other dolls. To make the gingerbread man a little more charming, we will knit a headdress for him. To do this, we will use the scheme of the body from rows 1 to 6, then we will make a row with a decrease. In the final at the crown, you need to tie 3 air loops. Get a nice beret.

Glove- "Teremok"

To make the finger theater more interesting, the teremok can also be crocheted. But he will be put on not on the finger, but on the palm. We collect 50 air loops and close in a circle. We knit 3 rows in a circle with double crochets. Then we knit 3 more rows, leaving room for a window approximately in the middle of the palm. Then again we knit in a circle 1 row. In the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe thumb, we make a chain of 18 air loops and knit 3 more rows already in a large circle.

Now it remains to decorate our teremok. We tie the window with a thread of a contrasting color. You can also use air loops to make a crosshair in the window, or even hang curtains made of transparent material. The top is also processed with a bright trim.

We make the bottom of the tower green. We embroider grass in different shades of green. Let's plant some flowers. If desired, you can add a butterfly or a bee. It will turn out a very beautiful teremok. If you bend the finger with the character to the palm, you can depict how he is knocking on the door.

So the do-it-yourself finger theater is ready. The schemes for its creation are very simple and accessible to craftswomen of different levels. It turns out a wonderful set of toys for a fun and useful pastime with children. It is worth connecting a little imagination, and you will get a whole bunch of new heroes and fairy tales. For example, if you add a chicken and a golden egg, it will be “Rocked Hen”. It is easy to crochet a finger theater, and it will delight for a very long time. At first, the parents will show the performance, then the kids will take it into their own hands with pleasure.

Perhaps every mother tries to devote maximum time to the development of her baby, reading fairy tales to him, talking about everything around and showing educational cartoons. But why not revive the heroes of your favorite fairy tales? Crochet finger puppets of knitting patterns and the description of which you will find below can be knitted literally in one evening from the remnants of yarn! Well, are you ready to try to connect them?

Finger Theatre: Chanterelle

  • yarn Kartopu bebe akrilik (100 grams per 300 meters), you will need red, green,
  • filler;
  • blue and white thread;
  • hook number 3;
  • gypsy and simple needle;
  • white, red, blue and green sewing threads;
  • three black beads;
  • piece of lace.

Increase (pr.) - 2 s. without n. in one loop.
Decrease (kill) - 2 s. without n. we knit together.

Do-it-yourself Chanterelle doll: master class

Head and body

We use red yarn.

2 p.: 2 s. without n. in 1 p. x 6 = 12 p.
3 p.: * 2 s. without n. in 1 p., 1 s. without n. * x 6 = 18 p.
4 p.: *2 s. without n. in 1 p., 2 s. without n. *, from * to * x 6 \u003d 24 p.
5-9 pp.: 24 s. without n.

11 p.: (2 s. without n. vm., 4 s. without n. *, from * to *.
12-15 rr.: as the 11th.

We change the thread to white.
16-20 pp.: 15 s. without n.
21 p .: for the back slice of the loop 15 s. without n.
22-27 pp.: 15 s. without n.

knitted skirt

For the front slice of the loop of the 21st row we tie the skirt with a green thread. We knit it with from n. in rows, each of which starts from the 2nd c. p.p. and finish ss.
1 p.: 2 s. without n. in 1 p. to the end of the row = 20 p.
2 p.: 30 s. from n.
3 p.: * 2 s. s n., 2 p. without n. in 1 p. *, from * to * x 10 = 40 p.
4 p.: 40 s. from n.
5 p.: * 3 s. s n., 2 p. without n. in 1 p. *, from * to * x 10 = 50 p.


We start knitting with a red thread.
1 p.: 6 s. without n. in an amigurumi ring.
2 p.: 6 s. without n., we replace the thread with white.
3 rows: for the front segments of the loops we knit 6 x 2 s. without n. in 1 p. = 12 p.
4 p.: 12 p. without n.
5 p.: *2 s. without n., 2 p. without n. vm * x 3 = 9 p.
6 p.: 9 s. without n.
7 p.: *s. without n., 2 p. without n. vm. *, from * to * x 3 \u003d 6 p.
8-9 pp.: 6 s. without n., fill the toy, tighten it and remove the thread.


1 p.: 5 s. without n. in an amigurumi ring.
2 p.: *s. without n., pr. *, from * to * x 2, p. without n. = 7 p.
3 p.: *2 s. without n., etc.), from * to * x 2, p. without n. = 9 p.
4 p.: 9 s. without n.
5 p.: *2 s. without n., pr. *, from * to * x 3, p. without n. = 12 p.


We carry out two such details.
In an amigurumi ring with. without n., half-column with n., 2 s. from n., pico from the 2nd century. p., 2 p. s n., half-column s n., s. without n. We tighten the amigurumi ring into a beautiful semicircle and with a gypsy needle carefully hide the ends of the threads in the middle of the doll's ear.


We knit the first 3 rows with a white thread.
1 p.: 6 s. without n. in an amigurumi ring.
2 p.: *s. without n., etc.), from * to * x 3, p. without n. = 9 p.
3-9 pp.: 9 s. without n.
10 p.: *kill, p. without n. *, from * to * x 3 \u003d 6 p.
11-12 pp.: 6 s. without n.


We crochet 16 c. p., then we continue knitting from the 2nd p.
1 p.: 15 s. without n.
2 p.: 2 half-columns with n., 2 c. p., (we skip below 2 s. and then we knit in the third) 7 half-columns with n., 2 c. p., (we skip 2 s from the bottom and knit in the third) 2 half-columns with n.
3 p.: 15 half-columns with n.


We crochet a chain of 55 in. p., continue further from the 2nd p.
1 p.: ss., p. without n., 2 half-columns with n., p. without n., 4 ss., p. without n., 35 half-columns with n., p. without n., 4 ss., p. without n., 2 half-columns with n., p. without n., ss., cut off and hide the thread with a gypsy needle.
2 p.: we start with the 18th column, ss., p. without n., 17 half-columns with n., ub.
3 p.: ub. (s. without n.), kill. (semi-s. with n.), 10 semi-s. from n., ub. (semi-s. with n.), kill. (s. without n.).
4 p.: ub. (s. without n.), kill. (semi-s. with n.), 6 semi-s. from n., ub. (semi-s. with n.), kill. (s. without n.).
5 p.: ub. (s. without n.), kill. (semi-s. with n.), 2 semi-s. from n., ub. (semi-s. with n.), kill. (s. without n.).
6 p.: kill, 2 half-s. from n., ub. = 4 p.
7 p.: kill, 2 half-s. from n. = 3 p.
8 p.: kill, half-s. from n. = 2 p.
9 p.: 2 half-s. with n., cut the thread and hide it inside.

Assembling the toy

We fill the toy with filler, starting from the head, then we make out the muzzle: we sew the beads in place of the eye, then we sew on the knitted nose, ears, we tighten the knitting under the eyes a little. Embroider the mouth and eyebrows.

The finished fox can be decorated with a lace apron and lace frills on the skirt.
Next, you need to sew on the handles and put on the vest. We put on a scarf and the first doll in your finger theater is ready!

Finger Theatre: Wolf

To knit a doll you will need:

  • yarn Kartopu bebe akrilik (100 grams per 300 meters) in light gray, yellow and blue colors;
  • hook number 3;
  • gypsy and simple needles;
  • sewing threads in yellow, black and gray;
  • black beads for eyes and nose;
  • a small piece of felt;
  • a few white beads for teeth.

Do-it-yourself Wolf doll: master class


We use gray yarn.
1 p.: 10 s. without n. in an amigurumi ring.
2-3 rr.: 10 s. without n.
4 p.: *s. without n., ub. *, from * to * x 3, p. without n. = 7 p.
5-6 rr.: 7 s. without n.
7 p.: 3 ave. p-s. s n., 4 p. without n. = 10 p.
8 p.: pr., p. without n., pr. (s. without n., p-s. with n.), pr. p-s. with n., etc. n-s. with n., pr. (p-s. with n., s. without n.), pr. with. without n., 4 p. without n. = 16 p.
9 p.: *s. without n., pr. *, from * to * x 8, p. without n. = 24 p.
10-12 pp.: 24 s. without n.
13 p.: *2 s. without n., ub. *, from * to * x 6 = 12 p.
14 p.: *s. without n., ub. *, from * to * x 6 = 12 p.
15 p.: 6 ub. = 6 p.
We tighten the thread and hide it inside.

Lower jaw

We crochet a chain of 4 in. p., after which we continue knitting in the second and further p.: p. without n., p. without n., 4 p-s. from n. in 1 p., turn and on the other hand we knit with. without n., p. without n.


We start knitting with yellow yarn.
1 p.: 6 s. without n. in an amigurumi ring.
2 p.: 6 inc. = 12 p.
3 p.: * 3 s. without n., pr. *, from * to * x 3 \u003d 15 p.
4 p .: for the back slices of loops 15 s. without n.
5-8 rr.: 15 s. without n., we replace the yarn with blue.
9 p.: *2 s. without n., pr. *, from * to * x 5 \u003d 20 p.
10-14 pp.: 20 s. without n.
15 p.: *2 s. without n., ub. *, from * to * x 5 \u003d 15 p.
16-18 pp.: 15 s. without n.


We need to connect two such details. We start knitting with a gray thread.
1 p.: 6 s. without n. in an amigurumi ring.
2 p.: 6 s. without n., change the thread to yellow.
3 p.: * 2 s. without n., pr. *, from * to * x 2 \u003d 8 p.
4-7 rr.: 8 s. without n.
8 p.: *2 s. without n., ub. *, from * to * x 2 \u003d 6 p.
We fill the paws with holofiber, tighten and remove the thread.


We crochet two parts, the yarn is gray.
In the amigurumi ring we knit with. without n., p-s. s n., 2 p. from n., pico from the 2nd century. p., 2 p. with n., p-s. from n., s. without n. After that, you need to pull off the amigurumi ring, creating a neat semicircle. The threads, as usual, are hidden inside with the help of a gypsy needle.

Assembling the doll

First, we need to sew the lower jaw to the head of the wolf, grabbing at the same time a piece of red felt (tongue). Next, sew on teeth from white beads (three beads each). After that, you need to sew on the ears, eyes and embroider the eyebrows with a black thread. We sew the doll's head with her body, then we attach the paws and tail. That's all, Volchok has been added to our finger theater!

Finger Theatre: Bear

For the doll you will need:

all the same yarn Kartopu bebe akrilik (100 grams per 300 meters), the colors used are brown, ocher, red and white;
hook number 3;
gypsy and ordinary needle;
sewing threads of white and ocher color;
black beads for eyes and nose.

Do-it-yourself Bear doll: master class

Head and body

Crochet with brown yarn. The scheme is as follows:
1 p.: 6 s. without n. in an amigurumi ring.
2 p.: 6 inc. = 12 p.
3 p.: * ex., 1 p. without n. *, from * to * x 6 \u003d 18 p.
4 p.: * ex., 2 p. without n. *, from * to * x 6 \u003d 24 p.
5-9 pp.: 24 s. without n.
10 p.: * kill, 2 s. without n. *, from * to * x 6 \u003d 18 p.
11 p.: * kill, 4 s. without n. *, from * to * x 3 \u003d 15 p.

Change the thread to white.
16-20 pp.: 15 s. without n.

We attach the red thread.
21 p.: *4 s. without n., pr. *, from * to * x 3 \u003d 18 p.
22 p.: *5 s. without n., pr. *, from * to * x 3 \u003d 21 p.
23-25 ​​pp.: 21 s. without n.
26 p.: *2 s. without n., ub. *, from * to * x 5, p. without n. = 16 p.
27-28 pp.: 16 s. without n.


1 p.: 6 s. without n. in an amigurumi ring.
2 p.: pr. x 6 = 12 p.
3 p.: * 2 s. without n., ub. *, from * to * x 3 = 9 p.


We work with a thread of ocher color.
1 p.: 6 p-s. from n. in an amigurumi ring. The circle is not closed! We expand the work and knit the second row.
2 p.: 3 s. without n., pr., 3 p. without n. = 7 p.


You need to connect two such details. We use brown yarn.
1 p.: 6 s. without n. in an amigurumi ring.
2 p.: 6 s. without n., we attach white yarn.
3-7 rr.: 6 s. without n., after which we fill the workpiece with holofiber and tighten the thread, removing the tips inward.

Assembling the toy

First you need to fill the head of the toy with holofiber. Next - we make out the muzzle: we sew the nose and ears to it, then - the beady eyes on the dimples elongated by the braces, and embroider the eyebrows with the mouth. When the head of the toy is framed, we sew on the handles and the bear Misha is ready.

Finger theater "Kolobok" for beginners

For knitting toys we need:

  • yarn "Iris" of various colors;
  • hook number 3;
  • holofiber.

As a result, you will receive seven toys - a complete set for creating a fairy tale.

The head and body of all characters are knitted the same way.

We knit toys with our own hands: diagrams and description

Head and body

2 p.: 2 s. without n. in each p. = 12 p.
3 p.: *s. without n., 2 p. without n. in sl. With. without n. *, from * to * x 6 \u003d 18 p.
4 p.: *2 s. without n., 2 p. without n. in sl. With. without n. *, from 8 to * x 6 \u003d 24 p.
5-7 rr.: 24 s. without n.
8 p.: *2 s. without n., ub. *, from * to * x 6 \u003d 18 p.
9 p.: *s. without n., ub. *, from * to * x 6 \u003d 12 p. We fill the head.
10 p.: 6 kill, fasten the thread.
11 p .: we knit along the 9th p. 12 s. without n.
12 p.: 12 increments = 24 p.
13-20 pp.: 24 s. without n. We fix the thread and hide the tip.

Ears, noses and ponytails with paws are knitted for each character.


6 p.
2-4 rr.: 6 s. without n.

Ponytails are knitted in much the same way, only slightly longer or shorter.

muzzle noses

1 p.: 2 c. p., 6 p. without n. in the 2nd p. from kr. = 6 p.
2 p.: 2 s. without n., pr., 2 p. without n., pr. = 8 p., we fix the thread.


For the teddy bear:
= 6 p.
2 p.: 2 s. without n. in each loop = 12 p.

For the bunny:

2-7 rr.: 6 s. without n.

For fox and wolf:
1 p.: 2 c. p., 4 p. without n. in the 2nd p. from kr. = 4 p.
2-3 rr.: 2 s. without n. in each loop = 8 p.

We sew the details together, embroider the mouth and eyebrows of the kolobok, grandmother and grandfather, sew on the bead-eyes and spouts. If desired, you can decorate their heads with hats or scarves.

Crochet finger toys

For work we need:

  • multi-colored yarn of medium size (colors: white, lilac, green, light green, black,
  • red, pink, light pink, gray-blue);
  • black small beads;
  • button;
  • holofiber;
  • we will knit crochet number 2.

Crochet toys: how to tie them with your own hands


We use gray-blue yarn.


Recruiting the 20th c. p., we close in a ring with the help of ss. and knit in a circle 13 ro. With. without n.
14 p.: *2 s. without n., 2 p. without n. *, from * to *.
15 p.: *2 s. without n., 1 p. without n. *, from * to *.
16 p.: 2 s. without n. vm. We fix the thread.


We adhere to the scheme:
1 p.: 2 c. p., 6 p. without n. in the 2nd p. from kr.

4 p.: *2 s. without n., 2 p. without n. in 1 p. *, from * to * x 6 = 24 p.
5-7 pp.: p. without n.
8 p.: *2 s. without n. vm., 2 s. without n. *, from * to * x 6 \u003d 18 p.
9 p.: * 2 s. without n. vm., 1 s. without n. *, from * to * x 6 \u003d 12 p.
10 p.: *2 s. without n. vm. *, from * to * x 6 \u003d 6 p.
We stuff the product with holofiber and fasten the thread.


1 p.: 2 c. p., 6 p. without n. in the 2nd p. from kr. = 6 p.
2 p.: *2 s. without n. in 1 p. *, from * to * x 6 = 12 p.
3-4 pp.: p. without n.
5 p.: *2 s. without n., 1 p. without n. *, from 8 to * in a circle = 8 p.
6-8 pp.: p. without n.
9 p.: * 2 s. without n., 2 p. without n. *, from * to *.
We tighten the remaining loops and fasten the thread.


1 p.: 4 c. p., 1 p. without n. in the 2nd p. from kr.
2 p.: 2 s. from 2 n., 1 s. without n. in the last p. of the row. We fix the thread.


Recruiting the 20th c. p., 19 p. without n. in the 2nd p. from cr., 2 p. without n. in one p. We fix the thread.


We sew the head, ears, paws and tail, as well as beads in place of the eye and nose.


The body and head are knitted with green yarn in the same way as for the cat.


All the same green yarn.
1 p.: 2 c. p., 6 p. without n. in the 2nd p. from kr. = 6 p.
2 p.: 2 s. without n. in 1 p. *, from * to * x 6 = 12 p.
3 p.: p. without n.
4 p.: *2 s. without n. vm. *, from * to *. We fix the thread.


1 p.: 2 c. p., 6 p. without n. in the 2nd p. from kr.
2-3 pp.: p. without n.
4 p.: 2 s. without n. in 1 p., 1 s. without n. = 8 p.
5 p.: 2 s. without n. in 1 p., 2 s. without n. = 12 p.
6 p.: 2 s. without n. in 1 p., 3 s. without n. = 15 p. We fix the thread.


1 p.: 2 c. p., 6 p. without n. in the 2nd p. from kr.

3-5 pp.: p. without n.
We fix the thread and stuff the head with holofiber.


We sew on the paws, head and face, and then the eyes and embroider the nostrils. We attach a light green thread to the crown with the help of s. without n. and then knit * 5 in. p., 1 p. without n. * through the row to the end of the tail.



It is knitted in the same way as for a cat, only you need to alternate the yarn: 2 rows of pink and 2 rows of light pink.


Light pink yarn.
1 p.: 2 c. p., 6 p. without n. in the 2nd p. from kr.
2 p.: *2 s. without n. in 1 p. *, from * to * x 6.
3 p.: *12 s. without n., 2 p. without n. in 1 p. *, from * to * x 6.

5-9 pp.: p. without n.
10 p.: *2 s. without n. vm., 2 s. without n. *, from * to * x 6.
11 p.: * 2 s. without n. vm., 1 s. without n. *, from * to * x 6 \u003d 12 p.
12 p.: * 2 s. without n. vm. *, from * to * x 6. We fix the thread.


Pink yarn.
We adhere to the scheme:
1 p.: 2 c. p., 6 p. without n. in the 2nd p. from kr.
2 p.: p. without n.
3 p.: * 2 s. without n., 2 p. without n. in 1 p., 2 s. without n. *, from * to *.
4 p.: * 3 s. without n., 2 p. without n. in 1 p., 3 s. without n. *, from * to *.
5 p.: * 4 s. without n., 2 p. without n. in 1 p. *, from * to *.
6 p.: * 3 s. without n., 2 p. without n. in 1 p., 3 s. without n. *, from * to *.
7 p.: *2 s. without n., 2 p. without n. vm. *, from * to *.
8 p.: p. without n.
We fasten the thread and knit the second ear in the same way.


We sew on the head, arms and legs, sew on the eyes and button nose.

Mickey Mouse

The body is knitted like a cat, only up to the 8th row we knit with a black thread, and after that with a red one. The head is black yarn like a cat's, and the paws are 8 rows of black and the rest are red thread.


Black color.
1 p.: 2 c. p., 6 p. without n. in the 2nd p. from kr.
2 p.: *2 s. without n. in 1 p. *, from * to * x 6.
3 p.: * 1 s. without n., 2 p. without n. in 1 p. *, from * to * x 6 \u003d 18 p.
4 p.: *2 s. without n., 2 p. without n. in 1 p. *, from * to * x 6.


Black color.
1 p.: 2 c. p., 6 p. without n. in the 2nd p. from kr.
2 p.: *2 s. without n. in 1 p. *, from * to * x 6.
3 p.: p. without n.


Sew on the head, ears, arms and nose, glue the eyes.

hello kitty


White yarn.
1 p.: 2 c. p., 6 p. without n. in the 2nd p. from kr. = 6 p.
2 p.: *2 s. without n. in 1 p. *, from * to * x 6 = 12 p.
3 p.: * 1 s. without n., 2 p. without n. in 1 p. *, from * to * x 6 \u003d 18 p.
4 p.: *2 s. without n., 2 p. without n. in 1 p. *, from * to * x 6 \u003d 24.
5 p.: *11 s. without n., 2 p. without n. in 1 p. *, from * to * x 2 = 26 p.
6 p.: *12 s. without n., 2 p. without n. in 1 p. *, from * to * x 2 = 28 p.
7 p.: p. without n.
8-9 pp.: p. without n., knitting 2 s. without n. vm. in places of increase 5-6 rr. = 24 s. without n.
10 p.: *2 s. without n. vm., 2 s. without n. *, from * to * x 6 \u003d 18 p.
11 p.: * 2 s. without n. vm., 1 s. without n. *, from * to * = 12 p.
12 p.: * 2 s. without n. vm. *, from * to * x 6 \u003d 6 p.
We fill the part with holofiber and fasten the thread.


White color.
1 p.: 2 c. p., 6 p. without n. in the 2nd p. from kr. = 6 p.
2 p.: p. without n.
3 p.: * 2 s. without n. in 1 p., 3 s. without n. *, from * to * x 2.
4 p.: repeat the increase of the 3rd p. = 10 p.


White thread as for a cat.


Lilac thread.
Recruiting 25 c. p., we close them in a ring with the help of ss. and knit in a circle with. with n., knitting in every 3rd p. 3 s. from n. Sew the skirt to the body.


We sew all the details one to another, glue the eyes, nose and bow on one of the ears, embroider the antennae.
That's it, our crochet toys are ready!

Finger toys - the heroes of "Star Wars": video master class

Selection of schemes

Performance on stage develops children very well, and it is not necessary to go to the theater at all to see them. Children can create their own characters and play with them. Dolls that are worn on the finger can be crocheted on their own.

Having several characters, you can already create your own fairy tale. Or you can create characters from a Russian fairy tale and show the children a real performance. Moreover, the same characters are found in several fairy tales.

Materials needed to create a fairy tale

It is recommended to knit characters with your own hands according to the schemes of the finger theater with a crochet, peeped on the Internet . For craftswomen It is easy to create such schemes yourself. To do this, you need to know the basic rules of crocheting and show a little imagination.

  • Threads of various colors suitable for certain characters. It is recommended to use thin ones, because toys contain many small parts.
  • Hook suitable for knitting matched yarn.
  • Additional elements for decoration, such as eyes or nose.
  • Needle and sewing thread for sewing on details.

All puppet theater characters can have one basis. Additional elements are sewn onto the main part, and thus created individual appearance of the character.

Animals are almost always present in the finger theater. The knitting pattern is very simple.

The sequence of creating the basis for the bunny:

So, one of the puppet theater characters is ready. You can also tie a cat, only in this case, the ears must be made small and sharp. But for the wolf, it is necessary to separately tie the elongated muzzle. By changing some of the details and the color of the threads, you can create a wide variety of characters.

Bunny can be used in the Kolobok and Teremok theater. Grandfather and grandmother can participate in Kolobok, Ryaba Hen, Turnip and other fairy tales. One crochet pattern for finger puppets will help you crochet any character. And how happy the child will be if he has a puppet theater with him in the lead role.

If knitting needs to be done for a small finger, then a larger base can be made, and so that the toy does not fly off the finger, its inside can be pasted over with felt or thin foam rubber. By the way, additional small elements that are difficult to crochet can be made from felt.

Finger toys created with your own hands will help not only to stage a theater based on famous fairy tales, but also to come up with plots on your own. A master class and a description of the models can be peeped on the Internet pages. Creating such toys together with children contributes to the development of their imagination.

Natalia Zolotareva

crochet (master class). Theater is a role-playing game in which even the most shy child feels relaxed and free. Children, showing a performance together, learn to communicate with each other, they actively develop speech, the ability to control the plot of the game.

Finger theater- This is a set of figurines-characters that are put on a separate finger. It can be just individual dolls, animals, well-known characters from our favorite Russian folk tales.

For your loved ones "Karapuzov" I decided to knit Finger theater "Teremok".

I can't say that it took me a little time. No. I worked on it for a long time, painstaking work, but how much joy, how many positive moments both in the process of work and at the end!

The characters of the fairy tale were knitted based on Yana Gorova's MK. Link to MK For work, threads of different colors were used (for example, I partially got rid of the remnants of yarn) and a hook.

First I tied Teremok himself.

Bottom: With green yarn, we knit a circle of st bn according to any pattern of a circle with a diameter of about 20 cm. Then we knit the walls of the house (I had the remains of pink yarn) with single crochets. In the second row, we skip the columns, we get the entrance to the tower. We make the entrance so that our finger puppets can easily enter there (approximately rows 8-9). In the last row we connect the hole for the entrance, knitting 11 in. n. (exactly the same as we missed).

The roof can be made multi-colored, cheerful, with a loop for easy removal ...

We decorate the Teremok with flowers, I tied a fungus in the grass on the side. We untie the window.

The little mouse knit with gray yarn. 1 row: ch 2, 6 sb in the 2nd loop. We knit the head of the mouse with further additions and subtractions. Nose, ears, paws, tail knit separately, and then sew.

We knit the skirt with double crochets, adding in each row to make the skirt fluffy.

We decorate to your taste. The mouse is ready!

frog frog knit in a similar way.

Separately, we knit eyes, front paws, back paws.

We sew all these parts. You can knit the eyes yourself, or you can buy ready-made ones.

We embroider the mouth with threads (I had the remains of Iris). Here we have such a beautiful frog-quack!

fox-sister We knit in the same way as a mouse. Separately, we knit the nose, ears, paws and tail.

We embroider the nose with black threads, but you can buy ready-made eyes, or you can also embroider them.

WITH bear I got tired. And I still don’t like his eyes, but I won’t redo it yet.

Then the hands reached wolf. In a wolf, we knit the lower jaw separately, the tongue can be embroidered with red threads.

Meet - Top, gray barrels.

And the last one I knitted runaway bunny. Here I had to suffer with a muzzle .... Well, I didn’t like him and that’s it ...

Until I found a better fit. And now, as a result, such a bunny turned out!

And here are all the characters of the fairy tale together!

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