How to remove drooping upper eyelids. Folk remedies in the fight against drooping upper eyelids

For children

31 416 0 Hello. Today we will tell you how to remove drooping eyelids. Nobody likes a sad expression on their face. What to do if this physical feature person? In particular, girls with drooping eyelids make this impression.

Causes of drooping eyelids

  • sudden weight loss;
  • heredity;
  • anatomical feature;
  • water retention in the body;
  • the use of low-quality cosmetics that pull back the eyelid;
  • allergic reaction;
  • lack of sleep;

Method 1. Plastic surgery

Blepharoplasty or Botox are the most drastic ways to get rid of the problem. Aesthetic medicine clinics are pleased to offer you this service. For your money, as they say, any whim.

Contraindications for surgery:

  • Problems with the thyroid gland;
  • diabetics;
  • cores;

Pros of the procedure: d healing effect. Sometimes this helps solve the problem forever.

Disadvantages of the procedure:

  • Doesn't always help.
  • The procedure is expensive.
  • Scar after surgery.

Method 2. Traditional methods

There are a lot of non-surgical methods to combat the impending eyelid. The main thing is to choose the right one for yourself and do not forget about regular caring procedures. This is the only way you will achieve results.


  1. Use creams with a tightening effect intended for the area around the eyes.
  2. Use creams with the correct composition. For example:
    - Relief - shark oil in its composition perfectly fights the problem.
    - Heparin ointment - in addition to the main effect, it also lightens the skin around the eyes.
    - Zinc ointment.
    - Blefarogel.

Masks for overhanging top

The following masks are intended exclusively for use on upper eyelid!

Mask Ingredients Recommendations
Dairy- 1/4 cup milk
- 3 tbsp. soda
Mix. Cool the mixture.
Cucumber— Grate half a small cucumber with the peel.
- 1 tsp. lemon juice.
Aloe- juice of 2 aloe leaves
- 1 tsp. your eye moisturizer.
Mix. Cool the mixture.
Blot a cotton pad and apply to the upper eyelid. After 15 minutes, rinse with cool water.
ParsleyGrind the parsley to a paste.Apply to eyelids and leave for 7-10 minutes.
If you have prepared a lot of the product, then place the parsley in ice-freezing molds. Fill with water. Freeze and use ice cubes to rub the skin around the eyes 2-3 times a week.
Ice cubesFreeze any herbal decoction: sage, tea rose or chamomileRub the cubes over the area around the eyes 2-3 times a week after removing makeup.
Protein- 1 protein chicken egg.
- salt on the tip of the knife.
- 1 tbsp. olive oil.
Mix. Apply to eyelids for 7-10 minutes.
Teahouse2 tea bags of green or black tea.It is advisable to take fresh tea bags, not used ones. Place on your eyelids and hold for 7-10 minutes.
Starchy- chop half the potatoes on a grater;
- 1 egg.
Mix the ingredients. Apply to a cotton pad and apply to the upper eyelid for 7-10 minutes.

Method 3. Exercises to tighten the drooping eyelid

More than half of the girls who regularly did compresses, masks and exercises to tighten the eyelids noted that the improvements were noticeable after just 1 month regular procedures. In addition to eyelid lifting, there is an improvement in complexion and smoothing of fine wrinkles.

The following video instructions will help you cope with the problem of an impending eyelid by regularly performing the exercises indicated in it.

How to remove a drooping eyelid: step-by-step exercises

Method 4. Makeup for drooping eyes

Drooping eyelids can be easily corrected with makeup. To do this, it is important to follow a number of rules, for example:

  • The inner corners of the eye should always be made lighter, and the outer corners darker;
  • Apply highlighter under your eyebrows to reduce the effect of a “sad” eyelid.

A drooping upper eyelid is a problem not only for older women, but also for girls. There are several reasons for this phenomenon: age-related skin changes, hormonal imbalance in the body, heredity. Representatives of the fair sex strive to get rid of the overhanging upper eyelid or retouch it with decorative cosmetics, since the defect visually ages the face and gives the eyes a sad and sad look.


The easiest way to “remove” drooping upper eyelids is with skillfully applied eye makeup. Its main purpose is to disguise sagging skin, to emphasize the upper part of the eye, so that the look looks as open as possible. Let's reveal the secrets of makeup for drooping eyelids:

  • Apply dark shadows to the overhanging part of the eyelid, and a lighter shade to its middle.
  • The emphasis of the makeup should be on the lower eyelid, for example, highlight the eyelash line with a pencil, and then blend it.
  • The inner corners of the eye should be made light, and the outer corners, on the contrary, dark and slightly raised.
  • Use a brush with dark shadows along the eyelashes of the upper eyelid, blend the shadows so that at the outer edge of the eye they “lift” towards the temples.
  • Liquid, rich eyeliner and liquid shadows visually weigh down the upper eyelid.
  • Light eyebrows should be tinted with a dark pencil to distract attention from the eyelids and make the face more expressive.
  • Apply a highlighter (a product for highlighting areas of the skin) or light shadows under the lower edge of the eyebrows, this will visually make the look more open.
  • Apply mascara only to your upper lashes. At the same time, use a product with a lengthening effect, and not one that adds volume, otherwise you will only emphasize drooping eyelids.

When deciding what color to apply makeup for drooping eyelids, take into account the following recommendations:

  • For makeup you will need matte shadows in dark and light shade one color scheme.
  • Pearlescent shadows visually make the eyelids heavier.
  • Shaded smoky brown shadows hide the drooping eyelid well.
  • Makeup artists do not recommend emphasizing the contour of the eyes with a dark shade of pencil (black, dark blue, brown), as it makes the look heavier and the eyelids look drooping.
  • To highlight the lower contour of the eye, choose a light brown pencil.


Those young ladies who not only want to visually “hide” the drooping upper eyelid with makeup, but also wonder how to remove it, need to have a massage every day. Before the procedure, apply a light moisturizer to your eyelids. Both eyelids are massaged at the same time. It's running ring fingers. To restore the tone of the muscles of the upper eyelids, during the massage you need to make patting movements. After reaching positive effect As a result of the massage, you must continue to do it regularly, otherwise the muscle tone of the eyelid will disappear and it will sag again.


Like massage, gymnastics has a tonic effect on the skin. It must be done daily.

batting eyelashes. Sit down so you don't fall if you feel dizzy. Blink your eyes quickly for 30 seconds, closing your eyelids 2 times per second. Then take a break for 15 seconds and repeat the complex. Alternate exercise and rest for 5 minutes.

Blinking. Alternately close and open your eyes at a speed of one eyelid movement per second. The exercise lasts 5-7 minutes.


Weekly masks will help tighten the skin of the upper eyelid:

  • Egg and vegetable oil. Mix thoroughly 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, better than olive, with one egg. Apply the mixture to your eyelids for 15 minutes. Then rinse warm water with soap. After the mask, lightly massage the nourishing cream into the skin of the eyelids.
  • Flour, potatoes, juice sauerkraut . Grate one medium-sized raw potato and squeeze the juice out of it. Mix it with 1 tbsp. l. flour and sauerkraut juice. Apply the mask to your eyelids for 5 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  • Tea compress. Brew strong black or green tea. Soak cotton swabs in the tea leaves and place them on your eyelids for 7-10 minutes. After the time has passed, remove the tampons and blot your eyelids with a napkin. You can also make compresses with parsley decoction.

Salon treatments

If you want to get rid of drooping upper eyelid as soon as possible, then home methods alone to combat this defect will not be enough. It is necessary to supplement them with procedures provided by beauty salons.

Collagen lifting effectively tones the skin and tightens the upper eyelid. Cosmetic surgery involves applying collagen serum to the skin of the eyelids. To obtain the desired effect, it is necessary to carry out 3-4 procedures, at least once a week.

Lymphatic drainage can help reduce swelling of the eyelids and tone the skin. The operation is performed using a special device or by hand; it helps to get rid of excess fluid under the skin. To see positive result 2-3 sessions are required.

Microcurrent therapy activates regeneration processes in the skin cells of the eyelids, thereby promoting the outflow of excess fluid and toning the skin.


Some people decide to undergo surgery to remove drooping upper eyelids – blepharoplasty. It is performed on an outpatient basis, under local anesthesia. The operation lasts about 2-3 hours. The surgeon makes an incision in the eyelids, removing excess skin and subcutaneous fat. Blepharoplasty is performed only if the eyelid is drooping due to age-related changes skin. There are contraindications to the operation:

Drooping eyelid ( scientific name Such a defect, ptosis) is a fold of skin above the eye that visually covers the organ of vision. Usually it does not cause inconvenience, but it does not look aesthetically pleasing. IN in rare cases ptosis can be harmful to health. There are three types of drooping eyelid - with complete coverage of the eye, with partial closure of the outer corner and middle, with sagging in the middle. There are several ways to reduce this effect.

Drooping eyelid: causes of appearance

Drooping eyelids are most often an anatomical feature. Pathology can be easily determined by the asymmetry of drooping or drooping eyelid in only one eye. This defect usually only bothers women. From an aesthetic point of view, it looks ugly and interferes with applying makeup. Doctors identify several causes that contribute to sagging eyelids, and conditionally divide them into two groups - congenital and acquired. TO congenital causes include:

  • heredity;
  • Asian eye shape;
  • underdevelopment of the oculomotor muscles;
  • congenital blepharophimosis;
  • Gunn syndrome - often accompanies strabismus.

At congenital pathologies heavy eyelids will be visible from birth. In this case, the prolapse is observed in both eyes and looks symmetrical. Acquired ptosis appears after thirty years of age and occurs for a number of reasons. One common factor is aging. The effect will be enhanced by stress and chronic fatigue. Drooping eyelids, bags under the eyes, bruises, and swelling on the face indicate overwork. The second reason - improper care behind you. This applies to overweight women. With sudden weight loss, the skin begins to sag. Sometimes ptosis is a consequence of an allergy to cosmetics.

This phenomenon is rarely dangerous to health. If the skin of the eyelids is severely drooping and interferes with the normal functioning of vision, medical attention is needed.

Sometimes the eyelids droop over the eyes due to various pathologies. They can occur at any age. These include: hernias, neoplasms, deformations of facial muscles. As a result of injury or burns, scars can form and interfere with the movement of the upper eyelid. Indirectly, neoplasms can cause harm to health. Therefore, any such pathologies should be checked by an oncologist.


You can get rid of a sagging eyelid by removing the fold surgically. Beauty salons also offer skin tightening without surgery. Such measures are effective only under the age of 35 and when initial stage defect. Cosmetologists may suggest starting with creams and proper care behind you. To do this, it is important to stop using alcoholic drinks, drink a lot of clean water. Every evening you need to wash off all makeup from your face and use specially selected skincare products. You can use folk remedies - compresses with herbal infusions, cold and hot shower, self-massage, etc. A good and full sleep will help cope with fatigue.

If a person has one eyelid lower than the other, then he needs to consult an ophthalmologist. This may be a symptom of a neurological disease that requires a full examination. The doctor will decide whether conservative treatment or surgery is necessary. Medicines and physical therapy may be recommended for people whose ptosis is due to complete or partial nerve palsy.

How to remove drooping eyelid? Women of all ages and nationalities are looking for the answer to this question. The most predisposed to the appearance of heaviness in the eyelids are people with Asian roots and representatives of the fair half of humanity who have crossed the line of “berries”. Also, such a look may be a genetic manifestation or birth defect. In the latter cases, folk remedies will be powerless and only clinic specialists will be able to “open” the eyes plastic surgery.

In the past and in the present, an open look and large expressive eyes, fluffy eyelashes and the sparkle in the eyes is considered the standard of beauty. That is why, in pursuit of the ideal, many women (and not only) decide on blepharoplasty - a surgical intervention that allows you to “open” the eye and tighten the eyelid. The intervention is carried out with a laser or through an incision.

But this method is not available to everyone, since the cost of the operation and the recovery process after it is expensive. But even if there are enough funds, plastic surgery doctors may refuse to perform manipulations due to health problems. People suffering from diseases of the central nervous system will definitely receive a refusal. diabetes mellitus, and those who have hormonal disorders in the anamnesis. In addition, after the operation there is a scar on the eyelid. It is noteworthy that repeat blepharoplasty is reluctant to be performed in the most famous clinics.

How to remove or hide a drooping eyelid without resorting to surgery will be discussed in the article.

How to remove with exercise?

Exercise is one of the most effective ways remove drooping eyelids without surgery. True, you don’t need to wait for results tomorrow, because to achieve your goal you will need regular effort and desire.

Gymnastics consists of several exercises connected in sequence that help strengthen the skin around the eyes. This method is effective in combination with massage and will also help get rid of bags under the eyes, “ crow's feet

  1. "and fatigue in his gaze.
  2. Rotate your eyes wide open to the sides, then down and up.
  3. Place the fingers of both hands in the middle of your eyebrows and, holding your facial muscles in place, slowly begin to move both eyebrows towards the middle. You need to repeat the action forty times (as in sports, eight approaches of five times).
  4. Open your eyes as wide as possible and hold your gaze for five seconds.
  5. Close your eyes as tightly as possible and also maintain an interval of five seconds. Repeat the movements five times. Lightly close your eyes and pinch your eyelids with the pads of your large and index fingers
  6. , causing a rush of blood to the eyelids.
  7. For three minutes, massage the area around the eyes using circular movements.

Move your eyes from side to side for three minutes, holding the outer corners of your eyes. The given method of gymnastics for “sad” eyes is not the only one..

It’s not easy to describe all of them in words, so we suggest watching a video, after watching which you can easily repeat all the steps yourself

Traditional methods

  • You can tighten the skin of your eyelids and reduce sagging with the help of folk remedies and compositions, which include:
  • greens and rhizomes of parsley or celery;
  • birch leaves;
  • cucumber pulp;
  • pumpkin;

Bee Honey.

Decoctions and creams are prepared from these products and medicinal herbs. The pulp of vegetables is used to prepare nourishing and pore-cleansing masks. Many of the listed products are combined with each other and used for compresses and natural lotions. Most popular in home cosmetology

  1. fees for tightening the skin of the eyelids are as follows: Pulp of fresh cucumber, pumpkin and natural honey mixed in equal parts, and then using cotton pads put on the eyelids. Application time should not exceed twenty minutes, after which the product should be washed off with warm water. For getting desired result
  2. The manipulation should be done every other day for a month. One tablespoon of dried and powdered birch leaves should be poured with fifty milliliters of boiling water and left for one hour. The product is suitable for compress: moistened in the resulting infusion and applied to closed eyelids. Leave the product on for fifteen minutes, after which the residue will evaporate on its own. If your skin feels tight, you can wash your face, but without soap.

All lotions and masks used for eyelid lifting at home can also be used to prevent a “sad” look. Greater results can be achieved in combination with massage and exercises. Good result

give contrast procedures that combine heating and rapid cooling of the skin of the eyelid, and the use of ice from medicinal decoctions and micellar water.

Masking the impending century Droopy eyelids can also be camouflaged with skillful application. decorative cosmetics or a “miracle” of Chinese origin - sticky fixative strips. It is important to remember that in order to avoid harm, you should use products of proper quality.

The slightest manifestation in the form of an allergic reaction (rash or increased swelling of the eyelids) - and such methods of tightening and hiding drooping eyelids should be abandoned.

With makeup

  1. In order to use makeup to “get rid” of an eye defect, you should know and apply the secrets listed below: Use highlighter. Apply it under the eyebrows and inner corner
  2. eye.
  3. Blend the colors carefully and avoid color variations. Use shadows in neutral shades (peach, dirty green, coffee and beige) and apply them with a rich shade to the outer edge of the eyelid. Pink, purple, blue and any bright shades
  4. on lowered eyelids - taboo! More dark shades
  5. should be at the outer edge of the eyelid. And all makeup lines should be drawn towards the temples.
  6. The lower eyelashes should not be painted at all. Also, you should not apply eyeliner to your lower eyelids.
  7. Give preference to matte shades and avoid bold arrows, especially those extending far beyond the eye area. If you can’t refuse arrows, then apply them only on the outside of the eyelid and start the line from the middle. Be sure to draw in your eyebrows or apply Permanent makeup

, drawing the eye to this part of the face and making “sad” eyelids invisible.

Sticky fasteners Inventive Chinese have found a way to “open” the eyes of everyone. For this they came up with sticky strips. small size

, which keep the eyelid in the desired position throughout the day. It's like double-sided tape for your eyelids! The product does not have a therapeutic effect, but there are no contraindications to it. Based on reviews from those who have tried the fixing tape on themselves, we have drawn the following conclusions:

  • Velcro is easy to glue;
  • they are removed without leaving a mark or redness;
  • rarely cause allergies;
  • securely holds the eyelid for eight hours or more;
  • do not interfere with the application of decorative cosmetics.

But there is one thing: they are addictive, since giving up the beautiful and open-minded very difficult!

All you need to do for an eyelid lift is:

  1. Cleanse and dry your facial skin.
  2. Gently pry with tweezers protective layer Velcro and remove it.
  3. Using the same tweezers, pry and remove the adhesive tape and, looking in the mirror with one eye, stick the Velcro onto the base of the second eyelid.
  4. Open the eye and use a special slingshot stick to tuck in the excess skin of the eyelid, sticking it to the tape.

Repeat the operation with the second eye, after which you can apply makeup. The strips will come off when you wash them, so you don’t have to worry about how to remove them.

Cosmetic procedures

TO cosmetic procedures, which help in the fight against sagging eyelids and skin under the eyes, include Botox injections and massages using allopathic drugs in the form of ointments, creams and pastes.

To carry out an operation to administer a muscle relaxant, you should go to the clinic and undergo an examination, based on the results of which the cosmetologist will be able to understand how safe the injections will be for the client.


Botox is administered subcutaneously. The drug allows you to fill the voids that cause sagging skin. They inject it into the superciliary space. It raises the eyebrow and at the same time tightens the excess skin of the eyelid.

The substance is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. Injections are not given during the postoperative recovery period and for people with reduced immune functions of the body. Also contraindicated are individual intolerance to the drug and myopia.

Recovery after Botox injection lasts about two weeks. During this time, the drug injected subcutaneously will harden, and the eyelids will take the desired shape. Repeated injections are carried out after three months.

Pharmacy drugs

Also, to combat the manifestations of a “dull” look, you can fight with the help of traditional pharmacological drugs. The most affordable and effective drugs- This:

  • cream "Relief";
  • Heparin ointment;
  • gel "Blepharogel".

All these drugs should be used strictly in accordance with the recommendations set out in the annotation for the drug. It should be remembered that all these medications have a number of contraindications and side effects

, therefore, an ophthalmologist should prescribe treatment. Treatment should be carried out under his supervision. The doctor will take into account the patient’s individual problems and help choose the safest and most effective drug.

Prevention of drooping eyelids Preventing drooping eyelids is not difficult for anyone.

  1. Follow the recommendations listed below and rest assured that drooping eyelids will not become tomorrow's problem. Minimize the consumption of unhealthy and overly salty foods. Watch your diet and eat more natural products
  2. , rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals. Stop smoking and drinking alcohol. Don't drink a lot of water before bed and try to rest for at least seven hours. Best position
  3. for sleeping for people who suffer from drooping eyelids and swelling on the face - on the back. In this case, you should place a high pillow under your head.
  4. Use special cosmetics that contain collagen as night makeup. The reason for the appearance of drooping eyelids may be working at a computer and with small details
  5. . In addition to the fact that such people have diplopia and myopia, swelling of the eyelids may also appear. Give your eyes rest as much as possible and try to avoid eye strain. Can increase drooping eyelids allergic reactions , the use of some medical supplies

and incorrectly selected eye cosmetics, which disrupt the permeability of the capillaries that nourish the eyelid from the inside. Avoid irritants and do eye exercises and massages that increase blood flow and tighten the skin naturally.

In conclusion of the article, I would like to say that, using simple and proven methods of dealing with the impending age, you can (not without difficulty, of course) become the owner of an open look, and also forget about your complexes for a long time. Try it for yourself and send us your feedback! The problem of the impending century has ceased to be a headache only mature women

, since young girls today also have to deal with this cosmetic defect.

A droopy eyelid is when you see a crease in the eye area from the eyelashes to the eyebrow, where there is no indentation or relief.

Because of such a seemingly trifle, a woman’s face always seems tired and her eyes sad.

Eyelids drooping over the eyes, reasons Of course, the most- this is age. Over the years, the skin stops producing required amount elastin and collagen, which entails rapid aging of the skin, weakening of the eye muscles and, as a result, the eyelids begin to droop.

Scientists have also found that this problem may be due to a woman's genetic predisposition to stretched skin eye, that is, be hereditary in nature. If this is your case, then you won’t be able to get rid of the problem on your own (unless you support appearance special cosmetics, hide the problem with makeup).

In addition, the problem also arises if there are disturbances in the water-salt balance in your body. However, when you are young and a drooping eyelid is already bothering you, there are other reasons:

1. A common and easily solved problem for women is lack of sleep.

Modern people have to deny themselves sweet moments of sleep, but it is thanks to it that sufficient number you can avoid many troubles. Lack of sleep will reward you not only with drooping eyelids, but also with bags under the eyes.

2. Excess weight stretches the skin, both on the body and on the face. When sudden weight loss occurs, the skin begins to sag in some places. It is not difficult to correct the situation at home.

3. You should always approach the choice of cosmetics carefully, taking into account the fact that poorly chosen and cheap products also often cause this problem.

Buy only products that suit your skin type, consist of natural ingredients and does not cause allergic reactions in you.

4. Allergies to certain foods often occur.

If some food is contraindicated for your body, you should not be surprised that swelling appears on your eyelids - this is how it reacts to the allergen. Be sure to stop eating these foods, cleanse your body, and then start taking care of your eyes.

How to remove drooping eyelids?

1. Do not consume or at least minimize the consumption of unhealthy foods: smoked meats and spices, alcohol, salt. All of the above retains fluid in the human body, and it can accumulate under the skin of the eyelids. It is also recommended to refrain from consuming large quantities water a couple of hours before bedtime.

2. Sleep on pillows so that your head rises just a little above your body, otherwise, in addition to drooping eyelids, you will also get neck pain. And try to sleep on your back.

3. Always apply eye cream at least an hour before bedtime. Naturally, it should suit your skin.

4. In the morning, after sleep, wipe your eyelids with ice cubes from parsley decoction. This procedure helps remove swelling, smoothes out fine wrinkles and promotes skin rejuvenation.

5. With the help of exercises and massage for the eyelids, keep your skin toned and relieve it from the accumulation of excess fluid.

6. If swelling in the eyes appears suddenly, but preventive measures have not brought results, go to the doctor. Perhaps the edema appeared as a result of certain diseases of the heart, kidneys, etc.

Exercises for drooping eyelids

1. Before starting the exercises, stretch your eye muscles so as not to injure them, as well as the skin. To do this, open your eyes wide and bat your eyelashes, then rotate them in a different sides eyes. When the warm-up is completed, you can begin the main exercises.

2. First exercise. It is necessary to open your eyes as wide as possible and hold them there for four seconds, then close your eyes tightly for the same time. The exercise is repeated 10 times.

3. Second exercise. Place your fingers on your eyebrows and, as if holding the muscles with them, try to frown strongly to bring your eyebrows together. At the same time, it is important to monitor your eyebrows - a wrinkle should not form between them. The exercise is repeated as many times as the previous one.

4. Moving from the bridge of the nose to the temple, lightly pinch the eyebrows with your fingers, strongly straining the muscles while doing this. You already know the number of repetitions.

Massage for drooping eyelids

If you want to regain normal eyelids, massage your eyelids daily. It is advisable to carry out this procedure in the morning.

Prepare specially for this purpose ice cubes with lemon juice, chamomile or mint. Rub the cube over your eyelid from the lash line to the eyebrows.

How to remove drooping eyelids using masks

Egg yolk mask

The following recipe will be useful in getting rid of drooping eyelids: beat one egg yolk and add a few drops of oil (sesame oil is best, but olive oil will also work).

The mask is applied to the eyelids for a quarter of an hour, after which it is washed off and cream is applied to the eyelids.

Raw potato remedy

This product will perfectly cope with swelling of the eyelids, renew the skin of the face and remove small wrinkles.

Take a medium-sized potato and grate it on a grater (only a fine one). Mix the grated mass thoroughly and refrigerate for 20 minutes.

After this time, apply it to the area around the eyelids, and after 15 minutes, rinse off the mask with slightly cool water and apply the cream.

Potatoes can be replaced if desired fresh cucumber, which also copes well with swelling, in addition, it will moisturize the skin and make it fresher.

Fresh milk mask

Add to a quarter glass of milk baking soda(4 tablespoons) and beat everything well. Place the mixture in the refrigerator, take it out after 20 minutes and apply it to both eyelids. Rinse off the mask after 15 minutes with cool water.