How to properly care for your skin after 30. Review of cosmetic procedures for facial care at different age periods


Cosmetologist Victoria Goncharuk spoke about procedures that stimulate the production of new collagen fibers and fight the first age-related changes, pigmentation, as well as other skin problems that visit us after 30 years.

Victoria Goncharuk Dermatocosmetologist, specialist at the O2 aesthetic services center

Clear lift

Face resurfacing without damaging the top layer of skin Clear lift can be performed from the age of 25. It is based on the impact of a laser beam penetrating into the dermis up to 4 mm. and stimulates the production of collagen and elastin (proteins that act as a “framework”). In addition to a pronounced lifting effect, the procedure combats enlarged pores and expression wrinkles. Polishing is practically painless and does not require special preparation - there is no rehabilitation period after Clear lift. The procedure lasts about 30 minutes. The full course consists of 4-7 sessions.


Great procedure! Especially recommended for those who suffer from pigmentation and enlarged pores. During the procedure, the light flux affects the deep layers of the skin, thereby stimulating cell renewal. Suitable for any skin type. The number of sessions is selected individually. The procedure is comfortable and painless; after completion, you can apply makeup and return to your normal life. AFT-lift copes well with fine wrinkles and enlarged pores, normalizes blood circulation and improves complexion.


A good way to prevent and correct age-related changes. Biorevitalization fights dryness and dehydration of the skin, helps get rid of the first wrinkles and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. During the procedure, a drug based on hyaluronic acid is injected under the skin using a very thin needle, the synthesis of which decreases after 30 years. It is recommended to carry out biorevitalization before the heating season, that is, in autumn or early winter.

Superficial and medium peels

Autumn is coming, the sun will become less active, which means you can open the peeling season. This is the easiest way to maintain youthful and beautiful skin. Medium peels (retinol, glycolic, trichloroacetic acid peeling) improve complexion, even out skin texture, and reduce the number of fine wrinkles and age spots.


This procedure needs no introduction - cosmetologists have long loved it for its ease of implementation and excellent results. It consists of introducing therapeutic “cocktails” under the skin, the composition of which is selected individually depending on the condition and needs of each person’s skin. There are many indications for mesotherapy: wrinkles, loss of elasticity and firmness of the skin, puffiness under the eyes, rosacea and acne. For tangible results, it is recommended to take the course.

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Many women who have barely crossed the thirty-year mark decide that it’s time to start taking care of themselves more seriously. Previously, skillful makeup, nourishing cream, neat manicure and pedicure were enough for care. But recently, this set of measures does not bring the desired effect, and the reflection in the mirror treacherously exposes the first changes in the skin. It may seem to you that the former blooming appearance is irretrievably lost, but do not despair: salon procedures will help you in the struggle for beauty.

A little about aging

Why do we grow old? Many people ask this question with bitterness. Aging is caused by two factors – external and internal. External factors include the environment, a set of bad habits, the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, unhealthy diet and chronic diseases.

Internal factors include the genetic characteristics of a person inherited from his ancestors. The first signs of skin aging are:

  • the appearance of wrinkles,
  • sagging,
  • thinning of its upper layer,
  • change in facial contour.

Read more about this in the articles:

Age-related skin changes

What to do? How to stop these processes?

Do not panic! Stress has never improved anyone's complexion. Tune in to the positive, because nowadays salon procedures truly work wonders. So, let's look at what cosmetologists offer us:


Aesthetic medicine doctors recommend starting to fight skin aging with peeling. In translation, the word peeling means cleansing, peeling, exfoliation. The essence of the method lies in removing dead skin cells and actively stimulating its deepest layers.

Based on the degree of impact, peeling is classified into:

  • Surface. A light peel will help moisturize the skin, but will not combat serious problems.
  • Medium peeling. Penetrating into the deep layer of skin, it helps reduce wrinkles, scars and unevenness caused by acne or pigmentation. This cosmetic procedure for a person aged 30 is usually performed under local anesthesia.
  • Deep peeling– an operation performed using local or general anesthesia. It eliminates deep expression wrinkles and evens out the contour of the face.

Facial massage

Professional massage is a great way to improve the condition of your skin. Massage is an excellent help for removing toxins, establishing natural metabolism, smoothing the facial contour and relieving puffiness.

Injection biorevitalization

The procedure involves injections of hyaluronic acid to the required depth of the skin. In addition to fighting age-related changes, hyaluronic acid will help improve complexion and nourish dry, aging skin with moisture. The effect after injections will be noticeable from 3 to 6 months.

Beauty injections. Botox

At the age of 30+, you most likely will not need a large number of beauty injections. At this age, the use of botulinum toxin is usually used to combat wrinkles that form between the eyebrows and around the eyes.

To rid you of the “gloomy look” and “crow’s feet”, a cosmetologist injects the drug directly into the facial muscles. Under the influence of Botox, muscles are practically immobilized, relaxed and wrinkles are smoothed out. The duration of the effect of Botox injections is limited - after 5 - 6 months, damage to the skin will appear again.

Human skin has an unpleasant tendency to fade. This is facilitated by environmental factors, insufficient care, poor nutrition and, of course, age-related changes. Girls who have passed the threshold of their thirties are seriously thinking about improving the condition of the epidermis. This is not surprising, since folds and expression lines appear on the face. To prevent the formation of defects, it is necessary to follow the rules of care. Let's talk about everything in order.

Wash your face correctly

Oily skin. If your skin is prone to oily, prepare an infusion of 40 g. chamomile color and 1.5 l. boiling water Cool the broth to room temperature, rinse your face in the morning and throughout the day.

After washing, wipe your skin with cosmetic ice. To do this, mix clean water with calendula infusion, keeping the proportions 10:1. Walk over your face, paying attention to the area under the eyes, cheeks, forehead, eyelids.

Dry and normal skin. Girls with normal and dry skin need to wash their face with mineral water and gas. An excellent option is a healing liquid in which the concentration of active substances does not fall below 500 mg. for 1 l.

After washing, wipe the face with ice cubes. To prepare it, brew dry sage in boiling water, strain, add 3 ml. olive oils. Pour into molds, freeze, wipe the skin three times a day.

Problem skin. If there are inflammations on the skin, they must be removed. Wash exclusively with cold, purified water. Boil or filter the liquid in advance; you can also use mineral water.

After washing there is wiping with ice. The composition should be aimed at disinfecting and narrowing pores. To make ice, brew in 1.5 liters. boiling water 100 gr. sea ​​salt. Wait for the crystals to dissolve and freeze the product. Wipe the dermis with it twice a day.

Any prepared decoction should be at room temperature. Cold water makes the skin dry, hot water makes it fade.

Wipe your skin with a medicinal tonic

An infusion based on medicinal plants combats specific problems. Choose the recipe you like, taking into account your skin characteristics, and start cooking.

  1. Birch and rowan. The decoction is used to disinfect the skin. The product dries out the epidermis, fights sebaceous shine, and tightens pores. To prepare the composition, take 10 grams. calendula, 15 gr. birch bark or leaves, 20 gr. rowan. Brew, let it brew, strain.
  2. Oregano and lemon balm. The product effectively cleanses and refreshes the skin, relieves it from inflammation and flaking. Take 25 gr. bunch of mint, mix with 30 gr. oregano, pour 400 ml. boiling water Cover the broth with a lid and leave for 3 hours. Pass the tonic through cheesecloth and use as directed.
  3. Raspberry and linden. If you have small skin creases, facial wrinkles, pigmentation or freckles, make it a habit to wipe your dermis with raspberry broth. To do this, take a handful of dried leaves and add 20 grams. linden inflorescences, brew the plants. Let them brew for half an hour, filter.

Raw materials can be purchased at a pharmacy or collected yourself. The infusion is used as a daily tonic. Wipe your skin with the mixture as needed, but at least 2 times a day.

Remove makeup with a special product

  1. Skin after 30 years needs more careful care. Particular attention is paid to removing makeup. Never leave makeup on overnight, otherwise your skin will stop breathing and become inflamed.
  2. In the summer, carry matting wipes and a tonic made from medicinal plants with you (recipes are described above). Wipe your skin as needed, do not allow foundation to mix with sweat or dust.
  3. Standard makeup removal is carried out using mousse, gel, lotion or targeted milk. Foam and gel are used during the washing process, milk and lotion are applied to cotton pads.
  4. After removing makeup, be sure to wash your face with cool and warm water alternately (contrast rinse). This way you will increase skin tone and saturate it with oxygen. Complete the manipulations by wiping with a medicinal tonic.
  5. Foundation, powder and blush have an unpleasant feature. They clog into pores and prevent the skin from naturally cleansing itself. Therefore, scrub your skin twice a week.

Cleanse your skin after sleep

  1. During the night's rest, the sebaceous glands work in accelerated mode, regardless of the type of epidermis. Make it a habit to cleanse your pores as soon as you wake up.
  2. For these purposes, use lotion, foam or tonic. Complete the manipulations by wiping with cosmetic ice and applying a moisturizer.
  3. To saturate your cells with moisture, drink at least 300 ml immediately after sleep. water with lemon. You should not immediately lean on coffee, it clogs the pores and makes it difficult for sebum to come out.
  4. Any basic care for the epidermis involves adjusting your daily diet. In the morning, eat oatmeal or flaxseed porridge with berries. Eat cottage cheese, cheese, drink yoghurt.

Take care of the skin around your eyes

  1. It is known that the epidermis of this area is the thinnest and most delicate. The skin around the eyes often suffers from dehydration. This causes swelling and dark circles to appear.
  2. Purchase professional cosmetics designed specifically for the skin around the eyes. Choose products marked “For the skin around the eyes 30+”.
  3. Apply the product to your fingertips, then spread over your eyelids using tapping movements. Move along the orbital bone clockwise.
  4. Get into the habit of using hydrogel, it consists of 60% water, so it solves the problem of dehydration. The serum is available in a universal form for all facial skin. It can also be targeted (the area around the eyes).
  5. Try to buy cosmetics from well-known brands. One tube will last you 1-2 years, so you shouldn’t skimp. Buy products taking into account existing problems (wrinkles, circles, swelling under the eyes, etc.).

Face masks 30+

  1. Honey and clay. Prepare a brew of long tea, mix 40 ml. drink with 25 gr. blue clay. Add 30 gr. thick honey, stir. Distribute over skin, avoiding the area around the eyes. Wait until it dries and wash off.
  2. Egg and yeast. Separate the chicken white; we don't need the yolk. Beat until foamy, add 25 g. diluted live yeast. Add 5 g. gelatin, wait 10 minutes. Make a mask, remove it with water after a third of an hour.
  3. Cream and banana. Grind the pulp of one banana into puree, mix with cream or sour cream. Add 10 gr. cornstarch or oatmeal. The mass should resemble a paste. Apply it to the skin and leave for 30 minutes.

After washing, wipe your skin with cosmetic ice. Make a homemade toner from medicinal herbs and apply it to your face as needed. Remove makeup before bed, cleanse the dermis after waking up in the morning. Prepare masks and take care of the skin around your eyes.

Video: facial skin care at 30-40 years old

Facial skin care after 30 years is mandatory for those who want to look young for as long as possible. Although the topic is topical, in fact, not many women are able to discuss it. It's another thing to talk about the body. Meanwhile, most of the techniques used in relation to the chest, buttocks, waist, and the rest should also be used in order to implement step-by-step facial skin care after 30. This includes the following:

  • regular cleaning (peelings, scrubs, etc.);
  • hydration, nutrition, saturation with vitamins, especially E, D and C;
  • gymnastics for the cheeks, area around the eyes, forehead and neck;
  • using the services of cosmetologists, today clinics offer gentle anti-aging complexes that help preserve beauty for a long time.

But more about everything.

Why does skin age?

Wrinkles around the eyes after 30

Even those who carefully take care of their dermis, after 30, small wrinkles appear around the eyes, mild swelling is observed (sometimes more serious), nasolabial folds begin to form, and so on. For some, even at an earlier age, recovery processes slow down. At the same time, negative skin tendencies begin to predominate:

  • fat deposits;
  • loss of elasticity;
  • manifestation of the first signs;
  • a double chin and nasolabial folds are formed;
  • the neck becomes covered with large wrinkles.

Wrinkles on the neck after 30 years

Moreover, at this age, active hormonal changes begin to occur, which lead to the loss of collagen in the skin, which is responsible for its firmness and elasticity. The main problem is dry dermis. Therefore, many are desperately trying to moisturize their skin, but cosmetics alone are not enough. Although many are mistaken, they begin to actively use age creams that remain on the face almost around the clock. As a result, the main problems in the form of puffiness and swelling remain, to which are added all possible rashes from acne to pimples with an origin clearly indicating a metabolic disorder.

A regular and systematic approach to facial skin care after 30 will help you deceive age and genetics.

It all starts when we wake up

A light facial massage is useful when a woman has not yet gotten out of bed. When you wake up, you can smooth the skin of your forehead, run your fingers over your cheeks, chin, and don’t forget to massage your ears. The whole process takes a couple of minutes and does not require any financial costs.

Washing. We select soap according to your skin type and age, always moisturizing. In special cases, you can buy special foam. Today, manufacturers are quite attentive to women and often put age and other suggestive marks.

It is better not to use a towel after completing water procedures. It is worth collecting excess moisture with a soft cloth, which you just need to apply to your face without stretching or rubbing the skin. It's about 10 more minutes.

The face-building complex can take the same amount of time, during which the effect of gravity is prevented. You can find suitable exercises on the Internet. They are classically used to combat wrinkles on the forehead, between the eyebrows, and crow's feet near the eyes. At this age, a tendency to form a “sad” eyebrow and other specific defects appear. It is recommended to correct them using the same exercises without the use of plastic surgery or other cosmetology products. To perform facial training, you will need a mirror, clean hands and collected hair.

Self-massage of the face

An example of an exercise to get rid of a “sad” eyebrow.

Place 4 fingers of the right palm tightly perpendicular to the forehead in its center. The emphasis should cover the area between the eyebrows and their inner edges. The outer corners are actively raised and lowered, relaxing the muscles well. When moving the eyebrows upward, there should be a slight lifting of the ears. If this happens, the exercise is performed correctly. The number of approaches should be gradually increased, starting from 8 times, reaching 30. Within a week, improvements will become noticeable.

Replace exercises for facial muscles possible with tonic procedures. Rubbing your face with pieces of ice - made from herbal infusions. Calendula, chamomile and sage are the optimal composition that helps with 90% of problems. After this, it is also recommended to use only a napkin. But we note that such procedures, while effective, cannot be called an equivalent replacement for classical training.

Cream with protection against photoaging

Before going outside, even in winter, it is recommended to use moisturizers with a high degree of UV protection. This will serve not only to maintain skin elasticity, but also to prevent the appearance of age spots. When choosing caring cosmetics, pay attention to the content of vitamins, acids, and minerals. We take everything that promotes the synthesis of collagen and elastane.

Removing makeup and caring for the dermis around the eyes

Makeup removal

We pay special attention to the eyes and lips. The skin around the eyes quickly becomes thinner and becomes covered with a fine network of wrinkles, which is difficult to get rid of. But you can resist its appearance. For this purpose, special creams and serums are used. When using decorative cosmetics, they buy foundation specifically for the skin around the eyes. It is also recommended to apply to the entire face, covering the eyelids, eyebrows, etc.

One of the popular eye makeup removers

Makeup removers have an additional caring effect. Being inherently aggressive, these solutions simultaneously impart medicinal properties. The composition may include soothing herbs, tonic, anti-inflammatory, moisturizing, and others. You need to look especially carefully at the composition of eye makeup removers. They often contain weak essential oils. Which is good for the skin, but may be harmful to the eyes, you should avoid getting the product into the conjunctival sac.

In addition to this, there are special tools:

  • lifting effect for the skin around the eyes after 30;
  • gel that relieves swelling;
  • cream for the appearance of dark circles.

Skin care products after 30

Regular facial products will not work as they are designed to be thicker and more resistant to penetration into the skin. All creams, gels, and tonics should be checked for ophthalmological control. There are a few other caveats.

To ensure that facial skin care after 30 years is complete and correct, need to remember that the skin under the eyes cannot be treated immediately before bed, the optimal time is 40-60 minutes before going to bed. This is due to the tendency of special products to saturate the skin with moisture. If it is not completely absorbed before bedtime, the woman runs the risk of having a swollen face in the morning. Excess cream can be removed with a napkin.

Lifestyle and nutrition also affect the quality of facial skin

Video from a famous blogger - and the secrets of youth after 30

Dry dermis also needs nutrition, like the rest of the body. For this purpose, special creams and natural oils are used: linseed, olive. In addition to nutrition, they also perform a cleansing function, for example, grape seed oil acts as an excellent adsorbent. Some types of such products break down fats and open pores. After this, just wipe your face with a napkin, removing dirt and excess fat.

But a more classic option is to use serums before applying protective creams.

Regular use of peelings and constant facial skin care gives results.

Additionally, skin cleansing after 30 years is carried out using peelings, scrubs, and other similar products. But don’t forget about simple methods: masks made from salt, coffee grounds, turmeric. They will clean, refresh and create a reliable protective film. We'll talk about this below.

Women over 30 do not necessarily need to use chemical peels. But if you decide to use it, you should consult with a specialist so as not to burn your skin. The ideal option is monthly visits to a beauty salon, which offers a variety of preventive procedures. Believe me, they will cost much less than any other methods of rejuvenation at just 35.

A woman's activity does not always lead to a young and healthy appearance. Much depends on working conditions, rest and stressful situations in life in general. The ability to cope with emergencies will protect your face from deep wrinkles.

At the same time, there are ordinary rules that should be followed to avoid some defects:

  • drinking plenty of fluids ranging from 1.5-2 liters per day helps retain collagen;
  • giving up tea, coffee, and other drinks 1-2 hours before bedtime will prevent swelling in the morning;
  • nutrition saturated with chromium, zinc, and other important minerals will preserve not only the dermis of the face, but also hair and nails will be in good condition;
  • following a daily routine will reduce the risk of nervous breakdowns, and with it the appearance of wrinkles;
  • less sugar is a guarantee that acne and a network of wrinkles will not appear on the skin;
  • Daily exercises will tighten the facial muscles, make the oval clear, without unwanted sagging, and will not allow the onset of the effect;
  • alternating masks throughout the week (cleansing, preventative, moisturizing, others as appropriate);
  • inclusion of celery juice, fresh cabbage, and parsley in the diet (the latter also serves as a prevention of the formation of cysts and cancerous tumors);
  • mastering the technique of applying creams - lightly tapping with your fingers, distributing the product along the massage lines.

It is very important that masks and scrubs can be prepared at home. Then there will certainly be no questions about their naturalness. To do this, use the simplest and most common products: strawberries, cucumbers, beets, lemon, cream, etc.

Video - facial care after 30, opinion of a cosmetologist

Dry facial skin looks more attractive compared to oily skin. But after 25-30 years, women with such dermis begin to appear the first wrinkles, and they are susceptible to earlier aging. Therefore, it is important to properly organize care for dry skin after 30 years, making it regular and surprising others with your youth and beauty.

Changes that occur to the skin after 30 years

The main cause of dry dermis is usually insufficient production of oil by the sebaceous glands, which is a natural protection. Other causes of dryness may be diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous system, lack of vitamins, prolonged exposure to the sun, and the use of soap in skin care. With age, the sebaceous glands work more slowly, and the natural lubrication of the dermis becomes even less.
After the age of 30:

  • Skin cell renewal processes slow down;
  • The formation of an oil-fat film is reduced;
  • Microcirculation is disrupted.

Therefore, the dermis becomes:

  • More dry;
  • Tight after washing;
  • Swelling appears;
  • Wrinkles appear;

Skin at 30-40 years old is considered mature, but it is too early to talk about fading at this age.

Beauty plan for dry skin after 30-40 years

In order for dry skin to remain young after 30 years as long as possible, you need to organize ongoing care, which includes daily, weekly and annual procedures, and salon care. Ideally, you need to do all of the following procedures.

Daily care for dry skin

The following facial care steps should be taken daily:

  1. Cleansing.

You need to cleanse your face and neck in the morning and evening with milk, cream, natural oils or other products that have the consistency of a gel or cream. Do not use soap or products containing alcohol, as they will dry out the skin even more. Cosmetologists advise washing your face with warm mineral water or an alkaline solution (1 teaspoon of soda is diluted in 1 liter of boiled water)

  1. Toning.

Performed with tonic after cleansing. This necessary stage of care is needed to remove remnants of the cleanser, restore the PH balance, and prepare for the absorption of the cream. A toner for dry skin after 30 years should be alcohol-free and contain moisturizing glycerin, vitamins, hyaluronic acid, and soothing ingredients - aloe, chamomile.

  1. Moisturizing and nourishing dry skin.

You need to moisturize your face in the morning, before going outside, and nourish it before bed. A day cream containing hyaluronic acid is ideal.

In the evening you need to use night creams. They are greasy compared to daytime products and take longer to absorb. At night, active cell division and renewal of the dermis occurs. Night creams help these processes by replenishing tissues with nutrients and vitamins.

Apply cream light patting movements. You can alternate night cream with natural oils, which have a large amount of vitamins, healthy fats and penetrate well into the lower layers of the skin. Read how to choose an oil for your skin type

  1. Increases blood circulation and tightens facial muscles.

Facebook building— facial exercises performed daily or once every 2-3 days will help strengthen muscles and increase blood circulation, the flow of nutrients to the skin, and improve complexion. Self-massage gives an effect similar to face-building - it refreshes the skin of the face, makes it elastic, increases blood circulation and improves relief. Facial massage can be performed at home or take a course from a cosmetologist or massage therapist;

  1. Protection.

Dry skin after 30-35 years especially needs protection. At any time of the year, when leaving home, it is necessary to apply a product with SPF filters of at least 15-30, and when traveling to the sea, SPF should be at least 50. In the sun, you need to wear sunglasses - they will protect the thin dermis around the eyes and reduce the need squint. In winter, it is good to use special winter creams that protect your face from cold and wind.

Weekly care for dry skin

Every week you need to do:

  • Face masks. For dry skin after 30 years, moisturizing masks should be done 2-3 times a week, nourishing masks – once a week;
  • Peelings, scrubs, gommages. They should be soft and light. You can do the procedure at home once every 7-10 days. The simplest scrub recipes at home:
    • sugar and yogurt in a 1:1 ratio;
    • a mixture of coffee grounds with honey: this scrub is well stored on a shelf in the bathroom;
    • ground oatmeal + sour cream + a few drops of olive or other base oil.

A scrub for dry skin should not contain abrasive particles with hard edges.

An alternative to scrub is gommage - a softer peeling, without abrasive particles. This type of cleansing is the gentlest and best suited for dry, sensitive and aging skin. What is gommage and how to use it.

Annual care

Once or twice a year (preferably in autumn and spring), it is advisable to apply a course of serum for dry skin. It contains a large amount of vitamins and nutrients, thanks to which the dermis is transformed and freshened.

Salon treatments for dry skin after 30-35 years

If your skin is very dry and there are noticeable wrinkles that you want to get rid of quickly, you can seek the services of a cosmetologist. After 30 years, you can do the following procedures:

  • Massage courses a cosmetologist helps improve blood circulation and facial tone;
  • Emergency humidification programs– professional face masks that deeply nourish and moisturize the dermis;
  • Pillings– help cleanse the skin, remove flaking and refresh the complexion;
  • Biorevitalization— injections with hyaluronic acid, which actively moisturizes the skin from the inside;
  • Mesotherapy– injections of biological cocktails to restore cell functions and nutrition.

The last two procedures give noticeable results after the first visit to a cosmetologist. They have nothing to do with Botox, as they supply the dermis with the nutrients it needs. Botox only brings external improvements.

Tips for choosing cosmetics and creams for dry skin after 30 years

When choosing decorative cosmetics and creams, you should take into account the composition of these products. Cosmetologists advise choosing delicate care products for dry skin. In makeup, you should give preference to creamy textures of eye shadow, blush, and foundation and avoid crumbly cosmetic products.

Cosmetics for dry skin should not contain:

  • Alcohol - it dries the skin and makes it faded;
  • Petroleum products: ceresin, vaseline, ozokerite. They create a film on the skin that interferes with its renewal;
  • Glycolic and salicylic acids.

Ingredients that should ideally be contained in cosmetics for dry skin:

  • Natural oils;
  • Vitamins;
  • Moisturizing agents (hylauronic acid, glycerin, milk proteins, sorbitol);
  • Collagen;
  • Elastin;
  • Ceramides;
  • Fatty acid;
  • SPF of at least 15 in day cream or foundation;

In order for dry, tight skin to look young after 30 years, you cannot do without general recommendations related to a healthy lifestyle, these are:

  • Drinking enough water (about 2 liters per day);
  • Eating food rich in vitamins and minerals: fruits and vegetables, herbs, nuts, dairy products, vegetable oils;
  • Course intake of B vitamins;
  • Regular physical activity;
  • Humidification of the air in the apartment, especially during the operation of heating devices;
  • Sleep in a cool room.

Follow the rules of skin care, take care of it regularly, and after 30-40 years you will look younger than your peers.