Scented baths for babies: useful herbs for bathing a newborn. Bathing a newborn baby for the first time after the hospital

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caring parents herbs are stored in advance for bathing a newborn baby because the delicate body of a new family member needs protection and constant support. Here is an extensive overview of useful herbs and simple instruction for home baths.

Medicinal qualities of herbs for bathing children


The most popular and most safe means for bathing the smallest is chamomile. A decoction prepared from flowers and added to the bath qualitatively disinfects, eliminates tension, and heals irritations. Chamomile remedy is doubly useful for girls who can and should be bathed in chamomile for reliable prevention of gynecological pathologies.


The herb is also widely used as an additive for children's water procedures. The plant is known as remedy against common skin diseases. The action of the series on the skin is to quickly relieve inflammation, reduce the number of rashes. The string promotes the rapid detachment of the milk crust and helps in the treatment of seborrhea. Most pediatricians recommend using once a week to avoid drying out vulnerable skin. This plant is unable to provoke allergies, copes well with the treatment of prickly heat, improves the condition with diathesis and heals diaper rash well, noticeably soothing the skin.


For the preparation of baths, flowers are taken, which have another name - marigolds. Such water procedures are indicated for diaper rash of varying degrees and if colic is bothering you.


The effect of nettle baths will definitely be positive, as there is a softening of the skin, strengthening of the hair and an improvement in the condition of the body as a whole.


Flowers come from the sage plant. Adding a decoction of sage flowers to baths has a calming effect on skin covering, reduces the number of rashes of various nature and reduces irritation.


A plant with a unique aroma is endowed with a pronounced sedative and relaxing potential. A decoction of lavender should be used to normalize sleep and relieve irritability in behavior. Baths are effective in treating colds and flaky skin problems.


In home herbal medicine, hop cones are used, which normalize sleep and smooth out too capricious behavior of the child.


To make a decoction, the bark of a tree is used, such procedures are good for skin diseases, they noticeably help with diaper rash and treat prickly heat. The decoction fully disinfects the skin and counteracts inflammation.


It is the kidneys that are taken from the birch, since bathing with such a decoction is suitable for prickly heat and other skin problems. Also, birch baths are taken in order to obtain a sedative effect. It is not forbidden to use birch leaves for baths.


Bathing with lemon balm eliminates unnecessary anxiety and makes sleep healthy.


A decoction prepared from valerian is the best suited for overly excitable and too active kids. Valerian is believed to have a beneficial effect on work of cardio-vascular system and helps to heal damage to the skin of babies faster. It is preferable to use the root of the plant, since in addition to relieving anxiety, it gives an antispasmodic effect.


This herb, also called thyme, is often used as the basis for medicinal bathing teas, as it can improve sleep and improve rickets.


The decoction is positioned as effective remedy for nervous children.


Traditionally used peppermint, as it is endowed with soothing qualities, is known as a cure for scrofula, can relieve itching and eliminate irritation.


Known Stabilizer nervous system and panacea for skin irritations.


The plant is also known as a mild sedative. It is recommended to add to baths for colic.

St. John's wort

Bathing with the addition of St. John's wort promotes healing of wounds, eliminates the discomfort of diathesis and helps the body fight staphylococcus aureus. Figures traditional medicine urge to use St. John's wort only for males.


Spruce and pine needles work as an antispasmodic and at the same time act as depressant. In addition, the flow of blood to the internal organs improves.

sweet clover

Home remedies based on sweet clover are indicated for allergies, are used to improve sleep and relieve discomfort caused by diathesis.


Juniper baths are designed to relieve stress, improve sleep and reduce anxiety.

Harmful for newborn herbs

  • all citrus plants;
  • celandine;
  • tansy;
  • sagebrush;
  • Adonis;
  • broom.
Herbs: for bathing a newborn, you can use only a plant base recommended by a pediatrician

Herbal baths for newborns

Dosage and preparation of decoctions

Herbs should be used with extreme caution for bathing a newborn, adhering to the framework recommended by the pediatrician. Most often, parents brew the base for the bath 3 hours before water procedures. For one bath, a maximum of 30 grams of herbs is taken, this is the total volume, which can include equally different plants. You don’t need to do anything special with the herb, just pour boiling water over it, then, after insisting and filtering, pour it into a baby bath.

Periodicity and time of the procedure

The duration of herbal baths should initially be limited to 5 minutes, but with each session you can add time, eventually reaching a quarter of an hour. Bathing in herbs should not be practiced daily, it is done a maximum of three times a week.

Herbal combination

To benefit from bathing, it is worth using a decoction of 1-4 plants. Below are the classic collections with harmoniously matching components.

Collection of 4 herbs

  • chamomile;
  • thyme;
  • succession;
  • oats.

Collection of 3 herbs

  • nettle;
  • succession;
  • oregano.

Collection of 2 herbs

  • birch leaves;
  • currant leaves.

Collection of 4 herbs

  • nettle;
  • lungwort;
  • horsetail;
  • oats (can be replaced with thyme).

Parents should select the highest quality and fully safe herbs for bathing a newborn, coordinating the composition and other characteristics of baths with a pediatrician. It is permissible to use herbal filter bags purchased at a pharmacy.

The birth of a child is a new responsibility for parents. The return from the hospital marks new stage in family life, and young parents face many questions. One of them is how to properly wash a newborn. It is not clear what should be the water in the bath, whether it is necessary to add something to it, whether soap can be used. The answers to these questions are not so much difficult as they are important.

Is it possible to wash a newborn with soap

The skin of the baby is very delicate, so you need to be extremely careful with soap. Even if a bar of soap is labeled "baby", pediatricians do not recommend using it in the first weeks of life.

Is it possible to wash a newborn with soap? It is possible, but infrequently. Within the first week after returning from maternity hospital while bathing, you do not need to use soap at all. In the future, you can soap the body of the baby no more than one or two times a week.

But by and large, until the child starts to crawl, he simply has nowhere to get dirty, which means that the need to use soap is experienced, rather, by the parents than by the baby himself. sweat glands on the body of an infant they work differently than on the body of an adult or a grown child. Therefore, a simple washing with water is enough for a baby.

As for washing then after the stool use baby soap possible and even necessary. After washing the ass and legs, you need to get wet with a thick terry towel, and lubricate the skin with baby cream without fragrances.

Is it possible to wash a newborn with liquid soap, not lumpy, or, for example, cream soap? The answer is the same. It is possible, but only if the baby is really dirty. During the daily "ritual" bathing, there is no point in using soap. Moreover, frequent washing with soap can harm not only the skin of the crumbs, but also his health.

Why You Shouldn't Overuse Soap

Any soap, even specially created for the delicate baby skin of babies, contains drying agents. It dissolves a special fatty film on infant skin, that is, deprives it of its natural protection. Therefore, parents should not get carried away with excessive cleanliness. But to know what kind of soap is better to wash a newborn is a must.

What is fraught with the abuse of soap when bathing a baby:

Deprived of a protective film, the epidermis (the outer layer of the skin) is subjected to increased attack by bacteria and viruses. It takes approximately two days to restore protection, and this time is potentially dangerous;

After washing with soap, the skin begins to actively absorb substances, including those that are excreted from the body as toxins. On the other hand, soap interferes with excretion functions. Accordingly, through the skin, the body seems to poison itself;

Drying agents contained in soap adversely affect the skin condition, can cause itching and irritation. That is why after using soap, you need to treat the skin with baby cream;

If the soap contains synthetic substances, it obviously will not bring health to children's skin and in general can seriously affect the state of health;

Flavors work the same way. If a bar of soap smells strongly, is brightly colored, it is clearly not suitable for a baby, no matter how the manufacturer labels his product.

Frequent use of soap is undesirable and even harmful. One, maximum two washes a week will not cause harm. You can't bathe with soap every day.

What soap is better to wash a newborn

You can't do without soap at all. If only because the baby soils diapers from 5 to 8 times a day. What kind of soap is better to wash a newborn so as not to harm his body? Here are the basic rules that will help parents choose the best for their crumbs:

From the purchase of soap "know name" must be abandoned immediately. Large reliable manufacturers have introduced a strict quality system, natural and safe components;

When buying a product, pay attention to the marks “neutral PH” and “clinically tested”. This means that the soap has been tested and will not harm the skin of the baby;

A good baby soap should not contain any fragrances, dyes, or synthetic ingredients;

If the soap contains herbs, it is not always good. The fact is that they can cause allergies, irritation, dryness.

must be taken into account and individual characteristics child. It is impossible to say unequivocally which soap is better to wash a newborn. In some children, the skin responds well to herbal extracts (string, celandine, chamomile), while in others, plants cause allergies.

Therefore, before soaping your beloved child, check if the soap will cause a negative reaction. It is very simple to make the test: apply soap on the crook of the elbow or on the wrist, rinse and observe the skin. If after two or three days nothing bad happened to the skin, it remained clean, without redness, you can use this soap.

After each stool, the child needs to be washed away. For boys and girls, the procedure is slightly different. This is due to the structure of the genital organs.

A newborn girl is washed under running water with hand movements towards the anus to prevent dirt and inflammation from entering.

Soap is used as a last resort. The fact is that the skin of the mucous membranes on the girl's genitals is very delicate, and the soap injures it, causing inflammation. This, in turn, is fraught with fusion of the labia minora (synechia). When washing, it is more correct to keep the girl on her back, laying on her elbow and holding the handle.

It is more convenient to wash a newborn boy on the contrary: laying his tummy on his elbow. You need to wash the baby under running warm water, first the ass, then the genitals. Baby boy care is easier.

How to prepare a bath

Bathing a baby every day is a ritual that should bring pleasure to both the baby and his mother. Therefore, the details are important: the temperature of water and air, the “hill” for convenience, a soft diaper spread at the bottom of the bath.

The meaning of the procedure is not so much to wash away the dirt, but to make the child relax, feel pleasant warmth water, the touch of mother's hands and fluffy towel. Besides, daily bathing is a hardening procedure. The combination of water and air, the temperature difference makes immune system work to strengthen it.

You can bathe a newborn one day after the first BCG vaccination. However, there is no need for this, so nothing terrible will happen if the mother postpones the procedure for a few days. The duration of the first bath is 2-3 minutes. After a week, the baby can be left in the water for five minutes, gradually bringing the procedure up to 10-15 minutes.

How to wash a newborn in a bath? First of all, prepare the water. During the first month of life, some pediatricians recommend boiling it to avoid inflammation of the umbilical wound. For disinfection (especially if unboiled water is used), manganese can be added to achieve a slight pinkish coloration.

The water temperature should not be higher than 37 degrees, and the air temperature should not be lower than 22 degrees. It is important that the child does not freeze, but bathing in hot water will not bring him joy. If there is no special water thermometer, mom can easily check the temperature by immersing her elbow in the prepared bath. The skin should feel neither cold nor warm.

Whether to add decoctions to the water medicinal herbs depends on the wishes of the parents. There is no special need for them if the child's skin is healthy. Moreover, the newborn may develop an allergy. If this happens, then the experiments should be stopped immediately. Another thing is if the doctor prescribes a decoction of a particular herb for therapeutic purposes (for example, with prickly heat, dermatitis, etc.). In this case, you need to follow the recommendations of the pediatrician.

How to properly wash a newborn

A special slide in the baby bath is convenient because the child does not have to be held. The slope of the hill should be covered with a diaper so that the body does not slip. If there is no slide, then the child should be placed with his back on his left elbow and held by the handle. Carefully lower into the water and hold so that the head and shoulders are above the water.

Baby needs to be washed right hand smooth movements: first the arms and armpits, then the legs, inguinal folds, ass and tummy. Now you can turn the baby on the tummy, lift it above the water and wash the back.

If soap is used, then the mother lathers her palms and washes the child with them. regular gel for the shower can not be used in bathing a newborn. Baby shampoo - you can, but only after the baby reaches the age of four months. Shampoo your hair no more than once a month.

If the mother used soap, then after bathing the baby's body should be poured clean water from a pre-prepared jug. Now it remains only to blot the child with a towel, lubricate the skin with baby cream and put the baby to bed.

Daily water procedures will become not only pleasant, but also a useful ritual if you know which herbs to use for bathing a newborn. If a few years ago parents preferred to add potassium permanganate and other antiseptics to the bathing water for the baby, today this is gradually being abandoned.

Properly selected and prepared taking into account the specifics of the situation, herbal decoctions can disinfect the baby's skin, accelerate the healing of the umbilical wound, eliminate colic, irritability, and even problems with the development of muscle fibers. Unlike the usual antiseptics, the approach does not dry out the skin and does not side effects. The main thing is to know what means will give a pronounced positive effect and which ingredients to avoid.

What are the benefits of herbal baths and how to use them correctly?

Even with high-quality and regular care for the baby, his skin is exposed to a number of negative factors. In the summer it can be sweating, with an untimely change of diapers or excessive severity of skin folds, diaper rash often appears. Even a favorite product from the mother's diet can cause rashes. With the help of herbal baby baths, you can get rid of these manifestations, and at the same time achieve a therapeutic effect on the child's body.

Regardless of the purpose for which the product is used, you must adhere to the rules for its use. For baths are used absolutely natural ingredients, which can provoke an allergy if dosages are violated:

  • Do not experiment with multicomponent compositions. The more components, the higher the risk of side effects. It is better to select the compositions purposefully and, if necessary, alternate them.
  • IN without fail you need to check the reaction of the baby to the prepared composition. To do this, we moisten the cotton wool in the decoction and draw it over the skin of the child. If after a quarter of an hour no changes appear on the treated area, the product can be used for its intended purpose.

Tip: Herbs for the preparation of decoctions should be purchased only at a pharmacy or collected independently in an ecologically clean area. Hand-bought products may contain several components, some of which are often allergenic or contaminated.

  • When buying a packaged product, you need to consider that for 1.5 liters of broth you will need at least 5 standard bags. From dried fees, a more concentrated product is obtained. Just one handful of herbs is enough to prepare 5 liters of broth. Before using the finished product, it is recommended to infuse for at least an hour and no more than five hours. For infusion, a faience or enameled container is used.
  • In the process of bathing the baby, only a pre-strained composition is allowed, the particles of the broth should not end up in the water.
  • For bathing newborns, only fresh decoctions are used.

The amount of funds used should be minimal. In some cases, a few tablespoons are enough. Regarding the amount of active liquid, it is better to consult a doctor or use the recommendations on the product packaging.

Herbal formulations for baby skin health

If you know what products to prepare a bath for a baby from, you can speed up the healing of wounds on his skin, prevent their infection, and relieve itching, irritation and inflammation.

  • Chamomile. Has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, eliminates any skin manifestations of an allergic nature. Additionally, it allows you to improve sleep, get rid of insomnia, neutralize signs of nervousness after stress.
  • Series. It has long been used to treat skin diseases. If you regularly add a decoction to the water, in a baby with seborrheic crusts on the scalp, all traces of the problem will quickly disappear. It is worth considering that the composition slightly dries the skin, it is not recommended to use it more than twice a week.
  • Nettle. Softens and tones the skin, eliminates signs inflammatory processes, heals wounds and sores. This tool can also be used for bathing healthy children, because. it has healing properties.
  • Oak bark. Indispensable for diaper rash, allergic manifestations and sweating. Due to the content of tannins after such baths, the skin is set protective barrier renowned for its antioxidant and antimicrobial properties.

In addition, from time to time you can use baths with St. John's wort. They not only improve the condition of the skin, but also treat diathesis, dermatitis, pyoderma.

Herbal baths with soothing effects

A special place in the first-aid kit of a young mother should be occupied by soothing preparations. They will help to quickly relieve excitement in a restless baby and strengthen his sleep.

  • Lavender. It not only calms, but also relieves spasms, which are often the cause of overexcitation of the child. Additionally, you can highlight the antiseptic properties of the product, manifested in the presence of rashes on the skin.
  • Valerian. Reduces the excitability of the nervous system literally before our eyes. In addition, valerian relieves spasms, normalizes activity. gastrointestinal tract, improves the work of the heart and blood vessels of the baby.
  • Peppermint. Not only its soothing properties have been proven, but also the ability to relieve pain syndrome, improve the appetite of the baby, eliminate signs of the inflammatory process.

Oregano is not as commonly used in home baths. But it is she who is recommended by many neurologists for disorders of the psycho-emotional state in infants. A good effect gives oregano and with rickets, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Effective herbal remedies for colic

To eliminate colic, it is not enough to normalize the nutrition of a nursing mother or baby, you need to take care of the additional impact on the body:

  • Bearberry. Contains tannins that help reduce the tension of the smooth muscles of the intestine and have a general strengthening effect. This plant also actively fights bacteria, viruses, inflammation.
  • Hop. Its cones are traditionally used for bowel disorders. These are excellent antispasmodics, giving a relaxing and analgesic result.
  • Motherwort. Not only soothes, but also regulates bowel function by eliminating spasms.

Herbal decoctions can be used in courses or on an ongoing basis. The main thing is to take breaks sometimes so that the effect does not become too pronounced or provoke the development of addiction.

Children love water, it relaxes, calms, and has a beneficial effect on health. It is best to bathe a child every day, even if he has not yet fully healed umbilical wound. Do this at the same time, preferably before feeding, then the child will associate the bath with a pleasant end to the day, he will calm down and fall asleep faster.

When to bathe a baby

No need to be afraid of the first bath of the baby. If you follow some recommendations, the child can be washed on the very first day after discharge. To do this, you need to consult a doctor in the maternity hospital and know when the vaccination against tuberculosis was made. If it is done just before discharge, you can bathe the child only in a day, if earlier, after arriving home, you can immediately take a bath.

Parents should not have fear and insecurity, otherwise they will be passed on to the child, then the first acquaintance with water may not be so successful for him: the baby will be pinched, and subsequently he may develop a persistent fear of bathing. While water is his usual environment, it is not in vain that they say that young children are excellent at swimming, do not drown, and do not begin to swallow water convulsively, risking choking.

How to bathe your baby

Some experienced parents and doctors advise mothers not to bathe, but to rub the baby's body until the umbilical wound heals. In principle, such advice is not entirely unfounded, especially if there is a risk of infection when healing is not going well. However, the wound will finally heal only on the 10-18th day of life, and it is too difficult for a child to remain without a bath all this time. Imagine yourself in his position, especially if outside the window hot weather. Therefore, there will be nothing wrong if you still decide to make a bath.

To do this, prepare boiled water heated to 37-38 ° C, in such water you need to bathe the child all the time while the navel heals. Add a few drops of potassium permanganate to the bath so that the water turns a pale pink color. Now it is completely disinfected and will not harm the baby, even if it gets into the wound. In the first bath, the child should be washed with baby soap, and after that it should be alternated with plain water - soaped several times a week, and the rest of the time, just pour the baby's body with water. Until the age of 20 days, strictly adhere to the rules for preparing a bath, later it will be possible to no longer boil water, add herbs to it for relaxation and aroma. IN winter time year, if it is cool at home, alternate bathing with rubbing the body warm water.

The birth of a child brings a lot of joy, but no less worries. After all, caring for a baby requires a lot of concentration, a lot of time and effort. Mom receives many recommendations in the maternity hospital, many from relatives and friends. And some questions parents think about directly faced with them, for example, how often to bathe a newborn.

Where to bathe a newborn

by the most the best option, for the convenience of parents and the safety of the baby, there will be the use of a special baby bath.

Firstly, it is the most hygienic, because the shared bath is full of germs from adult family members, and the use of strong chemicals for cleaning may harm the baby.

Secondly, it is a more economical water consumption compared to a shared bathroom.

Thirdly, it is the most convenient. This is justified by the fact that the bath can be raised by substituting something, or the child can be bathed in another room if the temperature in the bathroom is low for the baby.

Fourthly, there are not always conditions in the living quarters; there is simply no bath or it is replaced by a shower.

In a bath with water, on the recommendation of a pediatrician, you can add a weak solution of potassium permanganate, a decoction of medicinal herbs, such as string or celandine. However, it is worth remembering that any herb can give an allergic reaction and such bathing can be repeated no more than 1 time per week. The temperature of the water should be close to the body temperature of the baby, so as not to cause discomfort, i.e. approximately 36°-37.5°C. The air temperature must be maintained at least 24°C.

How to properly bathe a newborn

Bathing a baby is a very responsible process and should be approached with all seriousness. In order for bathing not to cause the child neither psychological nor physical injuries, several rules must be observed. First of all, you need to take the crumbs correctly. Left hand should support the baby's head, and the right one should be located just above the hip. The position of the hands can be mirrored if the bather is left-handed. You need to lower it into the water very slowly and carefully, as if introducing it to the water. It is better to initially wet the legs or arms so that the baby feels confident. Then you can immerse the baby entirely, the water should not cover the baby more than up to the chest line. It is necessary to carefully rinse all the folds, paying attention to the neck, groin area, folds on the arms and legs.

You need to bathe the child no more than 1 time per day. The newborn does not need cleansing as such, bathing for him is more a process of acclimatization and hardening, as well as excellent tool to relieve stress before bed. In the hot season, you can additionally wipe the folds with a dampened warm, preferably boiled, water with a swab or a soft towel.

When bathing a child in the first month of life, there is no need for constant use of soap or bathing products, it is enough to use them 1-2 times a week. It is better to wash your hair with shampoo not earlier than when the baby is 2 months old.


  • Encyclopedia of a young family. Newborn baby. Features of the newborn and its development. in 2019
  • Encyclopedias and dictionaries. Medical encyclopedia. Newborn. in 2019

At proper organization bathing process, for parents and their baby, the procedure will be very pleasant and entertaining. In general, bathing is designed not only to ensure the purity of the child's body, but also, to a greater extent, contributes to its hardening and physical development. But most young parents who have just brought a newborn from the maternity hospital are very often afraid to bathe him.


The opinion of most pediatricians about how often you can disagree. Some are completely sure that you can bathe children immediately after discharge from the maternity hospital, however, do not wet the umbilical cord. While others say that you can bathe only after the umbilical cord has completely healed, that is, after about one or two weeks. If you decide to wait for the healing of the navel, then you need to treat the baby’s skin daily and more than once, especially the folds, with a cotton swab dipped in warm water. And after each stool, the child should be washed in running water.

During the first year of a child's life, it is better to bathe daily, but not because he gets very dirty, but in order for his body to develop and harden faster. Along with everything, swimming in evening time allows the baby to sleep well. True, some children, on the contrary, become more active after bathing, so for them this procedure better to do during the day.

According to pediatricians, the most the best remedy bathing is clean water. And for babies whose umbilical cord has not yet healed, only boiled water should be used. Previously, it was believed that bathing water should be added a small amount of potassium permanganate, but this moment it is irrelevant. Since this bathing product can cause the appearance of allergic reaction, either medicinal herbs or expensive imported soap. Sometimes frequent use cosmetics can dry out baby skin. It is enough to wash the baby with soap once or twice a week, and you can use baby shampoo only for children from three months old, but not more than once a week.

The birth of a child is a great joy for young people and a great responsibility at the same time. Caring for a baby requires attention and affection from new parents. And if all relatives can give love to a baby, then with experience in terms of care, the situation is much worse. The process of bathing seems very difficult, especially for the first time.

Call your husband or mother, let them help you. For a child in the first months of his life, hygiene is very important. After all soft skin its very prone to diaper rash and irritation. That is why the first 3 months it is necessary to wash the baby daily. Remember, gradually you will learn all these tricks, and bathing will become a great pleasure for you and the crumbs. In the meantime, I'll show you how to do it right.

When can I start bathing a newborn baby after discharge from the hospital?

Usually children are discharged from the maternity hospital for 3-4 days. If BCG was vaccinated on the day of discharge, it is not recommended to immediately bathe the newborn.

You immediately need to take note that any vaccination is a contraindication to water procedures. And here the next day, you can safely proceed to bathing the baby.

Water procedures are designed to wash away dirt, discomfort and fatigue, so that the child is hardened, grows strong and healthy.

What will we need?

For the first and subsequent bathing, we need a few things.

  • Baby bath.
  • Stand (you can hold the child with your hand).
  • Baby soap, shampoo, thermometer, washcloth or sponge.
  • Potassium permanganate and herb succession and chamomile.
  • Terry towel for a child.

Nine months of pregnancy passed very quickly, the pangs of childbirth were left behind. In front of the mother lies a small tender lump. Of course, in the maternity hospital they will help to cope with the newborn. But, having arrived home, you will be left without doctors and without their professional support. How not to get confused and feel confident with the baby alone? I will try to tell you in detail about this and about how, where, at what time and with what it is better to bathe a baby. So let's get started.

Water temperature

I advise you to bathe the baby in a room with an air temperature of at least 26-28 degrees to prevent hypothermia. The body of the baby does not retain heat well, so it can quickly get sick. The water temperature should be at least 36-37 degrees.

Before putting a newborn in the bath, I advise you to check the water with your elbow or a special thermometer. She must be warm.

What baths are best for bathing a child?

After that, you can bathe the newborn in unboiled water, but always with the addition of manganese (the water should be light pink). Bathe in a weak solution 2 times a week.

The baby can be washed with soap twice a week, and the rest of the time - in solutions of chamomile, string and oak bark. Steam the herb according to the recipe and add it to the bath, following the correct proportions.

Chamomile and string have relaxing and disinfecting properties.

For the baby, these herbs are very pleasant, because, among other things, they relax her muscles well.

Duration of the procedure

The duration of bathing time varies depending on age. The very first bathing can take from 2 to 10-15 minutes.

In order to atone for a child, 5 minutes will be enough. But it’s better to hold the newborn in some water, give him the opportunity to get used to it or just shake his legs. True, this can only be done if the baby is not naughty. And remember that the water should not cool even one degree!

When the baby is 1.5-2 months old, the bathing time will increase to 25-35 minutes.

What time?

I advise you to choose the time for swimming yourself, when it is more convenient for you - in the morning or in the evening. And in the future, I recommend not to change these hours.

It is best to do this shortly before feeding. After all, if the baby is full, she can start spitting up food while bathing, and if she is hungry, she will simply become capricious.

What is the best way to wash a baby?

Wash your baby with liquid hypoallergenic soap that does not dry the skin. To do this, it is better to take "Eared Nanny" or "Johnson Baby". Shampoo I advise you to choose carefully, Special attention referring to important point: these products should not sting the eyes when hit.

To wash your head and body, buy 2in1 products, it's much easier. I also advise you to use a bathing foam, it will moisturize the skin of the crumbs well. It is better to buy it when the baby is already 5-7 months old.

How often should a newborn be bathed?

If there are no contraindications, then I advise you to bathe the newborn every day. It stimulates blood circulation and is good for the skin. After bathing, the baby has a good one.

I started bathing the child on the 3rd day of being at home, when he was already used to the new environment.
To begin with, I undress the baby, take out the handles from the sleeves, holding the elbows. I boldly turn the baby from side to side, while commenting on all my actions. I pronounce the name of the sides and parts of the body of the newborn - it also turns out a speech lesson.

Before bathing, I always treat the bath with cleaning products suitable for children in the first days of life. I rinse it a few times after that.

Daily bathing turns into a swimming lesson and wonderful gymnastics for a child during the first 3-5 months of life.

I bathe in ordinary unboiled water with a weak solution of manganese. The water temperature should be 37 degrees, and the air - 26-28 degrees, about 4 degrees higher than in the room where the baby sleeps. The tub is 2/3 full of water.

Gently, starting from the legs, lower the baby into the water - to the middle chest. I wash with my hand each fold of the newborn, starting from the neck, then the muscle, elbow, carpal and inguinal folds. My baby without a washcloth or any sponges.

Once a week I wash with Johnson's Baby or Mustela soap and in a solution of chamomile.

Then I rinse with clean water, which is a degree lower than the one in which I bathed. I water from top to bottom. After I take the baby out of the bath and get wet with a warm diaper. I process and dress him in pants and a blouse so that the child feels relaxed. And I always put anti-scratches on my hands so that I don’t get scratched. And here we are, clean and contented, we begin to eat.

How and what is the best way to handle a child after bathing?

After bathing a newborn, do not forget to treat with baby cream or oil. If possible, give him a soothing massage before bed.

Pay special attention to the buttocks and inguinal folds. Here you need to use special cream or powder.

Then we process the baby's eyes, ears, nose, navel.

We simply wipe our eyes with boiled water - one cotton pad on one eye, we process from the corners to the spout. We clean the ears cotton buds. My nose with twisted cotton flagella. We process the navel with greenery.

And you can dress the baby.