What kind of oil can I add? Is it possible to mix oils from different manufacturers? Characteristics of motor oils

For a wedding

I want to talk about what turns out to be a popular topic - adding oil to the fuel of a diesel car. The topic is quite popular among owners of diesel cars and very controversial, since there are both supporters of this “life hack” and opponents.

Let me start by saying that I learned about such a “trick” relatively recently, from one of my friends, who was fiddling around with the fuel tank for several minutes at a gas station. When I asked what happened, he answered with a smile that he had poured in “the People’s Commissar’s 100 grams...” I became interested and began to ask about what, and how, in general, I was privy to the essence of the matter and, to be honest, I was a little shocked by what I heard. Fill the tank with two-stroke oil in a diesel car? For what? The last time I saw this was when my dad poured oil into the gas tank of his JAVA. But diesel oil? And even in the tank of a modern car? Unclear! So, I decided to look into this. I didn’t argue with my friend, but to be honest, I didn’t believe what he was saying, despite the fact that an experienced motor mechanic advised him to pour two-stroke oil into the diesel fuel.

So, after studying this issue, rummaging around on the Internet for several days and sifting through several hundred articles, I came to the conclusion that I decided to present in this article. If you are interested, continue reading, if you are too lazy to read, watch the summary right away...

So where do legs come from?

A long time ago, when diesel fuel or diesel fuel was still of adequate quality, the paraffins contained in diesel fuel thickened at subzero temperatures, turning the fuel into jelly. Despite the fact that the solarium was supposedly winter with a snowflake “*”, owners of diesel cars had quite a few problems. The paraffins settled, and the diesel engine itself became “fat-free” or something, as a result of which the injection pump (high pressure fuel pump) suffered. Why did you suffer? The fact is that the lubrication of this same fuel injection pump, as planned by the designers, should be done by the fuel itself, which should be “greasy” due to the presence of paraffins in it. However, due to sub-zero temperatures, as I already said, there is a shortage of lubrication, which significantly affects the condition of the fuel pump and leads to its premature failure.

Craftsmen experimentally came to the conclusion that adding additional lubricant to diesel fuel in the form of oil or kerosene, which had a beneficial effect on the operation of the injection pump and the entire engine as a whole. At the same time or a little later, various fuel additives, “antigels” and similar preparations that performed the same function began to appear on the automotive chemicals market. The only difference was the price... Those who had the financial opportunity to buy additives began to “feed” the engine of their car, and those who did not have such an opportunity continued to pour oil into the diesel engine.

Time has flown, everything has changed, generations of drivers, engines and technologies, but despite the high-tech nature of modern ones, some traditions are still relevant. Moreover, the situation is aggravated by the gas stations themselves, which, instead of adding special additives that prevent diesel fuel from thickening, simply remove a large percentage of paraffins from the fuel. As a result, they get savings and supposedly “winter diesel fuel,” while drivers get a lot of problems and a faulty high-pressure fuel pump.

Lack of lubrication of the injection pump leads to its inevitable failure, a harbinger of which is the loud operation of this unit. Due to the large output, the gaps in the parts of the high-pressure fuel pump increase, which lead to the fact that during operation the injection pump makes a lot of noise, which is familiar to all “diesel drivers”.

How will the motor react?

Opponents of such “infusions” into the tank question this method of protecting the fuel injection pump, since it is allegedly not recommended by the car manufacturer, and the compatibility of 2T oil with diesel fuel and its effect on the diesel unit have not been tested.

Argument 1 . Precisely for those who doubt it, I specially visited several service stations, where I had a conversation with specialists who, in principle, were of the same opinion. In their opinion, two-stroke oil does not have a detrimental effect on a diesel engine; on the contrary, it makes the engine run more smoothly, lubricates the fuel injection pump, prolonging its “life”. Moreover, observations have shown that after adding oil to diesel fuel.

Argument 2 . One of the respondents, who repairs fuel equipment, made a sensational statement. He not only confirmed the fact that adding oil has a beneficial effect on the injection pump and the engine as a whole, but also spoke about his own tests. He experimentally found out that fuel injection pumps that “ate” diesel fuel with the addition of oil were less likely to fail.

How much and what kind of oil should be poured into diesel fuel?

The ideal ratio, according to the majority of adherents of using 2T oil, is the proportion: 1:100; this is the “dose”, according to the owners of diesel cars, that does not disturb the fuel-air mixture and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the engine and fuel equipment. The fuel injection pump and engine operate smoothly, without loss of dynamics.

As for the brand, there is no definite opinion, the main thing is that it is 2T oil, preferably not cheap. Also, according to the observations of some forum members, it is better to pour semi-synthetic oil into diesel fuel, since it has similar tolerances and standards" low smoke" (the translation will be something like: little smoke or faint smoke...). Due to the similar parameters of the ash content of these oils and the ash content of diesel fuel, the appearance of soot or a change in the color of the exhaust is almost impossible!

Summing up

As practice and numerous positive reviews from understanding people show, pouring 2T oil into diesel fuel is a completely working way to prevent the breakdown of expensive fuel equipment. Using a small amount of two-stroke oil will not damage the power unit, but will only improve its condition.

Minuses . Among the disadvantages voiced by some car owners: (by about 3-5%), a slight decrease in dynamics, as well as oil costs and the need to constantly get your hands dirty and bother with pouring this oil into the tank. But it seems to me that if you compare the cost of repairs and the discomfort associated with it, then all these disadvantages simply look ridiculous.

Alternative . If you don’t want to pour 2T oil, but want to preserve the engine and fuel injection pump, buy special diesel engine additives that will provide a similar effect, albeit at a higher price. As a result, the use of such additives will be cheaper than expensive repairs of fuel equipment and premature failure of one of its most expensive parts. As I have said more than once: “Prevention is always cheaper than repair!”

If you don’t want to tinker with all this, then I recommend using the first or second method, at least in winter, when the diesel fuel becomes “dry and fresh” and the fuel pump operates practically without lubrication. Such measures will ensure proper operation of the fuel injection pump, extend its service life, and also avoid troubles and waste associated with repairs.

That's all I have, thank you for your attention. Leave your thoughts on this matter in the comments, tell us which option you use and how you feel about adding oil to diesel fuel. Bye everyone, take care of yourselves!

Every woman should take care of her hair. This care consists of regular hair washing, as well as the use of various masks and balms. But it is very important to choose these means correctly. This affects both cleansing and condition.

Today we are offered a huge selection of shampoos, conditioners, conditioners, and masks. They differ in their composition and price. There are also medicated shampoos. But not every woman knows that any shampoo can be made even more useful. You can add oils, vitamins and decoctions of medicinal herbs to it. And today we will talk about what oils can be added to shampoo.

Essential oils in shampoo

The simplest, most fragrant, and at the same time effective way to improve the condition of your hair is to add essential oil. Thanks to it, your hair will acquire a pleasant aroma. And most importantly, they will become beautiful and healthy.

When choosing a specific oil, you need to take into account the condition of your hair. For hair prone to dryness, you need to choose lavender, sandalwood, rosemary essential oil or geranium oil.

Normal hair can be washed with shampoo with a few drops of neroli, orange or lavender oil. Essential oils do not tend to color hair. And girls with blond hair are recommended to add chamomile oil to their shampoo. It gives hair a golden shine.

Oily hair types produce a large amount of sebum. In this case, you need those oils that will normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Rosemary, lavender, mint, lemon, and cypress oil can do this.

If your hair is split, the shampoo can be enriched with chamomile, sandalwood essential oil or rosewood oil.

To make your hair grow faster, you can add fir, clove aroma oil or cinnamon and lemon balm oil to your shampoo.

Severely weakened hair can be washed with shampoo with the addition of fir, pine or cedar aroma oil. These oils have a beneficial effect on the appearance of new bulbs.

By adding aroma oil to your shampoo, you can quickly get rid of problems such as dandruff. Tea tree oil, rosemary oil, lavender oil and geranium oil can help with this.

You can enrich your shampoo with one oil or mix several.

There are several ways to enrich your shampoo with aromatic oils. You can prepare a separate oil mixture and pour it into a tube of shampoo. To do this, you need to add a few drops of the selected or selected essential oil to the base oil. Olive oil, sweet almond oil, jojoba oil, peach oil and the like are suitable as a base oil.

But there is an easier way. When you wash your hair, you need to pour a small amount of shampoo into your palm and drop a few drops of oil there. Mix the mixture and lather your hair.

The shampoo can also be enriched with vitamins in the oil extract. They can be purchased at a pharmacy. Shampoo enriched with vitamins helps restore and strengthen hair. You can buy vitamin A, E, C, B12, B and the like. If vitamins are sold in a bottle, then you need to add a couple of drops to the shampoo. There are also vitamins that are sold in capsules. You can squeeze the contents of one capsule into your palm and mix with shampoo. But it’s better to throw away the film from the capsule. Otherwise, it will get wet and stick to your hair.

Experts recommend adding aromatic oils and vitamins a few drops to a small portion of shampoo. This should be enough for one wash. The shampoo bottle does not close hermetically, so the aromatic oils will erode. And the shelf life of some vitamins in such conditions is also short.

Essential oils for rinsing

Hair can be rinsed with water with added aromatic oils. Washing with oil-enriched shampoo helps nourish the hair. And rinsing will allow you to consolidate the result. As a result, the hair will be fragrant and fragrant. Making a rinse solution is not at all difficult. Any selected essential oil should be dripped onto half a teaspoon of sea salt. After this, the salt must be dissolved in half a liter of water. This solution should be used to rinse your hair after shampooing.

If your hair is prone to oiliness, then you can add five drops of cypress, grapefruit, bergamot and lemon aroma oils to the water.

If your hair is dry, then add five drops of chamomile, sandalwood, and jasmine aroma oils onto the salt.

And if you add aromatic oils every time you wash your hair, their condition will improve. Soon you will notice that they have become strong, healthy and shiny.

Almost all car enthusiasts know that the technical condition of the car depends entirely on the quality of the engine oil and the frequency of its replacement. According to the instructions, every 7-10 km the car needs it. A newly purchased car is sold with the service center pre-filled with oil, which is recommended by the manufacturer and ideally suits the power unit. In this case, a product of one brand is changed at a service station without preliminary rinsing, since it is recommended by the vehicle manufacturer and does not cause concern. This scheme is the best for maintaining the "health" of the machine. But in practice, things look different.

Can I mix with different specifications? Can engine oil be mixed or not? Will this affect the operation of the motor? Is it possible to mix oils from different manufacturers? Eternal questions on which there are constant disputes between car enthusiasts.

Some believe that this is absolutely impossible to do, since the stage of washing the motor will be completely excluded. Others assure that there is nothing wrong with this, and this will not affect the operation of the motor in any way.

Both sides are right in their own way. In fact, oils can be mixed, but wisely, following certain rules. Otherwise, it is possible to harm the motor, the result will be its repair.

Can different oils be mixed? Reasons why this is allowed:

  • Forced need to add oil.
  • Lack of the desired brand of product.

Is it possible to mix oils from different manufacturers? What do experts think about it?

  • Mixing is allowed only for oils of the same category. This is the only way to avoid negative consequences with internal combustion engines.
  • Mixing is permissible only if the driver plans to drive for a short period of time.

The main point of this procedure is the formation of a new chemical composition, the effect of which is impossible to predict.

When mixing oils from different manufacturers, it should be remembered that even with a thorough removal of the oil, some part of the waste remains. The result is pairing it with a fresh lubricant that they don't have full compatibility with. Many motorists fear that such a formula will not ensure 100% engine performance.

Mixing theory

As mentioned above, combining different oils is possible, but only taking into account certain factors that need to be treated with special attention. In order to deal with this issue in more detail, you should know what types of oils are.


It is an oil based on artificial chemicals.


  • low evaporation;
  • good fluidity at low temperatures;
  • in terms of viscosity, it reacts little to temperature fluctuations;
  • high durability;
  • requires fewer additives.


Its most important component is oil. Some call this type organic.


  • Environmentally friendly - the amount of chemicals is kept to a minimum.
  • Budget cost, which is sometimes a decisive factor when choosing.
  • Versatility.
  • Availability. Available at all auto shops.


The name itself suggests that this is a combination of the first two types of oils.


  • Low cost. The price is second only to mineral oils.
  • Compatible with vehicles running on any fuel.
  • Low evaporation.
  • Prevents the formation of limescale.

Acceptable oil combinations:

  1. Mineral water with semi-synthetics. If the engine previously used mineral lubricant, then mixing with semi-synthetics is acceptable. Synthetics with a polyalphaolefin base are also suitable. The following types of oils can also be infused: polyester, silicone, glycol. In this case, one should take into account such a nuance as the chemical composition of the synthetic product.
  2. Synthetics and their mixing. Is it possible to mix oil with other oils if we are talking about synthetics? Almost all today's product manufacturers develop products in accordance with European standards. This allows them to be mixed. But this is not a fact that the result will be positive. In some cases, the following troubles may occur: sedimentation, the appearance of foam. They are simply kept to a minimum compared to other types of oils. A minimal number of flaws means you have purchased a high-quality product. Before mixing oils, it is necessary to take into account that you must carry out the first maintenance with the oil recommended by the manufacturer, having previously flushed the systems.
  3. Mixing synthetics and semi-synthetics. If at the time the oil level dropped in your car you were filled with synthetic oil and only semi-synthetic oils were available, you are saved. You can safely mix products such as 5W40 and 10W40. This viscosity will range from 6W40 to 8W40. The best option is considered to be a combination of existing oil with a higher quality one. In other words, semi-synthetic oils can be diluted with synthetic ones. Mixing synthetics with semi-synthetics is allowed only in critical cases.

  4. Products from one manufacturer. According to many experts, it is possible to mix motor oils of the same brand. This statement is true, since oils from the same manufacturer are very similar in chemical composition. In other words, they have the same base, and their chemical composition contains an identical set of additives. Based on this, mixing oils of the same brand is quite acceptable. In addition, car enthusiasts should know that sometimes situations arise when the same oil is sold under different brands.
  5. Oils from different manufacturers. Is it possible to mix oils from different manufacturers? One of the risky mixing options, since no one guarantees 100% efficiency due to different manufacturing processes. But this does not mean that the result will immediately be negative. It happens that when combining such oils, minimal foaming and an unnoticeable sediment are observed. Unfortunately, this happens quite rarely.
  6. Mixing 5W30 and 5W40 oils

    5W30 and 5W40 oils can be mixed. For example, if you have a sharp drop in fluid level on the road and there is no supply of 5W40 synthetic, but there is a similar fluid with a similar label and markings, but from a third-party manufacturer, in this case 5W30 oil from your manufacturer will help you. If you add the specified fluid to the engine, there will be no problems with engine operation. The maximum that can happen is a slight decrease in viscosity. When using all-season fluid 5W30 or 5W40, the engine starts at a temperature of 35 degrees. The result of this mixing will be slight changes in the coefficient of temperature viscosity. This result is also not critical, since the negative side will only be visible when the engine is running at elevated temperatures. The driver will just have to take a little care of the car and not overload it.

    1. It is recommended to add only the oil that was originally poured into the engine.
    2. If it is possible to use this type of liquid, products of a similar brand should be used.
    3. When purchasing a product, you must take into account that the same manufacturer is capable of producing oils under different brands.

    Is it possible to mix oils from different manufacturers in emergency situations? Critical cases involve the use of other types of products. In this case, it is necessary to minimize the amount of load and correct the situation as quickly as possible by replacing it with the recommended oil.

    Little tricks about transmission lubricants

    Whether transmission oils can be mixed or not, let’s take a closer look. This problem only arises when the conversation is about the car engine. This happens rarely, but it happens when the lubricant level in the gearbox decreases. The answer is quite simple: transmission fluids can be mixed, but only under the conditions specified for motor oils. They must be similar and practically identical in chemical composition. This mixture will allow any motorist to safely drive several thousand kilometers in a gentle mode. After completing the journey, the fluid will have to be drained and replaced with that recommended by the manufacturer.

    Mixing motor products and transmission products is strictly prohibited. Ignoring this recommendation will result in loss of engine performance. You will learn a simply killer mixture.

    In any case, for efficient engine operation, after mixing the oils, you will have to return to the oil recommended by the manufacturer. Before this, it is necessary to carry out the engine flushing procedure:

    1. Drain the outdated product. Allow the car to sit for a little while to allow it to drain as much as possible. If possible, tilt the vehicle alternately in both directions. This will allow more liquid to drain.
    2. Install a new filter and fill with oil recommended by the manufacturer.
    3. For three days, try not to overload the machine while the motor gets used to the different type of product.
    4. The next oil change procedure should occur after 10 thousand km.

    The engine flushing procedure is completed. If you doubt the cleanliness of the engine, shorten the service interval and take the car to a service station.

    Let's look at the characteristics of motor vehicles from different manufacturers.

    Castrol Magnatec 5W-40 A3/B4

    Castrol oil is widely known among car enthusiasts for its high degree of reliability and quality. Most high-speed cars use oils of this brand.

    When operating a car, motorists should remember that a large percentage of engine wear occurs as a result of starting it. A3/B4 oil helps protect it from the very beginning.

    When the engine is not running, simple oil does not linger on it, thereby exposing the most important parts of the power unit. Castrol Magnatec 5W-40 A3/B4 oil flows around every part of the engine, covering it with a heavy-duty oil film, which provides additional protection when the engine starts. The result of use is to minimize the risk of engine wear.

    Where are Castrol Magnatec 5W-40 A3/B4 oils used?

    1. Cars running on gasoline and diesel fuel.
    2. Engines in which the manufacturer has approved the use of this type of oil.
  • envelops and lingers on the smallest parts of the engine;
  • forms a dense oil film, which allows you to protect the engine from the first to the last minute of start-up, thereby reducing its wear;
  • when combined with synthetic technology, it protects the engine at different temperature conditions;
  • 100% engine protection regardless of operating conditions and types of driving;
  • the products of this brand are demi-season;
  • it cannot be counterfeited, since the manufacturer took care of protection.

A distinctive feature is its glow in the ultraviolet spectrum. This development of the manufacturer allows consumers to easily distinguish the original from the fake.

"Lukoil Lux SN/CF 5W-40"

Synthetic, all-season. Belongs to the premium class.


  • vehicles running on diesel fuel;
  • supercharged gasoline engines that are installed in cars, minibuses and trucks.

Domestic oil "Lukoil Lux SN/CF 5W-40" is synthetic. Judging by reviews from car enthusiasts and tests, this is by far one of the most reliable lubricants in its price category.

It is an officially registered Russian product. Provides the maximum level of protection and meets all necessary technical specifications.

  • prevents the formation of lime deposits in the cylinder and piston at high temperatures;
  • prevents sludge formation at low temperatures;
  • has a beneficial effect on seals;
  • The chemical composition of the oil makes it easier to start the engine in extreme conditions.

The formation of a protective film on the parts provides maximum protection when starting the engine.

Advantages of Lukoil Lux SN/CF 5W-40:

  • reduces fuel consumption;
  • minimizes the presence of noise;
  • is the best engine protection in all conditions;
  • prevents the formation of deposits on the engine.

Lukoil Lux API SL/CF 5W-30 oil

The main area of ​​application is passenger cars and light commercial vehicles, for which the use of low-viscosity lubricants is recommended. Designed for engines of Ford and Renault cars. Positive characteristics are similar to the previous brand.


And in conclusion, it is worth noting that the purchase of motor lubricants must be made in a trusted specialized store, which, at your first request, can provide a document guaranteeing the quality of the product. And it’s best to do this in stores at gas stations. It is unlikely that anyone will answer you for the quality of products purchased at the market or just on the side of the road.

So, we found out whether synthetic oils can be mixed. We hope you find this information useful.

Hello, my dear readers!

I decided to make a page where I will add links to all my posts about the best base oils, so that all those who need such information can find everything they need right away, rather than having to crawl all over the blog looking for the right material.

To begin with, I want to give a short description of base oils and determine their properties and applications.

From this article you will learn:

Base oils - properties and application

Base oils are natural vegetable fats obtained from plants by hot and cold pressing and liquid extraction.

Types of base oils

  • Base oils are solid (butter) and consist mainly of saturated fatty acids.
  • Liquid (fatty), which consist mostly of unsaturated fatty acids and due to the presence of double bonds in their molecules, they quickly oxidize and are sensitive to the action of microorganisms and heat.

Which base oils are healthier?

The most beneficial for the skin are oils obtained by cold pressing.

The lowest quality oils are those obtained by extraction and their use in cosmetics is undesirable.

Basic oils in cosmetology

Today, base oils added to cosmetics play the role of not only a base, but also biologically active components.

They not only ensure the penetration of other biologically active substances into the skin, but also themselves affect the physiological processes in the skin.

Particularly valuable in this regard are oils containing: linoleic, alpha-linolenic and gamma-linolenic (omega 3 and omega 6)

For normal skin functioning, these acids must enter the body in the correct ratio, range 4:1-1:1.

With a lack of these acids, the skin begins to peel, becomes dry and irritated.

Base oils may also contain such valuable components as carotenoids, phytosterols, squalene, and tocopherol.

Main functions of base oils

  1. Formation of the epidermal barrier (fats are necessary for the formation of lipid layers of the stratum corneum)
  2. Participation in the metabolism of biologically active molecules
  3. Increasing the permeability of the stratum corneum for other active components.

In addition to the fact that they can be used as complete cosmetic products for the care of any part of the body, given their properties, they serve as the basis for preparing homemade cosmetics and various mixtures with.

What are the base oils?

Just follow them and read about the properties and uses of the base oil you need. Everything is written in very detail and clearly.