A small competition for the New Year. Game "winter mood"

For a wedding

New Year - magical holiday. Many adults and all children are looking forward to it. Have a fun New Year's Eve in the company of family and friends entertainment. To do this, you need to prepare table and outdoor competitions in advance.

Entertain and bring the team together new year party interesting and funny games for a corporate event. Can't do without fun and funny competitions for children and festive matinee V kindergarten or school.

    Game "Upside Down"

    The facilitator asks the players one by one questions poetic form. The participants' task is to answer funny in rhyme and name the correct answer. Long thoughts lead to dropping out of the game. Hints from other participants are also prohibited (whoever gave a hint leaves the game). The last player remaining wins.

    Examples of questions and answers:
    Down from the branch
    On the branch again
    Jumps quickly... cow (monkey)

    The competition involves male-female pairs. Each pair receives 2 apples. Partners stand in front of each other. Then all participants are blindfolded. The essence of the competition is to eat an apple from your partner's hand as quickly as possible. At the same time, you cannot feed yourself. The winner is the pair that gnaws each other's apples faster than the rest.

    A minimum of 3 male-female pairs participate in the competition. A handkerchief is tied around the neck of one of the partners (in a loose knot). As soon as the music starts playing, the second participant must, without using his hands, using only his teeth, untie the scarf around his partner’s neck. It is forbidden to help him. The pair that completes the task faster than the rest wins.

    To conduct the competition you will need empty wine or champagne bottles, pencils and strong threads. As many players as there are empty bottles can participate.

    The bottles are placed in the middle of the room in a circle. Competitors use a long thread to tie pencils to their belts so that they hang almost to their knees. It is very important that the pencils are on the back side of each participant. With these dangling pencils, players must hit the bottleneck. You can squat, kneel, bend. You can't help with your hands. The winner is the participant who gets the pencil into the bottle the fastest.

    Game "Snowman"

    Anyone can participate in the recreational relay race. To play, you need to prepare an easel and attach whatman paper to it. On a large sheet of paper you need to draw in advance big snowman, but forget about such a detail as the nose. It should not be drawn, but separately cut out of colored paper and given a cone shape.

    Participants take turns approaching the easel. They are blindfolded and given a snowman's nose, which is secured with double-sided tape. Then the players are given a good spin and told to attach the nose to the snowman. The winner is the one who sticks the part in the right place on whatman paper.

    Participants are divided equally into 2 teams. Trays are placed at both ends of the room. At the beginning of the room there are two empty ones, and at the end - filled with tangerines (the same number on each tray). The first two players from each team are given a tablespoon. The participants’ task is to run to a full tray with a spoon, put one tangerine on it without using their hands, and slowly bring it to their team’s empty tray. If the tangerine falls, you need to pick it up with a spoon and continue the relay race. Whichever team transfers all the tangerines from the full to the empty tray the fastest will win.

    Game "Hibernating Bear"

    To play the game you will need 3 gymnastic hoops. A group of children plays the role of bunnies, and one child plays the role of a hibernating bear. When the music starts playing, the bunnies go for a walk. They jump near the bear, trying to wake him up. They can sing, dance, laugh, clap and tap their feet on the floor as long as the music plays. When the musical accompaniment subsides, the bear wakes up, and the bunnies hide in hoop houses lying on the floor. If there is a large group of guys, and there are only 3 hoops on the floor, you can hide in them in twos or threes. The bunny that was caught by the bear (who did not have time to hide in the hoop) begins to play the role of a bear. The game continues until interest disappears.

    The game involves 10 people. For the competition you will need 9 chairs. All chairs should be placed in a large circle. It is better if they stand at a certain distance from each other. Participants, having heard the music, begin to walk in a circle. You cannot hold on to the back of a chair. At the end of the musical accompaniment, the children quickly sit on chairs. The participant who does not have enough chair is eliminated. After 1 player is eliminated, 1 chair is also taken. At the end of the competition, 2 participants and 1 chair remain. The one who sits on the last chair wins.

    The competition involves 2 teams of 2 people. Each group receives large balloons, double-sided tape, scissors and markers of different colors.

    The participants' task is to connect the balls using double-sided tape to make a snowman. Then you need to decorate the snowman and prepare him for the New Year. You can draw his eyes, nose, mouth, hair, buttons, or any other element. You have 5 minutes to complete the task.

Just sitting at the table on New Year's Eve and eating too much is boring and dangerous for your figure. But if you diversify the event with games and competitions for adults, you won’t be bored. Even the most serious uncles and aunts will have a lot of fun!

What do you want?

Competition games for warming up

The second one makes a cocktail using the drinks that are on the table. Naturally, you can add whatever comes to mind. But only what the first one saw before “losing his sight.” Well, now he has to take a sip or two and name the ingredients. The one who guesses the most components (or all) is the winner! Such a spectacle is not only fun, but also makes the guests thirsty. Give it a try.

After a delicious snack, when you don’t want to get up yet, you can play songs.

Everyone knows how they divide all the participants of the holiday into two halves and each tries to outsing the other. And you will complicate the task. For example, let one start singing, and the second continues. Or choose theme songs. Let the people delve into their memory and remember only the winter repertoire. The winner of the competition is the one who has the best memory for songs.

The New Year's game "Showing off" is also well received during this period.

Probably many people know her. One person comes forward and must show some word or phrase, with gestures, body, but silently. The one who guessed right is the next one to show. And the previous player gives him a task. The trick is to come up with a word or phrase that is difficult to show. Sometimes people agree to depict lines from songs, proverbs, or anything else that is closer to those gathered. It turns out to be fun! Even the most serious adults play and have fun!

Outdoor games for the New Year

While dancing, you can arrange a romantic competition called “Titanic.”

To carry it out you need several pairs. They are invited to pretend to be the heroes of the film of the same name, who said goodbye on a sinking ship. It is recommended to make a piece of sushi for each couple from a sheet of paper. After the next “round” the sheet is folded in half. The winner is the one who shows creativity and stands on a small piece of land together, managing to imitate dance moves.

Props: apples on a string. They are distributed to adult couples. One (usually a man) must eat the fruit, which his partner is holding on a string. She should hold the treat at arm's length. It turns out that it hangs down to about the waist. And he is invited to keep his hands behind his back and bite as best he can. Whoever completes the task first is the “hero of the day!”, or rather New Year’s Eve. We can agree that the winner is the one who can take a bite of the fruit first.

It is also paired. To carry it out you need toilet paper steamed per roll. You issue rolls. Task: one partner must completely wrap the other in certain time. Whoever managed it won.

The most “adult” competitions

But when the audience has warmed up and had fun, you can move on to “adult” competitions.

For example, "egg rolling."

To conduct it, pairs are formed between a woman and a man. He is asked to sit on a chair, she is given egg(boiled). She must roll the prop over her partner's legs under his trousers. The first one to cope without breaking the props wins!

Magic ball.

It is carried out by the same opposite-sex couples. They are given a ball. It is suggested that you keep your hands behind your back and hold the props between your bodies. On command, players must “pop” the balloons. Whoever is first is well done! For the next group of players we complicate the task. Let them hold the balls with their backs (or whatever is lower) and try to crush the ball! Serious adults like it, even really!

Games for relaxation on New Year's Eve 2020

The question and answer game is one of the most fun table games.

Prepare cards in advance from thick paper, on which you write questions and answers. Place cards with questions separately on the table and cards with answers separately.

One of the guests is the first to take a card with a question and ask it to his neighbor. He, in turn, takes the card with the answer and reads it out. Then the next pair of people present does the same, so that everyone can ask a question and give an answer. By clicking on the button you can download funny questions and the answers to them.

Since very funny combinations often result, you are guaranteed a dose of healthy laughter and fun after each answer!

How to celebrate the New Year so that it is fun and noisy? To do this, you need to prepare competitions in advance for New Year 2019! New Year's games and entertainment will make traditional New Year's family gatherings in the company of a TV, bright, cheerful and unforgettable! Not to mention a corporate party for the whole company.

However, it is best to prepare a little.

How to do it? We'll tell you more in this article.

How to prepare for competitions and games

1. Make a plan for games and competitions. It is better to make auxiliary materials on cards - if you need to stock up on some phrases, scripts and texts, then write or print them on regular cards in advance, this is much more convenient than using one large script.

2. Prepare your props. Having decided what you will play for the new year, make a list of what you will need for this or that competition. It's best to organize props and prizes into themed competitions (I use small gift bags for this).

3. Stock up on prizes. People love to get small funny surprises- sweets, chocolates, cute New Year's toys. It is better to take prizes in reserve.

4. Choose music.

5. Prepare a place for games.

6. Identify your helpers.

The very first in the series of New Year's fun are corporate parties. How to meet them cheerfully to create the mood for the whole year and have a great time festive event? The closer the New Year's corporate party, the greater the excitement.

What's the best way to organize a holiday? How to please all guests at once? How to choose the most interesting competitions for the Year of the Pig?

A group of adults will need to eat, raise their glasses to the New Year, and dance, so game program should be carefully woven into the natural flow of the party. We offer you great ideas funny games and competitions.

Competitions for the New Year 2019 for a cheerful company are the coolest

Competition "Let's Sing"

Number of players: Any
No props needed. Uses your own vocal cords.

Essence: Participants are divided into 2 teams. One “choir” must take turns asking a question, remembering a line from the song. For example: “What should I give you, my dear man?” Opponents quickly find the answer - a line from another piece of music, for example: “Million, million, million Red roses..." The last team to answer wins. You can make the task more difficult by choosing only New Year's questions.

Competition “What is my name?”

Number of players: Any.
Props: Cards made of paper with funny words on them (for example: lemur, bread slicer, bulldozer, cutie, etc.), of course not names.

The essence: Everyone receives a new name for the evening - a corresponding sign is attached to their back. The players' task is to find out their name from others. Questions can only be answered with “yes” and “no”. The winner is the one who first guesses the inscription on his sign.

Competitions for corporate events for the New Year 2019 (Year of the Pig)

Relay race "Pig's hooves"

Props: for this competition you will need paper cups (insert ribbons or strings along the edge of the glass on both sides into the slot, secure with a knot from the inside).

Essence: Guests are divided into two or three teams, depending on the number of people. The first players in the team are given cups, they stand on them, and take the ropes in their hands. On the contrary, there should be a space limitation, for example, a chair, 5-7 meters away. The first participants, accompanied by music, slide to the obstacle, go around it, return to the team and pass the cups to the next participants. The team that finishes the relay first wins, but points can be deducted for accuracy of execution.

Competition "Advertising"

Two young men are called. The presenter asks them to choose one lady from the audience. Then the presenter asks the question: “Why exactly did you like this girl? Viewers choose - eyes, hairstyle, shoes, etc.
Now the participants’ task is to come up with an advertisement for this part of the body, an item of clothing. The most creative advertisement wins.

Competition "Negotiations with polar bears and penguins"

An interesting and fun competition to “stretch” the brains of the whole team. Guests are divided into teams of approximately 5 people. All teams receive the same task: they will negotiate with polar bears and penguins in the same room, but bears are predators, and penguins are birds. In theory, the former should eat the latter. But here you can relax, no one will eat anyone. And the teams will have to answer in a minute of discussion why they shouldn’t worry, because 100 percent of the time, polar bears won’t eat penguins. There will be plenty of options. Ah, here is the correct answer and it is quite simple. But it’s unlikely to come to mind right away - polar bears won’t eat penguins, because the former live at the North Pole, and the latter at the South Pole, and in principle cannot eat each other, so the meeting will go peacefully. And, if suddenly, the team answers correctly, of course, they will receive a prize.

Of course, after unforgettable fun at work, he comes, the long-awaited family celebration New Year. Bustle, cooking delicacies, dressing up, everyone wants to celebrate the New Year fun and in style.

To meet this joyful holiday fun and funny, our selection of New Year's competitions for family celebration and games at the table.

And to make the table not only fun, but also delicious, we have prepared for you: .

If, after tasting a little of everything that the hospitable hosts offered, the guests begin to get bored, urgently start games for New Year's table. They will help entertain everyone, the table will be interesting and fun.

Competition "Say a Toast"

The presenter invites each participant to come up with a toast, but it must begin with a specific letter of the alphabet. The first one comes up with the letter “A”. “And I want to drink to good luck in the coming year!” The second one starts with the letter "B". “Let's all be happy and rich!” The next one starts with the letter “B”. “Let’s drink to our dear hostess!”

Guests will start having fun when someone has to start with the letter “Y” in an original way or those toasts that are difficult to come up with quickly initial word. The author of the most interesting toast wins.

Competition "Burst the Ball"

Very many family fun competitions for the New Year will be organized with balloons. IN in this case You must first put small notes in them with funny riddles, and then inflate the balloons. During the fun, the host distributes them to the players. Each owner must burst the balloon and take out a note from there, read the riddle out loud and answer it. If someone finds it difficult to answer, then he will have to complete a penalty task invented by everyone.

Riddles need humor, for example:

What can a student envy a lizard? (Tail throwing speed).
How many pairs of shoes does a woman need to be completely happy? (One more than in this moment or one more than a friend).
What clock does it show? exact time only 2 times a day? (Which stopped).
What goes from one settlement to another, remaining in place? (Road).
When black cat What's the easiest way to get into the house? (When the door is open).
Who doesn't get their hair wet in the pouring rain? (Bald).
Two birch trees grow. Each birch tree has four cones. How many cones are there in total? (Not one, because cones don’t grow on birch trees).

Game “What will I do with the gift?”

You can also use the idea of ​​a magic gift bag in this table game. The presenter has cards on a tray with options for what can be done with the gift received. Each guest draws a card, reads it out, then randomly takes a gift out of the bag and, if desired, depicts the action predicted with it.

This fun is good as a game at the table at any home holidays.

A list of inexpensive little things that you can take as surprises from Santa Claus: a box of matches, a ball, chewing gum, a tennis ball, a lighter, lollipop, a disk, a brush, a pencil, glasses, an adapter, a bag, decals, paper clips, a tea bag, calendar, notepad, postcard, bag of coffee, eraser, top, sharpener, bow, magnet, pen, thimble, toy, bell, etc.

Cards with answer options: What will I do with my gift?
I'll kiss it.
I'll powder my nose with this.
I'll eat it right away with pleasure.
This will become my talisman.
I'll put it on and admire it.
I will share this with friends etc.

Distribution of gifts at the New Year's table “Win-win lottery”
Each guest draws (or receives for participating in games and competitions) a lottery ticket with a certain number, each number is a certain prize.
Sample list of prizes:
1. You got a piano in the bushes - a New Year's calendar.
2. You surprised the whole world - get a souvenir.
3. You got an ancient gadget, the amount of memory is immeasurable (notebook or notebook).
4. And for you, what adults and children love is, of course, sweet candies.
5. And you got a prickly darling, but a useful fork in the household.
6. And with this prize you will definitely not be lost, carry it with you and always leave full (they give you a spoon).
7. Get a place to stash and useful thing in addition (stockings or socks).
8. Remember us more often, invite us for tea (pack of tea).
9. Will give thrill, and will come in handy, no doubt (a jar of mustard).
10. You will be the most beautiful of all with this prize of ours (something from cosmetics).
11. Sadness and despondency will go away, here’s fun for you all night (pacifier).
12. Even if something doesn’t go well and doesn’t stick, you definitely have something to hope for (a tube of glue).
13. You won the main prize - receive and sign (any prize).
14. Paper napkins are useful and important for any feast.
15. Three, whatever you want, don’t mind, because you have a new washcloth.
16. They will help you solve the problem of styling your hair (curlers or hairpins).
17. “Montana” will envy such a product for a slender figure (family panties).
18. Brush your teeth often, your smile will be great (toothpaste).
19. To help you maintain your hair, we will give you a comb.
20. We, friends, won’t hide it - now there is a fashion for crystal, today we are giving you a chandelier made by Montreal (light bulb).
21. You received a flower - a rose, which does not wither from heat and frost (postcard with a flower).
22. The symbol of the year (magnet or souvenir) given today will help you in any weather.
23. Of course, it would be nice to win a Persian carpet or a house. But fortune has rewarded you with a self-writing pen (fountain pen).
24. You got an ancient gadget, the amount of memory is immeasurable (notepad or notebook).

If the celebration is held in close family circle, then games and competitions can be selected accordingly.

Competition "Get to know a relative"

Funny New Year's competitions in the family circle rarely take place without this competition. Some members of the household are blindfolded and woolen mittens are put on their hands. Then one of the participants in the feast approaches him, and the host invites the player to find out who is in front of him. The player can feel the person's figure without taking off his mittens, trying to guess who is standing in front of him. In fact, even a close and well-known person is not so easy to guess.

Competition "Dance on an Ice Floe"

Any number of male-female couples can participate in the competition. To carry it out you will need newspapers (according to the number of pairs). A newspaper is placed in front of each couple - this is their ice floe. The participants' task is to dance without stepping over the edges of the newspaper. Every minute the ice floe begins to melt, and the newspaper folds in half. Music is constantly changing. You cannot stand; the couple must dance. Participants who step outside the boundaries of the newspaper are eliminated from the game. The last pair remaining wins.

Do you want even more interesting and cool competitions? Read Part 2:
And of course, the most important ones New Year's holiday there were always children.
And for them it is worth choosing not only individual competitions and games, but also involving all adults in them. Otherwise, what fun is it?

Game "Candy"

Suitable for adults and children. It is necessary to tie the candies to threads in advance and hang them on chairs. Contestants, one at a time, must try to cut the candies with scissors with their eyes closed. Other guests may give incorrect advice in finding candy.

Competition "Hairdresser"

“Victims” sit on chairs, preferably men, of course. At the command of the presenter, young hairdressers must do hairstyles for clients using elastic bands, hairpins and combs. Whoever gets the most creative hairstyle wins.

Competition “Remembering Childhood”

This nostalgic competition for the New Year with family can appeal to different generations. You need to say a phrase or sing a verse or chorus of a song of a famous fairy-tale or cartoon character without saying his name. For example, “I am a man in the prime of life,” “Whoever helps people is wasting his time,” “Normal heroes always take a detour.” If no one remembers who they are talking about, the player who made the guess begins to give clues without saying the name of the hero.

Relay race “Snowball Gatherers”

For the relay race, two large, thick bags are prepared in advance, with slits for the legs at the bottom. In addition to this, you will need foam snowballs. You can replace them with lumps of white paper in the shape of snowballs. Children are divided into two teams. One of the players on each team is given the honorary name “Snowball Collector” and a bag with slots is put on his feet.
Cheerful music plays and the presenter throws snowballs on the floor. At the leader’s command, the children begin to collect snowballs, throwing them into the bag of their “Snowball Collector”. At the end, they count whose team scored large quantity snowballs.

Game "Throwers, knockers, hits"

There is no need for intelligence here, and it is quite possible to entertain guests from 3 to 103 years old.
From experience, such competitions sometimes turn out to be very exciting. It is difficult to guess what exactly your guests will like, we will simply list some options, and you will decide on the available props and set aside a place for the game:
– If you find any version of darts (magnetic, balls with Velcro), feel free to award a prize to the most accurate, there will definitely be interest in the competition.
– Skittles or plastic bottles filled with beans, peas or water, fun to knock down rubber ball any age. Prize for winning New Year's bowling!
– Throwing “snowballs” from a newspaper into a basket (what if someone gets a 10 out of 10 result?). Choose the distance yourself.

DIY New Year's crafts

Choose the most interesting Competitions for the new year 2019! New Year's games and entertainment will help make your holiday interesting and unforgettable, which you will still remember for a long time remember with warmth and joy! Happy New Year!

Send the competition to yourself or friends.

This event must begin some time before the holiday party - everyone who will attend the feast writes their name on a piece of paper, which they put in a basket/bag/bag. After this, all participants draw one name - the one for whom they will become Secret Santa or Father Frost during the holiday. It is difficult to guess who gave the gift to whom. To ensure that no one feels awkward, you can set a price limit for the gift.

Dressing up Santa Claus

Several couples are selected (a girl and a guy). The girl must, within a certain time, dress up her competition companion as Santa Claus, and you can use any objects that come to hand. After the time is up, the audience of this action votes for their favorite “grandfather”.

Guess the melody

Based on the type of program of the same name, participants must guess the melody. The presenter must prepare for this competition in advance - make a selection of melodies from popular films, it is better if they are related to the New Year or Christmas.


Another competition that requires preparation. The presenter prepares questions in advance about the characters of popular New Year or Christmas films. This could be a funny situation involving him or the hero’s passion/hobby.

New Year's songs


This creative competition— we distribute white or blue ones to all participants paper napkins and scissors. After everyone has cut out their snowflake, a vote is taken to choose the best craftsman.


Thanks to this competition, you can determine the most dexterous and fastest at your party. Each participant is given one unfolded sheet of newspaper. The task of each of the competitors: holding behind his back right hand, just use your left hand to grab the newspaper by the corner and quickly gather it into a fist.

New Year's mafia

Many people have played the popular game at least once in their lives. Lately game - Mafia. Principles and rules New Year's mafia the same except for some details. The main wanted ones will be two Santa Clauses, who need to discreetly give gifts to the residents of the city.

Quest with gifts

IN last years Various quests are gaining popularity, so why not use them during the New Year's holiday party. By answering various questions and solving puzzles, participants find small gifts - keychains, bottles of champagne, souvenirs, calendars and much more. And for the team that finishes first, you can prepare some special and original gift: for example, T-shirts or mugs with an interesting inscription.

For fun company Close friends can use several funny and perky competitions.


Two participants are seated opposite each other at a table, in the middle of which an inflatable ball is placed. the main task competitors make the ball fall to the floor from the opponent's edge. After this, the participants are blindfolded. Before the start is announced, the ball is removed and a plate of flour is placed in its place.


Participants have a carrot (pen, cucumber) tied to their belt so that it hangs at knee level in front. The task of the “snipers” is to get a tied object into a half-liter beer glass (identical boxes can be used).

Developing intuition

We blindfold several participants and put thick mittens on their hands. Having spoiled each of them, they put a person on a chair. The competitor’s task is to determine by touch who is sitting in front of him.

Dance with balls

Several couples (a guy and a girl) are selected who will dance together. The highlight of the competition is that while dancing, couples must hold the balls placed between them.

The most sensitive

This title can be awarded to the winner of this competition. Each of the girls is placed on a chair with some small object (only such that the participant does not get hurt or crush it). On command, everyone sits down and tries to determine what is on the chair. The first one to correctly name the item wins.


Several pairs are selected (a guy and a girl). During a slow melody that lasts 8-10 minutes, the guy must hold the representative of the fair half of humanity in his arms. Some time after the start of the competition, you can prompt the participants to throw the girl over their shoulder, put her on their shoulders, etc., but the main thing is that the girl does not touch the floor.

Sew on hearts

Several couples participate - the girls are seated on chairs and blindfolded. The men get down on all fours in front of the ladies. The participants’ task is to sew 3-5 hearts onto the pants in the butt area of ​​their competition companions. The winner is the couple who managed to complete the task more accurately than others. For this competition, it is better to take a needle for embroidery on canvas - it is larger, thicker and, most importantly, its end is not very pointed.

The main thing during organization funny competitions- remember that none of the participants should be upset or offended. If there are touchy people in your company, then it is better to exclude humorous competitions. After all, it is important that after the party everyone has only pleasant memories.