How to get rid of blackheads, the best proven remedies. Blackhead remover, best for face


Blackheads on the face are a form of acne (open comedones). Most often they can be found on the nose, chin or forehead. They do not pose a serious danger to the body, but they significantly spoil the condition of the skin and its appearance, which cannot but worry people who are faced with such a problem. Especially if we're talking about about women. To remove blackheads on the nose, you can use the most various methods, including both professional cleaning faces in beauty salons, as well as home remedies.


Reasons for the formation of blackheads

Black dots on the nose are sebaceous plugs that arise due to clogging of the mouths of the hair follicles with excess sebum, impurities of dirt, dust, cosmetics and particles of the epidermis. In most cases they occur in people with fat type skin with enlarged pores on the face and increased sebum secretion. In addition, the causes of blackheads may be:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • poor nutrition(abuse of sweets, fried and fatty foods, coffee, carbonated drinks, alcohol);
  • inappropriate skin care products;
  • improper and irregular skin cleansing;
  • constant contact of facial skin with contaminated fingers and hair;
  • excessive use of decorative cosmetics;
  • diseases internal organs;
  • dysfunctions of the endocrine and nervous systems.

Methods to combat blackheads

Exist various ways, how to get rid of blackheads on the nose, each of which has advantages and disadvantages. The most effective is an integrated approach, including not only the removal of comedones, but also further proper care for the skin.

The main method of combating comedones is facial cleansing. To carry it out, the following procedures are used:

  • steam baths;
  • using a special cosmetic spatula or patches to remove comedones;
  • facial cleansing in beauty salons (manual, mechanical, vacuum, laser, ultrasound and others).

Video: Dermatologist about blackheads and ways to combat them

How to remove blackheads on the nose at home

In most cases, you can get rid of blackheads on the nose at home using proven recipes. Low cost of ingredients for preparing masks and scrubs, as well as ease of procedures and good final result are the main advantages of such facial cleansing.

Compliance is of great importance correct order actions. First, you need to cleanse your face with milk or another cleanser. Then steam the skin, after which you can begin cleaning with special masks or scrubs. At the very end, apply toners to tighten pores, moisturizer or mask.


For effective cleaning the skin of the nose from blackheads, the pores on the face should be enlarged. Preliminary steaming of the problem area will soften hardened sebaceous plugs and make it easier to get rid of them.

Steam baths

For a steam bath, use herbal infusions that have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects (chamomile, sage, calendula, oak bark, St. John's wort, etc.). When choosing herbs, you should take into account the characteristics of the skin: for dry and problematic skin, you can include wormwood, yarrow, rosemary, and for oily skin - chamomile, horsetail.

To prepare a steam bath, place 60 g of herb or herbal collection, fill it halfway with water and bring to a boil. The resulting broth is infused for 10 minutes, covered with a lid. If desired, you can add a drop to it essential oil lemon or eucalyptus. Then you need to remove the lid from the pan and bend over it at an angle of 45° at a distance of at least 30 cm, covering your head with a towel. For dry thin or sensitive skin The duration of the procedure is 5 minutes, and for oily and combination skin – 10–15 minutes.

Hot compresses

You can also use hot compresses to steam the skin on your nose. To do this, place a piece of gauze folded several times into a hot herbal decoction, then squeeze it lightly and apply it to problem areas. After the compress has cooled, the gauze is re-wetted, wrung out and applied.

Cleansing masks

Egg white film mask

Take an egg and separate the white from the yolk. Using a mixer, beat the egg whites into a stiff foam and apply to the nose area. Place a layer of paper napkin on top of the egg white suitable size and apply another layer of protein. After about half an hour, when the mask on your face has dried well, you need to remove it with a sharp movement from the bottom up.

Film mask based on gelatin

Milk – 1 tbsp. l.
Activated carbon– 1 tablet
Gelatin – 1 tsp.

Pour warm milk into a small cup, add gelatin and powdered activated carbon. To stir thoroughly. To put on water bath or in the microwave so that all the gelatin dissolves.

While warm, apply the mask to your nose in several layers using cotton pads or a clean brush. Leave the product for about half an hour to harden. Remove by hooking your fingernail over the edge. After you have managed to get rid of blackheads on your nose using this mask, you need to wash your face warm water to remove remaining gelatin.

Clay mask

Clay powder is mixed with warm water or herbal infusion to the consistency of thick sour cream. The resulting mass is applied to the nose. After a while, when the mask dries, massage movements wash it off with warm water or remove it with a damp sponge. The duration of the procedure depends on the characteristics of the skin: for dry – 5-7 minutes, for oily – 15–20 minutes, for normal – 10 minutes. At the same time, it is recommended to use yellow, pink or red clay for dry skin, and white, blue and green for oily and combination skin. Black clay is suitable for any type.

Mask of salt, soda and soap

Soda – 1 tsp.
Fine salt – 1 tsp.

Mix salt and soda. Lather your face with soap, preferably baby soap. Apply a mixture of soda and salt using circular massage movements on top of the skin of the nose with blackheads. After 5 minutes, rinse with water.

Honey and cinnamon mask


Honey – 1 tbsp. l.
Cinnamon – ⅓ tsp.

Mix honey and cinnamon, before going to bed, massage onto problem areas and leave overnight. In the morning, wash off the mask with water.

Fresh vegetable masks

To get rid of blackheads on the nose, fresh vegetables are often used: potatoes, cucumbers and tomatoes. You can just wipe it problem areas slice these vegetables or make masks from them. To do this, potatoes and cucumber are grated on a medium grater, and the skin is removed from the tomato and the pulp is mashed. Apply to problem areas for half an hour, then rinse with cool water.

Mask with aloe juice, lemon and egg white

Lemon juice – 2 tsp.
Young aloe juice – 2 tsp.
White of one egg

Mix aloe juice, lemon and egg white with a blender. Apply the resulting mask to problem areas in two stages. First, the first layer, and after it dries, the second is applied on top. Leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with water.

Cleansing scrubs

Scrubs are used to cleanse the skin of dead cells, dirt and blackheads. They can use sugar, salt, soda, ground coffee beans, dried orange or lemon peel, and others as an exfoliating component.

Olive oil and sugar scrub

Sugar – 2 tsp.
Olive oil – 12 ml

Mix sugar and olive oil into a homogeneous mass. Apply the product onto blackheads using massaging movements. Rinse off with water after 5 minutes.

Yogurt and salt scrub

Yogurt – 2 tbsp. l.
Lemon juice – ½ tsp.
Fine salt – ½ tsp.
Honey - ½ tbsp. l.

Mix yogurt with salt, add lemon juice and honey. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to areas with comedones. Massage the skin with light movements for 5 minutes. Wash with warm water.

Rice and milk scrub

Rice – 1 tbsp. l.
Milk – ⅓ glass

Soak rice in warm milk for 4 hours. Then grind the rice and the resulting mass in a circular motion Rub the problem areas of the skin for about 3 minutes. Wash with water.

Salt and sour cream scrub

Salt – 5 g
Full-fat sour cream – 30 ml

Mix salt and sour cream. Massage the mixture onto the areas of the nose with blackheads. After 5 minutes, rinse with water.

Products for tightening enlarged pores and moisturizing the face

After completing the procedures to get rid of comedones, you need to narrow the enlarged pores and then apply a moisturizer. To tighten pores, you can wipe your skin with the following products:

  • cucumber juice and vodka in a ratio of 2:1;
  • tincture of calendula and mineral water 1:8;
  • ice cubes (you can use frozen herbal decoction);
  • white from 1 egg and 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice.

Video: Effective remedies for combating blackheads from an expert in the field of home cosmetics

Precautions when removing blackheads

Before you try to get rid of blackheads on your nose, you need to take all precautions into account so as not to further harm or spoil the skin on your face. These include the following:

  • It is not recommended to squeeze out comedones yourself, as there is a risk of infection; it is better to entrust such manipulations to cosmetologists;
  • steam baths are contraindicated for people suffering from rosacea or having inflammatory processes on the face (rash, wounds, pimples, redness, etc.);
  • before applying a cleansing mask or scrub to your face, you must do an allergy test on the inside of your arm;
  • Do not apply makeup immediately after removing blackheads.

If you cannot cope with blackheads on your own, then you should consult a doctor. Perhaps the problem is caused by hormonal changes or some diseases.

13 806 0 Hello! Clean beautiful skin- an indicator of beauty, health and external attractiveness. On the way to perfect skin Many obstacles arise, including black dots. In this article we will talk about blackheads on the face, as well as how to get rid of them. You will get acquainted with the best blackhead removal products.

Comedones are the most common problem that both women and men often face. They are divided into open And closed. White pimples that regularly become inflamed and cause painful sensations- closed comedones. Open comedones are the blackheads hated by many.

Blackheads are enlarged pores clogged with sebum. Their dark color is due to the oxidation of melanin.

Skin with open comedones looks rather untidy and not aesthetically pleasing. Apart from the issue of aesthetics, blackheads no longer create problems for their owner. They rarely become inflamed and do not cause pain.

Most often this problem occurs in the T-zone (chin, nose, forehead). Black dots can even be found on a child’s face.

Causes of blackheads

What are the causes of blackheads? It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally. The reasons may be:

  • Hormonal changes. Very often comedones are a consequence hormonal changes in organism: menstruation, pregnancy, sexual development . It is for this reason that black spots appear on the faces of teenagers.
  • Poor nutrition. Nutrition is the basis of everything in our body. , sweet, fatty and unhealthy foods immediately lead to various rashes on the face.
  • Diseases of the digestive system.
  • Diseases of the pancreas.
  • Poor skin care. Incorrect or irregular cleansing, long stay of decorative cosmetics on the skin, lack of peelings and scrubs, improper washing.
  • Poor quality decorative cosmetics and care products. Such products not only do not make your skin more beautiful and well-groomed, they settle deep in the pores and contribute to their clogging.
  • Bad habits. Alcohol and tobacco have never added youth and beauty to anyone.
  • Excessive skin cleansing. Constant cleansing procedures often have the opposite effect. Do not overuse washing and constantly wipe your skin with tonics and alcohol lotions. Such procedures strip the skin of its protective layer, promote the expansion of pores and activate the sebaceous glands in order to protect the skin from external influences.
  • Frequent scrubbing. For the same reason, you should not overuse scrubs and peels.
  • Heredity. Blackheads are sometimes inherited by their owner. Unfortunately, this state of affairs cannot be changed. The only thing you can do is to regularly and properly care for your skin.
  • . Try not to touch your face during the day. Following this rule alone will significantly reduce the number of skin rashes.
  • Hair products. Black dots on the forehead (if you have bangs), shoulders and neck are indicators that the problem lies in hair products that are too nourishing and heavy: balms, shampoos, oils, styling products.

Salon elimination methods

The most effective method for removing blackheads on the face professional cleaning. It is very important to contact a qualified, experienced specialist in a trusted clinic or salon. Otherwise, simple black dots can turn into real purulent rashes, which will be much more difficult to get rid of.

  1. Manual or mechanical cleansing face from blackheads. The most common and quick method fight against blackheads. During this procedure, a specialist prepares the skin and manually removes impurities from the pores. Afterwards, the surface of the skin is processed liquid nitrogen and soothing masks are applied.
    The main disadvantages of this procedure: soreness, long skin healing time, no long-term effect. The procedure must be repeated once every 1.5-2 months.
  2. . During this procedure, even old dead skin cells are removed, blood circulation is normalized and improved, and metabolic processes are improved. You can notice the results of this procedure after a week.
  3. Vacuum cleaning. Cleaning of pores occurs due to negative pressure. This procedure will not give a 100% result, but it is completely painless and safe.
  4. . For this procedure, use fruit acids. This type of peeling often misses large comedones.
  5. Ultrasonic cleaning. High-frequency vibrations cleanse the upper layers of the skin from various impurities and excess fat.
    This procedure has contraindications: diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Regular treatment of comedones and facial cleansing by a cosmetologist eliminates the need to constantly think about how to get rid of blackheads.

How to get rid of blackheads at home?

Certainly, salon treatments are good, but not everyone has the opportunity to see a specialist. It's not a problem. Effective remedies can be found at the pharmacy, in the grocery store, or even in the refrigerator.

Blackhead patch

An alternative manual cleaning face is a special patch for removing blackheads. You can find it in any pharmacy, it costs relatively little, and it is quite easy to use, just follow the instructions. You should not expect immediate results; visible effects will occur only after several uses.

Such a patch can be successfully replaced with a regular one.

  • Gelatin - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Warm milk - small amount
  1. Mix the ingredients and microwave for 10 minutes.
  2. Apply to the area with comedones.
  3. Place on top paper napkin and apply a layer of mask again.
  4. Leave on skin until hardened.
  5. With a sharp movement, tear the film off the skin.
  6. Treat your skin salicylic acid or lemon juice.

Facial steaming

Almost any home procedure it is recommended to do . This can be done using plain warm water or herbal infusion.

  1. For herbal bath First you need to boil water in a saucepan, then add any herb (chamomile, thyme, St. John's wort, sage, linden, etc.).
  2. Cover with a lid and let steep for 15-20 minutes.
  3. After this, pour the infusion into any wide cup or basin, bend over it and cover your head with a terry towel. Breathe over the steam for about 15 minutes.

You can add a couple of drops of tea tree, eucalyptus or lemon essential oil to the herbal decoction.

It is not necessary to pour it out after the procedure. herbal infusion, it can be used as a tonic or frozen into cubes to then wipe the skin of the face and décolleté.

Mechanical cleaning at home

The standard way to quickly get rid of blackheads at home is by hand. Many people wonder: “ Is it possible to crush blackheads yourself?". Experts categorically do not recommend doing this, since at home most people do not follow the basic rules of cleaning, introduce other bacteria into the pores and spread rashes across the skin. As a result, instead of cleansing, the skin becomes even more covered with rashes, purulent pimples, and inflammations, which cannot be quickly eliminated.

However, if you still decide to undergo this risky procedure, do everything according to the rules, so that you don’t have to think about how to remove all these unpleasant consequences.

  1. Wash your face with gel or foam cleanser.
  2. Steam your facial skin.
  3. Treat the skin.
  4. Clean your hands with alcohol or salicylic acid. You can also wrap your fingers in sterile wipes.
  5. Gently squeeze out comedones with your fingertips. Never press on the skin with your nails!
  6. If any of the blackheads cannot be squeezed out, you should not pick them out or put too much pressure on them. Just leave this point alone until next time.
  7. Treat your skin with hydrogen peroxide again.
  8. Use any product to tighten pores.
  9. Refrain from using cosmetics for 24 hours.

Products for narrowing pores

After any cleansing procedure, it is necessary to use a product that helps tighten the pores. Can be used as a tonic Apple vinegar, a piece grass ice or create a healthy lotion at home.

Homemade scrubs

Clearing your face of acne and blackheads is impossible without regular exfoliation. Therefore, it is necessary to use scrubs 2 times a week. Contraindications to this procedure are irritation, wounds and inflammation on the skin.

Compound Notes
Oatmeal - 1 tbsp. l.
Soda - 1 tsp.
Kefir must be added until it becomes medium thick. Perform a light facial massage and rinse.
Honey - 3 tbsp. l.
Cinnamon - 1 tbsp. l.
Cocoa (without additives and sugar) - 2 tbsp. l.
Olive oil - 2 tsp.
This scrub is good to use in the bath or while taking a bath. After the procedure, wash off cold water. There is no need to apply cream because olive oil perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin.
Rice - 2-3 tbsp. l.Rinse the rice and pour boiling water overnight. The next day, strain and soften. Carry out the scrubbing procedure.

Homemade face masks for blackheads

How to deal with blackheads on the face? Of course, with the help of masks. ethnoscience allows you to decide maximum amount requests: cleansing, lightening, removing dead cells, improving skin regeneration, relieving inflammation, etc. Before any masks, it is recommended to pre-steam your facial skin.

The table contains the most effective recipes masks.

Compound Procedure time Notes
Egg mask Egg white - 1 pc.20 minutesLightly beat the egg white, apply to the skin, cover with a napkin, and apply another layer. Wait until dry and remove with a sharp movement from bottom to top.
Protein is great for removing blackheads and works as a film mask.
Soda - 2 tbsp. l.
Salt - 2 tbsp. l.
5-7 minutesDip wet into mixture cotton pad, apply in circular motions without pressure to areas with blackheads. After rinsing, apply a pore tightening product and moisturizer.
Oatmeal Hercules flakes - 1 tbsp. l.
Salt - 1 tsp.
Boric acid - 4-5 drops
10-15 minutesMix all ingredients, add kefir to the consistency of thick sour cream. After the mask, massage your face and rinse with cold water.
Activated carbon – 2 tablets
Cosmetic clay - 1 tbsp. l.
Cool water
20 minutesAdd water until it reaches the consistency of sour cream.
For this mask, blue, pink, white or black are suitable cosmetic clay for face.
Activated carbon removes blackheads from the skin, is a natural absorbent and perfectly cleanses the skin.
White clay mask White clay5-15 minutesClay perfectly cleanses the skin of blackheads.
This mask It dries the skin a lot, so it should be done no more than once a week.
Liquid honey10-15 minutesApply a thin layer of honey to the skin.
Kefir mask Lightly warmed kefir15-20 minutes
Juice of 1/4 lemon
Honey - 1 tbsp. l.
10-15 minutesGrate a quarter of a lemon. After the mask, be sure to apply moisturizer.
Soda mask Soda - 2 tbsp. l.
Small amount of water
10-15 minutesThe mask dries out the skin a lot, do not use it more than once every 1-2 weeks. Be sure to apply cream after the procedure.
Strawberry Several strawberries20-25 minutesCrush the berries, add flour if necessary for a thicker consistency.
Coal Activated carbon – 10 tablets
A little water or sour cream or milk
5-10 minutes
Egg white- 1 PC.
Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.
5-15 minutesRinse off with cold water.
Tomato - 1 pc.5 minutesCrush
Aloe mask Egg white - 1 pc.
Lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.
Aloe juice - 2 tbsp. l.
Before dryingDivide the mixture into 2 parts. Apply the first part and wait for it to dry. Apply the second part.
Velcro mask Egg white - 1 pc.
Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
Before dryingMix egg whites and sugar until smooth. Apply one layer of mask and wait to dry. Apply the remainder and pat on your face until your hands are no longer sticky. Such movements help remove impurities from the pores.
Potato10 minutesGrate the potatoes.

How to choose cosmetics?

When choosing cosmetics, adhere to the following rules:

  1. Choose cosmetics based on. For example, if your skin is dry, give preference to a moisturizer. Oily skin A light lotion or emulsion is more suitable.
  2. Choose water-based products. Oils will not help get rid of blackheads, but will only clog the pores even more.
  3. Avoid thick foundations. Choose light matte textures. BB and CC creams will do an excellent job of evening out the tone, but will not harm the skin.
  4. Avoid layers of makeup. This will keep your skin healthier and save your wallet from unnecessary expenses. Makeup base, foundation, concealer, powder - some products on this list can be easily sacrificed.
  5. Give preference to high-quality decorative cosmetics. If you live in big city light makeup not only not harmful, but even useful. After all, it is he who acts as a protective layer and protects the skin from dust, dirt and the poor ecology of the big city.
  6. If you don’t want to prepare masks yourself, purchase ready-made mask with white clay.
  7. Anyone with blackheads should have gels with exfoliating particles, film masks and balms in their cosmetic bag.
  8. At aging skin it would be useful to acquire anti-aging cream with a lifting effect. As we age, the skin sags, pores become stretched, and similar means It will not only tighten the pores, but also make the contours of the face clearer.
  9. Avoid products that contain alcohol.


Timely prevention is the best way to solve any problem, especially a skin problem.

  1. Take proper care of your skin. Clean it daily morning and evening. After this, you need to refresh your face with a toner and apply a cream suitable for your skin type.
  2. Once a week, remove dead particles with a scrub or peel, or visit a cosmetologist regularly.
  3. Choose your cosmetics carefully and monitor their expiration date and quality.
  4. Give up bad habits.
  5. Exercise regularly.
  6. Review your diet.
  7. Maintain a sleep schedule. Skin is the mirror of the body.
  8. Remove makeup thoroughly.
  9. It is best to finish water procedures with cold water or wipe the skin with an ice cube.
  10. Touch your face only with clean hands.
  11. Electric facial brushes will also help to deeply cleanse your skin at home. Thanks to special brushes and a special trajectory of movement, these beauty gadgets deeply cleanse pores.

Getting rid of blackheads is quite easy. The main thing is to follow the rules of care and cleanse your skin regularly.

Where to buy an effective remedy for blackheads

  • L'etoile nasal cleansing strips BON VOYAGE AGIOTAGE- effectively cleanses pores of blackheads. Designed for fast deep cleansing pores, have antiseptic properties. Helps tighten pores with regular use. Noticeable effectiveness after the first use.
  • Facial massage brush SECRET KEY (South Korea) - deeply cleanses pores of blackheads, makeup residues and sebum; perfectly massages the skin, removing dead cells from its surface.
  • Set of patches for removing blackheads SECRET KEY(South Korea) - deeply cleanses the skin of blackheads on the nose; cleanses impurities and tightens pores.
  • THE SAEM blackhead removal patch(South Korea) - helps clean open pores from dirt and sebaceous plugs; tightens cleansed pores; moisturizes; softens the skin; evens out skin tone.
  • Face mask film SECRET KEY Black out pore peel-off pack - absorbs excess sebum.
  • Set with aloe extract of patches for blackheads THE FACE SHOP Jeju volcanic lava aloe nose strips -Set consists of:
    • a patch that helps open pores;
    • a plaster that absorbs all contaminants;
    • pore tightening patch.

Velcro for cleansing pores + review.

Many women suffer from acne, because the so-called “blackheads” look unsightly and spoil even the most beautiful face. In our article we will tell you how to quickly and effectively get rid of blackheads at home.

Because of profuse sweating The sebaceous glands of our skin become filled with oil and become clogged, and when this oil oxidizes, it becomes dark color: so-called “black dots” are formed, blackheads that consist of a deep wound and a dark-colored hole.

Blackheads are familiar to most of us, and in fact, no one is protected from this problem. And of course, each of us will agree that acne does not look very attractive from an aesthetic point of view, because they most often appear on the nose and forehead and thereby spoil the face. Therefore, if you have ever encountered a similar problem, you would probably be interested to know how you can get rid of blackheads that appear at the wrong moment and look irresistible again.

Contrary to popular belief, blackheads are not always associated with acne (pimples), because blackheads appear primarily due to excess fat, which means that this problem can easily be faced by people who sweat frequently and excessively. To get rid of these unpleasant blackheads, you need to carefully maintain facial hygiene and pay a lot of attention to cleansing. In any store you will find a wide variety of lotions and scrubs that will undoubtedly come to your aid. also in effective fight Home remedies and masks made from natural ingredients will help you with acne.

First of all, here's a simple and helpful advice: Only careful and constant hygiene will help you cope with blackheads! Train yourself to carry out a series of facial cleansing procedures every day, don’t forget to wash your face in the morning and be sure to remove your makeup before going to bed. And remember: you cannot squeeze out acne, because in this way you will not get rid of the problem, but will only damage the skin, and the scars look no better than blackheads.

As you know, lemon is an excellent remedy for a variety of ailments and is considered an excellent antiseptic. To prepare a lemon-based mask, mix a little lemon juice, almond oil and glycerin. Apply this mask to your face every night before going to bed, after you have washed off your makeup. Rinse off with warm water.

Method #5: Honey and Cinnamon Cleanser

Add four teaspoons of honey with one spoon of grated cinnamon to a bowl and stir until a homogeneous mass is formed, similar in consistency to a paste. Apply this mask to areas of the face damaged by blackheads, leave it overnight and do not wash off until next day. Repeat this procedure for two weeks.

Method number 6: Oatmeal mask

Grind one glass of whole oats in a mixer until a powder forms, then add 1/2 glass of warm water and stir until a homogeneous mass is formed. Apply the mask to your face and leave it until it dries, then rinse it off with warm water and dry your face with a clean towel.

Method number 7: Apple mask

Cut the red apple in half, remove the seeds and peel. Mix half an apple in a mixer along with one spoon of lemon juice. Apply this mask to your face and leave for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Everyone knows what acne is. But there is another type of rash - comedonic acne, when the skin becomes bumpy or covered with so-called blackheads. This dermatological problem is widespread among teenagers, but adults often suffer from it too. The good news is that there is effective ways treatment of comedones.

What are comedones

Comedon is the name for a “plug” of sebum and dead epidermal cells in a hair follicle or pore.

Externally, the rashes look like the well-known “black dots” on the skin or bumps. Comedones are a type of acne, but without signs of inflammation. In some places, however, in the area of ​​their accumulation, isolated inflamed elements (red pimples) may be observed. This is the next stage of comedonal development if a bacterial infection occurs.

The frequency of diagnosis of comedones is approximately the same in both men and women.

The distribution of comedonal eruptions varies from mild cases (with small areas affected) to more severe cases when large areas of the body are covered. The rash may develop on the face, back, neck and chest. Most often, comedones appear on the forehead, chin or nose. Blackheads, or open comedones, can be considered as initial stage

pimple development Like most types of acne, comedones are especially common during adolescence. Although adults are not immune from them, especially those with oily and combination skin types. There is often a family tendency to such rashes. For example, if parents had comedones, then children have increased risk

this dermatological problem. The cause of comedones in children is unknown. Usually, the presence of acne in them is not associated with excessive levels of testosterone or other androgenic (male sex) hormones, and children with such a rash do not differ in appearance

from peers.

In children, the occurrence of comedones is not associated with hormonal imbalance Comedones can appear in newborns on the second or third day of life. This happens due to a “hormonal crisis”, which is expressed in the accumulation in the child’s body. large quantity

maternal sex hormones.

Varieties Open comedones (blackheads) are what we more often call acne. They occur when a plug of sebum blocks the duct of the hair follicle. The upper part of the plugging mass is exposed to air (oxidizes) and therefore becomes brown or black.

Open comedones - black or dark brown acne - are clearly visible on the face

Closed comedones (whiteheads) occur when the ducts of the follicles are completely blocked, and the plug of sebum and desquamated epidermal cells is not exposed to air. The cork does not turn black; instead, bumps or bumps on the skin are visually visible. They are not inflamed, but the skin does not look perfectly smooth. In addition, in the future there is a danger of inflammation of the rash elements.

Closed comedones are small, flesh-colored bumps

According to size, acne elements are divided into:

There is another type of comedones - actinic, or solar. They develop as a result of photodamage and age-related changes skin. That is why this type is observed in older people, and the lesions are located mainly on the face.

Ultraviolet radiation is the main cause of skin photoaging and the appearance of actinic changes on it.

Reasons for education

Thanks to the process of cell renewal, our skin gains the ability to recover after negative impact environment. But because of this, acne and pimples form on it. If there is an accumulation of exfoliated cells (for example, due to untimely cleansing of the skin), they stick together with a sticky secretion sebaceous gland and form a plug in the duct of the hair follicle. Another factor causing blockage sebaceous glands

, their excessive secretion appears.

  1. Among the main reasons for the appearance of comedones are: Improper skin care. This includes not only insufficient (or improper) cleansing, but also the use of cosmetics and makeup based on fats. To very negative consequences
  2. For the skin of the face, the habit of going to bed without washing your face leads to this. This provokes the accumulation of particles of dead cells, their fusion with sebum, dust and compaction.
  3. Genetic predisposition. You should take extra care of your facial skin if you have a family history of acne. Hormonal disorders in the body. Most often, the appearance of comedones contributes to increased level
  4. Taking certain medications (mainly hormonal). May be accompanied by the appearance of comedones. True, in most cases, they go away as soon as the person stops taking these medications.
  5. Frequent exposure to stressful situations. It has been observed that the composition of sebum changes in people under stress. Moreover, in depressed state people spend much less time on hygiene and skin care, which leads to the formation of comedones. Often after leaving stressful situations comedones that appear during this period go away on their own.
  6. Living in a humid climate and polluted air. This combination is extremely negative for the skin, as it promotes active contamination and, therefore, provokes the formation of comedones.

A large number of comedones can be caused by diet errors. It has been observed that excess consumption of dairy products and foods with a high glycemic index (sugar and fats) leads to increased acne.

How to get rid of comedones on the face and body

There are many ways to treat comedones. They help unclog pores, kill bacteria or reduce the amount of sebum produced.

Mild forms of acne can go away on their own, for example in teenagers, when the hormonal background and the production of sebum is normalized.

Severe and advanced stages must be treated with the involvement of a dermatologist.

Extrusion Extrusion open comedones manually may be a good solution to the problem if the rash is local in nature and acne covers small areas (the wings of the nose, the middle of the forehead, the chin). And although

mechanical cleaning

It is considered a temporary solution to the problem (the procedure must be carried out regularly as the pores become clogged), but can still be an important step towards healthy skin. Proper manual cleaning of open comedones at home or with a cosmetologist involves the following steps: But mechanical cleaning is not always the best way

cleansing the skin of comedones.

Bacteria live inside the follicular ducts. When squeezing out blackheads, there is a risk of their release into the surrounding tissue. This is how inflammations form on the skin. Squeezing increases the risk of scarring.

  1. Other procedures for removing comedones
  2. Method of atraumatic facial cleansing. With this method, sebaceous plugs are not squeezed out, but dissolved, after opening the pores and applying masks with fruit acids to the skin.
  3. Peeling. Peels may have different composition components: anti-inflammatory, keratolytic, antiseborrheic. Peeling not only cleanses superficial comedones, but also helps to lift deep ones so that mechanical cleaning can be carried out.
  4. Ultrasonic cleaning. In this case, the skin is cleansed using ultrasonic waves, causing cell vibrations and pushing sebaceous plugs out. This is a modern, non-traumatic and very effective method of getting rid of comedones.
  5. Vacuum cleaning. It is carried out using a device with the effect of “pulling” skin impurities into itself. During the procedure, local blood circulation is activated, which also has a positive effect on the condition of the skin. Unfortunately, vacuum is powerless against very deep comedones or inflamed pimples.

Mechanical cleaning in a beauty salon

More safe cleaning produced using a special tool for removing comedones, which is a small loop and a spoon with a hole in the middle different ends metal rod. The tool gently peels back the skin around the blackhead and brings the contents to the surface. Unlike squeezing, this method does not compress the pore walls, so the risk of injury is lower. But tissue damage can still occur.

The tool for removing comedones is a metal rod with a loop and a spoon at different ends

Video: facial cleansing by a cosmetologist

Anti-comedone strips

While a spoon or loop removes only one blackhead at a time, special strips for cleansing pores destroy several at once. There are stripes different sizes for use on the nose, cheek, chin and forehead. Because the contents of the blackheads are closer to the surface, they stick to the adhesive inside of the strip and come out when the person removes it. This procedure is less likely to damage pores, but some people may experience an allergic reaction.

Adhesive strips gently remove many comedones at the same time, which saves time and effort


For drug treatment They use so-called comedolytic (comedone-destroying) topical preparations.

They should be applied once or twice a day by applying a thin layer over the entire affected area. Treatment for comedonal acne is usually long-term and may require a period of several weeks to several months before noticeable improvement occurs.

  • Suitable topical agents:
  • benzoyl peroxide;
  • azelaic acid;
  • salicylic acid;
  • glycolic acid;

retinoids, or structural analogues of vitamin A (they require a doctor's prescription).

  • Oral medications (tablets) for comedonal acne include:
  • retinoids (Isotretinoin);

antibiotics - these are usually prescribed for inflamed acne (Tetracycline, Doxycycline, Minocycline and sulfa drugs).

Use of retinoids

The term "retinoid" refers to retinol (vitamin A) and its derivatives, natural or synthetic. Retinoids affect epithelial cells by binding to receptors within them. Commonly prescribed medications include Tretinoin, Isotretinoin, Acnecutane, and Adapalene.

Tretinoin is a retinoid that accelerates cellular metabolism inside the follicle Tretinoin accelerates cellular turnover on the surface of the hair follicle. This leads to extrusion (pushing out) of comedones. Side effects include local skin irritation and increased sensitivity

to the sun. New formulations of Tretinoin designed to absorb the drug slowly epithelial cells

, cause less skin irritation than the originally available forms. Improvement in acne may not appear until two to three weeks after starting treatment. Isotretinoin does not produce results when applied topically. It is taken orally to treat severe forms of acne that do not respond to antibiotic treatment. Isotretinoin may cause serious birth defects , including physical abnormalities and. mental retardation

During treatment with the drug and for some time after taking it, women are prohibited from becoming pregnant. Any of the retinoids may have serious side effects

  • . Among them:
  • skin boils;
  • increased skin sensitivity;
  • hair loss;
  • headache;
  • nausea and vomiting;

visual disturbances.

Retinoids are allowed to be used for treatment strictly as prescribed by a doctor. Antibacterial agents are used to kill bacteria. The most common soft active substance With is benzoyl peroxide. It helps exfoliate the top layer of skin and destroys bacteria due to its oxidizing properties. It is often included in medications

prescription drugs. Benzoyl peroxide is added to acne products such as gels, creams, lotions, and cosmetic cleansers.

Benzoyl peroxide can be used alone or in combination treatment.

Benzoyl peroxide is the drug of choice for the treatment of acne

Other antibacterial agents available by prescription include topical antibiotics such as Erythromycin, Clindamycin, and Zerkalin.

Photo gallery: medications for the treatment of comedones Acnekutan contains the retinoid isotretinoin, the medicine is taken strictly as prescribed by the doctor
Baziron AS - gel with benzoyl peroxide, which reduces the severity of comedones
Klenzit-S is a combination drug for the treatment of acne (retinoid adapalene + antibiotic clindamycin)

Zerkalin - antibacterial lotion to reduce urea rash

Surgery Comedones on the face are sometimes combined with rosacea - persistent enlargement small vessels

skin. Both of these problems can be solved simultaneously using laser therapy.

Exfoliating products Products that help open pores include gentle cleansers, scrubs, exfoliants and masks. All of them are available without a prescription. Exfoliators remove the outer layer of skin, thereby opening up the pores.

Special masks

help get rid of excess sebum. A similar effect can be achieved with homemade products.

  1. Orange peel scrub An orange peel scrub will make your skin clean, smooth and remove comedones. You can prepare it as follows: Dry
  2. orange peels , grind them in a blender to a powder. Add
  3. rose water
  4. and milk cream into this powder in equal proportions to make a paste.
  5. Apply the product to the area of ​​comedonal acne.

Lightly massage the skin.

Rinse off using circular movements when the product is almost dry.

Dried, crushed orange peel makes an excellent base for a gentle homemade scrub.

Instead of orange peel, you can use dry crushed lemon zest.

  1. Almond peeling mask
  2. Almond peeling mask has a mild anti-comedogenic effect. Method of its preparation:
  3. Soak a handful of almonds in water overnight.
  4. Massage for 1-2 minutes, then leave to dry for another 5-10 minutes.
  5. Rinse off with warm water.

Choice the right remedy and regularity of its use ensure successful treatment of comedones

Proper nutrition

Getting rid of comedones is impossible without normalizing nutrition. Doctors recommend following a diet with low content sugar, fats and dairy products, which provoke increased insulin production.

Insulin is a hormone secreted to transport glucose into the cell. It is released when a person experiences stress or eats. A large amount of it is released when carbohydrates are consumed:

  • bakery products;
  • baking;
  • sweets and other sweets;
  • chips;
  • potatoes;
  • grain and whole grain products;
  • legumes;
  • sweet fruits.

The production of insulin through a series of reactions is also triggered during the absorption of fatty foods, especially if it is combined with carbohydrates. Insulin increases inflammation and increases testosterone, which leads to excessive sebum production.

Drinking plenty of water - good remedy for skin detoxification. Fresh are useful fruit juices during the day and a glass of warm water with lemon juice in the morning on an empty stomach.

Treatment prognosis and possible complications

In the absence of the necessary treatment, as well as in case of its insufficiency, the manifestations of comedones will worsen with an increase in the affected area, penetration inflammatory processes into the deeper layers of the skin. Complications are:


To prevent the formation of comedones, it is recommended:

  • observe personal hygiene rules, use exfoliating products, regularly cleanse the skin;
  • follow the rules healthy eating, exclude bad habits and enrich the body with essential vitamins;
  • Having your skin regularly examined by a dermatologist will give you confidence in maintaining its health.

It must be remembered that once again Don't touch your face with your hands. This prevents the spread of bacteria that cause inflammation on the skin.