Transitional age for girls. Transformation of a girl into a girl: sexual development of a girl - writes a gynecologist

For children

The specifics of adolescence differ depending on gender. The transitional stage in girls has its own characteristics, primarily related to the reproductive system. What are the developmental features of teenage girls, what situations await parents and what risks arise? How to pass correctly transitional age? Read more about this.

First I want to mention that in this article I adhere to classical periodizations, and not modern offers to extend adolescence to 24 years. You can read about why I hold this opinion in the article.

Based on the analysis of different age periodizations we can say that girls adolescence lasts from 10 (12) years to 15 (16) years. At the same time, the peak of negative reactions is the period from 11 to 13 years. And the peak of emotional instability occurs at 13-15 years. In girls, the negative phase in 70% of cases ends with literary work (letters, diaries, poems).

Signs of adolescence

Signs of adolescence in girls include:

  • the appearance of primary and secondary sexual characteristics;
  • skin problems;
  • the beginning of menstruation;
  • change in hair structure;
  • the desire to stand out (often manifested by rudeness, aggressiveness, emotionality, cheeky behavior);
  • stubbornness;
  • maximalism;
  • mood swings;
  • a sharp change in habitual behavior, interests, hobbies.

Sexual development

For girls puberty begins on average at 12 years of age and ends at 16 years of age. Characteristic girlish puberty - the desire to please. To do this, they begin to dress up and take care of themselves. At the same time, they easily and sincerely fall in love and are drawn to the company of boys. However, the development of femininity (gender identification) does not depend on the masculinity of the boys around them.

Sometimes the desire to be perfect and dissatisfaction with oneself result in nervous disorders, such as anorexia. Although it is worth noting that in Lately This affects boys no less.

If you notice or suspect an eating disorder in your daughter, you should immediately contact a specialist.

The onset of menstruation plays a special role in the development of girls:

  • On the one hand, this is perceived as a stage of transformation into a woman and is a symbol of sophistication and tenderness. The girl begins to strive for this image. However, this only happens if the girl accepts her changes.
  • If a girl cannot accept the onset of menstruation and regards this as closing the door to childhood, then this becomes an obstacle to successful adaptation. Feelings of inferiority, shame, and uncertainty may appear. However, due to the inconsistency of adolescence, pride and self-confidence arise, which aggravates the situation.

An intrapersonal conflict in the sexual (gender, reproductive) sphere can be provoked in a girl by the desire to separate from her mother, superimposed on the desire to be like her (a model woman). The situation can be aggravated by the mother’s desire to make her daughter a copy of herself and the father’s positive attitude towards bringing “his women” together.

Physical development

Peak growth in girls occurs at the age of 10-11 years; by the age of 16, growth slows down significantly. In this case, weight gain occurs from 11 to 14 years.

Formation of immunity

Adolescence marks the final phase of development immune system person. In girls this happens at 12-13 years old. The development of immunity depends on external environmental conditions and heredity. This is why it is important for teenagers:

  • eat well and properly;
  • exercise;
  • avoid bad habits.

The cardiovascular system

Girls experience rapid heartbeat and hypertension. Blood pressure is highest at 13-14 years of age. This gives rise to:

  • headache,
  • dizziness,
  • fatigue.


In terms of physical strength, girls reach the level of adult women by the age of 14-15.


The respiratory organs grow. In girls, the chest type of breathing predominates. Girls are less able to tolerate a lack of air during physical activity.

Emotional sphere

Girls experience any emotions more clearly than boys. They perceive everything as highly significant, vital, and important.

  • The peak of emotionality occurs at the age of 13-14, then decreases.
  • A new surge occurs at 18 years of age.

Often these outbursts are called the crisis of adolescence. Emotional and mood swings are characteristic: sadness and despair are replaced by euphoria and joy. In general, girls have a predominant manic-depressive state, which is caused by hormonal and somatic changes with low self-awareness and acceptance.

Health facts (mental, physical)

If we talk in general about the health of modern teenage girls, we can note several disappointing facts (data from a study by M. B. Krasnikova):

  • slow pace of physical development;
  • disorders in the development of the reproductive system;
  • an abundance of chronic and recurrent diseases;
  • psychosomatic problems;
  • prevalence of sexually transmitted infections;
  • early pregnancies;
  • deviant behavior (alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse);
  • problems with social integration;
  • Every eighth girl has disorders of sexual development or gynecological problems.

It is noted that these facts are associated with problems mental development teenage girls. This occurs under the influence of destructive family education, the decline of morality in society, the availability of information against the backdrop of a small amount of organized propaganda of useful material.

The role of the family in the formation of a teenage girl

The task of parents in solving this problem is to contribute, that is, first of all, to create:

  • favorable intra-family relationships;
  • psychologically comfortable conditions for the development of a teenage girl.

It is also necessary to conduct educational conversations, promptly introduce the girl to the changes in her body (primarily talk about menstruation, pregnancy), describe the pros and cons of these changes, that is, the advantages and risks.

It is important to show value by personal example. healthy image life. It is unacceptable for your words and actions to diverge. Divergence of parental positions in education is also unacceptable.

A common but erroneous opinion is that in the family there should be prohibitions on discussing any topics, for example, sex. Or sometimes parents feel embarrassed. There shouldn't be any taboos. A girl should and has the right to know about her function as a woman and expectant mother. Illiteracy is often the root cause. If you can’t talk on your own, give them a book, video cassette, or disk.

  1. If the girl’s problems are far-fetched, but easily solvable, then this needs to be done. It's important to see fine line between dangerous behavior and acceptable behavior. For example, if a girl is dissatisfied with herself because of her hairstyle, then you can change it. If there is a real problem of excess weight, then the sensible way is to lose weight. But if a girl stops eating altogether, then prevention (treatment) of anorexia needs to begin.
  2. You can't leave the upbringing of your daughter to your mother. The father is an equally important figure. This is a sample male role. It is important for dads not to be afraid of their growing daughter and not to run away from her, but at the same time not to fall into total guardianship and prohibitions. Father – support, care, protection (if necessary).
  3. Together, cope with teenage criticality and maximalism. Analyze all situations and clearly demonstrate the duality of each event and step. There are two medals for everything. Describe your real situations and feelings, but remember that your child is unique (he is not you).
  4. Give the girl the right to choose, but with further responsibility.
  5. The main tool in establishing contact is dialogue. Always. Even if the child is screaming. He is not an adult yet, so he can be forgiven (hormones,). You are an adult and have no right to stoop to that level. But you can’t swallow it either. You can report what upset you. If you can’t speak calmly yet, leave, calm down and talk through the situation later.
  6. Don't you dare read your daughter's diary. I understand that you want to know what she breathes, but this is not an option. There can be only one exception - you are 100% sure that your daughter is in danger. If you are simply interested in what is happening in her life, then you will have to endure and find ways to make your daughter want to tell about it.
  7. Remember that the teenager himself does not understand what is happening to him. The question “What’s wrong with you?” won't improve the situation.


Self-knowledge is the basis of adolescence. For girls, planning for the future plays a leading role. family life, search potential husband, creating your ideal. The girl evaluates her success through success in interpersonal relationships.

The entire adolescence can be described as critical. Don't make things worse. What a teenage girl expects most from you wise advice, support, understanding.

Adolescence is in many ways similar for boys and girls, so in addition I recommend reading the article. There you will find additional recommendations on interactions with his young lady and references to literature.

Be who you want your child to be! After all, he will still copy the main features from you.

A daughter is growing in the family, your beauty, your favorite. You rejoice at her successes and cope with minor troubles together. However time is running, and it’s time to think about the fact that the child will soon enter adolescence.

What changes occur in the girl’s body?

At the age of 11-12 years, work intensifies thyroid gland and the pituitary gland for the production of hormones. This causes rapid and disproportionate growth of the body. The girl spends a lot of time in front of the mirror, studying the changes in her appearance, which often frighten her. Therefore, you should be careful with comments about your child's appearance.
Mood swings and irritability are also associated with an increased release of sex hormones into the blood, due to which the child acquires secondary sexual characteristics. Hormones cause an excess of sexual energy, which the girl realizes by known reasons can not. All this powerful potential spills out in the form of outbreaks of aggression, insolence and disobedience. Parents should remember that during adolescence the function of the adrenal cortex sharply increases. This means that the child is constantly under stress.

How to help a teenage girl overcome this difficult period?

Close to peers. It is very important for a teenager to be “like everyone else.” Therefore, make sure that your daughter is dressed as is customary in her environment and has all the accessories that are significant among teenagers. This is very important: the “have-nots” become objects of ridicule and persecution.
If a girl’s teeth, skin, or hair are not in order, do not ignore it. She will avoid communication and be shy around people. And the attitude towards withdrawn teenagers among their peers varies from indifference to open bullying.
Encourage your daughter's interest in sports, dance and music. Let her attend clubs in the system additional education, tries himself in different types activities. Encourage her to participate school competitions, Olympiads, competitions.
Tips for parents. I can say from my own experience that if you are authoritative for your child, then there will be no big problems. But if there was no time to communicate with her before, then adolescence the girl is unlikely to let you get close.
Your daughter shared some “terrible secret” with you. Keep it, don't tell anyone. The girl will appreciate your reliability and will trust you with more serious things in the future.
I would like to draw the attention of some parents: sometimes you see a girl with quite ordinary external characteristics, and even a C student, and her self-esteem is inflated to indecent proportions. Therefore, do not praise your child. Such girls are touchy, childish, and have poor understanding of real life. In addition, the people around you will view this behavior clearly negatively.
I do not advise readers of MirSovetov to fall into another opposite. You should not shame the girl on every occasion, humiliate her, or speak disparagingly about her appearance and studies. Under these conditions it grows ready victim with an inescapable feeling of guilt. She cannot stand up for herself, she rushes to any man if he only treats her kindly. He agrees to any job, but does not know how to demand decent pay or self-respect. Later comes the realization of a ruined life with all the ensuing consequences...
It is important to maintain a balance that preserves the authority of the parents. At this age, it is important to instill in the girl some stereotypes and behavior patterns. But this must be done in a friendly manner, without coercion.

Get your girl used to daily self-care

Face. Clean, elastic, tender is the best decoration teenage girls. My daughter and I have a rule of four:
  • don't touch your face with dirty hands;
  • do not use any radical means (this includes scrubs, alcohol-based lotions, the now popular designer soap, it is not known what it is made of);
  • monitor the work;
  • wash off makeup at night.
To soften and nourish facial skin, we use ordinary domestic creams with a shelf life of no more than a year, and from imported ones it is better to choose skin care products for newborns. More gentle formulas are used in their production.
The problem with many teenagers is acne. In general, you should not focus on acne, because... This is the work of hormones, not a disturbed metabolism. But since you can’t forbid squeezing, I advise MirSovetov readers to teach their daughter how to do it with the least loss. Before the procedure, let him wash his hands with soap. Painful areas should be wiped with eau de toilette with a high alcohol content. If these are black comedones, you need to steam the skin by applying a towel soaked in hot water. After removing the acne, the skin is again treated with alcohol. It is better to do all manipulations in the evening - damaged skin will heal overnight.
Hair. Focus on hygiene. If long hair You can wash it 2-3 times a week, then short ones - every other day. Now big choice shampoos with neutral pH. Help your daughter choose a hairstyle that suits her face, this is now easily done with the help of computer program. It's better not to rush. Explain to your teenager how being in the sun or in the cold with your head uncovered can have a harmful effect on your hair.
It happens that girls in adolescence begin to experience it more intensely. You need to visit a doctor, but we dealt with this problem classical methods. Brew a handful of birch or nettle leaves in 2 liters of water and rinse your hair after washing for a month. Another proven recipe for rinsing is to boil burdock roots (a glass of dry raw material in 2-3 liters of water) for 15 minutes and strain. The healing effect of these procedures continues until the next one.
Hands. Not every girl can boast classic shape hands, but their condition depends only on her efforts. The first rule is cleanliness. Second - ideal condition nails
Daily nail care is very important for a girl who wants to have beautiful hands. I bought a quality one for my daughter manicure set and taught her how to do it simple manicure. She immediately explained that at her age the best option would be clear nail polish delicate shades. To develop finger strength and flexibility, I suggest exercises that we do every day:
  1. Clench your fists as if you were quickly grabbing something out of thin air – 10 times.
  2. Unclench your clenched fists with a sharp throwing motion, as if you were splashing water in someone’s face - 10 times.
  3. Spread the fingers of your left hand. Now with two fingers right hand try to slowly spread every two fingers on your left hand to the maximum distance. Change hand.
  4. Small rubber ball squeeze in your hand each time with different strength - 10 times. The same thing - with the other hand.
Intimate hygiene. Now I’m going to say something seditious, but I think it’s unnecessary for a 12-year-old girl to wash herself every day with soap or gel. The best option- day clean water, day - with soap, but without fanaticism. Why? Daily washing of the perineum “to the point of squeaking” is unphysiological and causes changes in the microflora of the mucous membrane. Underwear we change every day.
Menses. At the age of 11-16, a future woman experiences dramatic change- Menstruation begins. Prepare your daughter for this in advance, explain the mechanism of menstruation. Calm down - many are afraid to bleed. Don't waste money on good gaskets: sometimes a girl doesn’t sleep well, afraid of getting her bed linen dirty.
Toilet genitals in critical days carried out as needed.
It is strictly forbidden to douche, because... During menstruation, the cervix is ​​slightly open. Douching is generally contraindicated for girls.
Nowadays tampons are produced in different sizes, so even a virgin can choose the right one. It’s another matter when, together with the tampon that the girl held in her hand, opening the door of the school toilet, a huge number of microorganisms enter the vagina. Therefore, the girl should be explained about tampons, but their use should be prohibited. I only allowed my daughter to use pads.

Communication Lessons

Children adopt the style of communication and behavior of their parents. You can be rude in a store, and your daughter will be rude. Are you afraid of conflicts and prefer to remain silent? And this will be recorded in the child’s memory as a priority.
I tried to convey simple truths to my daughter: “Treat people as you would like them to do to you.”
We live among people, and all our actions have a boomerang effect. They come back to us, good and bad. You said offensive word addressed to a classmate or even a teacher. Maybe she just wanted to show off her wit among her peers? And it came to her, and even with other people’s speculations. And you became enemies, and besides, her relatives, friends and acquaintances were offended for the victim...
I advise my daughter, in the midst of a quarrel with a friend, to shut up and count to ten to herself. During this time, the resentment will subside a little, the mind will clear, and the right words will be found.
Relationships with young people. This topic is gradually becoming the most important among teenage girls. I think there is no need to remind readers of MirSovetov about the importance of maintaining the trust of their daughter, so that she is not afraid to be frank. If she has a young man, keep the situation under control, but within reasonable limits. Let him come to the house, find out more about his family. You need to gently, unobtrusively tell your daughter what a girl should do in a given situation, give examples from her life.
The mother must warn the girl about everything possible dangers(venereal diseases, early pregnancy, the possibility of violence). WITH early childhood I taught my daughter to resist any touch that she didn’t like. A rapist would rather prefer an unrequited victim than one who will struggle, scream loudly, squeal, or hit.
Teen sex. One of the most powerful human instincts is the instinct of procreation. Parents usually believe that teenagers have sex out of great love. In fact, everything is much simpler. The most common reasons are curiosity, the desire to spite adults, the desire to be “like everyone else,” and simply thoughtlessness, the inability to refuse.
My neighbor has a daughter, a quiet, calm girl. There were no signs of trouble, she didn’t meet anyone, she sat at home in the evenings. When they missed it, it was too late to terminate the pregnancy. It turned out that everything happened on the wires cousin into the army, and specifically with my brother. A boy was born. The young mother recently turned 15 years old. Daddy is afraid to go home from work because... the newly-made grandfather promised to rip his head off...
When I had a suspicion that my daughter’s relationship with the boy had gone far, I sat her down next to her and very simply outlined the principle and methods of contraception. Today's young men, for the most part, do not like to “stress” and will very easily put all the consequences of unprotected sex on the girl’s shoulders.
“Advice” from more experienced friends can lead to disastrous consequences. Among teenagers, there are such strange recipes for getting pregnant, such as injecting foam into the vagina, douching mineral water, using deodorant or air freshener instead of spermicide.
I believe that this is not a case where you can beat around the bush. If you yourself cannot talk to her about this topic, ask your sister, eldest daughter, grandmother - as long as the girl trusts this person. The health and entire future fate of your daughter is at stake.

No one has canceled women's responsibilities

Cleaning and order in the house. The future housewife should be taught to do household chores from early childhood. If you followed your daughter around until she was 14 years old, washed her things, cleaned her room, then now don’t expect any housekeeping zeal from her. In any case, the girl should know the basic truths of maintaining order in the house: “Every thing has its place”, “Clean not where they clean, but where they don’t litter.”
Gives good results American system"Flylady" ("Jet Housewives"). Its principle lies in getting rid of unnecessary things, separating cleaning zones and the ability to “steer” time. As a result maximum result achieved with minimal effort.
Let's go to the kitchen. An incompetent person makes a pitiful impression in a university dormitory, at a youth party, at a party under the watchful gaze future mother-in-law. She doesn’t know how to cook dumplings, the pancakes stick to the frying pan, the milk runs away... Some white-handed girls also flirt with their inability to cope with life. The daughter’s “handlessness” is a harsh reproach from the mother. Life will sooner or later force a woman to do kitchen work. “If your mother doesn’t teach you, your strap will teach you.” From childhood, involve your daughter in washing dishes and teach her to cook simple food. Let her have hers specialty of the house.
Needlework. At stupid hands there is no such thing as a smart head. Both lively girls and quiet quiet ones in adolescence begin to be interested in applied creativity. Encourage such initiative. It is the direct responsibility of every mother to instill in her daughter at least basic needlework skills. Sewing, embroidery, and knitting not only produce unique designer items and satisfy the aesthetic sense, but also teach a girl to be attentive and patient. Small repetitive movements have an anti-stress effect on nervous system. And once again I will remind readers of MirSovetov about simple rule: It’s easier not to force, but to show by example. If you sit down to watch a movie together, instead of chips or popcorn, take a canvas with floss, and let your daughter knit.
Get your young needlewoman a work basket, the role of which can be played by a spacious box or casket. Let her have her own sewing supplies, hooks and knitting needles! Such equipment will force her to return to the work she has begun again and again. If a girl knows how to insert an elastic band, hem a skirt and knit socks herself, this is already a path to independence.
Encourage your daughter to participate various exhibitions products. This attracts the attention of both peers and adults. They begin to treat the girl with respect and admire her talents; they want to be friends with her. This is a child, his activity in society.

We all want our daughters to live in harmony with themselves, with the world and with their nature. And it is in our power to help them acquire the skills and abilities that will help them overcome the difficulties of life.

Everyone goes through this - when the figure begins to change before our eyes, and one’s own “ego” comes to the fore. It's about about adolescence - a difficult time for both the teenager himself and his parents, when screams and swearing can be heard in the house. Quarrels arise over empty space, and the child’s thoughts are occupied not by studies, but by the opposite sex. What should parents do in such a situation and how to behave correctly with their grown-up daughter?

Adolescence period

What time does adolescence begin? Experts identify several such periods, in particular, the moment of newbornhood, 1 year, 3 years, 7, 11, 13 and 16–17 years. The essence of each of them is that old uniform activities and the value system are becoming obsolete. The child becomes different, the inner life and relationships with adults change, which is manifested by fragile behavior. The greatest danger lies in the transitional age in children associated with puberty. It occurs between the ages of 11 and 16.

It is at this time that the body prepares the child and adults for life without each other. The child learns to defend his position and opinion, to be independent and to build his relationships with other people. And parents learn to understand that the child has grown up and has the right to his own views and thinking. Not everyone is able to cut the umbilical cord with their mother, and many remain big children who agree with their parents in everything. True independence hand goes hand in hand with condescension, when a grown child creates the appearance of obedience in order not to bother the parents, not to make them worry. And at the same time, he builds his life without regard to their opinion.

Signs of adolescence

Adolescence in a girl is associated with a restructuring of the entire body caused by increased work of the thyroid gland and pituitary gland. The girl grows, and her body changes its shape: the hips become more rounded due to the active production of adipose tissue. Breasts appear, hairs appear in armpits and in the genital area. Due to intense work sweat glands the skin on the face and less often on the body becomes covered with acne, the hair becomes oilier. With the arrival of her first menstruation, the girl begins to feel like a girl.

About adolescence, it should be said that children during this difficult period face completely different problems, but their feeling prevents them from asking adults for advice. self-esteem, because they naively believe that they know more than mom and dad. Any carelessly spoken word can cause pain and cause a violent, not entirely adequate reaction. One can see maximalism, stubbornness, rudeness bordering on rudeness, aggressiveness and distance from adults. What should parents do and how to behave correctly with a grown-up princess?

First, be patient. It will be very, very useful to you. How parents should behave: the good thing about adolescence is that it is transitional, which means time will pass and the daughter will again become the same - sweet and kind. In order not to lose an emotional connection with her, you need to pull yourself together and under no circumstances allow yourself to break into a scream. Only constructive dialogue and nothing more. Secondly, be aware of what is currently happening in your daughter’s life. Even if she no longer trusts you with her secrets, you should, through unobtrusive observation, obtain information about her friends and the places where she spends time. Such surveillance will be carried out only for her own good, because right now there is a danger of falling under the influence of not the best friends and going downhill, as they say.

Try to spend more time with your child, walk together in the park, go out into nature, play sports. Be unobtrusively interested in her affairs and do not rush to criticize, even if you understand that your criticism is justified. Gently and with warmth in your voice, explain why she is wrong and give an example of how she could act in this case. Try to be your daughter's friend, not a preacher. Don't compare her to others and never say that someone is better than her at something. If you are, it’s better to buy fashion magazines and go shopping for a blouse you like with her.

For girls, the process is significantly different from what happens to boys. They reach puberty earlier, and the processes of growth and improvement of the body take longer. On average, puberty in girls takes up to 2 years, when skeletal growth and the formation of secondary sexual characteristics are most intense. From the moment of the first menstruation, girls enter puberty, but it does not at all mean physical and psycho-emotional maturity.

Preparatory stage: first signs

The full development of a girl into a woman lasts approximately 9-10 years, starting from preparatory stage, which occurs after 8-9 years, smoothly transitioning from the period of puberty and then post-pubertal changes. This period finally ends at about 18 years of age, when the girl is already relatively ready for motherhood, not only physically, but also partially morally. Before the onset of puberty, a period of preparation of the girl’s body for subsequent developments begins. hormonal changes. This is a time of intensive growth, when literally in one season growth reaches 10-15 cm. Then natural changes in hormonal background, which ultimately lead to the appearance of the first menstruation - the girl transforms into a girl.

When does adolescence begin in girls?

It is important to understand that the onset of puberty in girls is variable; it does not occur strictly at the same time and in the same age interval. For most girls, the process typically begins at about 11 years old, and the first menstruation appears two years later - at about 13 years old. But for some girls, puberty can begin at the age of 9-10, while for others, the very first signs can be noted only by the age of 13. If there are deviations from these terms, it may be worth showing the girl to a doctor; these may be signs of certain hormonal abnormalities or some other diseases - somatic, endocrine or metabolic.

Relatively early or later (within normal limits) puberty does not mean at all that the gonads are not working correctly; these are genetically programmed periods, typical for a particular organism. Often the timing changes significantly under the influence of the external environment, health status, physical activity and many other factors.

On average, the timing of the onset of puberty in a girl is approximately the same as that of her mother, with a spread of no more than 6-12 months.

Adolescence in girls: signs and symptoms

The very beginning of puberty in girls is characterized by increased skeletal growth and the gradual formation of secondary sexual characteristics, and its completion is complete reproductive, physical and psycho-emotional maturity. Naturally, it would be wrong to say that puberty follows the same scenario for all girls, and the timing of the appearance of specific signs varies greatly even among siblings. Only twins have approximately the same maturation. But in general, both psychologically and physically, girls differ significantly in their development from each other.

The first “bells” are a sharp growth spurt, reaching 10-15 cm per year. Due to the fact that the onset of puberty occurs earlier in girls, they are usually significantly ahead of their peers in the class of boys in development and growth, and psycho-emotional characteristics.


A relative leveling of indicators, already typical for adults, is observed in adolescents in high school, the period of 16-18 years. At the age of 16-18, boys are still actively growing, and girls after 15-16 years usually stop growing.

Because of sharp jump growth in the very initial period of puberty, that “clumsiness” and awkwardness of teenage girls in adolescence also arises. This is not scary, such disproportion and awkwardness is temporary, it will in no way prevent you from becoming fully formed and attractive girl with all the necessary curves and roundness of the body. Temporary angularity will be caused by the fact that the bones of the skeleton do not grow synchronously, at different speeds, and the maximum intensity of growth is typical for the feet and hands, face, while the torso grows the slowest and the last.

This dissonance leads to the fact that a girl in adolescence may have long hair. Thin legs and hands, big face. Let's add to this the lag in the growth of the muscle corset from bone skeleton, due to which girls of this age appear thin, angular and awkward. Also, the growth of the skeleton and muscles cannot be kept up with by the blood vessels and nerve endings, due to which coordination of movements may suffer, due to which the teenager may be clumsy and awkward.

Appearance problems: skin, hair

Due to the active growth of the skeleton, strong tension occurs in the skin; it does not have time to grow as quickly as the skeleton, which leads to its active stretching. To prevent the formation of cracks and damage to the skin and its dryness, they actively begin to function sebaceous glands skin, which produces a fatty lubricant that increases elasticity and hydration. This leads to increased oiliness of the skin of the face, back and body, and scalp. As a result, hair becomes larger and can form on the skin. Such skin imperfections bring extreme discomfort to the girl and cause complexes and worries.

It is important that parents during this period help with the selection of hygiene products and persistently monitor the implementation of all necessary procedures for caring for the body and face.

This is important so that skills are instilled at the habit level. It is also important to clarify that against the background of such skin problems, the use of cosmetics, especially decorative ones, will only worsen the condition of the skin if you do not monitor its cleanliness and health. It is important to wash your hair and body regularly and take a shower. As the skeleton grows, weight gain and fat deposition then begin. female type . At this time, it is important to monitor the girl’s nutrition, her habits and control the consumption of sweets, fast food and high-calorie foods. No less important is physical activity

, helping to burn extra calories. During this period, you should not overeat, go on diets, or go hungry; it is important to receive a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals so that the synthesis of hormones is not disrupted and puberty does not suffer.

Disorders of fat metabolism are a serious problem during puberty, since the basis of steroid hormones (including sex hormones) are lipids and cholesterol.

Reproductive functions and body changes Along with everyone general changes

body, after 10-11 years the girl begins the formation and growth of mammary glands (thelarche). There are certain patterns in breast growth: initially the nipple area increases, the areola (areola) darkens and expands, then the mammary gland as a whole grows. A girl’s breasts do not have final dimensions; they will continue to develop and mature during pregnancy, and will reach their peak only during lactation. On average, breast size becomes final around age 16. Almost parallel to the growth of the beginner's breasts, pubarche is the growth of hair in the pubic area. They are initially sparse and single, gradually the volume of hair increases, finally forming closer to 15-16 years. This is an important criterion, since estrogen deficiency or androgen excess can negatively affect sexual function and maturation. Estrogens typically inhibit hair growth, while androgens stimulate hair growth. This is why men have more body hair than women.


Normal hair growth in a teenage girl is the shape of a triangle with the apex at the bottom. If the hair extends to the thighs, a path to the navel is formed - this is a reason to contact a gynecologist-endocrinologist.

Around the age of 13, hair begins to grow in the armpits and on the legs; there may be single hairs near the nipples on the chest. It is important during this period to help with advice on eliminating unwanted vegetation, and to let the girl understand that this is a natural process, there is nothing shameful in it. If your daughter wants to remove hair, you should choose the most delicate hair removal method.

Psychological features of maturation: difficulties

Naturally, such global changes in the body are accompanied by certain changes in the psyche, which is associated with the influence of sex hormones on the brain and nervous system. The hormonal “storm” makes the girl emotionally unstable, explosive, whiny and capricious. She may be completely unsatisfied with the ongoing body changes, roundness, or lack thereof compared to more mature women her age. This leads to complexes, experiences and emotions that are difficult to contain. Therefore, confidential conversations and support, approval and positive emotions are important not only from the mother, but also from the father. It is in his eyes that she should be a princess, and his encouragement helps her to be more confident.

It is important to explain that all the occurring phenomena are temporary, she will gradually become an attractive girl, and it is these processes that will then allow her to find the joy of motherhood. It is also important to think together about how you can ease the symptoms of puberty.

If something is wrong: should you worry?

Sometimes the timing of puberty shifts significantly from the standard period, which adds experiences and emotions to the girl and her parents. So, with an early onset, if the first signs appear at 8-9 years old, when all peers are still just girls, a strong feeling of embarrassment and awkwardness is possible. Children have the ability to quickly notice changes in appearance, which can threaten offensive nicknames and teasing. Parental support is important, and not every girl has are strongly expressed, especially when she wants to imitate her mother in everything and becomes more and more like her. Then she will be pleased with her growth and the rounding of her body shape. But if you have complexes, dissatisfaction with your body, or worries about future adulthood, such changes can be seriously frightening or upsetting.

Delayed puberty, when closer to the age of 13 there are still almost no hints of maturation, will also be a cause for concern. All her peers have already seriously changed in appearance, while the girl herself has practically no changes. This may be a stage of slow growth that anticipates maturation, but it is important to let her know that very soon everything will begin, and all the signs of a woman will be formed in her. It is worth remembering the timing of your maturation, pointing this out to your daughter, and explaining that this is not a problem or a disease, but only.

individual characteristics

In addition to purely age-related nuances, individual characteristics in the development of signs are possible. You shouldn’t be afraid of this either, all girls are different. For some, hair in the pubic area may grow earlier than the breasts become rounded, and axillary hair may become one of the first signs of growing up. On average, from the onset of puberty and the appearance of the first signs, about 2 years pass until the appearance of the first menstruation. If puberty has early start

, it can occur sooner, it can be only 1.5 years before menstruation. Those girls who entered puberty late may go through it more slowly, and more than 2 years will pass before menstruation.

First menstruation: how to reduce stress

The signs of puberty, which we discussed in detail, are typical of the first stage, which ends approximately at the age of 12-14 years, when the first menstruation forms.

The appearance of menstruation before 10 years of age or their delay until 16 years of age should be a reason for immediate consultation with a doctor.

It is important to understand that the regularity of the cycle does not develop immediately, but throughout the year from the beginning of the first menstruation. It is important to keep a calendar and mark the dates of your menstruation. Unobtrusively, but clearly, you need to make it clear to your daughter that with the onset of menstruation and sexual activity, she is capable of pregnancy, therefore protection is important. Children grow up early, even if you are sure “my daughter is not like that.”


With the first menstruation, puberty reaches its peak, the external genitalia and internal genital organs actively develop, breasts grow and the cycle normalizes.

A normal cycle ranges from 21 to 35 days, and is counted from the first day of bleeding until the start of the next. If the indicators do not fit within these limits, you should consult a doctor. The discharge can last from 3 to 7 days; deviations according to this data are also a reason for a medical examination. The blood volume should be about 200 ml in total, the first days are more abundant. Then sparingly, this is also important to keep under control.

It is worth knowing that a cycle that has barely established itself is significantly influenced by external conditions, it is unstable, and can be influenced sudden changes climate and stress, overwork and severe physical exertion. Both delays and an earlier start of a new cycle are possible, but this does not indicate health problems.

The first menstruation can be uncomfortable due to the immaturity of the genital organs, which is also affected by the unstable balance of hormones, emotional coloring and experiences. If such pain is severe, does not go away from cycle to cycle, and interferes with your normal life, you should see a doctor.

Girl's maturity: physical and mental

On average, by the age of 17-18, a girl fully matures, all processes are completed. From this period, she is already an adult, and her parents’ attitude towards her should also be appropriate, regardless of her intimate life.

Time is running fast. Recently, a family brought a small bundle with a peacefully sleeping baby from the maternity hospital; years passed, the boy grew and developed. As a result, the moment comes when yesterday’s child begins to prepare for adult life. In the article you will find out what age of adolescence in boys, its duration, symptoms and signs.

When a child reaches adolescence, he faces difficulties. Physical state, consciousness and attitude change. The growth of the body occurs simultaneously with puberty. These changes affect the adolescent’s nervous system.

The child becomes irritable and aggressive. Parents are lost and do not understand how to behave with their son. To help a teenager, you need to know what changes he is undergoing. children's body during adolescence.

The transitional age for boys occurs at the age of 11-16 years. On initial stage gender differences appear. By the age of 17, a boy’s personality is fully formed.

Features of adolescence

  • Adolescence is a special stage in the life of any person, accompanied by puberty, physical development and continued growth. At this moment, the formation of systems ends and internal organs. The body begins to intensively produce hormones.
  • For boys, adolescence begins a little later than for girls. Around middle school, girls start to turn into girls, but boys still look childish. After just a year, the differences disappear.
  • The transitional age in boys is not distinguished by clearly defined boundaries in terms of time. In adolescents, the characteristics of the period manifest themselves differently. Each organism is characterized by individual rhythms. Therefore, it is problematic to say how long the transitional age lasts.

Attentive and caring parents should pay attention to the signs and symptoms of adolescence that signal its onset.

Signs and symptoms of adolescence in boys

During adolescence, the appearance and psyche of a boy changes. The period is accompanied by hormonal changes and puberty. The teenager begins to be self-critical of appearance and worry.

Practice shows that boys who are exposed to great physical activity and use alcoholic drinks, reach puberty later than their peers who engage in physical education and do not kill their health bad habits.

Knowing the signs and symptoms of adolescence, you will early stages identify the beginning of changes and provide support to the child.

  1. At the age of ten, a boy’s genitals begin to enlarge. A year later, vegetation and pigmentation of the scrotum appears above the genitals. The following year, the genitals continue to grow, and the vegetation becomes longer and denser.
  2. At the age of 14, the voice changes. This is due to the enlargement of the vocal cords, the development of throat muscles and cartilage. The voice begins to get rougher. Typically, voice development ends within 24 months.
  3. The hair on the armpits begins to grow, and the upper lip is covered with the first fluff. Over time, hair appears on the face, legs and arms. The formation of bodily hair ends at the end of adolescence.
  4. By the age of 14, a young man’s muscles begin to develop, his shoulders widen, and his height increases.
  5. Almost all boys in adolescence develop wet dreams - nocturnal ejaculation. Doctors consider this phenomenon normal.

As you can see, transition period characterized by distinct signs and symptoms.

Psychology of adolescence

During adolescence, the behavior and character of a young man undergo changes. The boy begins to be very worried about him appearance.

He tries to look good, and takes criticism extremely aggressively. Constant dissatisfaction with appearance is a natural manifestation of growing up. Against this background, uncertainty and shyness may appear, which together often leads to isolation.

  • A boy's growing up is accompanied by a radical change in behavior. This is due to physiological factors, including greasy hair, acne, intense sweating. The young man develops an interest in girls. And the ultimate goal is to find a soul mate.
  • Against the background of dissatisfaction with oneself, sudden aggression and high nervousness appear. Adolescence is accompanied by manifestations of rudeness towards people around the boy - parents, teachers, peers.
  • A surge of emotions is an integral element of the stage, caused by the restructuring of the body. The hormones responsible for a boy's puberty are called androgens.
  • During this period, young men position themselves as adult men. They strive to prove their independence to others. Under the influence of emotions, they commit actions without thinking about the consequences.
  • Boys begin to take an active interest in intimate relationships and are strongly attracted to sexual intercourse. This is an alarming time for parents, since the acceleration of puberty is often accompanied by the appearance of disorders in sexual behavior.
  • Often adolescence is characterized by the manifestation of sexual attention to other boys. This is due to unconscious sexual desire at the time of rapid development of the body. Usually after the start of the “correct” intimate relationships deviations disappear. Otherwise, you need to take the child to a psychologist.
  • At this age, thoughts of suicide sometimes appear. According to statistics, the number of such cases among teenage children is growing rapidly. Suicidal behavior is considered a consequence of activation defense mechanisms, a tribute to fashion, imitation of friends. There are different motives for such an act: low performance, physical violence, loneliness, revenge, drug addiction.

If your son's behavior has changed, help him navigate the current situation.

How to behave as parents

Physiological changes combined with mental problems make adolescence in boys difficult period. Helping a child will require effort.

It's unfortunate, but there is no universal approach; each case is individual. Be patient and persevering, move towards your goal, following the advice of practicing psychologists.

  1. Friendship. The environment plays a significant role in a boy’s life, so parents will need to try to enter into it. This is not easy to do, because your son is sure that you are unable to understand him. Try to open up to him and show him that you also have complexes and shortcomings. By becoming your child's friend, you will have access to everything that is happening in his life and help if necessary.
  2. Showing interest . As a boy matures, his system of worldview and values ​​changes significantly. By showing interest in your child's hobbies and supporting them, you will earn trust. Talk to him regularly, take an interest in his thoughts and life, and involve him in solving family issues.
  3. Liberty. A teenage boy needs his own space and his own room. The child should be given freedom and the right to choose. You should not control all his actions, eavesdrop on conversations and audit things. If you restrict a child too much, it will increase the likelihood of trouble, since the forbidden fruit is sweeter. Communicate, find compromises and guide him in the right direction.
  4. Lack of criticism . There are situations when you cannot do without criticism. In this case, it should be constructive. Direct it not at your son, but at his behavior, actions and mistakes. Teenagers are sensitive to comments; it is recommended to express dissatisfaction gently, and in some cases, accompanied by praise.
  5. Identity Recognition . The boy is a full-fledged personality, with certain interests, views and personal opinions. Don't try to change your son or force your opinion on him.
  6. Praise. By expressing words of approval and praise to the boy, you contribute to the emergence of strength and desire to conquer new heights. If a child has done a small good deed, praise will be an incentive for development and improvement. As a result, my son will become better.
  7. Exercise patience . If your son is rude, don’t go beyond the bounds. Remember, high emotionality is a consequence of adolescence. A violent response will lead to a scandal. To make the conversation more effective, conduct it in a calm environment.

I'll give you one last thing little advice. If you want to ease adolescence, enroll the boy in some section. It is important that the child becomes interested in a new activity before the onset of an important period. Swimming, football, martial arts They will help keep the body in excellent shape, distract from bad thoughts and stabilize the hormonal storm.