Our mother's product with an antimicrobial effect. Toy treatment agent, antimicrobial

For men

Talking Luntik, soft educational cubes, a whole family of Barboskins, a huge teddy bear and a countless number of hares... What is there in the toy arsenal of a modern child! Soft toys are given to babies from birth. It is not surprising that by the age of two or three they no longer fit in the nursery. Moms rightly call them dust collectors, because removing dust from them is much more difficult than wiping it off the shelf.

Meanwhile, cleaning your “plush friends” is a must. In order to fully imagine the danger that dusty toys pose, let’s look at what dust consists of:

  • dead skin cells;
  • mites;
  • microorganisms;
  • parts of animal and bird down;
  • mineral part.

It’s scary to even imagine what consequences such a neighborhood could lead to.

  1. Ticks, and especially their waste products, provoke asthma and allergies.
  2. Microorganisms can cause diphtheria, tetanus, and tuberculosis.
  3. Mineral components provoke the occurrence of bronchitis.
  4. Dust is a favorable environment for the proliferation of streptococcal and staphylococcal bacteria, which, when entering the intestines, cause bacterial imbalance and provoke increased gas formation, as well as the occurrence of gastritis, dysbiosis and other gastrointestinal diseases.

The remedy to solve this problem is systematic cleaning. Allergists advise carrying out cleansing procedures using detergents once a week or two. Also, during weekly general cleaning, you can vacuum toys along with the apartment.

Each toy has its own cleaning method

Before washing a particular toy, you need to analyze which cleaning option is best for it. Let's list what methods there are:

  • dry cleaning;
  • wet cleaning;
  • washing in a washing machine;
  • handwash.

You can also disinfect “soft dust collectors” at home using one or more of the following methods, choosing the most suitable product for yourself:

  • steam generator;
  • UV lamp;
  • cold.

Soft toys can be divided into several types, each of which is suitable for one or another cleaning method. These procedures will be discussed in more detail below.

The following groups of a child’s “soft friends” can be distinguished:

  1. large in size;
  2. stuffed with tiny balls (so-called anti-stress), with glued eyes, spout and other fittings;
  3. musical, battery operated.

Toys that do not fit into any of the groups listed above can be cleaned and disinfected in any way.

You can vacuum any type of toys. You just need to be careful when handling animals with glued fittings. In places where it is located (usually on the muzzle), it is better to reduce the suction force. Any toys can also be disinfected using the methods listed above.

Large-sized “plush animals” (a third of a person’s height or more) cannot be washed in a machine, and it will also be difficult to handle them manually, since once they fill with water, they become too heavy to lift. Dry cleaning is possible if you have a large, thick bag. If stains become dirty, it is better to clean them with a damp sponge using baby detergents. That is, in this case, wet cleaning would be appropriate.

Toys classified in the second group cannot be washed in a washing machine. As a rule, the fittings fly off and can clog the drain or other parts of the machine. The same applies to anti-stress ball stuffing. Also, you should not wash “animals” in a washing machine, on the labels of which there is a corresponding prohibitory inscription. For toys from this group, dry, wet cleaning and hand washing are suitable.

Representatives of the third group will be properly refreshed without the use of water, that is, by dry cleaning. However, if the toy is completely dirty, you can wash it, after first removing the batteries and music block from it. In some toys, the music blocks are located in a separate pocket with Velcro - it is convenient to take them out before washing and easy to insert into place. In others, the music block will have to be torn off before washing, and the torn area will have to be sewn up. Then rip open the now clean toy again and sew the block into it.

But there are toys in which the wiring is stretched inside throughout the “body”. Such a music block cannot be taken out before washing. However, you can still wash the fluffy one. Often singing toys can easily withstand washing, but you should be prepared that during the drying process they will spontaneously sing songs, meow or recite poems.

Baking soda will help clean the toy from dust without using water.

Step-by-step description of each washing method

Dry cleaning of toys is easy and safe. The only remedy that is used is baking soda. You will also need a strong plastic bag.

  1. Place children's toys (2-3 pieces) in a bag.
  2. Pour in baking soda. On average, 0.5-1 cup is enough, but it all depends on the size of the “animals”.
  3. Tie the bag and shake it vigorously for 3 to 5 minutes.
  4. Take out the toys and clean them with a vacuum cleaner, removing soda from the surface.

Wet cleaning allows you not to completely wash the “stuffed animals”, but only to remove the resulting stains or refresh the “fur”. The product needed for this type of cleaning is baby shampoo or baby bubble bath.

  1. Pour water into a basin, dissolve the selected detergent in it, and beat it into foam. You can also easily make foam by pouring water into a basin with shampoo not from the tap, but through a shower head with strong pressure.
  2. Apply lather to the sponge and quickly work over the soft, fluffy surface.
  3. Take a clean, damp (not wet!) sponge and remove the foam with it.
  4. Dry the toy with a terry towel and hang it to dry.
  5. When dry, brush the lint with a brush to give it its original fluffy appearance.

When washing children's toys in a washing machine, keep the following in mind.

  1. Review the information on the label. Toys should be washed in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations.
  2. Remove music blocks, batteries, check that all seams are intact.
  3. Place the “fluffies” in a special bag for delicate washing.
  4. Select the “delicate wash” program from the menu. As a rule, this mode provides a water temperature of 30 °C.
  5. Select the “extra rinse” item from the menu.
  6. Select the “no spin” option in the menu so that the toy does not become deformed.
  7. Pour baby powder into the powder compartment.
  8. After washing, toys should be wrung out with a terry towel and hung to dry.

You can wash your “plush friends” by hand by soaking. This is necessary in case of heavy contamination.

  1. Prepare toys in the same way as for machine washing.
  2. Pour warm water into a basin.
  3. Dissolve a detergent for washing children's clothes (soap, powder or shampoo) in it.
  4. Submerge the toys in water for 10 minutes.
  5. Rinse them well.
  6. Squeeze the “animals” so that all the water is gone, blot them with a terry towel and hang them to dry.

Washing my plastic “friends”

There are no such restrictions in washing for plastic toys as for soft ones. There is no need to separate them into groups because they can all be cleaned under the same conditions. It is only worth mentioning separately about toys that contain batteries and are created using other materials (for example, dolls with hair, horses with manes, etc.). Batteries should be removed before cleaning, and toys with hair should not be washed in the dishwasher, and in general, hair deteriorates after washing. Therefore, it is better to treat them separately with a soapy sponge, rinse the foam and wipe dry.

Plastic is a fairly common raw material for the production of toys, and a child has no fewer “friends” made from this material than from plush, and sometimes even more. What are constructors like Lego worth? Therefore, most often they wash all together.

Cleaning occurs in the following ways:

  • in the dishwasher;
  • in a bathtub with warm soapy water.

To wash your baby’s plastic “friends”, use baby detergents (soap, shampoo) or soda solution. As a disinfectant, you can scald them with boiling water. After washing, dry each toy thoroughly before putting them back into the container.

Disinfecting “teddy friends”

Just washing children's toys is not enough. They need to be disinfected. You can use any device from the list above for this. You can clean the “fluffies” with a steam generator. This device allows you to safely and effectively treat toys with steam, while destroying tuberculosis microbacteria, influenza A viruses, staphylococci, streptococci, E. coli and fungus.

Treating “soft dust collectors” with an ultraviolet lamp at home helps rid them of dust mites, E. coli, viruses and bacteria. The lamp is turned on for 1 hour in the children's room. The device emits ultraviolet waves that destroy the DNA of organisms and thereby prevent them from reproducing. At this time, there should be no people or pets in the room.

Cold disinfection is the most accessible means of combating dust mites for every family. You can carry out the procedure using a freezer or balcony (in the winter season). Ticks do not tolerate low temperatures well, and -10 ºС is already a critical point for them. The freezer can be adjusted from -6 ºC to -24 ºC, depending on the model.

Thus, a regular freezer can effectively combat dust mites that have settled in children's toys.

  1. Place the toys in a bag.
  2. Place the bag in the freezer.
  3. Leave it there overnight.
  4. In the morning, take out the bag and leave it at room temperature to keep the “stuffed animals” warm.

You can also use cold to get rid of dust mites at home by leaving a bag of toys on the balcony overnight in frosty weather.

Often soft toys sit on shelves for months, collecting dust. They look like new: clean, with fluffy fur. But dust that is not visible can cause the baby to feel unwell and provoke the appearance of diseases. Learn to clean toys properly. Let teddy bears and soft bunnies bring only joy!

Children love toys and, of course, they are not aware that toys may contain dirt and harmful germs. It is the parents' responsibility to take care of cleanliness. If not done properly, your child may get sick. Below we will describe a method that is harmless to the environment and children. disinfection of toys.

Steps to disinfect toys

  1. Be sure to wipe down toys that have fallen on the floor or had direct contact with any dirt or dust with special baby wipes.
  2. Disinfect any hard, plastic children's toys, especially those that the child immediately puts into his mouth, by completely immersing such toys in boiling water. These can be special teething toys, pacifiers and pacifiers.

    1. Boil a pan of water and after it boils, lower all toys of this kind into it for 10 minutes.
    2. After 10 minutes, remove the toys from the pan and allow them to cool before returning them to your child. Be sure to check the toys after boiling to be sure that they have not been damaged and do not pose a threat to your child's health.
    3. Toys that cannot be boiled should be washed under very hot water using dishwashing detergent. After rinsing, make sure that all the product has been rinsed away.
  3. Use a damp sponge on plastic and wooden toys that have food on them.

  4. Use a solution of distilled white vinegar and water to clean children's toys.

    1. Mix equal parts vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Spray the spray on children's toys and leave them for 15 minutes, then remove the solution from the toys.
  5. Mix your own natural cleaner with warm water and baking soda. Take 1 liter of water to 4 tablespoons of soda. Use a clean towel to dry the toy with the mixture.
  6. Soft toys can be washed in the washing machine if this is allowed in the instructions, which are usually located on the label. After washing, let the toys dry.
  7. Also, hard plastic toys can be washed in the dishwasher at high temperature. Place toys on the top rack of the dishwasher and set it to the hottest sink. After washing, be sure to dry the toys.

  8. Be sure to drain all liquid from bath toys. Any remaining water can start to turn into mold or something else terrible.

Tips for disinfecting toys

  • When cleaning toys, always use a new sponge or a sponge specifically designed for disinfection of children's toys. Sponges used for cleaning in the kitchen may contain dangerous chemicals, so it is better not to use them.
  • Be sure to think about your child while washing. Load up the toys in batches so he has something to play with while the others are washed and dried.
  • Use only the best cleaning products, preferably only natural ones.

Warning when disinfecting children's toys

  • Do not boil rubber toys, as this may damage them.
  • Do not use strong cleaning agents. Even if the packaging says that they are safe, a child is still more susceptible than an adult, so it is better to use more gentle products.

What do you think about this? What else can you add to the above?

Cleanliness is the key to children's health. This is precisely the statement that district pediatricians repeat to all mothers without exception. In principle, mothers themselves know this, but sometimes there is not enough free time for this cleanliness. So, why am I saying this? Besides, I want to tell you clearly about how to disinfect toys without much difficulty.

Any toys become dirty over time, even if you can’t see it, but believe me, a lot of different bacteria accumulate on their surface. According to the rules, it is recommended to disinfect toys weekly at home and daily in kindergarten.

We carry out global sorting

To be honest, the weekly disinfection of our toys caused me a quiet shock, since we have so many of them that I won’t have enough time to process them in a year. In this regard, I decided to sort the toys into certain groups, and only then wash them sequentially. I’ll warn you right away: the sorting was done only on paper for the purpose that when it comes to washing the toys, I’ll just take a sheet with the list and take only a certain group of toys to the bath. With this approach, I managed not to leave a single toy unattended.

I got 10 groups:

1. Mosaics, Legos, small construction sets, Kinder surprise toys and all other small things.

2. Battery-powered games and toys.

3. Plastic construction sets.

4. Play sets: first aid kit, children's play utensils, hairdresser, etc.

5. Children's railway and auto track.

6. Soft toys, doll clothes.

7. Wooden puzzles and electronic games.

8. Machines made of plastic and rubber.

9. Dolls and baby dolls.

10. Rubber and plastic toys: animals, guns, balls, etc.

What and how to disinfect?

After thinking a little more about the mountains of toys and evaluating all 10 groups, I logically assumed that soft toys and doll clothes would be torn apart by the washing machine. I know that many people are surprised by this approach to soft toys, because there are also singing toys.

I remember this and already know in practice that washing in a washing machine will harm more than one mechanism in a soft toy. Tested by practice and confirmed by the assurances of one electronics engineer I know. There is only one caveat: after the soft voice toy is washed in the machine, during the drying process it can talk and sing on its own. After it dries everything will be as before.

If everything was simple with my children’s soft pets, then with the rest of the toys I had to tinker. I disinfect all electronic toys, wooden puzzles, electronic games and cars with alcohol, since such toys cannot be washed under running water. I buy a bottle of vodka at the store (alcohol is sold in pharmacies only by prescription), after which I soak a cotton swab in it and wipe the toy. I recommend doing this in selected groups. For example, this week you disinfect the seventh group, and next week - the second.

All other toys can, in principle, be washed, but again you should pay attention to the components of the toys. So I soak the entire first group from my list in a basin with laundry soap dissolved in it. After an hour, I wash everything under running water and put it on a diaper to dry.

I note that you need to wash it very thoroughly, otherwise a white residue will remain on the toys. This group is undergoing such massive disinfection, since it is not possible to wash every little thing.

Plastic cars and rubber toys can be washed under the tap with baby or laundry soap, and also laid out on a diaper or sheet to dry. I understand that you will still have to tinker with each car and toy, but if you do this in groups every week, then it will not be so burdensome for you and after 2 months all the toys will be washed.

At first I wrote that toys should be disinfected weekly, but I repeat once again in modern conditions this is impossible. But who knows, maybe there are mothers who can do this. But I'm giving up on this one.

Please note that you need to dry the toys until they are completely dry, since if there is water left in any nook or corner of the toy, the toy may become rotten. You probably put all the toys at once into special containers and baskets, and there the access of oxygen is limited, which is why there is nowhere for moisture to evaporate and the toy will begin to smell bad.

Don't forget to keep the container or basket clean

Also, do not forget about the cleanliness of baskets, boxes and containers for toys. While you are disinfecting toys, take a regular disinfectant and dilute it as directed on the bottle (to disinfect various surfaces) and treat the drawers and play containers with the resulting solution, but only then let them dry thoroughly. In principle, such treatment is not harmful for the child, but if there is any reaction to chlorine, then it is better to simply wash everything with baby or laundry soap.

Personally, I carry out such a large-scale disinfection of toys every six months. The children are happy, and I, like a well-fed boa constrictor, look at my children playing with washed toys. I have been using all the methods described for quite a long time and am very pleased, maybe someone has other approaches, so you need to focus only on your child.

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Pickup points

    Moscow, Nastasinsky lane, 4 building 2, office 218

    Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 10:00 – 20:00

    M Pushkinskaya, exit to the Izvestia publishing house. Walk along the street. Tverskaya 100 m, turn right onto Nastasinsky Lane, in front of house 4, building 1, turn right to house 4, building 2, go up the porch to the 1st floor. From the entrance, third door on the left, office 218

    Moscow, Zhulebinsky Boulevard, 5, Dynamite shopping center

    Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 12:00 – 20:30
    Sat: 12:00 – 19:00

    m. Lermontovsky Prospekt, the first car from the center, in the transition to the right, exit towards Khvalynsky Boulevard, walk about 300 meters along Khvalynsky Boulevard to the intersection with Zhulebinsky Boulevard, turn right, walk about 300 meters to the Dynamit shopping center. Main entrance. Inside the building, go down to the ground floor, to the right, go to the end of the corridor, to the right and go down one flight of stairs to the order pick-up point.

    Kyiv highway 22 km, building 4, building 2, block G (Business Center Rumyantsevo)

    Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 10:00 – 21:00
    Sat: 10:00 – 18:00
    Sun: 10:00 – 18:00

    The second car from the center up the escalator, then up the stairs, to the right across the road to building A. Go around building A on the left, go straight to building G. Go to entrance 17 (4th entrance in a row after two 13th and 12th in krpuse G). After entering, go straight and go up the stairs to the second floor, then to the left - room 289.

    Moscow, Aviamotornaya str., building 34, building 1

    Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 09:30 – 18:00

    m. Aviamotornaya. After exiting the Aviamotornaya metro station into the underground passage (there is only one exit at the station), turn left and walk straight along the long winding passage until the penultimate exit to the street (the signs “Yarygin Wrestling Palace” will help you). Go up to Aviamotornaya Street and follow it, keeping to the right until our house No. 34 (a one-story extension to a residential building). Large sign “EVERYTHING FOR SEWING AND HANDCRAFTS”.

    Moscow, st. Bolshaya Filevskaya, 37 k. 1

    Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 10:00 – 19:00
    Sat: 10:00 – 16:00

    M. Filevsky Park, 1 car from the center, exit the metro to the left, walk 400 m along Minskaya Street to the Plumbing on Minskaya store, then turn left on the street. B. Filevskaya 37 to 1 Gas Equipment store and Swimwear store

    Moscow, Shokalsky proezd, 61

    Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 10:00 – 20:30
    Sat: 10:00 – 19:00

    Medvedkovo metro station, last car from the center, South lobby, exit to Shokalsky passage and Lada cinema, next to the Medvedkovo metro bus stop (419.438), from the metro station walk along Grekova street to the bus stop Grekova street, cross the street, walk along the yard along the house no. 59, building 1 along Shokalsky passage to the Verny supermarket, inside the premises go downstairs to the shopping gallery, along the central gallery to the second line to the right to pavilion No. 15/5.

    Moscow, st. Bolshaya Semenovskaya, 28, shopping center "Pokrov Most"

    Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 10:00 – 21:00
    Sat: 10:00 – 18:00
    Sun: 10:00 – 18:00

    There is only one exit from the Elektrozavodskaya metro station (Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya line). Behind the McDonald's building, in front of you will be a red brick house - the Pokrov Most shopping center. The order pick-up point is located on the right side of the shopping center on the ground floor. Sign “Order pick-up point”

    Moscow, Sokolnicheskaya Slobodka 10, office 6

    Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 10:00 – 19:00
    Sat: 12:00 – 17:00

    Metro Sokolniki. Exit from the metro towards the park on Sokolnicheskaya Square. We turn towards Sokolnichesky Lane and walk along it to Sokolnicheskaya Slobodka Street. We turn right and go to house 10. The entrance is from the end of the building. The pickup point is located in office No. 6.

    Moscow, Dmitrovskoe highway, building 34, building 1

    Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 10:00 – 21:00
    Sat: 10:00 – 18:00
    Sun: 10:00 – 18:00

    One exit from the metro. Exit the metro and head straight through the bus stops to the shopping pavilions. Next, go between the Euroset and Obuv pavilions to the traffic light. Cross the road twice and follow straight for two more houses; for reference, the Gazpromneft gas station and the Vega shopping center remain on the left. After the second house, in front of the children's playground, turn right. In front of you stands a residential building, on the façade there are the numbers 34/1 and a sign “Order pick-up point” (as a guide, there is a hairdresser nearby). Go around the house on the right, entrance 1 with a sign “Order pick-up point”, go into the entrance, then follow the arrows.

    Moscow, st. Dekabristov 17

    Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 12:00 – 20:30
    Sat: 12:00 – 19:00

    metro station “Otradnoye”, first carriage from the center, exit to the right, next to the exit from the metro the “Baikonur” cinema, central entrance, go up inside the building to the 2nd floor, room I, room No. 14.

    Moscow, Orekhovy Boulevard, 7 bldg. 1 page 3

    Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 10:00 – 20:00
    Sat: 10:00 – 19:00

    m. Domodedovskaya, follow towards Orekhovoy Boulevard, then turn onto Orekhovy Boulevard, go straight to the intersection with Domodedovskaya Street, at the intersection turn right onto Domodedovskaya Street. Follow it, after 20 meters turn left. Sign above the entrance Photo.

    Moscow, Izmailovsky Boulevard, 60/10

    Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 10:00 – 20:00
    Sat: 10:00 to 20:00
    Sun: 10:00 to 19:00

    From the Moscow metro station “Pervomaiskaya” of the Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya line (the first carriage from the center). From the metro, turn right to Izmailovsky Boulevard, then turn right again. Take minibuses No. 51m, No. 271m, No. 645m, bus No. 645 or trolleybus No. 51, go three stops to the “Moscow Shadow Theater”. Or take a 10-minute walk in the same direction to the building at 60/10 Izmailovsky Blvd. Entrance is from 13th Park Street.

    Moscow, st. Tallinskaya, 26, off. 17

    Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 12:00 – 20:00
    Sat: 12:00 – 18:00

    A five-minute walk from the Strogino metro station. We go into the Pyaterochka store, we see a staircase in front of us, go up to the second floor, then turn left and immediately left, to the end of the corridor, then left again and to the end. For convenience, red arrows “Order pickup point 17” are pasted on the floor along the entire route.

    Moscow, st. Menzhinskogo, 36, shopping center "KAMP" pavilion No. 40

    Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 12:00 – 20:30
    Sat, Sun: 12:00 – 19:00

    Directions: metro station “Babushkinskaya”, first car from the center, exit to the left, next to the exit from the metro the yellow shopping center is the shopping center “Kamp”, central entrance, inside the building go up to the 2nd floor, turn right, go to the first row to the left, pavilion on the left No. 40.

    Moscow, st. Druzhinnikovskaya, 15, Solovey Cinema Center

    Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 12:00 – 20:30

    m. “Krasnopresnenskaya”, after exiting the metro, turn left.

    Moscow, Altufevskoe highway, 80 TD Arfa

    Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 12:00 – 20:30
    Sat: 12:00 – 19:00

    Directions: Altufyevo metro station, last car from the center (southern lobby), turn left in the passage, exit onto Altufevskoe highway, towards Shenkursky proezd, to Cherepovetskaya and Leskova streets, walk approximately 275 m to the Arfa shopping center, central entrance, inside go up to the 2nd floor of the building, go right along the passage to the pick-up point.

    Moscow, Varshavskoe highway, 128, building 1, building 2

    Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 10:00 – 20:00
    Sat: 10:00 – 18:00

    M. Yuzhnaya (last car from the center), exit to the right, take the stairs to the left. Walk along Sumskaya Street to Warsaw Highway, turn left. The pickup point is located in the Russian Post building, the entrance is on the other side!

    Moscow region, Vidnoye, Leninsky Komsomol Avenue, 36B

    Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 10:00 – 19:00
    Sat, Sun: 10:00 – 18:00

    Vidnoye, a separate building to the right of 36B on the street. Lenin Komsomol Avenue. Sign PHOTO.

    Moscow region, Odintsovo, st. Krasnogorskoe highway, 8/3.

    Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, : 10:00 – 20:00
    Fri: 10:00 – 17:00

    PVZ Located in the center of Odintsovo. 15 minutes walk to the Odintsovo railway station, convenient access to Mozhaiskoe highway, next to a bus stop. FORMAT entrance on the 2nd floor

    Moscow region, Korolev, Kosmonavtov prospect, 20A, ODC Helios, pavilion 316

    Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun: 10:30 – 20:00

    Suburban train to the station. Podlipki Dachnye or Bolshevo. Then take bus No. 2 to the Prospekt Kosmonavtov stop. Then move towards Gorky Street. After crossing Makarenko Street, walk another 100 meters to the Helios public and business center. The order pick-up point is located on the third floor of the ODC, the central entrance, take the escalator or elevator to the third floor, in the right wing of the building, pavilion No. 316, there is a “Rosa Cosmetics” sign.

    Moscow region, Dolgoprudny, Moskovskoe highway 37A

    Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun: 09:00 – 19:00

    From the Rynok stop, towards the food market, between the market and the platform there is a two-story shopping complex of Gorgona LLC, entrance on the right through the flower shop, stairs to the second floor, handicrafts store to the right of the stairs.

    Moscow region, Dzerzhinsky, st. Dzerzhinskaya, 27A

    Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 10:00 – 19:00
    Sat, Sun: 10:00 – 18:00

    The pick-up point is located in the Children's League store. You can get to the pick-up point in three ways: From metro station Kotelniki: Last car from the center. We go up the steps and exit the subway doors to the right. On the transition to the left. On the street: Buses stop at the exit. We are looking for routes No. 470 or 347. We go to the “Pharmacy” stop. Further according to the scheme. From Lyublino metro station: Last car from the center. We go up the steps and exit the subway doors to the right. Up the steps to the right. Exit to the street Krasnodarskaya, to "TC "Moscow". On the street: We cross the roadway at a pedestrian crossing. We are looking for route No. 305. We go to the “Pharmacy” stop. Further according to the scheme. From the Lyubertsy railway station: Buses No. 20 and 21. We go to the “Pharmacy” stop. Further according to the scheme.

    Moscow, st. Tushinskaya, 17, shopping center “Prazdnik”, 3rd floor

    Mon-Sun 09:00-21:00

    Moscow, st. Vyatskaya, 27, bldg. 7

    Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 10:00 – 20:00
    Sat: 10:00 – 15:00
    Sun: closed

    metro Savelovskaya, the first car from the center. From the glass doors to the left, exit to the city, up the steps and to the left. Walk along Butyrskaya Street towards the region until the first underground pedestrian crossing. Cross Butyrskaya Street, go to the intersection with 2nd Kvesisskaya Street, walk along it to the intersection with Vyatskaya Street. On the corner there is a red, 3-story building, the landmark is the interior salon “Credit Ceramics”. Walk along building 27, building 5, along Vyatskaya Street until the barrier (the building is always on the left side). Enter the territory, walk straight 10 m and turn left, then walk 30 m and turn right - the pickup point is located in a one-story extension to building 27, building 7.

    Moscow, st. Profsoyuznaya, 126, bldg. 1st, 2nd floor. TC “Konkovo-Passage” (Mag. Odeon)

    Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun: 10:00 – 19:30

    m. Konkovo ​​(the first carriage from the center), from the glass doors to the right. The entrance to the Konkovo-Passage shopping center, building 1, is located at the exit to the street, after which you need to go up to the 2nd floor. The pickup point is located in the Odeon craft store.

    Moscow, st. Kedrova, 13 bldg. 1

    Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 09:30 – 18:00

    Akademicheskaya metro station (1st car from the center), exit to the left, take the stairs to the right. Next, a five-minute walk to a residential building, entrance from the yard. Go downstairs to the left of entrance No. 2.

    Moscow, Pyatnitskoe highway, 27 bldg. 1

    Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 10:00 – 20:00
    Sat, Sun: closed

    Mitino metro station, first car from the center, from the glass doors to the right, then to the left, exit to McDonald's, then 300m. on the street Dubravnaya towards Pyatnitskoye Highway, on the left side we pass McDonald's, then the Seventh Continent. Entrance to the Rosinvest shopping center opposite Sberbank. Follow the signs for “order pick-up point”.

    Moscow, Zelenograd, bldg. 931

    Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 9:00 – 19:00
    Sat: 10:00 – 16:00

    Zelenograd, building 931. Ground floor, entrance from Panfilovsky Avenue. There is a PHOTO sign above the entrance.

    Moscow, Zelenograd, bldg. 234 A, ground floor, pav. No. 22

    Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 12:00 – 20:00
    Sat: 12:00 – 18:00

    Zelenograd, go to the stop “Cinema “Electron”, store “Atak”, go down to the ground floor, then right 15 m, then turn left, pavilion No. 22.

    Moscow, Zeleny Prospekt 66, bldg. 2

    Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 10:00 – 20:00
    Sat: 10:00 – 19:00
    Sun: 10:00 – 19:00

    m. Novogireevo, the first car from the center, from the metro to the right, into the city along the stairs to the left. Walk past the Shingal shopping center and after 150 meters turn into the courtyard (towards the Post Office and the Komus store), then after 80 meters there will be an entrance with a PHOTO sign.

    Moscow, Vernadskogo Prospekt 86B, pav. 219

    Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun: 10:00 – 20:00

    Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station, 1st car from the center (50 m from the metro). Shopping center “Almiral”, leftmost entrance, 2nd floor, pavilion No. 219.

    Moscow, Ganetskogo Square, 1

    Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 10:00 – 20:00
    Sat: 11:00 – 18:00
    Sun: closed

    m. Voykovskaya, 1st carriage from the center, from the glass doors to the right, straight on the street 150 m, Warsaw cinema, entrance from the restaurant Grabli, 1st floor, on the left is the first pavilion - the Melange handicraft salon.

    Moscow, st. 4th Tverskaya-Yamskaya, building 2/11, building 2.

    Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 10:00 – 21:00
    Sat: 10:00 – 18:00
    Sun: closed

    Exit the 1st car of the Mayakovskaya metro station, then turn right and turn right again into the 1st Tverskoy-Yamskaya lane. and follow until the turn onto the street. 4th Tverskaya-Yamskaya (2nd in a row) further right towards the Garden Ring, cross to the other side of the street and go to house No. 2/11.

    Moscow, Bolshaya Sukharevskaya Square, 1

    Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 11:00 – 20:00
    Sat: 11:00 – 15:00
    Sun: closed

    Exit from the Sukharevskaya metro station, then straight along the underground passage, turn right onto the stairs, on the left side are “Shokoladnitsa” and “Kroshka-Kartoshka”, between them there is an arch with a gate, the entrance to the arch and to the right into the semi-basement room. The outer side of the Garden Ring.

    Moscow, Novocherkassky Blvd., 51

    Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 10:00 – 20:00
    Sat, Sun: 10:00 – 18:00

    M. Maryino, 1st car from the center, when exiting the city, turn right. Cross the road and walk along the right side of Novocherkassky Boulevard to building 51. Entrance to the pick-up point is from the opposite end of the building, 2nd floor.

    Moscow, Lubyansky proezd 15, building 4, office 12

    Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 10:00 – 21:00
    Sat, Sun: 10:00 – 18:00

    m. Kitai-Gorod is the last car from the center. exit to the street Maroseyka. Walk towards the Boulevard Ring 50 m. Turn right into the arch. then turn left. move towards the pink building. Walk past the entrance to the Mostsvettorg office to the entrance of the business center. To the right of it is the entrance to the pick-up point.

    Moscow, st. Raspletina 13, office 3

    Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 10:00 – 21:00
    Sat, Sun: 10:00 – 18:00

    m. Oktyabrskoye Pole, 1st car from the center. In the underground passage, left and right. Walk along the street. Marshala Biryuzova to the intersection with the street. Marshal Konev. Turn left and walk along the street. Marshal Konev to the end (intersection of Marshal Konev St. and Raspletina St.). Across the road there will be a pickup point building (a white glass door on the left with a blue sign “order pick-up point”).

    Moscow, st. Goncharnaya, 38, entrance 8 A, floor 1, office 1

    Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 10:00 – 21:00
    Sat, Sun: 10:00 – 18:00

    Exit from the Taganskaya (Koltsevaya) metro station to the right and again to the right to Taganskaya Square. Walk 100-150 m to Goncharnaya Street, turn right, cross the road and move along house No. 38 on Goncharnaya Street. go to the 3rd arch. Entrance 8A, office 1.

    Moscow, Ogorodny pr., 20 building 38
    Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat: 10:30 – 20:00
    Sun: closed

    Exit from Timiryazevskaya metro station by crossing right to the end towards the monorail station. Go straight along the street. Fonvizin to the intersection with Ogorodny Ave. Then cross to the other side of Ogorodny Ave. (pedestrian crossing near the gas station) and continue walking to the right (towards the center) along the fence and past the 4-story yellow building. The pick-up point is located in a brick one-story building, entrance from the street is free.

Courier - pick up

Courier to home To the pick-up point
Kazanfrom 400 rub.from 250 rub.
Volgogradfrom 400 rub.from 250 rub.
Rostov-on-Donfrom 400 rub.from 250 rub.
Nizhny Novgorodfrom 400 rub.from 250 rub.
Voronezhfrom 400 rub.from 250 rub.
Ekaterinburgfrom 500 rub.from 250 rub.
Chelyabinskfrom 500 rub.from 250 rub.
Permianfrom 500 rub.from 250 rub.
Omskfrom 600 rub.from 250 rub.
Novosibirskfrom 600 rub.from 250 rub.
Ufafrom 600 rub.from 250 rub.
Krasnoyarskfrom 600 rub.from 250 rub.
Samarafrom 600 rub.from 250 rub.

Russian Post

  • by prepayment - from 400 rubles.
  • cash on delivery - from 400 rubles.

Transport company

  • to pick-up point from 350 rub.
  • to home from 600-1500 rubles.

By courier in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region

When ordering up to 2500 rub.

  • within the ring road - 300 rub.
  • outside the Ring Road - 300 rubles. +20 RUR/km from the Ring Road
When ordering from 2500 rub.
  • within the Ring Road - FREE
  • outside the Ring Road - 20 rubles/km from the Ring Road

Pickup points