How to make a flower from cotton pads. DIY crafts from cotton pads

Church holidays

We offer you interesting material for needlework. It’s inexpensive, but the resulting amazing crafts made from cotton pads!

DIY topiary made from cotton pads

Isn't it true that such a bouquet will be an excellent decoration and gift? It looks gentle and elegant, and is made from the most ordinary objects. Here's what was used:
  • 50 pieces of cotton pads;
  • hot glue;
  • beads;
  • a jar of cotton swabs;
  • 1 meter of green satin ribbon 5 cm wide;
  • brown ribbon - width 5 cm, length equal to two girths of the jar;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • pins, needle, thread.
Let's start making flowers from cotton pads. After all, they form the basis of the composition. For one rose you will need 2 cotton pads and a bead.

Take the first one and roll it into a ball. Attach the second one to it and wrap it around the first one.

This is what you should get so far.

Secure the bud with a thread using a needle, then thread it from the bottom and point it up to pin a bead on the tip of the needle.

Initially, do not make a knot on the thread - it will not provide a reliable fixation, since the cotton wool is soft. When you thread a bead inside the bud, then cut the thread and tie its end to the one on which you did not make a knot.

For this craft from cotton pads, either with your own hands or with the help of an assistant, you need to make 25 roses. Let some have beads, others not.

Now you need to make the leaves. For the first, cut a 10 cm long strip from the green ribbon, fold its right and left corners down so that the wrong side is at the top.

To make a craft from cotton pads further, sew along the edge of this workpiece, and then turn it right side out and gather it with thread to give the ribbon the shape of a leaf.

Flowers made from cotton pads should be placed in a beautiful container. To make it, fill an empty jar of cotton swabs with foam. When it swells and dries, cut off the excess at the top.

Decorate the outer sides of the container with brown satin ribbon. It can be pulled tightly and sewn to the side or glued to the jar.

Distributing evenly, pin the leaves to the outer circle of foam.

Grease the disc flowers with hot glue, start attaching them from the bottom tier, moving up.

All that remains is to decorate the jar with a thin satin ribbon, tie a bow, and you can admire the work done, what a beautiful topiary you have made with your own hands. It can also be made from cotton swabs. This is also fertile material for creativity. Creating it is fun and simple, so even a child can cope with the task.

Children's fake cotton swabs for a competition

If you have asked yourself this question, now you can quickly solve it. Such unfading flowers made from cotton swabs will certainly be noted at the competition.

Here are the materials and equipment you need for the job:
  • cotton buds;
  • floral ball;
  • scissors;
  • dye;
  • wire;
  • ribbon.
Have your child cut all the cotton swabs in half. If it is not easy for him to do this on his own, then adults will help. Now each resulting piece needs to be stuck into a foam ball so that the area with the cotton wool is outside.

This is how you need to arrange all the cotton swabs. Next, dilute the paint in a small amount of water. Dip a flower made of cotton swabs into it.

To avoid getting your hands dirty, use rubber gloves. You can first pierce the flower with the stem and, holding it, lower it into the paint.

You can use a wooden stick (skewer or sushi) as a stem, then it must first be painted green. There is another option - wrap green electrical tape or floral tape around the wire and use this stem.

Such flowers made from cotton swabs can be brought not only to children’s craft competitions, but also to decorate your home, office, or store with them.

If you don't have a floral ball, have your child replace it with plasticine, from which you need to mold a round blank. In this case, it is better to first paint the halves of cotton swabs and then stick them into a ball of plasticine.

Other products made from cotton swabs

See what else you can make for children's craft competitions using the same material.

Cotton swabs form the basis of this adorable panda.

To create it you will need the following:
  • cardboard;
  • black and white paper;
  • cotton buds;
  • white plasticine;
  • glue;
  • black paint.
From cardboard you need to cut out a panda with a round head and body, two ears and four paws. Attach this blank to black paper, outline, cut out; and from a white sheet - the inner part of the ears.

Glue the black blank onto the cardboard, and the white one for the ears in its place. Cut out claws from paper of the same color and attach them to the paws with glue.

Let your child knead the plasticine and stick it on the panda's face. Now you need to cut the cotton swabs and stick them into the plasticine. Design the work from the outer edge, gradually moving to the inner. The belly of the beast is decorated in the same way. To make a panda look like a real one, you first need to dip a few cotton swabs in black paint and use them to make spots of this color on its body.

Oval eyes are cut out of white paper. Draw pupils and borders on them and glue them in place.
But what other crafts can be made from cotton wool. This fluffy poodle is created from cardboard and the top of cotton swabs. Glue it like in the photo.

Do-it-yourself volumetric paintings

Cotton swabs give ideas for paintings.

For the first one you needed:
  • sheet of cardboard;
  • blue, green, brown paper;
  • cotton buds;
  • glue;
  • yarn;
  • small beads;
  • scissors.
This cotton swab craft for kids starts by gluing green paper onto a piece of cardboard. Now you need to draw the sky on the blue one, cut it out and glue it to the top of the composition.

Next, have the child cut out a house from brown paper. To make the structure look like logs, we use cotton swabs. In place of the walls, we glue them horizontally, at the top they repeat the outline of the roof. All that remains is to glue the windows, and the beautiful children's craft house is ready.

But the work is not finished yet. Two cotton swabs are folded together, the other 2 need to be cut in half - these will be the hands of the man. Now you need to attach the parts to each other using yarn, at the same time making the top of the body in the form of a sweater, and the bottom like a skirt or pants.

Wrap more cotton wool around the tops of two sticks to make your face look more voluminous. Hair can be easily made from brown or yellow yarn. The glued strands of threads are shaped like a tree, and yellow ones were used for the sun.

All that remains is to glue people from cotton swabs, decorate the work with beads, and the three-dimensional picture is ready.

On the second panel, the braid is laid out in the shape of the sun, and people made of cotton swabs are glued between its rays.

Swans and flowers made from cotton pads

This material is very malleable. It can be cut with scissors, painted, rolled, glued. Cotton pads easily turn into swans and daisies.

Here's how to make such a three-dimensional picture. Take a cotton pad, roll it into a ball, and secure it with a stapler. Make several of these petals, place them on the table in a circle, connecting them with a stapler. Cover one cotton pad with yellow paint and let it dry. Then glue this core to the center of the flower.

You can make daisies in another way.

To make flowers from cotton pads, which are in the photo on the left, you will need this:
  • scissors;
  • yellow and green paint;
  • colored cardboard;
  • glue;
  • tweezers;
  • cotton pads.
Take the first disk and cut its edges in a circle to mark the petals. Decorate other flowers in this way. Glue them onto colored cardboard. Tear off a piece from the cotton pad and roll it into a ball. Make a few more of these cores and dip them in yellow paint diluted with water. Remove with tweezers, place on a surface, and let dry. Then glue these blanks into the center of the disc flowers.

Cut the stems from green colored paper and the leaves from cotton pads. Cut them along the edges with scissors and paint them. Let dry and glue in place.

If a child wants to make swans with his own hands, help him with this. Such work begins with preparing the necessary things, namely:

  • blue cardboard;
  • white, green, brown, blue, yellow paper;
  • red, black paint;
  • cotton pads.
You will also need scissors; use them to cut out the swan's head, neck and wings from the disks.

If you only have white cardboard, then you need to stick a sheet of blue paper on it, let it dry and it will turn out colored.

The lake is cut out of contrasting colored paper so that it can be seen against the blue background. Glue it onto cardboard and put a cotton pad on top - this is the body of a swan. Glue wings and a head and neck to it. You need to cut out reeds from brown paper, leaves and stems from green paper, glue them to the picture, and also to the sun in the sky.

The waves can be cut out of blue paper or painted with paint of that color. All that remains is to paint the eyes with black paint and the beak with red paint, and the beautiful painting made from cotton pads is ready.

From this material you can make such a picturesque poppy.

For this you will need:
  • cotton pads;
  • glue;
  • gouache;
  • green paper or tape;
  • wire;
  • brush.

For work, it is better to take thin cotton pads. Tape is an elastic band. If you have starch in the house, use it, then the disc flower will have denser petals.

Add 1 tbsp. l. starch in half a glass of cold water, stir. Separately, boil a glass of water, pour in the diluted starch in a thin stream, stirring, turn off the heat, and cool. Soak 5 cotton pads in brewed starch, wring them out a little, straighten them, and place them on oilcloth to dry.

After this, paint them with red gouache, when it dries, apply orange and white veins. Now cut out poppy petals from these dried blanks, glue them together, giving the shape of a flower. Make the stamens from a piece of cotton wool, which needs to be painted with black gouache.

Starting from the bottom, wrap the wire with green tape. In the middle of the stem, make a leaf out of ribbon or paper, continue to wrap the stem further, making another leaf. Glue this green sprig to the poppy flower.

New Year's decorations made from cotton pads

They can also be made from cotton pads. And this little angel will decorate the room at any time of the year. Such crafts can be made with children in kindergarten.

The following master class with step-by-step photos will help you quickly understand the intricacies of the work. First, here is a list of things needed for needlework:
  • cotton pads;
  • beads;
  • fishing line or thread;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • stapler;
  • thread with a needle;
  • jewelry ring;
  • rhinestones or sequins.
Have the child place the disk in front of him and place a bead in its center. Now you need to wrap the edges of the cotton blank up and wrap the area with the bead with thread or fishing line. Using scissors, make the edging of this cotton pad wavy. This turned out to be the head and wings of an angel.

To make his long robe, fold the disk in half, then divide it into 3 parts, bringing the two sides back. Secure with a stapler or sew. Glue the robe to the wings. All that remains is to decorate the angel with sequins, sew or glue a ring to the head, and the craft from discs is ready.

Such an amazing wreath for the New Year is also made from this material. First you need to prepare the base. This can be a large ring made of foam or rubber. If you don't have these, then roll up several newspapers, gluing them to each other, and give them the desired shape.

When the workpiece is dry, glue the elements from cotton pads. To make the first one, roll the disk into a ball and wrap the second and third around it. Thus, you will get a rose, twisted with your own hands.

You can glue or sew a bead into the center of some flowers, as described above. Glue the roses to the wreath base, placing them close to each other. Fill the gaps with large beads, decorate the New Year's wreath with a large satin bow.

This is how many crafts can be made from cotton pads and sticks, including for children. The following videos will introduce you to other ideas:

Series of master classes “Flowers from cotton pads”

Chukmareva Maria Nikolaevna, teacher, MBDOU Pychassky kindergarten No. 2, village. Pychas, Udmurtia

Purpose: I bring to your attention a series of master classes that are united under one general theme, “Flowers from cotton pads,” since cotton pads and cotton swabs are used to make all the proposed flowers.
Crafts can be used as a gift for the holiday of March 8, decoration of a kindergarten group, crafts for an exhibition.
The master class is intended for children of senior preschool age (6-7 years), primary school age, preschool teachers, additional education teachers and parents.

Name of the master class:"An indoor flower is a woman's happiness."

Target: embodiment in artistic form of the idea of ​​​​the characteristic features of the external structure of an indoor flower “female happiness”, in technology - “plasticineography”.

- improve the technique of working with plasticine, evenly distribute the plasticine on the surface, consolidate the “smearing” technique;
develop creative imagination, aesthetic perception, fine motor skills of the fingers;
- cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, curiosity, and the ability to cooperate with each other.

- a set of plasticine, stack;
- cotton buds;
- cotton pads;
- black cardboard;
- beans;
- PVA glue.
1. I suggest making such a bouquet in a pot with your own hands.

It is believed that a “female happiness” flower received as a gift will bring grace in the personal sphere and long-awaited female happiness.
This beautiful tropical plant is also called "White Sail" due to its unusual sail-like flowers. The name "Spathiphyllum" comes from two Greek words: "spatha" - bedspread, "phyllum" - leaf. The shape of the plant's spathe resembles an ordinary leaf, white, devoid of a petiole.
2. For this we will need the following materials.

3. Take cotton pads, bend them halfway, draw flower buds. Then use scissors to cut it out.


5. Remove the cotton wool from one end of the cotton swabs, and dip the remaining cotton wool in yellow gouache - this will be the core of the flower.

6. This is what the flower bud will look like. To do this, we “wrap” a piece of cotton pad around the stem, connecting the edges with glue. Cover the surface of the cotton swab - the stem with green plasticine.

7. Next, using a stroke, draw an image of foliage in a pot on the cardboard. In order to give the correct shape, you can use a leaf of the plant itself, placing it on cardboard and tracing it along the contour.

8. Let's start working with plasticine. The plasticine should be warmed in your hands to make it more convenient to apply it. It is better to start work from the edge of the leaf, gradually stretching the plasticine towards the middle.

9. Using the stack, we draw the veins characteristic of the plant on the leaves.

10. Use brown plasticine to cover the soil in the pot. Next, we attach the finished flower buds to the green foliage, lengthening the stems using plasticine.

11. Now let’s start decorating the pot for the indoor flower. We smear white plasticine over the entire silhouette of the pot and then attach the beans. Here we have such a cute pot!


13. All that remains is to decorate the frame using beans and the gift is ready!

Master class on making crafts “Bouquet of Snowdrops”

Target: making a gift with your own hands using available materials.
Tasks: teach the ability to use a template; develop children's creative abilities; encourage creative activity, combining various materials when making crafts; foster the joy of joint creativity.
Material: cotton pads, cotton swabs; leaves from artificial flowers; a jar of face cream; cotton wool; plasticine set: ribbon; hot melt adhesive.
1. I suggest making such a bouquet of snowdrops!

Mother's day.
Here is a snowdrop in a clearing,
I found it.
I'll take the snowdrop to mom,
Although it didn't bloom.
And me with the flower so tenderly
Mom hugged
that my snowdrop has opened
From her warmth. (Grigore Vieru)

2. To make the craft we will need the following materials.

3. First, draw a flower template on paper or cardboard, and then cut out flowers from cotton pads using the finished template.

4. Cotton swabs will serve as stems for flowers. To do this, remove the cotton from one end of the cotton swabs, and slightly lift the cotton up at the other end. Cover the surface of the cotton swab with green plasticine.

5. In the middle of each flower we make small cuts into which we insert the finished stems.


7. In order for the flower to hold and be voluminous, we sculpt a “peduncle” from green plasticine, which we attach under the flower bud.


9. We decorate the middle of the flower with blue plasticine.

10. We connect the finished flowers with leaves.


12. Let’s start decorating the vase for the snowdrops. As a base for the vase, you can take a jar of face cream. Glue a ribbon around the entire circumference of the jar, and form a bow from the unglued ends. We decorate this bow with a bead.


14. We attach plasticine to the bottom of the vase, where the flowers will be inserted.

15. We put cotton wool under the flowers in a vase, thereby conveying the feeling that they have just emerged from the snow! A bouquet of spring flowers is ready! Spring mood!

Master class on making postcards “Daisies”

Target: making a postcard with your own hands.
Material: colored paper; colored cardboard; PVA glue; cotton pads; plasticine; scissors; simple pencil.

Little sun on my palm -
White chamomile on a green stem.
Yellow hearts with a white rim...
How many of them there are in the meadow, how many of them there are by the river!
The daisies bloomed - summer has come.
Bouquets are made from white daisies.
In a clay jug, jar or cup
Large daisies crowd cheerfully. (Alexandrova Z.)

2. To make a postcard we will need the following materials.

3. For work we will need half a cardboard sheet. Draw an oval with a pencil and then cut it out.


5. Cut out the stems and leaves of chamomile from green paper. We bend the cut leaves in half, giving them volume. We glue the finished parts to cardboard.

Everyone has a pack of cotton pads in their bedside table or cabinet, but only a few know about the possibility of using them in needlework. At the same time, soft, safe and comfortable material is becoming more and more popular every year, especially in children's creativity: in classes at school and kindergartens.

Making crafts from cotton pads with your own hands is quick and easy, and the resulting airy, beautiful product will easily fit into any interior or become an original gift.

Options for cotton crafts

Despite the non-standard nature of using cotton pads as the main material for needlework, the existence of hundreds of different options indicates its great popularity.

Most often, New Year's toys and decorations are made from cotton wool, but the list continues with rich topiaries, elegant flowers, interesting animals and birds.

Topiary and flowers

Most often, in photos of crafts made from cotton pads you can see all kinds of flowers: roses, calla lilies, daisies, daisies or peonies. There are a lot of options, all you have to do is choose the most suitable option.

Thus, daisies are made from ten disks twisted at the bottom and glued to the yellow middle, calla lilies are formed from disks glued at the bottom and inserted into the middle of yellow cotton swabs, and roses are made from tinted disks twisted around each other.

You won’t be able to tell a homemade craft from cotton pads from a store-bought topiary.

An elegant and delicate flower tree will be an ideal decoration for a living room or children's room, and even an inexperienced person in needlework can create such a miracle.

Master class - topiary

  • Prepare at least 50 cotton pads, beads, decorative leaves, paints.
  • Having chosen a color suitable for the interior, soak a third of the discs in dyed water and let them dry.
  • Make the required number of roses: roll one disk into a ball and wrap it with the second, thread a needle and thread through the bud, string a bead, cut the thread and tie it to the tip. Instead of roses, you can make any other flowers.
  • To make a beautiful craft from the resulting disc flowers, you need to prepare a container for cotton swabs: fill it with foam, let it dry and decorate it with beads and satin ribbon.
  • Flowers must be glued to the base, starting from the bottom tier, alternating colored and colorless buds and diluting them with artificial leaves.

New Year decoration

Whiteness and resemblance to snow make cotton pads an ideal basis for New Year's attributes. So, to make a Christmas tree you will need a cardboard cone, onto which rows of needles are fixed using pins - disks folded four times and fastened with a stapler.

The New Year's beauty is decorated with shiny stars, garland, tinsel or miniature Christmas tree decorations.

A Christmas wreath would also be an interesting craft. To make it, cotton pads in the shape of leaves or flowers are glued onto a prepared round base of foam or paper.

The gaps are filled with beads, bows or satin ribbons.

Birds and animals

Interesting and easy-to-make crafts made from cotton pads in the shape of animals or birds are more suitable for children.

To make a white owl, first mark an outline on paper and glue two circles - the head and the body. Another circle is cut into two halves and becomes wings. Additionally, claws, beak and eyes are cut out of colored paper.

Master class - snow-white swan

  • Cut out a lake from colored paper and glue it onto a cardboard base.
  • Place one cotton swab on the application - the body of the future bird.
  • From the disk, cut out a long neck and wings with cut feathers, and add them to the composition.
  • You can decorate the picture with reeds, painted waves and the sky.

Cotton pads can be twisted, bent, glued, and all sorts of elements and details can be cut out of them, which makes them indispensable assistants in needlework and children's creativity.

Get inspired by ideas, look for new patterns, and the crafts you make will become original gifts or unusual interior decorations.

Photos of crafts made from cotton pads


You can make many interesting crafts from cotton pads. The article contains a lot of ideas and step-by-step descriptions of such crafts.

Most people use cotton pads as a hygiene item for facial and body skin care. But few people know that cotton pads can also serve as a cheap and accessible material for creativity. Yes, yes, you heard right. You can create real masterpieces from cotton pads that will take pride of place in your interior. We will share ideas for creating such crafts.

How to make a rose from cotton pads for March 8?

For such a craft you need to have the following materials:

  • Cotton pads
  • Wooden skewers
  • Corrugated paper
  • Threads
  • Paint (acrylic or gouache)

Preparation method:

  1. First of all, you need to paint the wheels. About painting methods below
  2. Roll one cotton pad into a tube. Attach another one to it, do not apply it too tightly
  3. Then attach another disc. Shape the petals as you wish
  4. Secure the petals with glue if the flower already has a sufficient number of petals.
  5. Secure the bud to a wooden skewer with thread. Or you can glue it
  6. Wrap the skewer in corrugated paper
Step-by-step making of a rose from cotton pads

There are several ways to paint discs:

Method 1. Dilute acrylic or gouache in water, then soak the discs in this solution. After this, remove and dry the cotton pads. After drying, you can add paint to some areas with a brush.

Method 2. Paint the cotton pads with gouache using a brush.

Instead of gluing, the petals can be sewn together with a needle and thread. In addition, you can fix the petals using a regular stapler.

Important: If you want your rose to be resilient, soak cotton pads in a starch solution before dyeing. But in this case, you cannot paint by immersion in colored water, only with a brush.

Roses made from cotton pads

Bouquet of roses from cotton pads

Video: How to make flowers from cotton pads?

Craft - calla lilies from cotton pads: photo

Calla is a beautiful delicate white flower with a yellow core. Making it from cotton pads is as easy as shelling pears.

For this you will need:

  • Cotton pads
  • Cotton buds
  • Cocktail straw
  • Green corrugated paper

Preparation method:

  1. Cut the cotton swab in half. We only need one part of it with a cotton head
  2. Color a cotton swab yellow
  3. Insert a colored dry cotton swab into a cocktail straw
  4. Wrap the straw in corrugated paper
  5. Now take one cotton pad and form a flower out of it, glue the edges together
  6. Fix the petal with glue on the straw so that the flower does not crumble
  7. You can add paper leaves to the stem
The process of making calla lilies from a cotton pad

You can make many beautiful flowers this way.

Callas from cotton pads

Craft - daisies from cotton pads: photo

You can also make chamomile from cotton pads. This is done in several ways:

Method 1:

  • Take one cotton pad
  • Use scissors to cut the petals, but not all the way
  • Make a round core from yellow paper

Method 2:

  • Glue cotton pads onto the balloon holder; one pad is equal to one petal.
  • Glue a button covered with yellow paper in the middle. Or you can make a yellow circle out of paper

Method 3:

  • The petal takes shape by folding the edges
  • The core can be cut from yellow felt

Three ways to make chamomile from cotton pads

Craft - snowdrops made from cotton pads

To make snowdrops you will need:

  • Colored cardboard
  • Scissors
  • Markers or green paper
  • PVA glue
  • Cotton pads

Master Class:

  1. Cut a snowdrop flower from one cotton pad
  2. Stick it on colored cardboard
  3. Then draw the stems and leaves with a felt-tip pen. If you don’t have markers, you can cut them out of colored paper
  4. Cut several cotton pads in half and make snow from these halves.

Craft snowdrops from cotton pads

Children's crafts from cotton pads

Crafts with children are the development of a child’s creative potential, finger motor skills and logical thinking.

You can make simple but cute ones from cotton pads with your children. Starting from the age of two or three, a child learns to work with a brush, glue, and scissors. Parents or educators should monitor the process and help the baby. Crafts made from cotton pads for children 4-5 years old are not a problem at all.

Looking at the photographs, you can see that such crafts are a fun activity for children of different ages.

Children's craft snowman made from cotton pads

Crafts sheep

Craft caterpillar

Craft - a bird made from cotton pads with a description: photo

You can make almost anything from cotton pads that your imagination dictates. For example, a white owl.

Necessary materials:

  • Colored cardboard
  • A sheet of white A4 paper
  • Markers
  • Scissors
  • PVA glue
  • Cotton pads
  • Simple pencil

Step-by-step description of the craft:

  1. On a white sheet of paper, using a simple pencil, draw the silhouette of an owl.
  2. Cut it out and glue it to colored cardboard
  3. Cut out claws, beak, and circles for eyes from black colored paper.
  4. Cut out two more yellow circles, but of a smaller diameter.
  5. From each cotton pad, use scissors to cut two feathers of the appropriate shape
  6. Glue on claws, beak, feathers, form eyes
  7. Use a black marker to add color to the feathers.

Owl made of cotton pads

Craft - chicken made from cotton pads: photo

Important: It is convenient to make crafts from dense disks. Discs that are not very dense may fluff during operation.

It's very easy to make chicken from cotton pads. Photo inspiration ideas.

Chickens made from cotton pads

It's easy to make a chicken from cotton pads

Craft - a monkey made of cotton pads: photo

If you have brown paint, you can make a monkey. You can use not only brown paint, but also red and orange.

Monkey craft

Crafts made from cotton pads on a space theme: photo

Many boys dream of becoming astronauts. But while they have not yet grown up, you can invite them to make crafts on the theme of space.

Cotton pads in such crafts will be planets. They need to be painted in certain colors. You can also use plasticine or colored paper in this craft.

Space-themed craft made from cotton pads

You can make planets out of cotton pads

Topiary made from cotton pads

You can make great topiaries from cotton pads. You don’t have to paint the discs; the snow-white flowers will look very delicate.

For beauty, you can add beads, ribbons, and sparkles. Such topiaries can be proudly shown to your friends or used as a gift.

Crafts topiary

Crafts from cotton pads for Easter: photos

In many families, it is customary to celebrate light not just with colored eggs and Easter cakes, but also by decorating the entire house. Cotton pads will come in handy in this matter.

You can make pendants in the shape of eggs. In the photo, the pendants are made of felt, but felt can easily be replaced with cotton pads.

Pendants for Easter

Or cute angels.

Craft angel for Easter

As you know, Easter is a spring holiday. On this occasion, you can decorate your apartment with delicate topiary made from cotton pads.

Topiary for Easter

Try making crafts from cotton pads, it’s interesting and exciting.

Video: Crafts from cotton pads