Research project "how to make paper at home by hand." How to make paper at home - Lord, thy will be done

For children

Material overview


It is difficult for a modern person to imagine life without paper. Paper accompanies a person throughout his life. It reminds you of itself every time you access documents - a passport, diploma, certificate, when you pick up a book, or take a newspaper or magazine out of your mailbox. Paper gives us ample opportunities for creativity: it can be folded, cut, glued. You can draw and print on it.

Paper is increasingly conquering various fields of technology. Today, paper is made fire-resistant, resistant to gases, vapors, moisture, and acids.

Paper today - faithful assistant builders. It successfully replaces wood, marble, iron, and stone. In the US state of Nebraska, a real paper bridge 11 m long was built, on which vehicular traffic is open.

Modern furniture is also related to paper. The sparkling surface of a table, cabinet doors with an intricate pattern is nothing more than a sheet of paper pressed onto a chipboard

Clothes are made from paper and linen is made. For many years, Sweden has been producing blankets consisting of 10-30 layers of elastic crepe paper, inserted into a duvet cover made of linen or cotton fabric.

Paper is increasingly being used to make tableware. Plates, cups, and bottles are made from it.

In pharmaceutical practice, it is often necessary to filter various solutions. And here paper comes to the rescue. About 400 different products for the pharmaceutical industry are made from paper today.

All this requires a lot of paper and its production is growing rapidly every year, but the forest area on our planet is also rapidly decreasing. And this cannot be allowed. Therefore, scientists all over the world are looking for a replacement for wood, so as not to cut down the forest and send it to pulp and paper mills. They are already trying to make paper from glass and stone, synthetic fibers, polymer films, and the collection of waste paper is very important.

Paper is a sheet material made from natural plant or artificial fibers. The history of the origin of paper and the development of the paper industry is not so simple.

In my work, I decided to find out the history of paper, how and what it is made from, and whether it is possible to make paper yourself. So I came up with a hypothesis.

HYPOTHESIS: You can make the paper yourself.To confirm the hypothesis, I set the following goal.

TARGET: Learn the process of making paper at home.The following tasks will help me achieve my goal.

TASKS: Study the history of paper. Collect paper making methods. Conduct experiments, record observations, draw conclusions.

Theoretical part



Its name is on English language"paper" comes from "papyrus", a material used by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans. Some scholars believe that the word “paper” originates from the Italian bambagia, which means cotton. Others believe that Russian word paper comes from the Tatar “bumug” (cotton).

The oldest letter was carved on the wall of his home primitive man. There are many places on earth where we can see preserved carved drawings and signs on rocks and cave walls; these are petroglyphs. These were the first letters. But such letters themselves could not reach the addressee.

Over time, people realized that it was much easier to write on damp clay tiles. Such tiles could be sent to each other over long distances. But these tiles were heavy and took a long time to make.

Wood became a lighter and more durable material for writing. For example, in China, people burned characters onto bamboo sticks using a hot needle. In Africa, texts were carved onto large wooden cylinders. IN Ancient Greece, Rome, and then throughout Europe, people wrote on wooden tablets and then covered them with wax. In countries with hot climates, dried and varnished palm leaves were often used. In Rus', the most common material for writing was birch bark - certain layers of birch bark. Our Slavic ancestors gave us a chronicle that was written on 35 birch tablets.

For more than four thousand years, the Egyptians used papyrus (gift of the river), a reed plant that grew on the banks of the Nile River. The plant was light, strong, thin and easy to carry. It has a straight stem up to 5 meters high. To prepare writing material, only Bottom part stem about 60 centimeters long. It was freed from the outer green layer, and the white core was cut with a knife into thin narrow strips and kept in fresh water for 2-3 days to swell and remove water-soluble substances. The softened strips were rolled on a board with a wooden gurney, then soaked again for a day, rolled and again immersed in water. After these operations, the strips

became translucent and had a creamy tint. After this, the strips of stem were laid on top of each other, dehydrated under a press, and then dried under a press and

smoothed with a smooth stone. For thousands of years, nothing better was invented for writing and documenting. Earliest existing recorded papyrusdates back to the 1st Dynasty of Egypt, but it is estimated that it may have already been in use as early as 4,000 BC.

In the 2nd century BC in Asia Minor in the kingdom of Pergamon in the city of Pergamum, the production of excellent writing material was organized, but not from papyrus, but from the skins of young animals - calves, lambs, goats, donkeys - processed in a special way. After the name of the city, this material became known as parchment. Unlike papyrus, parchment was much stronger, more elastic, more durable, it was easier to write on it, and on both sides, and if necessary, the text could be easily washed off and a new one applied. But despite these advantages of parchment, its production was labor-intensive and it was an expensive material.

Humanity needed a cheaper material, and paper became such a material.


The first date that can be attributed history of paper– this is 105 AD, China. If you believe the chronicles, then it was in China in 105 that Tsai Lun invented the very first paper known to mankind.

By decree of the emperor, he was instructed to find writing material no worse than silk, but much cheaper. Cai Lun's search led him to the wasps. Thin but durable material, from which wasp nests were made, most closely resembled what he was looking for. After conducting hundreds of experiments, the scientist came to the conclusion that something similar could be obtained from mulberry bark, hemp bast, torn fishing nets and old fabrics. All this must be ground and boiled, mixed with a liquid similar to insect saliva. The resulting mass must be scooped out with a sieve made of silk threads attached to a bamboo frame.

When all the water has drained, the remaining wet leaf should be soaked in the secret composition.

All that remains is to dry and smooth it between the stone slabs.

And here it is - the desired material, which does not absorb ink, on which the contours of what is written do not blur. Chinese paper had one peculiarity - it was so loose that the paint on it spread quite a lot. However, later this quality Chinese paper was highly appreciated by Japanese calligraphers who used Chinese paper for their work.

But scientists believe that in fact, appearance of paper can be safely attributed to the 2nd century AD. Scientists obtained such data after examining excavations in tombs in northern China.


It is not known which version is correct, but for a long time China managed to keep the method of making paper a secret, and only at the beginning of the 6th century was it exported to Japan. Over several centuries, the Japanese modified Chinese technology and created their own methods of paper production. The Chinese poured fibers soaked in water onto special mesh molds and allowed the water to slowly drain and seep through the small cells. The Japanese, on the contrary, vigorously shook the mold so that the fibers were thoroughly intertwined. In addition, they began to add a sticky plant extract, which contributed to a more dense and durable connection of the fibers. The ancient Japanese valued paper not only for its practical qualities, but also for its beauty. It was famous for its thinness, almost transparency, which did not at all deprive it of its strength. Traditional Japanese paper hand made received the name “Washi”. Over time, it gained popularity, especially in the imperial court during the Hai'en period (794–1185). In those days, the best grades of Japanese paper were worth their weight in gold. Such paper is also one of the most popular in modern Japan. popular gifts. Around the same time, paper production began to penetrate other Asian countries. Unlike Chinese way According to which paper was produced from fresh plant fiber, due to the lack of such raw materials in Europe, it was necessary to look for a different material for paper. Paper began to be made from hemp and linen rags. A sticky mass was boiled from rags, then the water was squeezed out using a press, the result was paper, but it was very expensive.

Subsequently, this method was brought by the Arabs through Persia to North Africa, Cyprus, and then to Spain, Morocco and a number of other countries. Paper gradually began to replace the previously used papyrus and other writing materials. From Spain, paper production penetrated to Italy, and then to all European countries, incl. and Russia.

The first widespread acquaintance of the people of Rus' with paper occurred in the middle of the 13th century, when Batu Khan, to collect tribute, carried out the first national census of the population of Rus' on paper, which at that time was used in Northern China conquered by the Mongol-Tatars, as well as in Turkestan and Persia, with which they were in trade relations.

Self-produced paper appeared in Rus' in the second half of the 16th century during the reign of Ivan the Terrible. The beginning of mass paper production in Russia was laid by Peter I. And it was then, or rather, in 1703 The world's first Russian newspaper was published. To provide factories with raw materials, by royal decree, the army and navy collected old sails, untarred ropes, ropes and rags. Civilians were asked to bring the remnants of worn-out linen items to the office of the police chief “for a fee,” and a “rag” tax was taken from the peasants. The development of paperwork was facilitated by the decree of 1721 on the mandatory use of domestic paper in official records management.

Real mass production of paper began only in 1799 in France, and this happened thanks to Robber, who invented a machine that made it possible to automatically set up the entire paper production process. The mechanized casting of paper onto a continuously moving endless mesh located above a bailing vat marked the beginning of machine paper production. Subsequently, continuous sections for pressing, drying, calendering and winding paper into rolls were added to this primitive equipment.

However, the method itself remained labor-intensive and unproductive, and, as before, until the mid-19th century. the main raw material was rags. Later, ordinary wood became a cheaper material for paper production.


Over time, many special machines were invented for paper production. Today, paper production can be divided into 3 stages.

Stage 1. The first step is to process the raw materials. Spruce wood is used as a raw material for paper production. Multi-saw machines cut logs into logs 1.2 m long, and debarking machines remove the bark from them.
Stage 2. At the second stage, wood pulp is obtained. Wood pulp is obtained by grinding wood on a rotating stone.
Defibrator is a machine designed to separate wood into fibers. The resulting wood pulp undergoes processing, including cleaning, bleaching and sorting. Next, it is sent along a conveyor to the boiler, where the liquid mass is boiled in a special solution. And in another cauldron, sticky cellulose is boiled from the same wood chips. In the mixing basin, both substances are mixed.
Stage 3. The third and final stage is the production of the paper itself.

The resulting mass is fed to a special machine, where the web is formed and, after squeezing, ironing, smoothing, the paper is wound onto a rolling shaft, then cut into rolls of the required sizes on a cutting machine and sent to factories where notebooks are made, to printing houses for printing books and newspapers and magazines.


Every year the need for paper increases, and the supply of wood from which it is obtained decreases. Therefore, the use of recycled materials to produce paper is one of the major decisions this problem. The use of waste paper helps reduce wood consumption for paper production, which is very important from an environmental point of view. Technologies using paper and rag waste make it possible to obtain paper High Quality without affecting natural sources.

The tradition of producing paper from recycled materials originates in Japan. In the 8th century, after the death of the emperor from the Haien dynasty, Seiwa, one of the court ladies made new sheets of paper from the emperor’s letters and wrote a Buddhist sutra on them, as if touching his soul. It turns out that waste paper began to be used for paper production not at all for practical reasons, as one might think, but for religious reasons. The restored paper was called “usuzumigami” because of its bluish tint, resulting from the remains of ink on old manuscripts. Although in reality it was rather grayish due to the shortcomings of bleaching technology. But the Japanese did not strive for special whiteness, believing that the grayish color was more suitable for expressing their feelings towards the dead.


Paper is usually made from wood. But it’s not so difficult to make it at home from other natural materials. We accumulate a lot of different paper waste at home. We used this waste to recycle paper, and also tried to make “edible” paper.

Experience No. 1. Chinese rice paper.(Annex 1)

To make this paper you will need flour and salt. First you need to sift rice flour. Then mix it with salt and add water. Knead this substance for about ten minutes until it turns into a dough without lumps. Place the mixture in a cup and leave it for half an hour. After this, place the dough on a wooden board and roll it out so that it is as thin as possible. The board should be sprinkled with flour to prevent it from sticking to the dough. When the thin dough is dry, cut it into sheets.

This paper is not very thick and can tear easily, so it is not suitable for the production of notebooks. It is best used for storing food and making burritos. Craftswomen often use this paper for decoupage.
Experience No. 2. Making papyrus paper.(Appendix 2)

To make papyrus, you need to take unnecessary waste paper and tear it into very small pieces. Add finely chopped thread scraps to the paper. In Egypt, almost anything is added to papyrus, even particles of foil, dead insects and dried plants. Place the paper and thread in a bowl and fill with water. A thick mass should form. Let it soak and sit for a day. If you boil the bowl, the base of the paper mixture will form faster. The next day, add PVA glue and starch; they will serve as a binding base for the paper pulp. Mix the contents of the bowl with a mixer and pour the unnecessary water through a sieve, leaving only the paper raw materials.

Take a mixer and mix everything thoroughly, or knead it with your hands until a homogeneous mass comes out. Squeeze the resulting lump from the water. Place on the table terry towel and carefully spread the paper pulp over it. Cover with another towel and place a stack of large, heavy books as a press. It will take several days for the mixture to turn into a full-fledged papyrus. Every day it is necessary to change wet towels for dry ones. The finished paper should be ironed.

The result was gray, fairly thick paper.

Experience No. 3. Making paper using a mesh grid.(Appendix 3)

To work, you will need special frames with a mesh for filtering the liquid. To work, it is enough to have two of each size. The mesh (fine-grained) is attached to the frame with small nails. A top frame without a mesh is not required, but is desirable. It makes it possible to gain more mass and make it easier to level it on the grid. I made a frame from nylon fabric and an embroidery hoop.. We also use a blender and an iron to speed up the process (you can completely do without them).

For work you can take the most various papers: documents destroyed in special machines(shredders), old newspapers, egg trays, toilet paper. To make 2-3 sheets of paper you need approximately 3-4 liters of mass. How thinner paper We want to get it in the end, the more water we take at the beginning.
For painting, you can use any paints, starting with gouache.

1. The paper collected for work is torn into small pieces, filled with water, a little starch is added and heated. Then the mixture is placed in a blender, where it is crushed until smooth. You can add dye.

2. When the paper pulp is ready, it is placed in a bowl of water (the more water, the thinner the paper will be). Then we lower the frame with the mesh there and scoop up the mass; it takes some time to let the water drain.

3. Turn the frame over with the grid facing up and use a sponge to remove all excess moisture. After this, carefully remove the frame with the mesh and leave it to dry for several hours.
4. Finally, iron the resulting paper through a thin rag or newspaper.

The result was thinner paper than in the second experiment. This is due to the fact that we “automated” our work a little (we used a frame).

If you want something original, you can make paper from leaves.

Paper can be colored by adding dye to it (I added gouache paint).

And to get white paper, you must add chlorine bleach to the prepared mixture.

To obtain white paper, chlorine bleach must be added to the prepared pulp.


In my work I studied long story the birth of paper, learned the technology of paper production at the pulp and paper mill. I tried to make paper at home, using old newspapers and written notebook sheets. In this way, it was possible to obtain paper of different quality, and with the help of dyes and bleach, to obtain paper of different colors.

Thus, the hypothesis about the possibility of obtaining paper at home was confirmed.

Despite the fact that industrial paper production is well established around the world, interest in handmade paper is growing every day. “Handmade” paper is not like machine-made paper, and from the point of view of technical standards it is worse: uneven in thickness, usually less smooth, sometimes too fragile - such paper is not suitable for printing. But handmade paper has one undeniable dignity- absolute exclusivity. She transforms papermaking from a craft into an art.




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A short introduction :)

The most versatile material for writing, printing, and even various design works is plain paper. Paper was invented in China about two thousand years ago. Naturally, at first it was made by hand. To do this, plant fibers were crushed, soaked in water, filtered, pressed, and then dried and used for various purposes. It was only after the advent of specialized devices that paper production became mechanized. But until now, the most expensive exclusive sheets are made by hand.

Before you start making paper self made, you need to imagine what shape and size of paper sheet you need, what decor you want to add, and for what purpose your work will be used. The texture of the paper can be smooth and structured; the manufacturing technology can be simple or decorated with flower petals, seeds, scraps of fabric, foil, feathers, and leaves.

In order to get homemade paper, we will need unnecessary paper (written sheets, old newspapers), napkins, toilet paper, PVA glue, starch. Also, don’t forget to prepare a deep tray with a mesh, a terry towel, kitchen towel, various decor (dried flower petals, shells, seeds, feathers). You also need your unquenchable imagination.

There are many in various ways making homemade paper. They differ in the method of production and drying, and the type of decor used.

The most important steps for making paper:

Finely tear or cut the paper sheets, put them in a bowl and fill with warm water. Mix all this well, let it stand for some time (from several hours to a day, depending on the thickness of the paper) or put it on the fire and boil for 10 minutes.

Add starch (flax decoction, gelatin, plum gum, i.e. something binding) so that the paper fibers are bonded together and the sheet becomes strong and flexible. Instead of starch, you can use potato decoction. They also add various adhesives. They reduce the moisture-absorbing properties of the paper so that ink or paint does not bleed when printing, writing, or drawing. The first adhesives contained gelatin, and drying paper was pressed into them. In the 18th century, internal sizing joints began to be used, which speeded up the production process many times over. For this they began to use alum resins. Unfortunately, the glue they contain, being more economical and ergonomic than gelatin, increases the acidity of the paper. It was noticed that many books from the beginning of the 19th century became old and worn out very quickly: a violation of the acid-base composition caused increased fragility and brittleness of the paper. Modern “papermakers” use more gentle adhesives and combine them with other substances that neutralize the acidity of alum resins.

After this, you can mix everything with a mixer, or knead it with your hands to get a homogeneous mass. Squeeze the lump out of the water.

If the paper you used was gray or written on, you can bleach it by using a hair bleach product.

Now the resulting lump of paper fibers must be diluted again in small quantity water, you can add a little more PVA glue or starch so that the paper is elastic, bends and folds)

1. The most important and important thing in paper making: the frame

Wooden frame, a polymer mesh (white) is stretched on top, wire under the mesh so that the mesh does not sag,

A piece of black mesh (bought at a fabric store)

Wooden frame (upper and lower frames are connected,

We take the basin plastic tray, or a deep tray, a frame with a metal mesh, or a plastic mesh and pour the resulting mass onto it. Make sure that the layer is even.

After all that has been done, you need to think about decorating your paper. To do this, you can sprinkle seeds on top, use flower petals, crushed shells, feathers, and pieces of foil. The main thing here is your imagination. To make the paper embossed, you can crumple the foil and press it to the surface of your masterpiece, but only after you have squeezed it out of the water.

Now prepare a stack of newspaper sheets, put a terry towel on top, the paper mass we prepared on top of it, another towel on top, and fix it all with a press. It takes several days to dry, changing wet towels for dry ones. This operation can be done faster if you remove excess water from the mass and cover it with a thin towel (for example, a kitchen towel), iron your entire creation, and then dry it with a hairdryer. You can also use an electric oven for these purposes, but in this case the paper may warp. Therefore, top your creation with peas or beans.

If you want to make colored paper, you can use multi-colored scraps, or simply add a dye to the mixture, such as gouache, watercolor, or other paint that dissolves in water.

Used in various drying methods, depending on the desired texture. Calendered paper with increased smoothness, dried on a special smooth plate, is very good for embossing and gold stamping. But you can also make smooth paper with small dents - this will be an exact imitation of limestone. If you dry the paper on a fabric backing, it becomes looser and softer, and embosses well. There is also original corrugated paper, subjected to repeated drying and special deformation - it is very good for packaging.

Paper dried on a mesh has a noticeable mesh texture, and although the front side is considered smooth, many people like it reverse side, where such texture is noticeable. This paper, due to its composition, is very loved by artists, as it has a neutral pH. you can get a beautiful one original gift, which your friends will remember for a long time. Things made with your own hands are valued, first of all, for their uniqueness and the soul put into them.

Master class on making handmade paper

I liked the MK from Tatyana Zakharova, because it presents the material in an accessible and understandable manner and, most importantly, is close to the classical manufacturing process.

So, for work you will need:

Water container: basin, pan or tray. I bought myself a tray from a pet store, usually used as a cat litter box :)

Frame and mesh (details below) - should be about 10 cm smaller than the water container on each side: you should be able to easily immerse them in a container of water by holding the side edges with your hands.

Several foam sponges for washing dishes

Several pieces of fabric that absorbs water very well. I used sheets of felt and then found it in the kitchen household napkins, which are usually used for wiping surfaces (sold in hardware departments under the brands “Cinderella” and “Chistulya”). They were perfect for making paper!

Paper: cardboard boxes from once gifted perfumes, cardboard packaging for eggs, printer paper, napkins, wrapping paper.. Almost any will do! It is not recommended to use glossy magazines and newspapers, as there is too much printing ink.

All possible inclusions: leaves, grass, threads, wool, glitter, confetti - to decorate the paper and give it a unique flavor.

Pour some water into the blender and put the paper in it, after tearing it into small pieces. I put a few pieces white cardboard and a few pieces of dense orange paper, to add color. Paper can be colored in several ways: by mixing white sheets with colored ones, and also by infusing it in onion skins, tea and other natural dyes.

Now cover your ears and turn on the blender :) We need to bring the source material to a pulp state: as a rule, this takes about a minute. Here you can go two ways: shred the paper until smooth, or stop halfway, as I did. Look at the mixture in the blender and the photo finished paper: Bright orange blotches are visible there. This is under-shredded orange paper.

Pour the resulting mass into a container with warm water. At the same stage, add inclusions to the basin: confetti, threads... whatever you see fit!

Now it’s the turn of the main tools, without which the process of making paper is practically impossible: a grid and a frame. Click on the image to take a closer look at these tools. Two frames, one of which has a fine mesh stretched over it. The mesh is needed to retain paper particles and allow water to pass through. A frame without a grid is needed to give the sheets of paper a rectangular shape. They need to be used as shown in the photo: the frame with the mesh is located at the bottom, the mesh up. A frame without a mesh is placed on top.

Align the sides of the two frames, grab them with both hands (the mesh is facing you, the frame is on top), and immerse them in the basin as shown in the photo below. Vertical first:

Then carefully move the frame and grid into horizontal position, lowering it under water. In the photo, I'm holding the frame and grid with one hand only because I'm taking the photo with the other. I usually hold them with both hands :)

Remove the frame and mesh from the basin strictly vertically. There will be a damp paper pulp on top of the mesh. Let the water drain (about a minute), then take a sponge and start blotting from the underside: where the wet paper pulp is separated from the sponge by a mesh. Wring out the sponge (or change it) 2-3 times.

Blog reader advice: after the first stage of spinning, try to make a special rigid mesh box (preferably plastic) the size of the mold canvas, and place the box in a plastic bag, then put the end of the bag on the vacuum cleaner tube and wrap the end of the bag on the tube with electrical tape or tape - this will help you get rid of excess water using a vacuum method.

Now carefully remove the frame from the mesh. We have a rectangle of wet paper pulp on the grid. Set it aside and prepare an area where your paper will dry.

I did this on the windowsill - it’s good that its width allows. So, place it on a flat surface that is not afraid of moisture. plastic bag, on top of it are several sheets of newspaper. Wet and lightly wring out a piece of absorbent fabric and place it on top of the newspapers. It is very important that the fabric is damp and has a non-woven structure. Now take the mesh on which the wet paper rests, lean its wide edge against the damp non-woven material (laundry napkin) so that the mesh is on the bottom and the paper is on top. In one quick and gentle motion, flip the net over as shown in the photos below:

Now the paper pulp lies on a damp cloth, with a mesh covering it on top. Take a sponge and begin to blot the mesh, removing excess moisture from the paper pulp:

Squeeze (or change) the sponge thoroughly several times. At this stage we must remove as much moisture as possible from the mesh side. When there is little water left on the sponge after blotting, slightly lift the narrow edge of the mesh and look under it: if the paper does not stick to the fabric and rises with the mesh, continue to remove excess water with the sponge. If the paper separates from the mesh and remains stuck to the fabric, great, that's what we need. Carefully remove the mesh, leaving the paper on the fabric. At this stage, not everything can go smoothly - practice and experience are needed here. A couple of times my sheet of paper tore until I realized that it is very important that the “receiving” fabric is wet: then the paper pulp will stick to it more easily and come off from the mesh.

If you want to make one sheet of paper, you can leave it to dry directly on the mesh or fabric. If you want to make several sheets in one session, cover the still wet sheet of paper with the next layer of wet nonwoven material, and repeat the procedure from the very beginning. Place the next sheet on top of the previous one, lay wet household wipes between them. This design looks something like this:

When you run out of felt sheets and household napkins (or when you run out of strength and desire to continue), place the last piece of felt material on top of the resulting multi-layer structure (this time you can take a dry one), you can put a towel on top, then some newspapers, a plastic bag , and weigh it down with a piece of wood or a thick art book - if anything happens, the bag will save it! :) Place the heaviest dumbbells on top, and leave your sheets for a day or three under this press. Once a day, it is advisable to disassemble the structure and ventilate it so that nothing becomes rotten or moldy in the moisture. On summer days, the paper will dry faster than on rainy autumn days. Proximity to heating appliances is also important: my drying structure lay on the windowsill directly above the central heating radiator, which accelerated its drying. When the paper is dry, dry it a little on outdoors, and again put it under pressure for several days.

As an option: if the mesh and frame used above seemed to you to be too complex or difficult to access, you can use improvised materials that every housewife has: an embroidery hoop and a mosquito net, or in general, just a mosquito net.

In this case, the sheets are round and more textured, due to the large size of the mosquito net cells. If you use only the mesh, the paper pulp will float away, and the sheets will turn out shapeless and thinner at the edges. I used this design before I got the grid and frame, and, most likely, I will never use it again - compared to a rectangular grid and frame, it is very inconvenient!

Good luck! :)

Master class 2:

Take regular table napkins different colors. Tear them into small pieces.

Fill the napkins with water. Beat with a whisk or mixer into a homogeneous mass. Add PVA glue.

Place a piece of mosquito net on the tray.

Pour the slurry onto a tray. The water should cover the paper pulp.

Add filler. For example: threads, petals, pieces of napkins.

Cover everything with a second mosquito net.

Use a sponge to collect water from the surface from the center to the edges.

The surface should be as dry as possible.

Using a board and a towel, we transfer the paper.

Remove the mosquito net.

We place the paper between the towels.

Can be dried with an iron. But it is imperative to put the “paper sandwich” under the press and dry the paper for about 4 days.

Master class 3:

In the evening there was a master class on hand-making paper. Handmade paper is highly valued by artists, and it is in great demand for exclusive printed products.

And, if desired, you can make it at home.

Some kind of fibrous bark is used as a raw material (I was a little late to the beginning, so I missed the name), it is steamed until soft, collected into a lump and carefully beaten with a hammer, then kneaded and beaten again, and so on many times, the task is completely separate the fibers from each other:

This important task was entrusted to the children present, who did it in shifts.

The resulting mass dissolves in water, and flaxseed, previously steamed in boiling water, is filtered through a sieve. Flax seed in water releases mucus abundantly (has an enveloping effect, as doctors say). This mucus is needed - it plays the role of a binder.

Then everything is mixed and this mass is scooped out with a sieve with a removable grid:

Then the sides are removed from the sieve, and the layer of paper pulp is covered with a cloth...

Excess water is squeezed out...


The sieve and mesh are removed, and the paper pulp remains on the cloth:

This is repeated many times until a stack of traps covered with paper pulp. The foot can consist of hundreds of layers, but in our case - only three. Now you need to squeeze out the excess water; to do this, the foot is pressed.

The pressed paper pulp is transferred from the fabric to the surface on which drying will take place.

The traditional (Japanese) process involves wooden surfaces for drying, and the drying itself is done in the sun. Our lecturer uses a metal sheet from a photo glosser

The glosser turns on - and after 15 minutes the paper is ready.

Meanwhile, the next portion is on the way. As you can see, the children are so responsible for beating that they even split the board in half)

No wonder: each of them will receive a sheet of self-made paper!

French method of making decorative paper for cards.

Papierpaille.jpg (150x195, 8Kb)


Any paper (including toilet paper), except old magazines, varnish covers and colored pages. Two frames with stretched fabric (against mosquitoes or nylon for tights) like a sieve, the size is at your discretion. A mixer (or blender), a container that is wider than the size of the frames, a wooden press that fits the size of the frames, old magazines, old bath napkins, a spatula for stirring paints (I forgot what this is called in Russian) and kitchen napkins.

Preparation of the mass.

Tear the paper into small square pieces and leave it to soak overnight. The next day, put everything in a mixer in the proportion of 35 pieces of paper per 1 liter (it is not clear what the pieces should be :)) Pour it all into the prepared container until it is half full. Add colored wool fibers or dried lavender or straw flowers or glitter, etc. to the mixture.


Now take two frames and, having mixed the mass well with cellulose fibers in your container, insert two frames into this mass with movements towards you, holding the frames horizontally. Raise them slowly and tilt them slightly different sides to allow the water to drain. Carefully remove the top frame.

Laying out a wet sheet of paper.

Lay a bath napkin folded to the size of the paper (or, more simply, an old terry towel), carefully smooth out the folds, lay a slightly damp kitchen napkin on top and place your first sheet on it, pressing on the grid so that the sheet moves away from it and lies evenly and tightly on the napkin .

Place another damp kitchen napkin on top, place your second sheet of paper on it, then do the same with the third and fourth, as much as you can get from your prepared mass.


Place this stack on old magazines fresh sheets paper in napkins, and put other old magazines on top. Now place this foot on a wooden press (just a flat board according to your paper size) and place another wooden press on top. Squeeze them and let the water drain out of your sandwich.

Now you need to change the damp old magazines (leaving the napkins with your sheets) and put them back on the press. On top of the press is a load (books, cans). Leave it like that for two hours. Then change again to dry magazines and again under the press. Then you can change after six hours. And then daily. Drying may take several days, but do not use hair dryers or artificial heaters, they will distort the sheets and ruin the whole job.

When the napkins, and therefore your paper, are dry, carefully remove the napkin while holding your sheet of paper; the same spatula that artists use when stirring paints will help you with this.

mymailto Seryozha.

Example 1: Obtaining fiber from the bark of young mulberry branches

The bark is soaked overnight.
The outer layer is separated from the inner layer with a knife.
The outer layer is discarded. In principle, you can leave it - some fibers remain on it, and this can also be processed into paper. But I'm throwing it away.
The inner layer is cut into pieces 1-1.5 cm with a knife (although this is fundamentally wrong, but I do it that way).
The bark is boiled in an alkali solution - WORK WITH LYKE VERY CAREFULLY! The source of alkali is liquid for cleaning drains/kitchen pipes (on the label it contains sodium hydroxide or caustic soda or NaOH). The amount of alkali is 3-4 caps per “fist” of soaked bark. Cooking takes 1.5-2 hours. The solution becomes dark brown.
The bark is washed with cold running water. About five minutes, then I put it in a jar, fill it with water, after 5-6 hours I drain the water, squeeze out the bark, put it back in the jar with water+ So for a couple of days. Intervals can be increased to 8-10 hours. As a result, the bark in the water has a light light green shade(or white, as boiled and washed), golden shine, soft, the lump is easily torn by hand.
The bark is beaten with a hammer. I use a meat mallet or a mallet (wooden mallet). I take a portion and beat it off. I roll it up, turn it over, fold it - the goal is that all the fibers in the bundle should “disperse.” This continues until there are visually no cut pieces in the bark mass.
The bark is washed under the “shower”. This will further help disperse the fibers in the water.

Master Class"Handmade paper" from Marat`Ka

Exclusive handmade cards and albums are great choice for a gift on, for example. And it will be very useful for making such cards and albums. decorative paper made with your own hands. The Land of Soviets will tell you how.

To make paper at home, you can use use almost any trimmings and leftovers(laminated paper will not work). You will also need water, a sponge, a special screen, a blender or mixer, newsprint or sheets of blotting paper. You will also need a piece of fabric slightly larger than the screen, as well as a sufficiently deep and wide container. Homemade paper makers often use a cat litter box as such a container.

Paper Making Screen at home, you can buy it at a craft store, but you can make it yourself. To do this, you will need a metal mesh with very small cells, for example, anti-mosquito, as well as wooden frame. Using a stapler, you need to staple the mesh and frame. The screen is ready.

When all the necessary tools and materials are prepared, you can begin making paper at home. The remaining paper must be torn into pieces no larger than 2 cm in size (you can also cut with scissors). Pour some water into the blender and then add pieces of paper. Next, you need to turn on the blender for about 1 minute - the mass will turn into mush. The longer you grind the paper in a blender, the more fine-grained the structure of the resulting sheets will be.

You can make paper at home from pieces of the same color or from multi-colored pieces. Natural or artificial dyes can be used to add color to paper. Besides, paper can be bleached. To do this, you will need hydroperite tablets: they should be dissolved in a small amount of water, and then the resulting solution must be added to the paper pulp.

Pour into a wide and deep container warm water. Made in a blender the pulp must be poured into a container of water, mix thoroughly with your hands. On at this stage making homemade paper, you can add various decorative elements: confetti, multi-colored threads, glitter, etc. Flower petals and various leaves are also great for decorating paper.

Now it is necessary to lower the prepared screen, holding it vertically, into a container of water. Then the screen needs to be positioned horizontally, as if scooping up water with it. Using light movements left and right, you need to evenly distribute the layer of paper pulp on the surface of the screen. After this, the screen can be removed while holding it horizontally. You should wait until the excess water drains.

Using a sponge is necessary blot the resulting sheet of paper(on the side where the mesh is located) several times to remove moisture. The previously prepared piece of fabric must be spread on a wide, flat surface. Place the screen with the paper pulp face down on the fabric. Use a sponge to blot the paper several more times.

Now follows Carefully separate the screen from the paper, then cover the resulting sheet of paper with newspaper or a blotting sheet, then cover it with a cloth and then put it under a press (a fairly thick and heavy book will do). After a few minutes, the press can be removed, and then you should carefully separate the paper from the fabric and dry it in a well-ventilated place. To speed up drying, you can iron the paper through cheesecloth. The paper is ready!

So, make paper at home- it turns out to be completely uncomplicated, and, moreover, very affordable. And the resulting result will certainly delight you with its uniqueness, because nowhere else in the world can you find the same paper - each sheet is unique.

The invention of paper at one time made a real revolution, as it made it possible to abandon the use of too expensive parchment. Thanks to this, the number of books has increased, and knowledge has become available to more people.

For two centuries, paper has been produced industrially and is not in short supply. It can be purchased literally anywhere. In the assortment of stores stationery Usually there are several dozen types: from ordinary printer to drawing and with patterned embossing.

But many are interested in the question of what you can make paper from with your own hands. Why do they need this? Well, firstly, knowledge has never bothered anyone, and secondly, such paper is used to create exclusive postcards and hand made ones.

Traditional raw materials

It is believed that paper was invented in Ancient China. There, to make it, they first used rejected silkworm cocoons, and later they began to soak hemp, wood ash, old rags and mulberry fibers with them. Such paper quickly tore, so they began to add starch and glue to its composition.

Modern raw materials

For many centuries, the raw materials and technology of paper production have not changed. However, new technologies made it possible to increase the volume of its production, and it became clear that traditional raw materials were no longer enough. Then materials such as wood or vegetable cellulose, as well as semi-cellulose, were used. They are extracted quite easily using the sulfate method and have a low cost.

If you are interested in what paper can be made from, besides wood, then the most popular raw material is waste paper. It is also considered the most preferable from the point of view of environmental protection.

To make special ones, wool, asbestos and some other types of textile fibers are also used, and money is printed on a base made with the addition of half-rag rag.

Hand made paper from recycled materials

When we're talking about about such material, it is most often made at home from waste paper. Therefore, the most common answer to the question of what you can make paper from with your own hands is: “From recycled materials.” The technology is quite simple. To do this, waste paper is crushed, soaked for several hours, and then beaten in a blender until a pulp is obtained - a mass reminiscent of cottage cheese diluted in water. It is scooped out with a mesh frame, allowed to drain and, transferred to viscose fabric, dried for several days.

Reed option

Many people are surprised when, in response to a question about what they can use to make paper with their own hands, they are told that reeds growing along the banks of reservoirs are suitable for this. And yet this is true. Cane paper can even be painted with watercolors or gouache, making it suitable for crafts.

During the work process, the raw materials are crushed and boiled. Then 100 g of alkali is dissolved in a glass of water and added to the bowl with the reeds. After half an hour, the water is drained, the pieces of stems and leaves are washed, the hardest ones are removed and the remaining ones are beaten with a blender. Brew some starch and add a couple of spoons to the cane puree to make a pulp. Then proceed as in the previous case.

Straw options

Few people know that even today in India and China, about 20% of paper is produced from industrial waste. The method described above is quite popular and allows you to obtain high-quality paper. Straw is also actively used as a raw material in these countries. The technology is the same as in the previous case. Therefore, if you are interested in what you can use to make paper with your own hands, then try collecting an armful of ears of grain in the fall. And then, after treating the stems with alkali, make pulp.

What can you make baking paper from?

As you know, one of the main problems that housewives face is removing confectionery products from the mold after they are cooked. To solve this, special baking paper is usually used. However, if you don’t have it at hand, you can make it yourself. A regular one will do for this. notebook sheet or printer paper that just needs to be greased vegetable oil. Under no circumstances should you use printed products that contain paint.

Making rolling paper

Despite all the warnings about the dangers of smoking, millions of people around the world continue to smoke. Among them there are also those who seek to benefit from this process. People in this category are sometimes interested in what rolling paper can be made from, as they are trying to invent a way to obtain a more piquant taste from a homemade cigarette. It is believed that rice paper is best suited for these purposes. You can also make it yourself.

Rice paper

First of all, it should be understood that this name also means very thinly rolled dough made from the flour of this cereal. However, in in this case we are interested in real paper. It is made from rice straw. If you have such raw materials, then you need to soak it in a small amount of water for several days to release the cellulose. Then the swollen straw is beaten with water, the mixture is poured onto a silk mesh, given the required thickness, dried and the edges are trimmed. It is also recommended to iron the resulting sheet with a hot iron through plain paper.


To homemade paper It turned out even more original, it can be decorated. To do this, before placing the sheet to dry, you can lay out a pattern of dried flowers on its surface. You can do it even simpler: scatter dry petals over the surface.

A monogram made of gold or silver threads using tweezers, or an imprint of some coat of arms, will look very interesting on paper. In the latter case, you first need to make a mold with the desired pattern from a mixture of silicone and starch.

Now you know what paper can be made from at home, so you can make exclusive postcard, panel or other souvenir in hand style made.

As you know, the environment suffers greatly during the industrial production of paper. Everyone can reduce forest destruction by using recycled materials. This is not difficult to do, and making paper at home is an interesting process that you can involve children in.

Why make paper at home?

Paper production began more than two thousand years ago in China. Before important information recorded on other materials:

  • stone;
  • clay tablets;
  • parchment;
  • tree bark;
  • papyrus.

In some countries, paper-like material was produced from silk, bamboo or hemp. However, the result left much to be desired: the material was very expensive and fragile. The Minister of Agriculture, Tsai Lun, was the first to produce durable and high-quality paper. He carried out many experiments until he had a material on which he could write.

Nowadays, paper is produced on a huge scale, which cannot but affect the condition of forests. Using recycled materials will help keep the environment cleaner, because our planet needs trees to produce oxygen.

And handmade paper will be especially appreciated among handmade lovers. This thing can be painted different colors, add dried flower petals or seeds to it. In addition, the material can be given an interesting texture using lace, crumpled newspapers and other materials.

The right approach, skillful hands and imagination will help you make designer paper that can be successfully used to create original cards, creative crafts and paper panels. You can also draw and create sketches on it that will look very unusual and attractive.

Raw materials for paper production

You can make paper with your own hands from a wide variety of raw materials. Many people have at home a large number of old newspapers, unnecessary books or textbooks, written notebooks, useless cardboard boxes. People often throw away all these things, although they can be taken to a waste paper collection point or, even more interesting, reused. Suitable for DIY paper recycling:

  • paper for printer;
  • old newspapers;
  • magazines (except glossy ones);
  • paper towels and napkins;
  • cardboard (not waxed) or colored paper;
  • paper bags;
  • carton boxes;
  • toilet paper (clean);
  • cardboard egg trays;
  • notebooks, unnecessary books, notepads.

Spruce or pine sawdust, reed, and straw are also suitable for making paper with your own hands. The following items may be needed from the tools:

  • large saucepan;
  • blender or food processor;
  • wooden frame;
  • fine gauze or mosquito net that needs to be secured to the frame;
  • cloth or sponge;
  • newspapers;
  • viscose fabric;
  • iron.

Production of baking parchment

Baking parchment is used by housewives in cases where it is necessary to prevent baked goods from burning and sticking to the pan. For those who like to pamper loved ones with cakes, pastries and pies, baking parchment becomes an indispensable assistant in the kitchen.

Unfortunately, sometimes this useful tool is not at hand exactly at the moment when it is needed most. Don't forget that you can make baking paper with your own hands.

To make baking paper with your own hands, you need to grease blank sheets vegetable oil, sunflower or olive. After this, you need to line a baking sheet or baking dish with the resulting material.

Homemade reed paper production

You can make excellent paper with your own hands from ordinary reed. It is convenient to paint with gouache and watercolor on it, so reed paper can be a suitable material for postcards, crafts and unusual sketches.

To make paper, you need to collect the reed, wash it, and grind it thoroughly. After this, the raw materials need to be placed in a pan, pour clean water and bring to a boil. Then take 100 grams of alkali and dilute it in a glass of water, the mixture is added to the boiling cane mass.

After 30 minutes, the pan can be removed from the heat and the water drained. The cane is carefully sorted, all hard fibers must be removed and the rest crushed using a blender or food processor. A few tablespoons of brewed starch will help make the mixture more homogeneous.

The mixture is whipped again until smooth, reminiscent of porridge in consistency. The mass must be carefully scooped out with a frame. The mixture is distributed as evenly as possible throughout the frame. After this, you need to remove excess moisture from it using a sponge or old newspapers. The mass is then transferred to fabric and dried for several days.

Making rice paper

Like cane paper, do-it-yourself rice paper is made from plant materials. In this case, rice straw is used. It needs to be soaked in cool water and left for several days. The next step is to grind the mixture until smooth using a blender.

The resulting mass should be poured onto a frame, which should be made of silk fabric, not gauze or mesh. The mixture is evenly distributed over the entire area of ​​the frame, after which it is left until completely dry. The finished sheets are carefully trimmed. Another way to make your own rice paper involves using rice flour, which can be found in almost any supermarket. To make paper, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • rice flour – 4 parts (200 grams);
  • water – 1.5 parts (75 milliliters);
  • salt – ½ teaspoon.

First you need to thoroughly sift the rice flour and add salt to it. Then water is added to the flour, the resulting dough must be thoroughly kneaded with bare hands for at least 10 minutes, and then left for half an hour.

After this, the dough is placed on wooden surface and begin to roll it out with a rolling pin to make it as thin as possible. The finished dough layer should be placed on a flat surface and left until completely dry.

Prepared this way rice paper can be used for both decorative and culinary purposes. In the first case, they draw and make crafts on it, in the second, they cook sushi or other food in it.

If you have spruce or pine sawdust at home, you can try making paper from it. To do this, put the sawdust in a large saucepan, add water and cook for 24 hours. The sawdust will swell during the cooking process, so it is important to constantly stir it and make sure that it does not come out of the pan. You need to add it to the mixture, however, it can be replaced with regular food.

Scheme of paper production from sawdust

After cooking, the sawdust must be washed. To do this, you can take an ordinary colander and place fine gauze in it. Sawdust is poured into this structure and thoroughly washed under running water.

After this, the sawdust is squeezed out using gauze, poured back into the pan and mixed with half a glass of starch. The contents of the pan are filled with water and brought to a boil.

The next stage is thorough grinding of sawdust using kitchen appliances. You should get a homogeneous liquid mass. This mass must be poured into the frame and thoroughly blotted with moisture-absorbing material. After this, the resulting sheet should be placed between two newspapers, and a press should be placed on top for a few minutes.

The sheet must be placed on a flat surface and dried. For drying, you can use the sun, a warm dry room or an iron. Use an iron to iron the sheet over the newspaper. In addition, you can dry the resulting sheets using the oven.

The easiest way to make paper at home is from already used material. The raw materials should be crushed by tearing the sheets into small pieces. The shreds need to be filled with warm water and crushed until smooth using a food processor.

Pour the resulting mixture into a rectangular container, and then lower a frame with a mosquito net attached to it. After the cellulose fibers settle on the surface of the mesh, you need to blot the mass. To get a thinner and more even sheet, cover the mass in the frame with newspaper and place a press on top. After this, the sheet must dry, this will take approximately 24 hours.