What a holiday April 5th is. Holidays and events in April


The question continues to be relevant among Russians about what holiday it is today. Everyone understands perfectly well that on one day or another there are often several holiday dates at once.

In this regard, today is no exception to the rule. The fact is that April 5, 2017 falls on several holidays. In particular, we can talk about the following: International Soup Day. In the folk calendar, the day is designated like this: Nikon’s day.

Soup is the first course, an important part of the daily diet and one of the guarantees of a healthy body. Without it, the normal functionality of human life systems is at risk. To convey the importance of this dish to humanity, a soup holiday was even created.

International Soup Day is celebrated all over the world on April 5th with a traditional feast. The main dish on the table this holiday is soup. Gourmets prefer not the usual recipe, but the refined and unconventional one. Popular on this day are Eintopf (German cuisine), Bouillabaisse, Vichyssoise (French), Gazpacho (Spanish), Dovga (Azerbaijani), Kalakeitto (Finnish), Minestrone (Italian), Tarator (Bulgarian), Kholodnik (Eastern European).

The word “soup” has Latin roots and means “a decoction with bread soaked in it.” In ancient times, decoction was the name given to meat, fish and vegetable broths.

The annual consumption of soups in Russia is 30 billion servings. This number also includes borscht, cabbage soup, broth with chicken noodles. Russians are in second place in the world in eating soups. They are second only to the Chinese.

Soup belongs to a socially privileged form of nutrition. To prepare soup, you need at least such indispensable conditions as having your own home (hearth) and your own utensils. Both of these conditions in our market times, first of all, are far from being economically achievable for everyone. Dishes are incredibly expensive, and the most primitive ones - pots, plates, cutlery. Hundreds of thousands of homeless people, vagrants, refugees, immigrants, displaced persons, orphans, fire victims or people left homeless as a result of military operations and natural disasters have not known what soup is for years, they are accustomed to dry, cold food and cold drinks, even in winter and autumn, when hot non-alcoholic drinks (tea, coffee, sbiten) are simply necessary.

Previously, if soup was not prepared in the house, it was believed that this was a very poor family, and doctors often prescribed broth or light soup along with medicine to a patient from such a family. By the way, at the height of the Great Patriotic War, pilot Alexei Maresyev was treated with chicken soup by the peasants who found him and hid the wounded hero-pilot in the forest.

Many rightfully consider soup the elixir of life, as it has many healing properties. Meat broths do an excellent job of treating colds and strengthen the body, warm vegetable broths have a calming effect, and cold ones are wonderfully refreshing.

The patron saint of this April day is Nikon Pechersky. Living in the 11th century, he gained fame as a scholar-chronicler. In 1078-1088, Nikon was the abbot of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery, he also became the founder of the monastery and the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

On this day, they started a big cleaning not only in the hut, but also outside its walls. They said about Nikon’s Day: “, “The house is not big, but it doesn’t tell you to sit down,” “The house is great for the owner,” “You can’t redo household chores.

It was considered obligatory tasks in every household to take out the trash, shake out the bed linen, stuff the mattresses with new straw, whitewash the stoves, and also wash the tables, benches, and floors, often not just with water, but with an infusion of dried mata.

Our ancestors also hung bunches of mint in the upper rooms so that they could sleep well, and they also enjoyed it with pleasure - in tea, kvass, gingerbread... Even in the famous Russian bathhouse, mint had a place - and not only on this day - for its aroma and healing power. The shelves in the bathhouse were strewn with mint, and the steam was served with a decoction of it.

And in the gardens during the day they not only cleaned everything, but also planted currants, rowan trees, and apple trees.

It was time to call the birds to please them with songs and protect them from all kinds of pests, and for this purpose the birds were treated to flax seed, grains and crumbs.

It was also customary to go around all the available springs and springs with the sentence: “Underground water, we open the spring paths for you.”

April 5, 2018 marks the last Thursday before Easter - Maundy or Maundy Thursday. On this day, the Orthodox Church remembers the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with the 12 Apostles.

On Maundy Thursday, people get up before sunrise and bathe. It is believed that water on this day washes away dirt from the body and sins from the soul, and has a beneficial effect on the state of mind.

Housewives also clean houses, throw away unnecessary things, wash icons, and do laundry. After cleaning, candles and lamps are lit. On this day, Easter cakes are baked, eggs are painted, and festive dishes are prepared for Easter.

Alexey, Anastasia, Varvara, Vasily, Georgy, Ilya, Lydia, Makar, Pelageya, Sergey.

  • 1722 - the expedition of Admiral Jacob Roggeveen discovered the island, which he named Easter Island.
  • 1818 - during the War of Independence of the Spanish colonies in South America, the liberating Andean army of José de San Martin defeated the Spaniards.
  • 1874 – the famous operetta “Die Fledermaus” by Johann Strauss the Son was first performed in Vienna.
  • 1955 - Winston Churchill resigned as Prime Minister of England, ending his political career.
  • 1989 – the first performance of the female Vivaldi Orchestra took place.
  • Thomas Hobbes 1588 – English philosopher.
  • Vincenzo Viviani 1622 – Italian physicist and mathematician.
  • Nikita Demidov 1656 – Russian industrialist.
  • Ludwig Spohr 1784 – German composer.
  • Gabriel Batenkov 1793 – Russian politician.
  • Claes Thunberg 1893 – Finnish speed skater.
  • Herbert von Karajan 1908 – Austrian conductor.
  • Gregory Pen 1916 – American film actor.
  • Natalya Kustinskaya 1938 – Russian theater and film actress.

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Partner news

You are dynamic, hardworking and have the gift of persuasion. Your versatility and charm combined with a fighting spirit give you a bold and confident personality. In addition, you are full of creative energy and actively strive for self-expression.

You were born on April 5th, your zodiac sign is Aries. Although you come across as assertive and self-confident, at times this mask can hide indecisiveness or uncertainty. However, your tirelessness and persistence in pursuing your ambitions can help you overcome these obstacles.

You are restless and need constant activity, making you a natural candidate for leadership positions. Just remember that you should not be too heavy-handed or demanding.

When you are in a good mood, you are able to inspire others; but do not waste your energy on small and insignificant targets, as this may overstrain your sensitive nervous system. Take time to restore your strength and improve your health.

In your mature years, your varied experiences and understanding of life's path are translated into deep worldly wisdom.

Your appearance is of great importance to you, as you like to make a good impression. And your natural artistry ensures that you are not afraid to make a bold statement.

In your youth, you tend to lead an active life and have many friends. After 15 years, the need for stability and financial security will increase.

This period will last until you are about 45 years old, and then the acquisition of knowledge, contacts, new skills, travel and change will become more important for you. After age 75, you will become more sensitive and will pay more attention to family and home.

Personal qualities of those born on April 5

Life is full of troubles that unexpectedly become blessings, and although deep down you yearn for harmony, most of your life is associated with the desire for money, material status and the trials associated with it.

PERSONAL FORECAST FOR 2020 - calculated based on your PERSONAL birth data. Plus you will receive a calendar of favorable and unfavorable days for the whole year.

Only through overcoming your doubts and fears can you gain faith in yourself and what life has to offer you. Love, friendship and beauty belong to you, but you must not forget about responsibility. Once you learn to take responsibility for your actions, you will see that life will reward you generously.

Aries, born on April 5, loves art, music and theater, and these hobbies can be developed if you overcome your restlessness and learn patience.

By channeling your passion in a constructive direction, you will have the opportunity not only to express yourself, but also to please others with your charm and talent.

Work and vocation of those born on April 5

Your progressiveness, pioneering spirit and need to realize your creative potential may lead you to the professions of a researcher, politician or actor. You have an aptitude for research work in the fields of education, science, law and philosophy.

Your ability to persuade and your natural leadership will put you at the forefront in business, public service, or management.

If your chosen career does not bring financial satisfaction, you are likely to leave it. With your ability to sensitively capture the collective dreams and aspirations of people, you may want to translate them into works of art in one form or another.

Love and partnership born on April 5

People born on April 5th are extremely charming by nature, and therefore do not lack admirers and lovers. Since all kinds of people are attracted to you, be especially selective in choosing your friends.

You are able to move from extreme expressiveness in expressing thoughts and feelings to aloofness and secrecy.

At times you need to be able to be alone, preferably in nature, to reflect and restore the energy you expended. You are attracted to active and intellectually stimulating people. The problem for you may be maintaining a stable and harmonious relationship.

An ideal partner for those born on April 5th

You may have better luck with those born on the following days.

  • Love and friendship : January 6, 9, 17, 23, 25, 27; February 7, 21, 23, 25; March 5, 19, 21, 23, 29; April 3, 17, 19, 21, 27, 30; May 1, 15, 17, 19, 25, 28; June 13, 15, 17, 23, 26; July 11, 13, 15, 21, 24; August 9, 11, 13, 19, 22; September 7, 9, 11, 17, 20; October 5, 7, 9, 15, 18; November 3, 5, 7, 13, 16; December 1, 3, 5, 11, 14.
  • Favorable contacts : January 2, 4, 7; 25 February; March, 3rd; April 1; May 31; June 29; July 27, 31; August 25, 29; September 23, 27; October 21, 25; November 19, 23; December 17, 21.
  • Soulmate : January 16, 21; February 9, 14, 19; March 12, 17; April 10, 15; May 8, 13; June 6, 11; July 4, 9; August 2, 7; September 5; October 3; Nov. 1.
  • Fatal attraction : January 8, 14; February 6, 12; March 4, 10; April 2, 8; the 6th of May; June 4; July 2; October 8, 9.
  • Troubled relationships : January 6, 19, 29; February 4, 17, 27; March 2, 15, 25; April 13, 23; May 11, 21; June 9, 19; July 7, 17; August 5, 15; September 3, 13, 30; October 1, 11, 28; November 9, 26; December 7, 24, 29.
Published 04/05/18 00:43

Today, April 5, 2018, also celebrates Maundy Thursday, International Soup Day and other events.

What holiday is today: April 5, 2018 is the church holiday Nikon Day

Nikon Day is celebrated on April 5, 2018. The church today remembers Saint Nikon of Pechersk - the Kyiv abbot of the 11th century, revered by Orthodox believers on this date.

Nikon was the first student of the mentor of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery. His duties included tonsuring new arrivals as monks. However, Nikon was drawn to a solitary life, he went to the Kerch Strait and settled there completely alone. The brethren were drawn to the wise monk, then they intkbbach A monastery was created in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Years later, Nikon was invited to take the position of abbot at the Kiev Pechersk Monastery.

On this day, people put things in order in the household - they cleaned the sleeping places and replaced the old straw in the mattresses with new ones. In the rooms they wiped dust from the shelves and washed the floors, and instead of detergent, a tincture of steamed mint was added to the water. It not only gave the room a fresh smell, favorable for sleep, but also had antiseptic properties. The peasants believed that mint could ward off evil spirits.

According to signs, if the weather was warm on Nikon’s day and there was a slight frost at night, April will be fine. A thunderstorm with unmelted snow foreshadowed a cool summer season, and clear stars at night meant that there would be frost in the morning.

Maundy Thursday in 2018

April 5, 2018 marks the last Thursday before Easter - Maundy or Maundy Thursday. On this day, the Orthodox Church remembers the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with the 12 Apostles.

On Maundy Thursday, people get up before sunrise and bathe. It is believed that water on this day washes away dirt from the body and sins from the soul, and has a beneficial effect on the state of mind.

Housewives also clean houses, throw away unnecessary things, wash icons, and do laundry. After cleaning, candles and lamps are lit. On this day, Easter cakes are baked, eggs are painted, and festive dishes are prepared for Easter.

International Soup Day

International Soup Day is celebrated around the world on April 5th. The holiday becomes especially relevant in the modern rhythm of life, when there is not enough time for sleep and normal food. Doctors confirm the usefulness of soups. They prescribe light broths and vegetable soups for recovery of the patient

Daena's Festival

Daena is the guardian of every person's Faith. She checks the truth of everyone’s thoughts, actions and words, compliance with a person’s faith, and after death, she accompanies the soul to judgment.

It is believed that there are three hypostases of Faith: obvious faith - religion, secret faith - words, hidden faith - thoughts. Every person can see the true face of his Faith. The triumph of Daena is associated with religion, faith and their choice, which faces every person. In addition to all this, at such times you need to pay attention to dreams. Daena can open doors not only during the Great Transition, but also during sleep. The sacred number of the celebration is 11, people light 11 candles.

Alexey, Anastasia, Varvara, Vasily, Georgy, Ilya, Lydia, Makar, Pelageya, Sergey.

  • 1722 - the expedition of Admiral Jacob Roggeveen discovered the island, which he named Easter Island.
  • 1818 - during the war for the independence of the Spanish colonies in South America, the liberating Andean army of José de San Martin defeated the Spaniards.
  • 1874 - the famous operetta “Die Fledermaus” by Johann Strauss the Son was first performed in Vienna.
  • 1955 - Winston Churchill resigned as Prime Minister of England, ending his political career.
  • 1989 - the first performance of the female Vivaldi Orchestra took place.
  • Thomas Hobbes 1588 - English philosopher.
  • Vincenzo Viviani 1622 - Italian physicist and mathematician.
  • Nikita Demidov 1656 - Russian industrialist.
  • Ludwig Spohr 1784 - German composer.
  • Gabriel Batenkov 1793 - Russian politician.
  • Claes Thunberg 1893 - Finnish speed skater.
  • Herbert von Karajan 1908 - Austrian conductor.
  • Gregory Pen 1916 - American film actor.
  • Natalya Kustinskaya 1938 - Russian theater and film actress.

The character of a person and his fate very much depend on when he was born. Incredible hard work, energy and enterprise are the main characteristics of those who have a birthday on April 5th. The zodiac sign Aries has awarded these people with another gift - they are very sociable. There is no such person with whom they could not find common ground. And life itself for them is a performance in which they got the main role.

General characteristics of those born on April 5

It cannot be said that all people born on the same day are the same in character y or they go through the same life path. But everyone has common traits, inclinations and talents. Those who celebrate their birthday on April 5 also have their own distinctive characteristics. What zodiac sign, besides Aries, can boast of such simple and at the same time uncompromising views on everything that happens around him? Philosophy and unnecessary worries are not their strong point. On April 5th, carefree and cheerful people are born. They have a very good memory, well-developed intellect, and quickly learn everything new.

Personal Development Trends

The fate of people born on April 5 depends on the family, the people around them and the kind of upbringing they received in childhood. For those who are lucky enough to be born into a prosperous family, wonderful prospects in life are always open. They will be able to achieve success in their professional field, take a worthy position in society, and create their own family, where peace and love always reign.

And those to whom fortune was initially unfavorable will have to make a lot of effort so as not to fall to the very bottom and not plunge into vice and sins.

Only by choosing the right path will they be able to fully discover all the talents given to them by higher powers from birth, realize their dreams and live a decent and prosperous life.

Character traits and life credo

Everyone born on April 5th has one incredible gift - they are very sociable. Talking to a person and then easily maintaining a conversation with him is not worth the effort for them. Moreover, they themselves do not suffer from excessive talkativeness; they always speak briefly and to the point. But the listeners are simply unsurpassed. And they always try not only to listen, but also to get to the heart of the problem and help with their advice.

For Aries, life is a bright and colorful show., in which they are both the director and the main character. They have a well-developed intuition, which allows them to always play exactly the role that is suitable for a given situation. Those born under this zodiac sign always think through their image so carefully that sometimes the image they created becomes absolutely real for them.

According to the horoscope, those born on April 5th are very self-confident and proud individuals. But this is not surprising, because nature has endowed them with many talents. Help them achieve success:

  • incredible hard work and endurance;
  • self-control;
  • persistence bordering on stubbornness;
  • communication skills and the ability to understand the problems of others;
  • optimism and cheerfulness;
  • inexhaustible energy.

To all the positive traits, modesty is added. Aries do not like to be the center of attention and flaunt their virtues. They really don’t like it when someone starts studying their actions and analyzing their behavior too closely. This especially applies to your personal life.

Behavior in society

It is almost impossible to drag a person born under the sign of Aries into a conflict situation. Even if he was treated unfairly, he will refuse to sort things out and step aside. These people believe that all disputes can be resolved by discussing them in a civilized and correct manner. For them, decency is not an empty word, but a life credo, and quarrels and showdowns only distract and prevent them from pursuing their dreams. They treat friendship rather coldly, but they respect and appreciate those who share their position in life.

Some representatives of this sign are greatly hampered in life by a strong desire to make a good impression on others. It is the worry about what other people will think of them that often forces Aries to put on a mask and not be who they really are. Over time, they get along so well in the invented role that they do not notice how they have become its hostage.

Attitude to work

Having chosen their profession in life, April people rarely deviate from their intended path. They never pursue fame and honor, but simply work in their chosen field. Sometimes it seems that they are just trouble-free performers, completely devoid of ambition, but this is only part of the role that they have chosen for themselves. Thanks to their ability to work, responsible attitude to work, and excellent analytical mind, they always achieve what they want. Aries tend to always find a way out of even a very difficult situation. Among their talents is the ability not only to do several things at once, but to do everything efficiently and on time.

Having realized all their professional and natural talents and achieved success, those born on April 5 forever remain on the crest of the wave. Ups and downs are unusual for them; they do not change their chosen profession or favorite business.

Although they are not at all afraid of change, and if necessary, they are ready to start their lives over with a new leaf. They direct all their qualities to self-improvement and development. But these people never change their life principles.

But sometimes life turns its back on Aries. The reason most often becomes themselves, or more precisely, the negative qualities of their character:

  • straightforwardness - not everyone likes it when the whole truth is told to their face, especially if this is not necessary;
  • uncompromisingness - the ability to find compromises allows you to move on and not make enemies everywhere.

In addition, those born on April 5th do not know how to stop or retreat in time. These people are accustomed to giving their all at work, forgetting about rest and the fact that, besides work, there are many more interesting things in life. Horoscopes advise them to pay more attention to their health, take care of their body, avoid excesses in food and give up bad habits. It is also very important for them to learn to share not only joyful moments with others, but also to dedicate them to their problems.

Temperament of a bright Aries woman

Obstinate, bright, energetic and passionate. These are the words that can be used to describe ladies born on April 5th. The zodiac sign of the Aries woman is ruled by the planet Mars. Thanks to its power, she has unlimited creative potential. Her main credo is the desire to always get what she wants. And she is good at it. For her there are no barriers or authorities. Therefore, it will be better for those around her if her wishes come true immediately. Otherwise, they risk running into a hurricane of insults and tears.

When an Aries woman is in a great mood, she is a soft and sensitive cat. With her irrepressible energy, she is able to charge everything around her and inspire men to heroic deeds. These women really like to be different from all other people, so they spend a lot of time and money on creating their own image.

Rapid climb up the career ladder is a very important moment in their lives. Thanks to their achievements, they can once again demonstrate to the whole world their perseverance and originality. In addition, this is a great opportunity to earn enough money for all your desires. Negative character traits such as temper and quarrelsomeness also help them achieve success. Aries women are direct and uncompromising, always ready to go only to victory. And as you know, winners are not judged.

Girls born under this sign give themselves to everything with all the ardor and passion. Their love relationships are always accompanied by violent quarrels and vivid reconciliations. Each new romance is for them for life, and they experience it as if it were the last love of their life. Only an independent, reserved, proud and impartial man can become their companion. It is the hurricane woman’s constant desire to conquer him again and again that allows her to maintain a long and harmonious relationship. The ideal chosen ones for them would be men born under the following zodiac signs:

  • Sagittarius.
  • Scales.
  • Calf.

You should not start relationships with representatives of the signs Aries, Capricorn and Scorpio.

Romantic and idealistic Aries man

On this day, very extraordinary and charismatic personalities are born. They are always full of different ideas and plans. The Aries man is always confident that he is right, purposeful and active, sets high standards in life and always achieves results. It’s better not to get in his way: he’ll wipe him off the face of the earth and move on. And not because he is a cruel or unprincipled person. It’s just that on the way to his dream he doesn’t notice any obstacles, always moving forward.

If a girl wants to be idealized and put on a pedestal, then she needs a guy born on April 5th. The zodiac sign of a man born on this day gives him romance and fidelity towards his chosen one. He is ready to organize a holiday for his beloved every day, give gifts and strew flowers. But you should remember that Aries are real men, and therefore they want to see an ideal woman next to them. They prefer that any initiative comes only from them; they do not tolerate intrusiveness and unnecessary movements in relationships. But even at home, their woman should look like a queen.

An Aries in love is not prone to having affairs on the side; he is always faithful to his soulmate. But even slight flirting on her part towards another man can lead to a break in the relationship. His concepts of love relationships are based on book novels, which should only be ideal and sublime. Feeling that love has left his heart, he would rather leave the family than compensate for the lack of romance on the side. Horoscopes consider the best wives for Aries men to be women born under the auspices of:

  • Aquarius.
  • Leva.
  • Sagittarius.
  • Scorpio.
  • Gemini.

But it is difficult for men born in April to maintain relationships with Pisces and representatives of their sign. The Aries woman loves to lead, and there cannot be two leaders in one family. A representative of the Pisces sign is prone to compromise, and this is perceived not as a positive trait, but as a weakness of character.

The Aries man loves to live in abundance and even luxury. For the sake of his comfort, he can work day and night. If his profession does not bring the desired income, he can easily change it. Thanks to their incredible ability to work, high intelligence and self-confidence, men of this sign can make money out of nothing.

The main advantage of both sexes is their pride, and those who want to live with them in peace and harmony must always remember this. The wounded pride of representatives of this sign can lead not just to a quarrel, but to a break in relations forever.

Attention, TODAY only!

Politeka will take you on a fascinating journey through eras and important events. You will find out why April 5th was significant in history, who celebrates April 5th as Angel Day and who celebrities were born on April 5th

We have collected the most interesting and unusual facts, what kind of day April 5th is in history, what the folk calendar says about April 5th, and what folk signs you should pay attention to.

What is April 5th a holiday in the world?

International Soup Day- the first course is an integral part of a person’s daily diet. To further emphasize its importance for strength and health, this holiday was created.

Qing Ming Festival of Purity and Clarity- the event is associated with the onset of clear and sunny days. It was believed that on April 5, yang and yin were already in balance. The sky (yang) fertilizes the earth (yin), and new life is born.

Arbor Day in South Korea- This holiday arose in connection with the restoration campaign during the government of Park Chung Hee. Until 2005, the holiday was a public holiday.

Day to get rid of your own fears

International Day of Spontaneous Surprises

Unplanned sobriety day

Mother of Many Children's Day

April 5 historical events: what interesting happened

On April 5, events in history had a certain impact on the entire modern world. April 5th was marked in the history of the world with important facts that should be remembered.

1710 - in the city of Bendery, Pylyp Orlik signed the “Charter of the Zaporozhye Army”.

1793 - Jean-Paul Marat was elected president of the Jacobin club.

1814 - French Emperor Napoleon I abdicated the throne and took possession of the island of Elba.

1818 - Baron Karl de Drèze showed in Paris the first two-wheeled vehicle, similar to a modern bicycle.

1843 - Hong Kong was declared a British possession.

1896 - The first modern Olympic Games opened in Athens.

1913 - Niels Bohr completed the article “On the structure of atoms and molecules,” which gave rise to quantum theory.

1925 - Lazar Kaganovich was elected first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine (Bolsheviks).

1945 - the Georgian uprising began on the island of Texel.

1961 - the beginning of a military operation against Cuba, authorized by the US President.

1989 - the activity of the trade union association "Solidarity" was allowed in Poland.

1992 - during the Bosnian War, the siege of Sarajevo began, which is considered the largest siege in modern history and one of the largest in world history as a whole.

Who celebrates April 5th Angel Day

Orthodox believers have been celebrating Angel Day since the baptism of Kievan Rus. Since at that time there was a tradition of giving names on April 5 according to the calendar. We will tell you what names for girls and boys are in the Orthodox church calendar for April 5th.








On Angel Day, April 5, according to tradition, you should go to church, pray and light a candle to the saint whose name you were named.

April 5 - Celebrity Birthday

On April 5, on this day, celebrities were born that everyone has heard of and who contributed both to world history and to the history of cinema, music and literature.

1588 - Thomas Hobbes, English materialist philosopher and mathematician.

1784 - Louis Spohr, German composer, virtuoso violinist, conductor and teacher, who was the first to use the baton.

1827 - Joseph Lister, an English surgeon, used antiseptics in medical practice.

1837 - Algernon Charles Swinburne, English poet.

1882 - Vyacheslav Lipinsky, Ukrainian historian and publicist, who was a Pole by origin, who consciously became a Ukrainian patriot.

1894 - Lawrence Bell, American aircraft designer who designed the first supersonic aircraft.

1950 - Agneta Fältskog, vocalist of the Swedish group ABBA.

Folk signs for April 5

On April 5, the folk calendar celebrates this day as Vasily, the day of Nikon, Vasily Teply, and the day of Fedul. Today it is customary to clean the house and yard. Shake out the bed, remove trash, change the straw in mattresses.

To drive out evil spirits from the house, they took an infusion of mint, which they used to wash tables, floors, and benches. The stove was whitened, which also made it possible to get rid of evil spirits.

On April 5, we began planting rowan trees, apple trees, black and red currants, and cared for the trunks of fruit trees.

People believe that the finches should arrive today. The birds are invited to the house and bread crumbs, grains, and sometimes flaxseed are poured for them.

If the day is warm, but there are frosts at night, it means the weather will be good in April.

If you drink mint tea today, your family will be healthy all year round.

Hear the first spring thunder and there is still snow - summer will be cold.

The sky is clear and starry at night - frost should be expected in the morning.

A cat sneezes or coughs - it will rain soon.

There is no water in the river - the summer will be hot and without heavy rainfall.

The squirrel came out of the nest - stay warm.

If birds pluck their feathers, it means bad luck in the house.