Cleaning problematic facial skin in the salon. About methods and types of facial cleansing


How to find out, why does it crackskin on hands until they bleed, because the method and effectiveness of treatment depends on correct diagnosis. The skin on your hands is cracking due to various factors: internal or external. First, it is necessary to determine the nature of the cracks in order to eliminate them and continue treatment.

The advantage of this factor is that by eliminating the external causative agent of cracks, the hands begin to heal. Over the course of 5 days, the cracks begin to heal, the main thing is not to come into contact with the pathogen.

External factors:

Natural phenomena

Very low or high temperatures, they negatively affect human skin. In summer, it is better to avoid prolonged contact of the skin of your hands with sunburn. ultraviolet rays, and in winter wear gloves so that frost does not harm your hands. In strong winds, it is also recommended to hide your hands.

The main rule: you need to choose hand cream according to the weather. If in summer it is better to choose a cream for water based, then in winter it is better to use oil-based.

Impact of technology

Heaters and air conditioners dry out the skin of your hands; to avoid this unpleasant factor, you need to use hand cream. Humidifiers help a lot; they prevent the air in the room from drying out, and therefore protect a person’s hands.

Chemical influences

In theory, everyone knows that it is necessary to wear special gloves when washing dishes, but in practice this is inconvenient and no one uses protection against household chemicals. As a result, it may appear allergic reaction for chemical active substances that are found in household chemicals.

For treatment, it is necessary to change the household product or use protection against it. There is no need to worry that your allergy to this chemical will be long-lasting; it usually goes away within a year.

It treats cracks caused by external factors very easily, you just need to eliminate contact with the skin and use any baby cream or moisturizer for a week. Why does it continue, the skin on my hands cracks, even to the point of bleeding, if everything external influences were eliminated? The reason lies in internal factors, which will be a little more difficult to eliminate than external ones.

Internal factors

Various health problems, even minor ones, can lead to cracked hands until they bleed. At the same time, it is very important to understand and treat the disease, and not fight the symptom. After internal factor will be eliminated, you need to use a moisturizing hand cream (you can take vitamin A or E). The cracks will heal in a few days.

Internal factors:

Lack of vitamins in the body

In this case, not only the hands crack, but also the wings of the nose and the corners of the lips. Vitamin deficiency is pronounced in spring and autumn. It is easy to eliminate the disease in a few days; you need to take vitamins, especially A and E. If the healing of your hands is slow, you can make masks using the same vitamins.

Hormonal imbalances and emissions in women

During this period, there is a lack of collagen, which reduces elasticity and regeneration. skin, so it is very important to use hand creams and masks. To improve skin condition you can use hormonal drugs, which replenish the supply of female hormones.

Fungus and infectious diseases

In this case, only a moisturizer is not enough; it is necessary to use antifungal agents, or take anti-infectious drugs that eliminate the disease. An effective remedy Soda is a remedy for such ailments; warm baths with its addition in several sessions can cope with any fungus.


Diseases thyroid gland, atherosclerosis or even obesity can cause severe hand cracks. Pwhy codleatherand on your hands until they bleed dangerous for diabetes? With this disease, all wounds heal very slowly, so the risk of infection in open cracks of the hands increases.

Internal factors require special attention, because it is not the cracks that need to be treated, but the disease itself that caused this symptom. In some cases, it is only necessary to resort to help not only medical supplies, but also to consult a doctor.

Hello, dear readers!

In this article we will find out the reasons why the skin on the hands dries and cracks, we will give useful tips, and you can get rid of this problem.

Like any other sign, dry skin on the hands signals not only external reaction body, but also indicates internal health problems. Therefore, do not put off problems for later!

The reasons can be hidden anywhere, and serious problems are even disguised so that they do not become known about them for the time being. But we will help you recognize them and start fighting.

External factors that affect the skin of your hands may be in your bathroom. Have you noticed how many times during the day you come into contact with them?

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External factors include:

  • chlorinated water,
  • household chemicals in the form of powders and detergents,
  • washing hands with cold or hot water,
  • alkaline soaps and gels,
  • incorrectly selected cosmetics,
  • acids.

Environmental conditions also influence the epidermis:

  • dry climate indoors or outdoors,
  • ultraviolet radiation.

This is a small part of what has its impact.

Also poor nutrition affects the dermis of the hands. Nutritional factors:

  • coffee,
  • cocoa,
  • sugar,
  • chocolate and other confectionery products,
  • spices,
  • yeast,
  • salt.

Why does the skin of your fingers crack, and what to do about it, read.

Health problems

Diseases in which the skin of the hands becomes dry, flaky and red:

  • eczema,
  • allergy,
  • stress,
  • skin injury,
  • psoriasis,
  • fungal infections,
  • endocrine diseases,
  • diabetes,
  • liver diseases,
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Taking certain medications can lead to serious problems with the epidermis of the hands. Consult your doctor!

Lack of vitamins and microelements often causes cracks in the hands. This can be noticed in winter, when it is difficult to get fresh fruits and vegetables. In winter, the body is limited in its replenishment, and the skin is the first thing that vitamin deficiency affects. The attending physician can prescribe a complex of missing substances, thanks to which the dermis of the hands will quickly become smooth and moisturized.

The skin becomes very dry due to age-related changes. Over the years, tissues lose moisture - the dermis becomes dry and wrinkled.

The problem also applies to people working in assembly line production. There are especially big problems for those who work in large food processing and sorting plants. For example, raw fish and sweets provoke skin diseases on the hands.


  • silicone gloves,
  • hypoallergenic cleaning products,
  • cosmetics with a moisturizing effect,
  • sun protection products with UV filters.

It is useful to think about nutritional values. Some products will help your hand skin stay healthy and beautiful.

Healthy foods:

  • fruits and vegetables, except grapes and bananas;
  • fresh herbs;
  • on an empty stomach 1 tbsp. l. olive oil.

Eliminate from the diet for 2–3 weeks until the problem is resolved:

  • pork,
  • Chicken (antibiotics and hormones in poultry are harmful to the skin).

Can be eaten in limited quantities:

  • veal,
  • turkey.

Recipes for homemade masks and baths

Bee mask


  • 2 tbsp. l. beeswax,
  • ½ avocado pulp
  • 1 capsule of vitamin A,
  • one pair of cotton gloves,
  • 1 plastic bowl.

How to cook: Mix melted wax with avocado and vitamin A in a bowl.

How to use: Spread the prepared mixture on your hands, put on cotton gloves and leave the mask on all night. Wash it off in the morning warm water without using soap.

Result: This mask makes the skin of your hands soft and velvety. All components of the mask contain useful substances and nourish it.

Herbal baths


  • 1 tbsp. l. calendula,
  • one tbsp. l. daisies,
  • 1 tbsp. l. plantain,
  • 2 – 3 drops of olive oil,
  • 1 plastic bowl.

How to cook: fill all the herbs in a 500 ml jar with boiled water, let it brew for 20 minutes. Pour the cooled broth into a bowl.

How to use: Place your hands in a bowl of broth for 20 - 30 minutes. After the procedure, drop some oil on the palms of your hands and lubricate them. No need to rinse!

Result: This herbal bath soothes the skin, relieves inflammation, heals cracks and smoothes. The oil nourishes and prevents the areas between the fingers from cracking.

See also:

Mask with sour cream and honey


  • 1 tbsp. l. natural honey,
  • 3 tbsp. l. sour cream 20% fat,
  • 1 plastic bowl.

How to cook: Mix sour cream and honey in a bowl until smooth. Use only fresh.

How to use: Apply the mask to dry skin and leave for 15 – 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water without adding soap.

Result: fatty sour cream can make the skin soft and velvety no worse than nourishing cream. And honey, which is irreplaceable in its composition of nutrients, will nourish the epidermis with vitamins and microelements.

Banana mask


  • 1 banana
  • one tbsp. l. butter,
  • 1 tbsp. l. natural honey,
  • one bowl.

How to cook: Mash a banana in a bowl, add butter and honey. Mix all ingredients until smooth.

How to use: Apply the mixture to dry areas of your hands and leave for 15 – 20 minutes. Then rinse with warm water without adding soap.

Result: ideal remedy to soften dry skin. Banana envelops and removes dry scales, oil softens, and honey nourishes with vitamins and microelements.

The best care products

  • Hand cream "Arabia" with hyaluronic acid;
  • Cream "Gerontol" for hands of the Svoboda brand;
  • Hand cream “Doctor” with aloe;
  • Cream for hands Neutrogena, Norwegian formula;
  • Moisturizing cream De Oliva for hands;
  • Ointment "Radevit";
  • Healing mud or clay for masks;
  • Cream "Rescuer" from damage;
  • Clobeyz hand cream (recommended by cosmetologists);

Some types of oils may also be beneficial. They soften, restore damaged areas with cracks and smooth the skin, preventing it from drying out.

Healthy oils:

  • sea ​​buckthorn,
  • peach,
  • cocoa butter,
  • olive,
  • almond oil,
  • Shea Butter.

Mountain Altai mumiyo also has a good effect. Use strictly according to instructions.

With such a huge list of tips and methods, you will surely find something for yourself. useful remedy and you will forever forget why the skin on your hands dries.

You can go to the store and buy the right cream for hands or oil. Or you can order what you need in the online store, and they will deliver the goods directly to your home. There are many good services now, here is one of them:


Need to remember:

  1. Dry hand skin can be the result of exposure to sun, cold and water.
  2. Poor nutrition always affects her condition.
  3. Vitamin starvation is harmful.
  4. There are diseases and medications that make the epidermis dry.
  5. It is easy to find a good cosmetic product on sale.
  6. All products must be safe for the skin and health in general.
  7. Before using any product, consult your doctor or cosmetologist!

That's all for today. Click on the social network button below if you found this information interesting and useful. Thank you.

See you in the next article!

The problem of cracks in the skin of the hands has become widespread. First, the epidermis becomes dry and rough, after which small cracks appear on it, which heal on their own after some time. However, in some more serious cases, relatively deep wounds appear on the human epidermis, causing a lot of inconvenience and slow healing. The skin on the fingers, pads and even on the membranes cracks. Regardless of where the wounds appear and what size they are, it is imperative to treat the skin.

Why does skin crack?

By appearance hands can tell a lot about a person - about his habits, age, state of health, lifestyle. However, what is the reason that the skin on your fingers cracks? Every day we expose the epidermis to many harmful factors. This often leads to mechanical damage And chemical burns epidermis of the hands, however, besides these, there are many reasons why the skin on the fingers cracks.

Internal reasons

These include various diseases, including chronic ones. Sometimes the symptoms of such diseases disappear for a while, and when they worsen, they appear again. In these cases, the skin may crack not only on the fingers, but also on the palms or other parts of the hands. People with such problems should undergo individual treatment prescribed by a doctor, not for the consequences, but for the disease itself. In other cases, it is allowed to use other methods, including self-medication. To possible internal reasons the appearance of cracks on the fingers include:

  • Hormonal disorders.
  • Allergy.
  • Lack of vitamins.
  • Fungus.

External factors

Factors such as cold, wind or active Sun rays may negatively affect skin health. Under their influence, the epidermis begins to dry quickly, cracking from lack of moisture. Cold has the most aggressive effect on the epidermis of the fingers. In sub-zero temperatures, the skin dehydrates much faster. Sudden temperature changes, prolonged contact with hard water, and high air humidity are no less bad for your hands. The reason why the skin cracks can be frequent washing hands with soap or contact with chemicals.

Methods for treating cracks and peeling on hands

The specialist prescribes treatment for cracks in the skin of the hands, based on the cause of their appearance. However, in addition to direct therapy with healing ointments and tablets, harmful factors that stimulate damage to the epidermis should be avoided, otherwise the situation will only worsen. Since the root of the problem is excessive dryness of the skin of the hands, the key direction of treatment should be intensive hydration, saturation of the body essential vitamins and microelements.

Proper nutrition

Often the epidermis of the fingers cracks due to vitamin deficiency. IN in this case your hands may not be enough. To replenish them, it is worth using more vegetables(tomatoes, carrots, bell pepper), as well as cottage cheese, nuts, liver, beef, beans. The patient should supplement his diet with cereals, dairy products and vegetable oils such as olive, flaxseed, and sunflower. Thanks, the human body will receive sufficient quantity beneficial substances, which contributes to the speedy restoration of the skin.

Hygienic care

  • Reduce open hand contact with water as much as possible and detergents, stop using nail polish. Complete all homework, for example, washing dishes or cleaning, wearing rubber gloves.
  • Every night, lubricate your fingers with oil. glycerin cream. For achievement greater effect, wear cotton gloves on top.
  • Use soft, gentle soap such as baby or bath soap.
  • Make medicinal hand baths based on herbal decoctions more often. After such procedures, lubricate the skin of your fingers with light but rich creams ("Children's" is ideal).
  • In severe cases, when the cracks on the fingers are deep and heal slowly, use a special skin glue that can be used to seal the wounds for them. fast healing. In the pharmacy this product is sold under the name “Super-Glu”.

Drug treatment

If the epidermis of the fingers dries out and cracks, it is possible to use such effective medical supplies like tablets, capsules, ointments and creams. By choosing the right medications, you will not only stop the destructive process, but also speed up the healing of existing wounds. Usually, drug treatment cracks in the epidermis of the fingers and hands requires an integrated approach. The patient should cover the wounds several times a day special cream such as Depanthenol or Radevit. For more serious injuries, Actovegin or Solcoseryl ointment is used.

  • Depanthenol and Bepanthen. These drugs are in large quantities contain vitamin B, which accelerates the healing of skin cracks. And chlorhexidine, which is also included in ointments, effectively disinfects wounds. Apply the product 2-4 times a day, thinly spreading it over the affected areas of the epidermis.
  • Radevit. The basis of the ointment is vitamins A, E, D. The drug has a softening, anti-inflammatory, healing effect. Radevit enhances the protective function of the skin of the hands and normalizes keratinization processes. You should use the ointment twice a day – at night and in the morning.
  • Pantoderm. The drug is used several times a day (there is no strict dosage). The ointment has a metabolic, restorative effect. It helps improve the regeneration of the skin of the hands and improves trophism.
  • Eplan. This ointment helps relieve itching during healing of cracks, accelerating skin healing. It creates an invisible protective film on the hands, which prevents various infections from entering open wounds. It is optimal to use Eplan twice a day: in the morning and afternoon.
  • Aevit. The indication for taking Aevita capsules is a deficiency of E. To achieve the optimal treatment effect, follow a clear dosage - 1 tablet per day for 20-40 days.

Folk remedies

  • Therapeutic hot baths with starch for the skin of the fingers. They should be prepared using potato solution. Pour 0.5 tablespoon of starch into 250 ml of boiling water, stir the powder thoroughly in the water until completely dissolved. When the liquid becomes sticky, dilute it with half a liter hot water, dip your hands in the bath and hold without removing for 15-20 minutes. After the procedure, lubricate your fingers with a wound healing agent. You should take baths until the cracks in your hands heal.
  • Herbal baths for the skin of the hands. Mix two tablespoons of chamomile, plantain and calendula, pour a liter of boiling water over the herbs. When the broth has cooled to a warm state, fill a deep bowl with it and dip your hands in it for 20 minutes. Afterwards, lubricate your skin with moisturizer. Do medicinal baths every other day until the wounds heal.
  • Recipe for a therapeutic compress for cracks. Boil 2 potatoes, mash them, add a couple of tablespoons of milk and stir the mixture until smooth. Apply the resulting mass to the skin of your hands damaged by cracks and wrap it in a regular cellophane bag. After half an hour, remove the healing compress, wash your hands and cover them with cream or healing ointment.
  • Honey mask for hands. This remedy is very effective if the skin on the fingers is cracked. Mix egg yolk with 50 grams of olive or vegetable oil and 3 tablespoons of honey. Cover the wounds and the area around them with the resulting mixture, wrap your hands in cellophane for 25-30 minutes. Later, remove the bag, rinse the skin of your fingers with warm water and cover them with a moisturizer (ointment, cream or homemade sour cream).
  • Natural anti-crack cream. Mix the following ingredients in equal proportions (one tablespoon at a time): calendula, chamomile, string, plantain. Pour a glass of boiling water over them and let them sit for 7-8 hours. Grind a spoonful of honey with a small piece of butter and mix with a tablespoon of herbal infusion. Use the resulting ointment twice a day until complete healing wound.

An effective complex of vitamins and minerals

Hypovitaminosis A, P, C negatively affects the health of the skin - it becomes dry and prone to cracks. More often, the epidermis suffers from wounds due to a severe lack of vitamins PP (observed in girls who are losing weight), B1 (with skin atrophy). To prevent serious consequences and speed up the healing of cracks in the fingers, you should take a course of a complex of vitamins and minerals. The most essential for skin health are groups A, B, P, E, and zinc.

How to treat chapped skin in a child

The skin of babies is always very soft, smooth, and pleasant to the touch. Dryness and cracking are alarm bell for parents that cannot be ignored. Thinking that the problem will solve itself in this case is fraught with serious consequences. To eliminate dry skin of a child, you should take care of eliminating the factors that lead to the occurrence of wounds.

  1. Clean systematically children's room, humidify the air. Do not use conditioner - this is the first enemy of the skin, as it dries it very much.
  2. Get rid of the nursery synthetic clothing, it often irritates the epidermis. Plastic toys During treatment, the baby’s skin should also be prohibited.
  3. If your child still eats mother's milk, refrain from drinking harmful products. Baby on artificial nutrition It is worth giving only hypoallergenic mixtures.
  4. If dry skin appears not only on the hands, but also on the face, this indicates an allergy to any food products. Consult a doctor who will take tests to determine the allergen.
  5. Bathe your child every other day until the skin is renewed and soft again. Add herbal decoctions (chain, calendula, chamomile) to the bath.
  6. Lubricate your baby's skin with moisturizers that do not contain water in cool or windy weather.
  7. Leave the child naked more often, lubricate his skin with nourishing milk or high-quality ointment (wide-spectrum Bepanten is suitable).
  8. Refuse to arbitrarily treat cracks or peeling of the skin, because many drugs, including ointments or solutions, contain hormonal components that will only further harm the baby’s health. Only a doctor can prescribe an effective medication.

Video: what to do if the skin on your hands dries and cracks

Any health problem is easier to prevent than to eliminate. If the skin of your hands or fingers cracks, you should immediately begin to take appropriate measures. Protect your hands from the cold, chemical substances, bad water and other irritants with nourishing, moisturizing creams based on glycerin or silicone. Treat dry hands with protective lotion every time before going outside, especially during the cold season. With the help of the video you will learn what to do if cracks appear on the skin of your hands.

Photo: what cracks on fingers look like

Despite the fact that the skin of the hands looks soft and delicate, it plays the role of a reliable protector of the body against various harmful external factors. Every day our hands have to deal with a huge number of irritants: dirt, low or high temperatures, friction, exposure to chemicals, but it cannot always cope with them without additional protection. To avoid the appearance of cracks in the skin, it is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of the epidermis. Below are photos of the condition of the fingers, the skin of which began to crack.

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment based on individual characteristics specific patient.

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Each of us at least once in our lives has encountered a small but very unpleasant problem when the skin on our hands cracks. At this time, wounds appear different sizes, which hurt and cause discomfort, especially when in contact with water or detergents. To get rid of this condition, you must first find out the reason: why did this happen?

Most common reasons cracks in the hands

It is very common for the skin on the hands to crack due to contact with chemicals, detergents or washing powders. In order to get rid of this unpleasant problem, it may be enough to protect yourself from washing, cleaning and washing dishes, or to do all the housework in Touching construction mixtures also threatens with unpleasant manifestations in the form of cracks on your hands, and therefore you will have to limit contact with cement, paints and other construction mixtures. Temperature changes also have an adverse effect on the condition of the skin, which is why very often when staying in cold water. In the spring, this happens quite often, and the reason for this is that the body lacks vitamins E and A, and the skin dries out and thus signals trouble. Against the background of allergies, a person may develop diseases such as eczema, psoriasis or some others, which are also characterized by the appearance of painful cracks on the hands. If this happens, then you should not self-medicate; you should immediately consult a dermatologist. You should also contact him if it is on the penis, this can cause not only but also sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). If it is not possible to see a doctor immediately, then you can alleviate your condition by rinsing problem areas with a decoction of plantain, nettle or linden blossom.

What to do if it's on your hands?

Very often, the cause of skin cracking is dehydration, and therefore, after any contact with water, a rich, nourishing cream should be applied to the skin of the hands. If creams do not help, you can purchase special moisturizing gloves, put them on and leave them on all night. Sometimes cracking of the skin of the fingers and toes occurs due to hormonal imbalance in the body. Only an experienced specialist can solve this problem and prescribe appropriate treatment, who will conduct a special examination for hormones: blood tests and some other studies. As a rule, experts prescribe not only external treatment; taking vitamins internally will also not hurt. To get rid of this problem once and for all, you need to go through full examination, visit good specialist and undergo treatment. As a rule, we have neither time nor money for this, and therefore we will try to make our life easier with the help of folk remedies.

Folk remedies for the treatment of cracked hands

Only a specialist can prescribe adequate treatment if the skin on your hands cracks, but there is traditional methods which will allow you to remove pain syndrome and significantly alleviate the human condition. A special bath of potato broth, two tablespoons of starch and a few drops will help with cracked hands. sunflower oil. After holding your hands in such a bath, within ten minutes you will feel relief and will be able to continue doing your household chores. An oatmeal mask also has an excellent effect. For it you need to cook the usual oatmeal on the water and add a little olive oil to it, put the porridge in gloves (cotton) and put them on your hands. After 30 minutes, you can take off your gloves, thoroughly rinse off the remaining porridge from your hands and spread them with nourishing cream. For those who periodically have cracked skin on their fingers and toes, there are special medicinal mixtures made from nettle and plantain. You need to make a decoction of them and rinse them problem areas not with water, but with this decoction.

Getting rid of cracks is not difficult, but in order to prevent them from happening again, you will have to take more care of yourself and eliminate the cause of this illness.

If the skin of your hands is dry and cracks until it bleeds, then the cause should first of all be sought in general condition body. The skin, experiencing the direct influence of the environment, can successfully fulfill its protective properties only if it is fully provided with everything necessary. If this does not happen, then it dries and cracks, acquiring a very unsightly appearance.

Possible reasons

The skin on your hands can dry, peel, peel and crack for the following reasons:

  1. 1. Exposure to weather conditions. If your hands are not accustomed to harsh environmental conditions, then this will definitely affect their skin when you spend a long time in the hot sun, cold wind or frost.
  2. 2. Work without gloves with hard and rough objects. In this case, damage awaits mainly the palms, but the entire hand can take on a very unpleasant appearance.
  3. 3. Prolonged exposure to aggressive environments. This is especially true for alkali, which has a strong effect on the skin, promoting the formation of cracks and ulcerations. This may be a consequence of frequent and prolonged washing, washing hands with strong disinfectants.
  4. 4. Metabolic disorders due to various diseases. These may include diabetes, age-related changes, diseases of the endocrine glands and digestive system.
  5. 5. Deficiency of vitamins, macro- and microelements that regulate water balance the body, as well as the state of protective coverings. Any deficiency of elements necessary for the body negatively affects the condition of the skin, but the lack of vitamins A, E and the entire B group is especially significant.
  6. 6. Fungal diseases. With advanced fungal infections, your hands peel, your fingers itch, your skin flakes off and cracks. In addition, blistering rashes appear and nails become deformed.
  7. 7. Eczema. These are non-infectious lesions in which symptoms of a fungal infection may appear, but usually there is no deformation of the nails. Hypertrophied thickening of skin areas may be observed, hands swell and itch.
  8. 8. Non-infectious dermatitis. It may appear as a consequence of the body’s reaction to unfavorable factors. Most often, this is an allergic reaction to substances that have entered the body or come into contact with the skin. In addition, the skin can lose its healthy state during severe nervous shocks experienced by a person.

Thus, if the skin of your hands is dry and cracks until it bleeds, then first of all you need to find out what the cause of this phenomenon is. As a rule, in order to take measures to improve the situation by generally available means, it is enough to exclude eczema, dermatitis and fungal infection, since these skin diseases require specialist intervention and special treatment.

Cosmetical tools

Hand skin care is always necessary. And the point here is not aesthetic appeal. The entire protective load is borne by a thin layer of skin. Environmental influences have the greatest impact on the condition of the skin of the face and hands. For this reason, caring for these particular areas of our body is so important.

If we talk only about skin care activities, the main principle here is constant compensation for moisture loss. Through a thin layer of skin, which is always in contact with the atmospheric environment, moisture quickly evaporates, which reduces not only its aesthetic appeal, but also its protective functions. Especially dangerous sign is the appearance of cracks, because through them moisture leaves the deeper layers of the skin.

The condition of the skin depends on the time of year. This, of course, is associated with the appearance of vitamin deficiency in winter period, but not only. In winter, the skin suffers greatly from temperature changes indoors and outdoors. In cold weather, chapping is especially severe because it simultaneously fights against cooling and drying out.

In summer, when the sun is hot, temperature changes are not so significant, but water loss from exposure to direct sunlight is possible.

In order to minimize such negative impacts environment, you must learn the following rules:

  1. 1. In the morning, before starting working day or period active rest, after graduation water procedures Lubricate your hands generously with moisturizer.
  2. 2. In the evening before going to bed, apply a rich nourishing cream to your hands. This should be done about 30 minutes before bedtime. The fact is that for a full effect, it is necessary to ensure that most of the cream is absorbed, and for this, any contact of hands with objects should be minimized. Especially avoid contact with fabrics that could absorb your cream. Just sit for a while in a relaxed position, allowing the skin of your hands to absorb the cream in a state of contact only with air.
  3. 3. Before any activity associated with the possibility of aggressive effects on the skin, lubricate your hands with a special protective cream.

Thus, the main rule cosmetic procedures is to constantly moisturize the skin of the hands and create a protective layer with special means.

Care procedures

Periodically resort to warm hand baths.

You need to add to the water what is in this moment most appropriate.

If you need to clean your hands from contaminants such as soil, grass, sand, clay, and other components that eat into the skin, make a solution of 72% laundry soap.

If the skin of your hands needs to be restored and brightened, it is better to use baking soda or sea salt.

Baths made from decoctions of birch leaves, calendula flowers and string will help relieve swelling.

Clay compresses have a good effect on problem skin. They are made very simply. Dilute the clay (no matter what kind) in water until it becomes thick sour cream, cover your hands with it and put it on latex gloves. It is advisable to keep the compress for at least 1 hour. After you wash off the clay, you need to lubricate the skin thick cream. Such compresses work especially well for severe cracks and peeling. You can add soda or salt to the clay.