Sebum reducing agent. Blockage and inflammation of the sebaceous glands: symptoms, treatment, causes, what to do

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Many girls and teenagers are thinking about how to reduce oily facial skin. There is a lot of different advice in this regard in the world. True, not all recommendations are equally effective. Some advise turning to a cosmetologist for help; this is a good approach to solving the problem, but it also does not always help. So you often have to solve the problem yourself at home. Fortunately, many different recipes have been invented to get rid of oily skin on the face. You can try everything, and then choose those methods that seemed most suitable, simple and effective.

Golden Rule

So, the first rule that is worth taking into account is that if you decide to figure out how to reduce oily facial skin, you need to be aware of the need for regular daily care. Simply put, you will have to do some manipulations and exercises every day. Otherwise, even going to a cosmetologist will not help.

Please note that sometimes you need to make a variety of face masks. It is recommended to either alternate them every other day, or apply them to the face once a week. Too frequent scrubs and masks can only make the situation worse. The procedures should be both morning and evening. In the middle of the day it is not necessary to carry out various manipulations with the skin. It is only recommended to wash your face after long walks to remove dust and dirt from your face.


How to reduce oily facial skin? Reasons for appearance of this disease varied. Depending on them, you must independently choose the way to combat the disease. There are a lot of options for the development of events.

The first and most common reason is hormonal background. The skin becomes oily and worsens mainly in teenagers and pregnant women. So you shouldn't be surprised. Even if there were no prerequisites for deterioration, hormones can play a cruel joke on you.

The next reason is disruption sebaceous glands. This may be a hereditary condition. Or simply due to some health problems, these violations occur. Of course, with the exception of hormonal imbalance.

Also, oily facial skin appears due to the formation of comedones in the body. These are "blackheads", blackheads that are located deep under the skin. They appear, as a rule, due to clogged sebaceous glands.

Poor nutrition can also cause a lot of skin problems. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to this. Wondering how to reduce oily facial skin at home? Then just use the recommendations of cosmetologists and simply women who were able to cope with this problem. What tips should you follow?

Steam baths

Regardless of the reasons for our current problem, they help to cope with the disease well steam baths. They cleanse the skin without harm and open the pores. This approach pleases many women - it requires almost no costs, does not cause allergic reactions, and also gets rid of facial skin problems very quickly.

In addition to defeating oiliness, this method can remove acne. All you need is 2 times a month (and better time per week) do steam baths. The face is steamed, then wiped with a towel. You can wash your face with cool water.

If you want to get rid of acne at the same time, after steaming, squeeze out some blackheads on problem areas. They will quickly disappear. This method does not help with oily skin very quickly, but it gets rid of other problems extremely easily. The result, according to women, is visible after approximately 2 months of using steam baths. For this undertaking, it is recommended to additionally purchase a special spreader - a machine that helps carry out the procedure.

The right cosmetics

It's hard to believe, but decorative cosmetics also play a role for the skin on the face. If chosen incorrectly, it will only cause harm. Therefore, you will have to be careful. The following advice does not so much cure oily skin how much this phenomenon prevents.

About what we're talking about? Are you facing a problem called “oily facial skin”? And how to deal with it at home? It's not that hard to do. Carry out daily care. And pay attention to what cosmetics you have chosen. Specially suitable for oily skin. When choosing decorative cosmetics pay attention to the inscriptions. If there is a note “for oily skin,” you can purchase this or that product. Otherwise, you will only make the situation worse.

Ice cubes

Next recipe for healthy skin on the face - use ice. Not quite a standard, but very effective method of getting rid of fat. All you need to do is treat your skin with ice cubes every day. Thus, the production of fat from the sebaceous glands will decrease and then normalize.

Just run ice cubes over your face as if washing your face. Movements should be light, no rubbing. This is exactly what turns out to be extremely effective at home. In any case, the girls are pleased with both the cost of preparing the product and the result. It is noted that it will be noticeable within a week.

Wash your face with ice in the morning and evening. If you carry out the procedure only once a day, its effectiveness will be significantly reduced. Please take this into account. You will develop the habit of treating your face with ice over time. To prevent the re-formation of excess fat this method good too.

Cinnamon to the rescue

The following advice can be called universal. If you are thinking about how to reduce oily skin at home, you can try special mask with the addition of cinnamon. This spice not only normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, but also rejuvenates the skin.

Add to 1 tablespoon liquid bee honey 1 teaspoon of cinnamon. Mix well and apply to face for 10-15 minutes. Rinse off afterwards warm water. Do not apply any cosmetics immediately after the procedure. This mask, according to many women, it turns out to be extremely effective. It gets rid of pimples, blackheads and oil in just a few uses. Can be used for daily procedure, and once a week.


How to reduce oily facial skin from the inside? This can be done by normalizing nutrition. Often it is irregularities in the diet that cause problems with the sebaceous glands. Which means exactly proper diet will help cope with the disease.

This approach does not receive the most best reviews. After all, not everyone likes to limit themselves in food. If you have serious problems with the sebaceous glands, it is recommended to go on a diet - eliminate all fatty, flour, smoked and sweet foods. Everything else is allowed, but in small quantities. The effect is noticeable only after 2-3 months at least. It is advisable to select a diet together with a cosmetologist. In this matter, consulting a specialist will not be superfluous.

Special cosmetics

How to reduce oily facial skin? This is not a problem now. The most effective method is the use of special caring cosmetics. Manufacturers provide entire lines of products for oily skin. Over time, they should help combat the problem. A variety of ointments, gels, scrubs - all this is sold in cosmetics stores. These products are better than all others in helping to correct the skin situation.

But, as women say, the method has one significant drawback - this is the body’s reaction. Choose a remedy for daily care taking care of your skin is not so easy. One lotion is suitable for someone, but at the same time it is not suitable for another person. Such issues will have to be resolved with the help of a cosmetologist. Perhaps this is the only complaint the girls have.

Oily skin causes many problems: enlarged pores, blockages, unnecessary shine and often flaking - because the skin renews itself faster and tries to grow a new stratum corneum. Of course, this is not at all what we want. We want soft skin without pronounced pores, smooth and matte. And sometimes we resort to so-called “express methods”: we mattify harshly, avoid greasy textures and use almost no makeup, except for mattifying powders. Yes, it helps in the short term, and it even seems to us that we are winning, but everything returns to normal again and sometimes becomes even worse.

Because none of this actually works!

But other products and procedures work, which at first glance seem paradoxical. Yes, taming oily skin will require time and patience, but the results will be long-lasting and guaranteed.

What do oily-skinned people need to reduce sebum production, unclog pores and keep skin soft and moisturized? Prepare to be surprised.

BB cream
Yes, you need a standard one that will moisturize and treat your skin well. She will be protected, and believe me, she will not suffer and choke at all, like in a sauna. By retaining moisture, you give the skin a signal that there is protection, and there is much less need to produce its own oil.

Hydrophilic oil
Purification is one of the most important commandments beautiful skin. If you remember, “like cures like.” In our case, fatty bb, a layer of dirt, dead skin particles, sebum dissolves perfectly
classic liquid applied to dry face. Or solid hydrophilic sherbet.

The main trick is that you very carefully and slowly apply it to your face and massage every part of your face with effort. Don’t rush to wash it off - leave it on the skin and massage the most problematic areas a little longer (where your pores are the most clogged). The oil dissolves sebaceous plugs and everything that has accumulated on your skin. It does this gradually and slowly.

Cosmetic oil for face

Determine where your skin is the most oily. Is this the T-zone? Or nose-chin? There in small quantity apply cosmetic oil. No, not a fat-based cream, but just a drop of oil. It also tricks the skin and signals it to produce less of its own oil.

Gentle manual cleansing
Clean your pores once a week using special pads. Surely you have all seen these wonderful videos - which soften the contents of the pores and literally pull it out. I hasten to please you - this is completely true. Not a single film mask, not a single clay mask can repeat this. On days of such cleansing, I advise you not to resort to cosmetic oil, but to arrange “fat-free therapy”. You have cleaned the skin manually, and then you can use fabric mask based on moisturizing serum and light gel or emulsion.

BHA acids
Include products with BHA in your daily care. Let it be just one product per day - either a toner or a peeling disc. It's not necessary to put it all together - it dries it out.

Rolls and scrubs
Oily skinned people urgently need to give up scrubs. Scrubs are evil for you and cause even more oiliness. Replace with .

Skin hydration
Constant, high-quality and consistent hydration is the key to less oily skin. But you also need to moisturize wisely: in this case, you should avoid fat-based, thick,
saturated, and replace them with an arsenal of light products: alcohol-free toner, “water” masks, emulsions, and also for use during the day. You should also give up nighttime cream masks, which will interfere with normal skin renewal in your case.

Mattifying powders
No matter how shiny your skin is during the day, do not powder it - by doing this you draw moisture from the epidermis and at the same time clog the pores (which are enlarged). To remove shine, use blotting cloths; they do not
will cause harm and apply the mist over makeup.

I'll tell you about my own experience: when I just started using, this is the method that helped me get rid of not only flaking and oiliness, but even inflammation. I won’t say that it happened quickly - at least six months of regular care passed,
to relieve symptoms and most obvious signs, and a year later I could already boast of completely normal skin.
Yes, my pores are still with me and they are wide, but narrowing them at any cost means harming the health of the entire skin. So good luck and patience!

– a type of skin caused by excessive activity of the sebaceous glands and characterized by a rough texture, unhealthy color and shine. Those with oily skin face enlarged pores, comedones, sebaceous gland cysts, acne, and manifestations of seborrhea. Oily skin requires increased attention to existing problems, a certain diet, proper home and professional care (cleansing, masks, peelings, mesotherapy), competent selection of cosmetics. To find out the causes of oily skin, consultations with a cosmetologist, dermatologist, and endocrinologist are necessary.

General information

Oily skin is one of the types of problem skin, characterized by increased greasiness and shiny appearance. Depending on the secretory activity of the sebaceous glands, in cosmetology and dermatology it is customary to distinguish 4 types of skin: normal, dry, oily, combination (mixed). It should be noted that each skin type in itself is a variant of the norm and cannot be considered a disease. At the same time, Various types skins have their own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, and therefore require a differentiated approach. Typically, skin type changes with age; In addition, the constant use of various cosmetics and makeup can create a false impression of the true characteristics of the skin. Oily facial skin is one of the most common types and is more prone to various dermatological problems than others. That is why oily skin needs special daily hygiene and proper care. professional care.

Causes of oily skin

Oily skin most often occurs during adolescence and at a young age and by the age of 25-30 it turns into another type (usually combined). Only 5-8% of people remain with oily skin throughout their lives. Immediate cause high fat content the skin is served by increased work of the sebaceous glands, which in turn may be caused hereditary characteristics, hormonal imbalance, gastrointestinal disorders, poor nutrition, improper care for the skin.

The presence of oily skin can be genetically determined - in this case, skin type does not change with age. In such a situation, the main efforts should be aimed at ensuring proper daily care and rational selection of cosmetics. Endocrine causes are associated primarily with puberty, during which the amount of testosterone increases, which increases the size of the sebaceous glands and increases the production of sebum. Other hormones also influence the function of the sebaceous glands, for example, adrenaline, the level of which in the blood increases in people experiencing stress. In women, increased oily skin may occur with prolonged or uncontrolled use of hormonal contraceptives, polycystic ovary syndrome, and less commonly during pregnancy or menopause. Oily facial skin combined with general dryness skin characteristic of hypothyroidism.

Among the nutritional reasons that contribute to the appearance of oily skin, one should highlight the abuse of fatty or spicy foods, as well as flour products, sweets, fast food, carbonated drinks, and alcohol. Quite often people with oily skin suffer from diseases gastrointestinal tract(cholecystitis, colitis, constipation, etc.). Long stays and work in polluted and dusty rooms have a negative impact on the condition of the skin.

A typical mistake of those with oily skin is overly active and aggressive cleansing of the skin using alcohol-containing cosmetics and scrubs. Regular degreasing of problem areas of the skin with tonics and lotions only leads to aggravation of the problem: in response to the removal of the surface lipid layer, the epidermis reacts by increasing the secretion of glandular secretions. Frequent mechanical cleansing and peeling of the face causes microtrauma to the epidermis and intense sebum production. Using inappropriate creams and skin care products can also increase the problem of oily skin.

Characteristics of oily skin

Most often, oily skin is localized in the so-called T-zone, which includes the forehead, nose and chin. Externally, oily skin appears shiny, oily, unkempt, thick, and rough, and often has uneven surface, dull color and grayish tint. Makeup does not apply well to oily skin; Foundations and powders remove oily shine only temporarily. Plots problem skin They are also found on the body, usually in the chest and back; Oily skin of the face and body is often combined with oily hair.

Insufficient cleansing of the skin from excess sebum leads to the fact that the sebaceous secretion, along with dead skin flakes and dust, clogs the pores and contributes to their funnel-shaped expansion. Often, oily, porous skin looks like an orange peel. In addition to excessive shine and enlarged pores, oily skin is prone to the formation of comedones (black plugs in the openings of the sebaceous glands) and milia (whiteheads), and acne. Spider veins (telangiectasia) are more often visible on it. If, against the background of increased sebum production, its qualitative composition also changes, the following occurs: pathological condition like seborrhea.

Despite all the disadvantages of oily skin, it also has certain advantages. Thus, it retains moisture better, and, therefore, is more protected and less sensitive to the effects of various adverse atmospheric factors (wind, sun rays, low temperatures). Thanks to this, this type of skin is less susceptible to photoaging, retains its elasticity longer, and age-related wrinkles in those with oily skin appear later than in women with other skin types.

If you have oily skin long time If inflammation persists, you should consult a dermatologist to rule out demodicosis. To find out the causes of increased oily skin, consultation and examination of a dermatologist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, or gynecologist-endocrinologist may be required.

Features of oily skin care

The main tasks of caring for oily skin are removing excess sebum, opening pores, and reducing the activity of the sebaceous glands. First of all, it is necessary to minimize or completely eliminate negative impact on the skin (refuse to use alcohol-containing lotions, greasy creams, frequent skin scrubbing, etc.). It is strictly unacceptable to leave decorative cosmetics on the skin overnight. The basis of the diet of the owner of oily skin should be lean meats, fish, vegetables, fruits, bran, cereals; Spices, smoked meats, baked goods and baked goods, and sweets should be limited as much as possible. Food should be rich in vitamins, especially group B.

It is advisable to divide the actual care for oily skin into home and professional care. Daily self-care for oily skin involves cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing procedures. First of all, you need to wash your face twice a day using a special foam, gel and mousse for oily skin. As a rule, such products have an anti-inflammatory and sebum-regulating effect, but do not dry out the skin. When washing your face, do not use a washcloth or sponge, or hot water, since these products will further stimulate the secretion of sebum. It is preferable to lather the skin with cotton pad or fingertips, and rinse off the cleanser with warm or cool water. ethnoscience recommends for oily skin washes and steam baths with herbal infusions (chamomile, linden blossom, horsetail, mint, nettle) while simultaneously taking these infusions orally.

More thorough cleansing of oily skin with cosmetic peeling It is permissible to carry out one or maximum two times a week. In addition to the scrub, for deep cleansing skin, you can use peeling-gommage: such film masks effectively remove dead horn cells, dust particles and excess sebum without damaging the skin. Once a week it is useful to make clay masks that have an adsorbing effect, or fruit masks that have the effect of tightening pores.

After washing your face, you need to blot it with a soft towel or napkin and wipe it with a tonic for oily skin - such products contain disinfecting, sebum-regulating and pore-tightening components. The finishing touch to daily care for oily skin is the application of a cream designed to of this type skin. Typically, creams, emulsions or hydrogels for oily skin have a liquid consistency and are quickly absorbed without leaving a shiny shine.

When choosing decorative cosmetics for daytime makeup, you need to pay attention to the quality, composition of the product and recommendations for use from the manufacturers. For oily skin, it is better to choose light foundations, foundation creams and powders with a mattifying effect that eliminate excess shine. You should stop using cream blush and eye shadow, liquid eyeliners- otherwise, cosmetics may “float” on the face within a couple of hours after application.

More often oily shine on the face may appear in those with oily and combination skin. To get rid of unwanted shine, you should reconsider your conventional methods skin care. This is especially true in summer period. However, girls and women want to look healthy and beautiful in any season, so they are very concerned about how to reduce the oiliness of their facial skin.

Causes of oily facial skin

The cause of this problem is the increased activity of the sebaceous glands. This is especially noticeable in the heat of summer or during sudden changes in temperature at home and outside during the cold season. At high temperature The skin loses quite a lot of moisture from the surrounding air. The body begins to protect the skin from drying out, and for this it secretes increased amount sebum.

This fat creates a thin film on the surface of the skin, which prevents the evaporation of all unnecessary moisture. And if it is natural to continue the development of the situation, it is possible that the sebaceous ducts may become blocked by sebum and, as a result, the formation of (open and). Most often, this problem occurs in women with oily skin. However, the owners normal skin They may also encounter the same problem.

Many women often wash their face to get rid of unwanted greasy shine. It is not right. Such actions only aggravate the situation, and the skin becomes even oilier. Frequent washing leads to dryness, and the glands begin to secrete subcutaneous fat twice as much. It turns out vicious circle, the measures taken to reduce the oiliness of facial skin lead just to this.

How to reduce oily skin

First of all, it is necessary to prevent drying of the skin. At home, humidifiers will help in this case. It is also necessary to take care of its constant, so to speak, maintaining hydration.

For example, during a particularly problematic summer period, switch to soft remedies for skin with a cleansing effect. Do not wash your face with too hot water, as this only increases sebum secretion. The water should be warm or cool. Can be used frozen pieces of ice with medicinal infusions- sage, calendula, chamomile, St. John's wort.

With such ice rubdowns we kill several birds with one stone - we narrow pores, relieve skin inflammation, and reduce sebum production.

You can also use steam facial baths with the same medicinal herbs, five minutes over medicinal steam, and then wash with a cool decoction. And your facial skin will become much healthier if you are not lazy and carry out similar procedures three times a month.

If owners of oily skin usually use products with salicylic acid or alcohol for care, then in the summer they should abandon them. During the rest of the year they are recommended and can be used. Moisturizers should be used with care. Such creams and gels must be selected so that they match your skin type. Their texture should be light.

During periods of worsening problems with oily facial skin, it is advisable to abandon “heavy” oil-based cosmetics. Switch to skin moisturizing gels and products with a lighter structure.

We act on oily skin from the inside

Oily skin should be moisturized not only from the outside, but also from the inside. Drinks such as tea, coffee and alcohol cause fluid loss in the body. It is worth drinking more pure filtered or. This is beneficial both for the skin and for the whole body as a whole. If you like fatty, fried foods, then give it up. Also, do not overuse sweets, smoked meats, and soda.

But even such methods do not always help get rid of annoying oily sheen.

Folk remedies that reduce oily skin

  • rubbing the skin of the face with a slice of lemon;
  • apple cider vinegar diluted in water 1:1, and after a quarter of an hour wash with cool water;
  • Masks with clay, white, cleanse and reduce oily skin;

To completely hide the problem of oiliness, use mattifying products. Products with double effect are good. They contain natural components that simultaneously absorb excess fat and at the same time easily and remarkably regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Medicines for external acne correction

Benzoyl peroxide preparations: Eclaran (5% and 10% gel), Baziron (gel 2.5%, 5%, 10%), Desquam, Kleramed, Benzacne, Ugresol (10%).

These drugs cause the formation of reactive oxygen species, which creates unfavorable conditions for the life of propionic bacteria, and also have a drying and keratolytic effect.

External dosage forms containing benzoyl peroxide do not cause the emergence of resistant strains of propionobacteria.

The preparations can bleach hair and colored fabrics. The simultaneous use of other keratolytic agents and agents containing alcohol and perfume fragrances. They have an irritating effect (can cause aggravation), increase skin sensitivity to UV rays, and can provoke allergic dermatitis, are not combined with cosmetic anti-acne procedures.

Azelaic acid (AZA) preparations(Skinoren (20% cream, 15% gel)). Azelaic acid is a naturally occurring saturated dicarboxylic acid found in rye, wheat, and barley. It has an anti-inflammatory effect due to the suppression of bacterial growth and the formation of free forms of oxygen by neutrophils, an antibacterial effect due to the suppression of bacterial protein synthesis.

It has a comedolytic and whitening effect, normalizes retention hyperkeratosis. AZA does not have a teratogenic or mutagenic effect, is not toxic, and does not cause the development of resistant flora. Simultaneous use with iodine and bromine-containing substances, vitamins B6 and B12, as well as with local and systemic glucocorticosteroids is not recommended.

It should be remembered that Skinoren can cause exacerbation in the first weeks of use, healing effect appears after 4 weeks. Avoid use in severe frost and heat. Use only as recommended and under the supervision of a dermatologist. Often causes skin irritation and is not combined with cosmetic anti-acne treatments.

Retinoids- natural or synthetic compounds that exhibit an effect similar to retinol (vitamin A). In external medicinal and cosmetics Tretinoin, isotretinoin, motretinide, and adapalene are used to correct acne.

Retinoids penetrate the skin directly through the stratum corneum (transepidermal route) and through the excretory ducts of the glands (transfollicular route). The transfollicular route allows you to obtain an increased concentration of retinoids directly in the follicles, which is especially valuable in the correction of acne.

Tretinoin preparations with erythromycin: Aknemycin, Clinesfar, Erilik.

Tretinoin preparations: Airol (0.05% lotion, 0.1% cream, 0.025%, 0.05%, 0.1% gel), Atrederm (0.05% and 0.1% solution), Lokacid (0.05% cream ), Tretinoin, Retin-A (0.05% cream), 0.1% Retin-A micro gel, 0.025% Avita cream

Isotretinoin preparations: Isotrex, Retinoic ointment(0.025%. 0.05%), Retasol solution 0.025%.

Isotretinoin preparations with erythromycin: Isotrexin

Adapalene- a derivative of naphthoic acid with a retinoid-like effect.

Adapalene preparations: Differin 0.1% gel, 0.1% cream.

They have comedolytic and keratolytic effects, inhibit the growth and reproduction of propionic bacteria by creating aerobic conditions in the cavity of the sebaceous gland. It is not recommended to combine with other medications and cosmetic procedures, increasing desquamation of the epidermis (systemic retinoids, cryotherapy, peelings, cosmetic cleaning, dermabrasion, keratolytics).

During the treatment period, you should avoid direct sunlight and artificial UV light and applying medications to already tanned skin. May cause exacerbation of the disease. Use only as recommended and under the supervision of a dermatologist. Causes skin irritation.

Antibacterial drugs(Zinerite lotion - erythromycin-zinc complex, Erifluid - 4% solution of erythromycin, Dalacin - (clindamycin 1% liniment and lotion). They reduce the inflammatory response by reducing the amount of fatty acids, suppressing leukocyte chemotaxis, growth and reproduction of propionic bacteria.

May cause the formation of resistant strains of bacteria with long-term use. Rarely called allergic reactions. Combines well with anti-acne cosmetic procedures.

Currently, preference is given to combination drugs with sebum-regulating and antibacterial effects and low irritant potential.


The active components of the drug are 4% erythromycin and 1.2% zinc acetate, dissolved in a lotion that also contains ethanol and a skin softening substance - diisopropyl sebacate. Erythromycin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that inhibits the growth of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic bacterial microflora (Propionebacteries acne), reduces the migration of neutrophils, providing an anti-inflammatory effect.

Zinc acetate reduces inflammation (inhibits bacterial lipases, accelerates regeneration and promotes the inclusion of polyunsaturated fatty acids in phospholipids), reduces sebum production (5-a reductase blocker), acts as a bacteriostatic (including on erythromycin-resistant strains), reduces adhesive ability epithelial cells, preventing the formation of comedones and potentiating the penetration of erythromycin into the skin.

The drug can be used in adolescents, as well as during pregnancy and lactation. Due to its low irritant potential, it combines well with anti-acne cosmetic procedures.

Zinc preparations(Curiosin (zinc hyaluronate - 0.1% gel, solution, Zinerit - erythromycin-zinc complex, lotion). Zinc has an antiseptic, regenerating and sebum-regulating effect.

Basics active substance- zinc hyaluronate. It has a regenerating, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and sebum-regulating effect. Has no irritant potential.

Especially recommended for the care of sensitive and irritated skin with acne. Thanks to the availability hyaluronic acid(according to modern requirements to the management of wound surfaces and the treatment of damaged skin) promotes rapid physiological regeneration of the skin, and is an optimal means of preventing scars, including post-acne.

Recommended for the treatment of acne, as well as damaged skin (dermatitis from insolation, thermal damage, mechanical damage and etc.). It has no gender or age restrictions, does not cause photosensitivity, and does not form microflora resistance. When applied, it does not leave marks on clothing or skin.

Metronidazole preparations(Metrogyl gel 1%, Rozamet). Metronidazole has an anti-inflammatory effect and is highly active against anaerobic bacteria, protozoa, and demodex mites. Not prescribed for pregnant or lactating women. Apply 2 times a day either in a thin layer or locally on previously cleansed skin.

To correct post-acne: Contractubex (Merz, Germany) - contains onion extract, heparin, allantoin, hydroxybenzoate. Gel for correction of scars.

Medications prescribed by the doctor.

Correction with medicinal cosmetics

Therapeutic anti-acne cosmetics are used for the following purposes:

Leveling the phenomena of follicular keratosis, reducing inflammation, reducing sebum production;
- provision delicate care, does not irritate the skin, moisturizes it, preventing it from drying out;
- ensuring complete photoprotection of the skin;
- anti-acne cosmetics should not contain hormones, antibiotics, retinoids, or comedogenic substances.

Modern pharmaceutical anti-acne cosmetics contain AN and BN acids, less often - other keratolytics, 5-alpha reductase blockers of plant origin (sabal extract, isoflavones, saw palmetto, green tea, etc., γ-linolenic acid), antiseptics (bactylene, triclosan, plant extracts, etc.), regenerating agents (bisabolol, panthenol, allantoin, etc.), vitamins (A, C, etc.), microelements (zinc, copper, etc.), essential fatty acids (evening primrose oil, borage, black currants), moisturizing components, fat sorbents (silicon, aluminum silicates, calcium silicates, polymer granules, etc.). As a rule, anti-acne cosmetics offer comprehensive care for the skin, providing complete cleansing, moisturizing, sebum regulation, anti-inflammatory care and photoprotection.

Biologically active substances most often found in cosmetic preparations.

Azelaic acid- natural dicarboxylic acid. It has antimicrobial activity and normalizes keratinization. Often causes skin irritation.

Glycolic acid - one of the a-hydroxy acids. Causes exfoliation of horny scales, reduces hyperkeratosis of the sebaceous gland ducts, and promotes deeper penetration of other biologically active substances. Also has an irritating effect.

Salicylic acid - β-hydroxy acid - has an exfoliating and anti-inflammatory effect. It is soluble in fats, so it penetrates well into the sebaceous gland. May irritate skin.

Table 18. Hydroxy acids that are used in cosmetics (Hernandez E., Kryuchkova M., 2000)

a-hydroxy acids

Glycolic acid

Lactic acid

Apple acid

Lemon acid

a-hydroxycaprylic acid

a-hydroxycaprylic acid

Mixed fruit acid

Mixture fruit acids

Sugar cane extract

Sugarcane extract

β-hydroxy acids

Salicylic acid

b-hydroxybutanoic acid

β-hydroxybutyric acid

Tropic acid

Trethocanic acid

Tretocaninic acid

To neutralize the irritant potential of the above components medicinal cosmetics use plant extracts that have the same effect, but not causing irritation, as well as soothing and anti-inflammatory substances.

The former include extracts of chamomile, calendula, birch, celandine, etc. The latter include restructuring oils rich in essential fatty acids, (borage oil, black currant, evening primrose, etc.), lecithin, regenerating components (panthenol, allantoin, etc.)

A.G. Bashura, S.G. Tkachenko