Brunettes with blue eyes are an unexpected and wonderful combination. Makeup for brunettes with brown eyes for light, dark skin, to enlarge the eyes, for every day, photo shoots, smokey ice, nude


Each woman is beautiful in her own way, and each has her own unique appearance. Fashion designers are sure that clothes and makeup should be in harmony with the tone of our hair and eye color. And not only the style is important, but also the color scheme. The completeness of our image will depend on this. In this article we will tell you what colors go with brunettes. brown eyes.

Makeup for brown-eyed brunettes

Brunettes with brown eyes have a bright appearance by nature, so makeup should emphasize their beauty. To do this, you need to know certain rules and choose the right colors.

Day makeup for brown eyes

A woman always wants to be beautiful, but remember that daytime makeup should not be too bright and expressive. daylight and Sun rays should emphasize our freshness and immediacy.

Evening complexion

Any make-up begins with the alignment of the complexion. Best suited for this loose powder and tinted cream. And you need to choose colors, as much as possible matching the tone skin. Brown-eyed brunettes are best suited for golden and peach shades. So your skin will look natural.

loose powder and foundation to match skin tone (peach, gold)

Eyebrow correction

Brunettes are the owners of bright eyebrows, so for day makeup there is no need to separate them further. Just enough to give them desired shape and lightly add color, applying strokes with a brown pencil.

brown daytime eyebrow makeup

Creating a bright look

Now let's move on to the most basic - eye makeup. Apply shadow all over the outer eyelid. Gray and gold shades are perfect for you. In the outer corner, apply shadow one tone darker. For a smooth transition, the shades should be shaded over the entire moving eyelid. Eyeliner is preferably done with a pencil, preferably Brown color. The line should be clear, passing almost at the very growth of the eyelashes. Mascara in this case, choose also brown shades, it will not highlight your eyes too much, but at the same time it will emphasize eyelashes favorably.

step by step photo of day makeup for brunettes with brown eyes for brunettes with brown eyes step by step photo of day makeup for a brunette with brown eyes for brunettes with brown eyes

Lips as the completion of the image

Lipstick for daytime makeup should be chosen in a soft color. Just apply any lip gloss shades of pink, it will give your image freshness and sophistication.

soft pink natural lip gloss

Evening makeup for brown eyes

Evening makeup, unlike daytime makeup, should be brighter and more saturated. He will emphasize the bright beauty and passionate image of brunettes, give them charm and captivating charm.

Eyebrow highlighting

In this case, the eyebrows should be highlighted more clearly and brightly. The pencil is no longer applied with strokes, but with solid lines, creating an image femme fatale.

bright eyebrows

Eye brightness

Concerning evening look, shadows of pink, purple, blue, green colors will look perfect. And here a smooth transition is no longer so important, makeup is based on contrast. To do this, apply shadows of the same color to the entire moving eyelid, and apply a completely different shade to the outer corner of the eye. Further, all this should be carefully shaded. Don't forget to apply to the inner corner of the eye. light tone shadows, this will give the eyes an open expressive look. Glitter can be applied over the shadows, this will give the image a luxurious playfulness. Eyeliner for evening makeup should be exclusively black, it is advisable to use liquid, it will highlight the eyes more clearly. Mascara should also be black, it should be applied to both the upper and lower eyelashes.

for brunettes with brown eyes for brunettes with brown eyes golden eyelids and bright lips for a brunette with brown eyes brown and golden shadows for brunettes with brown eyes blue makeup with black eyeliner for a brunette with brown eyes black eyeliner, black mascara, natural brows, dark red lipstick and gold eye shadow photo before and after photo before and after photo before and after

Lip charm

Lipstick for evening make-up choose bright, juicy shades. It can be dark red or bright pink color. The main thing is not to overdo it with saturation, otherwise your image will turn into a vulgar one. The contours of the lips should be perfectly highlighted with a pencil. So that it does not merge with lipstick, choose a color that is one or two shades darker than lipstick.

luscious dark red lipstick black mascara, natural dark eyebrows and burgundy lipstick brunette with brown eyes before and after

Creating a blush on the cheeks

Apply pink or peach blush on your cheekbones. This will give your image a certain shyness, but at the same time elegance and femininity.

pink blush for evening makeup

What color clothes are suitable for brunettes?

The color of clothes should emphasize the beauty of brunettes no less than makeup. All items of clothing should be bright saturated colors, no pastel shades, otherwise you risk getting lost in the crowd. And do you really need such a contrast between a dazzlingly bright appearance and absolutely unremarkable clothes? Brunettes are temperamental natures, they always need to be in sight. All shades of red will look great. If you are going to a party, a bright red dress will suit you, if you have a business meeting - burgundy color would also be a win-win. Intense browns, greens and blue shades in clothes will create a chic seductive image. In general, brunettes with brown eyes are ideal models, you can experiment with color and always look at the highest level. The classic black color is perfect for you. This is especially true for women with magnificent forms, it will hide all the flaws of your figure, make you slimmer and more attractive.

Red dress burgundy suit turquoise green dress

In this article, we shared with you information about what colors suit brunettes with brown eyes. The most important thing is that the created image first of all pleases you. After all, only then will you feel confident and at ease, which will subconsciously make others admire you. Whatever you choose - image business woman or fatal beauty, in any case, you will look luxurious and stunning, because you are a brown-eyed brunette.

Makeup artists of the whole world go crazy with brown-eyed clients, whose beauty lies in a languid look, and luck lies in the bright appearance of brown-haired women, for whom nature has already created daily makeup. Makeup for brown eyes and dark hair is simple and allows you to use almost the entire range of shades of shadows and mascara, and this is the most important advantage of brunettes.

Features and Benefits

You can learn makeup from the images of overseas film stars - Jessica Alba, Monica Bellucci, Natalie Portman and Keira Knightley, Penelope Cruz and Catherine Zeta Jones. If you look at make apu each of them, it can be noted that decorative cosmetics emphasizes the natural beauty of celebrities, who, in turn, have various shade hair and eyes.

Dark hair and brown eyes are the basis of a woman's bright and memorable appearance, which does not require the use of a kilogram of "plaster". For young girls, only eyebrow mascara and a couple of drops of blush can be useful for creating everyday makeup, for mature ladies - an additional corrector and lipstick.

What are the advantages of a girl with dark eyes and hair in terms of makeup - let's talk right now:

  • Really attractive and feminine image requires grooming, so makeup artists do not recommend young girls to get involved decorative cosmetics, just tidy up the shape of the eyebrows and create even tone skin - eyelashes and eyebrows of brunettes often have dark color from nature and do not require additional staining;
  • For swarthy beauties, creating a tone is not a primary task, rather, the last one. They can add a little blush and emphasize the cilia;
  • For brown-eyed brunettes of the oriental type, cosmetics with a “winter” character are traditionally prescribed - cold shadows, cold lipstick and “frosty” pink blush, but makeup artists around the world also use a warm palette - all shades of brown from light beige to almost black;
  • Brown eyes differ from each other, and this allows you to use a separate color scheme for girls with olive eyes, brown-yellow, dark brown;
  • Hair color in makeup plays minor role, because it is so easy to change it, which you definitely cannot do with your eyes.

How to choose cosmetics?

Brown-eyed persons are all shades of brown, gray, black, green and purple - if we talk about eye and eyebrow makeup. What to exclude: blue, cyan and red on the eyes.

When choosing shadows, stop on palettes for the color type "winter" with cold shades or choose a brown gamut - brown-eyed brunettes have an amazing appearance and literally “everything suits them”. Avoid blue and blue shadows in classical technique application on the entire eyelid - they are in best case they will send you to the 90s, at worst - to the restroom to the washbasin.

For hazel-green or olive eyes all shades of green (including "dirty" olive) and brown, golden . For classic clean brown eyes (not too dark), peach, hazel, plum, lilac and pink go in addition, so instead of shadows, you can easily use suitable blush and apply them on the eyelid.

"Black eyes perfectly combined with any brown colors of shadows, silver, metallic, calm purple and lilac, and yellowish - with mustard, green, yellow shades that resemble honey in color.

If we talk about eyeliner, then select its shade according to the rules of shadows.

Black and brown pigments remain classics. Give preference quality cosmetics for eyebrows: mascara, shadows, lipstick, pencil - choose a shade of the product that is as close as possible to natural shade hair (if they are not dyed at least at the roots).

Mascara - black, brown, green or dark blue. Brown-eyed brunettes are pearlescent shadows, so feel free to “put on” them at any convenient (read evening) occasion. If we talk about brighter "flashy" shades of shadows, then choose yellow, orange, pink, sometimes blue and blue. Do not apply blue and blue shadows to the entire moving eyelid (as our grandmothers did), but make a haze over the crease of the upper eyelid, generously painting over its moving part with black eyeliner.

Types of make up: which one is suitable?


Any brunette with dark eyes can do without makeup at all - nature has especially taken care of women of oriental appearance and most Russian brown-eyed beauties. Everyday makeup usually consists of creating a tone, shaping the eyebrows and applying mascara plus a lip liner or lip balm.

Makeup for every day The best way emphasize natural beauty and don't go beyond:

  1. Apply to pre-moistened face light foundation (winter) or fluid (perfect for summer) and blend it well.
  2. Correct the shape of the eyebrow and comb the hairs up with a brush. If jyb are naturally thick and bushy, it is enough to fix them with a transparent gel, if not, additionally paint over them with a soft pencil or shadows.
  3. In eye makeup, it will be enough to make up the eyelashes with black or brown ink. You can apply shadows 2-3 tones lighter natural color eyes and blend well.
  4. A couple of drops of pink or peach blush - and a light make-up is ready. gentle image Suitable for both work and going out.


Often, festive makeup requires a large supply of cosmetics and time, but owners of brown eyes and dark hair it definitely doesn't apply. To create a bright image, it is enough to make the arrows thicker and apply two layers of mascara instead of one. So, we create makeup for a special occasion:

  1. Accentuate your natural brow shape with thin pencil, you can slightly extend its natural line - this will visually expand the eyes.
  2. Apply eye primer to the entire moving part and lightly powder. With a black pencil, paint over the mucous membrane of the upper eyelid, draw a V turned on its side on the outer corner and draw a line over upper eyelid(with a brush with pigment or pencil), which would follow its contour. Blend a dark pencil and apply brown eyeshadow to the outer corner of the eyelid, moving towards the center.
  3. Black or dark brown eyeliner will make your eyes bright - draw a rich arrow over the shadows and fix the result with mascara - 2-3 layers will be enough.
  4. To make the look festive, you can replace the matte finish of the shadows with a pearlescent one or choose a creamy texture of the shadows - it gives a denser coverage and a rich shade.

Oriental beauty makeup- Another festive option or even everyday. His technique boils down to creating a "cat look" using deep black eyeliner on the upper and lower eyelids. Depending on the shape and size of the eye, the technique varies, but it tends to create an almond shape.

When creating a gentle make-up for light or dark skin, choose shades that are 1-2 tones different from natural ones - the color of the hairs of the eyebrows and hair, the iris of the eyes. In daylight, saturated eyebrows, like eyes in general, are useless, but for the evening, do not be afraid to take shades “stronger” - 2-4 tones darker.

How to apply correctly?

Brown-eyed brunettes especially go with "smoky ice" - a kind of dark haze on dark eyes Oh. The difference between the modern "smoky ice" is the ability to use any shades (except black, as it was before). Do it step by step like this:

  1. The foundation of the basics - perfect skin. Use a light foundation + corrector + masking pencil: it is important to hide all local skin imperfections and even out the overall shade.
  2. Circle the contour of the upper and lower eyelids with a dark pencil - black, brown, gray, depending on what shade the "smoky ice" will be. Create almond shape eyes with a pencil, taking the contour beyond the natural limit.
  3. On top of the pencil, apply the darkest shadows from the palette (you know that several shades of shadows from the same palette will come in handy to create a "smoky" look). In the center, apply the main shade - brown, golden, bronze or any other - it will be an accent.
  4. With a fluffy brush, blend the shadows, turning the lines into a smooth transition of shades.
  5. Emphasize the eyeliner again with a dark pencil or liner - draw a line from approximately the middle of the lower eyelid to the outer corner, gradually making the line wider. Repeat the same with the upper movable.
  6. Apply 2-3 coats of mascara, lifting and curling the hairs.
  7. If your eyes are large, you can draw a line of kayal with a black pencil.

"Smoky ice" is a universal technique that is suitable for narrow or wide-open eyes, for any of their shades - black, green-brown, for fair-skinned and dark-skinned.

Nude makeup implies a gentle and natural look in a palette of shades that are as close as possible to flesh and pinkish. You can create "makeup without makeup" like this:

  • Moisturize the skin and apply a light tonal fluid;
  • Comb your eyebrows with a special brush and fix them with a transparent gel;
  • On the apples of the cheeks and upper eyelid apply a little pink or peach blush - they will give the image freshness;
  • On the protruding parts of the face - nose, cheekbones, chin, dimple above upper lip apply some highlighter for freshness;
  • Cover your lips with nude lipstick or a simple balm.

The most natural and at the same time beautiful image is ready. It is suitable for dark-haired beauties, and especially for girls with long and black eyelashes by nature.

Secrets of makeup artists

  • Brown-eyed and dark-haired ladies especially go with oriental makeup. Makeup artists advise using a pigment-rich black eyeliner and applying it directly along the contour of the upper lashes - this will make the look even more languid;
  • For any cut and shape of the eyes, use next technique applying shadows: in inner corners- light pigment, on the outer - dark. Start shading the light areas by the middle of the eyelid, as well as the dark ones - towards the center. Exceptions are far-set eyes, then light shadows are superimposed in the outer corners and dark ones in the inner ones.
  • If your skin is “cold” porcelain, you are very lucky. Use shades of sea color and fuchsia even on the eyes and combine them with the tone of clothing or accessories.
  • Not all makeup artists welcome orange and yellow shades in brunette makeup, just like blue and blue.. If you choose one of these, use a creamy eyeshadow texture and apply on and off the mobile eyelid for an informal doll-like look with false lashes and nude lipstick.

There are many types of beautiful ladies whom nature has awarded with a truly bright and attractive appearance. Special place among them are brunettes, who, as a rule, show the most good combination hair and eye colors. Which makeup will do best for them?

Basic Rules

If speak about basic ideas makeup for brunettes, then here they need to follow the same recommendations that are given to representatives of other types:

  • The tone must be perfect. At the time of buying foundation It is best to test in daylight. After all, its shade should almost duplicate the natural color of the skin.
  • Close attention should be given to the shape of the eyebrows. Otherwise, the face will look too deserted, framed only by a black rim of hair. On the other hand, eyebrows should not be too voluminous - because then the image may seem bulky.
  • Makeup for a brunette suggests that the colors of lipstick, blush and shadows will overlap with each other. They can be different colors, however, it is desirable to select from the same color range.

The role of skin tone

Most brunettes fall into one of the categories. Some have fair skin, while others have a darker shade. Sometimes, of course, you can meet brunettes with olive color skin, but most often a similar tone is still found among fair-haired or brown-haired women. Thus, most of the brunettes belong to the color type called "winter". After all, they clearly have a contrast between the color of the hair and the skin (even if the latter has a dark shade).

Stylists advise light-skinned brunettes to avoid too bright tones - after all, they are naturally endowed with a contrasting appearance. However, the combination of dark hair and fair skin cannot tolerate dullness. Eyes and eyebrows must be outlined.

As for the make-up for swarthy brunettes, they can not be afraid of bright colors. Suitable fuchsia, berry, coral colors. It is also recommended to use foundation dark shades or bronzing powder. Eye makeup for brunettes dark skin may include silver and greenish shades. Suitable and purple colors.

Dark-haired beauties with fair skin

This type is the most contrasting combination - after all, the hair can be almost black, and the skin can be light. Makeup for a brunette of this type has its own rules.

  • If you need to complete the image in warm colors, shades such as ice coffee, nude, chestnut tones, ivory, as well as the whole variety of brown colors are suitable.
  • In cases where makeup is required to emphasize the severity of the image, you should turn to colder colors.
  • If you want to create a bright image, you must remember that the colors should contrast with the skin.

Images for dark eyes

Brown-eyed people are advised to pay attention to bright eyeliners turquoise, mint, and sometimes yellow shades. A winning makeup option for brunettes with brown eyes is smokey eyes. In combination with a swarthy or tanned skin tone, he is able to turn them into truly fatal ladies.

Some girls may also like pink eyeshadow. However, you need to be careful with it and experiment first - whether such a shade will not create the appearance of inflamed eyes. Colors of grassy, ​​as well as mother-of-pearl shades are well suited. lipstick will do plum, peach, beige shades.

Stylists believe that makeup for brunettes with brown eyes is the easiest to pick up. After all, they fit almost any shade. Among celebrities, these are stars such as Kim Kardashian, Eva Longoria, Penelope Cruz.

Makeup for ladies with emerald eyes

The most popular brunettes with green eyes are Mila Jovovich, Kristen Stewart, Rihanna. For of this type marsh shades are great, but stylists recommend avoiding mint ones. Often, makeup for brunettes with green eyes, which are so rare to find in nature, is emphasized with a bright shade of lips.

Chocolate or chocolate will also suit green-eyed pink tones, you can experiment with lilac or purple. Lipstick recommended coral or dark pink shade. It can also complement makeup for brunettes with green eyes and holographic glitter.

Features of creating an image for light-eyed beauties

For owners of blue eyes, stylists recommend paying attention to cold shades of shadows. It can be pale lilac, pinkish, pearl colors. To create an image a la " The Snow Queen"suitable blue, azure, silver colors. Megan Fox and Katty Perry belong to this color type. Stylists do not recommend blue-eyed brunettes to turn to too bright or saturated colors. After all, the inept use of cosmetics can turn such a lady into real princess Halloween. Lipstick for brunettes with a light shade of eyes will suit a cold pink spectrum, or natural colors.


The image will not be complete if you miss this important detail. Dark-haired ladies need not worry at all - almost any shade of lipstick will suit them, and the probability of making a mistake when choosing is minimal. However, stylists recommend avoiding pale nude and brown shades of lipstick, especially for those with deep black hair.

Consider the most popular shades of lipsticks for dark-haired beauties:

  • Red. If the skin is light or pale, you should pay attention to cold lipstick shades. You can choose those that contain shimmers. A coral red color can perfectly emphasize tanned skin.
  • Pink. When choosing a lipstick of this shade, you should consider the color of the hair. Owners of a light brown or chestnut shock will suit more muted shades. For darker hair, saturated colors will be appropriate - for example, fuchsia.
  • Plum. This lipstick will be the most advantageous for those who have dark chocolate hair. Stylists recommend choosing a similar combination of hair color and lipstick for the fall.

Smokey eyes: the best option for evening makeup for brunettes

If we talk about holiday options make-up, then here, regardless of eye color, the most winning option there will be a smokey eye with arrows.

Create similar image can be done using the following algorithm:

  • First you need to shade the moving eyelid with a soft dark pencil.
  • With a fluffy cosmetic brush, the boundaries of the applied product are extinguished.
  • Shadows of dark shades or containing a shimmer are distributed on top.
  • Next, you need to smooth the border of the orbital line by applying shadows of a matte brown shade.
  • Apply under the eyebrows a small amount of highlighter.
  • Mascara is applied to the eyelashes.

Smokey Eyes is one of the most profitable options makeup for brunettes With red lipstick, he will help create the image of a femme fatale. With lighter shades, the smoky eye style is well suited for almost any holiday.

Other ways of make-up for burning beauties

Among many beauties, the gothic image is popular. However, so that it does not look too gloomy, it is better to perform it in more muted colors. To do this, you can use brown shades instead of black shadows, and shade the arrows a little.

Another way to create an attractive evening make-up for brunettes is to use metallic shades. To create such an image, it is enough to make a regular daytime make-up, adding shadows with a shining shimmer to the eyelids.

Do not go out of fashion and make-up with well-defined eyebrows, and bright shade lipsticks will create a stunning look.

Every brunette has a special attraction. Among the girls of this type there are many passionate and temperamental natures, which often find themselves in the spotlight. Special make-up will allow every brunette to become even brighter, and following the recommendations of stylists, you can become truly irresistible.

More temperamental and brighter than brunettes, perhaps, girls cannot be found. They are burning and passionate, enchant and bewitch. The blonde can get bored, and the brunette will remain in the heart of the prince for a long time ... In order for the image of the fatal beauty to be fully revealed, proper makeup.

What make-up will decorate a brunette? Read the material and wind on your mustache! All the makeup secrets of brunettes in one place!

The first secret is a foundation for a brunette person

After applying the foundation, foundation is applied to the skin of the face, neck and décolleté. Primary makeup colors dark haired ladies- neutral and beige. More light shades can turn a face into a mask. For a non-contrasting type, shades of ocher and natural tan are suitable. For a contrasting type - shades of beige or ivory. Exists general rule make-up for brunette beauties - the foundation should be as close as possible to skin color in color. For a brunette's evening make-up, the foundation can be one tone darker than the natural skin color.

The second secret is makeup powder for dark-haired beauties

This is a cosmetic required accessory make-up of dark-haired young ladies. It eliminates shine on the skin by removing excess oil on it. Also, thanks to a denser texture, it fixes the foundation and makes make up more resistant. Powder is selected exactly in the color of the skin of the face, with shades of natural tan.

The third secret is blush

To do the right makeup for a brunette, you should be careful about blush. Dark tones blush can make the skin look sick and tired. Better to use warm colors blush - coral, peach. At the same time, when making a make-up for a brunette, the applied blush should be carefully shaded so as not to get an unnatural, puppet effect.

The fourth secret is the right eye makeup for brunettes

Of course, eye makeup for brunettes depends on the shape, cut and color of the eyes. In every specific case it will be a make-up for a particular girl who has her own personality. But general tips and recommendations exist.

Make-up features for brown-eyed brunettes

Brunettes with brown eyes are the brightest type among dark-haired beauties. They attract attention even without makeup, so inept makeup for a brunette can ruin the charm, it will look like war paint. Makeup for brunettes with brown eyes focuses on the most attractive element of this type - the eyes.

Brown eyes allow you to use the widest palette of colors for make-up. This is the advantage of brown-eyed brunette ladies. Preference should be given color scheme brown, herbal and pink flowers. These should be the dominant colors and shades.

Makeup for brown-eyed brunettes should not clog natural colors, it should emphasize them. Since the emphasis is on the eyes, they should be highlighted with a contour. For fair skin, brown or hazel arrows are suitable. Dark skin is not afraid of black eyeliner. Shadows can be used from light to dark tones and shades. Brown-eyed brunettes have dark, naturally thick eyelashes. Mascara of any color is suitable for them: black, dark brown, dark blue.

Makeup for a brunette does not highlight the lips. They can be applied with a gloss of light or dark pink or crimson. Red lipstick for dark-haired beauties can be used for an evening make-up. But, the shade of lipstick should not be bright, but terracotta or coral.

Make-up features for green-eyed brunettes

The main colors for makeup for brunettes with green eyes are brown, black, pink, olive.

Makeup for green eyes of brunettes uses silver and golden shadows that blend favorably with shades. unusual color eye. Pale skin harmonizes with lilac or purple shadows. Dark skin requires green eyeshadow with a brown tint. To do evening make-up for a brunette with green eyes, you can use shades of a bronze hue.

The completion of the make-up is lipstick in dark pink, coral or ruby ​​​​color. Peach blush will give tenderness created image. The color of the pencil and ink is brown. Evening option make-up brunette with green eyes can be made brighter and even extravagant. This will help bright, shining colors of lipstick and lip gloss.

Features of a make-up for blue-eyed brunettes

A rather rare natural combination of dark hair and blue eyes requires a very careful selection of colors to make the right makeup for a brunette with blue eyes. This type of appearance does not require excessive colors. A brunette with blue eyes is a contrast of light and dark tones. Therefore, to smooth out this contrast, make-up for a brunette should use delicate mother-of-pearl colors: pale pink, silver, purple, light brown, lilac, beige.

A black-haired beauty with blue eyes will favorably emphasize the beauty of her eyes, using shades of three shades - silver, lilac, pearl. Blush should also be slightly noticeable, aged in delicate peach and pinkish tones. Lip makeup is light pink.

Brunettes are lucky like never before - dark hair color is now at the peak of popularity.

Many fair-haired girls dye their hair in trendy shades of black and brown. There are even many hairstyles that are more suitable for dark-haired girls. But dark hair makes the face lighter, which means that makeup should not be the same as for blondes or red-haired ladies.

To look your best in the new season, read our article, where we will tell you: what color brunettes are repainted in 2019 fashion, what hairstyles are in trend for them and what makeup is better to do.

Fashionable hair coloring for brunettes

If your hair is perfectly black, then you can be sure that you look fashionable and you should not change color.

Now the trend is a deep, shiny, rich black tone. Greenish, reddish and bluish shades are a thing of the past. But if you still want a non-uniform coloring, use caramel, coffee, nut and chocolate shades.

Besides, it's trendy right now. different techniques staining:

  • ombre,
  • sombre,
  • babylights,
  • balayage,
  • colombre,
  • strobing,
  • classic highlighting.

In 2019, the following shades of hair will be in fashion:

  1. Deep black, chocolate and muted black. Such a shade to the face of dark-skinned women with brown eyes. The dark brown shade is perfect for girls with a smooth hair structure.
  2. Sunny caramel. To create such a shade, two colors are combined - chocolate and honey. He is excellent suits the girls with thin hair, as it visually adds volume. Another plus is that it rejuvenates the face, giving it a radiant look.
  3. Red, fiery copper and chestnut. This shade gives brightness and originality to the image, as well as attracts attention.
  4. Violet. This shade looks quite impressive and noble. It is suitable for bold, creative ladies who love to experiment with looks.
  5. Silver, Ash, Gray. Hair coloring in this shade is a real hit of the year. Noble gray hair on all hair and on individual strands along the entire length or from the middle will be popular not only among brunettes.

Hairstyles for brunettes 2019

Dark hair color effectively emphasizes both dark skin and light skin in white-skinned beauties. A well-chosen hairstyle allows you to focus on more attractive facial features. In the new season, a variety of stylish simple and extravagant haircuts will be fashionable.

For brunettes with long hair, this season recommends doing different lungs hairstyle options with large and small curls, straight and wavy hair. Hairstyle with loose or slightly collected hair It will be appropriate both at parties and celebrations, and at work or in everyday situations.

Beauties with dark hair have a mysterious attraction and unpredictability, so they are characterized by the most daring images and haircuts:

  • caret - classic, bob-caret, elongated, etc.;
  • ladders, cascades and other haircut options with strands of different lengths;
  • asymmetry - not only on the bangs, but on all hair;
  • torn ends.

Will be very popular short haircuts. Especially on smooth hair different geometric shapes of hairstyles look great. For them, solid hair coloring is preferable.

If you want to do layered haircut, you can try highlighting with shades a couple of tones lighter than the main color. For dark skin, reddish or copper shades, and for light-skinned beauties, the chestnut color of the strands is recommended.

For any haircut, bangs will be appropriate - long and short, even and asymmetrical, covering one eye or cut off “under the root”. The choice, as you can see, is great.

Makeup trends for brunettes

During makeup Special attention should pay attention to the following:

  1. Powder tone. Choose dark yellow and tobacco shades if your skin is dark and your eyes are brown or dark gray. For light skin, take beige-pink shades.
  2. blush tone. Coral, brown and dark peach shades look perfect. Light-skinned ladies will suit pink tones of blush.
  3. Eyes. Brown-eyed girls you can safely use mascara, eyeliner and dark shadows. Shades of brown shades are suitable for them. And for the owners of black, blue and gray eyes it is better to use a palette of grays, blues and purple flowers. For light brown and green eyes, brown mascara should be taken, and shadows should be green or bronze.
  4. Lips. Dark-haired should definitely highlight the lips rich colors. To do this, use contour pencil the same color as the lipstick, but choose a slightly darker tone. Black-haired brunettes with dark eyes can use red, ruby, raspberry lipstick. For girls with a chestnut hue, you should pay attention to everyday coral and dark pink shades, and for an evening look, you can take red-brown and ruby ​​​​lipstick.

It was a review latest trends haircuts, makeup and hair shades for 2019 for brunettes.

More fashion images you can look at the photo in this article.

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