How to fix a bad cascade haircut. What to do if the haircut is unsuccessful

Church holidays

Anyone can make a mistake, but a hairdresser's mistakes look extremely offensive. Just yesterday you were hoping to receive harmonious image after visiting a beauty salon, and today you are shedding bitter tears over your irretrievably damaged hair... Surely the situation is familiar to many women, which means there is reason to discuss ways to solve some hairdressing mistakes.

1. Where is my bangs?!

The request to trim bangs or give them an interesting shape comes from beauty salon clients quite often. Professionals often make mistakes, as a result of which the client receives too much short bangs, or its extremely unattractive form.
The situation with length can be corrected only by using hairpins, hoops or bandages. Put it on one side, lay it on top, or even pin it up altogether - these are the actions you will have to resort to for 2-3 weeks.
If the length does not seem completely ruined, you can add a couple of millimeters to it thanks to a trick during drying: apply a little heat protectant to the bangs, press the hair tightly to the forehead and dry with a stream of cool air. Visually, the bangs will become longer.

In the case of an incorrect form, everything is more complicated, since only a super-professional can correct the situation. Another option is to wait until the hairs grow a little and make another attempt to get the desired shape.

2. Haircut too short

Many hairdressers work so passionately that they are unable to settle on the hair length requested by the client. As a result, the woman gets a reason for great upset!
What can you do? Firstly, it is permissible to use a hair straightener to visually lengthen the haircut (an option for those who are not looking for volume!). Secondly, you can temporarily arm yourself with a scarf or accessories for curls and create an intricate hairstyle. Thirdly, you can purchase false strands. With the help of the latter, you can not only restore the length of your hair, but also gain volume.

3. Give me back my color!

Most hairdressers prefer to impose their own vision on clients. color scheme. Some women manage to insist on their own, while others succumb to persuasion and, as a rule, get unsatisfactory results.
If you are painted the wrong color, the situation can be corrected in two ways:
- Take advantage of the miracle remedy
Each salon has a remover that will remove the color from your hair in a matter of minutes.
— Choose highlighting or coloring
If you have the opportunity to experiment, you can return to the salon and ask the specialist to dilute the color with light or dark strands.

Of course, fight with unsuccessful staining It is possible at home (using folk recipes), but this will take time.

It happens that the hairdresser has nothing to do with the embarrassment that occurs with the appearance of the hair. For example, a woman may encounter overgrown roots when her hairdresser is busy. In this situation, you should arm yourself with a cotton swab and colored eyebrow wax of the required shade. After soaking the swab in the product, you can safely treat the hair roots with it. Of course, the result will be short-lived, but it will relieve you of uncertainty about your own irresistibility. For the same purpose, you can use a gel eye liner or tinted balm.

No less common problem- loss of shine in hair. In this case, it is recommended to resort to folk recipes. Blondes, for example, should rinse their curls with chamomile decoction and apply a small amount of warm olive oil. For brunettes, infusions of oak and sage bark and steeply brewed coffee are suitable. Red-haired girls are advised to have a rosehip decoction on hand, which, when rinsed, copes well with the lack of shine.

Remember that the beauty of your hairstyle lies in your own hands. Before going to the hairdresser, choose a photo of the haircut that seems most suitable to you. Let the master work while looking at the photo. And also, sometimes in order to evaluate new image, need time!

A bad haircut can seem like a real disaster. Hairdressing mistakes have ruined the mood of many women. But don’t rush to lock yourself at home or look for a wig - the situation can still be improved. In this article you can read what to do if your haircut was not exactly the way you wanted.

Correcting a short haircut

If you asked your hairdresser, but he got a little carried away and cut off the excess, then take out your hair straightener. Using this device, you can smooth and stretch your curls, which will create the illusion of greater length.

If the iron does not give the required length, you can purchase false strands on hairpins - at appearance today they are in no way inferior to natural hair, moreover, they can add 20 or more centimeters. Plus, you can experiment with the color of the strands - now lighter ends of the hair or even bright ones - orange, blue, lilac - are very popular.

If you really can’t wait to get your hair back to length, then the only way out is extensions. However, this method is quite radical. Moreover, today the trend is hair length up to the shoulder blades and above. You can be at the peak of fashion for some time.

Coping with multi-level haircuts

Take a curling iron and curl the ends towards your face, this will make your hair look fuller.

Now let's imagine a different situation. You asked your hairdresser to do a ladder cut to add volume and liven up your hairstyle. However, the extra layers, on the contrary, made the hair expressionless and lacking volume. What can you advise in this case? Take a curling iron and curl the ends towards your face, this will make your hair look fuller.

A ribbon tied around the head will also help to disguise overly straight strands.

In the end, the hair can be gathered into a bun at the back of the head, secured with hairpins or bobby pins.

Correcting bangs

Don’t be afraid that this part of the hairstyle immediately catches your eye; even its imperfections can be disguised. Various accessories will help you with this, for example, hairpins or bobby pins. Lift your bangs up or pin them to the side, and no one will notice the hairdresser's mistakes. You can also tie a silk scarf or ribbon on your head, this will completely cover the problematic bangs.

If the bangs are straight, but too short, they can be visually lengthened, for example, while drying with a hairdryer. Simply point the hair dryer from top to bottom and then press the still warm hair to your forehead.

removing asymmetry

If the hairstyle turns out to be completely uneven, the first desire that arises is to take up the scissors yourself - you need to hold back. It just seems that cutting off a couple of centimeters on one side is not difficult. In fact, this can lead to even worse consequences.

Go to the master. You can go to the person who cut your hair so creatively, and after communicating with him (and maybe with the administrator), agree to have your hair trimmed for free. Well, what if it comes to this You are no longer a match for the “artist”, consult with your friends and find a more successful hairdresser.

Search the Internet interesting styling that match yours new haircut and face type.

Trying different looks

Sometimes The best way fix a bad haircut - start experimenting with hairstyles. Search the Internet for interesting styles that suit your new haircut and face type, and buy a couple of styling products.

A variety of braids and weaves, buns, shells, ponytails will help you wait until your hair grows - in general, it’s time to look for something new. In any case, give free rein to your imagination and finally try hairstyles that you haven’t dared to try before. You might even like these kinds of experiments.

How to avoid a bad haircut

Of course, no professional is immune from mistakes, and yet the risk of failure can be minimized:

  • Take with you a photo - a star whose hairstyle you want, or yourself with the perfect hairstyle, length and style. Describe all your wishes in as much detail as possible.
  • Tell the stylist how you treat your hair - how you style it (and whether you style it at all), how you dry it, whether it is manageable or not. This makes it much easier to get a haircut.
  • If you see yourself in the mirror and immediately gasp that it’s not you, don’t rush to redo everything. Sometimes girls need time to get used to the image - regardless of whether it has changed a lot or not much. Maybe in a day you will already get into character and fall in love new hairstyle even stronger than the usual old one.

Only those of us who spent our entire lives with a long braid and family light brown. A failed experiment with style has good side- the hair grows back, and the bad thing is not as fast as we would like. Here are a few emergency measures, which can improve the situation if you had a bad haircut, you burned your hair or got confused by a demon, and for some reason you cut your bangs.

Problem: Cutting my hair too short before a big event

No matter what the advertising says, there is no magic mask that will speed up natural growth your hair in a couple of uses. According to Dr. Rachel Nazarian of New York's Schweiger Dermatology Clinic, we can't force hair to grow faster; it grows 1 to 1.5 centimeters longer every month. So don't waste your time on meaningless magic.

The fastest thing you can do is extensions, but you will have to spend a lot of money on it.

Don’t even consider disposable extensions, they always look unnatural and can create a lot of awkward moments.

The easiest way is to resign yourself to fate and think about your hairstyle short hair. If you get an indefinite length, cut it into a trendy bob. Although it is short, it leaves a lot stylish options styling

Problem: cut my bangs too short

Be thankful that baby bangs are in fashion, which means the length can be almost any.

Short bangs should not be too blunt - this problem occurs in girls with thick hair.

Ask your hairdresser to profile your bangs well and create a jagged edge to give the ends more texture. The effect of negligence should appear - this way it will look softer and more natural.

Problem: I cut my bangs and it’s too hot in the summer

Wearing bangs in summer is a no-no. best idea, any dermatologist will tell you about this.

Since it takes time to grow your hair, learn how to style your bangs beautifully.

Twist and pin with bobby pins, weave into your hair, pin on the side. So forehead and .

Problem: you did a cascade and you regret it

There are two options. The first is radical: get rid of the boring “ladder” by cutting your hair to the shortest layer.

The second is a compromise: mask the layers more dark color hair.

Of course, a complete transformation will not work, but it will only show the silhouette, and the texture of the hair will not be too noticeable. This is the only way to save the length.

Problem: Your hair is cut in a cascade and you don't like the way it fits.

If you want to be more like Alexa Chung than Rachel Green, do soft waves hair straightener and fix with wax.

The hairstyle should have a lot of texture and casual volume.

For those who want to hide the cascade and make more neat hairstyle, it is better to apply styling gel and straighten your hair so that the ends do not bend upward.

Problem: burned my hair

Severely damaged ends on long hair are easier to cut off - nothing can be more beautiful than healthy hair.

But if you have a bob and there is nowhere to cut it, get ready to spend money on good professional products.

Take a mask and conditioner with keratin: the mask will thicken the hair from the inside, and the conditioner will smooth out the scales from the outside. Your hair will instantly look smoother and shinier, but you won't be able to reverse the damage with just one application.

You will have to at least temporarily give up stressful procedures - hair dryer, ironing. If you cannot completely exclude them, always use thermal protection. For laying porous fine hair you will need good styling with silicone.

Have you ever had bad hairstyles and how did you get out of the situation?

Be sure to inform your hairdresser if you are unhappy with their work. It could happen that you didn’t even realize right away that the haircut was bad, but only realized when you returned home. In this case, call your stylist. If the haircut can still be corrected (when there is enough hair on the head), then everything is great, just sign up again. If not, don't risk making things worse than they already are, just wait for the hair to grow back.

If a trusted hairdresser, whom you have been going to for a long time, gave you a bad haircut, it is better to forgive and ask for a partial or full refund. Failures happen to everyone: maybe your stylist just had a bad day or you didn't understand each other. Next time he will definitely correct his mistake. If you have been to a new hairdresser and are sure that you will definitely not go to him next time, take your money back and return to someone you trust. There's no point in letting someone cut your hair again if your relationship started with a bad haircut. Or contact a new one, asking him to fix a bad haircut.

Calm down

As a consolation, remember the fact that hair grows 2 cm per month. Very soon your hair will grow to a length where you can change your haircut. For the first time you will be happy dark roots(unless, of course, you dye your hair). If you're lucky, you'll even eventually come to the conclusion that the haircut isn't so bad after all, and you might even like it. Growing out hair with a bad cut is a challenge, but you can always wear a hat. By the way, they suit many women very well. If this isn't your thing, read on.

Fix a bad haircut yourself

Try a different hairstyle

For straight hair, try adding volume using a curling iron or other products. Volume always helps hide the actual haircut. If your hair is curly or fluffy on its own, try straightening it, it will visually look longer. In any case, try to style the unsuccessful haircut in a new way - perhaps this will be the solution.

Use hair accessories

Now there are so many various accessories and hair decorations! A bad haircut is a reason to try something new. If you have enough long hair, pull them back, leaving a couple of strands to frame your face. Use any accessories, hairpins, jewelry, removing hair in “problem” areas. Also try hairbands - you will definitely find something for yourself suitable color and style. Just think how many hairstyles and options for styling and hair decoration you will try! I hope this sounds encouraging. If your hair is too short, blow dry it straight and comb it to the side. Then secure them with a bobby pin or a beautiful hairpin.

Use artificial hair

you can find artificial tails, braids and just straight hair with a clip, now they are sold anywhere. If you can find your hair shade, you're in luck. You can instantly make yourself beautiful tail or braid without any effort. And fix a bad haircut.

Straight artificial curls are much more difficult to fix correctly; a professional’s hand is needed here. By the way, you can choose both artificial and natural hair. Natural ones are more expensive, but they look natural. Since the prices for any curls are quite high, you will have to decide whether your haircut is bad enough to spend that kind of money. Caring for such hair has its own characteristics, so if you like simplicity and speed, this option is not for you.

Whatever option you choose to help with a bad haircut, remember that this is not forever. Very soon your hair will grow back, and you will forget about it like a bad dream.

What to do if you don't like your haircut? Of course you can wait, because time is best friend broken hearts and bad haircuts, but you always want to please yourself.
You can go back to the salon or go to a new one to fix the damage, but if you think the cut has left your hair too short, you won't want to do it. Moreover, the very sight of scissors can bring tears to your eyes! Bad haircuts are a harsh reality of life, no matter how much you convince yourself that you need to communicate your desires more clearly, or that you shouldn't go to an unfamiliar stylist. Luckily, there are a few tricks that can help you fix a hairstyle you don't like. In addition, this will not take much time and you will not need to visit the salon again.

1. Use hair accessories

Hair accessories are a lifesaver for those people who don’t like their haircut. You are sure to find some accessory that will transform you into better side. You may have to pin up unsightly strands with bobby pins or hide your staircase with a hoop. You'll even be forced to use hats and scarves, although over time you can choose any accessories you like. Make them your highlight and no one will think that you don’t like your haircut.

2. Dye your hair

Sometimes coloring your hair can inhale it new life. Sometimes new color can turn a bad haircut into an amazing one. If you're regretting having a short, choppy haircut, think about how bright the color will suit your bold haircut, such as platinum white, black and blue or even hot pink. Whatever your haircut is, you may like it better if you change your hair color. Even highlighting and coloring can completely change its appearance.

3. Use hair extensions

If your hair is too short, you don't like the shape of it, or suddenly find yourself with an uneven hairline, hair extensions or extensions can help. Be that as it may, if you want, get your hair extensions - as long as you are happy! However, if you don't have the time, money or inclination to use the services of professionals, regular hair extensions can give you a fashionable and fresh look, which will help you forget about your bad haircut.

4. Braid your hair

There are almost no haircuts that cannot be corrected with braids. You can wear braids even if you have short hair, so be creative. Braids will make your hair look more attractive and interesting, and they can help you forget that it will take some time for your hair to grow out.

5. Make a new parting

Sometimes you just need to try a new parting to breathe life into a haircut you don't like. It will show you from a different side and transform your face. You will also experience increased volume, especially if you regularly experiment with your hair. You can move your parting from the middle to the side, or instead of just letting your hair down, lift it up and lay it on the side.

6. Explore the big world of cosmetics

A little cosmetic can go a long way important role. Your new staircase might not look so bad if you used a little styling product. Bob can become your favorite haircut if you apply a little spray with sea ​​salt to give it a disheveled look. Cosmetical tools They won't always be your lifesaver, but it's worth trying to use them to fix a haircut you don't like.

7. Get to Know Your Styling Tools

If you're trying to adjust to a new haircut, try styling tools. You may need to practice a little with the flat iron or add some curls and waves. At the very least, you might start to like your haircut as it starts to grow out a little. However, if you haven't used styling tools before, ask people who often use straightening irons or hot rollers for advice!

Since we ourselves have often encountered this problem, we sympathize with those who are trying to cope with a bad haircut. Once you find a style that works for you, you'll feel more confident that you can wait until your hair grows out and don't rush into fixing your haircut until you're quite ready. What was your last bad haircut? What did you do to fix it?