How to meet a girl in a nightclub? Winning dating options. How to meet a girl at a disco or nightclub


There are many ways to meet a girl. But you should choose a suitable place for this. The most accessible and simple of them is to meet in a nightclub. Most discotheque visitors come there not only to dance, but also to communicate with other people, especially with the opposite sex. Girls in this place are disposed to conversation, and almost all attempts by a man to establish contact will be received positively. This article will discuss how to meet a girl in a nightclub.

Where does communication begin?

In order for a woman to pay attention to a man, he must have. Therefore, before going out into the world, young man you have to get yourself in shape. You can go to the club in anything, but the main thing is to exclude slovenliness. It is best to choose clothes in light colors, for example, white t-shirt or a shirt, and blue jeans instead of black trousers. But this requirement is not always obligatory to fulfill, it only helps to stand out in the crowd, because in the twilight white or bright things are more noticeable than black or gray. Another criterion for the external image is the cleanliness of clothes and shoes.

In most clubs, the pass is carried out through face control, so a sloppy man may not be allowed inside. It is also prohibited in such establishments. sportswear and shoes. Before you think about how to meet a girl in a club, think over the appearance. It all starts with the preparation of a man proper clothes and shoes, as well as self-care, which consists in cutting the hair on the head, giving beauty to the beard and mustache, if any, choosing a pleasant perfume.

Important nuances of dating in the club

How to meet a girl in a nightclub? Before you go in search of a companion of the evening, you need to familiarize yourself with some of the features of this action:

  1. The same purpose of visiting the institution. Men and women come to the club for one thing - dating. This means that the girl will begin to communicate with an unknown person without any problems. And her phrase that the purpose of the stay is to come in company with friends, dance and relax, but not in search of acquaintance with the opposite sex, is a lie. The real reason- it is communication with a man.
  2. The ideal tactic to start a conversation is the absence of a reason. Based on the first paragraph, we can conclude that it is not necessary to look for a reason for communication, because the goals of spending time are the same. No need to rack your brains in search of the first phrase, improvisation - the best choice V this place. The guy just needs to muster up the courage and come up, and the conversation will start by itself with absolutely any phrase.
  3. Suitable environment. Influenced by music and alcoholic beverages girls become relaxed and open to communication. Especially the level of a lady's readiness for verbal contact is indicated by the amount of alcohol consumed. A guy with sufficient self-confidence, having experience of dating in other places, can easily communicate.

The goal should be the reason for action.

To understand how to meet a girl in a club, you must follow the recommendations below.

It is quite obvious why a man meets a woman in a club, but it’s worth approaching a lady: to communicate, to take a phone number or invite somewhere, for example, home, for a quieter and more relaxed atmosphere. Not infrequently, from a large amount of alcohol, from excitement, a guy forgets to take contact details, and the acquaintance that has begun has no continuation due to the inability to find each other.

Phone number

So how to meet a girl in a club? First and main recommendation consists in the obligatory, even automatic taking of a phone number from a representative of the opposite sex you like. But the fulfillment of this paragraph does not always guarantee positive result. A girl can give the wrong number or not her own, and also not pick up the phone during a call if she did not like something during communication. With any outcome of events, a man will increase his self-esteem by approaching a woman and starting a conversation. Even in the event of an unsuccessful attempt, then he will not regret that he did not use his chance.

Don't waste time!

You should not waste time, and immediately upon arrival at the club, you need to start getting to know the girls. Women come to the disco for dancing, and men, as a rule, are not interested in this, or they don’t know how, and their goal is to win the attention of the object of desire.

Neatness and neatness

A man must look neat, not only the smell of alcohol, but also the aroma of a pleasant perfume should come from him. Even if a guy is very handsome in appearance, this is not a guarantee that a girl will like him, because a pleasant face needs neat hairstyle, and neat clothes, as well as clean shoes. It would not be superfluous to use a minimum of accessories, but not earrings in the ear, but, for example, a watch. A club where you can meet a girl is suitable for almost anyone. The main thing is that there were a lot of people and a pleasant atmosphere.

When a guy strikes up a conversation with a girl, he must speak loudly so that he can be heard against the background of noisy music, but not go over to screaming. The first phrase should correspond to the atmosphere of the club. Suitable are: “Good evening, I didn’t know that you were here today”, “Hi, you must be a model, you have such beautiful figure? - No, I'm a financier. “But you can’t tell, you don’t look like an office worker”, “Girl stop! Could you please come to me. I need to say something" and other similar phrases.

treat me to a drink

Great occasion start dating - invite the girl to treat her with a drink. But there is a big risk that she just uses this chance, for the sake of free alcohol, but not to communicate with a guy, and when the drink is over or tired, she will find an excuse to leave. Therefore, spending money on an unknown girl is not reasonable, because the investment may be in vain.


The main mistake guy is considered the question: "Can I meet you?". No need to ask permission, giving the girl the right to answer. Yes, and this question shows self-doubt. After starting a conversation, the guy should remove the frames like “YOU”, and immediately switch to “YOU”.

Know the measure in alcohol

If the reason for visiting the club is not the reason to get drunk, but to find a girl for a pleasant pastime, then you need to drink alcohol in small quantities. And the lady who just came, has not yet had time to drink, will not want to communicate with a drunken man.

joint dance

The music is not always dynamic, because often the DJ puts on slow songs. Here it is important not to get confused, and invite the girl to dance, if, of course, the guy knows at least the basics of movements, he will be extremely careful not to step on his partner's feet. In the club you can meet like this in a simple way: approach the girl on the dance floor, ask her name, and invite her to go to a secluded place with a phrase about loud music. The lady, as if by inertia, will follow the interlocutor. Help with anything is also an option. It is not uncommon for a girl to meet a guy in a club to help him with any request. For example, a man asked for chewing gum, and a woman willingly borrowed it, and after that a conversation began.

If in a noisy environment the guy did not hear the name and did not enter it along with the number on the phone, then you need to tactfully ask again, for example, “How do you want me to write you down?”.

To take a girl out of the club, just say: "Let's go for a walk around the night city" or "Let's leave this place." If you are not in the mood to make acquaintances, then you should not do this, so as not to spoil the evening not only for yourself, but also for others. And in general in this state it is better not to go to the club.

In which club you can meet a girl, and how to do it, every guy will understand over time. The tips above will help you do just that.

Unusual dating situations

Many are wondering how to meet a girl in a club using all sorts of situations. The answer can be found by examining them with examples:

  1. The guy buys two drinks, walks through the hall towards the girl he likes, and as soon as he catches up with her, he offers to drink on brotherhood. Surprisingly, the lady agrees, and they cross their arms with glasses, while in a positive atmosphere. Then the conversation starts.
  2. Some girls interrupt dances for a smoke break, or go with friends for company. If the guy doesn't have bad habit and cravings for cigarettes, it's still worth going to this place. The smoking room is conducive to communication, because people often ask each other for cigarettes there, or just chat when they are together. But it's important not to monologue about harm tobacco smoke and nicotine, and talk about more abstract topics.
  3. The clubs have areas with tables where you can sit. Very often there sit lonely girls. And not to use it for dating is stupid. You can just go up to the girl at the table and offer to drink a cocktail together. In the case of a positive answer, you need to quickly order alcohol and sit down with the lady. This scheme works flawlessly. Another option is to ask the waiter to bring the girl, for example, a bottle of champagne, while paying for it. And as a token of gratitude, she will either come up herself, or you can sit down with her, offering to drink together. Next method for this situation - passing by the table at which the girl is sitting, stop abruptly and sit down, saying that he is tired of dancing and needs to rest a bit. At the same time, casually ask her name.
  4. Bar counter - one more perfect place. When a beautiful girl is standing next to a guy with a drink, you just need to ask him to keep him company for a drink.

Acquaintance on the dance floor and at the entrance to the club

If a guy knows how to move well, then you can inadvertently approach the girl and tie a tandem. In the dance, people are liberated and this brings them together quite well. After the fading of another musical composition, you can start a dialogue.

If the institution has face control, then often a queue forms at the door. Seeing a pretty girl in this crowd, you just need to approach and ask a simple question, like: “Hi, how do you like this place? Do you visit often? You can make a gentlemanly gesture - open the door in front of a lady or take a coat in the wardrobe.

Signs to help you choose

A girl who is open for acquaintance gives herself away by her behavior:

  1. She often looks around, drives her eyes around the room, catching the glances of the guys.
  2. He flirts with everyone, smiles and laughs a lot, and also actively communicates.
  3. The girl stands out bright makeup and clothing color.
  4. The lady chooses a location at the bar, at a table or away from the crowd so that she can be easily approached.

If a guy noticed one of these signs in a girl, then the first thing to do is to be in her field of vision when she notices, it’s worth smiling or winking. After waiting for a positive response from the lady, you can safely go towards her. How formerly a man will understand how to meet a girl in a club, the more time he will spend there with benefit. But for communication to bring results, he must behave appropriately, look neat and be in a good mood.


Is it possible to meet in the club, and how to do it, is described in this article. The main thing is to follow these recommendations, and not be upset if you didn’t manage to communicate with the girl you like, but follow your goal.

Most guys don't know how meet a girl in the club, how to behave, how to approach, what to say and many more questions. Often because of insecurity, it is difficult for guys to get acquainted with a girl. in club or because of another reason or problem, but if you clearly decide to learn how to get acquainted in clubs, then you can learn.

In the article you will learn how to get acquainted with a girl in a club what you need to know, be able to do and what you need to correct in yourself in order to communicate and get to know girls has become much easier and easier. The most important thing is just to know what you want and go towards your goal.

To meet a girl in a club, you need to learn how to dance beautifully and interestingly, love clubs and girls. If you personally do not like being in a club, then there is no point in getting acquainted there. There are many other places to meet. If you still learn how to dance beautifully and eye-catching, then you will interest many girls so that they themselves will begin to approach you to get acquainted.

Decide what you want

Before you go to a club to meet a girl in a club, you need to decide what you need all this for. According to statistics, only 20% of people after meeting in the club were able to create successful relationship. If you do not have goals and plans for Serious relationships, then you can safely get acquainted with the girls in the club, especially if you have extra money.

If you want long relationship, then you should not choose a club as a place for dating. Everyone can learn meet with a girl in a club, but you need to understand that time and money do not like to be wasted.

Take courage

To meet a girl in a club, you just need to muster up the courage and approach her. Everyone does it differently, but it’s better to get to know each other sober in order to overcome inner fear forever, not just for the short term. Brave guys get the best and beautiful girls, as modest and shy people are afraid to be the first to approach and get acquainted.

To meet a girl in club, no need to think about who you are, forget about everything and behave the way you should behave with a girl. Be bold and confident. If your voice is trembling and you are afraid to approach, then it’s better not to approach yet, since such an acquaintance will lead to nothing. But remember, in order to overcome this fear, in any case, you will need to approach more than one girl.

How to meet a girl

Ask a girl to dance

If you don't know how meet a girl in a club, then just go up to her and invite her to dance if the appropriate music for a dance together has started playing in the club. But before that, it is advisable to practice at home and learn to dance. You can make an appointment with a professional to have him or her teach you how to dance beautifully.

If you learn how to dance wonderfully in a club, then meeting a girl will not be special work because often they will come to you. Remember, girls love guys who dance and move beautifully, because of this, mostly normal girls and go to the club, without selfish goals. Dance for a girl is something more than for a guy and a man.

But do not think that with one dance and your active movements you will force the girl to spend the night with you. The girl needs to be conquered. At any age, for a female, it is important for a man to behave in society - how he is dressed, whether his shoes are clean, how he looks at the girl, then how he will speak to her for the first time, what words he will choose for greeting. All this in total makes the girl understand what the guy is like and whether it is worth starting a conversation with him.

If you dance seductively while looking passionately at the girl or winking at her from time to time, your desire to get to know the girl better may end there. In order for a girl to pay attention to you, you need to stand out from the crowd and show her that you are more interested in her than all the other ladies present here. For this you need to act.

If she says "no" to me?

Most guys are afraid that a girl will immediately say “no” to them. If you approach her without hinting at anything, start a conversation, no one will send you to hell. Very right action there will be a cautious display of interest on your part. You should not put pressure on the girl and force her to drink the cocktail you bought or drag her to the dance floor so that she jumps with you. When a girl becomes interested in you, wants to communicate with you, she will not refuse you to dance or take a walk after the club.

The main goal is to make a first impression. So pay attention to how you leave your apartment when you head to the club. Is everything in order with you - is the T-shirt / shirt / T-shirt ironed qualitatively, are the shoes / sneakers clean and if the hair is not dirty. Everything should be as good as if you are going on your first date. By the way, in some situations, everything happens like this - the first acquaintance takes place in the club, and at the same time the first pastime together.

To be afraid of wolves - do not go into the forest

Since you came to the club and set yourself a goal - meet a girl, you must admit, it is stupid to return home and understand that you have not achieved your goal. “What will happen tomorrow or the day after tomorrow”, “and will anything happen to her at all.” I liked the girl - act. Why do you need tomorrow if it hasn't come yet? Modern youth lives today, this minute, appreciates every second of life.

How can you meet a girl

Choose Your Dinner Carefully

Girls enjoy smells. Smells mean a lot to women. Therefore, be vigilant during the evening meal before going out to the club, as there are products whose smell cannot be masked by mint "orbit" or even menthol toothpaste. Give up hot spices, onions, garlic, fish in any form, spicy ketchup and similar foods. Whatever you eat for dinner, take a shower and brush your teeth. Bring gum with you to the club.

Guys mistakes

- Don't show how cool you are . Girls do not perceive unnecessary show-off.

- Don't start a conversation with stupid phrases and questions like “What are you doing?” or “Oh baby, hi, how are you?”.

- Taboo - asking her age . Since she's in the club, she's eighteen. And this is the main thing. If you can't wait to find out her age after talking a little, ask her sometime what year she graduated from high school. Or find out how long she has been in university/college.

- Don't be too humble , but also unleashed to be out of place in this case. Be polite and respectful.

- Don't use swear words . Yes, someone once decided that swear words are swear words and their use is unacceptable in high society. swear words always annoying to hear. But these are the norms of behavior, and you should not break them at least in the presence of people you do not know.

- persistence. It is certainly worth taking the initiative, but not so much that the girl begins to be afraid of you and complains to the security of the nightclub.

- Sense of humor. If you have no sense of humor and are too serious, then you shouldn't have come to the club at all. Develop a sense of humor in yourself - this quality will help you not only when meeting girls, but in general in life. You cannot be a serious person who does not care about what is happening around.

- Coarseness. Never confuse rudeness with perseverance. A strong character in men does not mean that you need to communicate with a girl, as if you see her in last time and you need to show all your bad manners. Be gallant towards the girl. Even if she tells you "no", you should not be rude to her and call hurtful words, only because “I tried, but she refused me. How could she!

How to meet a girlin club

What should I say?

Actually, dancing is dancing, and the most important thing is what words to choose so that the girl agrees to communicate.

Forbidden greetings:

- Hi dear.

- Hello woman.

- Oh hello.

Say hello normally, like all adequate people - Good evening or just hello. This is enough for her to hear your greeting and see you.

Phrases that will scare away a girl:

- Are you married?

- How old are you?

- Are you even eighteen?

- I'm tired of this loud music. Maybe to me?

- My sister asked me to look after the baby, but I don't know what to do with him. Come to me, tell me what to do?

Nowadays it is quite difficult to surprise a girl. Ordinary phrases will not interest her. First, come up with a reason for getting to know each other, the topic of your future conversation (at least three or four questions that will help you not be silent during the beginning of the conversation).

Dialogue options:

- Today is my first time in this club. Is there only music here all night or are there other contests for guests?

- I'm here for the first time today. Can you tell me what time the club is open? And are you here until the end? \ Do you often come here?

- Who is at the controls today?

If a girl is sitting at the bar, you can come up and ask directly - "Can I treat the lady with a cocktail." If anything - you have a good reason - you came here with a friend to share the joy, but the friend needed to leave for a short time on business. There can be many reasons for joy - your favorite football/basketball team made it to the finals/ was promoted at work/ a niece was born.

If you notice that an unpleasant person is sticking to the object of your sympathy, it's time to start acting! Walk up to the girl and act like you're her boyfriend by saying, "Honey, are you all right? Can we go home?" This vile type should lag behind the girl, and the girl, in turn (if she is well-mannered and kind), will definitely thank you for such an act.

Just don't stand next to her and wait for her to start saying "thank you". After you play the role of a caring guy, you can move a little to the side or sit close to the young lady. You don't have to disappear completely from the horizon either.

How to meet a girl?

Ask a girl what she's intowhat he does on the weekends, whether he attends any courses. And, according to the situation, invite her to the place where she happens to be. If the girl is sociable and easy-going (you will immediately understand this), you can offer to go to a new place for her. Do not insist if the girl refuses to go anywhere with you. She can refuse you for her reasonable reasons - you must admit, a rare girl will agree to go with a stranger walk.

Continue the conversation in the club, ask how she will get home. Maybe you could walk her home. Ask with whom she will return home and, if possible, order a taxi for her (if you feel reciprocal sympathy and interest).

If a girl comes home alone- say it's not now best time days to be calm, returning home. Say that you will be worried if she will go home with one taxi driver. Say that taxi drivers are different and you can not trust all drivers. But don't think horror stories that you heard about someone being raped/murdered/stealed in the club area recently. Feel the measure and do not scare the girl with your fantasies.

If you had a drink with a girlin cocktails/or twos/threes and she let you fool her, ask how you can get in touch with her. After all, you are interested in her well-being.

In any case, ask the girl for contacts, since she allowed to take her home, you are not hopeless, and she trusted you at least a little.

If she will be returning with friends or friends, ask how you can contact her and if she would like to continue communication in daytime And not in such a noisy place. During a conversation, you can casually find out about her favorite cafe, and invite a girl to her favorite place on a first date.

Main - Be confident in yourself and your abilities! Don't be afraid to take the first step. It's great to be the first!

psycho- olog. en

Nightclubs are one of the most common places for dating. Of course, having met at a party, you can’t always immediately determine what kind of relationship is possible with this or that girl: for the evening or for life. In any case, this is an opportunity to have a good time. Many girls in nightclubs are friendly and open to communication. You don't have to walk around for hours to get to know each other. The girl herself is also free to come up and get to know the man. And this does not mean at all that she decided to get him as her life partner. It is likely that she also wants love and affection for one night.

Going to look for night acquaintances, try to choose a club according to the level of noise. If the music is too loud in the institution, you will be hard to hear, which means that the conversation will not work. However, the noise is also not a hindrance, but a great opportunity to get as close as possible to the girl you like, saying something in her ear. At a party, you should always have a big smile and good mood. If you seduce a woman, remember that you have never had and in principle cannot have any problems in your life.

The disco is a complex dynamic system, and you are part of it. If you are an inactive part of it - that is, you prop up the walls, then there is no need to wait for favors from fate.

It is especially important to smile when you first enter the club. So many girls keep the door under close attention looking out for the guys coming in. Remember when you enter, your social statusBlank sheet, and you need to fill it with the first good impression of yourself. As soon as you walk in, strike up a conversation with the first suitable group of girls or girls with guys who seem sociable. Do not look for single girls, they are not here anyway. This will immediately give the impression that you have friends here. No matter how good or bad the conversation is, most women will notice that you are interacting with other women and immediately give you social value - because they do not know that you have just met this woman. cheerful company. Remember, girls judge social status by the people you hang out with. So as soon as they see that you are talking to other girls, they will notice it immediately and will be more open to talking with you themselves. This is not a conscious process - they do it automatically, without thinking.

The conversation doesn't have to go smoothly, all you do is increase your social worth. If the first group is not happy with you, just turn to the other group. They will most likely talk to you because they have already seen you talking to others. You can just join the party by saying, “Ladies, my friends were just talking about this. What do you think about it?". Move from group to group. Forty minutes later, such conversations, everyone in your immediate vicinity will know that you are a status person. They will consider you interesting, attractive and just handsome. If, in this way, you create a high social value for yourself, then you can already approach the most beautiful girl in the club and say “give me your number”, she will.

What should not be done at the disco? First, don't stare at the dance floor like a martyr. Contemplation of the dance floor only generates negative social attitude. Secondly, don't walk in circles around the club. You look like just an ordinary lonely guy doing this. Also, if you have already created a positive status in one corner, then moving to another corner will only destroy it. Thirdly, avoid the noisiest places in the club. Find the quietest area in the club where it's easiest to talk and settle there. You don't want to tear your voice over the deafening noise.

How, for example, to react to the fact that the girl with whom you danced and whom you had your eye on is dancing with others? Everyone wants to achieve a goal - this is reasonable. Dancing with a new guy, she initiates a new connection, if she does not do this, she may be left with nothing. By the way, you can behave like this too, it's normal.

Is it possible to continue pickup after that? Naturally, if you need it. The task here is to increase the level of her connection with you, since, apparently, your desire is already obvious. That is, we must continue. To become the best, necessary, interesting, not paying attention to those with whom she has already danced.

Is it possible to dance with several, and then get acquainted with some one? This approach is optimal and consistent with an effective disco strategy. Do not forget that a disco is a very changeable system, it is not immediately clear who you will go out with, so you need to increase the number of connections, then there will be more opportunities for making a decision.

[Reading in front of the monitor about the ways of dating in a nightclub, it is easy to feel confident and successful in your possible actions. But the closer the moment of acquaintance in reality comes, the less this virtual confidence remains... real conditions under the control of special equipment, learn how to professionally meet and seduce girls.]

How to behave if unknown girl didn't want to dance? Proper Behavior at the moment when you are denied is very important both for you and for the environment in which you are. Your reactions will determine your status. Correct reaction may even give a hundred points more than the situation when your invitation was accepted. Like everything in a pickup truck, communication begins from the moment when you are just approaching a girl on the dance floor in a club where you are going to have fun all night. There are two styles: blunt and confident. General moment In both cases, you are in no way asking for permission.

  • Dumb style. You come up and, just grabbing it, you start dancing. If it starts to break out, you hold it (as guests from the mountains do), while trying to break its patterns. She will most likely start to object: “let go”, “I don’t want to dance.” Your task is to overcome her resistance. You can cheer up, you can use non-standard actions to make her recognize your desire to dance with her. At this time, 90% of the work is already going on for the public, which sees that you are a man and you are not afraid. And most importantly, you got attention. And be sure that among the remaining girls there are a few who will think: “God, what a man! How I would like to be just as rudely, without asking, grabbed and led to dance ”... If the resistance is broken, the first stage of communication is over. If the girl continues to break out, but non-verbal signs Are you sure she likes it? Keep it. If evil or frightened continues to break out - let go and laugh at her, winking at friends or those who are looking at you. All! You are a winner. Because the judgment of the environment will be directed at her, and not at you.
  • Confident style. You approach the girl, take her hand tightly enough so that you don’t vomit right away, gently begin to pull her towards you and offer: “Let's dance!” If she refuses, continuing to hold her hand with one hand, lightly hug her shoulder with the other, and start light chatting with her, while adjusting. After a while, when she realized that you normal guy, Already talking, you pull her to you and you start to dance. If he still resists, you continue the conversation, trying to cause laughter / smile / interest / trance, and when this succeeds, you leave / turn away. All! You are old acquaintances. Subsequently, it will be possible to base it again.

Dating & Pickup

How to meet a girl in a club

Getting to know a girl in a club is one of the most interesting and exciting tests that can fall on a guy's head. And the trick is that girls initially come to the club to have a good time and get to know interesting people, hence we have a huge number pretty girls and more competition among men.

However, absolutely any guy can grab a nice girl who will not only brighten up his evening at the club, but also agree to continue a closer relationship later. To do this, you just need to know the basic principles of dating and avoid dynamo, bred.

Acquaintance in a club - basic theory

So, when a girl is going to a club, she expects to spend a pleasant time there, have fun and meet interesting people. It is for this reason that the girl tries to show herself in all her glory and achieve admiration from others. And on this principle the main rule of dating a girl in a club is based: “A guy should look so that the girl feels that it is he who makes her popular and successful.”

However, it should be obvious to you that if you try to pick out a girl who is very popular with men, and she herself is dragged from such attention, then this option will be a failure for you. Therefore, immediately sweep away all the girls who fit into this category.

Then you must understand that the club also comes a large number of busy girls who just dance in it and take a break from their serious relationships. Most often they can be identified by a large number of drinks and a condescending look at girls of the first category. It is better to exclude such girls, although if their boyfriend has not been up to par lately, you can get to know them too, but this is at your own peril and risk.

Separately, there is a category of girls who "eat and drink" at someone else's expense. Most often, they look quite impressive, their movements are slow, and they prefer to be near older men, although there are also plenty of hunters for young guys. Naturally, it is better not to approach such girls, because apart from losing money, you will not achieve anything. However, if you have agility and cunning, and the girl sees this, then she will be interested in you, because they love guys of their type.

The best way to get acquainted is shy girl, which does not show itself actively on the dance floor and is in a slight shock from everything around. Most often, such girls are brought in for company by friends of other categories, and they do not understand what they should do. This is the perfect victim.

  • Firstly, she will be grateful to you that among all the spectacular and pompous girls you paid attention to her. She also wants to feel popular and successful.
  • Secondly, she will want to rub her nose to her friends, because it was she who was approached by such a chic guy. Oh, this female competition and envy!
  • Thirdly, it is these girls who most often leave you a real phone, and subsequently have sex with you.

It is important to know about dating in the club. If you're trying to get a girl in a club to have sex with you on the first night, then you can do it. But the quality of such a girl and the safety of sex with her will raise many questions. Therefore, if you understand that a girl is ready to have sex with you on the very first night of your acquaintance - Change the Girl!

How to pick up girls

Obviously, there will be plenty of guys in the club besides you, both with money and with good looks, so you shouldn't focus on these two indicators. Your task is simply to look “normal and calm”. Those. if it is customary for guys your age to go to the club in shirts and trousers, then put on a shirt and trousers: no more, no less. In some places you even have to blend in with the crowd.

You shouldn't count on booze either. Firstly, now such girls have gone that they themselves will sing any man, and secondly, a drunk girl will not be able to adequately accept your communication. And this is a guarantee that the very next day after your message or call, she will throw you into ignore. And that means you wasted your time, energy and money.

Therefore, you should rely solely on your confidence and ability to inspire girls that you are exactly the man they have been looking for and waiting for so long. And this is achieved by the following rules:

1) On the dance floor you behave calmly, solidly and neatly. No sudden movements of arms and legs. You can take a lot of space around you to show your confidence, but you should not do it too pompously and furiously, as it sometimes happens.

2) You must not keep your hands in your pockets and drink excessively at the bar or in your place. Girls prefer neat and restrained guys, and not those who pour themselves into a horse dose of alcohol, or, on the contrary, are squeezed in a corner.

3) Your behavior should be calm, but you should radiate joy and positive. Girls like it when guys act joyfully. This a great opportunity give yourself a thumbs up.

How to get a girl's attention in a club

The best way to get a girl's attention and "feel the scene" is with a look, a smile, and a slight shake of the head. You kind of look at the girl and let her know that you are interested in her, and then you wait for her answer.

  • If she was embarrassed or smiled at you in response - this is "Yes."
  • If she made a stone face - it's "No".

So you can choose a girl who will be glad for your attention, which means that we work with her.

When you approach her, you will first need to say a couple of banal words “Hello, how are you”, and then immediately move on to a fun conversation: “I saw you and was just shocked. I said to myself: “Alexander, you must meet such nice girl and here I am."

What to talk about with a girl in a club

According to the reaction of the girl to the acquaintance and her appearance, you can easily determine: she wants to talk or it's time to pull her to the dance.

Conversations are usually conducted on the account of:

  • The reasons why she came to the club;
  • Who came to the club with her;
  • Where does she live, what does she do?

After these answers, start acting like you've known her for a long time, and now you need to have fun, not talk. After all, the girl will be glad that you kept her company.

What to do at the end of the evening in the club

After you chat with a girl and find with her mutual language, you will need to take her phone, or whatsAPP, or something like that. Do not even try to persuade the girl to go to her or to you this evening. Let for her you remain a decent guy who liked her, and you had a good time together. This will help you to reach her in the future, and even then seduce and bring the matter to a victorious end.

To the question " how to meet a girl in a club?"You can find many answers on the Web, but the vast majority of them are written, if not by outright nerds, then certainly by people who have minimal experience in picking up. It is worth, after reading such “tips”, to put them into practice, and the only thing you will achieve is that you will go home alone. That is why we decided to correct the current injustice and talk about 4 options that will help you not only meet a girl in a club but take it with you.

Option 1. "I dance well."

Option 3. "Lonely and a little drunk."

And you can show a little psychology - do not rush anywhere and do not invent anything, but just look at the girls who came this evening to night club. By doing this, you are sure to find at least two dozen very lonely, but very pretty girls who are so undecided that they will meet at least someone today that they decided to have a good drink before going home.

Having found such a girl, you won’t even need to do anything, just sit down next to her and start an unobtrusive conversation. But don’t start it with “Hi, I want to meet ...”, as the girl has already managed to get angry with all the guys in the club, which means you too. And how else, if all of them (and therefore you) do not notice how pretty, unusual and sexy she is? And therefore, such words will not cause anything but outright aggression.

It's better to say something that doesn't even remotely resemble an attempt: “It's boring today. Not a club, but complete crap ... ”With this, you will immediately voice what the girl sitting next to you really thinks, thanks to which you will immediately find yourself on her wave. And she will definitely give you an answer. All. A start. And if so, now it will take you less than 10 minutes to pick up a girl in a club.

Option 4. "Win-win".

And this option to pick up a girl in a club can be called "win-win" without the slightest exaggeration. Finding out the schedule of nightclubs, you find one in which admission is free for all girls that night. And this means only one thing - all those representatives of the weaker sex who are not just looking for love, but are in an active search, will gather there today.

But in order for this method to meet a girl in a club to work, you need to know one secret - you should come to such gatherings at least 2-3 hours after the start. By this time the most active girls they will already have time to find suitors for themselves, and the less active ones will move into a state that is ideal for the “option 3” we have already described. But you should not communicate with them in the way we advised you before.

This time you need to start just with a classic acquaintance: “Hello! I really liked you! Let's get acquainted!" And you know what's amazing? That no matter how you look, and no matter how old you are, 9 out of 10 girls will answer you “Come on!”

So how do you now see working and working methods to answer the question "how to meet a girl in a club?" quite a bit of. Well, if none of them suits you, then write. We will definitely find pick-up methods that work just for you.