How to laminate hair at home. Effective recipes for laminating hair at home - do-it-yourself smooth and shiny curls


Dull and thin hair already the next day after washing loses volume, gets confused, and falls out when combing. They can be cut short or try to restore elasticity and shine. You should start by avoiding harsh shampoos, hair dryers, curling irons, irons or curlers, and other thermal devices that damage your hair or dry out your skin. Hair has a fragile and very delicate structure, it can be strengthened with the help of lamination, gelatin is used for this at home.

This is a simple and affordable procedure with a noticeable effect after the first application. The term "hair lamination" means the procedure for applying a variety of useful substances that envelop the hair with a nourishing film and thereby restore its structure and increase volume from 10 to 20%.

Previously, the procedure was done only in beauty salons, and now you can turn to professional cosmetics and hairdresser services by paying a certain amount. The effect will last no more than a month, then lamination must be repeated. You can do almost the same on your own, using gelatin - a food product for making jelly and aspic dishes.

What is the use

Gelatin is a degraded collagen, or natural protein, made from animal tendons. The trace elements and amino acids included in the composition are found in nails and skin cells, and are useful for hair:

  • restore the structure;
  • activate growth, strengthen and nourish;
  • increase volume;
  • forms a thin film that protects against damage during styling, painting, smoothing, blow-drying or lightening.

Curly hair as a result of lamination does not just acquire shine or volume, they are styled in large, neat curls. Home lamination will not work out the same for everyone due to the difference in the structure of the hair, but the effect will be noticeable on any type of hair.

Does it really help?

Gelatin is a natural protein that is part of the cells, so it is certainly useful. With proper application, the effect will be positive. Adding harsh shampoos containing heavy metals or leaving your hair for several hours can cause hair to fall out. But gelatin will not be to blame, but the unfavorable conditions created for the hair.

How to laminate at home

Gelatin is poured with water at room temperature in a ratio of 1:3, 1 part of gelatin to 3 parts of water. Leave for about 40 minutes until completely dissolved, you get a gelatinous mass. Very thick gelatin for liquefaction is heated in a water bath. A homogeneous mass is applied to the hair, without lumps. For express lamination, it is mixed with baby shampoo 1: 1, the effect of the procedure is noticeably reduced. It is important to consider:

  • to wash away dirt and grease, a drop of shampoo with a five-kopeck coin is enough;
  • dry your hair in a natural way, to speed up, bring the hair dryer on a cold setting to a slightly damp state;
  • once a week, make a hair mask, use a balm after each wash.

What's the benefit

The modern market is replete with various cosmetics for hair care, including natural ones. Gelatin against this background is extremely popular due to its advantages:

  • cheap and available;
  • has no contraindications, can be used for various conditions or types of hair;
  • already after the first application, the result is noticeable, the hair is alive, shiny and healthy;
  • a natural product, you can use it at least every day, without fear that a large amount of chemicals will remain on your hair;
  • during application to the hair does not drain, it is easily washed off with running water;
  • with regular use, the ends stop splitting, weakened hair heals.

Despite the benefits, the use of gelatin has limitations:

  • not recommended for thin or fluffy hair - they will become even fluffier, although there will be no harm;
  • thick hair makes it heavier;
  • do not apply to the scalp, it will lead to discomfort and tightness.

How to cook

To prepare the mask, pour one sachet of gelatin (10 gr.) into a glass dish, pour cool water and mix thoroughly to avoid lumps. It can be heated, but not to a boil, otherwise the gelatin will lose its properties. Then add the rest of the components so that the mask is better absorbed, there should be few additives, otherwise there will be no lamination effect. Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly so that it becomes homogeneous, and the gelatin mask is ready for use. For very long hair, take 2 times more ingredients.

The laminating composition is applied to clean, slightly damp hair, along the strands, evenly distributing over the entire length. If you add egg yolk to the mask, then you do not need to pre-wash dirty hair.

When the mask is completely applied, the hair is collected and put on a bath cap or a regular packaging bag, tied with a warm towel on top. For maximum effect, you can warm your head with a hairdryer for 20 minutes, then keep it for another half hour. After the time has elapsed, the hair is washed under running water and dried without a hair dryer. Gelatin masks can be done weekly.

Mask Recipes

The basis for all masks is gelatin, various components are added to it to give special properties.

  1. 1. The universal mask for lamination has the following composition: mix water with gelatin (3:1), add one yolk. The mask is cooked in a water bath until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Recommended for hair of any type.
  2. 2. To prepare a moisturizing mask, combine 1 tbsp. spoon of honey and gelatin, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chamomile decoction (for fair hair) or nettle (for dark hair). Mix, cook in a water bath and apply to hair.
  3. 3. For giving volume, take one bag of gelatin, a small amount of water, about 1 teaspoon of colorless henna and half a teaspoon of mustard powder. Mix all ingredients in a water bath or microwave and apply to hair for approximately 1 hour.
  4. 4. Nourishing mask: 3 tbsp. spoons of mineral water mixed with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of gelatin. Heat the mixture in the microwave or in a water bath, let cool and apply to the hair. Gelatin contains vitamin E, to improve the result, you can add vitamin A, lemon juice and lavender oil.
  5. 5. To prepare a fruit mask, lemon juice is recommended for blondes, and carrot juice for brunettes. Apple juice does not change the color of the hair, it will suit everyone. 1 st. mix a spoonful of gelatin with 3 tbsp. spoons of juice.

Some components of the masks have coloring properties, this must be taken into account or used for home lamination:

  1. 6. For fair hair, a mask with a decoction of chamomile is ideal. Gives hair shine. 3 art. spoons of chamomile (sold in a pharmacy), mix with 250 ml of water and bring to a boil, hold on low heat for 15 minutes, cool, strain. 200 ml of broth mixed with 3 tbsp. spoons of gelatin, leave to swell for half an hour. Apply to hair for 2 hours.
  2. 7. For chestnut and redheads, you need 4 tbsp. mix tablespoons of onion peel with 350 ml of water, bring to a boil, stand for 15 minutes on low heat and let cool. 200 ml of broth mixed with 3 tbsp. tablespoons of gelatin Apply evenly to hair and leave to soak for 1.5 hours. For gray hair, all procedures are repeated 2 times in a row.
  3. 8. For red hair with Iranian henna: 3 tbsp. Spoons of gelatin pour 1 cup of water and leave to swell. Then heat in a water bath, add 1 sachet of henna and 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, cool slightly. Apply very quickly, keep warm for 2 hours.
  4. 9. For brown hair. To get a dark brown color, you need to brew 2 tbsp. spoons of coffee and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of cocoa in 300 ml of water and let cool. 200 ml of drink mixed with 3 tbsp. tablespoons of gelatin Warm gelatin jelly and add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of Iranian henna and 1 teaspoon of oil (oil is required, henna dries hair). Quickly apply the warm mixture to the hair, cover with a cap and leave to soak for 2 hours.

A gelatin mask with a coloring effect should have the consistency of liquid sour cream, so it fits well on the hair. If it turns out thick, dilute with water to the desired state in a water bath. Recommended for gray hair, but intensive coloring will come after repeated use.

Received effect

Home lamination with gelatin is becoming more and more popular due to the effect that is noticeable after the first application. With regular and long-term use, the hair looks well-groomed, as after salon procedures. Try to prepare a gelatin mask and appreciate its amazing effect!

Perhaps there is not a single person on earth who would not want to have beautiful hair. For women, hair decoration of the head is especially important, so the representatives of the weaker sex try to follow the latest in hair care and use them. at home - a procedure that is designed to help heal weakened hair and improve the appearance of curls.

Before and after hair lamination

The essence of the procedure

Professional specialists do hair lamination in the salon, covering the strands with a special composition containing nourishing and moisturizing ingredients. The curls become beautiful, obedient, the hairstyle looks voluminous and envious.

Biolamination of hair is the use of natural means to influence the hair shaft, it is best done by the hands of an experienced hair stylist. Despite the high efficiency of the session of using natural ingredients, it is worthwhile to approach such an effect on the hair with great care, because. it is an invasion of natural structures.

It is worth approaching such an effect on the hair with great care, because. it is an invasion of natural structures

But not everyone, in terms of financial capabilities, can really pull such a cosmetic session in specialized salons, and not all modern women have free time. What to do in this case?

There is a wonderful way out - try laminating hair at home. It is not difficult to carry out such a procedure, the main thing is to strictly follow the recommendations of those who have already tried it on their strands and are satisfied with the result.

Hair lamination at home is an alternative procedure for salon hair care. By applying a special composition, the hair is "packed" into a protective cocoon and does not react so strongly to the external aggressive environment, human stress and other adverse factors.

The effect of hair lamination

Goals of professional lamination

Both in the salon and at home, this method of influencing the hair is designed to solve such problems:

  • Protect the hair from negative aspects that are not reflected in the best way on the hair (the influence of climate, aggressive environment, stress, reduced immunity, etc.)
  • Add density to liquid and weakened strands.
  • Avoid dry hair and get rid of split ends.
  • Get bright, rich color and add shine to curls.
  • Restore damaged strands after curling, dyeing with chemicals.
  • Increase the volume of the hairstyle and the possibility of its long-term preservation "in its original form."
  • Removal of abnormal electrification of the strands.
You can make lamination effectively and with great benefit for your hair both in the salon and at home.

Let's take a closer look at the home procedure for healing curls.

How to do hair lamination at home: professional Estelle kits, castor oil, gelatin, egg, kefir, maysonnaise, coconut milk, honey

Positive moments and effect of the procedure

Hair lamination can be done right at home, and there are a number of advantages in this process:

  • saving money and time;
  • safety of the procedure;
  • getting good results;
  • no contraindications for pregnant women;
  • choosing a convenient time for lamination;
  • stable effect (up to 4-5 weeks).
The result of lamination lasts 4-5 weeks

Cons of laminating at home

  • the responsibility for an unsuccessful outcome lies only with you;
  • lack of qualifications of the person conducting the procedure;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the products (including gelatin) used in lamination;
  • the difficulty of self-applying drugs to very long hair;
  • using low quality products can have the opposite effect;
  • invasion of the hair structure;
  • excessive oiliness or dryness of hair after a lamination session.
After lamination, dry hair is observed

A thoughtful and competent approach to carrying out this procedure at home is a guarantee that the hair will not suffer, but, on the contrary, will become a wonderful decoration of your appearance.


Do not forget that any treatment and influence on the hair can adversely affect their condition. An individual approach to the procedure involves taking into account possible contraindications:

  1. Hair loss (If such a problem exists, then before lamination, you must first get rid of this trouble).
  2. Very thin or long strands (a lamination session can greatly weigh down the hair and lead to hair loss).
  3. General skin diseases in general, and on the head in particular.
  4. The presence of scratches, wounds, rashes on the skin of the head.
  5. Tendency to allergies.
  6. Weakened immunity after a severe illness.
Immunocompromised lamination should not be done after a severe illness

Home remedies for lamination

Healing hair at home, you can take ready-made products purchased at a pharmacy or in a specialized sales network. In this case, it will not be necessary to waste time preparing the medicinal mixture.

If you do not trust the manufacturers, then try to make the mass for lamination yourself.

The basis of many masks for home procedures is gelatin.

Medicinal properties of gelatin for hair

Gelatin is a product of natural origin (from animal tendons) and is appreciated by culinary, cosmetology and home medicine. All useful qualities are based on its protein structure - collagen.

During lamination, natural protein envelops each hair, creating a reliable film that protects against possible adverse factors.

The structure is presented in the form of scales tightly adjacent to each other. Violation of the density of this fit leads to various problems with the hair. Lamination of hair at home with the help of gelatin sticks together exfoliated scales.

The result of such an action with curls will not be noticeable immediately, but only after several procedures. Each session should be done as many times as you wash your hair - until you get the desired result. The procedure works in a cumulative way: doing hair lamination at home, we contribute to the accumulation of gelatin in the structural part of the hair, its protection and improvement.


Gelatin laminating

The result depends on the quality of the prepared mass for lamination, the correctness of the procedure.

Method of preparation of the composition: components are easy to buy

What we need:

  • gelatin;
Store-bought edible gelatin
  • boiled water (not boiling water!);
  • store-bought hair mask with natural ingredients.

Stages of execution step by step

How to make lamination at home can be represented as a step-by-step algorithm:

  1. Boil and cool the water in advance.
  2. Pour gelatin with cooled water (proportions one to three), the amount depends on the density and length of the strands. It is best to use glassware.
  3. Leave the gelatin to swell. To do this, cover the container with a lid or plate.
  4. Exfoliate the skin part to open the pores of the skin for better absorption of the mixture. You can use a shop scrub, or you can apply salt peeling (dilute edible salt with warm water to a porridge-like state).
  5. After washing off the remaining scrub mixture, wash your hair with a shampoo suitable for the type of your curls.
  6. Apply the balm and after the specified time, remove under running water.
  7. Dry the strands with a towel (a hairdryer is not appropriate!), But not completely.
  8. All these manipulations should take at least 25 minutes, it is during this period that the gelatin will increase in size and become the desired consistency.
  9. Wet hair should be lubricated with a mixture of swollen gelatin mixed with half a tablespoon of a purchased mask (it is better to use with natural ingredients). Try not to get the gelatin mass on the skin of the head.
  10. At this stage, you will need a shower cap, put it on top of the healthy mixture, and wrap a towel on top. In such a "turban" you need to spend at least forty-five minutes. You can add heat with a hair dryer.
  11. After the prescribed period, wash off the remnants of the mixture with warm water without detergent.
  12. Do all the described steps every time you wash your hair, and the effect will definitely become noticeable not only to you, but to all the people around you.
Laminating in lame conditions

Recipes for hair masks with gelatin

Gelatin in combination with other natural ingredients can give a positive result, for this, use these recipes.

Compound Preparation and application
1 tbsp dry gelatin

3 tablespoons of juice (lemon juice is suitable for blondes, carrot juice is suitable for brunettes)

For long hair - increase the amount by 3 times

Gelatin is poured with freshly prepared juice and heated with a water bath, boiling is unacceptable. Use similar to the classic gelatin procedure described earlier
Gelatin (crystalline powder) - 1 tablespoon

Water - 3 tablespoons

Yolk of one chicken egg

Gelatin is poured into the water and the yolk is added, mixed and left to swell. All other actions are traditional
Dry gelatin - 1 tbsp.

Lemon juice (= vinegar) - 4 tablespoons

Chicken yolk - 1 pc.

- 1 tablespoon

Mix all components and leave to heat in a water sauna. Instructions for further manipulations are set out above (in classic lamination)

Home lamination. Laminate your own hair

Hair lamination consists in applying a special substance to the surface of each hair, which reconstructs the hair into its naturally healthy appearance. The result is the encasing of each hair in a special kind of film. What does this lamination procedure at home give for our hair? First, we will consider the general concept of hair lamination, and then we will learn how to do it at home on our own using home components, the main of which will be gelatin.

Fundamentals of lamination. Lamination effect and consequences

The pros and cons of laminating hair, both at home and in the salon, are the same:

  • acquires shine and volume;
  • color saturation;
  • split ends are designed;
  • damage is constructed;
  • even the sparse hair becomes heavier, more voluminous:
  • any type of hair after lamination will become more obedient and more pliable to styling.

Hair lamination photo how it looks:

When laminating, empty injured areas are filled with the composition, it simply envelops healthy areas, as indicated in the photo above. In addition, the consequences of hair lamination are expressed in the general improvement of curls, their protection from the influence of external adverse factors, the preservation of the color of dyeing for a longer time, and the simplification of the styling procedure.

What is the difference between lamination and keratin straightening?

It's simple:

Keratin straightening- hair is aimed at straightening the hair, vitamins are only an additional function;

Lamination - constructs and revitalizes the hair, since the composition of the constructor consists of useful vitamin components, while straightening will be an additional effect of hair lamination.

Salon and home lamination of hair differs. In the second case, you can use both specialized preparations and prepare a useful lamination composition with your own hands.

How to make hair lamination at home recipes

The general list of ingredients from which masks are prepared for home lamination (the recipe for each mask is separately described below):

  • gelatin is the basis of any mask;
  • essential oils (each recipe has its own variety);
  • egg or egg yolk:
  • conditioner balm;
  • water;
  • lemon or orange juice.

Who is hair lamination suitable for, for what problems with hair lamination can be done:

  • brittle hair;
  • burnt hair after ironing or curling;
  • prone to cutting:
  • thin, sparse hair;
  • curly naughty;
  • weakened from a lack of vitamins (Remember, hair should first of all receive vitamins not from cosmetics, but from the body, this should provide);
  • hair after washing the pigment.
  • very coarse hair reacts differently to hair lamination, in some cases it becomes even rougher after lamination masks;
  • if the hair is too split, then you definitely need to clean your hair, especially before home gelatin lamination;
  • immediately after dyeing, pause for 2-3 days, only after the hair has a rest from pigmentation with paint, proceed to lamination;
  • after perm.

Home hair lamination is a recipe that everyone is happy with - the best hair lamination:

You need to prepare: gelatin, water, balm, patchouli essential oil, egg yolk.

Preparing a mask how to do lamination at home correctly without harming your hair:

In no case do not bring the hair mask with gelatin to a boil - lamination will be ruined.

We look at the effect of hair lamination before and after in the photo:

Photo of the lamination effect No. 1: lamination of long hair with gelatin at home according to (according to the recipe described above)

Photo of the effect of home lamination No. 2: hair lamination with a gelatin mask on medium hair:

Photos before and after a homemade gelatin mask for lamination on long thick hair:

To achieve the maximum result, it will be necessary to repeat the manipulation after 10-15 days - in total it is done 3 times.

Gelatin hair lamination second effective mask

You will need: gelatin, a tablespoon of shampoo + a tablespoon of balm, lemon or orange juice, a tablespoon, water, half a teaspoon of burdock oil.

The recipe presented for laminating hair begins with the preparation of gelatin, this time we immediately drown it in a water bath until dissolved. The proportions of gelatin for the mask are 1-1.5 tablespoons for short hair + 2 tablespoons for medium length + 1 for very long hair. Water is calculated 1 to 2.

In this case, we leave the liquid base of the mask for laminating hair at home to cool, and then bring it to the required consistency by adding shampoo + conditioner, oil and freshly squeezed juice.

An interesting fact: For laminating hair at home, lemon juice gives a stronger effect for blondes, for brunettes and brown-haired women, carrot or apple juice gives a good result.

Distribute the composition over the hair, wrap it, the hair should be warm, hold for at least 25 minutes, it is advisable to heat it with a hairdryer. Rinse off the mask without anything, the shampoo in the composition will make it easier for you. Dry your hair and enjoy the result. The course for this recipe is 4 times with an interval of 10-12 days.

Photos before and after laminating gelatin mask with shampoo for long hair taken at home by myself:

The effect of lamination at home photo after applying a mask based on gelatin for short hair:

What does a homemade mask for laminating hair with gelatin do on dyed hair photo:

Doing lamination yourself at home, you achieve the same effect as in the salon, but save a lot of budget and give your hair much more nutrients.

Hair lamination with oil - light lamination, wellness, adds shine, does not give a strong leveling effect, can be done without the use of gelatin. For this:

  • mix 1 measure of the type of oil - castor, olive and burdock (measure - a tablespoon);
  • add the yolk, half a measure of honey, vitamin A and E in liquid form - 5 drops of each;
  • after washing the head, apply the mass and hold for 1 hour on the head;
  • wash off with shampoo.

Hair lamination video, how to easily do it yourself step by step:

Hair lamination photo reviews of satisfied gelatin masks

Beautiful hair after home hair lamination with gelatin, in the ways that are described in detail above:

Lamination of hair- a procedure that was at the peak of popularity a few years ago.

Now many beauty salons still offer lamination, which allows improve appearance lifeless and brittle hair.

Ingredients for laminating includes cellulose, sealing useful elements in the hair structure.

Lamination of hair- this is the application of a colorless or colored therapeutic composition, which allows you to restore the damaged structure.

IN ingredients for laminating acids and alkalis are not included, which makes the procedure painless.

lamination allows you to heal and strengthen hair, solve the problem of split ends and make the hairstyle well-groomed and shiny.

After lamination, even at home, it is easy to style hair. When laminating hair scales stick together which makes them stronger and smoother.

The applied composition protects the hair from the negative impact of the environment. The structure of the hair is not disturbed by hot styling and the use of styling products.

Lamination at home by professional means

The composition for lamination can be purchased at the store for hairdressers. Wash hair before applying special shampoo deep cleaning. Next, you need to apply the composition for lamination.

Carry out this step very hard on your own. The hair is covered with cling film and heated with a hair dryer every five minutes. Remove the film, rinse off the product from the hair, and apply the conditioner.

The choice of compositions for laminating hair is huge. The most popular and expensive are Keraplastic, PaulMitchel l. To save time, you can purchase a special spray for lamination, but the effect after it will be until the next hair wash.

Advantages and disadvantages of home lamination

Conduct lamination at home not as hard as it might seem if there are helpers nearby. It is difficult to apply the composition evenly, and the result of the procedure will depend on this.

Benefits of home lamination- price. It is necessary to pay only for the composition, which makes the procedure cheaper than the salon one by almost a third. But in this case, you need to familiarize yourself with the most famous brands in advance and study reviews about them.

Advantages and disadvantages of lamination in the cabin

lamination procedure lasts about an hour. The master evenly applies the composition to clean hair for 30 minutes. After that, the hair is thoroughly washed and dried.

For damaged hair, the lamination procedure is necessary carry out in several steps.

Comfortable in beauty salons carry out the lamination procedure in conjunction with staining. The color is more intense and lasts longer.

The lamination procedure is convenient to carry out in beauty salons. It is difficult to apply the composition evenly on your own. The master will do his job in the shortest possible time. Minus lamination in salons- price.

Buying a laminating compound, you can predict the result. Some beauty salons may use the cheapest lamination formulations, which gives only a short-term result.

Also master can save on the composition. Choosing beauty salons with a positive reputation, you can eliminate these shortcomings.

How long does the effect last?

The effect of lamination hair is kept for one month. The composition begins to gradually wash off, which makes the hair unprotected.

It is most useful to do hair lamination before relaxing on the sea, where their structure can be damaged by salt water, scorching sun rays and wind. With porous and dry hair, the effect will last a shorter period - about 3 weeks.

In most cases, the preservation of the result after lamination depends on the skills of the master and the composition used.

Lamination with gelatin allows you to achieve a positive result without any special financial investments. Gelatin contains proteins and keratin, which restore hair structure.

After lamination hair becomes smoother and shinier. When preparing the composition, you can use not only water and gelatin, but also add other nutritional components that will improve the effect.

It is possible to carry out lamination with gelatin few times a week. With each procedure, the hair will look more and more well-groomed and silky. Gelatin lamination is cumulative.

Hair care after lamination

After lamination hair not to be washed within a few days. The next day, you should refuse hot styling. When choosing shampoos, you should give preference to products with a low alkali content.

Shouldn't be used cosmetic products for the scalp based on alcohol. Subsequent lamination can be carried out only after a month.

How to make hair lamination at home, look at the video:

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The nature of women is such that everyone with curly hair wants to have straight hair, and everyone with straight hair wants curly hair. But the main thing is that they are well-groomed and healthy, because beautiful hair is the main decoration of every woman. Today we will share with you the secret of how to make unruly hair straight, like after salon lamination.

Advantages and disadvantages

Undoubtedly, the advantages of the home procedure will be:

  • Even pregnant women can do home lamination.
  • The procedure will cost several times cheaper.
  • Lamination is absolutely safe.
  • Hair will be nourished by natural ingredients if you make a mask at home.

Disadvantages of this procedure:

  • Beginners can ruin their hair.
  • If a woman has an individual intolerance to gelatin, it is better to abstain.
  • Difficult to apply on very long hair.


Women are immediately interested in what will happen after lamination. If the procedure is carried out correctly, the result will be as follows:

  1. Hair will become beautiful and shiny.
  2. Lamination allows you to get rid of brittle and split ends.
  3. Hair will become thick and lush.
  4. Thin hair will not be electrified.
  5. Hair color is retained for a long time.
  6. Hair follicles will become stronger, loss will decrease.

A few care secrets, proven over the years, that will bring you closer to your cherished goal:

  1. Before washing your hair, hold your hair under running water for at least 30 seconds, and preferably 1 minute. (You don’t need to time a stopwatch, just feel it).
  2. Wash your hair with shampoo 2 times. The first is to wash off the accumulated dirt, the second is to reveal the purpose of your shampoo (for example, a volumizing agent) - so the hair will stay fresh longer.
  3. Do not tangle your hair when washing and drying.
  4. Try to choose care products that are right for you, if possible, consult with your hairdresser.
  5. Be sure to use a balm or mask with every wash (the mask should be done once a week to help the hair rehabilitate after styling and the environment in general), otherwise there will be no effect from hair lamination, because they will be dry.
  6. Find a leave-in product that will help you maintain and restore your hair.
  7. Always apply hair oil (argon oil works well), but just before applying, warm up a drop of oil by rubbing it in your hands (otherwise its effect will not be effective enough).

Everything, your hair is clean, dry and well-groomed, which means it is ready for further procedures.

Hair straightener

We recommend purchasing a hair straightener for your beauty arsenal. Even if you have naturally straight hair, it is the flat iron that will externally fix the beauty of your hair and it will look more well-groomed in any case. It all depends on the quality of the straightening iron:

  • Cheap, metallic ones make hair dry, in this case it is not worth saving, because we are talking about your confidence and everyday beauty.
  • Opt for firms that specialize in the production of styling products and cost from $ 50, with a keratin coating and it is very desirable that it has an ionization function. Believe me, this investment will pay off for you instead of spending on hair treatment and purchasing expensive styling products.

If you have more or less straight hair, then just straighten the ends or all your hair, but on the 160-180 mode, if wavy, then 180-200, if curly, then 200 or more.

Spend the styler one strand 2 times, first quickly, then slowly.

Vitamin mask for lamination

You will need:

  • Olive oil 1 tbsp. l.
  • Burdock oil 1 tbsp. l.
  • Castor oil 1 st. l.
  • Cosmetic oil of your choice 1 st. l.
  • Honey 1 tsp
  • Vitamin A 5 cap.
  • Vitamin E 5 cap.
  • Vitamin B 5 cap.
  • Yolk 1 pc.

All vitamins and oils can be bought at a pharmacy for a reasonable price.

  1. Mix all the ingredients and heat a little on a steam bath or in a microwave oven.
  2. Apply to clean, towel-dried hair and leave for 15 minutes. – 2 hours under polyethylene (eg shower cap) and towel.
  3. Rinse first with plain water and then with a moisturizing shampoo.

The result will surprise you. The effect will be no worse than after visiting the salon.

Gelatin mask

You will need:

  • Gelatin 1 tbsp
  • Water 3 tbsp.
  • Hair mask 0.5 tbsp. l.
  1. Bring the water to a boil.
  2. Let it cool down a little, but not much. It just doesn't have to be hot.
  3. This water must be poured into a glass container, after pouring 1 tbsp. a spoonful of gelatin.
  4. Depending on the length of your hair, the proportions of the preparation may change.

    The main thing to know is that everything is done in a ratio of 1:3.

  5. Mix gelatin well in water.
  6. Cover the top of the container so that the product does not cool down and does not harden.
  7. At this time, while the remedy comes to readiness, wash your hair. It is not necessary to dry it, it is enough to get wet with a towel. Curls should not be wet, but damp.
  8. During this time, the gelatin should already dissolve. If this does not happen, put in a water bath. You should get a homogeneous gelatinous mass.
  9. Add a mask (0.5 tbsp. L). Stir. Apply to hair, stepping back from the roots of 1 cm. Spread along the entire length. Put on a special hat and wrap with a towel.
  10. Heat with a hair dryer on a warm air setting for about 15 minutes.
  11. Do not shoot for another 45 minutes.
  12. Then wash off with warm water.