How to remove a greenish tint. How to remove paint with vitamin C

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Chemistry is chemistry, and hair dye often behaves unpredictably. Sometimes an unexpected shade appears due to the inept manipulations of an inexperienced master, and sometimes due to the fact that the reagents of previous and current painting have reacted. It’s not so scary if the dye did not appear at all, or became a little paler, but when, as a result of the reaction, a green tint to the hair appeared... No one wants such a development of the situation, and immediately the question arises of how this green color neutralize?

Why does hair turn green?

If you frequently lighten your hair with hydrogen peroxide, your hair may acquire a greenish tint due to the interaction of the components of the previous coloring with those that are applied again.

Often, an undesirable green tint is obtained by using cheap dyes in which completely unimaginable components are mixed, since they not only give the hair a terrible color, but can also hopelessly ruin the hair.

This also happens when a woman for a long time bleaches her hair, decides to diversify her image and dyes her hair with natural dyes containing henna or basma. The decision to return to white color accompanied by the usual painting using paints with hydrogen peroxide - and this is where trouble awaits. After natural paints, lightening gives a green tint!

But not only natural colors lead to a green tint - contact bleached hair with highly chlorinated water inevitably gives them such an undesirable shade. Therefore, hairdressers strongly advise protecting hair from contact with chlorinated water in swimming pools.

Neutralize, wash off, paint over! 5 effective recipes

How to remove the green tint from hair if such a mistake is made? There are quite a lot of time-tested folk recipes, with which you can either bring out the green tint or tone it down. All these products are absolutely safe for health, as they are based on natural products.

  1. One of the effective means of removing green tint from hair is tomato juice: It contains an active acid that is harmless to the skin but neutralizes the green tint of the hair. After a short mask with tomato juice, your hair will get rid of the inappropriate shade.
  2. Lemon juice also acts due to the acid, which also does an excellent job as a neutralizer. Before removing the green tint from your hair with lemon, you need to wash your hair thoroughly and apply a mixture of 200 ml of water and 100 ml of fresh water to it. lemon juice. A lemon juice mask will restore light color hair, and if the greenery does not disappear completely the first time, you should repeat the procedure after a couple of days. You can make the solution more concentrated by reducing the percentage of water, but after restoring normal color, be sure to take care of your hair and do it.
  3. Regular baking soda can help both if the hair has changed color under the influence of bleach, and if the components were not mixed correctly. To create a mask from baking soda, you need to dilute a tablespoon of baking soda in a glass. warm water and rinse your hair with this solution, leaving it on your hair for twenty minutes. After rinsing your hair, it will become obvious that your hair has become smooth. light shade, but drier. Since baking soda is an alkali, try to soften your hair with oils.
  4. The most effective way To remove green hair from your hair, use a mask made from a solution of acetylsalicylic acid. To make such a mask, you just need to mix three or four crushed aspirin tablets with a glass of warm water and rinse your hair with the solution without rinsing it off for 15-20 minutes. Since this solution is essentially acidic, it is necessary to subsequently soften the hair with the help of a restorative mask.
  5. It is quite obvious that the green tint does not tolerate acidic compounds, which means that Apple vinegar, diluted with water (2 tablespoons per glass of water) will perfectly help solve the problem. But can't be used regular vinegar– a slight acidification will not bring a visible effect, and a high concentration is life-threatening, it can cause severe burns!

A tinted shampoo with an emphasis on purple tones, but there is no need to apply it like paint; the shade is achieved only by rinsing or washing.

Removing the green tint from hair is not so difficult, but do not forget that all these manipulations do not add health to the hair, since compositions based on natural acids cause excessive dryness and dullness of the hair. Therefore, when coloring your hair, choose the colors carefully and consult with professionals if anything causes you doubts!

Pigmentation of each curl individual person depends on the characteristics of the organism. Under unfavorable factors, the silky strands of many representatives of the fairer sex lose their natural shine, healthy looking. To restore their former beauty, women resort to hair coloring methods using natural or chemical means.

  • Before use, the oil should be brought to a temperature of 40 0 ​​- 50 0 C. To do this, place the solution in a thermal container and heat it over low heat to the desired temperature.
  • Then the olive oil is cooled to room temperature and rubbed into the strands several times throughout the week. Cosmetologists consider this remedy to be the most effective and gentle.

Cosmetic chemistry against swamp hair color

When there is no time to prepare home recipes, women can turn to a professional cosmetic line to combat the problem. green hair. If all folk remedies in the fight for desired shade tried, all that remains is to use coloring shampoos and tonics. In order to paint over the swamp hair color, you need:

  • Buy a tonic or other coloring shampoo that does not contain hydrogen peroxide. The color of the tonic should contain the red or pink spectrum.
  • Before coloring, dilute the tonic regular shampoo in a 1:1 ratio.
  • Apply the resulting color mixture to your head and leave until completely saturated on your hair (3 – 5 minutes).
  • Dilute 50 ml of tonic in 1 liter of water. Rinse your hair with the resulting solution after washing your hair.

Tonics and coloring cosmetics do not always cope with the problem of “swampy” hair. In this case, you need to visit a hair salon. The specialist will provide qualified assistance quickly and efficiently. If a woman’s hair is badly damaged after coloring, the hairdresser will suggest using special mask, which will not only remove the green tint, but also saturate the strands. The mask contains a red (copper) pigment that can neutralize the marsh color.

Problem green tint after coloring applies not only to girls with blond hair. Swamp green also appears on dark hair.

Color fighting products are suitable for both categories of the fairer sex.

To prevent your hair from turning green: how to use styling products correctly

Dyed curls require careful attitude and gentle drying after washing your hair. All products used for drying and styling involve the use of hot air. Temperature effect on bleached curls can lead to a swampy tint. What if you can’t do without styling?

If the strands are bleached and require styling with a hairdryer, you need to use the “air flow cooling” function, which is present in every modern device.

Hair care rules

Natural hair experiences negative stress from exposure every day ultraviolet rays, cold wind, hot air. Stressful situations, hormonal imbalances in the body can also weaken hair.

The weaker sex always strives for beauty. Shiny healthy curls– sign well-groomed woman. In order to always remain attractive, ladies constantly change their hairstyles and hair color, experimenting with their hair not only in salons, but also at home.

In order to prevent the appearance of green hair in the future, in addition to the right choice dyes, you need to know how to properly care for your hair. What does caring for colored hair include?

  • Dyed hair should not be combed immediately after washing your hair. This leads to cut ends and damage to the hair structure.
  • After exposing your hair to chemical dye, it is not recommended to wash your hair with shampoo for 72 hours.
  • for drying colored hair, straightening iron curly curls, forceps. Under the influence of hot air, the structure of the damaged hair splits even more, and the bulbous apparatus is weakened. The hairstyle will look sloppy, and further coloring may cause hair loss. large quantity hair.
  • For a week after exposure to chemical paint, you should avoid getting chlorinated water on your hair. Exposure to chlorine may cause green or blue shades hair.

In order for colored hair to remain bright and shiny for a long time, you need to include in your basic care cosmetics that support the main color. For these purposes, scientists have developed unique products, the use of which does not affect the structure of the hair: tinted shampoos, balms, foams.

An important factor to avoid the appearance of unwanted shades on colored hair is running tap water. The quality of water today leaves much to be desired. Blondes need to wash weakened light curls with filtered water or boil it first. Rusty water can tint blonde strands.

Hair health needs to be monitored not only from the outside. It is recommended to take a course of vitamins “E” and “B” twice a year.

Every time you dye your hair, the result can be unpredictable. Sometimes an unexpected shade appears due to a mistake by an unskilled technician, but sometimes the problem arises due to the reaction of reagents from past and current staining. As a result, the color may not appear or may be slightly noticeable, but the worst thing is when the hair turns green. Of course, no one expects such a reaction, and the question immediately arises: how to remove the green tint after dyeing your hair? This is the topic that this article is devoted to.


In fact, in practice such situations arise quite often, but not everyone knows why this happens. So, the reasons could be as follows:

  1. Mixing inappropriate shades. For example, when cold and warm tones interact, a reaction almost always occurs, the consequences of which are difficult to predict.
  2. Using different dyes. If you have been dyeing your hair with one dye for a long time, and then decide to change it to another, then you should not expect the declared result. Even if the same shade was chosen, the result may still be unpredictable.
  3. Attempt to go to cool shade when warm color scheme natural hair. In art lessons we were told that the color green is made by mixing blue and yellow. The first refers to a cold palette, usually an ashy palette. Yellow is warm, its notes are present in the “caramel blonde” and in the “chocolate” shade. If you mix them, the likelihood of getting a green tone is very high.
  4. Using low-quality paint In no case should you skimp on paint. If you purchased an unknown brand or an expired composition, then be prepared for surprises.
  5. Interaction with chlorinated water. Chlorine can interact with dyes remaining on the surface of the hair; owners of bleached locks should be especially careful.
  6. Using natural colors after artificial ones and vice versa. Do not apply henna or basma to hair dyed with synthetic dyes. It is also prohibited to coat these dyes with non-natural compounds. Their interaction can lead to unexpected reactions.
  7. Application natural masks(By grandma's recipes) on colored hair, especially bleached hair. When exposed to herbal infusions, certain oils and foods, unexpected color shifts may appear.
  8. Hair coloring after perm, straightening and lamination. After these manipulations, particles of products remain on the surface of the hair, which can interact with the coloring pigment.


Don't know how to remove the green tint after dyeing your hair? There are two methods for this: correcting the situation on our own or a visit to a professional. Of course, it is better to choose the second option, since a qualified master has encountered similar situations more than once and knows exactly what to do. But you will have to pay for his work. Most often, in a beauty studio, the question of how to remove the green tint from hair is dealt with quickly and effectively. If the hair structure is very damaged, the master will recommend applying a special mask. It will not only help remove the hated marsh tone, but also nourish the hair with vitamins and minerals. This mixture contains a reddish or copper coloring pigment that neutralizes the green tint. If you decide to cope on your own, then there are also several methods for this.

Special means

The most obvious way to remove the green tint from your hair is to re-dye it. To avoid additional troubles, you must follow the following recommendations:

  1. Purchase the same brand of formulation that you used the first time.
  2. It is recommended to choose a warmer shade as it is stronger and shows up brighter.
  3. If you want to remove the green tint from your hair with dye, then choose dark colors. Lightening damages the hair even more and, most likely, changes the color for the worse.

Natural remedies

Are you wondering how to remove the green tint from your hair without harming it? Most girls, when faced with this problem, panic, thinking that getting rid of the “green” will be very difficult and will completely ruin their hair. If you follow the recommendations and use natural products, then there will be no consequences.

Don't know how to get rid of the green tint in your hair? There are several folk recipes that can eliminate this unwanted shade. Before applying the composition to your hair, you need to perform an allergy test. To do this, the mixture prepared in advance must be applied to the forearm and wait several hours. If the reaction does not appear, then the balm can be applied to the hair.

In addition, for better removal green tint you need to follow some recommendations:

  1. Hair must be clean. It is unacceptable to have styling products or other cosmetic substances.
  2. After completing the procedure, you should not expose your hair to heat (blow-drying, straightening with an iron, etc.).
  3. Upon completion of the process, it is recommended to apply to hair vitamin mask or balm.

Acetylsalicylic acid

Don't know how to remove green tint from hair? Use aspirin, it's effective remedy in the fight against the adverse effects of coloring. For the procedure you will need:

  1. 250 ml purified water.
  2. Three acetylsalicylic acid tablets.

The substance must be crushed on a hard surface and the powder dissolved in water. Apply the solution to all hair or only to problem areas. The duration of exposure is 15 minutes. When finished, rinse your hair with boiled water without using detergents.

Tomato juice

In addition to useful substances, fresh tomato juice contains acidic compounds. They can neutralize the effects of coloring, while the main hair color will not be changed. To carry out the procedure, you will need two fresh vegetables (the quantity may vary depending on the length of the hair). Take tomatoes and squeeze juice out of them or prepare a paste using a blender. Apply the resulting composition to the entire length of your hair. After 20 minutes, the paste should be washed off with warm water without using shampoo or other detergents. The final rinsing of the curls may require several approaches.

Lemon composition

Lemon juice is used quite often in the beauty industry because it has a whitening effect. Therefore, if you need to remove the green tint after dyeing your hair, then hurry to the store for lemon. To make the composition you will need 110 ml of water and about 140 ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Mix the ingredients in glass jar and apply the composition to problem area. Exposure time is half an hour.

If the result is unsatisfactory, then the procedure should be repeated, after adding another 50 ml of lemon juice to the container. After washing your hair with lemon, it is not recommended to use shampoos, masks, balms and other products.

Soda solution

Professionals who work with hair recommend using baking soda not only in the kitchen, but also for hair care. For example, this substance will help remove the green tint from brown hair. To do this you need to mix 200 ml clean water and soda in the amount of 30 g. Ready composition Apply to problem areas of hair and leave for 25 minutes. After this, rinse your hair with clean water several times.

Important! It should be borne in mind that soda acts on the skin as an irritant and, accordingly, can cause allergic reaction. Before applying the composition to your hair, you must do an allergy test. At the end of the procedure, it is recommended to treat the strands generously with balm.

Do you doubt that you can remove the green tint from your hair with baking soda? Reviews posted on the Internet confirm this. Of course, situations are different, and this method may not suit everyone. But you can only find out after you try it yourself.

Oil wrap

This method involves the use of olive oil. Before applying to hair, it must be heated to a temperature of 40-50 degrees. To do this, the oil is poured into a thermal container and heated over low heat. After reaching the desired value, the composition should be removed from the stove and cooled to room temperature. Next, throughout the week, the oil must be rubbed into the strands daily. Experts consider this method the most effective and gentle. This is a really working method that helps remove the green tint from hair, reviews posted on the Internet confirm this.

If none of the above methods suits you, then you can not remove the green color from your hair, but shade it tinted shampoo. This is only possible if the shade is very light. You need to choose a tint detergent with a purple tint and wash your hair with it. Under no circumstances should you apply it like paint, just wash or rinse.

Preventive measures

The following will help you avoid green-tinged hair: preventive measures:

  1. Never mix cold and warm colors.
  2. Buy coloring compounds only from well-known and trusted brands.
  3. Always wear a cap in the pool and use purified water to wash your hair.
  4. If desired radical change image, it is recommended to contact a professional, since independent manipulations rarely lead to desired result.
  5. It is not recommended to interfere various shades, even if they are the same brand, line and belong to a certain range. The process of obtaining complex colors is very complex and can only be done by a trained and highly skilled craftsman.
  6. When re-staining, it is advisable to use the same product that was used in last time. This approach will reduce and even eliminate the likelihood of unforeseen situations.
  7. When using natural coloring compounds, you will have to put it off for some time. permanent coloring(synthetic paints).
  8. Basma and henna should not be used after coloring.
  9. After carrying out procedures involving exposure to hair, you should not wear makeup for some time. According to the rules, this period ranges from two weeks to a month.

Washing your hair only with purified water will also help to avoid the appearance of unwanted shades on colored hair. The fact is that the quality of water in our taps leaves much to be desired. Those with bleached hair are advised to use only filtered or boiled water for washing. Rusty running water can impart an undesirable tint to your hair.

Dyeing it yourself or dyeing it with an inexperienced hairdresser can result in the appearance of an unplanned shade on the hair. Is it possible to quickly remove the green tint after dyeing? Will it really be necessary to cut everything off now?

Why does a greenish tint appear?

Home and most common reason- an unsuccessful combination of old and new paint. Mixing yellow and blue always produces green.

And if an orange-yellow pigment meets a violet-blue pigment, for example, when dyeing hair from dark red to ash blonde, then as a result you can really get a “herbal” shade on the strands.

Other possible reason- use of expired and low-quality hair dyes. Buying cheap products sometimes turns into trouble. In the production of cheap paints, they may initially formulate incorrectly. color combinations. And the actual final color will differ significantly from what is shown in the advertising photo.

Natural dyes, such as basma and henna, when used before or after lightening, also sometimes cause a greenish tint. Natural dyes, in addition to everything, eat into the hair quite strongly. Therefore, when using henna or basma, you need to be especially careful.

Note, Not only natural dyes, but ordinary water with bleach can lead to green hair if the chlorine reacts with chemical dye.

Cosmetics to neutralize green tints

You can now find it on sale without any problems special means to get rid of “green” after unsuccessful dyeing. Let us name as an example several such products from different brands.


Professional shampoo with fast and deep action that removes particles of copper, iron and chlorine from the internal structure of the hair.

Estel Love Nuance

Another good remedy- Estel Love Nuance . This is a tonic that contains a keratin complex that helps restore hair health. Its pleasant pearl shade is able to disguise the “green” on the strands with a strong red pigment. Additionally, a slight conditioning effect is created, making the hairstyle more silky.

Pink pearl

Pink pearl tonic from the RoColor brand. The color of this tonic is characterized by a special saturation. And before doing full tinting, it doesn’t hurt to do a test on a separate strand. If the color turns out to be brighter than expected, it is possible to dilute it with water based on a one-to-one ratio.

You can view the palette of Tonic tinted balms from RoColor and tips for their use on our website.

Folk remedies

Not always available professional cosmetics to solve hair problems. As an alternative, you can use simple but effective folk remedies, which will help eliminate the greenish tint.

Tomato juice

You need to pour tomato juice into a regular two-hundred-gram glass and add a little water (no more than one third). Then the resulting mixture should be distributed over the strands and wait 10–20 minutes. Next, you need to rinse your hair - the greenery should disappear after that. It is recommended to use only natural juice- If you wish, you can cook it yourself.

Apple vinegar

You need to add 2 tablespoons of vinegar to the glass. Then you need to apply this solution to your hair and wait about 15 minutes. Let's make a reservation that you cannot use other types of vinegar, only apple cider vinegar will do!


It can be purchased at a bargain price at a pharmacy (the packaging may say “ acetylsalicylic acid", but it's the same thing). Depending on the length of your hair, you will need from 2 to 4 tablets. They must be thoroughly crushed and diluted in a glass with warm water. The resulting liquid should be carefully poured over your hair to moisturize it. After 15 minutes, the solution can be washed off. Immediately after this procedure, it is recommended to use a shampoo-balm or a restorative mask - this will help avoid possible negative consequences.

Lemon juice

Approximately 50–100 grams of lemon juice (natural, of course) is diluted in a measuring cup and applied to scalp scalp for 15 minutes and then washed off. A very simple, but proven and reliable method.


The method of application is approximately the same as in the case of aspirin. A tablespoon of baking soda should be dissolved in a glass of warm water, applied to the hair, and then rinsed off after the same 15 minutes.

Olive oil

You need to take about 150 grams of oil and heat it to 40–50 degrees Celsius. When it cools down for comfortable temperature, it must be thoroughly rubbed into the strands. After an hour of waiting, you need to wash your hair with shampoo (in no case should it contain sulfates). This procedure can be repeated several times a week until the greenery completely disappears. Olive oil can have several effects at once beneficial effects- will not only help get rid of green hair, but at the same time moisturize and strengthen your hair.

Note! If your scalp has increased sensitivity, then it is necessary to use any folk remedies only after testing for an allergic reaction.

Features of care after dyeing

In order not to encounter the problem of a green tint, it is important not only to choose the right cosmetics, but also take proper care of your hair:

  1. Hair that has been dyed Do not comb immediately after your hair has been washed. This leads to the appearance of truncated ends and damage to the hair structure.
  2. Experts do not recommend using a hair dryer to dry colored hair or curling irons to straighten curls. Heated air negatively affects damaged hair - it splits even more, and its bulbs weaken. As a result, the hairstyle will look untidy. And new coloring of weakened and damaged curls can cause their loss. How to straighten your hair without ironing, you will find on our website.
  3. Contact with chlorinated water should be avoided for 7 days after dyeing. And when going to the pool you should always wear a special cap.
  4. Even tap water can be dangerous for colored hair. Its characteristics often leave much to be desired. And, for example, rusty water may well give a new, unnecessary shade to the bleached strands. That's why Blondes should use only boiled or filtered water to wash their hair.

Important! To ensure that dyed hair does not lose color and remains shiny and silky, it is advisable to use additional cosmetics, which maintain the main color and do not harm the hair structure. We are talking about special tint foams, shampoos, balms, etc.

So what should you do if you have a greenish tint? Of course, in such cases you shouldn’t immediately rush to the hairdresser to get it done. short haircut. There are many inexpensive means and folk recipes that will help you get rid of “greens” without serious losses.

The main thing is to act carefully - do not panic and do not try everything in random combinations; such an approach can only aggravate the situation.

Useful videos

How to remove greens from dyed hair.

Remove the green tint from the hair.

Every girl wants to look beautiful. And the color of the strands plays an important role in creating the image. After all, agree, if you choose any original color for the bottom, for example, red, then put on office dress no longer worth it.

And it would be okay if extreme colors were obtained only at the request of the girls. But unfortunately, sometimes when dyeing the composition behaves quite unpredictably and, as a result, instead of beautiful tone curls, you may end up with something with a greenish tint.

Most often, such problems arise when coloring light-colored hair, as well as when using low-quality paint. As a result appearance catastrophically spoiled. And today we will talk about how to prevent the appearance of such an interesting color and what to do if a similar problem already occurs.

Green tint to hair after hair coloring: how to avoid it

And before we start telling you what to do if your curls have already acquired an emerald tone, let's figure out why such a problem may arise:

  • too frequent lightening. Remember that hydrogen peroxide is most often used for bleaching. And if you overuse this procedure, the rods will eventually become thinner. In this case, it is impossible to predict the reaction of your hair to the next use of peroxide. And one of the likely scenarios could be the acquisition of an emerald tone;
  • coloring the strands after lightening. Again, if you use hydrogen peroxide to lighten, then the subsequent application of paint may not result in beautiful colour, and the tone is marsh color. The same can happen if you decide to lighten your curls after dyeing;
  • chlorinated water. Please also pay attention to the fact that if you constantly lighten your strands, a greenish tint may appear if you visit a pool with chlorine water. Peroxide may begin to interact with bleach and the result is unlikely to be original;
  • perm. Remember that after such a procedure you can dye your curls no earlier than two to three weeks later. Since the strands after curling become very thin and it is impossible to predict their reaction to coloring.

In general, in order to avoid the appearance of a similar color of strands, we recommend that you experiment with your appearance only in good salon beauty, where craftsmen know what can happen as a result of mixing this or that paint. And they will also be able to stop the problem even if it arises.

In addition, if you go to the pool, be sure to use a special protective cap, which will help you not only prevent the appearance of a green tint in your hair, but also protect your curls from negative influence bleach. Now let's talk about how to get rid of the green tint of curls at home.

How to remove green tint from hair

In general, there are several ways to get rid of the green tone after dyeing your hair. Of course, you can use folk remedies. Of course, there is no guarantee, but for most people one or the other recipe helps. Well, if you don’t want to take risks and experiment at home, then you can go to the salon. After all, in the arsenal of professional craftsmen there are always special washes that are ideal for such cases.

But if you don’t have time to visit the salon, and you need to get rid of the nasty tone right at this moment, then now we will tell you about what folk remedies can be used to remove green or gray shade hair after dyeing.

Gray-green tint of strands: how to get rid of it

Please note that before using any of the home remedies we present, you should definitely do an allergy test. You need to do it as follows: just apply a small amount of on the skin near the wrist or on the inside of the elbow. After ten minutes, wash off the product. If no irritation appears in this area within two to three hours, then you can safely use similar remedy to remove the unsuccessful tone of curls.

And the first remedy that you can use to get rid of this tint is regular tomato juice. It turns out that it contains a specific acid that perfectly eliminates gray or green tone on the strands. You need to use tomato juice as follows: take a glass of juice and apply it evenly to the curls along the entire length. And after about five minutes, wash off the juice with plain warm water.

You can also wash off the green tone using the most common Aspirin. To do this, you need to dilute three Aspirin tablets in one glass of warm water. Rinse your hair with the resulting mixture. Leave the mixture on your hair for fifteen minutes. Then wash it off with warm water.

Lemon juice is also indispensable for removing green tint from hair. To prepare a product that can not only rid you of the greenish tone, but also provide hair care, you need to dilute lemon juice with water. The proportion should be approximately one to two. Wet the hair with the resulting solution and leave for ten minutes. Then wash your hair as usual.

Attention! If after the first time you do not notice that the green color has disappeared, you can repeat this procedure, increasing the amount of lemon juice. And remember that if after the second time there is no result, then you should not experiment further. Just go to a beauty salon. And there professionals will deal with your problem.

Also in such cases you can use the usual baking soda. To do this, you need to stir a tablespoon of baking soda in a glass of warm water. Then you need to rinse your hair with the resulting solution and leave it on your hair for about ten minutes. After this, I wash my hair as usual.

Green hair color: how to paint it

If you don't have any on hand home remedy, then you can try to paint over the green tone using tint balms.