A place to live in retirement. Where is it better to live in retirement in Russia? How to emigrate from Russia - the best options, profitable programs and the best countries to move to

For men

Ecology of life: Pensioners in developed Western countries are increasingly beginning to see the end of their days away from their homeland. Perhaps we, the young ones, will also be able to do this someday?

Pensioners in developed Western countries are increasingly beginning to see the end of their days away from their homeland. Perhaps we, the young ones, will also be able to do this someday?

Look for a quiet place with a warm climate, low cost of living and a favorable tax regime without compromising the usual comfort and quality of medical care. While you are young, there is time to try to go to a couple of countries for “reconnaissance”. Suddenly something catches your eye.

From shady towns in the south of France to the beaches of Central America, BBC Capital's guide to the seven best retirement destinations has what you're looking for. Besides money, of course...

Peaceful Panama

If in your old age you want to live in a place where you have enough money for a long time, perhaps Panama, the southernmost country in Central America, is suitable for you. Its capital, also called Panama, ranks 124th in cost of living among 131 cities in the world, according to a study conducted by the analytical department of the respected English-language magazine The Economist. Living there is cheaper than the Philippine capital Manila, which is considered one of the least expensive capital cities in Southeast Asia.

According to the website numbeo. com, which tracks prices for everyday goods, a three-course meal for two at an average restaurant in Panama will cost 32.50 Panamanian balboas ($32.50) - more than half the price in New York or in Moscow before the devaluation. And because the local currency is pegged to the U.S. dollar, American retirees don't have to worry about price spikes resulting from currency fluctuations.

The main condition for obtaining a visa is the presence of a stable, guaranteed income. If you receive a pension of at least a thousand dollars a month (both private and government pension payments are considered), you are unlikely to have problems obtaining a retiree tourist visa, which is valid for life. The healthcare system in Panama is considered good, with many doctors trained in the US and Europe. However, retirees should budget at least $200 per month for private health insurance.

But you don’t need a lot of money to purchase real estate. According to the website globalpropertyguide. com, a three-bedroom apartment in the popular mountain town of Boquete can be purchased for approximately $179,000. Foreigners have the same rights to own real estate as local residents.

The main drawback is the poor road infrastructure outside the capital. But despite this, in 2015 Panama was ranked second after Ecuador among the best places to retire, according to International Living magazine. Low prices, a wide range of leisure opportunities and proximity to the United States played in its favor - a flight from the city of Miami, located in the southeastern United States in the state of Florida, takes only two and a half hours.

Additionally, the U.S. State Department's Overseas Security Advisory Board estimates that Panama is relatively safe compared to some Central American countries.

La Belle France

France is not without reason the most popular among tourists - it attracts with beautiful cities and villages, gourmet cuisine, affordable wine and a warm climate in the south - these are just a few of the reasons why this country ranks almost first in the European Union in terms of the number of permanent residents. territory of foreigners.

However, affordability is not France’s strong point in the eyes of pensioners. Taxes and social contributions there are quite high, in addition, French residents are taxed on the value of all your property if it exceeds 800 thousand euros, regardless of location.

However, not everything is as bad as it might seem at first glance. France has excellent public transport, including a high-speed rail network. The journey from Paris to Montpellier, 600 kilometers south of the capital, takes just over three hours on the fast TGV train, with discounts available for passengers aged 60 and over.

In addition, according to the World Health Organization, France boasts the best health care system in the world, which is heavily subsidized by the government. Thus, French residence permit holders are likely to have lower health care costs than citizens of other Western countries.

Moreover, life in France is not always more expensive than in other places. There are inexpensive restaurants there, and property prices outside of Paris are relatively low. Thus, according to French notaries who supervise real estate purchase and sale transactions, a typical residence in the department of Creuse in the Limousin region, located on the territory of the Massif Central, will cost only 73 thousand euros, and a medium-sized house in the Alpes-Maritimes in the region Provence - Alps - Cote d'Azur, where such famous resorts as Cannes are located, can be purchased for 415 thousand euros.

Sunny Malaysia

Do you want to enjoy the sun all year round? Then come to Malaysia! This former British colony has everything your heart desires, from the skyscraper-studded, bustling capital of Kuala Lumpur to tropical beaches and deep jungles.

And living there is quite inexpensive - in the world cost of living index prepared by International Living magazine, Malaysia ranks third in cheapness. As the magazine reports, two people can live comfortably in a luxury apartment overlooking the ocean for $1,700 a month. On the expatulator website. com, which analyzes expat costs in different countries, states that prices for healthcare and housing in Malaysia are "very low" compared to expensive options such as Hong Kong and Australia.

Malaysia is one of the most popular "health tourism" destinations; in 2013, according to the Malaysian Medical Tourism Council, 700 thousand people came here to improve their health.

Tax benefits also attract foreigners. The Dual Residence Program makes it relatively easy for retirees to obtain residency in Malaysia, which comes with an exemption from inheritance and property taxes. In addition, they usually receive a pension or social assistance that is not subject to Malaysian taxes (although American retirees may have to pay U.S. income taxes on it).

In addition, many people in the country speak English, restaurants are cheap, and foreigners have direct ownership of real estate; Overall, Malaysia is a great place!

Profitable Malta

Malta is one of the smallest and most densely populated countries in the world, covering an area of ​​just over 300 square kilometers with a population of 400 thousand people. For many residents of this southern European island, their native language is English, and London is only a three-hour flight from here, so it is not surprising that the British have chosen this place - more than five thousand British citizens live on the island.

Here, British pensioners feel at home (there are British shops everywhere) and even better (in Malta, unlike the UK, it is very sunny, and the average annual temperature is +18°C). An additional benefit is the Maltese Pension Scheme, under which income tax for EU citizens granted residence in Malta is only 15%, compared to 30-40% in the US and Europe.

In the local dialect "Malta" means "honey", and pensioners really flock here like bees. This is no coincidence: the country has an excellent healthcare system (according to WTO estimates, Malta ranks fifth in the world for this indicator), and medical care is provided to all citizens of the country free of charge. Moreover, under the Mutual Health Support Treaty between Malta and the UK, Britons can expect the same conditions.

The rich history and beautiful architecture of this picturesque island are also accessible to everyone.

According to the site numbeo. com, renting a three-room apartment in the capital of Malta, Valletta, will cost 700 euros, and a three-course lunch for two in an average restaurant costs only 50 euros.

Beach Portugal

Portugal attracts tourists with its many charming fishing villages, medieval towns, beaches and golf courses. Foreigners have settled here for a long time, so many people speak English here.

The capital of Portugal, Lisbon, is one of the oldest cities in the world, famous for its wonderful Mediterranean climate. But retirees who come to Portugal settle mainly on the Atlantic coast in the Algarve with its azure waters, sunny weather throughout the year and average temperatures from +12°C in January to +24°C in July.

Whatever part of the country pensioners choose, they are guaranteed preferential tax treatment. Under the non-native system, income earned abroad can be tax-free for up to ten years.

Outside of Portugal's most luxurious resort towns, such as Quinta do Lago or Vilamoura, housing costs are set within reasonable limits. Prices for one-room apartments in the popular resort of Albufeira, according to the rightmove website. com, dedicated to real estate, start from 60 thousand euros.

Tropical Thailand

Low cost of living, no taxes on retirement income earned abroad, a tropical climate and a culture of respect for elders - what more could a retiree want from living in a state known as the “Land of Smiles”?

Living there, according to International Living magazine, is really quite inexpensive. In the magazine's cost-of-living index, Thailand ranked second cheapest, with a luxury two-bedroom apartment with stunning views available for less than 40,000 baht ($1,200) a month, and a dish of traditional Thai rice noodles costing just a dollar.

A one-year retirement visa is issued to those who receive a monthly pension of 65 thousand baht ($2 thousand) or place a deposit of 800 thousand baht ($24 thousand) in a Thai bank.

You should budget for the cost of local health insurance. While the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office rates many private clinics as meeting Western standards, the International Living group notes that local hospitals vary in the level of care they provide.

Cultural Belize

Belize is the only Latin American country whose official language is English, so more and more retirees are coming here, enchanted by the swaying palm trees and white sandy beaches.

The country's population is only 350 thousand people, but the number of ecotourists, attracted by tropical forests, traces of Mayan civilization and the largest barrier reef in the Western Hemisphere, is constantly growing.

For pensioners, an additional benefit has been created in the form of a special pension program that offers a number of tax benefits, in particular exemption from import duties on certain household items, such as a car or yacht, as well as from taxes on income, including from investments, received outside Belize . The program applies to people over the age of 45 with a monthly income of at least two thousand dollars.

Real estate prices are lower than in the US, but not as much as in other Central American countries. Rumor has it that Hollywood actor Leonardo DiCaprio recently bought an island west of the largest island in the Belizean archipelago, Ambergris Cay, for $1.75 million. But it is still relatively easy to purchase real estate in Belize - the contract is concluded in English, and local laws are based on the British system, which helps protect the interests of buyers.

There are inexpensive private clinics in Belize that offer quality medical care, but for complex procedures many foreigners prefer to travel to the United States - insurance often covers the cost of the flight. published

Many citizens of the Russian Federation, having retired, are seriously thinking about moving to another region or even state. Where it is better to live in retirement: in Russia or abroad, depends on the totality of circumstances and the desires of the person himself. When choosing a region or country, factors such as climate, political and economic conditions, the level of development of medicine, social infrastructure, the acceptable degree of distance from other family members, the retiree’s intention to engage in work, and so on are taken into account. Read more about this in our article.

Where to live for a pensioner in Russia: conditions in the regions

Often citizens prefer to move within the country because it involves fewer risks and quick adaptation: there are no language barriers, problems with socialization in society, and so on. Some retirees move closer to children who have left for other regions, while others strive for warm southern regions.

When choosing a future place of residence within the Russian Federation, older citizens evaluate the economic development of the region, social support measures, the level of medical care, climate and ecology. An important factor is the cost of housing - it becomes an obstacle to moving, for example, to large southern cities of Russia. Pensioners do not want to move to the outback because of insufficiently developed social infrastructure and medicine. You will most likely have to live here only on a pension benefit, although there is the opportunity to conduct subsistence farming. It is believed that decent living conditions in the Russian Federation for older people are in the capital due to the significant increase in benefits. However, it is recommended to live in the Moscow region, choosing an area with developed social facilities. At the same time, it is profitable to rent out living space in the capital. Under other conditions, Moscow is unlikely to be suitable for the middle and low-income class for a comfortable old age, since it is characterized by inflated prices for housing and communal services, food, and medicines. The same expensive living conditions are typical for Primorye and the Khabarovsk Territory, where the average pensioner’s allowance will be used to pay off payments for housing and purchase food.

When choosing a place of future residence, it is recommended to highlight the factors that are of priority importance for a pensioner. This is due to the fact that cities can occupy opposite positions in different rankings. For example, Krasnodar ranks one of the last places in terms of well-being (0.04) (according to data from the Center for the Study of Pension Reform). The average cost of living there exceeds the amount of the pension benefit. However, in terms of living conditions, this city is in the first positions and is second only to Tyumen, which is due to the climate, ecology, farming opportunities, social policy (benefits for medicines, compensation for housing and communal services up to 100%).

Top best regions

As a result of the analysis of the totality of benefits in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, territories that are comfortable for the life of a pensioner are identified.

ATTENTION! When choosing a place of residence, it is important to take into account the individual characteristics and desires of a person: climate tolerance (heat, humidity levels, frost), health status, intention to work, conduct subsistence farming, and so on.

Table 1. Best cities and regions for retirees to live in

IrkutskIt occupies one of the leading places among cities comfortable for retirement living. It features decent social support measures (subsidies, benefits, privileges), reasonable prices for utilities and food
BelgorodEcologically clean and green area. It has inexpensive living conditions (affordable housing, food), a sufficient level of social support and medical care. According to statistics, there is a large proportion of working pensioners in the region, that is, if you wish, it is possible to find a job
UfaIt is considered one of the cities in the Russian Federation with the most inexpensive living conditions. Payment for housing, food, medicine, car maintenance is recognized as the cheapest compared to other regions of the country. Social support measures (benefits, privileges) are provided in full. A significant disadvantage of the city is the unfavorable environmental situation due to the industrial activities of enterprises
OmskThe price of life's goods is not high (at the level of Ufa), but the million-plus city is distinguished by its crisis resistance, good conditions for doing business (ranks 6th in the ranking for constituent entities of the Russian Federation), and material stability. Suitable for northerners who do not want to significantly change their habitat: the climate here is warmer and characterized by an abundance of sunlight. Developed transport network (railway, air), infrastructure, social support for the population
SmolenskAlong with Ufa, it has low prices for food and housing and communal services. The average pension is enough to cover all expenses
Tula, Bryansk, Yaroslavl regionsEconomically profitable areas for retirees to live, characterized by low prices for housing, food and medicines. The lowest cost of utilities is observed among residents of Yaroslavl

As the well-being index decreases, Mineralnye Vody, Sarapul, Sochi, Taganrog, Kostroma, and Pskov are further ranked. The regions have a favorable climate and ecology, but from an economic point of view, life there is more expensive than in the settlements presented in the table.

Options for working retirees

For citizens who plan to continue working after reaching retirement age, it is advisable to choose subjects of the Russian Federation with low unemployment rates. In this case, it is recommended not to consider the southern regions. Employment opportunities there are limited, with the exception of large cities, but in the south there are conditions for subsistence farming.

Name of the localityCharacteristic
TyumenAccording to opinion polls, it is the best city for employment and living, including for retirees. The industrial region is distinguished by a high level of income of the population, developed social infrastructure, and medical care.
KazanThe million-plus city provides ample opportunities for employment and increasing wealth. Characterized by developed infrastructure, medicine, education
MoscowEmployment is available for representatives of various professions
Saint PetersburgA significant proportion of pensioners want to live in the center of culture and art of the Russian Federation. Such citizens are encouraged to try themselves in the excursion, tourism, hotel or museum field
EkaterinburgAn industrial and scientific center with a developed services market, a high level of medical care and education

Enterprises in Kaliningrad, Voronezh, Nizhny Novgorod, and Sochi can also provide pensioners with the opportunity to earn money. Based on the amount of income, the highest paid labor occurs in the northern territories: Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Khanty-Mansiysk, Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Magadan Region.

Where to move with the whole family?

When moving together with relatives, the interests of not only the pensioner, but also his loved ones are taken into account. For example, when changing the place of residence of citizens with a child, they evaluate the territory from the standpoint of conditions for a growing organism. It is advisable to avoid sudden climate change. Pediatricians recommend the seaside area, especially for weakened children.

The top family cities include Kazan, Belgorod, Voronezh. They are characterized by a high level of education and sports development of the population. Based on economic, geographic, and environmental indicators, Kaliningrad is distinguished. It is considered to be close to Europe, as evidenced by a high level of quality of life, material stability, crisis resistance, and favorable conditions for doing business. Ecologically clean regions include Mineralnye Vody, Essentuki, Nazran, Krasnokamsk, Chapaevsk, Kaspiysk, Derbent, Novoshakhtinsk.

Video - The best cities to live in Russia

Pension emigration: reasons and criteria for choosing a country

According to official Pension Fund statistics alone, about 160 thousand pensioners from Russia live abroad, receiving old-age benefits in the Russian Federation. In fact, this value is even higher. Some of them receive payments not monthly, but 1-2 times a year, others issue a power of attorney for relatives, who subsequently transfer the pension to the citizen. Among the reasons for emigration, pensioners name:

  • low quality of life in the Russian Federation;
  • inflated cost of housing and communal services, increased payments;
  • inadequate medical care. Many pensioners leave to receive high-quality diagnostics and treatment, social assistance;
  • unstable political situation in the country, crises, bureaucracy and corruption;
  • desire to change the environment, climate;
  • the desire to see the world, visit world cultural heritage;
  • reunion with relatives and friends.

The move of an elderly citizen to other states is caused by both objective and subjective reasons. When choosing a country of planned resettlement, pensioners rely on the following criteria:

  • quality of living conditions and its cost: prices for housing, food, medicine, and so on;
  • climatic conditions;
  • availability of social infrastructure: medical, cultural, entertainment institutions;
  • mentality, language, religious beliefs.

The list of countries for relocation is not limited - many states welcome wealthy Russian citizens who have retired to them due to their age. Countries where it would be comfortable for a Russian pensioner to live are located in very different parts of the world.

ATTENTION! Lack of funds to purchase real estate and make significant investments does not mean that living abroad is prohibited for an elderly person. It is quite possible to choose a country where accommodation will be cheaper than in Russia, and its quality will be noticeably higher.

The algorithm of actions if a pensioner wishes to obtain permanent residence (permanent residence) is similar in different countries; the procedure is carried out according to the same scheme:

  • obtaining entry permission: visas (if necessary), participation in programs for migrants, and so on;
  • registration of a residence permit (residence permit) - here countries set their own conditions (ownership of real estate, the presence of a certain amount in the account, the amount of annual income, and so on);
  • After the period of residence established by the state, the immigrant has the right to apply for permanent residence.

To complete the procedure, you need to collect a package of documentation, which includes:

  • identification;
  • international passport;
  • bank account statements indicating that the required amount is in them;
  • confirmation of ownership of living space on the territory of the state;
  • fee payment receipt;
  • certificate of no criminal record.

The possibilities for obtaining permanent residence for Russian citizens differ in different countries - in some, obtaining it will not be difficult, in others it is practically impossible.

The best countries for Russian pensioners to live in

Provided there is sufficient material security and stability, the vast majority of states are ready to accept Russian senior citizens. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to draw up the necessary papers, purchase real estate, deposit a certain amount of money into an account and support yourself, there will be no problems with living in a foreign country for a pensioner. However, older people with average incomes also have a chance to move to another country. Many countries provide residence permits under special migration programs. This legalizes the citizen’s stay in a given territory for a specified period. Next, the pensioner can go through the procedure for obtaining permanent residence, which in some states can be done using a simplified procedure.

Sometimes older people prefer to move to neighboring countries because of more comfortable socialization in society and living conditions closer to those in Russia. For example, it is possible to move to Minsk, which has a mild climate, low prices for accommodation, and the availability of benefits and privileges. Pensioners also consider the Baltic states, especially when living in the territory of relatives. In relation to a Russian pension, the cost of living there is quite low, and the climate is milder than in the Russian Federation.

The country is popular among Russian retirees due to its favorable climate, high-quality and inexpensive living conditions. Citizens are attracted by the legislation of the EU member state that is beneficial for foreigners.

If a person confirms that he has received payments outside the state (the amount is not important), then a long stay is available for him according to a simple registration scheme. You need to provide information about renting or owning housing in Bulgaria and have about 1,500 euros (12 minimum country pensions) in your bank account. In this country, it is easier for an elderly unemployed citizen without his own business to settle down than, for example, in Croatia and the Czech Republic. A person from the Russian Federation can receive a pension at a branch of any bank.

Among the significant advantages due to which the country maintains first positions in the ratings of places recommended for pensioners to live is the low level of prices for food, housing, medical care, and medicines. By renting out an apartment in Russia and receiving a pension, it is easy for a senior citizen to ensure a comfortable old age here. According to residents, in small settlements or villages it is possible to live on just one payment; a comfortable house with a plot of land in such an area can be purchased for 500 thousand - 1 million rubles.

Another advantage of the country is the large proportion of the population who speak Russian. And it is usually not difficult for pensioners to learn the Bulgarian language because of its similarity to their native language. An important issue for older people is the provision of health care services. To obtain them, you must take out insurance, which costs about 150 euros annually.

Conditions and quality of life are similar to Bulgaria. Montenegro is friendly towards Russian citizens and provides a residence permit to everyone who has purchased real estate on its territory (the cost and tenure do not matter).

The state is characterized by low prices for housing and food. Cost of 1 sq. meter of real estate is 1 thousand euros, in remote regions - 800 euros. An apartment with 2 bedrooms can be purchased for about 50 thousand euros, luxury apartments near the sea will cost 165 thousand euros.

ATTENTION! The country is recognized as the most environmentally friendly in Europe with an abundance of natural products. The life expectancy of the population here exceeds that of many European countries.

However, medicine in Montenegro is expensive. Free treatment is available only to immigrant citizens running their own business in the state.

The state is a member of the European Union and NATO, and has agreements on visa-free visits to over 100 countries. However, in addition to tourist services, developed social infrastructure, medicine, and trade await retirees here.

Among the disadvantages of immigration to the country are high prices for housing and communal services (even in comparison with the Russian Federation). Housing prices are average. Cost per sq. square meter - 1300 euros. However, rent is low and amounts to about 200 euros per month. Purchasing food also does not involve large expenses.

The country is characterized by a favorable climate and low crime rates. It is advisable for weather-sensitive people to live in Portugal; there are no sudden weather changes, winters are warm, and summers are not hot. The level of medical care is mediocre, there is a shortage of doctors, which causes long queues. It is possible to contact private hospitals, but the average price for visiting a specialist is 50 euros.

ATTENTION! A special program for immigrants prohibits withholding taxes for 10 years on the pensions of citizens who have lived in the country for 5 years.

It is considered a country close to Russia not only territorially, but also in terms of religious beliefs, cultural values, and language. Socialization for pensioners is easier here, since a significant proportion of the population is Russian-speaking.

Climatic conditions are temperate continental, Mediterranean. Prices for food and accommodation in Serbia are low - lower than in the Russian Federation. Price sq. meter of living space is 700 euros, renting an apartment will cost 150 euros per month. Medicine is insurance, assistance is provided by highly qualified personnel. However, residents note insufficient technical equipment of healthcare institutions, which worsens the quality of services. The state is suitable for a measured, quiet life for retirees with average incomes.

Despite the disapproving attitude of the Chinese towards foreigners, they are always respectful towards older people.

The development of medicine is at a high level, treatment and diagnostic methods are constantly being improved. The country leads in life expectancy. In China there is compulsory insurance.

ATTENTION! By 2020, the PRC will provide the entire population of the state with basic medical care at the expense of the budget.

In the northern regions of the state, housing prices are lower than in Russia. The indigenous inhabitants of these regions themselves often move to the Russian Far East, while residents of the latter move to the border cities of the Middle Kingdom. Prices for food and utilities in China are much cheaper than in Russia. As a result of such excitement, entire “Russia towns” are formed on the border, inhabited by the Russian-speaking population.

The country is suitable for retirees who are drawn to Arab culture. Hurghada is in high demand. The advantage of the state is low prices for living space, cost per square meter. meters - up to 650 euros, but housing is available for 8-10 thousand rubles per sq. m. meter.

There are also no excessive costs for food, the food is natural, lots of vegetables and fruits. High-quality medical care is typical only for large settlements; insurance is developing poorly. The cost of medical services is high.

ATTENTION! Egypt has an extremely hot climate, which is not suitable for every elderly person. In summer, the thermometer rises to +45 degrees, in winter it stays at 17-25 degrees. Sandstorms and droughts are typical. There are significant temperature differences between daytime and nighttime.

Significant disadvantages of living in Egypt are the unstable political situation, the problem of terrorism, the high level of crime (fraud, non-compliance with traffic rules that cause accidents, and so on).

A common place for resettlement of citizens from Russia and other countries. Türkiye provides a residence permit to all persons who have purchased real estate on its territory (price and tenure are not important). Next, the owner issues a residence permit from the country’s Ministry of Defense and receives TAPU, a certificate of ownership of living space. To switch to permanent residence, a citizen must spend 8 years in Turkey under a residence permit.

The country has a favorable climate, low food prices, and qualified medical care. For 70 thousand euros in Turkey you can buy an elite apartment with 2 bedrooms and furniture by the sea, one-bedroom modern apartments cost about 40 thousand euros. As you move away from the sea and large populated areas, housing prices fall. The country has a significant share of Russian-speaking population, most social infrastructure facilities will provide services to Russian pensioners in their native language. The disadvantages of living in the country are the unstable political situation and the low quality of life in remote regions.

America is suitable for Russian retirees with high incomes. Usually these are citizens who are actively developing their own business not only in the Russian Federation, but also abroad. All conditions have been created for this in the USA.

The quality of life here is high: the social infrastructure is developed, medical care is provided by highly qualified doctors, and modern diagnostic methods are used. However, the cost of living in the United States is prohibitive for most Russian pensioners. A citizen with an average income is unlikely to have enough money for food and housing for long, even with savings.

In recent years, the trend of citizens changing their place of residence upon reaching retirement age has noticeably increased for objective and subjective reasons. Elderly people strive to move to ecologically clean areas with a mild climate, decent living conditions at low cost, high-quality medicine, and developed social assistance. Often this cannot be achieved within their home country, and pensioners emigrate abroad. At the same time, moving to a foreign country is associated with activities related to the collection and execution of papers, and the costs of purchasing real estate. However, in most cases, the hassle is worth it, providing retirees with the living conditions they have always dreamed of.

Video - Immigration to the USA: how do our pensioners live?

Video - Where is the best place to live in retirement?

According to world statistics, the number of emigrants over the age of 50 is increasing every year. Changing countries is no longer something inaccessible not only to young people, but also to people of the third age. Anyone can.

How widespread is this practice among Russian pensioners? As life has shown, people are no longer young increasingly leaving for foreign lands. The main reasons are difficult living conditions, poor climate, high prices for housing and communal services, food and medicine. It is difficult for a pensioner to survive with meager pensions. It's no secret that Russian pensioners can afford little in their country. People leave in search of a better life. Many people want to fulfill their cherished three wishes:

  • pay less bills;
  • have good treatment;
  • live in a warm climate.

Age does not prevent you from looking for a place on earth where you don’t have to live out your life, but live joyfully and fully even in old age.

10 criteria when choosing a country to live in retirement

Pension immigration around the world is gaining momentum. Emigration for pensioners from Russia to another country has also become a reality. However, for such a serious event, just one desire is not enough. There are many factors that can affect the implementation of plans. When choosing a new place of residence, you need to consider the following aspects:

  • political climate in the country;
  • geological features of the area (volcanoes, earthquakes);
  • climate zone;
  • features of mentality;
  • culinary traditions;
  • access to medicine for immigrants;
  • living expenses;
  • employment opportunity;
  • leisure activities;
  • knowledge of laws.

The study of the legislative framework begins with the conditions of admission for those wishing to settle permanently in a foreign country. Many countries have investment programs. To obtain a residence permit almost anywhere Pension immigration must contribute to the country's economy. Most often, this is the purchase of your own home in the country.

Resident card

For pensioners, this is the first step towards obtaining permanent residence permit. Some people prepare to immigrate even before they retire. They travel abroad for work. They buy real estate there. They make acquaintances. They study the language and traditions of the country. They retire in Russia and go to live in a country where they already everything is ready for a normal life. In such cases, emigration for pensioners becomes simply a move to a new place of residence, without any special problems.

Where is it better to emigrate from Russia?

Where is the best place to live so that retirement abroad becomes a new, happy stage in life? Most often, the following countries become places of pilgrimage for pensioners:

  • Portugal;
  • Egypt.

Which of these countries will become the promised land for the wanderer depends on many factors.

Where can a pensioner go for permanent residence without money?

It is difficult for an elderly person to change his usual lifestyle and integrate into a foreign environment. Let's try to analyze where is the best place to live abroad? and where is the easiest place for a pensioner to emigrate from Russia?

It is easier for a Russian-speaking person to settle among the Slavs. On the list of where it is better to move to live for permanent residence, Bulgaria is first.

It is not difficult for a person of the third age to go there for permanent residence. Main, so that the pension is not lower than a certain level. In rubles, this is about six thousand. The amount is lower than the Russian minimum pension, but quite decent for living in a sunny country.

This is perhaps the only place where a pensioner from Russia can go to live with virtually no money. To move, it is enough to have a Russian pension. You can live very well on it, especially in small settlements. It's easiest there for pensioners . Cost of Bulgarian real estate lowest in Europe although it is not necessary to buy a home. The house can be rented. The reception conditions are quite acceptable, so the emigration of pensioners from Russia to Bulgaria does not stop.


Another Balkan country , where is it better for a pensioner to live abroad, this is Montenegro .

To obtain a residence permit in Montenegro you need to have your own home or at least a small business.

This immediately provides great benefits.

The right to free medicine, a temporary residence permit and, after five years, a permanent one .


Where else is it not difficult for Russian pensioners to settle down, it’s in Serbia. Life in the country is calm, local residents treat visitors from Russia warmly. Standard requirements for an immigrant:

  • own real estate;
  • stable income.

You can confirm your solvency with a certificate of receipt of a pension in Russia, or a letter of guarantee from relatives who, if necessary, will be able to provide assistance to a pensioner living in Serbia.


Emigration for pensioners from Russia has become commonplace. Modern people are not afraid to leave their homes and go to places where they can better spend the rest of their lives comfortably. Many people choose Portugal for this purpose. Immigration policy regarding pensioners from Russia loyal in this state. Russian pensioners live there with dual citizenship. In Portugal, retirees are attracted by:

  • Decent standard of living.
  • Good medicine.
  • Pleasant climate.
  • Sea resorts.

It must be said that Portugal is a country for the rich. Only very wealthy people can get there. As in many EU countries, a residence permit can be obtained there . You will have to pay a hefty sum for housing. You may be offered an apartment for five hundred thousand euros. The issue of emigration for pensioners from Russia to Portugal is not a problem if it is possible to buy apartments for such a lot of money.


Where to go to live from Russia in retirement is a purely personal matter. Pensioners in the eastern part of Russia prefer China. Siberians, residents of Transbaikalia and the Far East are attracted to the People's Republic of China by low prices for housing and communal services, food and real estate.

Even the minimum Russian pension makes you feel independent there. Many people buy inexpensive Chinese housing and, after living in the country for five years, remain permanently.

You can also go to China to join your children who have Chinese citizenship.


A good option for retirees is Thailand. Advantages of the country:

  • safety;
  • cheapness;
  • comfort.

The climate in tropical Thailand is warm and humid. Those who are suitable for such conditions happily live there for a long time. Obtaining permanent residence in Thailand is quite difficult. The country's government allows immigrants to live in the country only on long-term visas, which are renewed every six months. The procedure does not require crossing the border and is valid for an unlimited time. Russian pensioners are quite happy with this condition. Therefore, more and more people want to move to Thailand.


Only the lazy have never been to Egypt. Tourists like to relax there, however, the climate and living conditions are not suitable for everyone for permanent residence. If you still decide to leave for this country, then you need to note the main thing:

  1. Housing prices in Egypt are three times lower than in Russia.
  2. Despite the heat, the climate is even. No changes.
  3. Living next to the Red Sea is pleasant and rewarding.
  4. Living in the country is inexpensive. You can live there quite tolerably and economically on a Russian pension.
  5. The products are cheap.
  6. Winter clothes are not needed.
  7. Fruits all year round.

However, there are also many disadvantages:

  1. The country is Muslim.
  2. The mentality of the Egyptians is very different from the Russian way of life.
  3. The streets do not have the greenery that is familiar to the Russian eye.
  4. Not all populated areas are clean enough.
  5. If you are not a citizen of the country, then prices for you everywhere will be twice as expensive.

Pensioners from Russia can obtain citizenship in Egypt. To do this, you need to submit a certificate from the pension fund, or a document to receive bank interest.

How to receive a pension abroad

When choosing a country to live in, you need to take this matter very seriously. It is necessary to be guided not only by the weather and nature. It is necessary to comprehensively study the conditions of admission in the country, the level of prices for housing, food, medicine, learn about social guarantees, calculate your financial capabilities, and clarify the conditions for receiving your Russian pension. For example, in Bulgaria, a pension from Russia can be received at any bank. Conditions may vary in other countries.

Having worked in detail on all aspects of life in a foreign country, you can safely move to a new place of residence. Having arrived in a foreign country, an immigrant armed with knowledge will never find himself in an unpleasant situation and will be able to establish life in a new place in the best possible way.

Emigration of pensioners to Bulgaria, video

Over the past few years, an interesting trend has begun to emerge. Many pensioners from the Russian Federation leave for other countries where living conditions are more consistent with their personal taste.

Most of them continue to receive a pension in Russia, since there are no serious obstacles to this. In order not to make a mistake with such an important choice, it is important to study which country is better for retirees to live in.

Choosing a country to live in

For a pensioner who has decided to move abroad to live permanently, it is very important to know that the vast majority of countries are ready to accept him, provided his financial condition is stable. If you have the opportunity to complete the necessary papers, purchase real estate and support yourself, there will be no problems finding a suitable place to live.

It is worth keeping in mind that many states provide the possibility of obtaining a residence permit under special migration programs, which will allow you to legalize your presence in the country for a certain period. After this, the pensioner can use the procedure for obtaining permanent residence, and in many states a simplified scheme is provided for this.

Find out where it is easiest to immigrate from the video.

The best countries where Russian pensioners live comfortably are located in various parts of the world. Traditionally, this is where the standard of living is better than in other countries.
However, the lack of funds to purchase real estate and serious financial investments does not mean that a pensioner will not be able to move abroad.

There are quite a few countries where the quality of life is somewhat higher, and accommodation is noticeably cheaper than in the Russian Federation.

Bulgaria appears to be a visited and popular resort among tourists and immigrants. It is quite possible to move here on a permanent basis, since such a state can boast a number of advantages over most other destinations:

  • excellent weather conditions;
  • convenience in receiving a pension due to the possibility of sending it directly to a Bulgarian bank;
  • no need to learn the language and the simplest.

All these advantages make it possible to call this state ideal for permanent residence for a pensioner who has decided to leave the Russian Federation. The main advantage, in comparison with other directions, seems to be. You can buy a home for just 500 thousand rubles and less. When choosing which country to leave Russia for, many choose this option.

Another popular European destination ideal for retirees seems to be. This state is perhaps even more popular than Bulgaria, which is explained by the excellent living conditions in the region.

Montenegro can rightfully be proud of its nature, since it is the most environmentally friendly country in Europe, which has allowed its residents to achieve unique life expectancy indicators.

One of the factors that attracts numerous tourists here seems to be , which is significantly lower than similar indicators in Moscow.

As a rule, the cost of one square meter reaches 1000 euros, although if you have the desire, you can quite easily find better offers (800 euros per meter), but this is noticeably further from the center of the country. These conditions are quite sufficient for pensioners to live comfortably.

Another reason why many Russian-speaking travelers planning to live in retirement choose Montenegro is the loyal attitude towards tourists that is found everywhere here. In order to go through the legalization process necessary for a long or long term, you will not need a lot of money.

The disadvantages of this immigration option include the complete lack of affordable medical services for migrants.

This makes medicine quite expensive, which affects the quality of life.

When considering the most comfortable countries in terms of living, suitable for travelers of retirement age, one cannot ignore. A characteristic feature of this direction is considered to be a mild climate, which is good for weather-sensitive people. Winters here are quite warm, and summers are not hot., thereby creating the most comfortable living conditions.

Another advantage of this destination is the low crime rate, which guarantees the safety of travelers who decide to stay here. In economic terms, this state is the best suited for budget-conscious tourists, because the cost of food and rental property is very low.

Negative features include the inflated cost of utilities, even in comparison with the Russian Federation.

This is offset by the small amount of other expenses, which makes life in Portugal inexpensive.

Especially for pensioners, this country has a program that provides no taxation if a number of conditions are met:

  • Continuous residence in the state for 5 years.
  • The maximum duration of receipt of funds without paying taxes is 10 years.
  • If the conditions are not met, the income will be taxed in accordance with the current laws of the country.

In view of this, Portugal is one of the most suitable destinations for retirees located in Western Europe. With relatively cheap accommodation, this state provides comfortable living conditions.


The list of European destinations that allow pensioners from the Russian Federation to significantly improve their quality of life is not limited to the previously mentioned countries. Serbia

The most economical travelers buy or rent a house in remote regions of the country, where a temperate continental climate prevails, and prices for almost everything are several times lower than in popular areas.

Video about life and prices in Serbia.

The disadvantages of Serbia include poor technical equipment of local healthcare institutions, which becomes a serious problem for those residents who have a number of diseases that require constant monitoring by doctors. In addition, the number of immigrants living here is very small.