Why does taste change during pregnancy? Taste preferences in pregnant women.

To mom

The influence of hormonal changes in the female body on taste and olfactory preferences during pregnancy - recommendations of an obstetrician-gynecologist.

If a woman complains that she used to love coffee, but now the smell alone makes her sick, she used to go out to smoke every half hour, and now runs past the smoking room, her first answer will be the question: “Darling, are you, by any chance, pregnant?” How do doctors explain such a sharp change in the perception of smell and taste?

The exotic culinary preferences of expectant mothers and the sharp change in their tastes have been noticed for a long time. Who hasn’t heard jokes about a husband who runs at night, almost in his pajamas, to look for peaches or pickles for his pregnant wife... A passionate fan of pickles during this period can turn into a notorious sweet tooth, and a lover of chocolates, ice cream and jam suddenly wants to eat everything salty and spicy. According to a survey conducted by the food company Cow & Gate, it turned out that more than 60% of pregnant women experience an irresistible urge to mix completely incompatible foods. Among them are lemon with salt and pepper, ice cream and chips seasoned with mustard, and many other combinations.

“If we talk about smells, then throughout the first trimester I could not stand kitchen smells at all, especially sharp ones, such as the smell of fried onions. And in general, my sense of smell became so heightened!..”

“And during pregnancy, I became addicted to sniffing... soap! Ordinary baby soap, I just want to eat it! And to this day (to my daughter), when I open a new piece of soap, I will definitely lick it a couple of times...”

“The beginning of my pregnancy occurred at the end of spring - beginning of summer, when everyone opens the windows. My sense of smell became so acute that I could easily tell what dish was being prepared in each apartment - from the first floor to the twelfth.”

"I used to like perfumes with heavy floral scents. And in the first months of pregnancy, I hated them and fell in love with light, fresh smells..."

Let's try to figure out why and where all these addictions come from. There is no single and coherent theory on this matter. Here are some of the most popular points of view.

Under the sign of progesterone - the dominant of pregnancy

The theory that “blames” progesterone for all the quirks of pregnant women is the main one (all other theories say basically the same thing, but in different words).

At the beginning of pregnancy, the so-called dominant pregnancy, which promotes readiness to bear and give birth to a child, and also provides psychological attitude women.

The dominant of pregnancy is a focus of excitation in the brain that occurs in a pregnant woman after the egg attaches to the mucous membrane, due to the constant flow of signals from the uterus to the brain. At the hormonal level, the dominant is supported by increased production of progesterone.

The hormone progesterone is synthesized by the ovaries, placenta and adrenal cortex. From the moment of attachment ovum increased production of progesterone begins to the wall of the uterus, which helps maintain pregnancy (suppresses the activity of the smooth muscles of the uterus; acting on the central nervous system, supports the formed dominant of pregnancy; stimulates the preparation of the mammary glands and the growth of the uterus; suppresses the reaction of rejection of the fertilized egg). The content of progesterone in the mother’s blood grows unevenly, doubling, and then gradually increasing.

A decrease in progesterone levels indicates the presence of pregnancy pathology and requires replacement therapy; an increase in the level of the hormone indicates the presence of renal failure (impaired excretion). The production of progesterone completely stops only with advanced changes in the placenta, for example with.

It is to the active increased level progesterone can be attributed to the most fundamental changes during pregnancy, and it is it that triggers a cascade of biochemical changes in the body. It also launches the so-called “search engine” to find in the mother’s body the necessary resources of the endocrine and autonomic nervous system 1 to ensure development normal pregnancy. In other words, this hormone determines what is normal and what is deficient, and builds a “program” in order to eliminate all deficiencies. As a result, the mother’s body is given a command to satisfy the deficiency, causing the desired need. For example, with a lack of calcium, there is a desire to eat chalk, with a deficiency of ascorbic acid and green vegetables, with a lack of B vitamins, there is a desire to drink beer. At the same time, the search engine makes sure that the woman does not eat anything that will be harmful to her or the child. This is exactly why in gastrointestinal tract changes occur that facilitate the process of rejecting currently unsuitable food and prolong the process of processing suitable food.

1 The autonomic nervous system is the part of the nervous system responsible for internal organs

Possible failures

However, things are not always so simple. In cases where there are hidden metabolic disorders in a woman’s body, the “search engine” command can be paradoxical, i.e. one that, instead of eliminating the deficit, contributes to its strengthening. The result is a vicious circle. For example, the body does not have enough iron, and a woman, against the background of severe anemia (decreased amount of hemoglobin), develops a specific metallic taste in her mouth, but at the same time she develops an aversion to meat, although it is the consumption of meat that could at least partially help solve the problem of impaired iron exchange. In such cases, the only way out is vitamin-mineral complexes. Although sometimes there may be disgusting olfactory reactions to them. Why such a phenomenon occurs is still a mystery that science has yet to solve.

Before this, we talked about addictions that generally do not threaten the life of the mother, but in the early stages of pregnancy, some women have a desire to eat inedible foods: chalk, clay, sand, lime, earth. Some people are very attracted to the vapors of gasoline, acetone and other volatile substances. Similar phenomena, fortunately, are rare. Should such cravings be satisfied? Of course, such desires should not be satisfied. And they are again called by the “command” of the same “search engine”. If such desires are persistent, it is important to visit a doctor, because... they are caused by neurochemical changes in the body. Probably couples are so harmful substances somehow affect the functioning of the brain: the body reacts in this way to an altered balance of excitation and inhibition processes. But under no circumstances should the expectant mother satisfy such desires, because harmful fumes can have a disfiguring effect on the developing fetus. In such cases, the doctor corrects the situation by prescribing drugs that improve metabolic processes in the brain (glycine, glutamic acid, vitamins).

So, it is the hormonal changes in the body that greatly influence taste preferences (desire for one thing and aversion to another). According to world-renowned M.D. Michele Glissman, “Those weird hormones that rush through the body in the first three months of pregnancy cause taste quirks.”

Nausea and vomiting - a defensive reaction

Samuel M. Flaxman and Paul Sherman stated that nausea, vomiting and altered taste preferences during pregnancy serve a beneficial function: it is a natural mechanism for protecting the mother and fetus from illness caused by food, as well as protecting the fetus from harmful substances that can adversely affect influence the formation of its organs and tissues. Their findings help explain why many pregnant women initially develop an aversion to meat, some vegetables and caffeinated drinks, and a preference for mildly flavored foods. According to Sherman, food aversion also provides protection against toxins produced by microorganisms and other teratogens (defect-causing agents). fetal development) substances.

At the same time, in the first three months of pregnancy, embryonic cells differentiate and begin to form structures. These developing structures and organ systems—the arms, legs, eyes, and central nervous system—may be adversely affected by teratogens found in some plants during the critical stage of new life formation; their components can also have a negative effect on the course of pregnancy: for example, parsley can cause uterine contractions and provoke. It is no coincidence that a pregnant woman’s body often rejects spices.

The vagaries of a pregnant woman's intuition

It is known that the tastes and desires of a pregnant woman change. Nature has provided the expectant mother with the so-called “food intuition of a pregnant woman.” Modern dietetics, medicine and biology do not have complete information about absolutely proper nutrition for a pregnant woman. Only the basic principle is known: food should be varied, as healthy as possible and contain a minimum amount of processed and artificial products. In the first trimester pregnancy is underway active restructuring of the body and its adaptation to a new state. Now the child expresses his needs through his mother, demanding microelements, vitamins and nutrients that are beneficial for him. Both mother and her family will have to take this into account when providing the products they crave. However, here, more than anywhere else, a reasonable approach is appropriate. Listening to your desires is important, but satisfy them in reasonable quantities.

So, no matter what is hidden behind such strange addictions of pregnant women, we need to listen to them and sometimes really think about what kind of deficit our “whims” are trying to eliminate. Scientists admit that some cases of taste preferences cannot be explained. And in any case, don’t force yourself to eat what is considered “good” for you if you don’t want to.

What to do if you really want something harmful and are not at all drawn to something useful?

  1. When taste and olfactory preferences frighten, drive you crazy or do not allow you to live a normal life everyday life, consult a doctor.
  2. If you really want something, then Bon appetit! But remember about reasonable doses and reasonable needs. For example, if you want to eat sand, then, of course, you shouldn’t do this.
  3. Be picky when you want to try new things. Then you are unlikely to get poisoned by anything or develop an allergy. First, try to find out the composition of such an attractive-smelling product.
  4. It is important to always remember that quirks or whims are your own business, they should not become a reason for resentment, tears or even depression. It’s not your loved ones’ fault that they didn’t guess what you wanted for lunch today: try to talk about your passions, discuss them - and there will be more understanding.
  5. A pregnant woman can sometimes be difficult to please, so try to treat yourself with humor: this will help the most!

Elena Pechnikova
Obstetrician-genecologist, Moscow


And we are 13-14 weeks. I'm sick of everything. I have lost my appetite and feel bitterness in my mouth. Even the pills stopped helping ((we hope it will be better by the second trimester

13.10.2018 14:04:02, Nadira

In the first months I had nausea, but without vomiting, I had a craving for meat, I took a half-kilogram piece, cooked it (that’s what I wanted boiled!) and it was enough for 1-2 meals. And from the 6th month I became indifferent to meat in general, but now I crave sweets, the confectionery departments are just torture, I just relaxed - in 4 weeks I gained 3.5 kg on chocolate marshmallows and bread with jam, I barely stopped, now I’m trying Instead of pastry, I have bananas and persimmons, I can also eat tons of them, although I’m afraid of a lot of persimmons, they’re not very good for the intestines. And also sauerkraut and green tomatoes...a dream (but my kidneys are more valuable to me!)

04.12.2008 21:11:28, Tasha

I’m pregnant for the first time... I started reading on websites about needs during pregnancy - who eats silk!!!, who chews chalk! It’s funny as much as a passion! For 7 weeks I’ve been craving red fish (and only red) and I eat it in a day or a jar of pickles or tomatoes while drinking all the brine! I’m shocked! And my husband is even more shocked!

07.11.2008 20:47:39, Ekaterina

I’m in my 9th week =) and now I have almost no appetite ((but you can’t go hungry either... I think for a very long time about what I can eat, but there aren’t many options at all.
I'm still struggling with this. And I feel sick often... this was my first pregnancy :) but very welcome! ;)

11.10.2008 23:49:03, Valya 09.10.2008 05:27:07, Olga

And from the very beginning of pregnancy I wanted all sorts of different things, but most of all sweets. Now it’s five months already, but I still have a strong craving for sweets, I really can’t, it could be anything, even honey with tea, or just tea with sugar. I dream that I eat sweets. Once about three months I wanted pickles so much that I remember I ran to the store, and then ate a whole one and a half liter jar in 10 minutes.

09.10.2008 05:26:43, Olga

I’m 6 weeks old and have taxicosis, but not severe. It happens that you suddenly want melon, watermelon or sauerkraut :-) with mashed potatoes (your mouth is watering), and sometimes even the thought of food makes you gag! I talked to the doctor, he advised me to eat small meals, carry chocolate (glucose) and something sour in my purse. To be honest, it doesn't help much. but the urgent fulfillment of my culinary desires saves not only me, but also my family from attacks of weakness, nausea, whims, etc. :-))))

09/07/2008 17:40:55, Maria

And in the first trimester I didn’t want anything, although I didn’t have any severe nausea, I ate only dry bread and tea.
In the second trimester (it was hot) I wanted dried syba. And the caviar from this roach was the most delicious candy!
In the 3rd trimester I really wanted tangerines and persimmons. Moreover, only the crust was eaten from the tangerines, the zest was given to my husband))) Every evening for the last 3 months I ate a kilogram of both, my husband came home from work and bought them.

and I feel nauseous, but not vomiting. I don’t have any special cravings yet - I’m 5 weeks old. I don’t have much of an appetite either. During my first pregnancy I didn’t want anything special either, but strong odors annoying

02/02/2007 16:45:13, Nadezhda

From 7 to 16 weeks I had terrible toxicosis; only canned cucumbers or tomatoes saved me. Now for 20 weeks I really want fresh cucumbers and tomatoes. I’m indifferent to meat and fish, too, although they say you need to eat it.

02/02/2007 09:36:08, Prynston

vrodebi vsyo normalno edinstvennaya problema xochu obsheniya mne podobnim i ne tolko ka na na znayu kak nayti obshenie da i net dannoe vremya doma doma Rixoditsya Spuskatsya v Net Klub.a Chto Kassaetsya Edi to vsegda Xochu Togo Umeenya Net Xotya Starayus derzhat v xolodilnike raznoobraznie veshi

12/22/2006 18:47:47, Patimatzagra

I have an aversion to fried fish. I eat salty food with pleasure. I used to love sweets, but now I don’t want to. The custard tastes like milk powder.

07/04/2006 10:43:05, Natalia

We are 16 weeks. For the first 2 months I felt sick and ate almost nothing, I lost weight. They admitted me to the hospital, drank Essentiale and vitamins, and it became easier. I really wanted meat, fish and cucumbers.

06/30/2006 11:27:24, Tatyana

I’m in my eighth week, I eat everything in a row, the taste has hardly changed - I just really want green vinegar barrel tomatoes and sushi

06/28/2006 14:52:38, Natalya

I’m now 12 weeks pregnant. The toxicosis was terrible. I didn’t eat or drink anything. I was admitted to the hospital. Now I eat little by little. I have an aversion to meat. I stopped wearing makeup because everything smells, I don’t drink coffee, although I loved it.

06/25/2006 10:18:26, Diana

Comment on the article “Bring this - I don’t know what... change in taste during pregnancy”

Conference "Pregnancy and childbirth" "Pregnancy and childbirth". Section: -- get-togethers (If the topic came up recently, close the topic :) During my last pregnancy, I only ate crap - pizza, store-bought dumplings, sandwiches). Taste preferences.


I always want something sweet :)))) I wish I had a chocolate :))) I’m having a blast, otherwise I’ll start feeding her - I won’t have time for chocolate :)))

Until I was 12 weeks old, I ate tons of pickled cucumbers (classic), now I’m devouring kilos of sprat, although in 15 years of marriage I’ve never even bought it. The whole family got hooked on sprat with me; for about 3 weeks now the children have been demanding only it with potatoes. And Lafa boiled some potatoes for me - dinner is ready!


So if he’s spitting on his tit right now, then it’s time for me to offer him beer and fish? Based on your wishes during pregnancy...

Our son’s taste preferences were shaped by us, the parents:)
As a child it was " Blank sheet", because he ate a very limited range of foods and it was quite difficult to feed him.
And now part of my taste preferences (he eats fish, liver and does not eat onions), part of my husband (eats pasta with sugar), part of my own, which we hardly eat. But something from that list that coincides with my husband (and we don’t have many coincidences at all) doesn’t eat. He doesn’t eat raw smoked sausage or lard, but we love it :)

Taste preferences - I can’t!! Consumer taste preferences vary depending on the specific region. Thus, in Asia they prefer drinks with the taste of nuts and beans: they are in demand here. We advise you to read: after childbirth, the belly is like that of a pregnant woman...

Often during pregnancy, due to hormonal changes in the body, the senses work in a different mode, and sometimes even the sight and smell of previously favorite dishes becomes simply unbearable. Many people cannot stand the smell of boiled meat or chicken, some look with disgust at their favorite sushi, and others do not want milk at all.

At the same time, new taste preferences arise, combinations of products that a woman could not even think about before pregnancy, much less eat. There may be attacks of irresistible craving for previously completely unloved foods, there may be a desire to eat everything indiscriminately, or there may be a desire to combine foods that do not taste well - salted herring and sweet honey, for example.

Sometimes a persistent aversion to all food may occur, especially in the presence of toxicosis. Stories about exotic and unusual desires can be very funny. And often, based on changes in dietary desires - when you “crave salty foods,” you can even assume pregnancy from those around you.

Riot of hormones

The main reason for such taste preferences and changes eating habits Scientists and doctors call the impact on a pregnant woman’s body of hormones that are produced during pregnancy in completely different concentrations. Particularly important in terms of taste is the hormone progesterone. Progesterone is one of the main pregnancy hormones; it is produced by the corpus luteum of pregnancy in the area of ​​the released egg in the ovary, and then progesterone is also produced by the developing placenta.

Its influence is especially strong in the first months of pregnancy, especially before 16-18 weeks. During this period, the main portions of progesterone are produced by the ovary, while the placenta is just emerging and forming, and as it matures and the beginning of hormonal function, after 16 weeks the ovary gradually loses its hormonal functions. Then your eating habits become less exotic.

As a result of the influence of progesterone, the successful implantation and attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus is formed (this process is called implantation), and due to its action, the muscle fibers of the uterus are in a relaxed state, which prevents the rejection of the fertilized egg and prevents pregnancy from being interrupted. In addition, due to the action of progesterone, the mammary glands are prepared and normal lactation is subsequently formed in the woman who has given birth. In addition to directly influencing reproductive organs women and pregnancy, progesterone can also have a fairly pronounced effect on the entire female body generally.

It is important to remember that changes and some transformations occur throughout a woman’s body, which are directly or indirectly aimed at ensuring that the mother’s body can support the course of pregnancy and can create the most optimal conditions for the growing fetus. optimal conditions for growth and development, and then a successful birth.

Progesterone secreted by the body in elevated concentrations, plays key roles in the development of these processes, under the influence of progesterone in the brain area, the formation of a special area begins nerve cells hypersensitivity, which is called the “dominant pregnancy”. This nerve center regulates the functioning of the entire pregnant body. He directs the work of internal organs and systems, adjusts their work so that the mother’s body can protect the unborn baby from various kinds harmful influences- stress, toxins, infections, etc. But it is precisely due to the formation of the “dominant pregnancy” that at the same time a change in taste preferences occurs, and sometimes paradoxical desires for food arise.

Mechanism of defensive reactions

Scientists also emphasize that changes in taste preferences and especially exotic desires of the mother are also a kind of defensive reaction that can be aimed at protecting one’s body and the body of the unborn child from harmful substances that penetrate with food. Or (which happens more often) the process is aimed at stimulating the intake of nutrients into the body with food - protein, vitamins, microelements. Such changes and protective properties explain the manifestation of aversion to coffee, cigarettes, spices or fast food. These products and substances are not beneficial, they can lead to miscarriage or pose a threat of miscarriage. That is why the “dominant pregnancy” includes defense mechanisms and rids the body of harmful foods and substances.

Perhaps the body is missing something

Many expectant mothers really want to eat sweets, chocolate, candies and baked goods during pregnancy. This is not without reason, and is due to the fact that carrying a baby and feeding it requires more energy and more calories, which are found in abundance in sweets and baked goods. In addition, there is a lot of glucose, which nourishes the brain and gives good mood. The well-known craving of pregnant women for salty foods is also explained by the fact that during pregnancy there is a shortage minerals, which the body tries to compensate for through nutrition. The body especially suffers from a deficiency of sodium and potassium, which are found in salty foods. As pregnancy progresses, the volume of blood circulating in the vessels increases, the balance of fluids and mineral components changes, and reserves need to be replenished.

An increase in the woman's body's need for vitamin and mineral components is one of the leading reasons for the development of unique taste desires and cravings during pregnancy. Due to the fact that the fetus is actively growing and developing in the woman’s uterus, it consumes only those nutrients that are delivered to it by the mother’s blood. If any substances are lacking, the mother’s body begins to use up its “strategic” reserves. Then the mother’s body sends signals to the brain in order to activate appetite and the desire to eat foods such as citrus fruits, strawberries, various other fruits and foods rich in mineral components and vitamins. Typically, such desires arise in the late afternoon or at night, since it is at this time that the work of those parts of the nervous system in which the “pregnancy dominant” is formed is activated, and then it takes command of all processes.

Due to all this, in the first trimester of pregnancy, a woman develops a kind of intuition about food products, which are most necessary for her at a given time. The body strives to meet the increasing needs for nutrients, microelements and vitamins, which will outwardly manifest itself in unique dietary desires.

Sometimes quite inexplicable, paradoxical dietary desires may arise. In some cases, women experience a peculiar metallic taste in the mouth, which usually occurs with iron deficiency in the diet. This can provoke the development of a rather unpleasant complication of pregnancy - anemia, a decrease in hemoglobin, which carries oxygen to the tissues and exchanges gases in the body. In the presence of anemia, there is a deterioration in blood circulation and oxygen supply to tissues both in the mother herself and in the fetus, which experiences a state of hypoxia.

The presence of anemia leads to the threat of bleeding, miscarriage or chronic hypoxia fetus with developmental disorders. At this stage, it would be quite expected to join the process of “dominant pregnancy” with an intensification of the desire to eat boiled meat, apples and pomegranates, but with anemia, not everything is so simple, and usually expectant mothers in this state experience, instead of a desire to eat these foods, an aversion to him. But there is an irresistible desire to eat lime, chalk or raw vegetables, clay or earth. This phenomenon has not yet been studied in terms of its mechanisms, and such problems of the body can be compensated by taking specially developed mineral and vitamin complexes for pregnant. All components are specially selected in them in quantities that will cover all the needs of both the mother herself and her baby.

Psychological reasons

Often, changes in taste preferences during pregnancy, in addition to purely physiological reasons, have a purely psychological basis. They occur due to special changes in the emotional and psychological state expectant mother. Everyone knows that along with the body itself, during pregnancy, psychological changes also occur, emotionality and attitudes towards others and oneself change. And sometimes taste changes occur not because of the needs of the body, but because of psychological changes and the influence of emotional stress. L

Any pregnancy, even if it is very expected and desired, is stressful for the woman’s body and psyche; there is a change in the way of life, social role And family relations. Not all pregnant women can easily and quickly cope with such changes; they experience irritability and emotionality, causeless tears and resentment, and a need for attention from others. Often, changes in diet are a way to “eat stress”, a way to get increased attention from loved ones, especially a spouse.

Most often, changes in taste preferences are the result of a whole complex of influencing factors, both psychological and physiological. Therefore, you should be lenient towards such whims of pregnant women.

How to deal with such desires

For the most part, if you suddenly have a desire to eat something unusual or tasty, you can follow the pregnant woman’s lead and treat yourself to these foods, if they are not dangerous to your health. So, if you want chocolate, you can eat a small piece, rather than a whole bar. Restrictions on the consumption of such products relate only to their quantities. If you have a desire to eat two bars of chocolate or a plate of strawberries (not yet in season), you should still limit yourself in your desires, since too many potentially allergenic foods can lead to the development allergic reaction both in the mother and to form a tendency towards them in the child.

Excessive salt consumption causes severe thirst, which leads to a sharp change in water-salt metabolism in the body. At the same time, the woman will drink more, which will provoke swelling and poor health. When consumed large quantity buns and cakes, there is a load on the pancreas and the consumption of more calories than the body can process, which leads to the formation excess weight. Some mothers show a desire to drink beer or try various exotic delicacies with artificial preservatives and dyes, and food chemicals. But all these substances will have an extremely negative impact on the development of the fetus and can lead to defects and deformities. If such a desire arises, you should not indulge it, and you need to replace these harmful products with something similar, but more useful. Beer can be replaced with natural kvass or black bread, unhealthy candies with juicy fruits.

When should you see a doctor?

If the emergence of taste preferences and food fads begins to interfere with your usual routine of life, if thoughts about eating some foods crowd out all others, if there is a persistent desire to eat completely inedible foods, it is important to consult a doctor and rule out hidden pathologies that require treatment .

It is especially worth paying attention to such desires as a craving for eating chalk, clay, iron or earth; this may indicate a deficiency of minerals in the diet; the doctor will conduct an examination and prescribe the necessary medications for you.

And in order to minimize the process of changing taste preferences, it is worth eating varied and tasty during pregnancy, setting the table beautifully, so that there is a desire to try all the products and dishes. From time to time, treat yourself to sweets and savories, but don’t get carried away with them, balanced and good nutrition.

(4 Votes)

The exotic culinary preferences of expectant mothers and the sharp change in their tastes have been noticed for a long time. Who hasn’t heard jokes about a husband who runs at night, almost in his pajamas, to look for peaches or pickles for his pregnant wife... A passionate fan of pickles during this period can turn into a notorious sweet tooth, and a lover of chocolates, ice cream and jam suddenly wants to eat everything salty and spicy. According to a survey conducted by the food company Cow & Gate, it turned out that more than 60% of pregnant women experience an irresistible urge to mix completely incompatible foods. Among them are lemon with salt and pepper, ice cream and chips seasoned with mustard, and many other combinations.

“If you’re talking about smells, then throughout the first trimester I couldn’t stand kitchen smells at all, especially sharp ones, such as the smell of fried onions. And in general, the sense of smell has become so heightened!..”

“And during pregnancy, I became addicted to sniffing... soap! An ordinary baby product, I just want to eat it! And to this day (my daughter is 10 months old), when I open a new bar of soap, I make sure to lick it a couple of times...”

“The beginning of my pregnancy occurred at the end of spring - beginning of summer, when everyone opens the windows. My sense of smell became so acute that I could easily tell what dish was being prepared in each apartment - from the first floor to the twelfth.”

“I used to like perfumes with heavy floral scents. And in the first months of pregnancy, I hated them and fell in love with light, fresh smells...”

Let's try to figure out why and where all these addictions come from. There is no single and coherent theory on this matter. Here are some of the most popular points of view.

Under the sign of progesterone

The theory that “blames” progesterone for all the quirks of pregnant women is the main one (all other theories say basically the same thing, but in different words).

At the beginning of pregnancy, the so-called pregnancy dominant is formed in the cerebral cortex, which contributes to the readiness to bear and give birth to a child, and also ensures the woman’s psychological mood.

The dominant of pregnancy is a focus of excitation in the brain that occurs in a pregnant woman after the attachment of the egg to the mucous membrane of the uterus, due to the constant flow of signals from the uterus to the brain. At the hormonal level, the dominant is supported by increased production of progesterone.

The hormone progesterone is synthesized by the ovaries, placenta and adrenal cortex. From the moment the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus, increased production of progesterone begins, which helps maintain pregnancy (suppresses the activity of the smooth muscles of the uterus, affecting the central nervous system, supports the formed dominant of pregnancy; stimulates the preparation of the mammary glands and the growth of the uterus, suppresses the reaction of rejection of the fertilized egg). The content of progesterone in the mother’s blood grows unevenly, doubling by 7–8 weeks, and then gradually increasing until 37–38 weeks.

A decrease in progesterone levels indicates the presence of pregnancy pathology and requires replacement therapy. An increase in the level of the hormone indicates the presence of renal failure (impairment of its behavior). The production of progesterone completely stops only with advanced changes in the placenta, for example, with a frozen pregnancy.

It is the active elevated level of progesterone that can be attributed to the most fundamental changes during pregnancy, and it is this that triggers a cascade of biochemical changes in the body. He also launches the so-called “search engine” to find the necessary endocrine and autonomic nervous resources in the mother’s body. systems to ensure the development of a normal pregnancy. In other words, this hormone determines what is normal and what is deficient, and builds a “program” in order to eliminate all deficiencies. As a result, the mother’s body is given a command to satisfy the deficiency, causing the desired need. For example, with a lack of calcium there is a desire to eat chalk, with a deficiency of ascorbic and folic acid - green vegetables, with a lack of B vitamins - a desire to drink beer. At the same time, the search engine makes sure that the woman does not eat anything that will be harmful to her or the child. It is for this purpose that changes occur in the gastrointestinal tract that facilitate the process of rejection of currently unsuitable food and prolong the process of processing suitable food.

Possible failures

However, things are not always so simple. In cases where there are hidden metabolic disorders in a woman’s body, the “search engine” command can be paradoxical, i.e. one that, instead of eliminating the deficit, contributes to its strengthening. The result is a vicious circle. For example, the body does not have enough iron, and a woman, against the background of severe anemia (decreased amount of hemoglobin), develops a specific metallic taste in her mouth, but at the same time she develops an aversion to meat, although it is the consumption of meat that could at least partially help solve the problem of impaired iron exchange. In such cases, the only way out is vitamin-mineral complexes. Although sometimes there may be disgusting olfactory reactions to them. Why such a phenomenon occurs is still a mystery that science has yet to solve.

Before this, we talked about addictions that generally do not threaten the life of the mother, but in the early stages of pregnancy, some women have a desire to eat inedible foods: chalk, clay, sand, lime, earth. Some people are very attracted to the vapors of gasoline, acetone and other volatile substances. Such occurrences are fortunately rare. Should such cravings be satisfied? Of course, such desires should not be satisfied. And they are again called by the “command” of the same “search engine”. If such desires are persistent, it is important to visit a doctor, because... they are caused by neurochemical changes in the body. Probably, vapors of such harmful substances somehow affect the functioning of the brain: this is how the body reacts to the altered balance of excitation and inhibition processes. But under no circumstances should the expectant mother satisfy such desires, because harmful fumes can have a disfiguring effect on the developing fetus. In such cases, the doctor corrects the situation by prescribing drugs that improve metabolic processes in the brain (glycine, glutamic acid, vitamins).

So, it is the hormonal changes in the body that greatly influence taste preferences (desire for one thing and aversion to another). According to world-renowned M.D. Michele Glissman, “Those weird hormones that rush through the body in the first three months of pregnancy cause taste quirks.”

Defensive reaction

Samuel M. Flaxman and Paul Sherman stated that nausea, vomiting and altered taste preferences during pregnancy serve a beneficial function: it is a natural mechanism for protecting the mother and fetus from illness caused by food, as well as protecting the fetus from harmful substances that can adversely affect influence the formation of its organs and tissues. Their findings help explain why many pregnant women initially develop an aversion to meat, some vegetables and caffeinated drinks, and a preference for mildly flavored foods. According to Sherman, food aversion also provides protection against toxins produced by microorganisms and other teratogenic (fetal defective) substances.

At the same time, in the first three months of pregnancy, embryonic cells differentiate and begin to form structures. These developing structures and organ systems - arms, legs, eyes and central nervous system - during the critical stage of new life formation can be adversely affected by teratogens contained in some plants; their components can also have a negative effect on the course of pregnancy: for example, parsley can cause uterine contractions and provoke the threat of miscarriage. It is no coincidence that a pregnant woman’s body often rejects spices.

What to do if you really want something harmful and are not at all drawn to something useful?

1. When taste and smell preferences frighten, drive you crazy, or prevent you from living a normal daily life, consult a doctor.

2.If you really want something, then bon appetit! But remember about reasonable doses and reasonable needs. For example, if you want to eat sand, then, of course, you shouldn’t do this.

3. Be picky about trying new things. Then you are unlikely to get poisoned by anything or develop an allergy. First, try to find out the composition of such an attractive-smelling product.

4. It is important to always remember that quirks or whims are your own business, they should not become a reason for resentment, tears or even depression. It’s not your loved ones’ fault that they didn’t guess what you wanted for lunch today: try to talk about your passions, discuss them - and there will be more understanding.

5. It is sometimes difficult for a pregnant woman to please, so try to treat yourself with humor: this will help the most!

The vagaries of intuition

It is known that the tastes and desires of a pregnant woman change. Nature has provided the expectant mother with the so-called “food intuition of a pregnant woman.” Modern dietetics, medicine and biology do not have complete information about the absolutely correct nutrition of a pregnant woman. Only the basic principle is known: food should be varied, as healthy as possible and contain a minimum amount of processed and artificial foods. In the first trimester of pregnancy, there is an active restructuring of the body and its adaptation to a new state. Now the child expresses his needs through his mother, demanding microelements, vitamins and nutrients that are beneficial for him. Both mother and her family will have to take this into account when providing the products they crave. However, here, more than anywhere else, a reasonable approach is appropriate. Listening to your desires is important, but satisfy them in reasonable quantities.

So, no matter what is hidden behind such strange preferences of pregnant women, we need to listen to them and sometimes think about what kind of deficit our “whims” are trying to eliminate. Scientists acknowledge that some cases of taste preference cannot be explained. And in any case, don't force yourself to eat something that is considered "good" for you if you don't want to.

The autonomic nervous system is the part of the nervous system responsible for the functioning of internal organs.

Pregnancy is a special condition for a woman when her body develops new life. This is often accompanied by the appearance of not very pleasant sensations that may occur during different terms carrying a child. You just need to experience them and not give in to unnecessary experiences. Many people experience nausea, belching, heartburn or bloating at this time. This is quite acceptable taking into account all the changes occurring in the body.

Many women also notice the appearance of an unpleasant taste in the mouth. When this occurs for the first time, a pregnant woman tends to think about the reasons for this condition. But the opposite situation also happens - these sensations arose periodically before, but the woman did not pay attention to them. Why does this happen and what needs to be done to fix it? unpleasant symptom, the doctor will tell you. But a woman herself can guess about some aspects of its development.

An unpleasant taste in the mouth is certainly a problem that worries women. But it is not always worth paying special attention to this.


A foreign taste can haunt a woman from the early stages of pregnancy. There are many explanations for this: physiological changes in the body or various pathological disorders. But before you look for any diseases, you should think about whether it is normal occurrence. First we need to consider possible reasons of the specified condition and exclude the most unfavorable of them. Thus, the appearance of an altered taste in the mouth during pregnancy can be caused by the following factors:

  • Physiological restructuring of the body.
  • Diseases of the digestive system.
  • Metabolic pathology.
  • Oral diseases.
  • Deficiency of vitamins and microelements.

It is possible to determine what actually caused the strange aftertaste only after a comprehensive examination of the pregnant woman. But some deviations in health status are not always detected. In this case, they speak of a normal reaction of the body to bearing a child.

Why certain sensations occur during pregnancy can only be determined by a doctor.


If we consider in detail the problem of altered taste, we need to take into account all the points that may indicate its origin. First of all, you should find out what preceded the appearance of such a symptom: it is often associated with a woman’s diet or certain aspects of her lifestyle. It is necessary to establish the characteristics of such a manifestation, because the taste can be completely different:

  1. Sour.
  2. Gorky.
  3. Sweet.
  4. Metallic.

This symptom is often accompanied by other manifestations: heartburn, belching, abdominal discomfort. It can change over time, be constant or intermittent, pronounced or weak. It all depends on the woman’s condition at the time of the examination and the characteristics of her body.

Differential diagnosis will help determine the origin of any symptom.

Physiological restructuring of the body

Pregnancy occurs against the background of hormonal changes in the body and changes in functioning various systems. Unfortunately, this does not always result in pleasant sensations. Even before a woman becomes aware of her situation, one of the common signs is a change in taste. But this can also be considered in the context early toxicosis when nausea and vomiting are simultaneously bothering you.

In the second and third trimester, when the fetus is growing rapidly, the uterus begins to rise and put pressure on the surrounding organs. The woman begins to feel sour belching, heartburn, and a feeling of fullness after eating. This is due to an increase in pressure in abdominal cavity and relaxation of the sphincters. The contents of the stomach, which contains hydrochloric acid, actively penetrates the esophagus and leads to a change in taste in the mouth. And this is not a sign of pathology.

In addition to the sour feeling in the mouth, a woman may be bothered by the taste of bitterness. This condition appears due to the penetration of bile into the stomach against the background of reflux (backflow) from the duodenum.

Physiological changes during pregnancy, as a rule, do not have such pronounced manifestations as in pathology.

Digestive system diseases

Often, an altered taste in the mouth indicates certain diseases of the digestive tract. Symptoms that bothered the woman even before pregnancy allow one to suspect such a pathology, since when carrying a child, exacerbation of chronic diseases is often observed.

For example, if a woman has a sour mouth, this may indicate gastritis, a stomach ulcer, or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). In turn, many of them are accompanied by:

  • Pain and heaviness in the abdomen.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Heartburn.
  • Belching sour or airy.
  • Constipation.

When talking about a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, it is necessary to pay attention to the functioning of the gallbladder, because this may be a sign of biliary dyskinesia, cholecystitis, and cholelithiasis. In this case, pain in the right hypochondrium is typical, sometimes jaundice and loose stools occur. A sweet taste may indicate liver problems such as hepatitis or cirrhosis.

Diseases of the digestive system require timely treatment. This is the only way to eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

Metabolic pathology

At diabetes mellitus a sweet taste may appear in the mouth. This is due to an increase in blood glucose levels. But this is a rather rare sign of the disease. Most often, the pathology is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. Thirst and dry mouth.
  2. Passing large amounts of urine (polyuria).
  3. Skin itching.
  4. Decreased vision.
  5. Increased weight or, conversely, weight loss.

Diabetes can be detected by a simple blood sugar test and a carbohydrate tolerance test.

Oral diseases

An unpleasant taste and odor from the mouth is a common symptom dental diseases and ENT pathology. This is observed with the development of inflammation or impaired sensitivity of the receptors of the tongue. Such symptoms are typical for stomatitis, tonsillitis, gingivitis and even caries. The sweet taste may be due to purulent processes in the oral cavity or upper respiratory tract, sour or salty - with inflammation of the salivary glands.

Treatment of dental diseases should not be neglected. Although this is often unpleasant, it will prevent much bigger problems from occurring in the future.

Deficiency of vitamins and microelements

Most often, a change in taste is observed with a lack of iron in the body. Moreover, this is typical for the depletion of its tissue reserves, which is observed with a fairly long-term deficiency of this element. This condition will inevitably lead to chronic anemia, which is not uncommon during pregnancy and is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Weakness, increased fatigue.
  • Dizziness.
  • Paleness of the skin and mucous membranes.
  • Changes in hair and nails (brittleness, fragility).
  • Atrophic changes in the tongue, esophagus and stomach.

A metallic taste may occur when the gums are bleeding, which may be initial symptom vitamin C deficiency in the body.


To eliminate sour or any other taste in the mouth, you need to focus on the diagnostic results. After a medical and additional examination, you can plan therapeutic or preventive actions, which should have an exclusively individual focus.

Only a specialist will tell you what a pregnant woman needs to do to eliminate unpleasant taste sensations.


Compliance with dietary recommendations is of great importance. Proper nutrition will be the key not only to the prevention of many diseases, but also to the normal course of pregnancy. To do this, a woman must take into account the following principles:

  1. Regularity of meals, completeness and variety of diet.
  2. Exclusion of spicy, smoked, fried and fatty foods.
  3. Advantage over boiled, stewed or baked products.
  4. Limit sweets, pickles, cabbage, legumes.
  5. Adequate consumption of fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs.
  6. Give preference to cereals, dairy products, lean meats and fish.
  7. Quitting use alcoholic drinks and smoking.

Walking on a walk will help improve digestion. fresh air, light morning exercises and good mood.

Diet for a pregnant woman has important. Do not neglect your doctor's nutritional recommendations.

Drug therapy

The basis traditional treatment Many diseases are caused by the use of drugs. This is the simplest and effective method cope with the disease. However, a pregnant woman should remember that independent use of any medications can result in danger to the fetus. Therefore, you can take medications only as prescribed by your doctor.

Based on the situation, the use of the following groups of medications may be justified:

  • Prokinetics.
  • Antisecretory.
  • Enzymes.
  • Sugar-lowering.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Iron preparations.
  • Vitamins.

For dental and ENT pathologies great attention is given local treatment using antiseptic and antibacterial agents.

Unpleasant taste sensations can harass a woman throughout her pregnancy. To minimize them or eliminate them altogether, you need to contact specialists in time.

During pregnancy, even the sight of your favorite delicacies becomes unbearable, and an addiction to foods that you previously did not like at all arises.

Taste quirks during pregnancy can be very diverse: the desire to eat everything indiscriminately, mix incompatible foods, or, conversely, aversion to any food.

Everyone knows that pregnant women are often “craving salty foods,” and if suddenly a woman is seen eating pickles, this will certainly raise questions about her possible “ interesting position" In addition, there are a lot of stories, even anecdotes, when in the middle of the night the expectant mother has a desire to eat something exotic, such as strawberries or peaches in the frosty winter. Often, pregnant women have completely strange needs: to eat sand, chew clay, chew chalk, etc. And it happens that, on the contrary, a previously favorite product or drink may begin to cause disgust even at the thought of it. The attitude towards smells also changes: favorite perfumes provoke attacks of lightheadedness, and “kitchen” aromas can even cause nausea and even vomiting in expectant mothers.

Hormonal changes during pregnancy

The main reason that explains changes in taste and the appearance strange desires when choosing food, it is hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman, namely the effect of progesterone.

Progesterone– the main hormone of pregnancy, its influence is especially pronounced in the first months of expecting a child. During this period, progesterone is produced by a special structure of the ovary called " corpus luteum“, and after 16 weeks of pregnancy, the function of progesterone production is taken over by the placenta, which is fully formed by this time.

Under the influence of progesterone, successful implantation occurs (attachment and implantation of a fertilized egg into the wall of the uterus), the muscular structures of the uterus are maintained in a relaxed state, and this prevents the development of the threat of miscarriage. In addition, progesterone affects the preparation of the mammary glands and the formation of lactation.

In addition to the direct effect on organs reproductive system, progesterone has a pronounced effect on the body as a whole.

The fact is that certain transformations occur in the body of the expectant mother, aimed at supporting the course of pregnancy and creating the most favorable conditions for the development of the unborn baby. Progesterone plays a leading role in these processes, and under its influence, a special accumulation of sensitive cells is formed in the brain, which is called the “pregnancy dominant”. This nerve center regulates the functioning of all organs and systems in such a way as to protect the unborn baby from various negative influences.

It is due to the work of the “pregnancy dominant” that many expectant mothers develop various quirks of taste.

Defensive reaction. A change in taste preferences is also a defensive reaction aimed at protecting the body from harmful substances and, conversely, stimulating the intake of useful ones. It is precisely this protective property that explains the appearance of aversion, for example, to coffee and various spices. After all, these products can lead to the development of a threat of miscarriage. Therefore, the “pregnancy dominant” works to rid the body of these unwanted products.

If something is missing...

Many expectant mothers experience an irresistible craving for sweets, baked goods and chocolate. This is due to the fact that a pregnant woman needs more energy, which means more calories, of which there are many in various sweets.

And the well-known craving for salty foods is explained by the fact that the body needs to compensate for the lack minerals, in particular - sodium, an additional amount of which is necessary for the expectant mother, since as pregnancy progresses, the blood volume increases and, accordingly, the balance of fluid and mineral components changes.

Increased need for vitamins and minerals- This is also one of the main explanations for taste quirks during pregnancy. The development of new life in the body requires an increased supply of many vitamins and minerals. This may explain the expectant mother's desire to eat strawberries, oranges and other fruits. After all, they are an excellent source of a wide variety of vitamins. This desire arises most often in the evening and at night, because it is during these hours that the work of that part of the nervous system where the “pregnancy dominant” is located occurs most intensively.

Thus, in the first months of pregnancy, “food intuition” is formed. The body tries to meet new needs for nutrients, vitamins and microelements, and outwardly this manifests itself in such taste quirks.

Sometimes paradoxical, inexplicable changes in taste perception occur. For example, expectant mothers often develop a metallic taste in their mouth, which is often explained by a decrease in the amount of iron ions in the body. This can lead to anemia - a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood (iron is part of hemoglobin and is the most important functional component of this compound). Anemia leads to a deterioration in the blood supply to organs and tissues of both the fetus and the mother, and if left untreated, there is a threat of chronic hypoxia or bleeding. It would seem that at this stage the “pregnancy dominant” should turn on - so that the woman has a desire to eat something fortified with iron: apples, boiled red meat, pomegranates. But here’s the strange thing: just the opposite - future mom It is precisely these that he feels disgust towards. This phenomenon has not yet scientific explanation. Such “whims” of the body should be compensated by taking specially developed vitamin and mineral complexes for expectant mothers. The amount of vitamins and mineral components in them is selected in such a way that pregnant women do not experience a lack of nutrients.

Psychological reasons. Sometimes taste quirks during pregnancy do not have a special physiological basis, but occur in a number of ways psychological reasons. It is known that in addition to physiological changes, expectant mothers also undergo psychological changes, and special eating habits may be their manifestation. Pregnancy, even the most desired one, is in any case stress associated with a change in lifestyle and worldview. Not all pregnant women can calmly cope with such changes, and therefore some develop irritability, tearfulness, and a need for increased attention. Indeed, during this period a woman needs special care from others, and changing her taste preferences is one of the ways to receive this increased attention.

In fact, it is rare that the taste quirks of expectant mothers are explained by only one of the above reasons. Most often they appear as a result of the influence of a complex of physiological and psychological processes occurring in the body of pregnant women.

How to behave

In most cases, a sudden desire to eat something can be indulged - of course, if we're talking about about safe products. For example, if you want chocolate, you can eat a small piece. The limitation applies only to quantity. If you want to eat a kilogram of strawberries or a bar of chocolate, you should limit yourself, as excessive consumption of these products can trigger the development of an allergic reaction. Excessive salt consumption will lead to thirst and changes in water-salt metabolism. And eating a lot of baked goods and sweets will contribute to unwanted weight gain.

Some expectant mothers sometimes have a desire to drink beer and try various delicacies saturated with artificial colors and flavors. Everyone knows that both alcohol and artificial food additives can be harmful. full development fetus, therefore, if such desires arise, you need to try to replace these products with something else. For example, beer - on black or brown bread, chewing gum- for aromatic fruits.

When to see a doctor?

If taste quirks begin to interfere with your normal rhythm of life, thoughts about food do not leave you alone, or there is a persistent desire to try something absolutely unhealthy, you should contact a doctor.

It happens that pregnant women want to try something inedible: chalk, clay, raw earth, iron, etc. Such desires may be a sign of a lack of certain minerals, such as calcium and iron. In this case, the doctor will prescribe additional tests for the content of trace elements in the blood and, if necessary, recommend taking additional trace elements.

And in conclusion, I would like to say: in order to minimize the troubles associated with changes in taste preferences, you should make your menu varied and attractive in appearance, do not forget to indulge yourself in moderation with sweets or, conversely, pickles, and also take the vitamin and mineral complex recommended by your doctor for pregnant women.