Causes and treatment of frequent urination in boys and adolescents. What can cause frequent urination in children without pain

Choice of colors

Frequent visits to the toilet in a child may be associated with a large amount of liquid drunk. Parents should not panic ahead of time, but there is no need to let the problem take its course. If, according to the mother, frequent urination in a child without pain is not a consequence of eating watermelon, then it is advisable to visit a doctor to understand the reason. And there can be many of them, and we'll talk about this later.

The rate of urination in children

In order to panic and rush to the doctor for help, if the child began to visit the toilet frequently, you need to know the norms of urination at different ages:

  • In the first week after birth, the newborn urinates 5-6 times a day.
  • Up to six months urination up to 15-20 times a day.
  • From the age of 6 months to a year, the number drops to 13-15.
  • From a year to three, a baby can sit on a potty up to 10 times.
  • 3-6 years - 5-6 times a day.
  • Children aged 6-9 years old urinate 5-6 times.
  • After 9 years, urination up to 5 times a day.

As the child grows older, the frequency of going to the toilet decreases. This can be explained by the fact that the excretory system of the baby is formed gradually. Almost only by adolescence, the final development of all organ systems ends.

The functions of the kidneys in the body

The kidneys are the main organ of the excretory system. They are responsible for many important functions:

  • Maintaining the balance of biological fluids.
  • Removal of toxic substances.
  • Stabilization of blood pressure.

The child is actively growing, experiencing stress, and natural changes occur in the structure of the kidneys, which affects their work. It can also be expressed in an increase in the frequency of urination.

According to medical data, about 20% of children suffer from frequent urination, while they do not experience any discomfort.

Natural causes of frequent urination

Pollakiuria or frequent urination can occur under the influence of some natural factors, then it is called physiological. It is necessary to eliminate these factors and everything returns to normal. Frequent urination in a child without pain can provoke:

  • Large amount of liquid drunk. This can be observed in the summer, when it is hot outside, and the baby often asks for a drink. But if the child is constantly thirsty, then this is a reason to see a doctor.
  • Diuretics cause an increase in urine output. If therapy is carried out using such medicines, then after recovery everything returns to normal.
  • If there is frequent urination in a child without pain, the reason may be the use of products that have a diuretic effect. These include: watermelon, currants, lingonberries, herbal tea from chamomile or rose hips.

  • Eating salty and spicy foods leads to intense thirst, which means going to the toilet will become more frequent.
  • With a strong hypothermia of the body, a reflex spasm of the vessels of the kidneys occurs, which provokes the urge to go to the toilet. It is necessary to warm the baby and everything passes.
  • Increased activity leads to the release of adrenaline into the blood, it raises blood pressure, the heart begins to beat faster. Metabolic processes are accelerated, the kidneys filter a larger volume of blood, and therefore urination becomes more frequent.
  • Stressful situations at home, in kindergarten or school provoke frequent urination in a child without pain. Parents should try to eliminate this negative factor, if it does not work out on their own, then they will have to seek help from a psychologist.

With the elimination of all provoking factors, the number of visits to the toilet returns to normal. Parents should be alert if frequent urination in a child 5 years of age or older is accompanied by other symptoms: pain in the lower abdomen, change in color and smell of urine. In this case, a visit to the doctor should not be postponed.

Urination without pain - pathological causes

There are some pathologies that are also accompanied by frequent urination in a child without pain. These include:

  • Reduced bladder size. This may be a congenital pathology or provoked by a tumor growing nearby.
  • Violation of the development of nerve centers responsible for the regulation of the bladder.
  • Brain injury or tumor development, which leads to a violation of the innervation of internal organs. There may be frequent urination in small portions, the development of enuresis.
  • Diabetes mellitus provokes intense thirst, a large amount of fluid drunk leads to frequent visits to the toilet.
  • Neuropsychiatric pathologies: neuroses, vegetovascular dystonia, neurasthenia. These diseases are usually accompanied by other symptoms: headache, nervousness, sleep disturbance, emotional lability.

Important. If parents notice suspicious changes in their state of health, then this is a significant reason to visit a doctor as soon as possible in order to identify the cause, diagnose and prescribe the necessary therapy.

Symptoms of diseases of the urinary system

If you find frequent use of the toilet by a child, it is important to talk to him. Ask him what he feels when urinating, whether there are pains in the lower abdomen. Parents should pay attention to the color and smell of urine, as frequent urination can be triggered by the penetration of pathological microflora. If an inflammatory process develops, then the following signs will be present:

  • Burning and pain during urination, the child simply cannot fail to notice this. If the baby is small, then crying while sitting on the potty should alert the mother.
  • Increase in body temperature.
  • Urine becomes cloudy, flakes appear, an unpleasant odor.

Need to know. It is easy to recognize cystitis, pyelonephritis in a baby at an early stage, if a small amount of urine is released when laughing or sneezing, then bacteria are rampant in the body.

Pathologies of the excretory system must be treated urgently. Otherwise, serious complications are possible.

Frequent urination in an infant

Given that the baby is breastfed, in many respects the work of his body depends on the mother, on what her diet is, whether she takes medications.

If there is frequent urination in a baby without visible painful conditions, then it can be assumed that the mother has pathologies of the kidneys or urinary tract. It is necessary to visit the doctor of the nursing mother, and then examine the child.

Diagnosis of kidney pathologies

Frequent visits to the toilet can signal the development of serious kidney pathologies or diseases of other internal organs. A visit to the urologist is simply necessary. After talking with the child, if he can speak and is able to say something about his feelings, the doctor prescribes laboratory blood and urine tests to the parents. A preliminary diagnosis can already be made on the basis of:

  • Increased content of proteins, uric acid, leukocytes in the urine. This may indicate the development of the inflammatory process.
  • If a low hemoglobin content is found in the blood, then we can talk about a general deterioration in the child's health.

Differential diagnosis of the bladder and kidneys is important, for this they carry out:

  • Computed tomography.
  • X-ray.
  • Cystoscopy.

It should be borne in mind that CT and MRI are not prescribed for newborns and infants, since the child is not able to maintain a stationary position for a long time, unless in emergency cases.

After the diagnosis is clarified, treatment is prescribed.

Treatment of frequent urination in children without pain

If frequent urination is a consequence of the development of pathology of the kidneys or urinary tract, then serious therapy is required. Treatment is carried out in a hospital, with cystitis in an uncomplicated form, you can try to cope at home, but only after visiting a doctor and prescribing medications.

In the hospital walls there is an opportunity to constantly monitor the condition of the child. The following areas are used in therapy:

  • Medical treatment.
  • Physiotherapy procedures.
  • The use of folk remedies.

The treatment regimen is prescribed only after a complete examination and an accurate diagnosis.

Drug therapy

Depending on the diagnosis, the treatment regimen may differ. Only a doctor should deal with the selection of medicines, self-medication, especially for a child, is unacceptable. To get rid of the same pathology, there are many means, the attending physician should prescribe them and prescribe a treatment regimen:

  • If an inflammatory process is detected, uroseptic agents and antibiotics are prescribed.
  • Treatment for frequent urination due to diabetes is hormone replacement therapy.
  • If there are neuropsychic deviations, then you can not do without taking sedatives, nootropics.
  • In neoplasms, surgical treatment is indicated.

When prescribing drugs, it is important to observe the dosage and regimen of therapy, then the treatment will pass without the development of side effects.

Physiotherapy in the treatment of pathologies of the urinary system

If a child has frequent urination, mothers ask what to do. Visit a doctor and follow all his recommendations, take medications and attend physiotherapy. They will be a good help in treatment. If there is an inflammatory process, then the following are considered effective:

  • Electrophoresis.
  • Amplipulse therapy.
  • laser therapy.
  • The impact of heat.

Parents should understand that the full recovery of the child can be achieved if you complete the full course of prescribed procedures and drink medications.

Folk recipes

Traditional medicine will be a good addition to the main treatment. The use of medicinal decoctions and infusions will help to quickly get rid of the pathology of the kidneys and urinary tract. The following recipes have proven their effectiveness:

  • Pour 20 grams of mint with 1.5 liters of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. Take 150 ml three times a day.
  • Take a decoction of corn stigmas.
  • A decoction of wild rose berries works well. You can insist in a thermos and give the child to drink throughout the day.
  • Birch bud tea. In a glass of boiling water, a teaspoon of kidneys. Infuse for 2 hours and take 50 ml 3 times a day.

Herbal treatment of a child should begin only after consulting a doctor. It should be borne in mind that not all plants can be used in the treatment of children.

Disease prevention

Given the size of the kidneys in children and the incompletely formed development of all organ systems, it is impossible to completely insure against pathologies of the urinary system, but if preventive measures are observed, the likelihood of their development can be reduced:

  1. See your doctor regularly, even if you think your baby is perfectly healthy.
  2. Dress your child according to the weather, avoid hypothermia and overheating.
  3. Do not allow to sit on the cold ground, steps.
  4. Monitor the emptying of the bladder, how often does the baby. If there is any doubt, then you should immediately visit a doctor.
  5. Don't give up breastfeeding. It protects the baby from many infections.

Do not independently look for the cause of deviations. Only a specialist can make a correct diagnosis. Self-treatment of a child is fraught with serious complications in his health.

The anatomical structure and functional capabilities of the body of a child and adolescent are still at the stage of formation. If, as the baby grows older, there have been changes in his behavior or habits, then you should not make hasty conclusions about the deterioration of health.

Frequent urination in a child can also be caused by natural causes, but you should definitely consult a doctor. Before a visit to the doctor, parents need to count the number of visits to the toilet by children, and also ask them about possible pain when emptying the bladder. Frequent urination in a child may be a sign of pathology.

Age indicators

Undoubtedly, it is worth paying attention to the frequent urination in a child. If the baby drank cranberry juice, ate watermelon or melon, then such a reaction of the body is quite expected. Even if the baby does not complain about any discomfort, it is worth contacting a pediatric urologist.

Pollakiuria, or frequent bladder emptying syndrome in children and adolescents, develops under the influence of many negative factors. In addition to reducing the body's resistance to infections, a stressful situation sometimes becomes the cause of the pathological condition.

This may be a change of educational institution, moving to a new place of residence, divorce of parents or death of a close relative. The nervous system of the baby can not cope with such a load, and the body reacts to this with urination disorders.

For the primary diagnosis of a possible disease, the doctor needs to know how many bladder emptyings the child has during the day. If the indicators do not exceed the norm, then in the absence of complaints of the child for pain or burning, further treatment is not carried out. Pediatric urologist focuses on the following values:

  • in the first days of life, the baby urinates 5 times a day;
  • the number of urination in a child up to 6 months - 20 times;
  • by the year the baby urinates no more than 15 times;
  • from a year to 3 years, the norm is 10 urination per day;
  • from 3 to 6 years - no more than 8 times;
  • from 6 years and older - 5 times.

Hypothermia is one of the reasons for the frequent urge to empty the bladder.

The frequency of bladder emptying changes as the child grows older. This is due to the gradual formation of the organs of the urinary system. Until adolescence, the development of all systems of life occurs. For example, human kidneys take several years to form.

These paired organs perform the most important functions:

  • maintain an optimal balance of minerals and biological fluids;
  • remove metabolic products, toxic compounds, toxins from the bloodstream;
  • respond to the accumulation of glucose reserves in the body;
  • stabilize blood pressure.

The active growth of the child, excessive loads and natural changes in the structural elements of the kidneys affect their functioning. First of all, this is expressed in an increase in the number of urination.

A slight deviation from the norm should not cause alarm. Parents do not need to constantly count the number of visits to the toilet by the baby and compare the obtained values ​​​​with the indicators of yesterday. If today a child often sits on the potty, then this is not a cause for concern. Perhaps he and his dad went sledding down the hill for a long time or drank a lot of delicious lemonade with his grandmother in a cafe.

natural causes

Pollakiuria, which arose under the influence of natural factors, is called physiological. As a rule, this condition does not require medical intervention. The number of emptying of the bladder in a child can be corrected by changing the diet or reducing physical activity. Frequent urination in children without pain occurs for the following reasons:

  • a large amount of liquid. The reaction of the baby's body to a significant amount of liquid drunk is quite predictable: the more juices, water or lemonade in the diet, the more often he asks for a potty. But such a reason for frequent urination should alert parents if the child constantly asks for water, complains of thirst. This should be a signal to visit an endocrinologist to rule out violations of the endocrine glands;
  • diuretic drugs. If the child began to urinate frequently during the treatment of any disease, parents should carefully read the attached annotation. The active ingredients of many drugs have weak or pronounced diuretic properties. The baby will become less likely to visit the toilet immediately after recovery;
  • diuretic products. Children will often urinate when eating sour berries (lingonberries, cranberries, blackcurrants), cucumbers, watermelons, fruit drinks. The composition of many herbal preparations for babies includes rose hips and pharmacy chamomile. These drugs have a diuretic effect, so it is best not to use them at bedtime;
  • spicy and salty foods. As the child grows older, food prepared with the addition of pepper, turmeric or cumin appears in the child's diet. Smoked fish or meat, salted nuts and cheese cause intense thirst and frequent urge to empty the bladder. The volume of fluid consumed increases - and urination becomes more frequent;
  • hypothermia. Long walks or being in a cold room provoke a reflex spasm of the renal vessels. Accelerates the filtration of urine and its removal from the body. The frequency of urination decreases immediately after warming the baby;
  • increased motor activity. The excitement experienced in the process of games leads to the release of adrenaline into the bloodstream. This hormone raises blood pressure and makes the heart beat faster. In the child's body, metabolism increases, which causes the kidneys to increase the volume of blood filtration and excrete a lot of urine;
  • emotional stress. An unfriendly atmosphere in a kindergarten, school, family can provoke urination disorders. Adults should find an approach to the child, talk with him about what is happening, help eliminate negative factors from life. If the baby is closed in himself and does not respond to the attempts of adults to resolve the situation, then parents and the baby need to consult a psychologist.

Pollakiuria of physiological origin is temporary. After the elimination of the provoking factor from the life of the child, the frequency of urination returns to normal. But parents should be alerted by other changes that have arisen against the background of pollakiuria.

Fever and frequent urination in a child are a signal to see a doctor

Pathological causes

Frequent urination that is accompanied by thirst, painful cramps in the lower abdomen, or changes in the color and smell of urine are cause for concern. Do not postpone a visit to the doctor for diagnostic tests.

The sooner treatment begins, the fewer complications will occur and the faster recovery will come. There are many diseases that contribute to the violation of urination in a child. Frequent emptying of the bladder is one of the main symptoms of pathology.

Diabetes of sugar and non-sugar origin

Despite the similar name, the mechanism of development of these pathologies is different. But they share a common symptom - frequent urination. The cause of diabetes of sugar etiology is a violation of the endocrine system of the child.

Due to insufficient insulin content, the concentration of glucose in the bloodstream increases. The disease is characterized by a chronic course, impaired metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, changes in the water-salt balance.

Parents should pay attention to changing the drinking regimen of the baby. Other symptoms of diabetes include:

  • increased appetite;
  • weight loss;
  • dryness of the skin.

Frequent urination provokes persistent dehydration of the child's body, which should be eliminated with the help of pharmacological preparations. Otherwise, after a few months, inflammatory foci form on the skin, blisters with purulent contents appear. A characteristic sign of endocrine pathology is unbearable pruritus.

Diabetes insipidus origin develops due to a decrease in the functional activity of the pituitary gland or hypothalamus. These parts of the brain are responsible for the production of vasopressin. The hormone is involved in the regulation of fluid reabsorption during blood filtration by the kidneys.

Insufficient content of a biologically active substance in the body leads to an increase in the volume of urine excreted. This pathology is a rarely diagnosed disease that requires urgent correction of the hormonal background. The symptoms of diabetes insipidus are similar to those of diabetes.

Diseases of the urinary system

Frequent painful urination without changing the baby's drinking regimen can serve as symptoms of the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the organs of the urinary system. It is worth asking the child about what he feels when emptying his bladder, whether his tummy hurts. Parents need to pay attention to the volume of urine, its color and smell.

Hypothermia often causes acute cystitis. The disease often develops in girls due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure (wide and short urethra). In boys, cystitis is accompanied by urethritis, an inflammatory process in the urethra.

For a pathological condition, the following symptoms are characteristic:

  • there are cramps, burning during emptying of the bladder;
  • there are painful cramps in the lower abdomen;
  • the temperature rises;
  • the color of the urine changes, a sediment in the form of flakes or blood clots is found in it.

Cystitis, pyelonephritis or glomerulonephritis parents will be able to recognize at an early stage. If the baby laughed, sneezed, coughed, and he had an uncontrolled emptying of the bladder or leakage of urine, it means that pathogenic microbes have entered the body.

Inflammation of the urinary organs in a newborn is difficult for parents to determine. You should pay attention to the constant crying, lack of appetite, weight loss. The symptom is constipation.

Respiratory diseases

ARVI or flu develops in a child's body after harmful microbes enter the upper and lower respiratory tract. Infectious foci formed in the bronchi or bronchioles are called primary. Weakened immunity of the baby sometimes causes the spread of viruses and bacteria, the appearance of secondary foci in the organs of the urinary system.

Substances produced during the life of microorganisms provoke intoxication. The child opens vomiting, sweating increases. Against the background of fluid loss, urination becomes more frequent, especially at night, but the amount of urine excreted is very small.

With colds in children, a very dangerous pathological condition can worsen -. It is caused by developmental disorders of certain organs of the nervous system, which are responsible for filtering blood and excreting urine. Emptying the bladder is not accompanied by pain, there is no inflammation in the kidneys, urethra or urinary canal. The disease must be treated quickly, otherwise the baby develops enuresis, incontinence and urine leakage.

Daytime urinary frequency syndrome in children

At a certain age, a boy (rarely a girl) suddenly increases the amount of urination. The child can visit the toilet every 20-25 minutes without feeling pain, burning or pain. This condition usually develops in children 4-6 years old, when the baby already knows how to control his bladder.

The causes of frequent urination in children are worms, in the vast majority of cases, pinworms.

The provoking factor of pollakiuria is a stressful situation. But the pediatric urologist still makes a diagnosis to detect an inflammatory focus in one of the sections of the urinary system. The baby will need to urinate, and the doctor will check whether the bladder is completely empty. Treatment of the syndrome of daytime frequent urination in children is based on the elimination of the cause of the pathology. In some cases, it may be enough to visit a child psychologist several times.

Urine analysis will help determine the cause of frequent urination


Frequent urination in children can serve as a signal of developing diseases, so a pediatric urologist conducts a thorough diagnosis. The doctor will examine the child, interview the parents, and examine the history of the disease. Laboratory tests of urine and blood are mandatory. A preliminary diagnosis is possible at the stage of studying the results of the tests:

  • urine: an increased concentration of proteins, uric acid and its compounds, leukocytes indicates an inflammatory process in one of the organs of the urinary system;
  • blood: a low level of hemoglobin, a small number of platelets indicate a general deterioration in the health of the baby.

Laboratory assistants will inoculate a biological sample into a nutrient medium to determine the type of pathogenic agent of cystitis, glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis in boys and girls. In this way, the sensitivity of viruses and bacteria to antimicrobials is also clarified. Sometimes the urologist recommends collecting daily urine to determine the localization of the infectious focus.

To differentiate pathologies, children undergo instrumental studies of the pelvic organs:

  • computed tomography;
  • x-ray;
  • cystoscopy;
  • ultrasonography;
  • magnetic resonance imaging.

These examination procedures are assigned to children depending on age. MRI and CT should not be done on a newborn or small child. Boys and girls are not able to remain still throughout the procedure. Diagnosis allows you to timely detect pathology and start its treatment at an early stage, when cells and tissues have not yet undergone irreversible changes.

A balanced diet is an important part of a comprehensive treatment


If parents notice an increase in urination in a teenager or child, you should immediately make an appointment with a pediatrician. Before visiting the doctor, you should not give the child antibiotics or antimicrobials, as this will have a bad effect on the test results, making them unreliable. After examination and diagnosis, the pediatrician will write a referral to narrower specialists for therapy:

  • nephrologist - with renal pathologies;
  • urologist - with inflammation of the walls of the bladder or urinary ducts;
  • to an endocrinologist - if diabetes and diabetes insipidus are detected or if a violation of the adrenal glands is suspected;
  • to a neurologist if a stressful situation has become the cause of frequent urination.

Diseases such as diabetes mellitus, a decrease or increase in the production of adrenal hormones, require the joint work of an endocrinologist and a nephrologist. To avoid the occurrence of frequent urination, parents need to monitor the child's compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, try to avoid hypothermia during games and walks.

If a negative symptom of numerous diseases nevertheless appears, then you should not treat the child yourself with heating pads with hot water or antibiotics purchased at the nearest pharmacy. Such "therapy" will provoke severe complications, will not allow timely diagnosis of the pathological process.

Seemingly minor changes in the condition or behavior of the child may be signs of trouble or developing serious diseases. Should you be worried if your child suddenly starts to write much more often?

The child often pees: are there any norms?

The frequency of urination in children depends on various factors: on age, on the individual characteristics of the organism, on the diet and on the neuropsychic state of the baby. An approximate guideline for parents who have noticed that a child often goes to the toilet in a small way can be the results of observations of healthy children, on the basis of which the average norms for the frequency and volume of urination were derived.

So, babies under the age of six months can write up to 25 times a day, they have 20-35 ml of urine per urination.

One-year-old babies pee 12-16 times a day, about 25-45 ml at a time.

Children from three to nine years old usually need seven to nine trips to the toilet per day, but the volume of urine released per urination increases with age from 60-90 ml in three-year-olds to 145-190 ml in nine-year-old children.

Table of norms of urination in children

If you notice that the child often goes to the toilet in a small way, watch him and find out if the usual diet has changed, if the baby is worried about this or that reason. If in the summer season a child eats watermelon or melon, which have a diuretic effect, drinks more in the heat, then it is not surprising that after that he often pees. Nervous tension also increases the frequency of the urge to urinate in both adults and children. If a child often pees, it is possible that he is not doing well at school or in kindergarten, he is tormented by anxiety or suffers from a lack of parental attention. If the matter is in psychological distress, then the child may need the help of a psychologist.

However, frequent urination can also be a sign of a serious medical condition. In this case, parents need to carefully observe the child - whether there are other alarming symptoms in addition to frequent urges to the toilet in a small way.

The child often writes: what could be the matter

Frequent urination can be one of the symptoms of a number of diseases. You need to seek medical help if the child pees frequently and at the same time has:
appetite worsened;
there was a constant thirst;
the process of urination is accompanied by pain;
the color, smell or degree of transparency of urine has changed;
blood appeared in the urine;
fatigue increased sharply;
there was a smell of acetone from the mouth.

A child may begin to write frequently if he develops diseases such as cystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis, heart failure, or diabetes.

Girls are much more likely to suffer from cystitis (inflammation of the lining of the bladder), with cystitis, in addition to frequent and painful urination, body temperature rises to 38-39ºC, urine can be dark and cloudy. Turbid urine with flakes and a pungent odor, fever, frequent urination up to incontinence and pain in the lumbar region are symptoms of pyelonephritis (inflammation of the kidneys). Urethritis (replenishment of the urethra) in children is quite rare, the disease is accompanied by symptoms such as frequent urination, accompanied by pain and itching, white discharge from the urethra, similar to mucus.

The situation should be taken very seriously if, in addition to frequent urination, the child has constant unreasonable thirst, fatigue increases sharply, the skin and mucous membranes are dry, and the mouth smells of acetone. These are signs of developing diabetes. Puffiness in combination with frequent urination, pallor or cyanosis of the skin, lethargy and shortness of breath are signs of developing heart failure.

If the child often pees and there is a suspicion of a particular disease, the doctor prescribes blood and urine tests, ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder. For the treatment of cystitis, pyelonephritis and urethritis, a course of antibiotics is necessary. Children who develop heart failure or diabetes need constant therapy and medical supervision.

First of all, remember that a child is not a small adult. Both the structure of his body and the functions of the internal organs differ from those of adults. That is, often what is normal for an adult is already a pathology (disease) for a child and vice versa. Anatomically (in structure) and functionally, the kidneys of a child differ from the kidneys of an adult (and the younger the child, the more this difference can be seen) - by the time of birth, the development of the kidneys has not yet been completed and will continue for several years. Therefore, before talking about possible diseases (the symptoms of which are both a change in the frequency of urination and the appearance of urine), let's try to define the concept of "normal" in this matter.

What do you think kidneys are for? Pass urine? Not quite, it is rather a mechanism through which the urinary system performs some of its functions - maintaining the balance of fluid and minerals in the body, removing metabolic end products from the blood, removing foreign chemical compounds (including drugs). In addition, the kidneys are involved in maintaining blood pressure, the formation of glucose (during prolonged fasting), calcium metabolism, and even take part in the regulation of the production of erythrocytes (red blood cells that carry oxygen from the lungs to other organs) in the bone marrow.

The work of the baby’s kidneys seems to be at the limit of its capabilities, that is, against the background of the health of the child’s kidneys, they cope with their “duties”, but even with small changes (both external and internal environment), violations are possible.

Urination in children is normal

Features of the structure and function of the kidneys and bladder in young children lead to the fact that frequency of urination varies with age and - in general - more than in adults. So, baby the first months of life will require about 25 disposable diapers per day (the exception is children of the first week of life - in the first five days the frequency of urination is low - only 4-5 times a day; this is due to the high fluid loss of the child and the low intake of breast milk), and to year the child urinates about 15-16 times. With age, the number of urination decreases: in 1-3 years the number of urination is about 10 times a day, in 3-6 years old- 6-8 times a day, from 6 to 9 years- 5-6 times, and older children urinate, as a rule, no more than 4-5 times a day. Moreover, most of the urine is excreted during the day. Anything more than these numbers can be considered frequent urination. As a rule, in medicine, a deviation from the normal values ​​\u200b\u200bin small limits is always allowed. That is, if a child of 6 years old urinates today 6 times a day, and tomorrow 9 times a day, it is hardly worth immediately panicking. And be sure to pay attention to changes in conditions (environmental factors, nutrition, etc.): against the background of a large amount of fruits eaten (containing a lot of liquid - watermelon, melon, pears, etc.), diuresis (daily amount of urine) may increase even without any pathology. But do not forget that a change in the frequency of urination can be the first symptom of trouble, so even in the era of "diapers" mom needs to be careful about this parameter.

Inflammation of the urinary tract in children: symptoms

In addition to frequent urination, the simultaneous presence of other symptoms is of great importance. What can it be and what should mom pay attention to?

  1. Pain when urinating. It occurs with inflammatory phenomena in the lower urinary tract (inflammation of the urethra or bladder), the release of large salt crystals (small stones), with inflammation of the external genitalia. Moreover, if a child of 3-7 years old can actively complain to his mother (the baby may even try to delay the painful process of urination), then a baby at the age of several months will frown, grunt or even cry (depending on the severity of pain) at the moment (or, possibly, before and/or after) urination. False calls. As the name implies, the child feels the urge to urinate (perhaps even a few minutes after the previous trip to the toilet), but the urge is FALSE (no urine).
  2. Pain in the abdomen (lower back). And if with a large (3-7 years old) child in this sense it is easier (although many small children will point to the navel area to the question “where it hurts”), then it is quite difficult to ask the baby about the presence or absence of pain. Unreasonable (of course, at first glance) crying, twisting of legs, painful grimace on the face are possible. Pain can be both unilateral and bilateral, of a different nature (dull, aching, cramping, etc.), noted when jumping, running, dancing.
  3. Thirst, with increased urination. Such manifestations, of course, can also occur in healthy children and adults (in the example already mentioned above - when eating a large amount of fruit) and, nevertheless, require control (doctor's consultation, general urinalysis and blood sugar test). to exclude diabetes mellitus, one of the signs of which is increased urine output).
  4. Enuresis, urinary incontinence. Enuresis usually refers to cases of nocturnal and daytime urinary incontinence in children over the age of 4-5 years. Urinary incontinence - these are cases of spontaneous urination (the child does not feel the urge to urinate), urinary incontinence - the child wanted to urinate, but "did not have time" to get to the toilet. Another unfavorable symptom is the constant leakage of urine drop by drop. Possible causes of frequent urination include urinary tract infections (urethritis - inflammation of the urethra, cystitis - inflammation of the bladder, pyelonephritis - inflammation of the kidney tissue), malformations of the urinary tract, pathology of the nervous system, mental illness. General complaints accompanying inflammatory process (cystitis, pyelonephritis) - weakness, malaise, loss of appetite, headache, sleep disturbance, in infants - regurgitation, vomiting, frequent or slower stools. An increase in body temperature above 37 degrees C. is characteristic of inflammatory diseases of the urinary system. Pay special attention to the rise in temperature for no apparent reason to high numbers within one day, followed by a decrease to normal. This symptom may be evidence of vesicoureteral reflux, a condition in which urine is thrown upwards from the bladder into the ureters or even into the kidneys. Longer rises in temperature in the absence of a runny nose, cough, etc., that is, in the absence of symptoms of a respiratory disease, may be a sign of a urinary infection (high temperature, as a rule, is difficult to “knock down” with antipyretics, but the reaction to a properly selected antibiotic is positive). But in no case do not self-medicate! You should consult a doctor.
  5. Change in color of urine. The urine of an infant is usually pale yellow (since it is not very concentrated), at an older age, the urine has a straw yellow color (with a plentiful drinking regime, it is lighter). The appearance of a red tint of urine can be both normal (when using beets, cherries, red food dyes, certain medications), and be a formidable sign of the presence of blood in the urine (more precisely, red blood cells), for example, with a kidney disease such as glomerulonephritis - chronic an immuno-inflammatory disease with damage to the renal glomeruli located directly in the kidney tissue. Pale, almost colorless urine, combined with increased excretion and thirst, is a suspicion of diabetes mellitus, another unpleasant assumption is a violation of kidney function.

Pediatric urologist

So, you suspected something was wrong, noticing any of the listed symptoms in your child. The first step is to consult a pediatrician. After listening to complaints, finding out the necessary details, examining the child, the pediatrician will make a decision - either conduct an initial examination in a clinic, or immediately refer the mother and baby to the appropriate specialist: nephrologist, endocrinologist, neuropathologist, urologist, gynecologist.

Tests for inflammation of the urinary tract in children

  1. General urine analysis. A glass jar for analysis should be washed with a brush in the evening and steam sterilized. In addition, pharmacies sell sterile plastic containers for urine, which greatly simplifies the procedure for finding a suitable jar and sterilizing it. If you are going to give urine in a commercial center, you can go in advance and ask for such a container. The baby potty should also be washed clean and rinsed with boiling water (this can be done in the morning). It is advisable to wash the baby's external genitalia with soapy water. An older baby can be asked to urinate a little (in a pot or directly into the bath), and substitute a jar for the rest of the urine. For analysis, morning (fresh) urine is needed. It does not make sense to collect it in the evening, since the results of the study are distorted during storage (even in the refrigerator). In the resulting urine test, the doctor will be able to evaluate indicators such as the number of leukocytes and erythrocytes (blood cells). An increase in the number of white blood cells (leukocyturia) can be a sign of inflammatory diseases, such as pyelonephritis, cystitis (inflammation of the bladder), urethritis (inflammation of the urethra - urethra), a large number of red blood cells (or hematuria) - with glomerulonephritis, the release of large salt crystals or stones, and some other diseases. The presence of protein in the urine may indicate glomerulonephritis, etc.
  2. Urine culture. To check for bacteriuria (the presence of bacteria in the urine), the doctor may order a urine culture, i.e. a small portion of urine is placed on a nutrient medium (special broth). In the presence of bacteria in the urine, after a while, the growth of their colonies on a nutrient medium is noticeable. Usually, before this study, the mother is given a special sterile container or tube for urine. After collecting urine, you should not store it, you should, if possible, immediately carry the urine to the laboratory (short-term storage in the refrigerator is acceptable, but not more than 2 hours). If a certain amount of microbes is found in the urine, then the laboratory will conduct an antibiotic sensitivity test, which can serve as a guideline for prescribing antibacterial agents.
  3. Collection of daily urine for protein, glucose or salts. If the child urinates in a pot, you will not have problems collecting daily urine (except for the night portion, especially if the baby sleeps in a “diaper”). Each portion of urine must be poured into a large jar. Of course, all the urine in the laboratory will not be required, they will measure the volume of daily urine and take a small part. The study of the daily amount of protein is carried out with glomerulonephritis, congenital and hereditary kidney diseases. An increase in the amount of protein in daily urine can also be observed in any diseases accompanied by fever (body temperature above 38 degrees C), with increased kidney mobility, and also in some children after increased physical activity. An increase in the amount of glucose (or, more simply, sugar) in daily urine can be a sign of diabetes mellitus and hereditary kidney diseases. If the daily excretion of salts (oxalates, urates, phosphates) exceeds certain figures, then they speak of crystalluria. Against the background of increased salt secretion, other diseases (for example, cystitis) may occur.
  4. Rhythm of spontaneous urination. Not every mother will be able to give a more or less accurate answer to the question “how many times a day a child urinates”, and it is completely unrealistic to estimate the volume of each serving by eye. Therefore, at home (with a normal drinking regime), you must calculate the number of urination per day, and also measure the volume of each portion of urine (not approximately, but using a measuring cup). The study is preferably carried out within two to three days. On a sheet of paper prepared in advance, you will record the time of urination and the amount of urine excreted. You do not need to collect urine, you will only bring a leaflet with records to the doctor, according to which you can identify frequent urination in small portions or rare large portions. In the first case, we are talking about such a pathological condition as a hyperreflex bladder (having accumulated a very small amount of urine, the bladder gives a signal about the need to urinate), in the second - about a hyporeflex (even with the accumulation of a large amount of urine in the bladder, the urge to urinate is weak or absent). The reasons can be different: violation of the regulation of urination from the nervous system, insufficient development (maturation) of the structures responsible for the act of urination, pathology in the bladder itself.
  5. Ultrasound examination of the kidneys and bladder (ultrasound). This study - if possible - is best done in a planned manner, that is, by contacting yourself, even without any suspicious symptoms indicating diseases of the urinary system. Ultrasound will show if there are any malformations of the kidneys (such as, for example, a doubling of the kidney, a decrease in the kidney - hypoplasia, the absence of a kidney - aplasia, a low-lying kidney - nephroptosis, etc.), signs of inflammatory diseases, the presence of stones or large crystals, urinary disorders . Take a diaper with you (although some institutions use their own). She can also wipe the gel from the baby's skin at the end of the study. Do I need to come to an ultrasound examination with a full bladder? If the kid can, then yes. Then the specialist will be able to examine the filled bladder, then send the child to urinate and repeat the examination of the bladder (is there any residual urine (part of the urine that remains in the bladder after urination in case of pathology). And one more thing: if you were sent for an ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder already with a suspected pathology, try to be examined at a specialized nephrology center.
  6. X-ray examination. Intravenous (excretory) urography. Despite the widespread use of ultrasound devices, X-ray examination has not lost its relevance. This method allows you to assess the location, structure of the kidneys and urinary tract, the safety of kidney function, the process of urination, possible formations or stones. The child is injected intravenously with a contrast agent. Since the kidneys are involved in the process of cleansing the blood of foreign substances, after about 5 minutes, the contrast agent appears in the kidneys and then, as part of the urine, "descends" through the ureters into the bladder. At this time, several x-ray images are taken. Of course, everything related to injections, especially intravenous ones, is very unpleasant for a child, so it is advisable to have a conversation with him at home about the upcoming examination. This study requires preparation. Since the intestines loaded with gases and feces can complicate the assessment of x-rays, 12 hours and 1-2 hours before the examination, the child is prescribed a cleansing enema (children under the age of 3-5 years can be limited to only one - 12 hours before the examination). Reduce foods such as raw vegetables, juices, brown bread, and milk in your child's diet 2-3 days before the test. On the day of the study, children under the age of one year are allowed to give breast milk or formula (for 1-1.5 hours), older ones - a bun with tea without sugar. In addition to a negative psychological reaction to the study, others are possible (in about 4-5% of children): nausea, vomiting, lowering blood pressure, swelling of the face, chills. Severe reactions occur quite rarely (the X-ray room must have the necessary medications for this case).
  7. Voiding cystourethrography. This method is also based on the introduction of a contrast agent, but through the urethra into the bladder. Immediately before the examination, the child is asked to urinate, then a contrast agent is injected into the bladder through a catheter (thin tube) (until the urge to urinate) and two pictures are taken (before and at the time of urination). In some clinics, they are limited to only one image at the time of urination, which reduces the radiation exposure, but practically does not reduce the information content of the study. This method will help in identifying anomalies in the development of the bladder and urethra, the presence of vesicoureteral reflux and its severity.
  8. Renoangiography. The research methodology consists in the intravenous administration of a radiodiagnostic substance and registration of the passage of this compound through the vascular system of the kidneys. The curve obtained as a result of the study is called an indirect radioisotope renoangiogram. Renoangiography allows you to evaluate renal blood flow, kidney function, as well as the process of urination in the ureters. Compared to X-ray methods, the radiation exposure is minimal.
  9. Dynamic and static scintigraphy (scanning) of the kidneys. The patient is injected intravenously with a radiodiagnostic drug that causes radioactive radiation from the organ under study, and special devices - gamma cameras or scanners graphically fix it. The received data undergoes special processing on a computer and is displayed as a static or dynamic image. The method allows you to evaluate the size, shape, location of the kidneys, as well as identify formations in the kidney (for example, cysts or tumors). The radiation exposure is practically the same as during intravenous urography, that is, it is quite high. You don’t have to prepare for radioisotope research methods in advance, but some clinics recommend taking iodine preparations 3 days before the examination (to “protect” the thyroid gland).
  10. Cystoscopy. With the help of an optical device (cystoscope) inserted through the urethra, the doctor examines the bladder from the inside in order to assess the mucous membrane, examine the openings (mouths) of the ureters and evaluate some other points (including the presence of stones, tumors, foreign bodies). Special preparation is usually not required, except when boys and very young children are examined under general anesthesia (anesthesia). Your child may need other tests. Do not be shy and always check with the doctor for what purpose and how exactly the desired study is carried out.

Where to get tested?

To carry out diagnostic measures in order to clarify a specific disease and / or impaired renal function, to decide on the tactics of treatment (for example, the need for surgical treatment), the child may be hospitalized in a specialized department of the children's hospital. In some clinics, a partial stay in the department is practiced - an intermittent stay hospital (in the evenings, weekends and holidays, the child and mother can go home). In addition to polyclinics and hospitals, there are also diagnostic centers where you can be examined in a day nephrological hospital. For subsequent dispensary monitoring of the child's health, you can contact both the advisory department of the diagnostic center and the nephrologist of the district clinic. If the examination reveals a serious pathology (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, urinary tract tuberculosis, urinary tract stones, suspicion of diabetes mellitus, renal failure) and intensive treatment is required, parents are offered hospitalization of the child.

Possible Complications

Urinary tract infection (and frequent urination is one of the manifestations of pathology) is far from a harmless disease, especially if not only the lower urinary tract is affected, but also the kidneys. Here are just dry statistics: out of 100 untreated children, 20 experience partial (or complete, which happens quite rarely) death of the kidney tissue, and out of 100 treated children, only 1. The death of 80% of kidney tissue cells leads to persistent and irreversible impairment of kidney function - chronic renal failure. Is it worth the risk? Particular attention to the possible pathology in urine tests should be paid to those who, during an ultrasound examination, found malformations of the kidneys and urinary tract (small kidney - kidney hypoplasia, horseshoe kidney, doubling of the kidney, etc.). Such children are more prone to pyelonephritis. And the situation is even more aggravated by the presence of the vesicoureteral reflux already mentioned above, since even in the absence of infection, thrown urine damages the kidney tissue, and in the presence of infection, this process goes several times faster.

Prevention of inflammation of the urinary tract in a child

It cannot be said that, by observing some specific measures, you can completely insure your child from diseases of the urinary system. It wouldn't be true. But it is very important to identify the pathology in time (and, therefore, start treatment on time) to prevent possible unpleasant complications. For this you need the following:

  • be attentive to the condition of the child, noting possible signs of the disease;
  • do not neglect preventive examinations by a pediatrician (recall that children under one year old are examined every month, from one to three years old - every three months, from three to seven years old - every six months);
  • do not allow hypothermia of the child (do not allow to sit on cold ground, stones, swim in cold water, etc.);
  • breastfeed your baby for as long as possible - such children are less likely to develop intestinal dysbiosis (dysbacteriosis), which means there is less chance of pathogens from the intestines entering the urinary system with the subsequent development of a urinary tract infection. In addition, breastfed children have a higher level of immunoglobulin A in the urine, which provides local protection of the urinary tract from infectious agents;
  • if the child has a high temperature and there are no other signs of illness (runny nose, cough, etc.), be sure to call a doctor (do not self-medicate)

Frequent urination in children without pain. This condition is also called pollakiuria - it is harmless, but should be monitored by parents and a doctor if necessary. If the doctor found out that this is a completely harmless symptom and prescribed medications, then the baby's parents should also clearly control the treatment.

In children, unlike adults, the work of the abdominal organs is very different. The child's body is not fully formed to function normally. For this reason, for an adult, any condition may not be considered a pathology, but for a child it will be a disease or a deviation from the norm.

The urinary system in girls and boys begins to fully function at the age of fourteen. The kidneys are designed in such a way that urine is filtered. With the appearance of errors in the performance of the kidneys, which are provoked by many diseases, a disorder begins in the separation of urine.

Depending on age, there are their own norms for the amount of urine excreted. The volume norms for boys and girls differ, which directly depends on the characteristics and differences of their organisms.

There are approximate norms for the volume of urine in a child under ten years old:
  • normal diuresis in children: 0 - six months a day up to twenty-five times;
  • diuresis in children under 12 months - at least ten, but an average of fifteen times;
  • 13 months - 3 years, 2 months - ten times;
  • 36 months - seven years - about eight times;
  • 6 years - up to 4 years and up to 10 years - from four to six times a day.

The above norms are approximate and can vary greatly during the day, depending on the amount of water consumed per day.

The physiological problem of frequent going to the toilet often becomes the main among all possible. The condition itself is not terrible and is manifested by a large volume of urine.

Frequent urge to urinate in children without pain may be associated with ailments, but do not worry too much, it is possible that the problem is inorganic. Thus, when the child drinks a lot of water, then the urge becomes more.

Parents should understand why the child drinks a lot of water - from great thirst or is it just a habit. Most often, thirst is the initial manifestation (symptoms) of diabetes.

The most common causes of physiological pollakiuria include:
  1. Taking large amounts of diuretics. This medical effect also has anti-allergy drugs, laxatives, diuretics.
  2. Prolonged stay of the child in a cold place, which causes hypothermia. Frequent urge to urinate begins in a child without pain. After the cessation of hypothermia, pollakiuria and frequent painless urination end.
  3. Adoption in the diet of a product that has a diuretic effect. Any fruit, berries have a diuretic effect.
  4. During anxiety and stress, frequent urination in a child is manifested. This is a temporary ailment. It will pass quickly.

The physiological processes of pollakiuria in children are absolutely logical and completely harmless.

As the provoking factors are removed, there is a noticeable improvement in diuresis. If we consider other causes of frequent urination in young children - such as disorders of the bladder, diseases of the central nervous system, and others, then you need to be very careful, because often one of these pathologies becomes a sign of a dangerous illness.

Excessively frequent urination in a child occurs during inflammation of the urinary organ. In case of malfunctions, pain syndrome, frequent urination or difficulty in excreting urine is manifested.

The real cause may be the nerve receptors that are responsible for the normal functioning of the body.

The problem begins to worsen under the influence of such factors:
  • Stress.
  • Anxiety.
  • Inflammation.

Very rarely, when with pollakiuria, a state of enuresis may appear (at night or during the day). Temperatures above 37 are also rare. But still, both parents and the attending physician are obliged to observe the children.

There is an age at which in boys (rarely in a girl of 4 years old) the total volume of urination increases sharply. Children can go to the toilet every twenty minutes without feeling pain, burning or cutting. Such frequent urination begins to develop as early as 5 years. In these years, babies can control urges, including night ones.

The main factor in the occurrence of pollakiuria is stressful periods. But in order to make sure that this is actually the case, the parents must show the child to the urologist, and he is still obliged to carry out diagnostic measures to detect foci in any place in the urination sphere. Diagnosis is performed in this way: the baby should go to the toilet, and the doctor should see if the entire bladder is empty of urine.

A characteristic condition in children in this situation is also the syndrome of daytime frequent urination.

How is daytime toileting treated? The course of treatment is small if the cause is psychological.

But there may be other conditions as well. So find it out first. It happens that it is enough to go to a child psychologist three or four times.

A high frequency of urination per day in a child under 3 years of age can signal a disease, so doctors who specialize in kidneys do a full check. The doctor examines, interrogates the parent, studies the existing pathologies.

Be sure to conduct a laboratory analysis of urine and plasma to establish the disease. But the diagnosis is allowed to be approved only when studying the final results of the tests.

Abnormal Readings :
  • urine: a high concentration of substances of proteins, acids in the urine, compounds, as well as a leukocyte will indicate a painful inflammation of the urinary organ of the human body;
  • blood: low level (concentration) of hemoglobin in the blood.

As well as a small number of platelets. They can signal poor health.

Laboratory diagnostics

The laboratory assistant inoculates biological samples in a specially prepared environment in order to determine the type of pathogenic agent of cystitis, glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis in a boy, in a girl.

As a result, it is possible to find out the sensitivity of the pathogen to the action of the drug. This means that the possibility of destroying the pathogenic flora with the medicine is being clarified. In some situations, urologists recommend collecting 24-hour urine to recognize the location of infectious foci.

For an accurate statement of the disease, it is necessary for children to check the pelvis:
  • CT scan;
  • radiograph;
  • urography;
  • ultrasonic checks;
  • MRI - magnetic resonance imaging.

These examination procedures are prescribed to the child, taking into account his age. Magnetic resonance imaging and conventional computed tomography should not be performed on infants or young children.

Diagnostics will allow to detect pathologies in time and start treatment at early stages, when the cell and tissue have not yet been damaged.