Skills and abilities of a child at 6 months. The long-awaited six months: what a six-month-old baby should be able to do

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Baby's height and weight at 6 months

By the 6th month, the child “arrives” with an average height and weight of 64-67 cm and 6800-7200 g, respectively. In the future, he will continue to grow gradually, gaining weight at the same time. As a rule, within a month the weight gain will average 600-700 g, and the baby will grow an additional 2-2.5 cm. Based on this, we can calculate that the height and weight of the child at 6 months (by the end of the month) should reach approximately 66-68 cm and 7400-7800 respectively.

However, it should be remembered that the development of each child always proceeds individually: some of the children are already born larger and heavier, others smaller. This means that height and weight indicators can fluctuate: there are children who at 6 months weigh more than 8000 g, and their height reaches 70 cm.

Baby's daily routine at 6 months

A child’s daily routine at 6 months remains the same relevant for his normal physical and mental development, for the gradual formation good habits and discipline. There are no particular changes in the daily routine of a 6-month-old baby: in the morning he wakes up, after which he is fed, then the baby is awake and sleeps. By the end of the fifth month, having transferred the child to 5 feedings a day, the same principle should be left for the 6th month, feeding the baby 5 times a day with an interval of approximately 4 hours.

The baby's activity time increases at 6 months, but he can still sleep at night for up to 10-11 hours. The child also sleeps during the day: most often 3 times for 1.5-2 hours. The baby sleeps best during a walk, which also remains a mandatory “procedure” for the child.

It is necessary to walk with a six-month-old child at least 2 times a day: in the summer at temperatures up to 30 degrees - for 2.5 hours, in winter time(if the temperature does not drop below 10 degrees below zero) – at least 2 hours.

Once a day for a 6-month-old baby, bathing is provided - an hour before bedtime in the bathroom, the water temperature of which is 35-36 degrees. They bathe the baby for 7-9 minutes, and the child, as a rule, loves this procedure very much, showing joy in anticipation of it. For active and excitable children, a bath for better sleep decoctions of herbs are often added - chamomile, motherwort, mint, lemon balm (the decoction is brewed at the rate of 3 tablespoons of herbs per 1 liter of boiling water). During the day, they wash the baby every time he “goes to the toilet.”

Morning toilet for a child - washing the face, wiping the eyes, cleaning the ears and nose as necessary. In the morning, it is recommended to do gymnastics with your baby - an hour after he has eaten, for 7-10 minutes. The following massage is also useful in combination with gymnastics. It is better to work with a child after first undressing him: at the same time air baths are provided.

IN daytime When the baby is awake, it is necessary to communicate with him as much as possible, play games with the child, and entertain him with all kinds of nursery rhymes, rhymes and songs.

How much does a 6 month old baby eat?

The six-month-old child is still in breastfeeding? Fabulous! After all, it is the milk received from the mother that is the most beneficial and nutritious for the baby, and it is not for nothing that the WHO recommends breastfeeding babies for as long as possible. But, even if the baby is breastfed, when he is 6 months old, it’s time to start introducing complementary foods.

If we talk about how much a child eats at 6 months, it should be taken into account that the main indicator of health and normal development It is not the amount of food eaten that counts, but normal increase in weight. Although conditionally, it can be said that during one feeding, a baby, as a rule, eats about 180-200 breast milk or an adapted formula.

Children who have already been transferred to artificial nutrition, with baby cereals, fruit and vegetable purees By 6 months they usually already know each other. But babies whose mother continues to breastfeed will only have to get acquainted with new foods at this age. It is better to consult a pediatrician about the first complementary feeding, but, as a rule, complementary feeding begins with fruit juices and purees. At first, the baby should be given just a few drops fruit juice or half a teaspoon of puree, observing its reaction. It is better if complementary foods are introduced during the daytime - over time, they will completely replace lunch. If everything goes well, the amount of complementary foods is gradually increased. Thus, by the end of the month, the child can have a full meal, for example, pureed fruit (not only fruit, but also vegetable), which he can eat up to 150 g at a time.

It should be borne in mind that after giving the baby New Product, the next one should be introduced into the diet no earlier than after 5-7 days. Moreover, it is better to start giving complementary foods with one-component purees, for example, by chopping boiled carrots in a blender. By the middle of the month, carrots can already be mixed with parsley and onions, or some buckwheat, rice or semolina can be added to the puree.

In addition, from six months it is also recommended to gradually introduce egg yolk into the baby’s diet, but only on the condition that the baby is not allergic. They give egg yolk first literally a pinch, grinding it and mixing with breast milk or a mixture. If the yolk is absorbed normally by the child, over time it can be added to the puree. Always before giving the baby the yolk, the egg must be well boiled, keeping it in boiling water for at least 15 minutes.

An approximate menu for a six-month-old child might look something like this:

6.00 – 200 ml of breast milk (or formula);

10.00 – 200 g of vegetable puree + a grain of egg yolk;

14.00 – 280 ml of breast milk (or formula) + 30 g of fruit puree;

18.00 – 200 ml of milk porridge + 30 ml of fruit juice;

22.00 – 200 ml of breast milk (or formula).

But, again, it is necessary to monitor the intensity of weight gain. In the case when weight is actively “gaining”, the volume of consumed high-calorie foods(milk porridge) can be reduced by replacing them with fruit and vegetable purees. If the situation is the opposite - the baby is not gaining weight - it is useful to include in the diet vegetable oil or cream, adding, for example, a teaspoon to a portion of vegetable puree.

What should a 6 month old baby be able to do?

At 6 months, a child with particular passion explores by touch and visually studies everything that surrounds him. He already knows how to tenaciously hold a toy in his hands, turning it this way and that, moving it from palm to palm, and watching its trajectory when he throws it away from him. And looks around with great curiosity the world when he is not sleeping, walking with his mother in the stroller.

The 6-month-old baby is “active” even just lying in the crib. So, the child already rolls over on his own, stretches his legs and grabs them with his hands, raises his head and pulls his arms. From time to time, maybe, resting his head and heels on the crib, he even stands on the “bridge,” lifting his body and bending his spine.

At 6 months old, a child’s grasping and hand movements and motor skills are well developed: he transfers toys from hand to hand, knows how to pull a discarded toy to himself, previously tied by his parents with a string, and also enjoys transferring toys from container to container and enthusiastically opens and closes boxes.

If an object of interest to the baby is placed at a distance of 10-20 cm from it, the child will try to crawl towards it, rolling over, and often succeeds. But, even if the child is not crawling yet, he will definitely crawl in the near future, therefore, you should prepare for this in advance by “safeguarding” the area from piercing, cutting and other dangerous objects.

A child at this age can learn to sit if his mother gives him sitting position, the baby puts his arms forward and takes the weight of the body on them, holding in this position for 1-2 minutes. In addition, the baby is able to stand for some time, holding onto the side of the crib with his hands. Although he doesn’t get up on his own yet, if his mother holds his armpits, he rests first on his fingertips, and then completely stands on his spread legs, albeit with his knees bent.

All the same six month old baby listens with interest to the sounds around him. But now he is not only able to recognize the voices of his parents even from another room, but also remembers his name, knows the names of the objects and toys around him, and the names of regularly repeated actions. And therefore, you also need to talk to the child as much as possible, inviting him to remember more and more different words.

And the baby, in turn, will happily babble in response: at this age, the baby actively “talks”, even when alone with himself. And he listens carefully to poems and fairy tales from colorful books with drawings, looking at them and listening to his mother, who explains that “this is a ball, but here is a girl, the ball is round, and the girl is smiling.” Over the course of a month, the baby’s “speech” becomes more and more vivid and expressive - he forms more and more complex sound combinations and syllables “va-va-v”, “o-go-go”, “de-e”.

You need to be wary if a 6-month-old child:

unable to grasp a toy;

cannot reach an object when lying on his stomach;

does not respond to sounds that come from objects in its immediate vicinity;

does not ask to be held and does not reach out to his parents.

Educational activities and games for a 6-month-old baby

It should be remembered that a six-month-old child still explores objects by touch, and at this age the “assortment” of objects in the surrounding world for the baby to explore can be expanded. It will be interesting and educational for the baby to touch a leaf or pebble, a stick, an icicle and snow. When offering the baby to touch this or that object, you should say its name out loud - let the child gradually remember all the new words.

It's time to start paying attention to development fine motor skills: For a 6-month-old child, you can buy simple toys such as a spiral puzzle with beads. You just need to make sure that the toy is of high quality - the beads should not come off or fly out, so as not to accidentally get into the baby’s mouth. In order to develop fine motor skills, you can offer your baby a pyramid with round pieces (a pyramid-cup, without a base-pin). Together with the baby, you can disassemble and assemble the pyramid, let him hold it and play with its elements.

All sorts of moving and sounding toys will be available to a six month old baby. a most exciting activity: He will press buttons and spin wheels with interest, pull levers and open doors. Developmental centers with mirrors, toy “singing” pianos, toys with light bulbs that light up by pressing a button - toys of this kind contribute to the development of hearing, eye, skin sensitivity, and logical communication.

Hand exercises, which can also be done in the form of a game, will be useful for the baby. For example, inviting a child to “paint” the wall of the bed: taking him by the hand, make smooth movements with the handle up and down, saying “let’s paint, let’s paint.” Or - together with the baby, learn to pet a cat, showing how it is done on plush toy and telling her that she is “good, good.”

The child must be given the opportunity to experience the world in all its diversity, offering him, among other things, actions aimed at conventional “destruction.” Let the baby see and understand that the rag can tear, some objects can bend or break, and if you hit one of them, it makes a loud rattling sound.

Baby at 6 months: note to parents

The child is about to crawl and begin to climb into the most unexpected and, in a sense, dangerous places for him. This means it’s time to carefully inspect the apartment and take action to eliminate the possibility of injury to the baby. In addition, it is better to temporarily remove boxes and vases that a child could knock over or break out of reach.

We'll have to remove the product as far as possible household chemicals, medicines, cosmetics. It is advisable to secure the bottom drawers of cabinets and chests of drawers or even put stops on them - without this, the baby can easily pinch his fingers. It would also be a good idea to limit access to sockets.

The child should not be left alone with small objects. And even better - do not give him “trifles” (beans, peas, beads, buttons or coins) in his hands for a long time. Thus, through an oversight, small objects can get into the baby’s nose or ear, the child can pull them into his mouth and choke. If such a misfortune happens, the baby begins to cough and scream, and due to lack of air access, turns blue for a few seconds. In this case, it is necessary to take the child by the legs and hold him head down, at the same time, be sure to call an ambulance. Even if you remove an item from respiratory tract The baby managed to survive on his own, the child began to breathe, an examination by a doctor is still necessary - in order to determine the patency of the trachea and bronchi.

The incredible speed of growth and development of a child in the first half of life is simply mesmerizing: only recently the baby was born, and after two to three months he confidently holds his head and smiles at his mother. After another month, the baby accurately distinguishes between “friends” and “strangers” and tries to catch and hold a colorful toy. This is how - by leaps and bounds - your sun is growing.

At 6 months a child is already full-fledged person, whose character and type of temperament can be traced.

But the most dramatic change occurs at 6 months - having reached this age, the baby changes so rapidly and learns so quickly that you are amazed. This is what a child can do at 6 months, which is what we will talk about. And we’ll start our conversation by discussing the diet and some changes in the menu.

Pediatricians, speech therapists, and dentists have been arguing over the topic for several decades. Some believe that this inhibits speech development and leads to incorrect pronunciation of sounds. Our article will tell you what experts think about this.

Nutrition for a six month old baby

Years of research and experience previous generations indicate that up to a specified age, breast milk fully provides the growing baby with all the necessary substances: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins.

But why can and should the first complementary foods be introduced to a six-month-old child?

The thing is that by this time the baby’s body reaches a certain level of development:

The first complementary food should replace one of the daily feedings. And there are a few tricks here:

If you listen to the advice described above and do not rush, you will be able to boast to your friends that you are healthy and cheerful child who is not capricious and eats only healthy and tasty food.

Physical and emotional development of the baby at 6 months

At 6 months, the child should show fairly high physical and emotional/mental activity.

Here is a list of the basic skills and abilities that are usually acquired baby to this period:

  1. Without outside help rolls over to his side and onto his stomach.
  2. Tries to move in space - crawls.

    Well then I crawled!

  3. Makes the first attempts to independently take a sitting position.
  4. Stands confidently on a flat surface when held by the body.
  5. He independently picks up toys and other objects that are not very far from him.
  6. Can fix his attention on a specific object for 1 - 3 minutes.

    You can look at these beauties endlessly.

  7. Able to express positive and negative emotions.
  8. If you hide your favorite toy, the child begins to look for it, turning in all directions.
  9. Well developed sense of taste.
  10. He knows how to eat from a spoon, squeezing it with his lips, and drinks well from a cup, which is held by one of the adults.
  11. Turns his head to the person who called the baby by name.
  12. Listens to music, calms down when a melody he likes plays.

    Quiet! Can't you see I'm listening to music!?

  13. Reacts to changes in facial expressions of the person who is nearby.
  14. Looks with interest at objects that move.
  15. Doesn’t let mom go for long, because the child wants to play with someone, and not alone.

    Mom is my best friend!

  16. Begins to pronounce the first syllables - babble.
  17. This period is characterized by a decrease in duration nap. But since the baby needs to systematize a lot of new information, you cannot follow his lead and reduce the amount of daytime sleep: let the child sleep for a short time, but more often.
  18. On average, girls' weight at 6 months is 7.3 kg and height is 66 cm. Boys at this age are slightly larger - weight is 7.9 kg and height is 68 cm.

To smile at a baby, you need to use 17 facial muscles; this is very difficult for a baby to do. Some mothers see the baby within a few days after birth, while for others the baby does not smile even after a month. Each baby begins to smile at its own time, so don’t panic, just wait a little.

Some young mothers do not know how a child should gain weight correctly and in what time frame this should happen. will answer all the most important questions.

Learning and playing at 6 months

After reading the information from the previous chapter, many mothers may be concerned that the baby does not perform certain actions: he cannot sit or does not grasp toys well with his hands, does not babble, or weighs less than normal.

I am strictly individual.

I want to reassure you - everything described above is average information. But Each child is individual and develops differently- some people grasp everything on the fly, while others are in no hurry. It is worth sounding the alarm only in certain cases:

  1. When the baby practically does not react to communication from close relatives, feeding, games.
  2. You observe twitching of the muscles of the face or limbs.
  3. There is no normal sleep pattern.

But if the child’s health is good, everything else can be taught to him by spending a little time on educational games.

Children develop faster in the company of their peers.

To teach your baby to hold toys well with his hands, often put small objects in his hands first, and then larger ones.

Try to give your child toys of different textures - smooth, ribbed, made of leather, velvety to the touch. Excitation tactile receptors on the palms promotes the formation of neural chains in the brain - this is how the baby learns faster.

Motor activity will be more intense if during the game the child needs to reach an object or person. Playing games while bathing or swimming in the bathtub will strengthen the muscles of the back and neck, which will help the baby sit more steadily and roll over more easily. If active games

and splashing in the bathroom are not as effective as you would like, do special exercises with your child or take a massage course.

Water treatments both develop and soothe. A child's speech development at 6 months can be easily stimulated by talking to him for a long time. Tell children fairy tales, sing songs, read poems. The more words the baby hears, the faster and more fully he will develop lexicon

. To prevent your child from having problems with articulation in the future, place his fingers to your mouth - this way the baby will remember the shape of his lips while pronouncing various words.

Books with large and bright pictures will capture the attention of the baby for a long time.

Play with your child more, show him toys, naming them, and then ask the baby to find one or another. Show your baby photographs and name the people in them, play with the mirror, try to hide from the child, but so that he can easily find you.

  • In general, parents should remember that the intellectual and physical development of their children depends on them.
  • Therefore, their responsibilities include the following:
  • properly organize the child’s daily routine,

choose the optimal dish for introducing the first complementary foods,

come up with games that will not only occupy the baby for a while, but also teach him something new. 1. DEVELOPMENTAL FEATURES OF A SIX-MONTH-OLD CHILD At 6 months small child is improving visual perception

and hearing becomes sharper. Every day the baby attaches more and more importance to individual events. happening around him. He can quickly calm down and begin to listen to the sounds of music or mommy's singing, even when he cries and is capricious. At this age, the baby recognizes much better the emotional palette in the relationships of the people around him and especially his parents. The mood of mom or dad is instantly transmitted to the baby - if the parents quarrel and talk in

raised voices my tummy hurt , hit, got scared, now even moved to another place toy box may cause tears.
The so-called baby talk, which is the foundation speech development. Improving pre-speech abilities also include the combination of breathing with sounds, emotionally charged movements of the tongue and sponges, more
meaningful pronunciation of the first syllables and some consonants.


During a recent experiment, linguists found that the foundations of the native language are laid as early as six months of age. They recorded the baby babble of small children from families on a voice recorder different nations. When the English were allowed to listen to the recordings, in 85% of cases they correctly named the babble of the little ones from the English family, the Germans - from the German family, the Italians - from the Italian one. Therefore, in the saying: “The native language is absorbed with mother’s milk” there is a grain of truth.


Knows how to clearly express desires with gestures (pulls out hands so that mother takes the baby in her arms, points with a hand at the thing she wants to take);

Rolls over from tummy to back quite well , from the back to the tummy or side;

At 6 months, the baby should be able to crawl forward and crawl back a little. Tear off your tummy while crawling the floor may not work yet;

Should be able to easily lift the body on straightened arms if you rest your palms on the surface;

Able to change the intonation of spoken sounds in a timely manner depending on the situation and need;

By the age of six months, the baby should be able to easily differentiate his toys according to their purpose during play. (you can shake the rattle and it will make a sound, the ball can be rolled on the floor);

6 month old baby should be angry and actively object if a toy is taken away from him;

Turn your head if you call out or say his name.

Some children at six months of age can:

Transfer a spoon or toy from one handle to another;

Reach with an outstretched arm to an object that is far beyond his reach;

Sit with support for a while (the child should not sit for too long , since the musculoskeletal system is still poorly developed);

Look for the named thing that is in the children's room;

Pronounce some simple one-syllable words clearly.


Sleep still takes up a significant portion of your time at this age. Breast milk remains the main diet for most babies, but complementary foods can be gradually introduced. Click on this link and EXPAND SOME PRACTICAL OPTIONS FOR YOUR BABY'S DAILY ROUTINE.

Useful tips:

√ Tip 1 - choose the most comfortable place for playing with the baby and lay a wide blanket on the floor;

√ Tip 2 - store your baby's toys in one basket or box. Help your child independently pull out toys from his own “treasury”;

√ Tip 3 - repeat the names of toys as often as possible , handing them to the child;

√ Tip 4 - periodically place a small sliding pillow under the baby’s tummy to make it easier for him to crawl forward.

Several options for educational games for a six-month-old baby:

▫ Game 1 - musical bottles

This educational game helps develop hearing and attentiveness.

Pour water into plastic or aluminum bottles (so that each has a different volume).
Hit the bottles with a spoon to make different sounds. If the baby reaches for the spoon, give him the opportunity to play music.

▫ Game 2 - Ladushki

Develops coordination of movements and sense of rhythm.

It is difficult for a 6-month-old baby to clap his hands on his own when his mother says “okay, okay.” But if you involve dad in the game, then everything will go great! Dad will sit his child on his lap, and the baby will lean his back against daddy's belly. Then dad will take the baby by the wrists and, in time with mom’s words, will clap his little palms and spank mom’s palms.

▫ Game 3 - unusual bubble

This game helps develop hand motor skills and tactile sensations.

Take a balloon and pour some water into it. Tie it tightly to prevent water from leaking out. Demonstrate before the child’s eyes the properties of a ball filled with water - squeeze and unclench it, throw it onto the surface. Then let your baby play with amazing toy, but be careful that he doesn’t try to taste the ball

¡ Interesting photos!
See how strong the baby will be and how noticeably the baby will change after birth at 6 months.


If infant at 6 months receives a sufficient amount of mother's milk , then turn on extra food You need to add just a little bit into your diet and very selectively. Let's find out what you can feed a little toddler at this age.

- It is very useful to give a six-month-old baby pureed vegetables and rice. You can make a mushy mixture of carrots and rice. Fresh cauliflower and potato puree can also be included in your child’s menu. By 6.5 months, you can diversify his diet with celery, beans, beets, broccoli, and green peas. All products can be given to the baby in the form of soups and cereals.

Closer to 7 months, you can diversify the baby’s menu with meat broth made from fresh lean beef or chicken. Pass the meat through a meat grinder and cook it over low heat for several hours in clean drinking water (40 grams of meat per 200 ml of water). You can add a little onion and carrots. At the end of cooking, it is advisable to add herbs - dill, celery, parsley. After 2 hours, strain the broth several times through several layers of clean gauze and re-boil the broth.

A few days after including the broth in the menu 6 one month old baby, you can give it to your baby meat puree. To prepare it, you need to take 100 grams of lean beef, 5 grams of butter, 50 grams of milk and some herbs.
Preparation: Thoroughly clean the meat from film and fat. Cut into small pieces and pour clean water and simmer over low heat until full readiness. When the pieces of meat are cooked, you need to pass them through a meat grinder 2 times and grate them. Add hot milk, butter and bring the puree to a boil. When the puree is ready, add some grated herbs and stir. The broth can be used to prepare vegetable soup.


From the first minutes of a baby’s birth, it is important to monitor changes in his weight. . If the child’s weight is normal and is constantly growing, then the diet has been chosen correctly. If the baby has stopped gaining weight, then it is necessary to correct it daily menu and time intervals between feedings.

Normal weight six-month-old boys, ranges from: 6.5-8.6 kg.
Normal weight for six month old girls: 6.2-8.4 kg.

A deviation of weight from the norm by 16-30% in the direction of increase indicates overweight, and 16-30% in the direction of decrease indicates underweight. In these cases, you must contact pediatrician for advice and adjust the baby’s diet after the examination.

Height of six month old boys: 63.3-69.2 cm
Girls' height at 6 months: 62.5-68.6 cm

If the deviation from the norm is 7 or more centimeters up or down, then it is necessary to undergo an examination after consultation with a doctor.


In this video lesson, experts give answers to the most common questions from mothers who have to teach their baby to sit and crawl correctly:

In this article:

A six-month-old baby is different from the one a month ago. This is the age of conventional maturation; usually, it is at 6 months of age that babies acquire the skills of crawling and sitting. The development of a 6-month-old baby is rapid, the thirst for knowledge of the world around him is growing stronger.

Physical development

Many babies at the age of 6 months already know how to sit, but if your baby can’t sit up on his own yet, then there’s no need to panic. Moreover, you should not forcibly place your child, as grandmothers like to advise, in pillows. No, no, and no again, science has long proven that if the baby does not sit down, it means that his bones are not yet strong enough and forced sitting can lead to diseases of the spine or hip joints.

A six-month-old baby is already actively turning over from his stomach to his back and back, many are trying to get on all fours, and some are already confidently standing on them. You can often see how a child, lying on his stomach, sticks his butt up and tries to crawl, pretending to be a caterpillar. Help your child - place your palm under his feet so that he pushes off. Stimulate your child - put him in front a bright toy so that he tries to get her.

Don't be upset if your baby doesn't crawl; some babies start walking right away. However, you shouldn’t leave it to chance; try in every possible way to help the baby, try to teach him.

Mental and sensory development

At the age of 6 months, the child maintains the daily routine of a 5-month old. At night the baby sleeps more calmly and longer, and during the day he is more and more awake. The six-month-old fidget actively explores everything around him, tries to reach out to everything that interests him, and tries a lot by heart. The child can look at the toy for a long time, moving it from hand to hand and turning it over.

At this age, children do not like to be alone with themselves and demand more attention. They make attempts to sit down and sometimes even stand up. If you give your baby your hands when he is lying down, he will pull himself up using his legs.

Everything that comes into view is studied, felt and tasted. The baby can already distinguish the intonations in the parents’ voice and reacts to sounds from the outside. In order to calm the baby, you need to talk to him. Usually, at the age of 6 months, children can already respond to their name; if not, then call it by name more often so that the child remembers.

Speech skills

By six months, the child usually actively gurgles, syllables appear in his speech, most often pa-pa-pa, ma-ma-ma, ka-ka-ka, and so on. You can catch different intonations in humming, and also when blowing bubbles from saliva, the child rumbles and growls.

To develop speech, you need to talk to your child as much as possible and promote the development of fine motor skills. If for some reason you have not yet started reading to your child, then start doing so soon.

What does a 6 month old baby eat?

Surely by this age you have already realized that the indicator of normal development and health of a baby is not the amount of food eaten, but weight gain. Presumably, a six-month-old baby eats about 200 grams of milk (or formula) in one meal.

As a rule, children artificial feeding start feeding earlier than infants. If your 6-month-old baby is not yet familiar with complementary feeding, then it’s time to introduce him. Regarding complementary feeding, you need to consult a pediatrician, because each case is specific and has its own characteristics. If the child is already familiar with fruit and vegetable purees, then new products can be introduced into the diet of a 6-month-old child, but provided that the child is not allergic.

The number of feedings for a 6-month-old baby is usually 5 - every 4 hours. It is recommended to introduce complementary foods during the daytime, so that over time, lunch is transferred completely to adult food. Carefully monitor your child's reaction to each new product.

Daily regime

The regimen for a 6-month-old baby is not much different from a 5-month-old. In the morning after waking up - water procedures in the form of washing, cleaning the nose if necessary. You need to bathe your child an hour before bedtime and wash it during the day after each bowel movement.
Children need walks for strong health. healthy sleep and strengthening the immune system. Walk at least 2 times a day for 2 hours. In summer you can go for more walks.

Play educational games for small children, but leave the child alone for a short time, he must get used to the fact that his mother cannot be nearby all the time. Toys for a 6-month-old baby should be as safe as possible, so that there are no small parts.

Be sure to do exercises - gymnastics means a lot for a 6-month-old baby. Say nursery rhymes during all procedures, hum songs. Don't forget about the massage; it should be done at least an hour after eating. Be in tactile contact with a child, he should feel the warmth of his mother’s hands.

There is no need to push a child’s development, everything has its time, he will definitely learn everything. Be patient, talk to your child more, read books to him and then your baby will be healthy both mentally and physically.

Useful video about baby development at 6 months

Now this is not a helpless toddler, but small man who has learned a lot and can already understand a lot.


Child development at 6 months and nutrition The baby starts feeding. If new food spits out, which means the child is not yet ready for the new menu. The mother's task is to understand this and introduce innovation later.

Children who have overweight, you need to start with pureed vegetables. And for thin people, porridges made from rice, buckwheat and corn, cooked in water without salt and sugar, are best suited. From the first feeding, the baby should be accustomed to a spoon. Use bottles with nipples only when necessary (on the road).

The appearance of complementary foods in the diet does not exclude, because mother's milk, rich in antibodies, is still necessary for the baby at this age.


In the sixth month of life, a major breakthrough occurs in psychological development. The baby turns around when his name is pronounced, he recognizes his close surroundings, and may react negatively to a stranger. This cannot be called complex, it comes into play defense mechanisms body.

A child may show friendliness towards a stranger, but the main people for him will be those whom he knows well. And calm down crying baby Only mom and dad can.

A small family member, as always, is the center of the universe, around which relative planets revolve. He listens carefully to everything, looks closely and tries to imitate the actions of adults. So, over time, his sounds form syllables, but the real words will not be pronounced soon.

What can we do?

  • Crawl
  • Use both hands, throw toys and clap hands
  • Pronounce syllables while trying to explain yourself
  • with the help of adults
  • Sleep all night long. A child at six months is very active, so his sleep is deeper and longer.

You can start reading books to your baby and making him laugh funny rhymes and songs. If a child smiles at the beginning of reading a poem that is already familiar to him, this indicates that the child is successfully developing memory.


Can sit up independently and even crawl baby at 6 months, development and nutrition at the same time, it should be increased (complementary feeding is introduced).
At the age of 6 months, the baby should eat the 7th or 8th part of his body weight (approximately 1000 g) per day.

From 6 to 7 am - feeding with milk (breast) or formula (adapted)
From 10 to 11 in the first half of the day - complementary feeding, which is a good idea to start with lean kefir and cottage cheese.
Kefir. We start with 3-4 spoons per test (washed down with breast milk or formula). Before next day observe the reaction of the child’s body and stool. Everything is quiet? We continue feeding, only we give twice as much, bringing it up to 150 ml per feeding. You can sweeten it a little with sugar. Then add a little low-fat cottage cheese (1 teaspoon) to the kefir. We watch the reaction. Increase to 30 g. On average, a 6-month-old baby will receive 180 g of kefir-curd mixture at a time.
From 2 to 3; 6 to 7; 10 to 11 afternoon - no change (formula or breastfeeding).

This is quite enough for 6 month old baby development and nutrition does not burden parents to create children's culinary masterpieces.

Motor development

Now manipulations with toys have become much more varied than a month ago. The baby learned to transfer objects from one hand to another, throw them away, and knock on the crib. Vision makes it possible to see very small objects; the baby will even try to grab with his fingers a square drawn on a pillow, which he had not noticed before, or a flying object. sunbeam a speck of dust.

Child development at 6 months continues to improve in flips from back to tummy. This gives him great pleasure, because now he can get to the right toy and grab her. These movements involve not only motor skills, but also the functioning of the brain.


IN younger age the baby tapped the object with his hand to feel new sensations. Then he grabbed it and put it in his mouth. Now the toy is picked up for the purpose of immediate examination and study.

Especially at this age, children are attracted to new and unusual things. For example, the doll “Vanka-Vstanka” (or “tumbler”). The kid watches, enchanted, as the doll gets up on its own after falling.

By six months, the child becomes a little tracker. He wants to touch, twist, feel everything. Therefore, toys must have lids to open, a specific button to squeak, and that can be squeezed or stretched.

Initial speech development

By six months, the baby can babble for a long time and loudly, repeating the same syllables. Thus, he remembers acquired

If the parents support him, expressing joy and approval, the baby repeats these words again and again. This is how the chain from children’s chattering to conscious speech is built. And although the baby does not yet understand what he is saying, his speech exercises are absolutely necessary for future mastery of speech.

Over time, a little person accumulates information about his surroundings; he is very attentive to the sounds that surround him. It is very important for him to learn to distinguish people by their voices.

When the baby's mother enters the room, he begins to smile joyfully and enthusiastically wave his arms and legs, making it clear that he recognizes her by her voice. If in the room appears stranger, then he will become wary and make an incredulous face.

A child at this age really likes games - with his mother, with some water, with a toy. Many children enjoy swimming in large bath, because you can splash water. They are especially delighted by clapping with both hands at the same time, when the splashes fly out like a fan and flood his face. At this moment, the baby seems to recognize his own reaction to water getting into his eyes, nose and ears. And, apparently, he really likes it!

The child not only enthusiastically plays with water, but also learns about the parts of his body. For example, if you support him under the back, he can lift his leg and touch his toes. And while wiping, he suddenly discovers his navel or touches his nose and ears. And if you lean closer, your little fingers will immediately feel your mother’s face, trying to “compare” it with your own.