What is intimate Thai massage? Erotic massage - technique and nuances


We all know about the benefits of massage, but few use erotic massage in their lives, since this is more related to the culture of the East. In ancient times they knew that the effect on certain points of the body is not only useful, but also pleasant. In China, acupressure techniques were used to control erections in men, prolonging sexual intercourse. India is famous for its art of touch using stimulating oils.

Today Erotic massage is an element of foreplay, helping to establish emotional contact between partners and giving unimaginable sensations.

However it brings not only a lot of pleasure, but also promotes the development of sexual potential, awakening sexual energy, releasing it. He enhances sensitivity and sexual function. Regardless of age, marital status and sexual experience, it is suitable for everyone. He enriches sex life and makes family relationships stronger. And here, not only the process of awakening sexual energy plays a huge role. During the massage, partners begin to better understand and feel each other, learn to communicate, establish contact not at the level of words, but at the level of feelings, sensations, emotions, touches, glances.

Its purpose is excite your partner, create favorable conditions for sensual pleasure and, as a conclusion, for a full and timely orgasm.

Like any other massage, erotic massage has a beneficial effect on the skin, muscles and internal organs, it awakens the flow of vital energy, has the strongest influence on our mental state, mental health person. allows you to liberate sexual energy and helps direct it in the right direction.

It consists of kisses, touches, aromatic oils, pleasant music, it gives an amazing feeling of harmony and satisfaction, helps you relax as much as possible and at the same time gain strength for new achievements.

It can be done anywhere: in bed, in the bath, in nature. Mastering the technique itself is not difficult, especially since all this is selected individually in accordance with the desires of the partner.

There are several types of erotic massage:

  1. Erotic Thai body massage. Its peculiarity is that the effect affects the entire body from the tips of the toes to the top of the head. Massage is performed not only with hands, but with all parts of the body. It pays special attention to erogenous zones and genitals.
  2. Aqua foam massage. Produced in a bathtub with the addition of foam. Relaxation is achieved by sliding one body against another.
  3. Tantric massage. The main feature is genital massage. All erogenous zones are also stimulated. Massage movements are performed on naked bodies using oils and incense. The massage is carried out in an Indian atmosphere.
  4. Sakura branch. It is distinguished by gentle biting, touching of the tongue and lips.
  5. Aqua gel massage. Performed in the shower on the chest and buttocks using a gliding gel.
  6. Erotic massage using reiki. Using Reiki during a massage helps remove energy clamps in the body and direct the flow of sexual energy from the base of the first chakra up throughout the body.

These are just some types of erotic massage. In fact, everything here depends on the imagination and everyone can bring some of their own unique elements into it.

Erotic massage is the art of giving pleasure. You will be surprised at how much pleasure you can experience from receiving a massage. You will want to enjoy this forever...

Dear visitors! The portal "Self-knowledge.ru" is dedicated primarily to personal growth. We are convinced that working on oneself is also possible in the sphere of intimate relationships between a man and a woman. However, we draw your attention to the fact that the portal hosts events where the main issues are self-knowledge and relationships (your fears, limitations, beliefs, personal boundaries, perception of your own body, etc.), and not technical and physiological aspects. The administration reserves the right not to allow publication of materials that do not correspond to the theme of the portal. Thank you for understanding.

Thai massage is special. Some Russians come to Thailand precisely to pamper themselves with the art of local craftswomen. But even here you will be offered several types of this wonderful procedure.

Thai massage is no different from the same procedure in other parts of the country. Salons are located "on every corner". The island will gladly offer you many massage options, which we will tell you about.

How to find the best massage

First, decide on the type of massage and the level of the establishment.

VIP salons will offer dozens of options:

  • classic – standard full body massage;
  • Thai – massage based on impact on energy centers and stretching;
  • Scandinavian – intensive massage;
  • aromatic massage with oils;
  • massage-scrub;
  • hot stone massage;
  • head massage;
  • neck, shoulder and back massage;
  • foot or hand massage;
  • face massage;
  • massage with herbal bags;
  • relaxation massage.

You can also choose combined types of massage. In addition to this procedure, you can take a bath, visit the sauna or use other services.

More modest salons will offer the same types of massage, but the level of service here will be simpler. In addition, they usually do not provide additional options.

It is worth choosing mid-level salons that specialize in massage and offer various types. But even here it is better to rely on the recommendations of friends, or, at worst, a hotel guide.

The most modest establishments look quite exotic. You will be warmed up not on a special table, but on a mattress lying directly on the floor. Girls masseuses most likely only master general movements. It’s better not to go to such places, but if you still take the risk, then choose a relaxing massage.

At least you won't be harmed. If you ask for Thai, there is a good chance that something will be spoiled for you, because it is quite complicated.

The most pleasant massage option is on the beach. You will enjoy the sound of the surf and the pleasant sensations of the procedure. But here you first need to clarify who provides the services. If this is a large hotel or spa center, then both prices and quality will not be low. And if not, then it’s better to choose a simple relaxing massage so that nothing will harm you.

There is another type of massage parlor where you will be offered a special pleasure - erotic massage. In Phuket it is very popular among male tourists. The girls in them massage with their own bodies. It is this option that is often mistakenly meant when talking about "Thai massage". The price will depend on the number of services provided to the client and availability "continuations". These lounges are also divided into different levels of comfort.

Some "civilian" massage parlors also provide such services at night. And unassuming street establishments turn into "dens", you just have to close the curtains.

Let men dream about beautiful Thai girls, but in Phuket most Thai massage parlors are for women. This is where they come for body health and facial beauty. After the procedures, not only does blood circulation in the skin improve, it is saturated with oils and herbal extracts, but also the state of mind improves significantly. This is facilitated by the impact on certain points, pleasant aromas and tactile contact with the massage therapist.

How to choose a salon

If you cannot afford a massage in an elite salon or want to experience the local flavor on your own body, look for places not directly on the most tourist streets and beaches. But don't move too far away from them. Let us repeat, it is better to rely on the impressions of people who have already been there.

Spa and massage Hi Class Oriental Massage in Phuket

When entering the salon, pay attention to the cleanliness, cozy reception, wide "menu" and the dress code of the masseuses. Decent salons do not allow people to work for them without permission and without special knowledge.

If you decide to save money, then choose the first salon you come across, but don’t expect too much from it.

Men, and perhaps women, seeking erotic pleasure will have a more difficult time. During the day, such establishments are either closed or disguised as decent places. It’s better to walk along the noisy evening streets and take a closer look at the discreet signs and the girls sitting next to you.

One of our compatriots living in Thailand even developed her own scheme for distinguishing a decent salon from an indecent one. If the masseuses sitting at the entrance are cheerful, cheerful and smiling, and also dressed in a special uniform, then this is a good salon. If they are tired, yawning and "bruised"- this salon also works during the night shift.

Another sign of a good salon is if the employees include not only girls, but also men. Don't confuse them with ladyboys.

Thai massage - what is it?

When they talk about Thai massage, some imagine naked girls, others imagine a massage table decorated with exotic flowers, and others imagine the atrocities of a massage therapist pressing on pressure points. What is Thai massage really?

Thailand has absorbed the culture of both its western neighbor, India, and its northeastern neighbor, China. It was at the intersection of these cultures, religions and medical knowledge that a special type of massage appeared. It is based on influencing energy points throughout the body or in a separate part of it. The classic practice taught by most massage therapists also includes elements of stretching. Royal practice excludes this point.

Ideally, your massage therapist should know everything about you - diseases, injuries, state of mind. Before the procedure, you need to be in a calm mood. Thai massage has many contraindications. Among them:

  • pregnancy;
  • oncology;
  • inflammation in muscles and joints;
  • skin diseases;
  • psychical deviations.

If you have heart disease or diabetes, Thai massage should be done with caution.

What does this massage give:

  • Improved blood circulation.
  • A surge of vitality.
  • Increased joint mobility.
  • Relieving tension, relaxation.
  • Deepening breathing.

Cost of massage

Prices for massage will differ according to several principles:

  • establishment level

If you see a beautiful entrance with the inscription SPA, especially next to a large hotel, then most likely the prices here will be maximum. Somewhere from 500 baht. Of course, compared to Russia, it is very cheap, but you can look for cheaper.

The cheapest street salons will offer you a massage for 100-150 baht. But here it’s up to you to decide whether you should trust your body to unknown individuals.

The truth is somewhere in the middle - within 250-400 baht.
Erotic massage starts from 1000 baht.

  • distance from tourist centers

Massages are most expensive on popular beaches and streets. The cheapest place is in Phuket City, away from the main streets. The difference can be up to 4-5 times.

The cost of a massage in Phuket also depends on the level of the massage therapist. If this is a good specialist (it doesn’t matter whether he is a man or a woman), then his services cannot be cheap. If in one salon there are different categories of massage therapists, then this is also an indicator of quality.

The price varies depending on the time of the procedure, check this before it begins. They may quote you a price of 300 baht, but this will be the price for 1 hour, and the massage will last 1.5 hours. This means the final cost will be 1.5 times higher.

We hope you liked our story about Thai massage in Phuket.

Have a nice experience!

Some people mistakenly believe that Thai massage is a fashion trend that is a product of the modern service market. However, such statements are completely false. As you might guess, the name “Thai” is a derivative of the name of the country where this art first originated, namely Thailand. The invention of this type of massage is attributed to the Buddha’s friend and healer, Shiuago Komparai. The first records of Thai massage techniques were written on fig leaves and were protected no worse than the most valuable relics. Initially, Thai massage was devoid of any eroticism; a completely different meaning was put into it. It was possible to learn the art of Thai massage only in temples, where they taught not only how to massage the body and influence certain points, but also accompanied the action with certain prayers, the use of incense and meditation. Taken together, this made it possible to heal not only the body, but also the soul. The essence of the prayer that was said before the Thai massage was that the worshipers asked higher powers to bring integrity and health to the body and soul.

Erotic Thai massage is somewhat different from classical massage, but uses many traditional techniques and has the same philosophical meaning. This type of massage is often called “body massage”. Erotic Thai massage involves elements of yoga and erotic “whole body” massage, without any obstacles. The absence of clothing on both the masseuse and the guest is an immutable rule, since, according to the philosophical teachings of the Thais, energy flows must be absolutely free for their harmonious circulation throughout the body.

A real Thai massage can not only provide true physical pleasure, but also strengthen a person’s physical health:

  • speed up all metabolic processes;
  • normalize blood pressure;
  • improve the condition of the skin by improving blood microcirculation;
  • stabilize the immune system;
  • have a general strengthening and even rejuvenating effect.

Among other things, you will receive incomparable aesthetic and sensual pleasure. The beautiful and perfect bodies of the girls working in the Aura salon will not leave anyone indifferent. You will get an unforgettable sensation from the touch of the elastic and alluring body parts of our girls, whose main task is to give you pleasure! Each girl is beautiful in her own way, and you will find exactly the one, looking at whom you will understand that your wildest dreams have finally come true.

So, if your body appeals to the Universe in the call “Touch me!”, “Relieve the tension!”, “Understand me!” or “Heal me!”, then we recommend that you listen to this call and visit the erotic massage salon “Aura”. Our girls are not only beautiful and seductive, beautiful and skilled in caresses, but also well trained. They master massage techniques. Entrust your body to professional masseuses, and you can relax, get unforgettable pleasure, adjust energy flows and feel satisfied, relaxed and healthy not only in body, but also in soul.

I know, the topic is hackneyed, but this post was written a long time ago, I just never got around to posting his case online. Although perhaps someone does not know anything about this very massage, what it really is. I remember before my trip to Thailand I thought that this had nothing to do with massage, but with completely different things, well, you know what I mean. For some reason, in Russia this very expression is used to refer to erotic massage. Nobody knows where this came from? Maybe the very first tourists who visited Pattaya brought this term?

Foot massage is done without gender and using improvised means (some kind of sticks). It’s a very nice thing, and it’s convenient because you don’t have to change your clothes and go about your business during the massage, for example, writing an article on your laptop.

These are the comfortable chairs for foot massage

Locals don’t disdain Thai massage either

Traditional Thai massage itself is acupressure and quite strong, not particularly relaxing, so it can really hurt someone. Although you can ask to do it weaker. I saw this picture in Bangkok: a farang guy howled at every touch of the masseur, I don’t know what was wrong with his body, because they visually did the same thing to me. True, I’m a fan of strong pressure and I just had a blast.

One day we got into a conversation with a woman who was giving me a foot massage. They tried to find out whether she senses any energies and the state of a person by touch. If we understand each other correctly, then there is no esotericism here, just massage therapists do their job, press the points and look at the reaction, by which they can determine what is wrong. Moreover, not everyone can do this, but only massage therapists with experience.

In Chiang Mai 150 baht (150 rubles), and in Phuket 300 baht (300 rubles) for one hour of foot or body massage. Oil massage is a little more expensive, 250 and 400, respectively. This is simply a magical price for such a pleasant time. Our prices in Moscow are several times higher...

The most interesting thing is that in a decent salon with air conditioning and leather chairs the cost was the same as on the streets in the open air on a plastic chair... At least in Chiang Mai.

Thai massage video

Well, for those who are interested in what a traditional Thai body massage looks like, I can offer a video. An hour of massage compressed into two minutes. For the most part, they work on the lower half of the body, so it seems to me that it is best to take two hours so that the whole body can be done completely. Or, as an option, ask for a back massage (back), then only the upper part will be treated.

Which of the inhabitants of the northern countries has not sometimes dreamed of going to a place where there is an eternal summer, raging with greenery and flowers? Who hasn’t sighed: oh, I wish I could drop everything and fly away for good - somewhere to distant warm lands. To Thailand, for example! And what? Downshifting is in fashion now!

However, the extreme nature of bold downshifters is not to everyone’s taste. Not everyone is ready to radically change their life, to part with their native land and the successes they have already achieved. And not everyone has an irresistible desire to “escape” from the metropolis. But this does not mean at all that Moscow everyday life cannot be Thai-style hot, tropically colorful and... with the juicy taste of exotic fruits!

A visit to a Thai massage salon is a little escape from the bustle of the city

Don't wait for a vacation: everyday life in the capital, weekends and holidays can be spent excitingly and intensely, with an inspiring oriental flavor! How to arrange this? It’s not difficult if you know that corner of Moscow where the spirit of Thailand can be felt at any time of the day. Thai massage salon in Moscow "Orange": you enter the apartment, the doors close behind you, and everything changes in an instant. The gray shade of everyday life is replaced by sunny tones of happiness, monotony - by the pressure of fresh emotions, and the lack of gentle touches - by the passionate embrace of Thai massage masters!

Why Thai massage is so good the photos won’t tell you

Embrace? For those who are not yet intimately familiar with Thai massage, this will not seem entirely clear. So massage or something else? Yes, Thai erotic massage is both a massage and... something more! Photos and videos from the Internet will not tell you what Thai massage is. Photos cannot convey the beauty of Thai massage, and stories about this massage only inflame the imagination. But real knowledge of what kind of art this is will only be given to you by a personal visit to a Thai massage salon. The ardor and eroticism of an intimate massage can only be felt with your own skin!

Thai massage in Moscow

So why wait if you can decorate your life with 100% sensual creativity, women’s smiles and the luxury of pleasures right now? Thai erotic massage in the intimate leisure salon in Moscow “Orange” is the ideal way to do it! Our sorceresses are ready to give you pleasure around the clock. A naked girl's body, erotic creativity and a temperament that cannot be curbed - these are the elements that make up Thai massage in Moscow.

Thai erotic massage

Massaging the body with your hands is rather a European style. Skilled masseuses “a la Thailand” do not limit themselves to this and prefer to massage… with the whole body. The second name of Thai erotic massage is, from the English “body” - “body”. Yes, it was the dark-skinned Thai women who at one time discovered that the sexy roundness of the female body is excellent for stimulating the erogenous zones of a guest. Following them, girls from other countries mastered the art of Thai erotic massage, and, I must say, with no less success! After all, eroticism has no boundaries, and seductive breasts and asses are good for both Asian and Slavic girls!

With the plasticity of an affectionate cat, the masseuse will slide over your body, skillfully rubbing her chest, hips, and butt against your hot, excited, full of desires body. When it becomes simply unrealistic to keep your desires inside, the wild panther masseuse will turn all her attention to your most sensitive places and bring you to the final moans of uncontrollable pleasure!