How to do natural makeup for school. We emphasize the beauty of young schoolgirls with makeup

Choice of colors

Not so long ago, a girl who came to class with painted eyelashes and lips would be shamed and sent to wash off her makeup. But today, completely different morals reign in schools, almost all high school students do makeup for school, but, of course, it is very different from an adult. What is the peculiarity of children's makeup, what cosmetics should be chosen and what shades are suitable for young fashionistas - read in this article.

What cosmetics to choose for school makeup?

If a girl has begun to take an interest in her mother's cosmetic bag, tries to paint her lips and blush her cheeks, then it's time to tell her about the basics of children's makeup. This should be done by a mother or older sister, first of all, a young lady needs help in choosing the right cosmetics. Sometimes adult relatives allow the schoolgirl to use their lipstick and shadows, but this should not be done. The skin of a girl is different from an adult, it is softer and thinner, but at the same time it can be problematic. That is why the mother should forbid her daughter to use aggressive tonal products and bright lipsticks, it is worth choosing all the components of a children's cosmetic bag for her daughter.

An example of a cosmetic set for a teenager:

  • - Cleansers that are selected not only by age, but also by skin type: washing gel or foam, gentle scrub, tonic or lotion.
  • - Skin care products: day cream, and sometimes night cream, moisturizers, face masks.
  • - Protective means: lip balm, healing cream, protective face cream. This category of goods should be paid attention to those girls who play sports and have a risk of damage, chapping of the skin.

  • - Concealers: foundation or pencil. A must have in a cosmetic bag for a teenager with problem skin, they will help to urgently mask problem areas of the skin, for example, before school or a date.
  • - Mattifying agents: foundation with a matte effect, matting pencil, powder. Light powder is necessary for every girl, and cosmetology products that are denser in consistency will be useful for owners of oily skin types.
  • — Decorative cosmetics: blush, mascara, eye and eyebrow pencil, lipstick. Eye shadows can be added to this list, but a schoolgirl should use them only on special occasions.

What do teenagers need to know about makeup?

So, the mother bought the girl all the necessary funds, but this does not mean that the teenager can independently do makeup to school the very next day. It is also necessary to tell the little fashionista about how to paint her face correctly, and what absolutely cannot be done. If the mother herself does not have the necessary knowledge on this issue, you can offer the teenager appropriate magazines or video tutorials. From there, she will gather useful data about the types of face and skin, find tips on how to use makeup to hide facial imperfections and pay attention to its merits.

No matter how beautifully the lips are made up, they will not save the situation if the schoolgirl has unkempt or problematic skin. Sometimes girls are very complex due to acne, acne or increased oiliness of the skin of the face. And if ordinary cosmetics do not help to cope with this unpleasant ailment, you should pay attention to the lines of therapeutic agents, and if necessary, contact a beautician.

It is also important to choose not only the cosmetics itself, but also the tools with which it is applied to the skin. Special brushes are provided for applying shadows, as well as powder, foundation and lipstick. Also in the arsenal of a young beauty should be tweezers for eyebrow correction, tweezers for curling eyelashes, a comb for eyebrows. Mom should not only buy all these tools, but also teach the child how to use them correctly and keep them clean. Buying a lot of decorative cosmetics is not worth it, since school makeup should be discreet.

What makeup is allowed at school?

As we noted earlier, a make-up is acceptable in a modern school, but only for high school students and only for daytime. Makeup is evening and daytime, its first form is applicable only for adults, but daytime makeup can be different. Makeup for school should be light, neutral, delicate, barely noticeable. There should be no aggressive tricks, bright colors or an abundance of decorative cosmetics.

At first glance, it seems that such a make-up will be boring and inexpressive, but this is not at all the case. Even the most “gray mouse”, which with the help of cosmetics will make the eyes bigger, the skin velvety, and the lips plumper, can at the same time arouse the interest of the opposite sex, but at the same time earn the approval of teachers. But even the simplest, basic makeup requires a certain skill.

Secrets of successful natural makeup:

  1. Before applying decorative cosmetics, the skin should be cleaned with special products and moisturized. In order for the tone to lie evenly on the skin, the moisturizer must be completely absorbed. To remove the remaining cream, you can blot your nose, forehead, chin and cheekbones with a dry cloth.
  2. The next step is the choice of tonal means. The texture of the baby foundation should be light, non-greasy, weightless. A greasy cream will only exacerbate the problem, as it will clog pores and prevent the skin from breathing. At the same time, you should not apply the cream in a thick layer, trying to hide defects, this can cause the opposite effect, it will look untidy and ugly.
  3. Remember that the tonal foundation was not created to mask acne, there is a spot corrector for this purpose. And so that the foundation does not smear, you can fix it with a thin layer of powder in natural shades.
  4. Often, after applying tonal means, the face becomes too monotonous, to add brightness to it and focus on the cheeks, soft blush, bronze, and reflective powder will help.
  5. Lipstick should be gentle, do not use bright colors. The ideal option is colorless, light pink, pale cherry or peach gloss.
  6. On weekdays at school, it is not recommended to paint eyelids with shadows, it will be enough to use mascara to make the eyes look more expressive.
  7. Do not forget to correct the shape of the eyebrows in time, and you can correct it with a pencil.

Many girls are interested in how to put on makeup for school so that it is beautiful and at the same time no one reproached for inappropriate appearance. We will try to figure out which tools can be used in makeup, and which ones should be postponed until a more solemn occasion. Also, in the question of how to put on makeup for school, there are many sub-questions: is it worth using foundation, and when can it be neglected, can shadows be used.

School makeup is a special kind of makeup, because cosmetics should only emphasize beauty and youth, and not add age and a touch of vulgarity. That is why it is important to know how to make up for school correctly. The rules and secrets are presented below.

Makeup rules for school

School time is one of the most beautiful in a person's life, and although the schoolboy is already quite an adult and independent person, childhood is still not completely over. Therefore, the image should look strict, but light and airy at the same time. In make-up, maximum naturalness should be achieved, a large amount of cosmetics should be postponed until the future. How to choose the right makeup for a schoolgirl?

First of all, she should not give preference to dense and matte textures. We postpone until better times a dense foundation, powder, bright shades of lipstick and shadows. In order to remove small redness and skin defects, it is necessary to use a light concealer. The corrector or concealer will hide bruises under the eyes, traces of post-acne and acne itself. Also, if necessary, you can use a light tonal fluid or BB / CC cream.

Makeup artists advise to focus on the eyes, and leave the lips either completely untouched, or use a moisturizing lip balm or a transparent gloss. For eye makeup, choose brown mascara and neutral shadows. Moreover, the shadows are an optional attribute, you can get by with just mascara. looks more natural than black.

Invisible makeup

The question of how to put on beautiful makeup for school is asked both at a very young age and in the final grades. To emphasize the brightness of the eyes, you should use several decorative cosmetics, namely: mascara, eyebrow shadows, eyebrow gel. They will help to make up beautifully for school. Step-by-step instructions for creating makeup are presented below.

The first step is to shape the eyebrows. Their natural curve should not be greatly changed, it is best to add a little shade to them and paint over the bald spots, if any. But the tweezers should be put aside, too thin eyebrows have long been out of fashion. Next, the eyebrows should be fixed with gel. If you don't have brow gel, use an old mascara brush lightly sprayed with hairspray. Makeup should be completed with mascara. For girls with light eyelashes, it is optimal to use brown mascara, and brunettes can safely use black.

It is permissible for girls of 13 years old to wear makeup to school, as a rule, only on holidays. Therefore, the addition of peach or pink shimmering shadows is allowed to make-up.

Lip makeup for every day

If a girl wants to do lip makeup, then she should also remember that it should be as natural as possible. Mom needs to delicately explain to her daughter that bright lipsticks and lip glosses do not belong at school. It is usually easy to put on make-up to school discreetly. It is best to purchase tint balms or glosses for these purposes. Firstly, the balm will moisturize the lips, give a little shine. Secondly, the main feature of tint products is that they do not have any specific color, but only slightly enhance the natural color of the lips.

Also, glosses do not require careful application using additional tools: a base and a lip pencil. A schoolgirl can easily touch up her makeup after a snack or a nervous biology test.

Makeup for school in 5 minutes

We will analyze step by step how to paint to school in 5 minutes. Most of the time should be spent on skin care, namely cleansing and moisturizing. And it is worth remembering that moisturizing is also required for oily skin. Next, you need to moisturize your lips. With the help of concealer, you can hide skin imperfections. It's easy and simple! To do this, apply small drops of the product to the area under the eyes, around the wings of the nose, as well as on post-acne. Using your fingers or a damp sponge, gently pat the product into the skin. It is very important not to rub the concealer, namely to drive it into the skin.

Next, apply, if necessary, a light foundation or powder. The next step is the eyebrows. For makeup in 5 minutes, just use the eyebrow gel. First comb the eyebrows, then apply the gel. So they will look a little thicker, and, most importantly, neater. If desired, a small amount of light pink blush can be applied to the apples of the cheeks. This item is suitable for schoolgirls in grades 10 and 11. Younger girls are better off putting off blush. A light gloss is applied to the lips. Easy and natural makeup is ready! You can conquer mathematics and school bullies.

School Makeup Hacks

Many makeup artists share the secrets of how to put on make-up for school discreetly, so that, firstly, teachers do not swear, and secondly, they always look perfect.

In the absence of irregularities on the skin of the face, as well as inflammation, it is better to postpone the foundation. After all, he is useless!

In order to make the skin more radiant, you should use a liquid highlighter by adding a drop of moisturizer to it. Thus, the effect will be that the skin glows from the inside.

To make eyelashes more fluffy without using mascara, you need to take a brown eyeliner and paint over the inter-lash line with it.

Taboo for school makeup

Many high school students, in pursuit of fashion trends, try to draw arrows in school makeup, but it is better to postpone eyeliner. Arrows are, of course, beautiful, but definitely not for school.

Brick blush, as well as contouring in any of its manifestations, does not look advantageous and natural on a young face. And although the girls of the Kardashian family look very good with such makeup, it is worth remembering that they graduated from school a long time ago. Therefore, such makeup is not suitable for young ladies.

Do not use lip pencils in school makeup. It looks vulgar and inappropriate.


It is important to remember about hygiene. Cosmetics should be exclusively individual, and also suitable for the type of skin of a schoolgirl. You should not use the cosmetics of your mother or sister, because, firstly, you can transfer germs to your face, and secondly, cosmetics that are not matched to the tone of the face will look extremely foreign.

It is important to know

If the skin is problematic, you should initially consult with a dermatologist or cosmetologist-dermatologist. Since decorative cosmetics, which is chosen incorrectly, and even more so its use without care products, will only aggravate the situation. Do not forget that decorative cosmetics must be washed off at the end of the day with special products, for example, a cleansing gel or foam. Many cosmetologists advise to cleanse the skin 2 times a day: in the morning and in the evening. Do not forget about moisturizing the skin of the face and the skin around the eyes. For young ladies, it is best to choose a moisturizing cream-gel. Following these simple rules will help a young fashionista shine in school without looking older.

Adolescence is one of the most difficult and unstable periods in a person's life. And not in vain, because at this time, not only the physiology, but also the personality of the child as a whole undergoes changes. The search for oneself often leads a young person to various extremes, and his parents - in horror and panic. Among such experiments in girls is appearance. Make-up is the easiest field for changing oneself, but at the same time the most subtle and requiring certain knowledge and experience. How to learn to make it easy to please yourself and not create disagreements with parents and teachers?

Youth, freshness of the face, smoothness of the skin and natural - this is what a young girl can boast of. This is exactly what will always be in fashion and what more and more adult women are striving for. Of course, 14 years old, for example, is both a way to "be like everyone else" and "be unique." Therefore, you should not be very categorical and refuse the child this. It is much more important to teach him how to use cosmetics and follow these simple rules:

  • bright decorative cosmetics are inappropriate in the daytime;
  • the color palette of cosmetics should be in harmony with the tone of the face - pink is suitable for a light, cold skin tone, caramel and peach for a warm one;
  • it is better to choose shadows and lipstick as transparent as possible, which create only a hint of emphasizing a certain area of ​​​​the face.

Facial tone and cosmetics

In order for the face to remain fresh and not look like a mask, it is worth using a little tonal foundation, which is as close as possible to the natural skin tone. It will be enough to hide minor flaws.

To get rid of unwanted shine and give the skin a matte finish, you can apply a little powder. It is better to use not a sponge, but a special brush that will help to evenly distribute a minimum of powder. As for blush, they should be left for a more festive exit. To create a light make-up for school, foundation and powder will be enough.

Light lip makeup

Lip cosmetics in adolescence is more prophylactic and therapeutic than aesthetic. For example, for those girls who wear braces, a cream or balm will be simply necessary, because in such cases the lips are very dry.

If you want to do lip makeup only for reasons of beauty, you should choose light, close to natural colors, tones. Pale pink, peach lip glosses work best.

Light make-up for school also includes the use of discreet underlining of the eyes. This means that it is best to use one mascara to open up the look. For dark-haired girls, a black shade is suitable, for fair-haired, red and light-haired girls, brown or dark gray.

The same goes for the pencil. It should match the color of the eyes as much as possible, emphasize it, and not contrast. Grayish, ash and brown remain universal shades. The line is best drawn along the growth of eyelashes on the outer corners of the eyes.

As for eyeliners, from them a light make-up for school for a teenager will turn into very rough and not age-appropriate. Eyeliner visually narrows the eye and makes the face look older.

Shadows are also better to use natural shades. They should not be pearlescent or matte. It is preferable if the shadows will naturally shine. Milky, creamy, grayish, golden, peach shades harmonize well with almost any eye and hair color.

Often teenage girls are complex because of the sloppy shape of the eyebrows and begin to unsuccessfully experiment with their plucking and coloring. To prevent this, you can teach a teenager to use a special gel. It will help to style naughty hairs so that you do not have to adjust the shape of the eyebrows early.

Cosmetics for problem skin

Before you do makeup to school, you need to take care of the health of your face. A common and natural problem of every second teenager is rashes, redness on the face. This is a natural reaction of the body to hormonal changes, puberty. But it's no secret to anyone how many complexes, insecurity and spoiled mood these pimples, black dots and bumps on the face cost.

That is why you should first take care of proper cleansing of the skin of the face. Without it, no decorative cosmetics can hide flaws. The kit may include such hygiene products:

  • light cleansing milk or scrub for problem skin (you should definitely look at the product line - it should be designed specifically for the young skin of teenagers);
  • to dry acne and get rid of oily sheen, you can use white clay - natural powder is sold in pharmacies, diluted with water and used as a mask;
  • concealer, which is applied pointwise to problem areas and allows you to mask them.

Another feature that often causes discomfort to teenagers is the appearance of freckles. Of course, they have nothing to do with problem skin, on the contrary, they are part of the individuality and beauty of an individual, but at a young age they can be perceived as a disadvantage. In this case, you can recommend a light sunscreen that will reduce or even prevent pigmentation.

Not limited to cosmetics only. You also need the tools with which these funds are applied. Here are the main ones:

  • comb for styling eyebrows;
  • disposable tonic sponges;
  • eyeshadow applicator.

This set is enough to make a light makeup to school quickly and neatly.

In order to always meet the requirements of the educational institution, as well as highlight the advantages of her appearance, a young girl should avoid:

  • too dense in texture tonal creams;
  • very bright lipsticks and shadows;
  • false eyelashes.

All girls at the age of 11 or a little older begin to make their first attempts at applying cosmetics to the face. In order for the makeup to turn out natural, and not vulgar, it is necessary to take into account certain nuances and follow a number of rules. Indeed, on young skin, an excess of cosmetics will never look attractive.

Makeup for school: basic rules

Makeup for a girl should be as light and almost invisible as possible. The main emphasis is on natural beauty, which does not need frills.

There are a number of rules to follow:

How to do makeup for school: take into account age

Cosmetics in this case will need the bare minimum. It will be enough to take a tonal foundation, lip gloss, mascara and any eyebrow product.

Depending on the age of the young beauty, you will need to use them as follows:

Makeup for a schoolgirl: step by step instructions

Makeup options for young fashionistas can be different. The best way to apply cosmetics in this case is the following:

Makeup depending on eye color

In order to make a natural and incredibly beautiful makeup, they often resort to the use of shadows or eyeliner. At the same time, it is extremely important to take into account such important details as shading and a combination of shades.

Shadows must necessarily match the color of the eyes themselves and create true harmony.

There are a number of special recommendations:

Regardless of eye color, arrows can also be drawn. They are applied strictly along the growth line of the cilia, but do not forget about high-quality shading.

Precautionary measures

In order for the makeup applied to the face to remain in its original form even by the end of the day and create a natural look, and the skin does not suffer under the influence of cosmetics, it is necessary to adhere to the following recommendations:

In addition, after applying makeup, you need to carefully examine yourself in bright sunlight. It often happens that serious mistakes are made due to poor lighting in the bathroom.

For example, too much blush, smudged mascara, too dark lip liner, overly dark, unnatural brows, and the wrong choice of foundation.

Prohibited actions

Naturally, every schoolgirl is ready for experiments when applying makeup, but it should be borne in mind that there are certain tips that you need to listen to. It is highly recommended not to do the following:

Welcome to my blog! Today our topic will be relevant for girls who go to school. An interesting question is, at what age can you start using cosmetics and what should it be? This question worries the same and mothers. In some educational institutions, bright makeup may be prohibited, so today I will teach you how to make light makeup for school so that it is as invisible as possible and looks natural.

It is impossible not to say that light makeup can hide defects, this will help a teenager feel more confident. The main problem at this age is of course black dots and acne. Parents must choose the right acne remedy and show how to use cosmetics to cover imperfections.

To get rid of acne every day, you need to carry out the following procedures: washing with a gel or foam from acne, masks to get rid of oily sheen. They can be purchased at a store, pharmacy, or made at home. I wrote about this in .

At 12-13 years old, girls are already starting to worry about their appearance, you don’t need to get carried away right away. At this age, it will be enough just to even out skin tone. If acne is already appearing on it, then it's time to get a green corrector, due to its color, it quickly eliminates red marks from acne. It is very simple to use, first apply dotted on acne, and then with the help of a sponge spread over the inflamed areas.

A light foundation will help even out the tone. It is better to shave products containing antibacterial components, it will help fight acne during the day. The main thing is to choose a cream that will completely match the color of your skin so that it does not differ from the color of the neck and body. You can buy the lightest and darkest creams and mix them, so you can definitely find the right color.

Powder is needed in order to fix the tone on the skin. To make makeup as invisible as possible, apply powder in a small layer. So the foundation will not leave marks, and smear from touch.

Light makeup for 14 years old

But at the age of 14 experiments begin. It is still better to refuse bright colors and leave them for the disco, but not for the school. Many still have problems with acne, do not cover them with a large layer of foundation, just use the corrector only where necessary, for the rest you can use light powder.

Eyes do not need to be painted in bright shades, beige shadows are more suitable, apply them on the upper eyelid, now mascara. With mascara, the main thing is also not to overdo it, paint no more than two layers, otherwise they can stick together, and it will not look beautiful.

A natural lip gloss or balm will help complete the look. Here is makeup for school and ready!

How to put on makeup at 16

Around this period, the girl becomes a girl, and appearance worries the most, even more than the upcoming exams!

Day makeup still remains light and natural, you can focus on the eyes and lips. Mattifying cream or powder will help to avoid oily sheen, and the skin will become even. You can take blush pink shades. And rich colors of lipstick, eyeliner will look better in the evening.

Liquid eyeliner will highlight the eyes, just go along the lash line and finish it with an arrow directed towards the temple. If desired, you can visually enlarge the eyes, for this, apply shadows of a beige shade with glitter. With ink leaves everything the same, paint in two layers. For girls with blond hair and skin, brown mascara is more suitable. Depending on your lashes, choose a lengthening or volumizing mascara.

Do not forget about the eyebrows, they need to be given a lot of attention. We comb them with an eyebrow brush or, with a clean mascara brush, up and fix everything with a corrector, but do not overdo it. Eyebrows should go up, so you will add charm to the image.

Now lips. Draw along the contour with a pencil that matches the natural color of the lips, apply a pink, beige or peach gloss inside. These colors will visually make the lips look plumper. Don't want to paint your lips? Use a balm, it will moisturize delicate skin.

What's wrong with makeup

  • Do not use cosmetics with large and bright glosses, they can only be in lip gloss, but do not get carried away.
  • Do not cover the entire face with cream in a thick layer, hiding pimples and inflammation. It is better to quickly deal with their elimination, paying more attention to your skin.
  • Do not use too often dark shadows.
  • Do not try to repeat the makeup that you saw somewhere, you are individual, do it your way!

So, here are some simple tips that I have prepared for you. I hope they come in handy and you can look beautiful and natural during this wonderful school time! Put your fingers up! Bye bye!