Effective ways to plan the sex of the child. Real methods of planning the desired sex of the child

February 23

Many young parents are concerned about the questions “What determines the sex of the child?” and one more “Is it possible to somehow influence him?” Most of all, experts know about this, who were able to penetrate into the very depths of the conception process.

Everyone remembers school biology lessons, where every student learns that the nucleus that enters the cell contains chromosomes, a kind of "strings" containing genetic information. The cells of any healthy organism contain their constant number - 46 chromosomes, divided into pairs. 22 of them are the same for everyone. But the 23rd pair is responsible for the sex of the unborn child: the cells of a woman's body contain two X chromosomes, men - X and Y. due date a girl will appear. If the female cell is fertilized by a sperm with a Y-chromosome, parents have to wait for the boy.

In the middle of the twentieth century, scientists identified a certain pattern based on "behavior" male cells. The so-called "X" are slightly larger than their counterparts, therefore, move more slowly. "Ygreki" are a little more mobile, but they die more often. Those spermatozoa that carry the “boy” reach the meeting points with the egg faster, but if there is no connection with the egg within 48 hours, they die. Spermatozoa with a "female" chromosome get to their target more slowly, therefore, they can wait for the release of the egg.

This discovery formulated a principle that increases the chances of parents to conceive a baby of the desired gender. The idea is simple to the point of banality: if you want a girl, you dream of a boy, day after day.

The method is especially convenient for women whose eggs are released exactly in the middle of the cycle. But you can also determine the moment with a special ovulation test, sold in pharmacies.

It was also possible to intervene in the mystery of the formation of the floor in the middle of the last century. Numerous studies have shown that expectant mothers' cravings for foods containing potassium resulted in boys. The mothers of girls preferred food that is rich in calcium. Other experiments have shown dependence on the "male" and "female" chromosomes. The products that a woman gravitates towards regulate the choice of an egg cell of one or another spermatozoon.

Based on the developments of scientists, a special diet was compiled to help plan the sex of the unborn child. Foods containing more sodium and potassium help to conceive a boy, and calcium and magnesium in foods increase the chances of having a girl. The diet must be followed for 4 months before conception, then abandoned.

So, if parents want to give birth to a boy, you need

  • salt food
  • eat fish, rice, potatoes, pasta, bananas
  • do not lean on dairy products and eggs

If you want to have a daughter, you need

  • do not salt food;
  • drink milk and eat dairy products, eggs, meat, fish, sweets
  • exclude coffee and tea, beets, smoked meats, bananas, pickled cucumbers, peaches

Of course, no one will give a 100% guarantee, but in 4 cases out of 5 parents will succeed.

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Surely, almost every pregnant woman would like to know in advance who will be born to her: a boy or a girl? This question is asked by any expectant mother, even if she firmly decided not to resort to any methods of determining the sex of the child.

If you decide to find out the gender of your unborn baby, you can use one of the methods that are described in this article. Even if you have a very short gestational age, determining the sex of the unborn child is possible! The main thing is to choose the right way!

How to determine the gender of the unborn child?

First of all, it is, of course, evidence-based methods. There are two of them:

  • Chorionic biopsy. Using this procedure, you can determine the sex of the unborn child with 100% certainty. It is carried out for a period of 6-10 weeks only medical indications, because this procedure may threaten the birth of a child. By using special needle several cells of the future placenta are removed from the uterus. Only, in order to find out the sex of the child, a biopsy is not recommended.
  • ultrasound. This is the most common and famous scientific method. But, unfortunately, not always reliable. Most exact result can be obtained after 23 weeks. And only sometimes, it is possible to determine the sex of the unborn child at 15-16 weeks of pregnancy.

In addition to scientific methods, there are many methods How to determine the sex of a child. After all, ultrasound diagnostics appeared quite recently, and women have always wanted to know who you have to be born, therefore, for many millennia, they have been passed down from generation to generation various ways determining the sex of the child. Here are just a few of them:

How to determine the sex of the unborn child by the date of ovulation

Determination of the sex of the child by the date of ovulation is based on the difference in spermatozoa. As you know, sperm carriers of the Y chromosome are more mobile and agile. During fertilization, they are the first to reach the egg, and therefore the sex of the unborn child is male. But, if at the moment of proximity ovulation has not yet occurred, then the spermatozoa carriers of the Y chromosome will soon die. Unlike them, spermatozoa carriers of the X chromosome can wait 2-3 days right moment. In this case, we must wait for the birth of a girl.

How to determine the sex of the unborn child by the blood type of the mother and father

Table for determining the sex of the unborn child by the blood type of the parents

Blood type

Table determining the sex of the unborn child by the Rh factor of the blood of the parents

But, this is a very dubious way to determine the sex of a child, because such an approach would mean that a couple of a man and a woman could only have same-sex children.

New blood method

This method is considered one of the most common. It is based on the "Blood Renewal" theory. In a woman, blood is renewed once every three years, and in a man once every four years. In order to determine the sex of the child, it is necessary to calculate which of the parents had more “young blood” at the time of conception. For example: Future dad is 29 years old, mom is 23 years old. We divide 29 by 4, we get 7 and the remainder is 1, 23 is divided by 3, we get 7 and the remainder is 2. And so, 2 is greater than 1, which means that a girl will be born. If, during division, equal remainders are obtained or one of them is equal to zero, then twins may appear.

Determination of the sex of the child by the father

Yes, and this is possible. There are some signs by which it is supposedly possible to determine who will be born - a boy or a girl.

  • It is believed that bald men have sons one and a half times more often than men with lush hair. So, if your chosen one is bald, expect a boy.
  • If, future dad has a great male power then wait for the girl.
  • A man wears tight underwear - a boy will be born, free - a girl.

Well-being and appearance of a pregnant woman

  • If you are experiencing severe toxicosis then wait boy
  • Mothers of boys during pregnancy have a tendency to sour and sweet foods, as well as meat. But the mothers of girls, on the contrary, become sweet-toothed and consume various sweet buns and fruits in large quantities. In addition to different food preferences, the appetite of expectant mothers also matters. So mothers of boys want to eat much more often and more.
  • If a pregnant woman experiences chills, then she will have a girl, bouts of suffocating heat - most likely a boy.
  • If future mother, suddenly the hair on her legs began to grow sharply, this indicates that there is a boy inside her. In addition, the constantly cold feet of the pregnant woman also indicate the boy.
  • Nipple halos are light - a boy, dark - a girl.
  • A woman became ugly during pregnancy - a girl, prettier - a boy. In mothers of girls, the amount of sex hormones, which are so necessary for the child, decreases, therefore, swelling of the face often appears in mothers, age spots.

How to determine the sex of the unborn child according to folk signs

  • It is believed that if a pregnant woman has a rounded belly, like a ball, then there will be a girl, if the belly resembles a cucumber, long, then there will be a boy.
  • If the pregnant woman felt the first stirring in her stomach on the right, then it is a boy, if on the left, then a girl. This sign comes from the fact that it is believed that the left half of the body is female, the right half is male. So, for example, if you ask a pregnant woman to get up, then you need to observe with which hand she will do it, from here you can draw exactly the same conclusions.
  • If the first trimester of pregnancy was easy, it is believed that a boy will be born, otherwise, a girl will be born.
  • There is one formula with which you can find out the sex of the child.

How to find out the sex of a child using various fortune-telling

  • Grains of barley and wheat should be moistened with pregnant urine. And look, if barley sprouts first, a boy will be born, if wheat - wait for a girl.
  • If future mother prefers to start eating bread from the crust, then she will have a son. And if he takes from the middle - a daughter.
  • You can ask the expectant mother to take the key from the table. If she takes the round part of the key, then there will be a boy. If a girl is born for a reason.
  • If, after a request to show her hands, the pregnant woman shows them with her palms up, then there will be a girl, if down, a boy.
  • Wedding ring hang on gold chain and hold it over the pregnant belly. If the ring starts to swing back and forth, it means that a girl will be born. If the ring starts to rotate in a circle it will be a boy.
  • If you already have a child, then you need to look at the back of his head. If the hair goes down in the form of a pigtail, then next child will be a girl. If the first word your first baby said was "mom", then expect a daughter. If "dad" - a son will be born.

Determining the sex of a child by heart rate

You can determine the sex of the child with this method at 12-14 weeks of pregnancy. If the fetal heart rate is over 140 beats per minute, then it is a girl. If less than 140 strokes, then a boy.

Special tests to determine the sex of the child

These special tests for determining the sex of the unborn child can help you most likely find out who you will have.

Of course, today there are many methods to determine the sex of a child. But no matter what method you use, the main thing is to let your baby be desired and definitely loved!

Despite all the ultra-modern technologies for diagnostics and medical examinations, scientists have not yet been able to truly establish how to "program" the sex of a child. Moreover, there is also an ethical question: is it even appropriate to do this?
However, if you still dreamed of a little princess or, on the contrary, of a lively little boy, there are methods that are supposed to affect the conception of a child of exactly the sex that is needed to one degree or another. Let's consider some of them.

calendar method

American scientists Lendrum Shetles and David Rorvik have developed a special method for planning the sex of the unborn child, depending on the day of conception. It is based on the fact that the acidity of the vagina decreases as the day of ovulation approaches. At the same time, the Y chromosomes necessary for conceiving a boy are more mobile, but less resistant to an acidic environment. Accordingly, the higher the acidity, the less likely the survival of Y-chromosomes, and therefore the less likely the conception of a boy. Thus, a couple who dreams of having a girl is recommended to conceive two to three days before ovulation. If your dream is a boy, then conception will be most favorable on the day of ovulation or yes 1 day before it. It is during this period that the probability that "male" spermatozoa will reach the goal is maximum. Scientist J. Martin Young supported this method, adding that it is desirable that conception occurs no later than 24 hours after ovulation, since then the aging of the egg occurs, which can adversely affect subsequent pregnancy.

age method

Another group of scientists traced the dependence of the sex of the child on the age of the spouses. So, in their opinion, in a couple where the husband is older than his wife, there is a high probability of having a first-born boy, otherwise a girl. Women in labor at the age of about 19 are more likely to have boys, at the age of 20-21 - girls, at a later age - boys.

Diet for programming the sex of the child

The third way to predict the sex of the baby is also interesting - a special diet. Scientists from the University of Missouri found that the sex of the child is affected by the mother's diet during the month preceding conception. So, to increase the likelihood of having a girl, it is recommended to increase the concentration of potassium and magnesium. To do this, you can include coffee, tea, mineral water with potassium (preferably without gas), fish, yeast-free pastries and bread in the diet. It is useful to increase the amount of consumed honey, dried fruits, sugar, jam, eggplant, cucumbers. It is recommended to limit the consumption of meat and potatoes, and completely exclude nuts, beans (green beans), olives, corn, tomatoes and melons.
To increase the likelihood of conceiving a boy, it is advised to increase the content of potassium and sodium in the body, and, on the contrary, reduce calcium and magnesium. Suitable for consumption salty canned food, rice, semolina, yeast pastries and bread. Dairy products should be excluded, and the amount of meat and fish in the diet should be increased.

Is it possible to program the gender of the unborn child? Feng Shui answers unequivocally: yes, you can. A person has the power to be cured of a deadly disease solely by the power of self-hypnosis, and programming the sex of a baby is much easier than it really seems.

First of all, you need to turn Special attention to your home. While you still have time, rearrange so as to attract qi to your home and remove the "poisoned arrows" of sha, because after that you can not rearrange furniture and household items: this can disrupt the smooth movement of qi, and any violations are extremely harmful in your state . We will not tell you about how you can change the space, guided by the principles of feng shui; you can easily learn this yourself with the help of any feng shui encyclopedia.

Let's get back to programming the baby's gender. Feng Shui masters advise dreaming about a child of a certain gender long before the intended conception. Thinking about the baby, imagine him, for example, playing with dolls (if you want a girl), endow him with certain features.

WITH scientific point of view, it is believed that excessive work of thought leads to the fact that exactly those chromosomes are produced in the father's body that will lead to the birth of a child of a certain sex. We also do not advise you to determine the sex of the baby using ultrasound. Let this be a surprise for you!

You can program the sex of the child by making certain adjustments to your diet. So, Feng Shui experts advise including more meat and fish dishes, steamed or boiled, in the diet. Have you noticed that many boys are born in the families of fishermen? Conversely, if you want to have a girl, then a few months before conception, start getting used to vegetarian food. Of course, this does not mean that you should completely eliminate meat from your diet if you really like it. Just cut the amount of meat or fish in half.

Also for floor planning child, you can use a special calendar compiled in accordance with the principles of Feng Shui. Horizontally - the month of conception, and vertically - the number full years women. For example: you are 26 years old, the estimated month of conception is October, which means that you will most likely have a girl.

Child planning calendar based on the gender of the child

For the birth of a boy For the birth of a girl
Day after menstruation Baby character Day after menstruation Baby character
Fourth Soft, fragile body structure Fifth Likes animals
Sixth Cheerful, cheerful, healthy Seventh Luck accompanies everything
Eighth Lazy, pleasure-loving Ninth Artistic nature
Tenth smart healthy Eleventh Should be strictly brought up, naughty
Twelfth Beautiful, excellent health Thirteenth Lucky, good health
Fourteenth smart, beautiful, healthy Fifteenth Be a politician, take a good
position in society
Sixteenth Good character traits prevail

IN Ancient China a woman who wanted to give birth to a girl was recommended to sleep with her head to the south, and to give birth to a boy - to the north. In any case, a few weeks before the intended conception, start a special diet, and your husband should also eat with you. You need to follow this diet for three to four weeks and after conception.

For the birth of a girl You should include the following foods in your diet:

From drinks: cocoa, tea with milk, calcium mineral water, herbal teas.

From flour: all types of pastries without yeast.

Meat: should be avoided.

Fish: sea fresh.

From fruits: except for bananas, oranges, cherries, plums and apricots, all the rest can be eaten.

From vegetables: carrots, cucumbers, beets, green vegetables, beans, peas, tomatoes, watercress, eggplant.

From sweets: honey, jam, sugar. Candy, cookies and muffins avoid.

From dairy products: all without exception.

Eggs: only if the woman loves them.

Let's clarify the last point. The fact is that, according to the principles of Feng Shui, only food that is eaten with pleasure can benefit a pregnant woman. There is nothing worse than when you forcibly push beets into yourself just because they are healthy. In this case, the harmonious balance of yin-yang will be disturbed, and food in best case will not bring any benefit, at worst - only harm.

For the birth of a boy You need to include the following foods in your diet:

From drinks: juices, green tea, soda mineral water.

From flour: none. During this period, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of bread to a minimum.

From dairy: none.

From fruit: everything.

Meat: all kinds.

Fish: all kinds. Avoid any seafood (shrimp, squid, caviar).

From vegetables: avoid green vegetables, fresh cabbage.

In conclusion, we recall once again that in order to give birth to a boy, you need to give up any flour dishes.

Feng Shui experts remind: the character traits of a child begin to be laid even before birth. Just imagine: the baby is very tiny, the size of a pea, and he is destined to become an artist, a famous musician or an opera singer ... Try to develop all the qualities that nature has bestowed on him. You are pregnant? This means that you need to go to the theater much more often, listen to good music while carefully monitoring your baby's feelings.


The problem of planning the sex of the child was solved back in 1970! ! The decision is based on GENETICS. It has been found that the main PROPERTIES of the future child (SEX. state of health, abilities, character ...) depend on the QUALITY of the sex GENES of the parents at the moment of conception (from the DAY of conception). You can conceive any child by choosing the DAY of conception. There are my articles!

Some nonsense!
From the foregoing, it is clear that the most important thing for a boy is not to crack buns :))

This, what happens - in order not to frighten away this (or this) "qi", you can’t remove the broom from the toilet to the pantry !!!, no, but the household item is still ..., and rearrange the chair in the kitchen - and even more so (furniture, again) ...
And the "Baby Planning Calendar, taking into account the gender of the child" ... I only ovulate on the 18th day from the start of my period - it turns out that in the best case (according to the theory of "girl" sperm that lives up to 48 hours, and "boyish" during this time "bends"), I'm only destined to become a mother-in-law (if not a barren fig tree at all) ... :-((And what does it mean, excuse me, "the day after menstruation"?!!! or after the END of this physiological phenomenon???
I messed up with some signs, but I hope that girls (and boys, if they read such discussions) will still understand me - it's all from emotions or indignation .. :-))

08/29/2008 04:54:58 am, me & my family

I can still agree to keep my dad on a diet, maybe it will affect the sperm - more x or y chromosomes will mature .. But go on a diet myself! Rave..

24.07.2008 00:08:54

:(Not true.

07/04/2008 03:21:19, Xenia

06/27/2008 17:03:30, Angelique

just bred kakoito

Not interested.

Comment on the article "Programming the gender of the future baby"

Sex of the child: how to conceive a girl? Rare sex and 4 more ways. Child development calendar. Gender planning and determination - diagnostics Section: Gender planning (an effective way to calculate the sex of the child). A friend calculated for herself and her two girlfriends...


The bullshit is complete. Of course, you can try to calculate Day X to match all the tables (year, month, combination of blood types, ovulation), but where is the guarantee that you will get pregnant right from the first attempt? And then wait a year or 5 when all the stars converge again.

A friend calculated for herself and her two girlfriends on the plate the age of the mother - the month of birth of the child, I can’t find the link now, maybe someone will throw it).

Is it true about the gender of the baby? stole from gatherings: So, take your own younger child and look at the back of the head at the hairline at the border with the neck. Programming the gender of the future baby. How to determine the gender of the unborn child?


like, Anton grows directly, and next girl) And Alice for a long time the ends curled a little, and Anton was born ... Bullshit, in my opinion)

And we say - if a pigtail grows - then a girl, if otherwise, then a boy. mine fits. Although I had spirals between them, so it’s not an indicator ....

Floor planning is tricky :). - get-togethers. A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to a year: nutrition, illness It also seems to me that the approach to wait for a child of a certain gender is fundamentally wrong. You just need to want a child, and who is there ...


you go to the conference planning pregnancy. and ask about IVF. there are girls sitting there who have gone through this more than once. And then let your husband read what they write to you: both about moral feelings and about material ones. And about the fact that it doesn’t always work out the first time. This is actually not a joke, several people have already written to you - they go for IVF when there are NO other chances of getting pregnant. Very often they lie on saving the entire pregnancy, and in the end, a caesarean.
but it turns out that for the sake of the sex of the child, your husband is ready to jeopardize your health, and in fact it belongs not only to you, since you already have children.
sorry if it's harsh.

Programming the gender of the future baby. Time of conception and gender of the unborn child. Early development child begins at conception? This schedule depends on many things, it should converge if neither you nor your husband have had a lifetime ... Do you have a boy or a girl?

Tables for determining the sex of the baby .... Determination of the sex of the child. Pregnancy and childbirth. I want to know who will have the strength! Calculate the gender of the child. Determining the sex of the child. Pregnancy and childbirth. This Chinese calendar. The table is based on the mother's year of birth...

Section: Floor planning. How to predict the gender of your unborn baby. My son is now two and a half years old. This method allows you to both plan the sex of the unborn child, and determine the sex of the already conceived with a gestational age of more than one month.

Boy or girl: choose the gender of the unborn child. Is it possible to plan the conception of a child of the desired gender: the most common theories. Is it possible to program the gender of the unborn child? Pregnancy Calendar.

Methods for planning the sex of the child. Programming the gender of the future baby. Have you noticed that many boys are born in the families of fishermen? Demidkov method for birth healthy child of the right sex.. Pregnancy planning: analysis and examinations...

Usually, when a pregnant woman is asked: “do you want a boy or a girl?”, One answer follows: “it doesn’t matter if the child is healthy”, however, after a couple of seconds it sounds: “but, of course, I would like more ...”.

Situations where the gender of the child is of fundamental importance for future parents are rare, but still do occur. For example, there may be religious reasons or hereditary diseases transmitted only to a certain sex.

Of course, the issue of the health of the unborn child is paramount for parents, but there is nothing wrong with the fact that some want to weave pigtails, while others want to play football with their child. Or give birth to a sister to two (three or four) brothers. Or that the second child was of the opposite sex. But then the question arises of whether it is possible to plan the sex of the unborn child and how to do it.

So, from the most ancient times, all kinds of shamans, magicians and sages helped women in planning the sex of the child. For example, a very famous ancient way is to use Chinese tables, which predict the sex of the child, based on the age of the expectant mother and the date of conception of the baby. In its turn, japanese tables take into account both parents in the calculations and assume the combination of data on the date of birth of both parents and the date of conception. It is also possible to speculate about the sex of the unborn child, based on the theory of blood renewal, which suggests that in men the blood is renewed every 4 years, and in women every 3. It is believed that the child will receive the sex of the parent whose blood was "newer" in moment of conception. However, there are newer ways to program the gender of the unborn child.

There is a method of planning a child for ovulation. It's no secret that the sex of a child depends on the set of chromosomes of the sperm that fertilizes the egg. The sperm contains either the X chromosome (and then a girl will be born), or the Y chromosome (then a boy will be born). Y-chromosome spermatozoa are faster and more mobile, but can survive in the acidic environment of the vagina for no more than 48 hours, and X-chromosome spermatozoa, although much slower, survive up to 72 hours. So, the chances of conceiving a boy increase significantly if conception occurs closer to ovulation or directly on the day of its onset. And if you want a girl, you should do the opposite and better days for planning a girl - 3-4 days before ovulation.

In addition, there is a "French diet", which can help in planning the sex of the child. The essence of the diet is that for the birth of a boy, potassium and sodium should prevail over calcium and magnesium in the diet of both future parents. In order to give birth to a girl, on the contrary, potassium and sodium should prevail. Both parents should follow the diet for three weeks after conception.

As you understand, the effectiveness of these methods is being questioned, but there are some modern highly scientific achievements that can more accurately determine the sex of the unborn child.

American MicroSort system that sorts sperm. The sex planning method is based on determining the amount of genetic material in germ cells. Y-chromosome spermatozoa contain 3% less DNA than X-chromosome spermatozoa. Spermatozoa are pre-sorted by a laser, and then a sample of the sorted sperm is artificially injected into the uterus or into the egg. This method works 90% for girl planning and 70% for boy planning. However, it is quite expensive and still not very accurate, so it is not popular.

The second method is more accurate and requires the mandatory passage of IVF (in vitro fertilization). After receiving the embryos, each of them undergoes a biopsy procedure (collection of several cells) and genetic diagnosis of biopaths. However, embryo sex selection is prohibited for couples who do not have appropriate medical indications.

How to program the gender of the unborn child was last modified: October 18th, 2016 by Alexandra Lapina