High blood pressure after childbirth: causes and treatment. High blood pressure after childbirth - how to deal with it

With your own hands

A common complication of both pregnancy and the postpartum period is arterial hypertension. And if for last years While doctors were able to reduce the number of other complications of pregnancy and childbirth, the incidence of hypertension remains at the same level. This is due, first of all, to the diversity of the nature of the causes of high blood pressure after childbirth.

Increased pressure in postpartum period can be observed in women who were diagnosed with hypertension before pregnancy varying degrees gravity. They also had high blood pressure in the early stages of pregnancy (up to 20 weeks). Also, this complication can arise if hypertension first manifests itself during pregnancy, or more precisely, in the second half (after 20 weeks). But sometimes high numbers on a tonometer after childbirth can be detected in women who have not previously experienced problems with blood pressure. Arterial hypertension is an increase in systolic (upper) pressure to 150–160 and diastolic to 90–100 mm. rt. Art.

Blood pressure after childbirth must be monitored daily, and if a woman had high blood pressure during pregnancy, she needs to be monitored every two hours for the first day, and then at least 3 times a day.

If a woman’s blood pressure did not increase before childbirth, then the reasons this complication may be the following:

  1. Psycho-emotional stress. Childbirth is a very difficult process physically, mentally and energy-consuming. It takes a lot of strength and energy, which leads to exhaustion of the body and its systems, and the nervous system suffers first of all. In this regard, regulatory function is disrupted and blood pressure increases.
  2. Hereditary predisposition. IN in this case a complication may occur in a woman in labor if she has blood relatives suffering from hypertension, or high blood pressure was observed in the same situation in their mothers or grandmothers.
  3. Availability bad habits with a young mother. These include smoking and drinking alcohol. In this case, the woman’s body is already very weakened, and a process such as childbirth further aggravates the process. The elasticity of the arteries is impaired, which leads to such consequences.
  4. Repeated pregnancy despite the fact that the previous one had complications.
  5. Women who have given birth are under 18 years of age or over 35 years of age. In both the first and second cases, the body is not ready for such heavy loads. In young girls it is not yet fully strengthened, and in older women all processes slow down. All this leads weakened organisms to overexertion and triggering defense mechanisms in the form of increased blood pressure.
  6. The woman in labor is overweight, obese. Overweight also leads to wear and tear of the body and disruption of basic types of metabolism. Impaired fat metabolism leads to hypertension.
  7. Physical fatigue and regular lack of sleep.
  8. Hormonal imbalance in the body. In a woman, the level of hormones in the blood increases, which have a vasoconstrictor effect and thereby affect growth blood pressure.
  9. Exacerbation of chronic diseases due to excessive stress associated with pregnancy and childbirth.

Hypertension after childbirth can be triggered by an exacerbation of the following chronic processes in the body:

  • diseases of the urinary system: glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, kidney tumors, polycystic disease and prolapse of one or two kidneys;
  • organ disease endocrine system: pituitary gland, thyroid gland and adrenal glands;
  • neurological diseases: vegetative-vascular dystonia, neuroses, depression (including postpartum);
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system: inflammatory processes in the muscular tissues of the heart (myocarditis) and large arteries (arteritis), angina pectoris, chronic heart failure and atherosclerosis.

Blood pressure after childbirth may also increase due to taking certain medications, for example, Bromocriptine, a drug that suppresses lactation. That is why before taking any medicine it is necessary to consult with specialists.

If high blood pressure began to bother you in the second half of pregnancy and persists after delivery, then we speak of gestational hypertension, the causes of which are:

  1. Autoimmune reaction female body to a foreign object (fetus). Nature works in such a way that in some cases the child is perceived as a hindrance to the mother’s body; in this situation, mechanisms aimed at protecting it are activated. Antibodies that are aggressive to the fetus are produced. But these antibodies can also harm your body, resulting in an increase in blood pressure.
  2. There is a theory that proves that some representatives of the fair sex have a special gene that contributes to the development of this complication. If such a woman has a daughter, then this gene is also passed on to her.
  3. Disturbances in the structure of blood vessels of the placenta. In this regard, the inner walls of the vessels are damaged, which leads to spasms of the vessels themselves. In parallel with this, substances are released that have an antispasmodic effect, thereby aggravating the process.

If the pressure surge was a one-time event, for example, a reaction to birth process, then it does not harm the health of either the mother or the child.

Symptoms of postpartum hypertension

High blood pressure is characterized by the presence of headaches localized in the occipital and temporal regions. The nature and intensity of these pains are quite varied. They can be pressing, pulsating or bursting. When pressure values ​​fluctuate, women complain of dizziness, nausea and darkening of the eyes.

From the cardiovascular system, there is an increase in heart rate, pain in the heart area, shortness of breath (both at rest and with little physical activity), and possible sensations of interruptions in the functioning of the heart.

In the case where a woman had arterial hypertension before pregnancy, after childbirth its severity may increase, and her condition may sharply worsen. If a complication in the form of primary hypertension occurs after childbirth, then the pressure should normalize within the first 40 days, provided that all medical prescriptions are followed.

In some cases, a complication of arterial hypertension may occur. Its main reason is refusal to take medications or violation of their dosage regimen. There are also predisposing factors that, together with the cause, give a lasting result:

  1. Severe stress and overwork.
  2. A history of hypertension.
  3. Taking medications that help improve uterine contractions after childbirth (for example, oxytocin).
  4. Taking medications and food products containing caffeine.

A hypertensive crisis is a sharp abrupt increase in blood pressure above the values ​​to which a particular organism is adapted. This condition develops very quickly, severe weakness appears, spots flash before the eyes, severe sometimes unbearable headache, nausea and vomiting. If such symptoms appear, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Postpartum hypertension can lead to a number of serious consequences that can affect any system in the body. The visual organs are very often affected. This can lead to permanent vision loss or complete loss. Against the background of high blood pressure, unbearable pain may occur, which is very difficult to stop (eliminate). In this regard, the nervous system of the nursing mother suffers, which leads to neuroses and neurosis-like conditions. There is a violation of emotional and mental balance.

Very serious complication is pulmonary edema, which can cause death. If you experience frequent coughing, shortness of breath, wheezing and foamy sputum Pink colour you must call an ambulance immediately.

Ways to normalize blood pressure

After discharge from maternity hospital For mothers who have high blood pressure, the doctor must give several recommendations. They must be performed to alleviate the condition of the woman who has given birth and to quickly recover in the postpartum period:

  1. It is necessary to ensure physical rest. Relatives should provide adequate rest and sleep to the young mother. This helps not only normalize blood pressure, but also restore the body as a whole.
  2. The benefits of fresh air are probably known to everyone. It is worth spending as much time outside as possible, and if this is impossible or difficult, then at least ventilate the room in which large quantity woman spends time.
  3. At first, you need to give up heavy physical work and from various exercises.
  4. It is recommended to follow a diet that excludes salty, fatty foods, coffee and strong tea. You can drink herbal tea and introduce foods rich in vitamins C and P into your diet. Increase the amount of fruits, vegetables, cereals and dairy products you consume. Such nutrition, among other things, will help establish breastfeeding.
  5. The number of meals should be increased, and portions, on the contrary, reduced.
  6. Give up bad habits, if any.
  7. In some cases, it is possible to prescribe sedatives, such as valerian and motherwort.
  8. If, following all these instructions, there is no improvement, then you should consult a doctor. He will prescribe medications that are safe for the baby, which will help maintain breastfeeding.

If a hypertensive crisis occurs, first of all you should calm down and before the ambulance arrives, measure the pressure in both arms twice with an interval of 5 minutes. You can take a sedative to help you relax and apply a cold compress to your forehead.

During pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes many serious changes, which almost always affect the general well-being of the expectant mother.

Some health problems arise among the fairer sex after the birth of a child. Very often, young mothers complain that they have high blood pressure after childbirth.

High blood pressure after childbirth, there can be a variety of reasons. Women must report this problem to their attending physician, who will select antihypertensive drugs for the patient that are approved for breastfeeding.

You can select whole line factors that influence the fact that young mothers have increased blood pressure.

Most often, hypertension after childbirth occurs for the following reasons:

  • increased vascular tone(depletion of internal reserves and the enormous load on the body that appears during pregnancy or childbirth are reflected in the condition of the blood vessels, as a result of which the young mother is diagnosed with hypertension);
  • hormonal changes in the body(some hormones, the amount of which increases during pregnancy and after childbirth, provoke vasospasm, which, in turn, leads to an increase in blood pressure);
  • emotional shock, nervous overexcitation associated with the birth of a child(many young mothers are still for a long time after the birth of the baby are in stress or condition postpartum depression, which often leads to surges in blood pressure);
  • increased loads on the cardiovascular system arising due to excessive weight gain during pregnancy (usually observed in women who have gained more than 12-15 kilograms during pregnancy);
  • genetic predisposition(if the mother of a woman in labor once suffered from high blood pressure after childbirth, then the woman herself will most likely face the same problem);
  • lack of proper sleep and rest(if a young mother practically does not sleep at night and does not rest during the day, her blood pressure may rise significantly);
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases during pregnancy(the development of hypertension may be affected by endocrine disorders, renal failure, serious illnesses heart and blood vessels, aggravated during pregnancy);
  • taking strong medications(some medicines, for example, steroids, provoke such a side effect as a rise in blood pressure, which is why a young mother should not self-medicate, but always consult a doctor who will select the most safe drugs for a particular disease).

If an increase in blood pressure was noticed before childbirth, then after the birth of the child this disease may begin to progress, so the young mother needs to regularly measure her blood pressure and consult a doctor if there are any changes in the indicators. Do they do caesarean sections? high blood pressure? They do. Moreover, as a rule, hypertension is an indication for this procedure.


A woman may suspect increased blood pressure after childbirth based on the following symptoms:

  • frequent headaches in the temples, back of the head, and forehead;
  • nausea;
  • darkening of the eyes;
  • impaired visual acuity;
  • shortness of breath when moving or at rest;
  • increased heart rate;
  • pain in the chest area.

To find out for sure whether the pressure has increased or not, a woman just needs to use a tonometer. If during measurement the device shows that the pressure has increased to 140/90 millimeters of mercury or higher, this means that the young mother urgently needs to make an appointment with a cardiologist. If a woman feels unwell with such indicators, she will need urgent medical attention.

Very often, doctors diagnose pregnant women with so-called gestational hypertension - hypertension that appears precisely during pregnancy and normally goes away on its own within 42 days after birth; if high blood pressure in a young mother persists after this period, doctors diagnose “postpartum hypertension "

What is the danger?

If low blood pressure after childbirth is considered normal in most cases, then high blood pressure carries a serious danger.

A young mother suffering from hypertension increases the risk of developing severe heart disease, deterioration or partial loss of vision, pulmonary edema, diseases affecting the central nervous system, etc.

In addition, high blood pressure affects the general well-being and mood of the fairer sex. Women with blood pressure problems become lethargic, get tired quickly and cannot fully enjoy the happiness of motherhood.

Numerous studies have shown that high blood pressure that occurs after childbirth is dangerous not only for the woman herself, but also for her baby if she is breastfeeding. Due to increased pressure, the mother’s mammary glands are not fully supplied with blood, which, in turn, reduces nutritional value and the benefits of breast milk for the baby.

High blood pressure after childbirth: what to do?

To avoid a rise in blood pressure after childbirth, a woman needs to adhere to a gentle regimen:

  • eat a nutritious and varied diet, do not go on strict diets, do not starve, but also do not overeat;
  • monitor your weight and try not to gain extra pounds;
  • exclude salty, smoked foods, citrus fruits, chocolate, tea from the diet;
  • eat as many fresh vegetables and fruits as possible, fermented milk products, cereals, greens, lean meat;
  • drink sufficient quantity clean water(from 1.5-2 liters per day);
  • in the first weeks after childbirth, avoid increased physical activity and sudden movements that provoke sudden rushes of blood to the head;
  • one to two months after giving birth, with the doctor’s permission, add physical activity to your life (for young mothers, ideal activities would be swimming, yoga, race walking, etc.);
  • get enough sleep at night, get proper rest;
  • test positive emotions, avoid nervous shock, stress, etc.;
  • go for walks more often, go to fresh air, breathe oxygen;
  • accept vitamin complexes, which contain vitamins C and P, which have a positive effect on the condition of the walls of blood vessels.

In most cases, following a regimen helps young mothers cope with high blood pressure after childbirth. Most often, hypertensive syndrome disappears one to two months after the birth of the child.

If the measures taken do not give the expected results, and the blood pressure still remains elevated, the doctor may prescribe the following groups of medications to the woman:

  • antihypertensive drugs;
  • diuretics;
  • antidepressants.

If you have high blood pressure while breastfeeding, what should you do and can you take antihypertensive medications? During lactation, only certain types of medications are allowed to be taken, so only the attending physician should select medications for a nursing mother.

To minimize possible harm from medications for infants, a woman must take the prescribed medications immediately before breastfeeding (in this case, the substances contained in the medications will not have time to enter the systemic bloodstream and into the breast milk itself).

When treating arterial hypertension, a woman should not give up breastfeeding; properly selected blood pressure medications will not harm a nursing baby.

To lower blood pressure, young mothers can resort to the following tips:

  • give a good hypotensive effect at high blood pressure herbal teas and , prepared from , and others medicinal plants(before using herbal medicines, you must consult a medical specialist);
  • To normalize the condition, a woman needs to relax after childbirth; a light massage can help her with this, in which Special attention should be given to working out acupuncture points (such a procedure should be carried out by an experienced specialist);
  • Cold compresses on the forehead and applying a hot heating pad to the legs will help reduce pressure (such procedures will increase blood flow to the lower body and lower high blood pressure).

Video on the topic

About the treatment of hypertension during pregnancy and lactation in the video:

Hypertension syndrome after childbirth is a problem that absolutely any woman can face. Most often, this condition can be easily corrected and does not interfere with the continuation of lactation. Young mothers should remember this and never self-medicate. Women who are breastfeeding should only be treated by a doctor who has experience working with such patients.

Pregnancy and childbirth are a test for the female body. Often after the birth of a baby, a young mother is faced with many problems that she had not thought about before. In particular, blood pressure after childbirth is often prone to sharp fluctuations - either constantly extremely high or low. Various factors can influence this, ranging from changes in body weight and lack of sleep to the development of the disease. Should I worry and what should I do?

Read in this article

Blood pressure is normal

By measuring blood pressure, you can assess the work of the heart and the condition of blood vessels. The indicator includes two numbers, each of which characterizes individual parameters. They are as follows:

  • The upper value, the maximum, is systolic. This is the pressure in the arterial vessels that the heart gives at the moment of its contraction. It increases with increased total peripheral resistance. This condition occurs when arterial vessels narrow, for example, due to severe atherosclerosis or spasm.
  • Lower value, minimum, diastolic, which remains in the vessels when the heart relaxes.

The difference between the two blood pressure numbers is also important. It reflects how much the heart muscle relaxes. Namely, at this moment it is fed by its own vessels.

Normal blood pressure readings reflect a person's health status. The numbers may vary, depending on many factors: weather, previous physical activity, psycho-emotional state, etc.

The normal limits for systolic pressure are 110 - 140 mm. rt. Art. The normal limits for diastolic pressure are 60 - 90 mm. rt. Art. If it falls below normal - hypotension, above - hypertension.

It should be noted that the interpretation of the results is carried out according to higher value(if there are different pressures on the right and left hands).

Reasons for changes in indicators

A woman’s body after childbirth, despite all its apparent well-being, experiences serious stress. And if there were any diseases before pregnancy, or there is a predisposition to their development, then it is likely that the first episode may occur precisely after the baby is born. This is especially true for blood pressure.


Blood pressure increases due to two factors: an increase in circulating blood volume or total peripheral vascular resistance, or a combination of both. The reasons for this may be the following:

  • High blood pressure after childbirth may be associated with weight gain. Even during pregnancy, a woman's weight increases. A physiological gain is considered to be between 6 and 15 kg. With each kilogram, both vascular resistance and blood volume increase. But these indications are largely compensated by the third circle of blood circulation, which is formed for the needs of the baby.

If a woman gains more than the permissible amount, but does not lose it after childbirth, then an increase in blood pressure is what she will definitely come to. If the situation is not corrected in time, persistent arterial hypertension will develop within five years. After all, in fact, all adipose tissue is a full-fledged “organ” that needs to be supplied with blood. Every extra kilos increases blood pressure by increasing the volume of circulating blood.

  • If a woman is diagnosed with gestosis in the third trimester of pregnancy(often this involves operative delivery), then high blood pressure may persist after caesarean section some more time. Most often, episodes coincide with lack of sleep, emotional stress, etc. In such situations, you should consult a therapist during pregnancy; he will give recommendations for correcting blood pressure after childbirth.
  • Psycho-emotional instability of a woman immediately after the birth of the baby, the number of new responsibilities that will fall on her - all this can lead to excess production of stress hormones, which cause vasospasm. As a result, the woman notes that her blood pressure increased after childbirth.
  • If a young mother continues to breastfeed, she often does not manage to get a full rest at night. This leads to activation of the adrenal glands, which secrete adrenaline, norepinephrine and other active substances that increase blood pressure.
  • Often there is a hereditary predisposition to hypertension, caused by dysfunction of organs or only certain enzymes. Pregnancy in such situations can become a starting point for the development of pathology.
  • Some somatic diseases , especially the kidneys ( chronic insufficiency etc.) are aggravated throughout pregnancy due to the increasing load on the organs. As a result, after childbirth they are so exhausted that they can no longer compensate for the condition, including blood pressure.
  • Taking certain medications, especially steroids(for treatment bronchial asthma, immune diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.) have as side effect increased blood pressure.


A decrease in blood pressure often occurs in asthenic women prone to depression and melancholic states. So, the main reasons can be presented as follows:

  • Low blood pressure after childbirth can occur if during it the woman had more than average blood loss. The fact is that she will most likely have anemia for some time. This condition can cause hypotension, especially against the background of overwork and lack of sleep. As a rule, after 6 - 8 weeks with adequate anti-anemic therapy, everything goes away.
  • Often women begin to sharply limit themselves in food. A lack of glucose and salt in the diet will contribute to a decrease in the volume of circulating blood, which will lead to a decrease in blood pressure by 5 to 10 units. And if initially the numbers were low, then even this will disturb the general well-being.
  • If a girl noted pressure changes with a tendency to hypotension before giving birth (for example, with VSD), then in the first months after the birth of the baby, against the background of psycho-emotional tension, stress, lack of rest and sleep, the condition may progress with frequent episodes of decreased blood pressure.
  • Some, in particular, due to changes in metabolism and general hormonal profile, are also characterized by hypotension.
  • A rare complication after childbirth is Sheehan syndrome, which develops after a complicated pregnancy (preeclampsia, fetal hypoxia, blood loss, etc.) and is accompanied by necrosis of the pituitary gland. One of its manifestations is constant low blood pressure.
  • Postpartum depression and asthenic syndrome, which often develops, also contribute to a decrease in blood pressure.

Watch the video about blood pressure:

Is it worth worrying

Even after childbirth, a woman's blood pressure should be in the normal range. Its deviation in one direction or another indicates a violation of the body’s adaptive ability or the development of diseases. Its change is especially dangerous 6 - 8 weeks after birth.

Thus, episodes of increased blood pressure without proper treatment for 5 to 10 years will lead to persistent arterial hypertension with all the ensuing consequences.

Hypotension is not so scary if it does not violate general well-being and quality of life.

It should be noted that often women do not realize that the cause of their nausea, fatigue, lethargy, etc. – change in pressure. It is important to detect the pathology in time and begin preventive and therapeutic measures on the progression of the disease.

In any case, if your blood pressure increases after childbirth, you should consult a specialist. Only he can install the real reason and prescribe the most effective treatment.

We measure the pressure at home

You can determine whether your blood pressure is rising or falling on your own. For this purpose they are used different kinds tonometers. The standard mechanical one with determination of indicators in the ulnar fossa is considered the reference and most accurate.

Electronic models and models designed to measure wrist pressure may have significant errors (depending on body weight, level of physical training and many other indicators). Therefore, you should not rely on these values.

A standard mechanical tonometer shows the pressure in the cuff, proportional to the blood vessels. A person with a stethoscope listens to the tones and determines what values ​​need to be recorded.

How to measure blood pressure correctly

It is important to fulfill certain conditions when measuring pressure, otherwise even healthy person At a certain moment, all readings can go off scale.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. It is advisable to take measurements in a sitting position, and then in a lying position. It should also be noted that it is necessary to check the pressure on both hands, since sometimes the values ​​can differ significantly.
  2. Before the measurement, it is better not to eat for about an hour, not to drink coffee, not to smoke or take other substances that can affect the readings.
  1. Immediately before the procedure, you need to sit/lie quietly for 10–15 minutes, otherwise the values ​​will in most cases be overestimated.
  2. The cuff should be worn 2 - 3 cm above the elbow. Secure it so that your finger can be easily placed between it and the skin of your hand.
  3. The stethoscope is placed on the inside; it is ideal here to palpate the pulse and secure the instrument on top.
  4. Next, the bulb is set to the “closed” position, and air is pumped in. This should be done until the numbers are 30 - 40 units higher than the expected pressure.
  5. Next, you need to gradually deflate the air from the cuff, listening to the tones through a stethoscope. The first corresponds to systolic pressure, and the latter corresponds to diastolic pressure.

Treatment during lactation

If a woman is worried about low or high blood pressure and swelling after childbirth, she should identify the cause or try to identify the provoking factors. If you cannot do this yourself, it is better to contact medical care. Only a specialist can determine the true cause and prescribe the most effective therapy.

Lifestyle and nutrition

First, you need to normalize your sleep-rest regime. It’s good if close relatives get involved and take on some of the worries themselves. Daytime nap– a good alternative to lack of night rest.

Frequent walks in the fresh air are beneficial for the baby and mother. It's distracting and relaxing. If possible, you can organize jogging in the mornings or evenings, or Nordic walking classes. Any will be useful physical exercise, both at home and in the gym.

It must be complete. Don't limit yourself to healthy products, as this will reduce the body’s resistance. During episodes of increased blood pressure, it is better to avoid excess salt intake, as this entails the accumulation of water in the body and an even greater increase in pressure.

If you have low blood pressure, you should give preference to strong teas, coffee, and cocoa. When it increases, it is better to avoid these products.

Normalization of body weight

Every “extra” 10 kg contributes to an increase in blood pressure by 10 units, and vice versa. As soon as a woman’s body weight returns to normal, many symptoms will no longer bother her.

Drug therapy

Treatment with various medications should be prescribed by a doctor. Only a specialist will be able to most effectively and adequately correct low or high blood pressure after childbirth. The following groups of drugs are most often used to reduce blood pressure:

To increase blood pressure, the list is smaller. These are mainly caffeine-containing products (citramon, caffecil, askofen and the like).

Pregnancy and childbirth are accompanied by serious changes in a woman’s body. You often have to deal with problems of blood pressure fluctuations, in most cases upward. Sufficient physical activity, proper nutrition, normalization of body weight, adherence to rest and wakefulness will help cope with this problem in 80%. But it is better to look for the cause and undergo treatment together with a specialist who will select the most effective and safe therapy.

High blood pressure after childbirth is quite common. However, in postpartum conditions, women rarely control it. The thoughts of a young mother are completely devoted to caring and worrying about her newborn baby. She often doesn’t think about herself, and explains her poor health postpartum recovery and lack of sleep. Meanwhile, complications of arterial hypertension can arise suddenly, and in the postpartum period they are extremely severe.

Monitoring blood pressure levels in the first weeks after birth can ensure the absence of severe consequences with arterial hypertension.

High blood pressure after childbirth is a systolic blood pressure value of 140 mm Hg. Art. and above and/or diastolic – 90 mm Hg. Art. and higher. Registration of such numbers twice or more times can become the basis for examination and treatment.

Measure your blood pressure correctly

Pressure is a very variable parameter and changes throughout the day under the influence of various factors. Therefore, for its correct assessment, a number of conditions must be met:

  • the measurement should be carried out in a quiet environment;
  • excluded the day before physical exercise;
  • It is advisable to just sit for 10-15 minutes;
  • you need to be relaxed inside;
  • do not drink coffee or strong drinks for an hour before measurement;
  • don't cross your legs.

Values ​​are assessed on both hands simultaneously. If arterial hypertension is suspected at home, it is necessary to measure pressure on both arms as often as possible, recording the time and conditions for measuring pressure, this will later help the doctor make the correct diagnosis and prescribe antihypertensive drugs.

Types of hypertension in the postpartum period

Based on whether high blood pressure was recorded before pregnancy and during specific deadlines gestation, several variants of the course of arterial hypertension in the postpartum period can be distinguished:

  1. Chronic arterial hypertension, existing before pregnancy or occurring in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy, persisting during and after pregnancy.
  2. Transient gestational hypertension, which appears in the second half of pregnancy after 20 weeks, in which high blood pressure gradually returns to normal during the first 6 weeks.
  3. Chronic gestational hypertension that occurs after 20 weeks of pregnancy and persists after birth for more than 6 weeks.

Arterial hypertension, diagnosed before pregnancy, is quite difficult. Due to the increased load on the mother's cardiovascular system during gestation, hypertension can often develop a malignant course, and blood pressure levels increase. General state women and the course of the disease often worsens after childbirth. In addition, the situation may be complicated by the addition of gestosis in the second half of pregnancy. Such combined hypertension worsens the prognosis for the mother's future health.

Causes and contributing factors

The cause of high blood pressure in the postpartum period in women who have not previously suffered from arterial hypertension may be the emergence or exacerbation of existing organ diseases (chronic glomerulonephritis, polycystic kidney disease, diabetes mellitus, heart disease, thyroid disease, etc.). Changes can also cause the development of arterial hypertension hormonal levels and increased stress on the body during pregnancy and childbirth.

The presence of the following factors contributes to the occurrence of hypertension:

  • excess body weight before pregnancy (every 10 kg of weight can increase blood pressure by 10 mm Hg);
  • presence of bad habits (especially smoking);
  • drinking coffee and strong tea in large quantities;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • psycho-emotional stress;
  • age over 35 years;
  • hereditary predisposition (presence of hypertension in direct relatives);
  • hypertension in previous pregnancies;
  • history of severe forms of gestosis.

It should be taken into account that each next pregnancy often increases the manifestation of hypertension. The course of the disease is aggravated by pregnancy.

Characteristic symptoms

High blood pressure can manifest itself primarily as headaches of varying intensity. Headache often localized in the back of the head, begins in the morning, intensifies with anxiety and fatigue. Other symptoms may include dizziness, general weakness, fatigue, pain in the heart, spots before the eyes, nausea, and tinnitus. Complaints associated with increased blood pressure after childbirth with pre-existing hypertension before pregnancy may intensify.

Why is it dangerous?

Blood supply to organs and tissues deteriorates with high blood pressure, which leads to the development of complications. The most common among them:

  • violation cerebral circulation, including ONMK;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • heart failure;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • retinal hemorrhages;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • other rarer consequences.

The heart muscle is under greater stress. The heart is forced to work harder and enlarges compensatoryly. Therefore, the most dangerous combination is hypertension and heart disease (congenital and acquired defects, cardiomyopathies, myocarditis, etc.).

Bromocriptine and hypertension

It is widely believed that Bromocriptine can increase blood pressure after childbirth. This is not true, but the combination of this drug and high blood pressure is undesirable. Let's figure out why.

Bromocriptine is a drug that inhibits the secretion of prolactin in the anterior pituitary gland and thereby suppresses lactation. It has a hypotensive (lowering blood pressure) effect, causing orthostatic hypotension. However, arterial hypertension is a contraindication to taking this drug, as there have been cases of strokes and heart attacks when taking bromocriptine and hypertension in combination. Considering the above, it is even absolutely necessary healthy women Monitor your blood pressure during the first 1-2 weeks of taking bromocriptine.

What to do to normalize blood pressure after childbirth

The first 6 weeks after birth are key for recovery normal level pressure.

  1. A woman needs to enlist the help of her husband and relatives.
  2. She should rest maximum amount time, exclude strong physical activity, stress, psycho-emotional stress.
  3. Since a newborn sleeps a lot in the first weeks, a woman can sleep with him both at night and during the day to prevent lack of sleep.
  4. Outdoor walking is encouraged.
  5. It is necessary to give up bad habits and eat a balanced diet. Limit salt consumption to a minimum, exclude fried and smoked foods. Eat more vegetables, fruits, products containing potassium and magnesium (bananas, dried apricots, seeds, etc.).
  6. Take vitamins and omega-3 polyunsaturated acids.
  7. If necessary, you can take sedatives (valerian, motherwort).

If pressure persists after childbirth, your doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment. There is no need to stop breastfeeding during treatment. You can choose medications with which you can continue feeding.

High blood pressure after childbirth is considered a complication of pregnancy and directly labor activity. There are many reasons for this condition. In this article we will talk not only about the causes of postpartum hypertension, but also about methods of getting rid of it.

Causes of hypertension after childbirth

Possible reasons Hypertension after labor can be:

  • Emotional stress. During childbirth, a woman spends a large number of energy and strength. Because of this, physical, mental and emotional surges appear. The condition is broken nervous system, which leads to increased blood pressure.
  • The cause of high blood pressure may be heredity. For example, if relatives have hypertension, then the woman in labor will also have it with a high degree of probability.
  • Bad habits. Use alcoholic drinks and smoking, especially during pregnancy, lead to disorders in cardiovascular system, causing high blood pressure.
  • Repeated births. Hypertension occurs if the first birth was difficult.
  • Age barrier. Hypertension affects women who give birth too early or late in life. A girl under 18 years of age has a fragile body, and women in labor over 35 years of age are not ready for sudden stress.
  • Excess weight. Increased blood pressure occurs in people who are overweight. There is a load on the heart, and childbirth aggravates the disease.
  • Lack of sleep and fatigue. Sleep normalizes blood pressure. Regular lack of sleep leads to physical fatigue and hypertension.

High blood pressure after the birth of a child may appear due to chronic exacerbations of:

  • pathological disorders in the urinary system;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • endocrine pathologies;
  • heart diseases.

High blood pressure can also occur after taking medications. If a woman cannot breastfeed her baby and takes special medications that are aimed at suppressing lactation, this contributes to an increase in blood pressure. Before each medication, consult a doctor.

What is the danger?

The following complications may occur with increased blood pressure:

  • Appearance pain in the head area. It is not advisable for a woman in labor to take painkillers, since the medicinal components reach the baby from breast milk.
  • Increased pressure affects the visual apparatus. Strong jumps can lead to decreased visual acuity.
  • Violation mental state. Nervousness and irritability appear, which affects the baby’s psyche.
  • The most severe form of complications of hypertension after childbirth is swelling of the lungs, which can lead to serious complications in the future.

If a woman has an increase in blood pressure during pregnancy, then after childbirth she will have to monitor her blood pressure daily. Monitoring is carried out at least three times a day.

What to do with high blood pressure after childbirth?

For obvious reasons, the list of means that help reduce blood pressure after childbirth is not very wide:

  • can be taken sedatives based on motherwort and valerian;
  • There are a number of drugs approved during breastfeeding that lower blood pressure: Verapamil, Diltiazem, Nifedipine, Metoprolol, Methyldop;
  • It is advisable to use diuretics, for example, Spironolactone or Hydrochlorothiazide.

If the condition does not improve, you should contact a specialist who will advise you on safe breastfeeding drugs that can lower blood pressure.


Attending doctor discharging a woman from maternity ward, gives the necessary recommendations for recovery after childbirth:

  • Regular sleep and rest are necessary to normalize blood pressure. Try to protect yourself from all kinds of stress and maintain joyful emotions. Walk with your baby in the fresh air more often (at least 2-3 hours daily).
  • Eat right. A nursing mother should receive the required portion of nutrients every day. Overeating and undereating are strictly prohibited. Avoid fried, fatty, and smoked foods for a while. As for drinks, it is not recommended to drink strong tea, coffee and sweet soda. Eat more fruits and vegetables.
  • Avoid strenuous exercise. After childbirth, the body will need certain time for restoration. From sports exercises will do morning exercises, race walking, visiting the pool.
  • Give up bad habits (smoking and drinking).

If you experience an increase in blood pressure after childbirth, do not let this condition take its course, be sure to consult a doctor and follow all his recommendations. Only in this way will you protect yourself from unwanted consequences.