Anxiety symptoms during pregnancy. Why does abdominal pain occur during pregnancy?

New Year

When carrying mothers, they face many unpleasant surprises like toxicosis, nausea and vomiting, general malaise and sudden mood swings. Many mothers experience for the first time, because this is a new and unusual condition. There are also symptoms that make a woman pretty worried, for example, the sudden onset of heaviness in the abdomen during pregnancy in the second trimester. When similar symptom you need to consult a doctor to find out for sure the reasons for this feeling.

In the aunt trimester, the baby becomes overly mobile

Immediately after conception, the body of a pregnant woman begins to adapt to a new mode of operation.

  • It activates the growth of hormonal substances that provide normal development and the course of the gestation period.
  • The main role in this is assigned to progesterone, which reduces the excitability of the uterus, softens the muscle tissue and the ligamentous pelvic apparatus.
  • However, under the influence of progesterone, the intestines relax, which often provokes constipation and flatulence.
  • Because of this, the patient may experience heaviness in the lower abdomen, which is most pronounced with changes in diet.
  • With the development of the baby, its size increases, respectively, the uterine body also increases.
  • She starts to take more space in the abdominal space, the pressure inside the peritoneum increases, other pelvic structures are pushed aside, problems appear in the intestines, stomach and other digestive departments.
  • There is a shift in the center of gravity, the load on the vertebral structures increases.

As a result of such changes, there is also a feeling of heaviness in the lumbar region and lower abdomen during pregnancy. But the appearance of such sensations can also be caused by pathological factors.

Pathological causes

If, according to all indicators, the course of pregnancy is normal, and severity is present, then doctors recommend not to worry. Most likely, everything proceeds quite naturally. Although sometimes there are situations that are pathologically dangerous for bearing. These include such obstetric complications, like gestosis, premature placental detachment or spontaneous interruption. It is also impossible to exclude the probable presence of extragenital pathological process, which may occur in the process of gestation.

Also possible pathologies gastric tract like duodenitis or gastritis, colitis or pancreatitis, cholecystitis, etc. Therefore, it is extremely important to correctly diagnose the etiology unpleasant symptom. Most hazards are considered emergency obstetric conditions in which the patient needs urgent hospitalization and further qualified medical care. This is the only way to save gestation and save the life of the baby.


Waiting is always very exciting.

Each gestation goes through individual plan. In most patients, toxicosis develops in the early stages, accompanied by nausea-vomiting reactions. But much more dangerous than toxicosis gestosis is considered to occur in the second trimester and often uncomfortable and heaviness in the stomach during pregnancy. One of the complex gestotic forms is preeclampsia, for which edema, hypertensive symptoms and proteinuria are considered typical symptomatic manifestations.

Previously, this condition during gestation was called nephropathy by specialists, but now it is called preeclampsia, which occurs against the background of hypoxic placental changes leading to serious vascular disorders. In especially difficult cases this triad is joined by other symptomatic manifestations such as painful heaviness in the stomach and abdomen, visual disturbances, hyperedema throughout the body, oliguria and migraines. Such conditions are extremely dangerous, because they provoke serious problems with cerebral hemodynamics and lead to seizures what doctors call eclampsia - the most severe gestotic stage and a rather dangerous obstetric complication.

The development of complex gestosis for gestation has an adverse effect, therefore, such patients are often placed in a hospital for storage in order to avoid the development of adverse consequences for pregnancy.

Premature detachment of the placenta

From about the middle of the second trimester, the threat of losing the baby due to premature placental detachment may hang over the mother.

  • A similar condition occurs against the background of traumatic injuries or gestosis, polyhydramnios and extragenital pathologies such as kidney disease, hypertension or diabetes.
  • For such a complication, heaviness and pain in the abdomen, scant vaginal bleeding and uterine hypertonicity, as well as a marked deterioration in the fetal condition are considered typical.
  • The placenta exfoliates, which leads to violations of the supply of nutrition to the fetus. As a result, there is a serious threat to the life of the child.
  • According to statistics, in the case of 50% of placental abruption, intrauterine fetal death occurs.
  • If only the central part of the placenta exfoliates, then blood accumulates in the uterine wall, provoking the formation of a hematoma. Similar phenomenon leads to disruption of contractile uterine functions and coagulopathic complications.

Such conditions also require the strictest obstetric control and placement of the girl for inpatient treatment.

Spontaneous interruption

You can feel heaviness in the abdomen in the second trimester of gestation with the development spontaneous interruption. Therefore, the appearance of such a symptom requires mandatory medical participation and examination, because if a woman is inactive, she can easily lose her baby. It is necessary to carefully evaluate the symptomatic picture of the patient's condition. Usually, manifestations such as cramping-like or pulling pains in the lower abdomen, increased defecation and urination, vaginal bleeding or uterine hypertonicity.

The threat of interruption is considered only the beginning of the process of abortion, and the interruption that has already begun is accompanied by fetal detachment. Then the process of abortion proceeds more intensively, ending with the evacuation of the fetal tissues and other uterine contents surrounding them. It may also happen that not all tissues come out, something remains. Then the residual dead tissue provokes the development of infectious processes or bleeding.

Heaviness in the uterus

Husband support is the best preventive measure

A feeling of heaviness in the uterus also occurs in pregnant women quite often. Experts reassure, considering this phenomenon as the norm. The mother's body in the process of gestation undergoes such drastic changes that such sensations are really quite understandable. Small pelvic bones rapidly expand, intraorganic structures change their localization, shifting under the influence of an increasing uterine body.

Experts call the cause of uterine heaviness an increase in the size of the organ, due to weight gain and fetal growth. In this case, the uterus begins to expand and put pressure on nearby structures such as the intestines and urinary tract. Also, painful heaviness in the area of ​​​​the uterine body can be caused by unwise lifting of weights. During the gestation period, some mothers cannot even lift the kettle, not like some heavy objects. This kind of action creates tension. ligamentous apparatus, which is fraught with a violation of the relationship between mother and baby.

Also, the cause of uncomfortable heaviness in the abdomen is uterine hypertonicity. If in the early stages such a phenomenon is fraught with miscarriage, then by the end of the second trimester, excessive contractile activity of the uterine walls can lead to premature delivery. Also, heaviness in the uterus can occur against the background of frequent stressful situations, nervous strain, etc. Mommy needs complete peace and marital care, and any anxiety is dangerous and can lead to problems with pregnancy.

Stomach ache

Sometimes a feeling of heaviness during gestation is accompanied by painful discomfort in the abdomen. In the first two trimesters of gestation, this symptomatology is considered quite normal and can be explained by the natural consequence of the changes that have occurred in the maternal organism.

  1. With an increase in the uterine body, the muscular-ligamentous apparatus that supports the organ begins to stretch, which provokes the appearance of pulling or stabbing pain in the abdomen.
  2. Such pains are especially disturbing when sneezing or coughing, as well as when changing the position of the body.
  3. A striking example of painful heaviness in the abdomen in the middle of gestation is the sprain of the ligaments of the muscle that supports the uterine body. Soreness of this kind can disturb for several minutes, and then also suddenly disappears.
  4. Also, painful heaviness in the abdomen of a pregnant woman can be caused by previous abdominal surgical interventions, after which adhesive process. The tummy begins to grow, causing the adhesive tissue to stretch and sometimes tear, which causes such painful sensations.

If painful heaviness and discomfort are rare and short-lived, then there is nothing to worry about. If the pain becomes regular, prolonged and intense, then it will not be possible to do without medical intervention. High risk of starting premature birth, so you need to urgently contact a doctor or call an ambulance.

What to do

If there are suspicious symptoms, in order to get rid of vain experiences, you need to consult a doctor. After gynecological and clinical examination the doctor will refer you for additional diagnostics, which usually includes laboratory research(blood, urine), ultrasound examination of pelvic organs, blood biochemistry and fetal cardiotocography (CTG).

If there is an obstetric pathology, then this will be quite enough to identify it. If the problem of heaviness and pain in the abdomen is due to digestive disorders, then a more advanced diagnostic examination will be needed, including echography. abdominal organs, coprogram, gastroscopy or irrigography, etc. After receiving data regarding the condition of the girl, the doctor will make appropriate explanations and appointments. The woman will only have to follow medical recommendations.

How to treat

Very often symptoms late toxicosis It begins with heaviness in the abdomen, gradually turning into nausea-vomiting reactions. To reduce unpleasant manifestations, girls are advised to completely revise the diet. Nutritional transformations involve the complete exclusion of fried foods, it is better to give preference to steamed or boiled dishes. As for drinks with preservatives and flavor enhancers, fruit rich in liquids, such as grapes, melon or watermelon, are an excellent alternative.

To relieve the heaviness caused by nausea, it is recommended to drink herbal or ginger tea, a slice of orange or lemon, a spoonful of honey - these remedies will help relieve malaise and eliminate unpleasant discomfort in the abdomen and stomach. If the cause of severity is preeclampsia, then the patients are prescribed medications.

can help and folk remedies. If the feeling of heaviness is due to excessive gas formation, then an infusion of their mixture will help. dill seeds, chamomile and calendula flowers. This infusion will help eliminate flatulence and discomfort in the intestines. If the heaviness is concentrated in the stomach, then a decoction of cinnamon, yarrow and St. John's wort will help. In general, the treatment of the resulting severity depends on the underlying cause of the condition. Sometimes it is enough to change the diet, and sometimes you can not do without inpatient treatment with medication.

Prevention of severity

There are many ways to prevent unpleasant gravity.

To eliminate and prevent the feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, it is sometimes enough for women to simply relax and calm down, because in most cases the uncomfortable heaviness is of a psychological origin.

If the doctor found pathologies, then mom needs to continue a calm lifestyle, walk more, engage in hobbies and eliminate any unrest or stress.

In the early stages, the greatest danger is ectopic pregnancy - the fixation of a fertilized egg not in the uterus, but in the tube. With growth, it begins to put pressure on the walls and, as a result, will lead to a rupture.

On later dates, heaviness in the lower abdomen can be a sign of premature birth.

Regarding non-obstetric signs

In the early stages

In early pregnancy, heaviness in the lower abdomen is less common. There are 3 main reasons:

  • Uterine growth. Pregnancy- a unique process that radically changes the entire female body. The hormones produced trigger unique processes that rebuild female physiology- a number of muscles come into tone, some, on the contrary, relax. This is necessary for the redistribution of the internal organs of the abdomen under the growing uterus. The womb itself is also in a state of perpetual transformation. Constantly working, the muscles get tired. All this is the reason for the feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen;
  • Increased blood flow. Pregnancy is characterized by an increase in blood flow in the abdomen. Naturally, it is not possible to limit the flow solely to the uterus and genitals. All organs of the abdomen "swell", increasing in volume and weight, which creates an unpleasant sensation;
  • Toxicosis. Affects the female body in the most unpredictable way. From the first days of pregnancy, the level of hormones in the female body changes dramatically. There are inevitable changes in taste buds and smell, the level of acidity increases, the production of enzymes and gastric juice occurs more intensively. Everything in the coupe leads to painful sensations and heaviness in the abdomen.

At a later date

In the second and third trimester, the cause of heaviness in the abdomen is commonplace - the child becomes heavy. Not only the size of the baby increases, but also the uterus, as well as amniotic fluid. It is natural to feel heaviness. Also, the volume of the uterus compresses internal organs women, which creates an unpleasant sensation.

The second reason is the tone of the uterus. In this case, it is advisable to consult a doctor. Increased tone can lead to premature birth.

The third reason is polyhydramnios. A concomitant symptom is swelling of the arms, legs and face. Excess amniotic fluid cannot be called positive. Basically, it indicates that the kidneys are not coping. In such cases, it is necessary to visit a doctor, who is likely to prescribe medications, based on herbs that help remove excess fluid from the body and help the kidneys. If the expectant mother is lucky, and last trimester fell on the season of watermelons - do not skimp on the delicacy. This the best way cleanse the body and relieve the burden on the kidneys.

After meal

Heaviness in the abdomen after or during meals is due to 2 factors: uterine pressure and changes in acid and enzyme levels.

With pressure, everything is more simple and understandable - an overgrown uterus in the third trimester intensely compresses the internal organs, including the intestines. Food occupies a certain space, which is already sorely lacking, therefore, after (during) eating, there is a feeling of heaviness.

Changing bio-chemical processes leads to a different digestion of food. Some foods are digested faster, some longer. The process of digestion and the retention of certain products in the intestines lead to malfunctions. digestive system and create discomfort after eating.

It is worth paying special attention to gases. Due to changes in the enzyme base of the intestine, gases accompany a woman throughout the entire period of pregnancy, from the first days to the very birth. Their accumulation leads to sensations of pain and heaviness in the abdomen.

Constipation can also cause a feeling of heaviness.

What to do if there is a heaviness in the stomach

The first step is to make sure that the severity does not belong to the category obstetric problems. If there are no discharge and other symptoms, you can think about how to relieve the severity.

There are methods for prevention and relief at the time of an immediate attack:

  1. Kefir. Daily use of kefir refers to preventive methods. It facilitates the digestive process, regulates the enzyme base and the level of acidity in the intestines. Helps reduce gases. It is advisable to use after dinner, before going to bed.
  2. Vegetables and fruits should be present daily in the menu of a pregnant woman. They are also a means of prevention and improve the functioning of the digestive tract.
  3. Walks. Daily walks to fresh air can be considered as a preventive and quick method. As a preventive measure, they will increase immunity, tone the respiratory and circulatory systems, which in turn will ease attacks of toxicosis. Moderate exercise stress will help the muscles of the uterus and abdomen to be in a “good” condition, creating resistance to increased tone and abbreviations. Walking also helps speed up the digestion of food. As a means of instant relief, they are considered with a wave of toxicosis. Fresh air without smells, stops the attack.
  4. Water. Daily rate pregnant - 1-1.5 liters of water. No need to be afraid of swelling. They arise not only from the amount of water drunk, but from improper functioning of the kidneys. Pure water not complicate, but facilitate their work.
  5. Changing the menu and diet will help to avoid or alleviate the feeling of gas and constipation. During pregnancy, many processes in the child's body depend on the food consumed, so the selection of the menu is very important.
  6. Rest. During an attack, you need to sit down or lie down. After the attack ends, you can slowly begin to move and, in case of repetition, again take a relaxing position.

The most important thing is not to panic. How calmer woman, the more weighed her actions and deeds. From an adequate assessment of the situation and correct conclusions, the life and health of the child depends. Panic is the last and worst decision.

Being in interesting position, future mother extremely cautious begins to relate to their own well-being, since the well-being of a woman is reflected in the condition of the baby. Worry that discomfort and heaviness in the stomach of a pregnant woman are symptoms of some kind of severe and dangerous disease, not worth it.

In most situations, this is a manifestation of the physiological changes that occur in a woman's body during pregnancy. But the pathological nature of unpleasant sensations is not excluded, therefore it is impossible to leave them unattended.

During pregnancy, heaviness in the stomach is a common thing?

Although the period of bearing a baby should ideally not be accompanied by severe discomfort, expectant mothers often suffer from eating disorders. During pregnancy, heaviness in the stomach can appear at any time, and each time the reasons are different, because they are associated with the ongoing development of the crumbs.

At the earliest stages, the body future mother experiences a whole range of changes in almost all organs and systems. The intensity of enzyme production, acid content changes. This does not mean at all that you have to accept and endure heaviness in the stomach. There are remedies that will relieve the disease of a pregnant woman.

7 reasons why there is heaviness in the stomach

Most often, the expectant mother should not worry about why there was discomfort in the abdomen.

The most common causes of heaviness in the epigastrium are as follows:

  1. Rapid growth of the uterus. The size of the organ becomes larger and larger every month, because the fetus, the content of amniotic fluid increases. The stomach shifts, changing its usual position: instead of a horizontal placement of the organ, it becomes vertical, and from above it is drawn in. Discomfort and heaviness in the stomach during late pregnancy is a frequent phenomenon, it is almost a variant of the norm.
  2. Insufficient content of hydrochloric acid. During pregnancy, acid levels are low. It is necessary to activate the production of pepsin, which breaks down proteins. If the substance is not enough, there are signs of discomfort in the abdomen. All pregnant women at an early stage and at the end of 7 months of the term have reduced production gastrin necessary for the production of hydrochloric acid. The small intestine actively synthesizes secretin blocking acid production. These factors cause the appearance of discomfort in the abdomen of the expectant mother.
  3. early toxicosis. In the 1st trimester, the development of this condition is typical for many pregnant women. The absence of menstruation with the appearance of discomfort in the epigastrium, vomiting and nausea is considered the first sign of the onset of fertilization. During the second trimester, the symptoms are eliminated, because early toxicosis ends.
  4. Somatostatin production. In the final weeks, growth hormone is actively produced, which increases the formation of hydrochloric acid. This leads to discomfort and nausea.
  5. Unbalanced diet. Most expectant mothers acquire new gastronomic preferences, sometimes eating incompatible foods. Pregnant women often eat too high-calorie, junk food, because of which the digestion process is disturbed, resulting in various disorders.
  6. Decreased muscle tone in the stomach. It happens that a pregnant woman has discomfort, even if she eats a small portion of food. With a decrease in muscle tone, the function of motility is disrupted, which is why the walls of the organ loosely cover food and symptoms of the disease appear.
  7. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. During the period of gestation, the fetus is often exacerbated chronic diseases digestive system - gastritis, ulcer, pancreatitis. Diseases cause a feeling of heaviness in the stomach during pregnancy, along with it appear characteristics pathologies: sharp pain in the abdomen, vomiting and belching. Intestinal infections should not be ruled out: with the development inflammatory process The first symptom is discomfort, discomfort in the abdomen.

Why is this condition dangerous?

In most cases, the disease does not indicate the presence of a serious illness. When discomfort first appears in the expectant mother, she may begin to panic, fearing to harm the baby. With constant severity and serious concerns, the expectant mother should make an appointment with a gastroenterologist. The doctor will necessary examination will provide valuable advice.

If discomfort appeared suddenly, accompanied by an increase in temperature, severe pain in the abdomen or repeated vomiting that does not bring relief, you should immediately seek medical help to prevent the appearance possible complications from both the mother and the child.

When the expectant mother first encounters such a condition, you can try to overcome the disease yourself. To cope with discomfort in the abdomen, you will have to adhere to a special diet, the purpose of which is to unload the digestive organs. Therefore, it is created special treatment eating, as well as eliminate harmful hard-to-digest foods.

Be sure to exclude from the diet:

  1. Fried, smoked, sour, spicy food.
  2. Milk.
  3. Sweets.
  4. Fast food.
  5. Carbonated drinks.
  6. Coffee.

These foods increase the acidity of the stomach, and can also cause abdominal pain and bloating. Do not overdo it: a pregnant woman should not starve, admission nutrients in the body should occur in a timely manner in required quantity. Portions should be small, meals - frequent, at least 6 times a day.

In the morning after waking up, it is recommended to eat something light - crackers or bread. During the day, it is advisable to eat meals in liquid or soft form- broths, soups and cereals. Do not give up eating vegetables, fruits, meat and fish products as well as dairy products.

If the expectant mother has bad habits in the form of smoking, elimination given reason relieves heaviness and discomfort in the stomach.

Some pregnant women use prescriptions traditional medicine, however, it should be understood that some seemingly harmless herbs can harm the fetus and even lead to miscarriage. Therefore, before using the recipe, it is advisable to consult with a qualified specialist.

Consider the most popular "grandmother's recipes":

  1. Herbal decoctions: use chamomile, mint, yarrow, flax. Plants relieve the feeling of heaviness in the stomach. Take a few sheets and pour boiling water. Let it brew, strain and drink in small portions.
  2. Licorice infusion: recommended for use in hyperacidity of the stomach. To prepare the product, take 100 g of the root of the plant, pour a glass of boiling water. Make an infusion and add a glass of cool boiled water. The infusion is taken three times a day for 3 tbsp. l.
  3. Melissa decoction: 3 tsp crushed leaves of the plant are poured with a glass of boiling water. Let it brew for 5 minutes. Take the remedy 2-3 times a day.
  4. Water with lemon: it is enough to add citrus fruits to non-carbonated boiled liquid and take it when you feel indigestion in the stomach. This remedy is especially effective at the beginning of pregnancy, when early toxicosis occurs.

What medicines can be taken so as not to harm the baby

Future mother self-treatment drugs are strictly prohibited. Before use, be sure to consult a doctor who will tell you exactly what to treat and what you can drink during the period of gestation. If necessary, the specialist will refer the lady in position to the gastroenterologist.

Many medicines are undesirable to use during the gestation period. These agents include enzyme preparations: Pancreatin, Festal, Creon. The instructions for use say that they are assigned only when healing effect for the expectant mother is superior possible threat for a child.

Approved for the use of antacids (Gaviscon, Maalox). They neutralize acid and envelop the gastric mucosa, eliminating belching during pregnancy. In case of increased acidity, exacerbation of gastritis and ulcers, Omeprazole is recommended, which reduces the production of hydrochloric acid.

With the appearance of heaviness in the abdomen, accompanied by pain, the doctor may prescribe No-shpu. When the disorder is caused by stress or excessive nervousness of the future mother, take sedatives - Motherwort, Valerian.

To improve motor function, Motilac is used, which acts on the peristalsis of the organ. Thanks to the drug, the passage of food is accelerated, and the feeling of discomfort is eliminated.

Watch a video on the topic of gastric disorders in a pregnant woman:

Prevention of heaviness in the stomach during pregnancy

It is impossible to prevent the appearance of heaviness in the epigastrium during childbearing, given the reasons for the development of the condition. However, there are rules to reduce discomfort and discomfort in the abdomen.

These rules are:

  1. Exclusion of fatty, fried, smoked foods and semi-finished products. The body of a pregnant woman experiences a double load, so it is extremely important to take care of yourself and not overstrain yourself with harmful and heavy food.
  2. Refusal of excessively cold or hot food.
  3. Fractional nutrition: you need to eat often, but in small portions.
  4. Mandatory inclusion in the diet of soups and broths, as well as dairy products.
  5. Try to peel the fruit from the peel, so that it is easier for the digestive tract to digest.
  6. Rejection daytime sleep after meals during pregnancy: short walks are recommended instead. So food is easier to digest, and the stomach is not overloaded.
  7. Stop eating 2 hours before bedtime.

The expectant mother often experiences indigestion, which causes discomfort and anxiety. In most cases, discomfort in the abdomen is considered a common occurrence that does not require medical care. Most often, this does not threaten the baby's health in any way, and as soon as the baby is born, the feeling of heaviness in the woman's stomach will stop.

It is considered very important from the point of view of obstetrics, since hormonal, anatomical and physiological changes of a future woman in labor can have a great influence on the course of extragenital diseases. There are three types of signs that make it possible to diagnose pregnancy. These are conjectural (more precisely, doubtful), probable and reliable signs which can be based on objective and subjective data.

For every woman, pregnancy from the first days is a very happy, but extremely serious period, since significant changes take place at this time. There is nothing unusual in the fact that pregnancy is accompanied by a mass of new sensations.

The most eye-catching fact is the heaviness in the abdomen during pregnancy. Many women complain to the doctor about this unpleasant sensation. One way or another, heaviness in the abdomen during pregnancy manifests itself not only in the later stages. In each case, everything is individual. But, as practice shows, many girls have different pregnancy. 1 trimester may be accompanied by discomfort. This causes concern, but is not always a cause for panic. Of course, it is better to see a doctor.

For example, during pregnancy, it is caused by a very strong blood flow to the uterus when it begins to increase. Basically, there is no reason to worry, but still, if you notice smearing brown or bloody issues, which are accompanied by severe pain, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Sometimes heaviness in the abdomen during pregnancy may appear in the second trimester, but this is most likely a sign of tone.

Pregnancy in the first trimester is beautiful time. But it is at this stage that a woman expects a large number of problems and difficulties. Each future mother has an early course in different ways. Usually, menstruation stops, but during the first trimester, there may be light discharge. It is because of this that a large number of women may not even be aware of the onset of pregnancy. Also, the expectant mother may begin to urinate more, because the uterus begins to grow and presses on the bladder. A large number of women notice changes in the figure, the breasts increase, new sensations appear in it - such as pulsation, tingling or pain. This is due to the fact that the mammary glands begin to develop intensively.

Pregnancy begins at the 14th week. This is the calmest and most pleasant period. The woman has not yet recovered very much, so she can afford walks and physical education. In the second trimester, a lot of changes happen in the body of a future woman in labor. The uterus from the pelvic area passes into the area above. Due to the action of hormones, the breasts greatly increase, colostrum begins to stand out from the nipples a little bit.

The most anticipated period is the third, last trimester of pregnancy. A woman will soon move from the status of a future mother to the status of a real one. In the third trimester, the status of the baby also changes. Until the 28th week, doctors called him a fetus, but now he is a child.

It is advisable to prepare a handbag in which there will be a passport, an insurance policy, everything you need for childbirth and the future baby, and proceed with all this to the maternity hospital.

Heaviness in the abdomen during pregnancy, women can feel at any time. Although such sensations cannot be called pleasant, they rarely pose a threat to expectant mothers or their babies. But in any case, it is better to consult a doctor so that he knows about the condition of the pregnant woman and can always help her if she has any problems.

Often the reason why expectant mothers have heaviness in the abdomen directly depends on the term.

The onset of pregnancy can be one of the factors in the appearance of uncomfortable sensations in the lower abdomen. In some cases, the severity and mild pain may indicate that pregnancy will soon occur. Naturally, the above symptoms may indicate upcoming menstruation, but hallmark impending pregnancy is fatigue, changes in the mammary glands, toxicosis, odorless discharge and migraines. These phenomena are accompanied by massive changes in the female body, occurring on hormonal background. At the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, the uterus stretches as the fetus itself continues to grow. The same thing happens with the ligaments that support the uterus. This entails sensations such as heaviness in the lower abdomen. Stretching, the uterus presses on nearby organs. This phenomenon also leads to uncomfortable feelings.

Another reason may be a problem with the gastrointestinal tract. Progesterone, present in a woman's body during pregnancy in impressive quantities, affects the relaxation of the uterus and other smooth muscle organs. Among them is the intestines. This factor affects the incomplete digestion of food, which leads to bloating, flatulence and heaviness. When the bowel is emptied, the problem disappears for a while.

Heaviness in the lower abdomen may occur at the end of the entire period of pregnancy, which is caused by stretching of the muscles and ligaments responsible for maintaining the uterus. In other words - false contractions. Heaviness is accompanied by aching pain in the abdomen and lower back. This is a sign that the uterus is almost ready for the impending birth. The abdomen becomes stiff, aching pain is increasingly reminiscent of itself, the mucous plug leaves.

How to alleviate the condition of a woman

Is it possible to get rid of this feeling during pregnancy? It all depends on what causes the heaviness in the lower abdomen. On early stages pregnancy, it will be enough to rest and lie down more, to be less nervous and to be in the fresh air more often, because this main step on the way to birth healthy child. When a woman is tormented by problems with the gastrointestinal tract and constant changes in the stool, it will be useful to adjust the diet and lead a more active lifestyle. Pregnant women should eat more dairy products as well as fresh vegetables and fruits. Feeling pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy is not scary, but in some cases this may indicate complications. If the pain is long and intense, then you should seek medical help as soon as possible.

For any woman, pregnancy is something special that happens in her life and each woman experiences this period in different ways. Someone is overtaken by cutting pains, someone has colitis in the stomach. Some women do not react to this, while others raise a panic over all sorts of little things, which, in turn, leads to stress. Experts say that stress can lead to a lot of problems both psychologically and physically.

Before running from one doctor to another, you need to calm down and figure it out: how strongly expressed pain how long they last, what is their periodicity (chaotic or regular). Each of the above indicators is of great importance. It is advisable to record all uncomfortable sensations and feelings in a special diary. Firstly, it will help to collect information in a heap, and if there is a need to see a doctor, then all the data will be in the hands of the expectant mother. Secondly, this activity will help distract yourself from negative emotions.

When to Beware of Heaviness

When a woman during pregnancy feels heaviness and pain in the lower abdomen with chaotic periodicity and short duration, then this may be an accompanying symptom of pregnancy, as the uterus grows, and the brain and spinal cord receive signals about its development, and when the signals fail, the organs surrounding the uterus can feel pain. This can often be a reaction. Bladder: urinary discomfort may extend to lower part belly. This may indicate the presence of cystitis.

This disease very often haunts pregnant women due to weakened immunity. The infection can enter the organ through the external genitalia or from the intestines. If such pains were noticed, then it is necessary to immediately turn to specialists to confirm the presence of the disease on early stages, since in subsequent cases it will spread to the kidneys, which will entail serious complications.

If a pregnant woman is haunted by pain in the abdomen, heaviness in its lower part, then it is necessary to pay attention to other symptoms that appear. Perhaps, in addition to acute pain, spotting was noticed, this may indicate possible miscarriage. If you notice these symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. Resi can also talk about ectopic pregnancy if it is accompanied by headache, pallor, reduced pressure indicating internal bleeding.

Rezi in the later stages entail a serious threat. They are observed when the uterus grows, the ligaments are stretched, and the pressure on the spine increases several times. But do not focus only on pain, losing sight of symptoms such as general state pregnant and bleeding. When the pain becomes very severe, you should immediately call an ambulance. If during pregnancy heaviness in the lower abdomen is accompanied by stabbing sensations, then this indicates stagnation of feces, flatulence or constipation.

But such pains can also speak of acute appendicitis, like the most common cystitis, in which the symptoms are identical. One way or another, a pregnant woman should special attention follow up own health and visit the attending physician for any complaint that worries her. Naturally, you don’t need to immediately shake in a panic and run to the doctors as fast as you can. But being overly vigilant won't hurt anyone.

Getting rid of unnecessary panic

Do not forget about the main thing: if the problems associated with pain and heaviness in the abdomen are not caused by an obstetric nature, then you should not stress yourself, but you need to figure it out, having patience and humility.

Let the woman try at home to somehow alleviate her plight. By reducing the amount of food consumed and switching to fractional nutrition, you can get rid of many uncomfortable sensations. Also, do not forget about kefir, which helps to facilitate digestion. The introduction of crude fiber (fruits, vegetables) into the general diet and frequent walks in places remote from city roads (parks, forests) can also have a beneficial effect not only on abdominal pain, but also on the general condition female body and, consequently, the health of the unborn child.

If none of the above helps, then you need to consult a doctor who can prescribe special drugs that stop all untoward symptoms.

Whatever the reasons provoke heaviness in the abdomen, in no case should you self-medicate. By doing this, a woman will only harm herself and the unborn baby more. The best adviser in this situation is the attending physician, who, thanks to his extensive experience, will help to cope with any problem. The main thing is to follow all the instructions and instructions of the specialist and pregnancy will pass with pleasure and joy.