How to preserve mammary glands while losing weight. How to preserve breasts while losing weight: recommendations from experts

February 23

Not every woman, of course, has the courage and desire to turn to surgeons to pump up silicone.
Naturally beautiful breasts also require attention and care. Starting from the age of 25, special exercises and massages are recommended. The décolleté area has the most thin skin, A sebaceous glands There is almost none on it, so the first wrinkles when losing weight or aging appear on the chest. When losing weight, beautiful shapes sag, and small ones become even smaller. How to lose weight so that your breasts don't get smaller?

The desire to lose weight, but so that the hips and stomach meet the standards, and the breasts do not lose their fullness, is not so difficult. Returning slimness to the figure and lightness to the body, while leaving the breasts as they are, it is necessary to adhere to a number of rules when following a diet. complex rules on how to lose weight so that your breasts don’t get smaller:

  • Ideally, this is a combination of a comprehensive diet and.
  • Balanced diet, reducing the amount of fats and carbohydrates, but at the same time adding phytoestrogen to the diet. It is he who stimulates those hormones that are inherent only female body. They will help you lose weight so that your breasts do not shrink.

Diet for losing weight and maintaining breast size

  • Products such as pomegranates, apples, lentils, soybeans, oats, rice, and carrots contain phytoestrogen.
  • Orange juice should be included in your diet.
  • Meat dishes should include boiled chicken.
  • For drinks, give preference to green tea.

If the goal of the diet is to achieve maximum result, while maintaining the shape of the breasts, these are the products that will come to the rescue. They need to be consumed regularly.

  • To maintain the salt balance, only purified water is consumed in food. Mineral, well, melt, spring water - this is what you should pay attention to Special attention.

In addition to diet, there is a set of exercises that allow you to keep your breasts beautiful while losing weight.

Why do breasts lose weight quickly when losing weight?

Rapid breakdown of fat occurs when radical fasting begins. At the same time, the breasts sag and the skin becomes flabby.

Fitness, exercises with dumbbells, is something that can come to the rescue in solving the question: how to lose weight so that your breasts do not shrink. An effective and indispensable tool for tightening the chest is an expander or elastic band. For such classes, visiting the gym is not necessary. Exercises can be done at home, allocating 10-15 minutes a day.

Vacuumization and hydromassage for breasts

There is another way to maintain shape - so-called vacuumization. This exercise involves drawing in the abdomen. When working, the abdominal muscles involve neighboring muscles in the process. The effect of vacuumization is achieved when the exercise is performed for a long time - up to 100 times a day.

Hydromassage is one of the types of massage, also aimed at restoring and strengthening the breasts. It is massaged with a jet twice a day for 10 minutes.
The power of the jet and the temperature of the water are regulated independently - as you like, but the jet should not be very strong. The jet is directed upward in a circular motion. Hydromassage massages not only the chest, but also the part of the body underneath it, in the area of ​​the ribs. It is she who is responsible for the height of the chest. The massage goes from the ribs to the shoulder joints. Then the nipple area is massaged.
We can also use diffused jet hydromassage – Charcot’s shower.

Salt baths will also become irreplaceable. Bath time is 15-20 minutes.

Agree that for a woman one of the good reasons not to burden herself with a diet is the fear that along with the extra pounds she will have to part with her beautiful breasts. Not every lady is ready to sacrifice this “object of female pride”, and when on one side of the scale there are beautiful breasts, and on the other - overweight, many people decide that it’s better to do nothing with weight during the day, but they won’t have to be ashamed of saggy breasts...

Unfortunately, this phenomenon is not uncommon. For many people who are losing weight, the loss of volume begins not from the unfortunate places from the waist and below, but from the bust. Therefore, the question of how to preserve breasts while losing weight is very relevant.

The fact is that female breast consists of mammary gland and adipose tissue. There are practically no muscles in it. And if it has already stretched, then only a plastic surgeon can return it to its previous state.

We offer 5 important advice which will help preserve breasts while losing weight.

Drink enough fluids.

The mammary gland itself does not lose weight, but it may lose volume due to dehydration. This is why it is so important not to deprive yourself of fluids while dieting. Moreover, it is advisable to drink clean water, not drinks. Tea and coffee also remove excess fluid from the body.

One of the signs of a lack of fluid is sunken eyes and dark circles under them. However, if you are prone to swelling, reduce the amount of salt you consume, avoid drinking at night and consult your doctor.

Lose weight gradually!

Eat a balanced diet to help you lose weight slowly. There is an opinion that you cannot completely deprive yourself of fat. And some advise specifically drinking flaxseed oil. And there is some truth in this.

Vegetable oils bring many beneficial substances to our cells, maintaining skin elasticity. And flaxseed oil also contains female phytohormones. It doesn't work miracles, but it good support for skin, hair and your liver.


This is one of slippery questions: do they help? physical exercise to maintain breast shape? To support - they help. There are no muscles in the female breast, but exercises aimed at this area of ​​the body improve blood circulation and lymph outflow, which has a positive effect on tissue elasticity.

But you need to do exercises regularly and before your breasts lose their shape. This is an important argument to start practicing right now.

Do these exercises at home every day:

  • Fold your hands as if in prayer and squeeze your palms - 50 times.
  • Take your right wrist with your left hand, and your left wrist with your right. And stretch your arms forward (also 50 times).


A light, pleasant breast massage stimulates the ovaries. They begin to produce the female hormone oxytocin, which in turn helps to increase the tissue of the mammary gland itself.

Ready-made creams are suitable for massage. Now there are many products that enlarge breasts, improve their shape, and so on. Unfortunately, they are not always miraculous, and sometimes even harmful.

Therefore the best alternative is vegetable oils. Use almond, olive, flaxseed, sea buckthorn, and grape seed oil. They improve skin elasticity, nourish cells, and moisturize. Add to base oil a couple of drops of essential oil and you will have a wonderful remedy. Ylang-ylang, geranium, fennel, patchouli, and hop oils will help you. They contain phytoestrogens, which act not only on the skin, but also on hormonal levels.

Give yourself a breast massage regularly or involve your beloved man in this.

Cold and hot shower

This one is simple but effective procedure improves blood circulation, which maintains skin elasticity and keeps it toned. Just start and end with warm water.

Shower can be replaced contrast compresses. To do this, you will need two towels, as well as two containers of water - hot and cold. Hot cloth apply to the chest for 30 seconds, cold for a minute. And so - 10 times. You can add the mentioned essential oils to the water.

After a shower or compresses, be sure to pamper yourself with aromatic oil.

Remember that any diet will lead to breast reduction. But don’t panic and starve yourself. But if you approach yourself with love, you will definitely find the right diet and a specialist who will help you lose weight without harm to your beauty and health.

All women know the answer to the question “What is the first thing to lose weight?” Of course, according to the law of meanness, this is not the stomach or thighs, but the chest. We can change our bra size in the first week of a diet, but not our jeans size. How to fight this injustice? Read in our material!

Women's breasts are 90% fatty tissue. According to nature's idea, it protects the mammary glands from injury and temperature changes, and also serves as a reserve nutritional “warehouse” when feeding a child. For example, if a woman does not consume sufficient quantity calories.

Structure of the mammary gland

The most interesting thing is that The size of breast fat does not depend on the total amount of fat in a woman's body. That is, thin girls may have a small mammary gland and large “fat” on the chest, and, conversely, a plump young lady may have a small amount of fat around the gland. It depends on heredity and genetics, and not on proper nutrition.

That's why, The more breast fat, the more weight your breasts will lose. when dieting. This is a women's axiom.

Girls of different builds, but big breastsboth

It also happens that quite fragile girls naturally have large mammary glands. This is probably the most desirable option for all women, breasts like that won't make you lose weight at all. During menopause, adipose tissue fills the place of glandular tissue, so women over forty While losing weight, you will most likely not be able to maintain the shape and size of your breasts.

But the fat layer is not the only important factor on which the beauty of the breast depends. Inside the chest there are special elastic ligaments that penetrate the chest and support it. They're called Cooper's ligaments and are responsible for the shape and tone of the breasts. These joints lose elasticity under the influence of certain factors, such as age, lack of breast support (good underwear), active physical exercise (running and jumping).

If you are determined to lose weight, but do not want to maintain your breast size as much as possible, remember a few important rules:

1. Forget about express diets and fasting days , they have a very bad effect on the elasticity of connective tissues. Your choice - proper nutrition, refusal of flour, sweets and late dinners. This way you will lose weight more slowly, but your body will be healthier and your breasts will remain beautiful.
2. Your choice is protein food, it stimulates the production of collagen, thereby strengthening muscles and increasing tissue elasticity.
3. Drink protein shakes, they also help synthesis collagen fibers skin.
4. Buy a good, expensive one that suits you perfectly, sports bra . This is collateral proper support breasts and maintaining its shape.

5. If you have breasts larger than size 3, Don’t get carried away with jumping, skipping and running. Give preference to strength training, yoga, Pilates and stretching.

There is an opinion that breasts can be pumped up with exercises. Unfortunately, this is not true.

There are no muscles in the chest itself, they are around the chest and serve as support for it. Therefore, even if you lift a 200 kg barbell while lying down, you will not enlarge your chest itself. But the body will look more like a man’s.

There are ones that will help strengthen the muscles around the chest so that it is toned. These must be done when losing weight, so that the most feminine part of our body remains elastic and toned. After all, the main thing is beauty, not size!

Can reducing your breast size stop you from losing weight?

The content of the article:

Any woman wants to look attractive and first of all dreams of getting rid of excess weight. Today, an athletic female body is in fashion even without physical activity it is impossible to live up to this ideal. However, when starting to lose weight, not all girls understand that the first changes will affect their breasts. It is from this important part female body Most often, the process of losing weight begins. Today we will tell you how a girl can lose weight and not lose her breasts.

Why do breasts shrink when losing weight?

We will start the conversation with the reasons for the reduction in the size of one of the most important parts of the female body. Agree, knowing the reasons, we can answer the question of how to lose weight for a girl and not lose her breasts? Based on physiology, a decrease in the size of a woman’s breasts during weight loss can be explained by three reasons.

Reduction of adipose tissue

The female breast consists of mammary glands, connective tissue and a fat layer. It is adipose tissue that gives breasts beautiful shape, but their main task is different - protecting the mammary gland from temperature changes, mechanical damage. In addition, fat is the body's strategic reserve in case of starvation. This is why women gain weight quickly and find it more difficult to lose weight than men. Nature has created these mechanisms so that during periods of starvation it is possible to feed the baby.

The amount of adipose tissue in the breast is determined at the genetic level. As a result lean girl may have size four or five breasts, and fat woman first. Genetics also explains the situation in which two girls of approximately the same build have a significant difference in breast size after losing weight. Possible losses directly depend on the initial bust size.

The ligamentous apparatus is stretched

Connective tissues resemble thin belts that are located deep under the skin and stitch the mammary gland. They are called Cooper's ligaments and are designed to maintain the tone and shape of the breast. With sudden weight loss, due to age-related changes or when using the wrong underwear, when the breasts often fluctuate with a large amplitude, the Cooper's ligaments are stretched. As you already understand, as a result, the bust loses its former attractive shape and tone.

Weakening of the muscular corset and decreased skin tone

You must understand that it is impossible to increase bust size with the help of strength training, because there are no muscles there. But a large number of muscles surround the mammary gland - costal, dorsal, pectoral, shoulder. They all connect and form a muscular corset. If you start losing weight, but do not pay enough attention to training these muscles, then they quickly lose their tone and weaken. As a result, the breasts sag and become less attractive than before.

It is also important to properly care for your skin. If you often resort to using various dietary nutrition programs, then the body is gradually depleted, because the supply of nutrients is difficult. This quickly affects quality skin, which begins to fade and lose its properties. The décolleté area in such a situation turns out to be extremely vulnerable. However, your first concern when losing weight is not the reduction in bust size, but the appearance of sagging and stretch marks.

Here we come to main topic today's article. The desire of girls to lose weight is understandable and can be welcomed. However, everything must be done correctly. I would like to warn you against rash actions, which in most cases come down to the use of strict dietary nutrition programs. If bust size is the most important thing to you, then don't even try to lose weight, just maintain your body weight. But when the decision to fight extra pounds has been made, but the question of how to lose weight for a girl and not lose breasts is no less worrying, then you will have to follow several rules.
  1. You need to lose weight gradually. Once again I would like to remind you of the dangers of strict dietary nutrition programs. If you use them, you begin to quickly lose weight, which has a bad effect on the functioning of the entire body. The best choice for you will be to create a balanced nutrition program. This is the only way to gradually lose weight. All nutrients must be present in your diet. You only need to give up flour, sweets, salty and fried foods, as well as fast food. Strict diets will definitely have a negative impact on your bust.
  2. Maintain drinking regime. Observing water balance, you can avoid such unpleasant moments, such as the appearance of stretch marks and decreased breast elasticity. Some of the most common symptoms of dehydration are sunken eyes with dark circles, as well as a decrease in bust volume. Throughout the day you need to drink from one and a half to two liters of water. Various drinks are not taken into account. Also remember that you should not drink before bed.
  3. Massage your décolleté area. Regular use of this procedure stimulates the production of estrogen and helps increase bust size. To massage the décolleté area, use special creams or vegetable oils, such as olive or sea buckthorn. To enhance the effect of the procedure, you can add a few drops. essential oils containing phytoestrogens, such as fennel, geranium or patchouli.
  4. Provide bust support. We have already said that the ligamentous apparatus of the chest can stretch. Moreover, it should be remembered that Cooper’s ligaments do not have the ability to self-heal. Based on this, you should wear underwear made from natural materials, capable of good air permeability and providing reliable bust support.
  5. Use vegetable oil. Every morning we recommend taking one teaspoon of vegetable oil, preferably flaxseed. Whatever dietary program you use, the body needs fats and vegetable ones will come in handy. This will allow you to maintain the health of your skin, hair and liver, as well as normalize the process of creating and renewing cell membranes. The reason we recommend flax seed oil is that it contains phytoestrogens.

Is it possible to restore the previous bust size?

If, while losing weight, you still could not avoid reducing breast size, that is, good chance to correct this situation. Now we will introduce you to ways to restore bust volume after losing weight, and you will also learn how to tighten your muscles.

Proper nutrition program

It is quite obvious that to solve this problem you need to give up strict diets. Your diet should include fruits, cereals, vegetables, and bran bread. To maintain healthy skin and at the same time normalize the functioning of the hormonal system, give preference to products containing phytoestrogens. These are soybeans, red grapes, licorice and the flax seed oil already mentioned above. But salt is one of the main enemies of a beautiful bust. This is due to fluid retention in the body, which leads to swelling and stretching of the skin. The result of all this will be wrapping around the chest.


Carry out the procedure using special creams or after a shower while the skin is still damp. Lightly stroke the skin with a special massage mitten in the direction from the nipples to the décolleté. After this, you need to rub the skin in the same direction, but with spiral movements. The next stage of the procedure will be light tapping with your fingers from the nipples to the collarbone. Complete the procedure in a circular motion with an increasing radius from the nipples outward. Dry your bust with a towel and apply cream to the skin.

Cosmetology procedures

Various cosmetic procedures will not be able to restore the volume lost during weight loss to the bust, but they will help to disguise minor defects skin, such as stretch marks, wrinkles and decreased tone. We recommend following these procedures:

  1. Scrubs and masks- Today on the market you will find many special products created for lifting. At the same time, do not forget about natural cosmetics. For example, a mask of banana with honey can produce a strong tightening effect on the skin of the chest.
  2. Cocoa butter- this is excellent and inexpensive remedy for tightening the skin and eliminating stretch marks.
  3. Crema- You can use regular body cream. If you add castor oil to your moisturizer, the effect will be even more impressive.

Carry out water procedures

A contrast shower helps improve bust tone. If you took a bath, finish the water procedure by dousing it with cool water. Rubbing the décolleté and neck area with an ice cube will also have an excellent effect. A hydromassage would also be a good idea. Conduct this procedure for eight or ten seconds, directing the stream warm water on the décolleté, chest, shoulders and intercostal area. As a result, the blood supply to the skin will improve and the tone of the bust will increase. Please note that all cosmetic and water treatments should cover the entire breast except the nipples and areola circles around them.

Do special exercises

To get your bust in order, you should start playing sports. Even if, when losing weight, your breast volume has decreased by a couple of centimeters, by strengthening your muscles, you can give your bust attractive appearance. We recommend that you do yoga, stretching, Pilates, swimming or cycling. Of course, you can choose any type of physical activity, it is only important to follow a few simple rules:

  1. When jogging and jumping, do not overdo it, because Cooper's ligaments do not recover.
  2. Do not actively perform push-ups and different kinds planks, because in this situation you need to be face down, which also negatively affects the ligamentous apparatus.
  3. When losing weight, it is extremely important to strengthen your muscles and pay special attention to your chest, as they support your bust. However, you need to pump up all the muscles of the body to create an attractive figure.
  4. Buy special supportive underwear for training so that your bust does not hang out, but is not too compressed.
You don't even have to go to a fitness center to exercise. Buy dumbbells and you can practice at home. Of course, in order to achieve the goals as much as possible short time, training in the hall is still more preferable.

Find out more information about how to lose weight and not lose breasts for a girl below:

When a girl or woman who dreams of losing weight goes on a diet, she does not always realize that her bust will be the first to respond to her. Loss of volume often starts here, and not from the waist, sides or “ears” on the hips.

Why is this happening? Is it possible to stop the “deflation” of the breasts, how to maintain and restore volume when losing weight?

We are ready to help you figure it all out.

Why does a woman’s breasts disappear and hang as weight disappears? From a physiological point of view, this is due to three reasons.

1. Thinning of adipose tissue

Fat not only gives our breasts a nice roundness. Its true purpose is to surround the glandular tissue of the breast, which is the main maternal function, producing milk for feeding the baby.

And he must surround her for protection - from possible injuries, temperature fluctuations, as well as speaking depot nutrients in a situation where a woman has little food, but she needs to bear and feed the baby.

The amount of fat in a woman's breast determined only genetically. That is why there are skinny women with sizes 4-5 and fat women with size zero. And this also explains the situation when approximately the same-looking people who are losing weight after losing a few kilograms have dramatically different breasts: for some they wither before our eyes, while for others it doesn’t matter. But in any case, due to the depletion of adipose tissue during weight loss, breast volume decreases, even if it is not noticeable at first glance. How long? Highly depends on the initial bust size.

2. Sprain of the ligamentous apparatus

Thin belts of connective tissue, anchored in the deep layers of the skin and piercing the mammary glands, are called Cooper's ligaments. Their area of ​​responsibility is maintaining shape and tone bust. Sudden weight loss, age, incorrect underwear or lack thereof, when the breasts fluctuate a lot and often with a large amplitude - all this stretches the ligaments and causes sagging.

3. Decreased skin tone and weakened muscle corset

It is impossible to “pump up” a woman’s breasts – there are no muscles in them. But there are plenty of them around the mammary gland - pectoral (pectoral), dorsal, costal, shoulder. All of them, connected together, create a muscular corset around the bust that supports it, a kind of natural muscular bra. If you lose weight but don't pay attention to your muscles, they will weaken, and the bust goes down. The skin also requires care. Diets often impoverish the body, and without proper care, the skin can begin to fade and lose its attractive appearance. appearance. The décolleté area is also under attack. Therefore, it is extremely important to perform.

And yet, when losing weight, you need to be wary not so much of a decrease in bust size, but of the appearance of stretch marks, deformation and sagging. How to avoid all this and not lose beautiful, well-groomed breasts in the pursuit of slimness?

5 rules for burning fat to preserve your bust

Don’t throw yourself into diets like you’re in a whirlwind. Weigh the pros and cons carefully. For example, if the fullness of your breasts is genetically the result of adipose tissue rather than glandular tissue (this can be accurately determined by doing an ultrasound), you will have to come to terms with its guaranteed thinning. If a chic neckline is more valuable to you, don’t try to lose weight. Well, if you are determined to become a reed, follow a few rules to maintain your bust.

1. Lose weight gradually

Your option is a balanced diet when weight comes off slowly. And also - with an optimal content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. This is a formula that does not exclude, but limits the consumption of certain products. It is enough to exclude flour, sweet, salty, fatty, fried and fast food from the diet.

See a separate article for more details.

Strict diets with sharp decline Weights up to 3 kg per week will be very unsuitable for your bust. It will quickly react with loss of volume, shape and tone. It is enough to get rid of 1-2 kg per month, and the consequences will hardly bother you. This will help maintain the shape and size of your breasts.

2. Drink water

Water balance will help avoid the appearance of stretch marks, maintain problem area elastic. But one of the signs of dehydration, except sunken eyes with dark circles, the mammary gland loses its volume.

How not to lose the elasticity of your bust? Pure water in the amount of 1.5-2 liters per day will relieve you of worries on this topic. Drinks don’t count, and don’t drink at night, especially if you ate something salty for dinner.

3. Massage your décolleté area

Regular light and pleasant stimulates the ovaries to produce female hormones, helping to increase the volume of breast tissue.

Suitable for this: ready-made creams, and vegetable oils - olive, almond, sea buckthorn, grape seeds. You can add a few drops of phytoestrogens to them - essential oils of geranium, ylang-ylang, patchouli, fennel. This will not only make the skin elastic, but will also have a positive effect on hormonal levels.

4. Provide reliable support

Take care of the ligamentous apparatus of the chest from a young age. Although it is highly elastic, it does not have unlimited possibilities. It's sad but Cooper's ligaments are not capable of recovery.

Therefore, for every day, choose from natural materials for breathability, in your size, with wide straps, and good support - even at the expense of seductiveness. Take off only before going to bed.
Carefully! For the gym, don't skimp on a special bra: fun bouncing and swaying in different sides Breasts are an unbearable burden for the Cooper's ligaments.

5. Drink some oils little by little

It is preferable to drink flaxseed oil - 1 teaspoon in the morning.

Under no diet can you completely deprive yourself of fat. The solution is vegetable oils. They will support the skin, hair and liver, saturate the cells with fats, and maintain skin elasticity.

Flaxseed oil, among other things, also contains female phytohormones.

See separate article.

What to do to restore the previous volume - 5 methods

If you still haven’t kept track of the “melting icebergs” or the process of losing weight on your bust is embedded in your genetic program, you shouldn’t be upset. We can fix a lot of things. And the plus is that taking care of yourself and improving, in any case, is pleasant and joyful. How to recover after a sudden weight loss? So, let's begin…

1. Diet

In addition to the fact that express diets are canceled during breast reconstruction, it is worth adding certain taste preferences: these are fruits, vegetables, whole grain cereals, bread with bran.

And normalization hormonal levels Products with phytoestrogens are very desirable. In addition to what has already been mentioned linseed oil, they contain soy, licorice, and red grapes. And yet, the enemy beautiful breasts- salt. It retains water in the body. And this means swelling, stretching of the skin and ligaments, and ultimately sagging.

2. Massage

It can be done with special creams or on skin that is still damp after taking a shower.

You need to lightly stroke the skin with a soft massage glove from the nipple to the décolleté area, then rub in the same direction in a spiral. Next, move on to lightly tapping your fingers from the nipple upwards to the collarbones. You can complete the massage by “drawing” an increasing circle from the nipple outward. After drying your chest with a towel, apply the cream.

3. Cosmetology procedures

All kinds of masks, applications, creams, lotions, wraps and other additional cosmetic delights will not be able to return your breasts, which are losing weight along with you, to their former heights. But they can retouch such consequences as stretch marks, small wrinkles, loss of tone.

In general, when using them you are guaranteed cosmetic effect without global changes.

  • . The market is replete with specially designed lifts, but also natural cosmetic may be effective. For example, a tightening mask of bananas and honey (one mashed banana - a tablespoon of honey, applied to the décolleté for half an hour).
  • Cocoa butter wonderfully tightens the skin and removes stretch marks. At the same time, it is not very expensive.
  • . To care for Suitable for breasts regular body cream. You can also add a little to any moisturizer castor oil. It's cheap and very effective. The skin on your décolleté will noticeably improve and tighten.

4. Water procedures

  • Cold and hot shower. Alternating cold and hot water– a wonderful remedy for breast tone. Even if you are just taking a bath, finish your water procedures with a douche cold water. You can also wipe the décolleté area, including the neck, with an ice cube.
  • Hydromassage. For 8-10 minutes, massage yourself with a stream of warm water of medium pressure in the décolleté, shoulders, chest, and intercostal area. This stimulates blood circulation, has a beneficial effect on the skin and increases the tone of the chest muscles, which means it promotes its elasticity.
Attention! All cosmetic, water treatments and massages to maintain and lift the breasts should cover the entire breast, excluding the nipples and dark areola circles around them. Because these are the most sensitive places and are rich in blood vessels, as well as the endings of the milk ducts.

5. Special exercises

The most effective way is to start sports training. Even if she loses 1-3 cm in girth, then due to the muscles growing in volume she will certainly tighten up and become prettier.

Preferable over others for your problem are such types of physical activity as stretching, Pilates, dynamic yoga, elliptical training, swimming, cycling, mountaineering. You can basically do whatever you want but subject to a few rules– especially if nature has generously endowed you with:

  • Do not overdo running and jumping exercises - remember that Cooper's ligaments are susceptible to sprain and do not recover.
  • Do not overuse planks and push-ups - everything that is done while lying face down also stretches the ligamentous apparatus, but will fit perfectly.
  • Your losing weight needs a reserve of muscle strength, so spend some time sufficient attention pectoral muscles, whose job is to provide bust support. But don’t forget about your back, shoulders, and abs.
  • Don't forget about supportive sportswear - it should not allow your breasts to dangle, but also not put too much pressure on them.

Do them at home every day, and in a month you will see the first result:

  1. Place your hands at chest level, as if in prayer; clasp your palms quickly. Alternate dynamic compressions with smooth ones. 50 reps.
  2. Connect your wrists, grasping the left palm with your right palm, and the right palm above the hand with your left; stretch your arms forward. 50 reps.
  3. Slowly lower your straight arms, clasped and raised above your head, to chest level and lift them back without unclenching your arms. 5-7 reps.
  4. Lie on your back, stretch your arms with a dumbbell up in front of you and slowly move them behind your head until you reach the floor - after touching back. We do not bend our arms, the weight of the dumbbell is 1 kg. If you don't have a dumbbell, fill a liter bottle with sand. plastic bottle. 6-8 reps.
  5. Alternately lifting straight arms overhead with kilogram weights. 8-10 repetitions for each hand.
  6. or . 8-10 reps.

Such gymnastics won't take much time. It also does not replace serious training, but simply complements it.

Attention! Don't forget about breathing. Exhalation should occur with maximum effort.

Watch the position in which you fall asleep! The side and stomach do not fit, they are pinched blood vessels mammary gland. Best pose- on your back, arms outstretched.