Can pregnant women eat dill? Is it possible to drink dill water from the seeds of the plant during early and late pregnancy: the benefits of dill for edema and toxicosis


Pregnancy is the happiest period in the life of every woman. However, it often happens that the joy of an event is overshadowed by an extremely unpleasant phenomenon - swelling of the arms, legs or face.

The fact is that excess fluid accumulation can occur in the body, which is accompanied by an external manifestation in the form of swelling. This process creates discomfort for expectant mothers, especially psychologically.

Today, traditional medicine copes well with this problem. Time-tested recipes not only effectively remove excess fluid from the body, but also have a beneficial effect on the body of the expectant mother and her baby. These are the properties that fragrant dill has.

What are the benefits of garden plants? How to properly use greens for swelling? Can it harm the expectant mother and her baby? Let's discuss.

Healthy greens

The garden plant has many beneficial properties. Scented greens have a beneficial effect on the functionality of the internal organs and systems of the human body (hematopoietic, respiratory, digestive, cardiovascular, nervous, excretory, etc.). In addition, the plant has a positive effect on a person’s mental state. Spice essential oil has a calming and calming property, and this is exactly what a pregnant woman needs.

Green spice contains many useful substances:

  • vitamins (retinol (A), ascorbic acid (C), nicotinamide (PP), tocopherol (E), group B);
  • acids: folic, nicotinic, chlorogenic;
  • micro- and macroelements: calcium, copper, phosphorus, potassium, etc.;
  • chlorophyll;
  • flavonoids.

Dill is a healthy and indispensable product for every person, including pregnant women. Due to its versatility and usefulness, the plant is actively used in the field of medicine for many ailments. Green spice has multiple healing properties:

  • normalizes the metabolic process in the body;
  • stimulates the activity of the heart muscle;
  • reduces the tone of the vascular wall;
  • reduces the formation of gases in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • removes mucus from the bronchi;
  • eliminates constipation;
  • stimulates expectoration and prevents bronchospasm;
  • destroys the development of microbial infection;
  • removes excess bile and fluid from the body.

All of these qualities have a beneficial effect on the condition of the expectant mother, and therefore have a positive effect on the development and growth of the baby under her heart.

Aromatic spice for swelling during pregnancy: proper use

Thanks to its diuretic effect, garden spice helps to quickly and effectively relieve swelling, which creates great discomfort during pregnancy. For treatment, dill decoctions, infusions, and lotions are used. To prepare them, you can take a fresh or dry plant.

For example, to prepare a healing infusion, you need to pour boiling water (0.5 l) over fresh (2 tbsp) or dry (1 tbsp) seeds. Then the dill medicine must infuse (60 minutes), after which it can be used for medicinal purposes. The drink should be drunk three times a day (a third of a glass) half an hour before the planned meal.

You can also use a thermos to prepare a healing drink. Pour boiling water (1.5 cups) over a tablespoon of dill seeds and leave to steep. You need to take the medicine twice a day: morning and evening. The treatment course lasts three weeks. After a short break (at least 3 days), it can be repeated.

Lotions effectively relieve swelling of the eyelids. However, in this recipe, in addition to dill, mint is also used. Dill seeds and crushed mint castings (in a ratio of 1:2) should be poured into a glass of water and boiled for 10 minutes. With the cooled and strained broth, moisten cotton pads and apply to the eyes for 10 minutes.

Very often during pregnancy, in order to eliminate swelling, doctors recommend eliminating salt from the expectant mother’s diet. There are hardly any people who like bland and unappetizing dishes. However, dill comes to the rescue here too. You can improve the taste of food with crushed seeds of a dry plant. Thus, your salt-free menu will acquire a new taste, and you can get rid of swelling in the shortest possible time.

It is important to know!

Fragrant dill is useful for pregnant women and their future babies. Many nutritionists advise women to include it in their nutritional diet.

Although the green spice has no contraindications, the active substances in its composition in large doses activate muscle contractility. This means that eating the spice can cause increased uterine tone, which can result in a miscarriage.

Of course, a pinch of dry seeds or a small amount of fresh dill will not harm either the expectant mother or her baby. However, you should not abuse the product. And if you are at risk of miscarriage, then it is better to completely abandon the use of garden plants.

Dill medications are also contraindicated for women who have low blood pressure, since dill can weaken their general condition.

In other cases, drinks that contain aromatic spices have a beneficial effect on the body and allow you to quickly eliminate swelling.

However, do not forget that swelling may indicate any pathological disorders: problems of the renal and cardiac systems or liver dysfunction.

If the problem is periodic, then the appearance of edema is not associated with any pathologies, and dill drinks will help quickly and effectively remove excess fluid from the pregnant woman’s body.

However, if swelling has a constant manifestation, then it is necessary to establish the root cause of the pathology and begin treatment not for the symptoms, but for the disease itself.

Therefore, before starting self-treatment with dill, be sure to visit a doctor and discuss with him the problem that has arisen and methods of treating it.

In addition to dill, the following recommendations will help a pregnant woman cope with swelling:

  • drink less fluid;
  • wear comfortable and loose clothing;
  • do not wear tight shoes;
  • try to get more rest.

Thanks to the diuretic properties inherent in this plant, dill during pregnancy helps almost all expectant mothers whose bodies cannot cope with the increased volume of fluid. At the same time, you can solve such problems as stagnation of bile in the liver, imbalance of intestinal microflora, intestinal colic, constipation and flatulence during pregnancy.

Moreover, if for vitaminization you need to eat fresh dill, then its dried seeds (Fructus Anethi) should be used for swelling and constipation. Considering the powerful bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties of dill flavonoids and terpenes, dill can be used in the same way for cystitis during pregnancy.

What is better to prepare: a decoction of dill during pregnancy or an infusion? More useful substances will be preserved if, in case of problems with the intestines or bladder, you prepare an infusion of dill during pregnancy, that is, you do without the boiling process. For a glass of boiling water you will need a dessert spoon (or a tablespoon) of dry seeds. In a tightly closed container, soak the seeds in boiling water until the temperature of the infusion drops (about 40 minutes), and then strain.

How to drink dill during pregnancy? Herbalists recommend taking 100 ml of dill infusion once or twice a day, half an hour before meals.

Is it possible to eat dill during pregnancy?

After everything that has been said about the benefits of this spice plant, we cannot pass over in silence those substances in its composition that should convince pregnant women not to get carried away with drinking dill infusion.

Firstly, dill, due to its high magnesium content (more than 250 mg per 100 g of dry seeds), helps lower blood pressure, so it is contraindicated for low blood pressure.

Secondly, the flavonoid kaempferol, of which 100 g of dill contains almost 13 mg, reduces the absorption of iron, and if a woman is taking iron-containing medications prescribed for anemia, then she should not drink dill infusion. In addition, biochemists have discovered the ability of this flavonoid to inhibit the production of a special protein, VEGF, an endothelial growth factor necessary for the formation of the vascular system of the embryo.

Dill seed contains isoestagol (propenylbenzene derivative) anethole, which has all the properties of phytosterols. True, dill contains six times less phytosterols than sesame seeds, and four times less compared to sunflower seeds, but almost the same as in legumes (beans and soybeans). But pregnant women have absolutely no need for extra hormones, even plant ones...

The phenolic ester myristicin contained in dill seeds (which repels pests from dill beds) has not only bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties, but in an overdose can cause hallucinations. But umbelliferone, which relieves spasms of smooth muscles, can lead to depression if consumed in moderation.

You may not need dill during pregnancy, in the sense of its seeds, but in folk medicine it is often used after the birth of a child to increase the production of breast milk.

By the way, the Journal of Herbal Medicine recently published a report from a study conducted by specialists from the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery at the University of Medical Sciences in Tehran, according to which dill seeds facilitate childbirth and reduce the intensity of pain accompanying natural childbirth.

Everyone knows what dill is. Its homeland is Central and Southeast Asia, as well as North Africa. From there, this plant spread everywhere and is now cultivated on all continents. From time immemorial, almost everyone has grown it on their plots, sold it in absolutely all markets and supermarkets, and umbrellas with ripe dill seeds, its spicy taste and fragrant aroma are familiar to everyone since childhood. It is eaten both fresh and dried, and the seeds are also used. What does this plant contain, and what is its benefit for the human body?

What does a homemade decoction of dill seeds help with?

Using greens as a seasoning for dishes, we don’t think about how healthy this or that product, vegetable, or fruit is. Dill contains a whole complex of elements and vitamins. Of course, all greens are unusually rich for the body, but by consuming dill, a person receives 2 times more magnesium than, for example, cilantro or parsley.

Dill seeds contain:

  1. Oleic, linoleic and palmitic acids.
  2. Essential oils – their main property is bactericidal, that is, the fight against microbes.
  3. Potassium – helps against edema and hypertension.
  4. Magnesium – participates in muscle contractions of the intestines, has a calming effect on its muscles, and reduces the number of spasms.
  5. Glutathione - helps fight certain types of cancer, namely, prevents the development of tumor cells in the human body.
  6. Flavonoids are natural antioxidants that reduce the risk of diabetes, osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases and cancer.
  7. Vitamins A, B and C;
  8. Elements that serve as a diuretic and laxative.

The essential oils contained in dill have extraordinary healing properties, so they are used not only in folk medicine, but are also used in the production of some medications. For example, Riciniol dill, which becomes especially popular during cold weather and colds.

Dill fruits are especially rich in oils, while vitamins predominate in greens.

Riciniol dill is a modification of the standard drug Riciniol, which is a universal emulsion that solves any problems of burns, cuts, bites, wounds, abrasions and other injuries. At one time, it became so popular that manufacturers decided to expand the line of drugs based on it and create additional products.

This is how Dill Riciniol appeared - this is the same basic drug, but with the addition of dill essential oil and sea salt. These supplements are made to effectively combat the runny nose.

It is believed that a decoction of dill (grains brewed with hot water) should be taken for hypertension, angina pectoris, muscle spasms of the stomach and intestines, signs of allergic dermatitis, insomnia and nervous disorders, trophic ulcers, the need to achieve a diuretic, laxative effect. Among other things, dill seeds increase appetite and improve digestion.

Dill decoction for children: benefits and harm

One of the serious problems that young children have is gas and colic in the stomach. This occurs due to disturbances in peristalsis that has not yet been identified in the child, the so-called wave-like contraction of the walls of the organs of the stomach, intestines, and esophagus, which promotes the movement of the contents in them to the outlet openings. Dill helps peristalsis and relaxes the intestines. Dill water is sold ready-made and can be purchased at any pharmacy, but before giving it to your child, it is important to remember what the instructions for use are.

What is important to know:

  1. Under no circumstances should a purchased dill water solution be given to a child in its pure form.
  2. For a breastfed baby, combine dill water with his usual diet.
  3. Give your child water only at room temperature.
  4. Observe storage conditions.

More details about everything. The pharmacy offers 50 ml bottles of dill water and a measuring container, which is a syringe with volume divisions indicated on it. The bottle contains 15 ml of concentrated fennel solution; under no circumstances should you give it to a child in its pure form.

The solution must be diluted with cold boiled water, that is, add 35 ml of water to the bottle.

If you don’t have a measuring cup at hand, you can use the container (syringe) that comes with the bottle. You will need water in the volume of 7 such containers, since it holds 5 ml of liquid. After adding water to the solution, mix thoroughly and shake the bottle.

If the child is only breastfed, then it is better to give dill water from a teaspoon, and not from sucking objects (pacifiers, etc.), dripping 10 drops into a spoon. Then the nursing mother must immediately breastfeed the baby.

An already opened bottle of dill water should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 30 days. Before giving it to your child, you need to wait until the water warms up to room temperature. Before each use, the bottle must be shaken.

The benefits and harms of dill seed decoction for adults

A decoction or infusion of dill is useful not only for children, but also for adults. This tincture helps in losing weight, stabilizing blood sugar and calcium levels, and is useful for preventing diabetic diseases, as well as for heart failure, liver cirrhosis and bloating.

Recipe for making dill decoction:

  • Grind dill seeds;
  • Pour a teaspoon of crushed seeds into a glass of hot water;
  • Cover the resulting broth with a lid;
  • Let it brew for 5-10 minutes.

There is also a recipe for a decoction not from the seeds, but from the greens themselves - fresh chopped (100 g) or dried (2 tbsp) dill, boiling water (500 ml). Warm the resulting decoction in a water bath for about half an hour; take it several times a day.

Regular consumption of dill decoction helps remove toxins from the body and improves complexion.

Fresh dill, its seeds and a decoction of the seeds are a whole storehouse of vitamins. There are only contraindications, for example, dill fruits should not be drunk if you have low blood pressure. Why is it necessary to be careful? Dill can cause harm only if consumed excessively (one large bunch of fresh dill per day or more), the result will be dizziness and signs of nausea. It is important to understand that knowing the measure applies to all products that we eat daily.

Also, you should not completely believe that greens from the garden can be immediately eaten. Poorly washed shoots can contain various microorganisms, so even carefully grown dill with your own hands is better to wash properly before use.

What are the benefits of dill during pregnancy?

In the early stages of pregnancy, the expectant mother often wants to try fresh dill, among other products; its spicy taste perfectly complements many dishes.

In addition to taste, dill provides real help:

  • For toxicosis;
  • Reduces the feeling of nausea;
  • Prevents vomiting;
  • Improves appetite.

An important property of the essential oils contained in dill is their ability to preserve and restore impaired intestinal function, which in turn prevents the development of fermentation and putrefaction processes in the body, the possibility of which arises as a result of dysbiosis.

Dill is an assistant against edema, which so often bothers pregnant women.

Having a diuretic property, dill decoction helps remove excess fluid from the body, reducing swelling. In addition, medical studies have proven that dill has a beneficial effect on the emotional state of the expectant mother, because essential oils soothe and reduce increased excitability.

Preparing to take dill seeds during pregnancy

When the first signs of pregnancy complications appear in the second half of the term, the attending physician may advise taking dill seeds, which can be eaten in crushed form and, as an option, replace salt with them when cooking.

In this case, you can easily prepare special tea at home:

  • Fennel seeds (1 tbsp);
  • Anise seeds (1 tbsp);
  • Dill seeds (1 tbsp);
  • 500 ml boiling water;
  • Leave for 20 minutes.

A nursing mother should drink the resulting volume of tea in small portions throughout the day. A decoction of dill seeds alleviates the first symptoms of acute respiratory disease in pregnant women and not only, helps against coughs, sore throats, and is also an excellent remedy for disruption of the gastrointestinal system, namely against gas formation and constipation.

A decoction of dill is also useful for the expectant mother when breastfeeding, because it improves lactation and the resulting milk, and in this case prevents colic in the baby.

A modern study conducted by scientists in Western Australia showed that almost 60% of nursing mothers use lactation products, mainly teas. But there are still no studies that practically prove that teas sold in pharmacies actually have an effect.

Preparation of dill water during pregnancy

Dill water is useful for headaches, migraines and insomnia, which trouble expectant mothers throughout pregnancy. In this case, traditional medications must be abandoned, and dill water will have absolutely no negative effect on the development of the fetus.

In order to prepare dill water at home, you need:

  • Dry dill seeds (2 tbsp);
  • Boiling water (1 glass);
  • Pour boiling water over the seeds and leave for 5-6 hours.

You need to take the resulting dill water 1 table at a time. spoon several times a day. Excessive consumption of dill is contraindicated in women with a diagnosed possibility of premature birth. As already noted, the elements contained in dill contribute to the contraction of the body’s muscles, including the smooth muscle tissue of the uterus. In this case, dill consumed excessively in any form can activate natural stimulation and provoke labor. Since ancient times, midwives even used this characteristic feature of dill to help women in labor.

Do pregnant women need dill water (video)

If in the second half of the term the expectant mother has an unusually frequent desire to eat dill (no matter in what form), then it is necessary to consult a supervising doctor.

Any greenery that grows in gardens and is consumed by us is the most useful product in everyday life. But, as it turns out, during pregnancy, not all of this can be consumed without risk.


information Dill has a variety of beneficial properties, and its moderate use is acceptable for women who are pregnant.

Bronchopulmonary system

During periods of exacerbation of respiratory infections, dill infusion can be used as an anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, folk remedy. It also has bronchodilator and expectorant properties, which promotes speedy recovery.

Gastrointestinal tract

Dill is able to improve digestion processes by stimulating intestinal function. Dill water eliminates intestinal spasms, colic and prevents excessive gas formation (flatulence). When early, it copes well with morning sickness, and in later stages of pregnancy - with.

Essential oils, which give dill its specific aroma, stimulate the digestive glands, thereby increasing appetite.

Nervous system

Flavonoids, essential oils and B vitamins found in dill have sedative and hypnotic properties. Dill infusion has been used for treatment since ancient times. Considering that medication treatment is prohibited during pregnancy, dill will help get rid of headaches. The recipe for this remedy is simple: you need to add a little greenery to boiling water, let it stand for a while, strain and drink during attacks of pain.

The cardiovascular system

Has a hypotensive effect (reduces).

urinary system

Possible harm

Abuse of dill (more than one bunch per day) in the daily diet can play a cruel joke on a pregnant woman. Dill may well cause an attack of severe nausea, cause dizziness and even fainting.

dangerous People involved in traditional medicine claim that this fragrant greenery may well stimulate the development of early labor. Therefore, you definitely shouldn’t lean too much on dill.

For a successful pregnancy, a woman needs to take care of her health. This care consists of several aspects at once: proper nutrition, proper daily routine and moderate physical activity.

Proper nutrition immediately raises many questions, because most expectant mothers already carefully monitor the quality and quantity of food. But that's not all. The expectant mother should have knowledge about which foods can be eaten, what causes allergies, and what may not have the best effect on her baby.

Nutritionists and gynecologists advise pregnant women to enrich their diet with seasonal fruits and vegetables, as they contain many vitamins necessary for the normal development of the child’s body. Expectant mothers are often drawn to something special, however, it can also be simple, familiar products, only in large quantities. So, a pregnant woman may really want dill. How are things going with greens in general? Is it possible to eat dill during pregnancy?

The benefits of dill during pregnancy

Dill is really useful, and this has been proven by many studies. It not only has a beneficial effect on your physical condition, but also helps improve your mental health. Dill essential oil can have a calming effect on the nervous system, a person becomes calmer and more peaceful, and copes with emotions easier. Agree, such properties are very useful for expectant mothers, who often suffer from hormonal changes, expressed by severe mood swings.

Dill has proven itself to be excellent in helping the gastrointestinal tract: digestion, absorption of food, stimulating peristalsis, preventing gas formation, eliminating intestinal spasms and colic, supporting normal intestinal microflora, eliminating putrefactive and fermentation processes. With the help of dill, you can improve liver function, improve hematopoiesis, the functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous and excretory systems, increase visual acuity and help remove mucus from the bronchi. Dill is widely used both in the preparation of various dishes (salads, soups, side dishes) and in folk medicine.

During pregnancy, dill helps the baby’s proper development and growth, supports the mother’s condition, helping her overcome nausea, headaches, improve sleep, reduce blood pressure, increase appetite and relieve bloating. Dill is also able to remove excess accumulated fluid from the body, and this is very important, since pregnant women often suffer from swelling. The presence of folic and nicotinic acids, calcium, potassium, iron and phosphorus make this plant even more useful for pregnant mothers. Vitamins of group B, a, c, essential oils, chlorogenic acid, pectins, flavonoids - all this is really very useful.

Is it possible to eat dill during pregnancy?

Based on what you read above, dill is indeed very beneficial for the health of the expectant mother and her baby. But if it is abused, it, like any other product, can be potentially dangerous. In the case of dill, this is stimulation of labor.

In folk medicine in ancient times, dill tincture even stimulated labor, so the expectant mother should be careful and not overdo the dose. It is best to avoid dill tea, or consult your doctor about the advisability of taking it.

After childbirth, dill will come in handy more than ever; it stimulates the flow of milk and eliminates colic in the baby (probably everyone remembers the benefits of dill water). Dill helps relieve pain syndromes during menstruation. By the way, fennel also has similar properties.