Protective face cream with spf. Why use sunscreen? Sunscreens shouldn't cause discomfort

For a wedding

The sun gives us vitamin D and good mood. But, alas, not everyone knows how dangerous ultraviolet rays can be for our skin if we get too carried away with sunbathing. Allergies, burns, irritations, pigment spots, dryness - these are just “flowers”.

It's much worse when skin cancer occurs. Therefore, in order to prevent such a sad outcome, it is necessary to protect your dermis from the sun, not only in summer, but also in the cold season. For this purpose, experts recommend using cream with spf. In this article you will learn what this cosmetic product is and why you need to use it regularly.

How does solar radiation affect our skin?

To understand how the sun affects us, let's look at the main types of ultraviolet rays. There are 3 of them:

1. UVC rays of spectrum C - do not affect the dermis in any way, since the ozone ball does not allow them to reach the Earth.
2. UVB rays of spectrum B - pass through the surface of the Earth, then penetrate the upper layers of the skin. Such rays promote the production of melanin, the pigment responsible for skin and hair color. Ultraviolet B radiation is also involved in the appearance of tanning. But at the same time it leads to burns and photoaging, and in some cases to oncology. Such radiation should be especially guarded from March to October, and from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
3. UVA rays of spectrum A - thanks to them, a beautiful bronze tan appears on the body. But such beauty can be dangerous for the skin. After all, radiation penetrates not only into the upper, but also into the deep layers of the dermis, thereby destroying collagen and elastin fibers, and also causing such unpleasant phenomena as dryness, hyperpigmentation and photoaging. The appearance of a huge number of freckles is also associated with the action of ultraviolet A rays.

But the worst thing is that such ultraviolet radiation changes the DNA structure of cells and can cause skin cancer. UVA rays are effective at any time of the day. You shouldn't hide from the sun like you do from fire. If you use ultraviolet radiation wisely, that is, contact with the sun only when morning time and after 16:00, then it will not bring any harm and will even provide significant benefit to the body.

But if you abuse ultraviolet radiation, it will negatively affect not only the skin, but also the immune system.

About 80% of ultraviolet rays penetrate clouds and are reflected from surfaces such as water, asphalt, ice, snow, sand, and grass. It is the reflected rays that act more intensely than the direct ones. For this reason, it is worth protecting your skin anytime, anywhere and in any weather.

An excellent protector against the negative effects of ultraviolet rays is a cream with spf.

Cream with spf: a cosmetic development that protects the skin from the sun

The cream with spf contains physical and chemical sunscreen filters. The main task of physical filters is to create a dense film on the surface of the skin that reflects the sun's rays. Such protection will come in handy for those with sensitive and hypersensitive skin, as well as those who suffer from sun allergies.
As for chemical filters, they, being absorbed deep into the dermis, perfectly absorb and reflect ultraviolet radiation. Working in tandem, physical and chemical filters provide broad-spectrum protection.

What is SPF and why is it needed?

You've probably noticed the SPF inscription on a jar of cream. This abbreviation stands for Sun Protection Factor and refers to the sun protection factor. The number after it determines how well the product protects from the sun. Accordingly, the larger it is, the better protection:
. SPF from 2 to 10 - protection at a basic level.
. SPF from 15 to 25 - protection at an average level.
. SPF from 30 to 100 - high level protection.
SPF allows you to receive a certain amount of ultraviolet rays without further negative consequences for facial skin.

The right choice of cream with spf - optimal protection for your skin

In order for a cream with spf to bring maximum benefits, it must be chosen correctly. Therefore, going to the store cosmetic products, please pay attention to the following:
. Protection factor. First you need to decide on the level of protection you need. To do this, you should take into account the color type of your skin, the season and your location. So, in winter, the best option is a day cream with SPF 8-20, and in summer - 15-30. If you have fair skin, then choose a cream with SPF from 35 for the summer. And for those who live in warm climates where there are mountains nearby or the sea, you should pay attention to products with SPF from 30. Creams with protection factors 50 and 50+ are suitable only for those who are prone to age spots, sun allergies and burns. This product will also come in handy after performing an acid peel.
. The presence of components that care for the skin. Panthenol, vitamin E, medicinal plant oils and other components perfectly protect the dermis from premature aging and, at the same time, nourish it useful vitamins and minerals.
. Presence of allergens. Sunscreen creams typically contain organic ingredients such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. They serve as excellent reflectors of ultraviolet rays, but are also allergens. Therefore, if you are allergic to these components, better means Do not buy with such components.
And one more important point: purchase products only from a trusted manufacturer, otherwise you may stumble upon a fake that turns out to be a dud. The optimal products are products manufactured in Europe, the USA and Australia. The fact is that in these countries the level of SPF in cosmetic products is controlled quite strictly.

The nuances of using cosmetics with spf

Sunscreen should only be applied to clean skin. Therefore, you should perform a morning ritual for caring for the dermis, including cleansing and toning, and then apply the cosmetic product itself with SPF. Afterwards, don’t forget to finish off your makeup with BB cream and mineral powder, preferably also with sun filters.

Sunscreen must be applied 30 minutes before going outside. It is during this time that the active components of the product begin to work and reliably protect the cover from ultraviolet radiation.

If you are going to relax at sea or on a river, you can do without the last two means. But in this case, it is advisable to use both creams: one is a regular day cream, and the second is a sunscreen.
Cream with spf is a reliable skin protector that, with regular use, will protect the dermis from age spots, premature aging and serious illnesses. Therefore, do not neglect such protection, even if it is cloudy and cold outside.

We would also like to draw your attention to the fact that it is very important to consult with your specialist regarding the selection of funds for home care. Be sure to ask your doctor to prescribe the optimally suitable product for you, and this will help preserve the youth and beauty of your skin for a long time!

The content of the article:

Face cream with SPF is a means to protect it from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation. Every day, even in the cold season, the sun's rays affect the skin, it becomes dull, dry, and pigment spots and freckles may appear on it. And the worst thing is that it quickly loses elasticity and ages. The sun can also cause serious skin diseases and even tumors. To protect your face, you need to use creams with protective SPF factor daily and especially in hot weather.

Description and purpose of cream with SPF protection

SPF (sun protector factor) is an indicator that indicates how long you can take ultraviolet baths without the risk of getting burned. By the way, there are different rays, namely:

  • UVA rays. Penetrate into the middle layers of the dermis and cause premature aging, hyperpigmentation, can lead to melanoma. Creams with SPF are not able to effectively protect the skin from these deeply penetrating rays. To do this, in addition to the SPF mark, the packaging must also contain a UVA mark.
  • UVB rays. They have high damaging factors and lead to burns, redness and irritation of the epidermis. It is from these rays that creams with SPF are designed to protect the skin to a greater extent.
The degree of damage that a person can receive while in the sun depends on many nuances: his color type, the country where he lives, the time of year and the period of the day. However, to protect the skin from sun exposure in summer, daytime face cream must contain protective factors. After applying a product with SPF, any dermis becomes more resistant to the effects sun rays.

The operating time of a cream with SPF protection is easy to calculate. Any person can stay in the sun for an average of 25 minutes without consequences for the skin, and the SPF factor extends this time by 15, 25, 40 times. To calculate 25 minutes you need to multiply by this level, and you get an approximate time period. Of course, this formula is very approximate, and much also depends on individual characteristics dermis.

There are two types of SPF creams:

  1. WITH chemical protection . They contain vegetable oils, which are produced on the basis of choline and benzene and have a protective mechanism - they do not allow dangerous rays into the deep layers of the skin.
  2. WITH physical protection . They form a ray-impenetrable screen on the surface of the dermis. These products contain titanium and zinc oxide. Rays hitting the skin are reflected and scattered.
Creams with protective factors are visually no different from regular ones cosmetic products for facial care. The only point is that their packaging must have an SPF icon indicating the degree of protection. These products should not be confused with classic, highly targeted sunscreens!

Note! If universal products with SPF are suitable for staying on the beach, designed for contact with water and requiring frequent application, then daily face creams with SPF combine comprehensive skin care and protection from sun rays.

The benefits of day cream with SPF protection

By selecting quality product With SPF for the face, you can not only protect your skin from aggressive sun exposure, but also provide it with all the necessary microelements and vitamins. Such products have a whole list of useful properties and can solve several problems at once.

What are the benefits of day cream with SPF:

  • Protects against burns. The microelements included in the composition, namely zinc oxide, manganese, iron, calcium, create a thin film on the skin that reflects the rays. In this case, a person gets a light tan - it all depends on the SPF level, but the possibility of burning and damaging the skin is eliminated.
  • Prevents the appearance of pigmentation and the development of melanoma. Thanks to benzophenone, a chemical substance that is a powerful filter for UVA and UVB rays, they do not penetrate into deep tissues and are unable to have a destructive effect at the cellular level.
  • Moisturizes. The sun's rays dry out the skin because moisture evaporates from the deep layers of the dermis. Day creams with SPF provide it with vitamins A, B, C and K, which saturate it with moisture and make it elastic.
  • Rejuvenates. The components included are coenzyme and hyaluronic acid- saturate cells with unique substances and act as antioxidants, promoting the appearance of new cells. They also moisturize the dermis well, so they are included in almost all creams with SPF.
  • Nourishes. Wheat, jojoba, almond oils, as well as aloe extract restore dry areas of the dermis, gently saturating them with beneficial components. Glycerin is also often present in the composition and perfectly softens the skin, making its texture velvety to the touch.
  • Renews the epidermis. Polyunsaturated acids omega 6 and 3 have a regenerating function, promoting the elimination of dead cells and the appearance of new ones.

Important! Thanks to the powerful composition of the cream with SPF, after using it, a woman’s face will not only be protected from redness and the appearance of wrinkles, but will also receive the maximum amount of vitamins, antioxidants and other beneficial microelements.

Contraindications to day cream with SPF protection

Day cream with protective factors against solar radiation is complex in its own way. chemical composition a product that can aggressively affect the dermis, and therefore has certain contraindications.

Cream with SPF should not be used in the following cases:

  1. If you are allergic to any component of its composition. In this situation, everything is individual and you cannot do without a preliminary test and sample.
  2. In case of exacerbation of any skin disease. The composition of the cream with SPF will only worsen the condition of the dermis, causing irritation or itching. In this case, you should use special medications and generally avoid creams.
  3. When the product is used for other purposes. Use cream with SPF only when daytime. If you apply it before bed, it won't cause any harm, but it can be harsh on your face and will only add stress to your skin, which needs to rest at night. In principle, you should not load it with additional components that provide protection from the sun if you will not appear under its rays.
It's no secret that creams often contain components that can harm the skin - synthetic substances, preservatives, parabens and heavy chemical elements. Sunscreens, including day creams with SPF, are no exception. But not all information about their harm should be trusted.

There are two common myths:

  1. The reflective film of SPF cream harms the body. Many women do not want to use these products for the reason that they contain titanium dioxide, zinc and iron. These are actually elements that leave a surface film on the skin that prevents the sun's harmful rays from penetrating. However, they cannot cause serious harm to the body, since this film acts only on the surface of the epidermis, without penetrating into deep tissues.
  2. The application of such creams negatively affects the absorption of vitamin D.. This vitamin is produced in the body when the skin is exposed to ultraviolet rays. Dermatologists claim that when it gets on open areas of the body, it penetrates the body in the required volume. The areas can be arms, shoulders and others, not necessarily the face.

Note! When using a cream with sun protection factors, you should understand that there are small risks, but they are hundreds of times less than the consequences that can be experienced if you do not use it.

How to choose a good cream with SPF protection

In order to avoid getting into trouble and get a truly decent result from a face care product such as a cream with SPF, it is important to choose a product that suits your color type, and also pay attention to the composition. Another important quality criterion is the level of the cosmetic company that produces products with filters for daily use. To make the right choice, you need to familiarize yourself with the most popular and effective creams.

Face cream with SPF 15

Such creams are suitable for daily use by women with dark skin, as well as representatives of the fair sex who want to protect their faces from the sun in winter time. The level of protection in it is minimal, so for bright sun in spring summer period he may be weak.

Products with SPF 15 gently protect against sun exposure, have a light texture and provide the epidermis with additional substances, depending on their purpose.

TO effective creams with SPF 15 include:

  • Clarins Hydra Tinted Moisturizer. A very delicate moisturizing tinted cream without age restrictions, which provides the face with freshness and radiance, and also protects well from redness. It contains extracts of catafray bark and rowan berries, as well as hyaluronic acid, which provide long-lasting hydration and promote the appearance of new healthy cells.
  • Cream with mattifying effect Christina Comodex. Ideal for oily and combination skin. The composition is designed in such a way as to rid the face of excess shine on a hot day and at the same time protect it from the negative effects of sunlight.
  • Wrinkle corrector cream with Wrinkle Lab filters from Lancaster. Hyaluronic acid and wheat proteins prevent the early appearance of wrinkles by retaining moisture well in the cells. Date palm extract and vitamin A promote the appearance of new cells, and protective filters prevent pigmentation and photoaging of the dermis.

Face cream with SPF 20

SPF 20 protective filter designed for girls European type With dark brown hair and dark eyes. These creams are suitable for all women who want quality care and protection from sun rays a little above the minimum level.

Dermatologists believe that this is the most optimal protection factor, suitable for daily use, because it reflects up to 90% of solar radiation.

High-quality face creams with SPF 20:

  1. Optimals by Oriflame. The product is aimed at lightening the skin and at the same time protecting against exposure to ultraviolet radiation. It contains Swedish lingonberry extract, as do other creams in this line. In addition, it moisturizes the epidermis well.
  2. Natura Siberica. Day cream suitable for use by young girls over 18 years of age. Designed for the fair sex sensitive skin, increases elasticity, protects against premature aging.
  3. White Perfect Re-Lighting Whitening from L'Oreal. This is an effective whitening cream from an Israeli company that perfectly removes severe age spots. Extracts of red grapes and mulberry roots delicately brighten the dermis, cleansing and tightening. Suitable for daily use by girls over 18 years of age. Texture means easy- after application there is no feeling of a greasy film.

Face cream with SPF 25

Creams with an SPF filter of 25 or more are suitable for use by women with fair skin and dark or bright eyes in the summer. These products are designed to provide the epidermis with higher protection from the negative effects of sunlight. It is highly recommended to use them every day for girls who spend most of the day outdoors.

Face creams with SPF 25:

  • Hydra Vegetal from Yves Rocher . This product is designed for women with normal and combination skin. Thanks to plant juices, it retains moisture well in cells and is suitable for use exclusively in summer.
  • Estee Lauder Day Wear. Fights existing wrinkles and prevents the appearance of new wrinkles. It contains coenzyme Q10, alpha-linoleic acid, kinetin, as well as vitamins E and C, which make dry skin softer and oily skin matte. Suitable for all skin types, provides good sun protection. The result is that the skin retains its natural healthy color.
  • City Block Sheer SPF 25 from Clinique. Works very well under makeup and prevents foundation from running off even in the hottest time of the year. Thanks to algae extracts, it eliminates excess fat from the surface of the dermis and normalizes the functioning of sebaceous glands, and also prevents facial redness even after prolonged exposure to sunlight.

Face cream with SPF 30

Cosmetic products with such a filter are suitable for those with light-colored hair and eyes, who, in principle, are prohibited from being exposed to direct sunlight for a long time without protective equipment. Face creams with SPF 30, unlike conventional tanning products, do not leave a greasy film and have highly targeted cosmetic properties.

The best day creams with SPF 30:

  1. Protecting Fluid from La Mer. A special sunscreen for the face that glides on easily and can be applied over any foundation creams. It contains powerful reflective spheres that refract and redistribute the sun's rays. Algae protect the dermis from temperature changes and high humidity. There is no sticky effect, which is usually a common disadvantage of products with this level of SPF.
  2. Dermalogica Oil free matte. Cream with vitamins C and E effectively moisturizes the dermis, protects from the sun, and most importantly, has a calming effect and relieves existing irritation and redness.
  3. Muse Protective Day Cream. A very delicate day cream suitable for daily use. Developed by Israeli cosmetologists specifically for the hot season, when protection from sun rays is mandatory. It contains a complex of sugars and hyaluronic acid, which means that it not only nourishes and moisturizes the skin, but also prevents aging.

Face cream with SPF 40

Facial products with such a high level of protection are a must-have for women who are just discovering beach season or have hypersensitive skin. Such creams block 98% of harmful radiation. Such protection is especially necessary for girls who have recently undergone cosmetic peeling procedures.

Skin care products with SPF 40 include:

  • Helena Rubinstein Premium UV. This is a cream that allows a woman to stay in direct sunlight for a long time without harm to her face. It has a smoothing property and evens out skin texture from the first day of use. Another plus is the effective fight against freckles and pigmentation.
  • Shiseido Urban Environment UV Protection Cream. A Japanese product that protects against UVA/UVB - two types of rays that are the main cause of early skin aging. Antioxidants provide hydration and comfort to the dermis. It has a very light texture and is absorbed almost instantly, making it considered ideal basis under makeup.
  • . Included day cream mineral filters providing powerful protection against the sun, free radicals, and negative effects environment. This is a very worthy product that will provide the skin with comfort in any conditions, nourish it with useful components, and give a healthy color.

How to Use a Face Moisturizer with SPF 15-40

The very fact of using a cream with filters does not guarantee that it will prevent burns or redness of the epidermis. It is important not only to choose a quality product, but also to know certain rules for applying the product.

How to properly apply cream with SPF protection:

  1. The product is applied to cleansed facial skin 20-30 minutes before going outside. This time ensures that the cream is completely absorbed and its working components begin to work. If you are exposed to sunlight 5-10 minutes after applying a product with filters, the rays will have time to have a negative effect.
  2. Do not spread the cream in a thick layer - this will not provide greater protection. On the contrary, a dense mass will cover the face with a film and leave greasy shine, will weigh down thin skin. But it must breathe, so use literally a couple of strokes of the product.
  3. Apply light cream strokes and clapping movements with fingertips. Under no circumstances should you rub vigorously.
  4. After cream with SPF, you can apply regular powder or light foundation to your face. These remedies will only slightly reduce its protective function. To enhance the protective effect, you can use powder with sunscreen properties, but the SPF level should not be lower than that of the cream.
  5. If after use cosmetics woman uses SPF throughout the day thermal water, it is advisable to apply the cream with filters again, because any liquid easily washes away all the working components.
In general, the rules for using products with SPF are not very different from applying any other face care cream.

How to apply SPF cream on your face - watch the video:

After 35 years, a woman with any skin type and regardless of the time of year should use creams with SPF, because they prevent photoaging of the dermis and protect against pigmentation. Such products are required for use in the summer, when even the skin young girls exposed to the negative effects of sunlight. If you neglect these tips, it will become dry, dull and wrinkled. Choose quality creams with a strong composition and natural ingredients.

What is face cream with SPF protection? This is a remedy for daily care for skin with protection from sun rays. Since such a balm will be used on an ongoing basis, its choice should be taken with full responsibility. Fortunately, modern market cosmetology offers a wide selection for all needs and skin types.

But what does the abbreviation SPF mean? When deciphered and translated from English, you get something like a “sun protection factor”. This is an index that is used to indicate the degree of blocking of ultraviolet B rays. The number next to these letters indicates how many percent of the rays are blocked. In simple terms- This is how strong the sun protection of a particular product is. Example:

  • SPF-10 will protect against 90% of UVB rays;
  • SPF-30 will not allow up to 95% of ultraviolet radiation to reach the skin;
  • SPF-50+ is the highest level, capable of filtering up to 99%.

But UVB protection only provides protection against burns. Type A rays cause so-called photo-aging - drying of the skin, micro-wrinkles, age spots. Now there are products labeled UVA. They provide protection from both types of rays.

How to choose the right one

Care must be taken when choosing a permanent care product. The health of the whole organism can directly depend on it, so it is important to choose. In order not to make a mistake with the decision, you need to take into account several important parameters.

Skin type

Based on skin type, people are divided into 3 groups:

  1. White skin. These are usually residents northern corners planets where there is a strong lack sunlight. Owners of such skin are most afraid of ultraviolet radiation. Tanning is reluctant to apply to them, and the cover can burn almost instantly. Such people need cream with good hydration and a high SPF index of 50 and above.
  2. Dark-skinned. Owners of such skin live in countries with temperate climates. Mainly Europe. The skin is slightly dark, sometimes the color of milk chocolate. For such phototypes, tanning is easy. And although they can get burned, you need to try to achieve this. The level of moisturizing cream here is selected individually, and SPF is suitable in the region of 20-30 points.
  3. Black people. Most of them are residents of African countries. Such people should not be afraid of the sun. They practically cannot get burned. Choosing a skin care cream with SPF protection in in this case will not be anything difficult provided there are no diseases or allergies. In terms of the ultraviolet resistance index, you should focus on 5-15.

Owners of the first type best choice You will contact a specialist to conduct research and take tests. Especially when choosing a very sunny, tropical or subtropical country as a holiday destination.

Choose the right cream so as not to harm the skin of your face.

UV index

But this mostly applies to resort areas. Daily cream is used in ordinary life, in your hometown while on the street. Meteorologists will come to the rescue here. On the Internet you can find out the intensity of the sun's rays anywhere in the world.

  1. Index 0-2. At this level there is no need to use products with SPF.
  2. At 2-4 it is worth using protection if exposure to the sun exceeds 30 minutes.
  3. If the index reaches 6, then you should use SPF-20 protection.
  4. Above level 6, protection with an index of at least 30 is required.

The best creams

Knowing all your needs, you can easily understand what characteristics the product you are looking for should have. But which manufacturer should you choose? Should you rely on the price tag or the seller’s advice? To help you choose, here are 11 of the best face moisturizers with SPF protection. Find out which sunscreen is best for you oily skin must be by .

Skin Doctors Supermoist™ SPF 30+

An Australian cosmetology company produces products for the most demanding skin. The high ultraviolet filtration rate allows people of average age to use the product even while tanning. dark skin. Find out how to tan in the sun before chocolate color. High-quality hydration will not prevent drying out, and a set of antioxidants will slow down aging. The balm has a light, airy, non-greasy texture, thanks to which it is quickly absorbed and leaves no traces or sensations on the dermis.

  • Great for use with makeup. Despite the strong protection, it does not block the access of oxygen to the skin. Evens out skin tone, reducing the rate of development of age spots. The unique ingredient tamarind helps strengthen skin immunity. The full list of advantages looks like this:
  • powerful sun protection;
  • high-quality hydration;
  • slowing down cell death;
  • increasing disease resistance;
  • color alignment;
  • suitable for use with other cosmetics;
  • low-fat;

leaves no marks on the skin.

The average cost of this product is about 2000 rubles.

Mary Kay Face Cream SPF 30 MKMen with improved hydration Men's version of face care cream from Mary company Kay has a unique patented protection formula. The balm has a high level of ultraviolet protection and blocks rays of both spectrums. It is universal and suitable even for skin with hypersensitivity . You can find out about other sunscreens for problem skin in Does not contain fragrance additives, which is why masculine scent

  • nothing will interrupt. In addition, this approach has a positive effect on men suffering from allergies. The product has a non-greasy texture. The validity period without updating is 10 hours, which is easily enough for one day. Moisturizing and softening components are also present here. The fight against premature aging is unlikely to interest the majority of the male audience, but it will clearly not be superfluous. MKMen SPF-30 has the following characteristics:
  • long action;
  • non-greasy structure;
  • efficiency;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • versatility;
  • without smell;
  • moisturizes the skin.

Girls are less harsh about the feeling of oiliness on their skin. For men, this is often intolerable; the skin is too wet and slippery. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to this when choosing men's facial care.

The cost of the product is in the region of 1000-1100 rubles.

KIEHL'S Ultra Facial Cream

This facial care product is one of the most popular in the world. The balm does not allow it to come out excess moisture while giving additional hydration. Despite this, the pores are not clogged and continue to breathe. The light texture is easy to use and suitable for most surface types. Year-round use is ensured by the possibility of gentle protection from winter air when it becomes dry and cold.

  • This product is a frequent guest on various expeditions in extreme conditions. Find out what are the most effective face sunscreens for age spots in. Balm Specifications:
  • pleasant texture;
  • prevents the release of excess moisture;
  • moisturizes;
  • protects against harsh weather conditions;
  • allows the dermis to breathe;
  • restores and evens out the balance of facial skin oiliness;

economical as it is applied in a very thin layer.

Price from 2000 to 4500 rubles depending on the size of the package.

Face cream CLINIQUE Pep-Start HydroRush Moisturizer SPF 20

  • This balm is a representative of the new line of Clinique. This means that it has absorbed all the latest developments and experience of the company. Protection according to the SPF-20 standard will provide high-quality filtration from ultraviolet rays in a fairly sunny city.
  • Softens the skin, making it more tender. The absence of fatty oils in the composition makes the structure non-greasy and does not clog pores. Moisturizing is enough for the whole day. A combination of both chemical and physical filters will protect against type A and B rays. A complete list of what this product offers:
  • average level of filtration from all types of rays;
  • skin care;
  • prevents drying out;

suitable as a base for make-up;

does not block access to oxygen.

On the company's official website, the cream can be purchased for 1,400 or 2,200 rubles for 30 and 50 milliliters, respectively. Moisturizing face cream Pleyana SPF 30 feature that sets it apart from its competitors. It is based on a liquid crystal emulsion, making the balm soft and easily absorbed. When drying, it does not leave any feeling of something extra on the face, does not tighten the skin, does not make it greasy, and does not leave white streaks or spots.

  • The high protection index will allow some people to use this cream while tanning on the beach. It is also suitable as a makeup base. Active moisturizing will protect the skin from drying out. The presence of the necessary minerals slows down photoaging and also helps the already damaged epidermis to recover. The full list of functions and features is quite impressive:
  • high UV protection index;
  • delicate texture;
  • easy to apply and absorb;
  • does not leave any foreign sensations on the skin;
  • does not stain clothes;
  • suitable even for sensitive people;
  • combines with cosmetics;
  • slowing down the manifestation of the negative impact of the photoelectric effect;
  • deep hydration;

restores damaged epithelium.

The cost of this product is not at all overpriced and amounts to 1300 rubles.

Yves Rocher anti-aging sunscreen for face SPF30 Yves Rocher products have always been famous high quality . Anti-aging SPF-30 was no exception. This is an excellent option for those who want to protect themselves both from strong ultraviolet waves and from the appearance of wrinkles on the face. The cream has a non-greasy texture without a sticky feeling. Unique

  • natural ingredients
  • This product is a frequent guest on various expeditions in extreme conditions. Find out what are the most effective face sunscreens for age spots in. Balm Specifications:
  • activate the reproductive properties of cells. The full list of characteristics is as follows:
  • strong hydration;
  • medium-high level of protection from rays;

slowing down aging and photoaging;

nice smell.

The product is in the price category of 800-1000 rubles. Clinique aloe after sun balm This option is suitable for caring for the dermis after sunbathing. It is usually applied in the evening, upon arrival from the beach.

  • It has restorative properties and helps restore moisture levels when drying out.
  • Special antiseptics will soothe the exhausted skin, relieving the person of the unpleasant burning sensation. Does not contain fragrances and is completely safe for allergy sufferers. The texture is light, making it easy to use. You can choose aloe vera gel for the face. All characteristics of Clinique after sun cream:
  • restorative effect;
  • hydration;
  • relieves pain;


The price is about 2300 rubles depending on the region.

Biotherm Aquasource SPF15 Multi-Protective Ultra-Light Cream

This cream has such distinctive feature like a very light texture. When applied, it is practically not felt, which allows you to efficiently distribute the balm in the right places. Average defense SPF-15 will provide protection in the city with short exposure to the sun. It is quickly absorbed, and the non-greasy structure does not leave any unpleasant sensations. The product absorbs quickly, you don’t have to wait 30 minutes for it to ripen, so it’s not bad. The full list of specifications is as follows:

  • average level of protection for the city;
  • imperceptible consistency;
  • absorbs quickly;
  • protection from drying out;
  • easy application.

This product is not positioned as a universal remedy. Despite good qualities, it may still not be suitable for some people.

The luxury balm has a price tag of 3300-3500 rubles.

Facial cream-gel Bark Light moisturizing SPF 15

Moisturizing gel from Kora is suitable for all ages. Due to its properties aimed at combating signs of aging, the main fans of this product are women over 35 years of age. The index is here, like the owner previous place. The presence of hyaluronic acid further tilts this product towards anti-aging. Increases resistance to external factors at the cellular level. Slows down the development of age spots. The manufacturer has a product with greater protection -. The specifications of this gel include:

  • fight against photoaging;
  • powerful hydration;
  • protection from medium sun rays;
  • even out skin tone;
  • softening the epidermis;
  • smooths out wrinkles.

This option is one of the most budget-friendly in this top - 300 rubles for 50 milliliters.

Yves Rocher Moisturizing Face Cream SPF 25

The balm contains maple and agave extracts, which helps retain moisture in the body. The thick, viscous consistency gives an instant feeling of moisturizing and soothing irritated, burned skin.

    • Special antiseptics will soothe the exhausted skin, relieving the person of the unpleasant burning sensation. Does not contain fragrances and is completely safe for allergy sufferers. The texture is light, making it easy to use. You can choose aloe vera gel for the face. All characteristics of Clinique after sun cream:
    • Absorbs almost immediately. It has a light, barely noticeable scent. Doesn't leave any film. Suitable for use with makeup. The SPF-25 index will protect any skin in urban conditions, or even be suitable as a tanning product for people with dark skin. The list of advantages includes:
    • low fat;
    • fast absorption;
    • average level of protection;
    • unobtrusive aroma;

Possibility of use with other cosmetics.

Floralis face cream HEALTHY SUN SPF 50 UV protection

A bunch of natural ingredients in the composition provide gentle care behind the skin. The high level of sun protection makes the cream universal, allowing it to be used as a tanning product. It also fights not only development, but also existing pigmentation defects. Does not leave an oily feeling on the epidermis and does not stain clothes. Doesn't leave any odors behind. List of benefits:

  • high level of UVA and UVB protection;
  • versatility;
  • tone alignment;
  • not greasy;
  • odorless after use, fresh, has a light sweetish aroma;
  • price.

At least everyone different possibilities and recording the cost as advantages or disadvantages is a rather subjective decision; it is impossible not to note the budget nature of this product. Its price is 100-150 rubles. And this is with such and such a set of properties. A similar one can be found with the same SPF value.


In this video you will learn about the best creams with sun protection


  1. Products for daily facial skin care can provide complete protection without side effects.
  2. A large set of features does not have to be expensive.
  3. Even luxury brands produce similar products, despite the fact that many consider combining several functions in one bottle as an attempt to save money.
  4. It’s easy to choose the right one, knowing your skin type and UV index in your own city.

UV protection - most important aspect to prevent the appearance of signs of aging and the development of skin cancer.

There are no 100% effective methods of sun protection. Perhaps the most effective way is not to leave the house, but this is impossible.

Unfortunately, there is a lot of different conflicting information - negative articles in the scientific community, marketing tricks and biased reviews from beauty bloggers, all this complicates the choice and confuses you. In this article we will reveal the mechanism of how sunscreens work and give some tips for choosing.

How does sunscreen work?

Sunscreens (creams, sprays) affect the skin in two ways, protecting against the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.

    • Reflect. Most products create a thin layer of “screen” that diffuses and reflects the sun's rays.
  • Absorb. Some products work as sunlight absorbers - they stop ultraviolet radiation, absorb and prevent it from penetrating the skin.
It doesn’t matter on what principle the operation of a particular tool is based, all sun protection cosmetics does not provide 100% protection. Some of the radiation will still penetrate the skin.


There are several types of solar radiation - UVC, UVB and UVA:

    • UVC rays are deadly to humans, which are scattered in the ozone layer of our atmosphere without harming all life on Earth.
    • UVB is short-wave radiation that penetrates only the top layer of skin (epidermis), but it is this type of ray that causes sunburn and is a common cause of cancer.
  • UVA is long-wave radiation that surrounds us and permeates everything from the moment the sun rises until sunset. These rays affect the body even when we are indoors and penetrate deeper than the epidermis into the dermis. Does not cause burns, but contributes to tanning, pigmentation, photoaging of the skin and the appearance of wrinkles. Research is underway to identify the involvement of UVA rays in the formation of skin cancer.

What is SPF

SPF is an abbreviation for Sun Protection Factor. The numerical indicator is an indicator of the degree of protection from solar radiation. On average, the skin is exposed to UVB rays and gets burned in 10 minutes, for example, if you apply sunscreen with SPF15, the protection will last for 150 minutes ( average 10 minutes times the SPF number).

But, unfortunately, not everything is so simple and unambiguous. If you compare a cream with SPF15 with SPF30, the latter will not be twice as effective. SPF 15 blocks approximately 93% of rays, SPF 30 - 97%, SPF 50 - 98%. When choosing a sunscreen, it is worth considering many nuances: skin tone, geographic location, climate, time of year and much more. For example, for fair skin it is advisable to select products with a numerical SPF value higher than for dark skin. If you live in the Leningrad or Moscow regions, then the SPF number in the cream will be lower than the value of the product you take for traveling along the equator.

What is PA

PA is a rating used by sunscreen manufacturers in Korea and Japan to indicate protection against UVA rays. PA+ means minimal protection, PA++ means moderate, PA+++ means strong.

Product examples

Korean sunscreen SPF-50 / PA+++ with aloe for face and body Farm Stay

Sunscreen with light texture and high protection spectrum - SPF-50 / PA+++. Aloe vera softens and nourishes the skin, preventing redness after sunbathing.

Effectively protects against long UVA rays, prevents photoaging, sun allergies and redness. Snail extract heals skin injuries, vitamin E nourishes and has a rejuvenating effect.

What to look for when choosing sunscreen


Effective sunscreens should contain:

    • Avobenzone(avobenzone) is a waterproof, mild chemical that is excellent at absorbing UVA rays.
  • Titanium dioxide(Titanium dioxide) and zinc oxide(zinc oxide) - classic broad-spectrum sun filters that absorb UVB rays and some UVA. Despite their stability and effectiveness, these synthetic components should not dominate, otherwise there is a risk of clogging the sebaceous glands and cell mutation.

When choosing a product, pay attention to the list of ingredients; along with synthetics, the composition should contain many moisturizing and nutrients of organic origin.

Product examples

Cream SPF 15 for normal and dry skin Mineralium with avobenzone and titanium dioxide

Avobenzone and titanium dioxide effectively protect the skin from the harmful effects of sunlight. The hyaluronic acid, aloe, vitamins, rice proteins and Dead Sea minerals contained in the composition moisturize, nourish the skin, and smooth out wrinkles.

Sunscreen SPF15 with a matte effect for oily skin Mineralium with avobenzone and titanium dioxide

Contains avobenzone and titanium dioxide. Also contains vitamins C and E, aloe, and Dead Sea minerals. The cream carefully removes sebum and protects the skin from sun rays.

Water resistance

If you use sunscreen before physical exercise, going to the beach or you live in a humid climate, your product should be moisture and sweat resistant. Please note that the term "water resistance" does not imply complete water resistance. On average, sunscreens with this label can withstand up to 2.5 minutes of active water activities (for example, water polo). Also, after being in the water and then drying your skin with a towel, you will have to reapply sunscreen.

Product examples

Waterproof Sunscreen Moisturizer for Face and Body SPF 50 from Sea Of Spa

Contains Dead Sea vitamins and minerals to moisturize and nourish the skin. Provides strong protection against UVB and UVA rays. Resistant to water and sweat.

Waterproof sunscreen for face and body SPF30 ea Of Spa Mineral Sun Block

Contains Dead Sea vitamins and minerals to moisturize and nourish the skin. Also contains titanium dioxide. Provides strong protection against UVB and UVA rays. Resistant to water and sweat.

Sunscreens shouldn't cause discomfort

If you experience itching or burning after applying any sunscreen or spray, you should stop using that product and find a new one that is suitable for your skin type.

Choose light creams for acne-prone skin

Acne occurs as a result of a malfunction of the sebaceous glands, inflammation of the pores and hair follicles. When choosing a sunscreen for acne-prone skin, you should be very careful. We recommend oil-free, water-mineral based products.

Product examples

Pay attention to the expiration date

Buy products that have a sufficient shelf life. If a sunscreen product reaches its expiration date, many synthetic sunscreen filters are likely to degrade - at best, the product will not be effective, at worst, it will harm the skin or cause allergies.

Symbol indicating expiration date in months

How to Apply Sunscreen

    • Squeeze out the cream or gel and apply with your palms to areas that will be exposed to sunlight. Rub until completely absorbed. Experts recommend not skimping and applying two tablespoons of cream to the entire body.
    • We recommend applying sunscreen 30 minutes before leaving the house.
    • Pay special attention to your facial skin, apply the cream to all areas, including lips, ears, and chin. Creams with SPF and PA will be an excellent base for makeup.
  • If you use sunscreen spray, be careful not to get it in your eyes or inhale it.

And remember that no product provides 100% sun protection. During the period of solar activity (from noon to evening), be sure to wear hats and light cotton clothing with long sleeves, use Sunglasses, minimize your time under the scorching sun, stay indoors under air conditioning.

Darina Kataeva

All girls treat their skin with special care. What kind of cosmetic products do they not use? Of course, in the summer, the skin of the face becomes more vulnerable, so it needs careful care, and by special means. They are especially popular. But what does it mean? How to choose such a cream? And what are the features of its application?

What is SPF?

Sun Protection Factor is the decoding of the mysterious three letters on creams with this inscription. It means “sun protection factor”. This inscription indicates that the cream contains a substance that absorbs ultraviolet rays and protects your skin from their negative effects. The number that follows the inscription tells you how long you can stay in the sun without worrying about skin damage. The degree of protection is weak (5-15 SPF) and strong (60-100 SPF).

There are SPF creams, lotions, sprays and even wipes on sale. Each girl chooses an option that would be most convenient for her personally to use!

SPF cream protects the skin from the following types of radiation:

UVA. This type of rays is considered the most dangerous for human skin. Under the guise that every girl dreams of, they have negative effects and even cause many skin diseases. What could be the consequences? Skin cancer or premature aging.
UVB. These rays are less dangerous, but they can cause burns on the skin. UVB rays affect the production of a special substance called melanin. He is responsible for the color of the tan. When there is too much sun exposure for a certain skin type, these rays cause severe burns.

How does the cream protect the skin? Thanks to special SPF filters. They are the ones who absorb and scatter the rays so that they do not have a harmful effect on the skin. There are two types of such filters:

Chemical. The following substances are essential here: avobenzene and benzophenone. Their role is to absorb the sun's rays before they cause a burn.
Physical. In this case, the leading positions are in the following substances: zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. They form a film on the skin that reflects the rays and prevents them from penetrating the skin.

Such substances and filters give cream, lotion or SPF spray unique and beneficial properties.

How to choose SPF cream?

Sunscreen is selected according to your skin type. Therefore, first you should determine what color you have, and then start purchasing. There are 6 main types:

Type. Bright skin, which is more common in blondes or redheads. The eyes are blue. Sometimes freckles appear. Such skin burns quite quickly, 15-20 minutes are enough for it.
Type. Light skin, but it is already found in people with brown or. It burns within half an hour.
Type. Leather olive shade. It is light, but does not burn as quickly. This takes up to 40 minutes, so such people can quite get it.
Type. Characteristic of people with dark hair and eyes. It is quite easy for owners of this type to tan. Sometimes when exposed to the sun, the skin begins to turn pink. This requires 60-90 minutes.
Type. By appearance the skin of such people is already tanned. It most often occurs in people who come from the Middle East. To change your skin tone, you need to stay in the sun for up to 2 hours.
Type. This skin itself is black, so it does not burn. Dark color is a natural shade.

Do not forget that prolonged exposure to the sun is harmful for any skin type. Pigment spots, freckles and even skin cancer appear.

Now, knowing your skin type, it will be much easier for you to choose and use sunscreen correctly. It is important to remember this formula: we multiply the time during which you burn by the SPF level and get the duration of action of the cream in your specific case. Let's look at the example of skin types 1 and 4.

Type 1 skin is light and burns within 20 minutes. Therefore, you should carry out the following calculations: 20 minutes multiplied by SPF 15, you get 300 minutes or 5 hours of cream protection. This indicator varies depending on the SPF level.

Type 4 skin is medium tan and takes 60 minutes to burn. Therefore, you need to multiply 60 by SPF 15. You get 900 minutes or 10 hours of protection.

It’s easy to carry out such calculations; the main thing is to correctly determine the skin type and the time of risk.

It is important to choose the right cosmetic product and know the nuances of its use. Consider the following factors:

Duration of sun exposure. The longer you are in the sun, the higher the SPF you will need.
Amount of cream. Don't be greedy, because correct application The health and beauty of your skin completely depends on the cream. For complete protection, it is recommended to cover all skin that is not covered by clothing with one thick layer until completely absorbed.
Where do you plan to stay? If you are using SPF cream on the beach, then choose waterproof products that last even after swimming.
Consider your skin type and texture. For owners thin skin a lotion or spray is suitable that will not burden the dermis.
For the base makeup will do not a cream, but a sunscreen powder with the SPF level you need.

How to apply SPF cream?

So that sunscreen has required action, you need to know the main rules for applying it to the skin. Remember that it must be completely absorbed before you go outside in the sun. This means it is recommended to apply it 15 minutes before going out. The average amount is 1 tsp. on the face and 1 tbsp. l. on the body. Every 2 hours you should repeat the procedure for applying the cream, since it is washed off with sweat and moisture and loses its beneficial properties.

The shelf life of SPF cream is no more than one season, although a longer period may be indicated on the packaging.

The whole truth about SPF cream

There are various rumors about products with a degree of protection from sun rays, which confirms the irrefutable saying: “as many people, so many opinions.” However, dermatologists and cosmetic specialists know much better what is true and what is false regarding the use of SPF. But what should you personally know about this term?

SPF does not affect cancer

This is the main and painful topic of many blogs and forums where the role and impact of SPF creams on health and the appearance of cancer cells is discussed. However, statistics and studies by dermatologists say otherwise. It is important to remember that such cosmetics do not contain iron or titanium itself, but molecules that are not able to penetrate deep into the dermis. They remain on the surface of the skin, because their main role is in protecting against UV radiation. Without such substances, it will not be possible to achieve the desired result and properly protect the skin.

The best degree of protection is SPF 30

Of course, there are higher values ​​- up to 100. However, their effect on the skin is not so significant. Anything above 30 SPF is nothing more than a marketing gimmick because it only provides 2% more protection! If you use cream for going to the beach, then SPF 15-30 is suitable for you, and for a regular walk in the summer, use SPF 8-10.

Dermatologists believe that the best option to protect girls' skin - SPF 30 cream.

SPF products are not just for sun protection

Today, when cosmetology comes to new level, the line between sunscreens has blurred. There are more and more universal creams and lotions that can be used for different purposes. These products contain amino acids, vitamins, oils, hyaluronic acid and antioxidants that help moisturize, nourish and restore the skin. They smooth out wrinkles, even out complexion and prevent premature aging. Such beauty helpers should be in every woman’s makeup bag!

SPF products do not fight freckles or age spots

The appearance of freckles and age spots is influenced not so much by the sun as by stress, skin characteristics, genetics and diseases. Therefore, creams with an SPF indicator do not affect such skin in any way, because their main purpose is protection against UV radiation.

No SPF without chemical ingredients

Connoisseurs of everything natural and healthy look negatively at the composition of many sunscreens. However, when making a decision in favor of one remedy or another, it is worth remembering the strong negative impact sun rays and the consequences that await the skin without proper protection. That is why the packaging of a cream or lotion should indicate what the action of this product is directed at: UVA or UVB rays. The composition must include the following ingredients: salicylates, cinnamates, silicones. These are chemical components, but the presence of physical ones is also necessary: ​​zinc and titanium oxide, which cover the skin and protect from harmful rays.

Now, knowing the truth about SPF products, you will choose a cream that will suit you personally and protect you from the harmful effects of the sun's rays. Don't forget that SPF is not just creams. There are also foods that protect the skin from burns. These include dark chocolate, tomatoes, salmon, watermelon, potatoes and carrots. Using them will protect you from radiation!

January 18, 2014, 12:49 pm