Erogenous zones in men, or how to excite a man in a few minutes. Details about the anatomy of sexual intercourse, male and female physiology

For a wedding

To win the heart of your chosen one, strengthen relationships and maintain passion in the bedroom for a long time, you need to learn how to give your partner pleasure. The erogenous zones of men have many localizations. There are generally accepted areas that are sensitive in most people (genitals, lips), and typical for each individual, determined empirically. Each point requires an individual approach from the woman. The most sensitive areas can be stimulated by stroking, massage, kissing and some other techniques.

What are erogenous zones?

Erogenous zones are places on the human body, when touched, certain emotions arise that increase sexual desire. This is due to the fact that a large number of nerve endings are concentrated in these areas, which send signals to the brain with lightning speed. With proper stimulation, it is possible to achieve relaxation and pleasant arousal.

More than half of the erogenous zones in men and women have the same location, but there are areas on the body that are characteristic not only of a certain gender, but also of each individual person. If a woman knows about the most sensitive places of her sexual partner, the couple’s sex life will always be full and rich.

Diagram of the location of erogenous points on a man’s body

Sexologists have long identified the most common erogenous zones on the male body. They are typical for many representatives of the stronger sex, but are only basic information in the intimate life of a particular couple. Women often find that their partners are indifferent to stimulation of these areas. In this case, the woman will have to find the most sensitive places on her own, through experience.

Typical location

The search for points of pleasure should begin with familiar places, each time exploring new areas. Among the most common erogenous zones are:

  • lips;
  • language;
  • penis;
  • back of the head;
  • hands;
  • feet;
  • anal area.

The nerve endings at these points are maximally concentrated, and when stimulated, every man experiences arousal to one degree or another. It is difficult to identify the most sensitive points on the penis, since the entire area is supplied with nerve endings.

A woman needs to determine the sensitivity of each area and highlight the most erogenous zones for foreplay.

Methods of influence

The sensitivity of each erogenous zone is determined by the skin. In some places the skin is thin, in others it is a denser structure and contains a layer of subcutaneous fat. Areas lined with mucous membrane require the greatest care, since awkward movements can cause pain to your partner.

Methods of influencing a particular zone are described in the table:

Zone Description Methods of influence
Lips and tongueCovered with mucous epithelium, they have a high concentration of nerve endings. An area with a fairly high sensitivity, as it contains no more than 5 layers of epitheliumOnly light caresses are allowed - any intense impact will lead to unpleasant and even painful sensations. Gentle caressing touches with the tongue, fingertips, and facial skin are recommended. Light nipping is allowed
Back of the head and neck, earsFor most men, this zone is associated with maternal affection and care. Not every man is able to allow himself to be hugged by the head, since in this case he loses control over the situationSexologists recommend starting foreplay from this area. Light massaging movements using your fingertips and even nails can provoke moderate arousal. In the process, it is necessary to move on to more intense effects in the form of rubbing with palms and kissing. Rubbing your earlobes with your fingertips can also stimulate your partner's desire.
HandsThere are two significant places in the palm of a guy’s palm that will stimulate sexual desire. The first is located under the tubercles of the middle and ring fingers - in the area onto which the groin area is projected. The second is located between the index finger and thumb on the back side, at the point where the inner sensitive skin transitions to the outer, rougher one.A palm massage will help a man relax, step away from important matters and immerse himself in a pleasant atmosphere. Starting with light stroking and gradually increasing the intensity of the impact, you can even provoke an erection. Less sensitive areas are the elbows and armpits. For many men, stimulation of these points causes tickling, which distracts from the process of arousal.
BreastNo more than 30% of men have sensitive nipples; their stimulation often causes unpleasant and even painful sensationsIt is permissible to use foreplay in the nipple area only if there is an erogenous zone there. In other cases, it is recommended to ignore this place so as not to provoke unpleasant sensations. If a man enjoys stimulation of this area, a woman can begin with extensive movements, massaging the surrounding skin and soft tissues, gradually moving closer to the nipples. During sexual intercourse, to increase sexual potential, the degree of impact can be increased by using biting and pinching
StomachCaressing the belly on a subconscious level is associated in a man with the beginning of sexual intercourse. The skin in the projection of the white line is especially sensitive: exactly in the middle from the navel to the pubic areaThe abdomen does not have a large accumulation of nerve endings, the skin on it is quite dense, so all types of exposure are acceptable. To achieve strong arousal and stimulate an erection, a woman can stroke her partner’s torso, kiss, and caress with her tongue. Movements should begin from the top, gradually descending to the groin area
LegsSensitive places on a man's legs are the feet and popliteal fossae. The latter are considered truly erogenous zones, since the skin in this area is thin and rarely comes into contact with anything. A large number of nerve endings are concentrated on the feet, and other parts of the body are also projected onto them. Through stimulation of these points you can achieve relaxation, arousal and many other positive effects.Stroking, tapping, rubbing, vibration and other methods of influence are optimal for this area. During sexual intercourse, it is recommended to stimulate the popliteal fossae with light touches, increasing the partner’s libido. In the future, even in a relaxed atmosphere, touching this area will lead to a surge of emotions and help excite a man
BackDuring the day, the back becomes tense, the muscles become tight and prevent relaxation. It is often recommended to begin foreplay with a general massage, but the most sensitive points are considered to be along the vertebrae in the cervical region, between the shoulder blades and in the lumbosacral regionThe skin of the back is quite dense, so intense exposure is allowed. It is recommended to start an exciting massage from the neck, gradually moving down to the anal area. Pinching and rubbing the lumbosacral area will help activate blood circulation in the pelvic area
Inguinal and perianal areas, penisThe perineum has a high concentration of nerve endings and choroid plexuses. For all men it is an erogenous zoneThere are a lot of sexual techniques that allow you to give a man pleasure by stimulating this area. Oral caresses, stimulation of the perianal area, stroking, and so on are allowed. Methods of influence and their intensity may differ for each individual man, so a woman needs to choose the most optimal ones experimentally

Sexologists recommend drawing up a so-called map of your partner’s sensitive spots, each time exploring new areas of the body. At the same time, it is important not only to find the treasured points, but also to select the right methods of influence on them.

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Additional information about the structure of the genital organs of men and women.

Additional information about the structure of the genital organs of men and women.

"There were all sorts of them,
All sizes, all colors."
(A.S. Pushkin about vulvas).

In living nature, everything is individual, and on the entire globe, for example, there are not even two identical leaves. The male genital organs (length and thickness of the penis) are different, butThe genital organs of women are even more diverse. In addition to the topographic position of the slit (queen, sipovka, palm), the genital organs of women also differ in the size of the vagina (length, width), the position of the clitoris relative to the vagina (high, low), the size of the clitoris (large, small), the size and design of the labia , especially small ones, by the degree of moistening of the vagina with juice during sexual arousal (dry and excessively wet vagina), as well as by the plane in which the woman’s genital tube is compressed.

Classification female genital organs according to L. Ya. Yakobson:

  • Virginity is a girl’s sexual organ untouched by men (in Polish “Pervachka”).
  • Dichka is a sexual organ with a stretchable hymen that persists until childbirth.
  • Chilean - a girl's sexual organ without a hymen. Found in India, Brazil, Chile. This is explained by the fact that mothers in these countries wash little girls so vigorously that the hymen is completely destroyed in early childhood.
  • Eva is a vulva with a large clitoris (6-8 cm or more), women with a large clitoris are less intelligent, but more sensitive.
  • Milka is a vulva with a clitoris located close to the entrance to the vagina (low) and rubbing directly with the man’s penis during sexual intercourse. Women with Milka are easily satisfied; during sexual intercourse they almost do not require affection.
  • Pava - a vulva with a high located clitoris. During sexual intercourse, such a vulva is in exceptional need of caresses, since its clitoris does not rub directly against the man’s penis (but rubs against other parts of the man’s body, which greatly reduces feelings).
  • Zamazulya is a vulva with abundant juice secretion during sexual arousal of a woman. It causes discomfort in the sexual partner and often leads a man to refuse intercourse.
  • A drupe is an underdeveloped flat external organ of a woman with infantile labia. It is found, as a rule, in thin women with a narrow pelvis; almost all Drupes are Sipovki, that is, they have a low location of the genitals. The drupe is one of the most unattractive genitals for men.
  • The monkey is a female sexual organ with an abnormally long clitoris, more than 3 cm. It is so named because in some monkeys the clitoris reaches a length of 7 cm and is often longer than the male penis.
  • A Hottendot apron is a female genital organ with overdeveloped labia that cover the entrance to the vagina and hang beyond the labia majora. This organ pathology can develop as a result of excessive female masturbation on the labia.
  • The princess is the most beautiful female reproductive organ with a well-developed clitoris, labia minora in the form of a pink flower bud above the entrance to the vagina. The princess is the most beloved by men, the most attractive and convenient female sexual organ for intercourse in any position. With good hormonal secretion, a woman with a Princess is able to receive and give a man inexpressible pleasure. In addition, the small size of the reproductive tube, which also attracts men. The princess is found only in short (but of average height women inclusive) women with full hips, developed breasts and a wide pelvis.
Half-princess, half-druce, half-ev, etc. organs occupy an intermediate position.

This classification of the appearance of the vulva.

Some authors also mention transverse vulvas, vulvas of the “Mongolian type”.
But no less important
the course of sexual intercourse is influenced by the size of the female genital organs and men. Even the most naive people understand that the size of all female vaginas or male genital organs may not be the same.

These sizes are described by the following classification (Jacobson):

  • Manila - vagina up to 7 cm long (attracts men)
  • Swan 8-9 cm
  • Guinea fowl 10 cm
  • Durilka 11-12 cm
  • Manda 13 cm or more.

  • Khmelevka - vagina 2.5 cm wide (gives men hops)
  • Enchantress 3 cm (enchants men)
  • Sweets 3.5 cm (sweets during intercourse)
  • Lyubava 4 cm
  • Hetera - 5 cm or more (as prostitutes were called in ancient times).

Male organs differ as follows:

  • Laskun - a member 10 cm long when excited
  • Swan 11-12 cm
  • Balun 13 -13.5 cm
  • Sultan 14-16 cm
  • Elda 17 cm or more.

  • Baby - 2 cm thick when excited
  • Prince 2.5-3.0 cm
  • King 3.5-4.0 cm
  • Golovan 4.5 cm
  • Elephant 5 cm or more.

Sexologists use the following terminology:

  • Vanka-vstanka is a man’s easily aroused penis. Gets up at the slightest thought of sexual intercourse or a woman's touch.
  • The groom is the sexual organ of a man who has had a relationship with only one woman throughout his entire sexual life (the penis, as it were, remains the groom of the female vulva for life).
  • Cornflower is the penis of a young man who has not known sexual activity.
  • Lucky is a sexual organ whose head is covered by the foreskin (since it is, as it were, in a shirt).
  • Fly agaric is a member that is not capable of erection due to age.
  • A bacchante is a female organ with easily excitable erogenous zones that always have a desire for caresses. Such an organ is popularly called a “hot vulva” (tskheli muteli in Georgian).
  • Forget-me-not is a female organ that has not given birth.
  • The bride is a one-woman vulva, that is, a female organ that has known the caress of only one man.
  • Chamomile is a girl’s genital organ before the onset of her first menstruation and hair growth.
  • Madonna is the vulva experiencing intercourse for the first time.
  • A drinking bowl is the sexual organ of a depraved woman.

As you can see, the names are quite accurate. Of course, the above terminology did not cover the entire variety of distinctive features of the genital organs, especially female ones, as they are incomparably more complex in their structure.

The internal genital organs also vary greatly among women. Different inclination of the reproductive tube relative to the pelvis, different angles of the vagina with the cervix, different size and location of the uterus, the degree of its mobility - this is not a complete list of the internal diversity of the female genital organs. Since copulation is affected not only by such parameters of the female organs as the width and length of the vagina, but also by its inclination, the degree of hydration and, even to some extent, the acidity of the vagina, then you will understand that there are no two identical vulvas in the world, that two billion women on earth are the same number of genitals, which have their own advantages and disadvantages.

About the distribution of one or another type of female genital organ. Let me make a reservation in advance that the frequency with which this or that type of female vulva occurs varies among different nations. The names of vulvas I have given, depending on the length and width of the vagina, are valid for the peoples of Europe, including Greece, France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Czechoslovakia, Poland, and the USSR (Russians).

They are found in Europe with the following probability: Eve - one in twenty vulvas, Milka - one in thirty vulvas, Pava - very common, Drupe - quite common, in Europe each of the 6 vulvas is a Drupe, and among some peoples and more often, Khmelevka - one for 70 vulvas, Manilka - one for 90 vulvas, Swan - one for 12 vulvas, Enchantress - one for 15 vulvas. As for the Princess - the most charming female organ, looking at which even women experience aesthetic pleasure, not to mention men, they occur with a probability of one in 50 vulvas.

Sexologists, however, note that in certain nations one or another type of female organ may predominate. So, for example, it is no secret that Greek, French and Italian women have a predominance of narrow and short vaginas (among them there is a high percentage of Khmelevok, Manilok, Lebedushek, Enchantress). Women of African nationalities, as well as black and mulatto women of the American continent, have long vaginas. Among Georgians, Spanish and German women, drupes predominate. It can be added that every nation necessarily has all the types of genital organs described above. When a man gets married, he chooses not only a lifelong friend, but also a sexual partner with a certain type of vulva. Of course, the capabilities of the Turkish Sultan were incomparably wider than those of a modern European man.

The Sultan first carried out pre-harem selection. Women with underdeveloped genitals and large vulvas were not included in the harem. Practically, the best women from a given country, as well as from among captured foreigners, were concentrated in a harem. Women with an unattractive vulva, despite having exceptional facial beauty and charm, as a rule, did not end up in the harem. The best of the best, the flower of female society in terms of beauty of physique and sensitivity, ended up in the harem. But the selection did not end there. The Sultan chose one from many women, sometimes not the most charming in appearance, but apparently with an organ of magnificent beauty and structure, and made her his first, main wife. Of course, from time to time he was interested in other wives, but this was a rare occurrence. He might not even look at or touch many of his wives for 3-5 years. The Sultan did not keep wives for longer than this period; they grew old, and in the state new female creatures were maturing for him, with whom the harem was replenished. True, there is a known exception. There was a woman so beautifully created by nature for love and affection that for 15 years one Turkish sultan enjoyed her, rejecting others. And only once he discovered a wrinkle on her face, the Sultan lost interest in her.

So, the Sultan could enjoy the possession of the most passionate woman in the matter of love, who had the most charming vulva. Even from such a body as the princess - the dream of men, he made a choice of the best. This choice was cruel and inhumane. It was possible only in “uncivilized times.” Modern men have the right to a permanent marriage with only one specific woman. This is why they must be extremely careful when choosing a sexual partner.

Why does humanity need a third gender?

“Who do you have?” is the first question a young mother hears after giving birth. But how to answer it if the baby is a boy and a girl in one body? The concept of “intersexuality”, the so-called hermaphroditism, has always existed. IN modern world was invariably considered a pathology that needed to be treated. Several years ago, “pathology of sexual development” went beyond the walls of medical institutions and became the subject of new legislation.

Late last year, Germany became the first country in Europe to actually legalize the “third gender.” A similar law is already in place in Australia. Meanwhile, hermaphrodites themselves believe that this law is the result of the fashion for recognizing pathologies as the norm, which has swept the tolerant West.

From November 1, 2013, in Germany, birth certificates can include a dash in the “gender” column - on the recommendation of the ethics council of the Ministry of the Interior, the German government amended the civil status law. Now, in cases where a child is born with physiological characteristics of both sexes, parents have the right not to write “M” or “F” on the birth certificate, but to decide later or even wait until the moment when an intersex person - this is the name of a person with an undetermined gender - can decide your fate yourself.

But you can only be intersex in childhood. The age of majority in Germany is 18, and at this age you still have to choose whether you are a man or a woman. The identity document of an adult German must indicate the traditional gender. True, some intersex rights advocates are in favor of changing this norm. Supporters of the “third gender” argue that there is less harm from an empty column in documents than from painful surgery and taking hormonal drugs.

After all, before the adoption of the law, the parents of such babies sought to bring the child’s gender into external conformity with the generally accepted one as quickly as possible, says Angela Krauf, a doctor from Düsseldorf. - In addition, some adult intersex people who managed not to go under the knife in childhood even declare that for them a full sexual life is possible only with two, male and female, genital organs.

Opponents of the law remind that the innovation will cause many not only legal, but also everyday problems. It is not clear how to address such children - “he” or “she”, what name to give - female or male. And throughout the country, public toilets will have to be modernized, adding a stall for intersex people. By the way, one such water closet has already been opened in the center of Berlin.

However, in some countries it is already possible to live with a “third gender” for the rest of your life. Australia was the first to legislate the possibility of being neither a woman nor a man. In 2011, the country’s parliament adopted an amendment allowing the letter “X” to be put in the passport instead of female or male; intersex people there have the status of so-called “others”. Muslim states - Afghanistan, Nepal, Pakistan - also indicate an indeterminate gender in documents.

Pathology or the third sex?

According to some representatives of Russian science and medicine dealing with this problem, the law on intersexuality has the right to exist rather from a psychological point of view, the issue of a tolerant attitude towards people born with this pathology. Indeed, in most cases, when a child is born of “undetermined gender,” he still has a certain gender. The main thing is that doctors notice the disease in time, carry out all the necessary tests to determine the true gender and begin treatment. Moreover, the sooner such treatment begins, the more effective the result will be.

In scientific language, these pathologies are called disorder of sexual differentiation (NDD), explains endocrinologist Larisa Zhitinkina. - This means that the external genitalia of a newborn are half female and half male. To treat this disorder, hormonal drugs are used, and for congenital defects of the genital organs, surgery is performed. At the same time, neither their sensitivity nor functionality is impaired. The main problem with intersex is that the child's true genitals are sometimes not visible during external examination. That is, in appearance the child looks like a boy, but in reality he has a uterus and ovaries. In addition, intersex people who are not treated or operated on have a very high risk of developing cancer.

According to Larisa Zhitinkina, all the scandals and trials in Europe surrounding intersexuality are due to the fact that doctors did not notice his pathology at the birth of the child. In large Russian cities, where there is modern equipment in maternity hospitals, a child with a pathology of sexual development is unlikely to be missed. But as for the provinces, some doctors there are often completely unaware of this problem.

As far as I know, European supporters of the law on intersex blame doctors for making girls out of such children, since it is easier to cut off an organ than to form it, says Larisa Zhitinkina. “But it’s hard to believe, because a child with a similar pathology undergoes a huge number of tests, with the help of which the true gender of the baby is determined with 100% accuracy. So the gender of such people is still determined by nature; doctors only correct its mistakes, that is, they remove unnecessary organs and carry out hormonal therapy. In many cases, intersex people become completely normal people who are able to have children. Trying to equate such people with a third gender is akin to equating Siamese twins with a new gender. The disease must be treated in time, and not contribute to its development.


Intersexuality in humans refers to developmental pathologies that can be genetically determined or occur as a result of various disorders of intrauterine development. There are true and false intersexuality. With true intersexuality, both female and male sex chromosomes are simultaneously present in the body, that is, some cells have a male karyotype, and some have a female karyotype. As a result, the gonads have characteristics of both male and female organisms, and the external genitalia are formed of a mixed type. With false intersexuality in humans, the gonads correspond to one sex, and the external genitalia can be formed according to another sex or have a mixed development, having both male and female characteristics. According to statistics, every 2000th child in the world is born with a diagnosis of “false intersexuality,” while no more than 150 cases of true intersexuality have been recorded over the entire period.

Secret behind seven seals

Information about children born as intersex people, as well as about patients with sexual deviations in Russia in general, is kept under seven seals by doctors. Perhaps this is also why hermaphrodites are perceived in society as strange people, not women, not men.

My daughter Anya was born with this diagnosis 15 years ago. We lived in a small provincial town,” says Tamara Maslova (last name changed. - Author). - I was shocked when I found out what problems my child had! She hid it from everyone, even from her closest relatives. At first I didn’t even want to tell my husband, I didn’t know what his reaction would be. Then, after all, she couldn’t stand it and confessed. He was shocked, but said that he loved his daughter no less...

The Maslov family was lucky. Local doctors noticed the pathology immediately and sent the girl - at that time it was not yet known for sure that it was a girl - for examination in Moscow.

We were told the true genetic sex of the child after 2 weeks, but the treatment lasted a long time, and even now Anechka takes special hormones,” continues Tamara. “She had an operation to remove extra genitalia only when she was 4 years old, that’s what the doctors decided, so before that we kept the girl at home. After all, in kindergarten they would quickly notice that Anya is not like everyone else, rumors would spread, then like a stigma for life. Thank God, now everything is behind me, my daughter is growing up as a full-fledged woman, according to doctors, she will even be able to give birth to children in the future. The most important thing is that no one found out about our misfortune, otherwise we would have been tortured by gossip and excessive curiosity. I don’t know how it is in America and Europe, but here, I think, people are not yet ready to perceive people with similar diseases adequately, like other patients.

Tamara doesn’t understand why introduce some kind of “third gender”:

How and with whom will these people who recognize themselves as representatives of the “third gender” start families?! Why push them on this strange path when you can simply cure the disease! Recently in the West there has been some kind of fashion for recognizing anomalies as the norm... And Anya also thinks so, she says: Mom, it’s so good that I was cured...

Over the past few years in Russia, only a few times information about the birth of an intersex child has gone beyond hospital institutions.

Not long ago, an unusual baby was born into a Muscovite family. Throughout the pregnancy, doctors “promised” the woman a boy. And when the baby cried after birth, the doctors did not immediately show him to his mother. A little later, the alarmed woman found out that she had a child with signs of both sexes. 5 days after giving birth, the young mother was discharged from the hospital, and the baby was transferred to another metropolitan hospital in the pathology department. Fortunately, doctors quickly found out the true gender of the baby - the boy actually turned out to be a girl. The parents even managed to register their daughter with the registry office within the prescribed month period.

But a resident of Rostov-on-Don had to endure a more difficult ordeal. During pregnancy, doctors could not determine the sex of the baby, and after the birth they told the stunned mother that she had given birth to a boy with female organs inside. The woman was strongly advised to abandon the “abnormal” child. Luckily she didn't. At the age of two, the baby - and studies have shown that this is not a boy at all! - we performed an operation to remove the penis and plastic surgery of the female genital organs, and now a full-fledged girl is growing up in the family.

The first thing we pay attention to is gender; you can forget what a person’s name is, what color his hair and eyes are, but not whether he is a man or a woman,” explains psychotherapist Nina Tyurina. - By the age of three, a child develops gender identification: dresses for girls, pants for boys, dolls, cars, etc. Therefore, if a child was born with a diagnosis of “false hermaphroditism,” you need to determine the true gender of the baby as quickly as possible and raise him accordingly. The operation to correct the genital organs can be carried out later, when doctors deem it necessary, this is not so important. The law on intersex people, in my opinion, could be useful to true intersex people, of whom there are practically no people in the world. And for boys and girls, whose gender is quite clear, such innovations can cause an irreparable “mental blow.” When parents put “uncertain” in the “gender” column, they thereby block the child’s gender identification; he cannot understand who he really is. Of course, anything can happen in life, but if a child, genetically born a boy, later wants to become a girl, it will be a different story - about transsexuals, not intersex people. And there are a lot of feminists among women, so why do we also need a “third gender”!

The word “hermaphrodite” first appears in Greek mythology - this was the name of the son of Hermes and Aphrodite. At the age of fifteen, Hermaphroditus fell in love with Salmacis; at the request of the lovers, the gods united them into one being so that they would always be together.

Many ancient peoples had a custom of killing children of “unknown” sex immediately after birth. At the beginning of our era, the Romans stopped exterminating hermaphrodites, but in the Middle Ages the persecution resumed with particular cruelty. For example, in the 16th century, the Frenchwoman Antida Collas was considered by the Inquisition to be the devil’s mistress. The half-man, half-woman was burned at the stake in the city center.

The need for legal protection of the rights of intersex people in Europe and the United States began to be seriously thought about several years ago. Obviously, one of the prerequisites for the intersex law in Germany was a judicial precedent. Shortly before the law was adopted, the country convicted a surgeon who, 30 years ago, removed the uterus and ovaries of 17-year-old Thomas, who was admitted with a diagnosis of appendicitis. Thomas was born with atrophy of the genital organs, without certain sexual characteristics; doctors mistakenly determined the child's gender as “male”, and his parents raised him as a boy. But by the age of 50, Thomas decided to change his gender and become Christian. Having learned that after a couple of operations and hormonal therapy she could have been a full-fledged woman if she had not gone under the knife at one time, the newly minted Christiana sued the surgeon for 100 thousand euros for “forced transformation into a man.” The court ruled that, having discovered full female organs during an operation, the surgeon did not have the right to cut them out without the patient’s consent. After all, in this way he violated Christiana’s right to self-determination and harmed her health.


Medical biologist and intersex researcher Anne Fausto-Sterling made a proposal in the early 90s to replace the two-sex system with a five-sex system. In addition to men and women, she proposed distinguishing herms (people with testicles and ovaries), merms (intersex men) and farms (intersex women). The proposal caused a storm of indignation, although it was not entirely serious. The woman scientist was simply trying to draw attention to the fact that our ideas about gender do not fully reflect existing reality.

The reproductive system is represented by male and female genital organs. Their main part is the sex glands: testes (testes) in men and ovaries in women. According to their location, the genital organs are divided into external and internal.

The external male genitalia include the penis and scrotum. To the internal ones - testicles with appendages, vas deferens, seminal vesicles and prostate gland and other glands. The urethra in men serves not only for the removal of urine, but also for the passage of sperm, which enter it from the ejaculatory ducts.

Penis formed by two cavernous bodies and one corpus spongiosum, in which the urethra passes. The back part - the root of the penis - is attached to the pubic bones. The front part - the head of the penis - is thickened and rounded, on it is the external opening of the urethra. The cavernous and spongy bodies have cavities that communicate with each other - cells through which blood flows. When the cells are filled with blood, the bodies swell and become dense, and an erection of the penis occurs. Testicles (testes) paired gonad. They perform two important functions in the body: they form male reproductive cells - sperm. , as well as sex hormones , influencing the development of primary and secondary sexual characteristics. The testicles are located outside abdominal cavity in the skin-fascial sac - scrotum The vas deferens is a paired organ. Together with the vessels and nerves, the vas deferens forms the spermatic cord, which passes through the inguinal canal into the pelvic cavity. Near the bottom of the bladder, it connects with the excretory duct of the seminal vesicle (also a paired organ) and forms the ejaculatory duct. This duct opens into the initial section of the urethra. Glands of the male reproductive system located on the pathways of spermatozoa (sperm) from the place of their formation in the testicles to excretion from the male genital tract. These glands are the prostate gland and the bulbourethral glands. Prostate(unpaired, glandular-muscular organ) resembles a chestnut in shape and size. It is located under the bladder. The initial part of the urethra and both ejaculatory ducts pass through it.

Female genital organs. The internal female genital organs include the ovaries, uterus, fallopian tubes and vagina, located in the pelvic cavity (Fig. 78). A woman's external genitalia include the labia majora, labia minora and clitoris.

The ovary is the female reproductive gland. This is a paired oval-shaped organ. Here female reproductive cells - eggs - develop and female sex hormones are synthesized. Fallopian tube (oviduct) – paired organ. Each tube opens into the peritoneal cavity with an expanded end - funnel, hanging over the ovaries. The opposite end of the fallopian tube opens into the uterine cavity. Uterus – an unpaired hollow muscular organ located in the small pelvis between the bladder in front and the rectum in the back, and serves to bear the fetus. Vagina It is a flattened tube that covers the cervix at the top and opens at the bottom into the vestibule of the vagina. Female external genitalia include: labia majora (skin folds with a high content of adipose tissue); labia minora (thin folds of skin located in the gap between the labia majora); clitoris, consisting of two cavernous bodies; the vestibule of the vagina, the large and small glands of the vestibule, as well as the bulbs of the vestibule, which are dense plexuses of veins on both sides of the entrance to the vagina.

15.Overview of the structure of the arterial system.

The arterial system consists of arteries. Arteries are vessels through which blood flows from the heart to the organs. Based on their location and branching, they distinguish extraorganic And intraorganic arteries, and in body cavities - wall And visceral.. The walls of the arteries consist of three layers, or membranes: the inner (endothelium) consists of a layer of endothelial cells located on the connective layer; middle (elastic elastic tissue and smooth muscle fibers; and external - adventitia (consists of connective tissue). The walls of the arteries are distinguished by significant thickness and elasticity, since they have to withstand high blood pressure. Thanks to the elastic and muscular elements, the arteries are able to hold the walls in a state tension, can contract strongly and then relax, ensuring a uniform flow of blood. In particular, small arteries and arterioles are characterized by a strong ability to contract. The final link in the branching of arteries is the microvasculature, which includes an arteriole, precapillaries, capillaries, postcapillaries, and venules. also arteriole-venular anastomosis.

16.Classification and functions of the vascular system.

Anatomically, the cardiovascular system performs three main functions:

1) transport of nutrients, gases, hormones and metabolic products to and from cells;

2) regulation of body temperature;

3) protection from invading microorganisms and foreign cells.

Among the vessels of the circulatory system there are arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, veins And arteriole-venous anastomoses; The vessels of the microcirculatory system mediate the relationship between arteries and veins. Vessels of different types differ not only in their thickness, but also in tissue composition and functional features.

· Arteries are vessels through which blood moves away from the heart. Arteries have thick walls that contain muscle fibers as well as collagen and elastic fibers. They are very elastic and can contract or expand, depending on the amount of blood pumped by the heart.

· Arterioles are small arteries that immediately precede capillaries in the blood flow. Smooth muscle fibers predominate in their vascular wall, thanks to which arterioles can change the size of their lumen and, thus, resistance.

· Capillaries are tiny blood vessels, so thin that substances can freely penetrate their walls. Through the capillary wall, nutrients and oxygen are released from the blood into the cells and carbon dioxide and other waste products are transferred from the cells to the blood.

· Venules are small blood vessels that provide in a large circle the outflow of oxygen-depleted blood saturated with waste products from the capillaries into the veins.

· Veins are vessels through which blood moves to the heart. The walls of veins are less thick than the walls of arteries and contain correspondingly fewer muscle fibers and elastic elements.

Do you remember with what interest we once looked at the pictures from the section “The genitourinary system” in the school anatomy textbook? Let's try to refresh this knowledge - not out of idle interest, but in order to apply it in practice.

Male genitals

These include: the penis, scrotum with testicles, seminal vesicles, prostate gland.

Penis(penis) includes the urethra, through which urine is removed from the bladder, and at the time of sexual intercourse, sperm is removed. A significant part of the penis consists of the so-called corpora cavernosa (there are two of them) and one spongy body. The tissues of the corpora cavernosa and corpus spongiosum contain many small voids. During sexual arousal, these voids fill with blood, causing the penis to enlarge, swell and harden. This state is called an erection.

At the outer end of the penis there is an anatomical structure called the glans penis. It is separated from the body by the coronal groove. The head is covered with extremely sensitive skin with many nerve endings. In a calm state, the head is covered by a movable fold of skin - the foreskin, which, during an erection, moves posteriorly, exposing the head.

The most sensitive to touch is the edge of the head, or corolla, and the vertical skin fold located under the urethra - the frenulum connecting the foreskin to the head.

The sebaceous glands located on the inner surface of the foreskin secrete an odorous thick substance - smegma, which accumulates under the foreskin and in the coronary groove. This lubricant protects the sensitive skin of the head, but at the same time serves as a breeding ground for various bacteria.

The average size of the penis in a calm state is from 7.5 to 12.5 cm in length and about 2.5 cm in diameter, and in an erect state it is 12.5-17 cm in length and 3.7 cm in diameter. It must be said that individual differences in size are quite large; the size of the penis does not affect a man’s ability to have children, experience and give pleasure to his partner. In addition, during erection, small penises usually enlarge more than long ones. During an erection, the penis can be positioned straight, bent upward or to the side. All these individual variations are quite normal and do not interfere with sexual intercourse.

The size of the penis is not only individual, but also variable depending on external conditions and mental state. Penis shrinkage can occur:

  • in very cold weather;
  • after a cold shower or swimming in cold water;
  • due to severe fatigue;
  • due to strong excitement;
  • with mental or somatic illness;
  • after sexual intercourse.

Scrotum- this is a kind of skin pouch in which the male sex glands are located - testicles (testes, testicles). The testicles produce the male sex hormone testosterone and male reproductive cells - sperm (spermine, gametes). The average size of the testicles is about 4 cm in length and 2.5 cm in width, but, just like the size of the penis, this value is very individual. Normally, the left testicle in the scrotum is placed slightly lower than the right one.

The anatomical location of the testicles at some distance has its own physiological expediency - the temperature maintained in the scrotum is 32-34 ° C. It is this temperature that is necessary for the normal maturation of sperm. When the testicles are exposed to elevated temperatures for a long time, a man’s ability to conceive is reduced due to impaired sperm production. Frequent, prolonged overheating of the testicles is considered a risk factor for infertility. That is why loose underwear is considered more hygienic, since when wearing underwear such as swimming trunks or boxers, especially in the warm season, the scrotum and testicles are constantly exposed to elevated temperatures. For the same reason, men are not recommended to visit the bathhouse frequently.

When the temperature in the testicular area rises, the scrotum sag, as if moving away from the body. On the contrary, when the temperature drops below normal, and also immediately before ejaculation and orgasm, the scrotum along with the testicles is pulled up.

The testicles are an extremely sensitive organ. Their compression or impact causes unbearable pain. During sexual arousal, blood accumulates in both the penis and testicles. If sexual arousal does not receive discharge in the form of ejaculation for a long time, then painful sensations may occur in the testicular area. The pain may go away after ejaculation or after several hours without ejaculation.

During intrauterine development, the testicles of the fetus are located behind the anterior abdominal wall, and towards the end of pregnancy they descend into the scrotum. For various reasons, the testicles (usually one) can linger in the abdominal cavity. Having only one testicle does not deprive a man of the ability to fertilize.

The vas deferens and ejaculatory ducts are thin tubes in which sperm accumulates. At the moment of ejaculation, sperm is carried into the urethra (urethra).

There, in the urethra, the ducts of the prostate gland, seminal vesicles and Cooper glands open. The secretions they produce are also part of the seminal fluid. The secretion of the seminal vesicles contains a large amount of fructose, which serves as energy material for the movement of sperm; the secretion of the Cooper glands neutralizes the acidic environment of the vagina.

Female genital organs

A woman's external genitalia is called the vulva.

The labia majora are folds of skin that are analogous to the scrotum. They are covered with hair and limit the genital opening. The labia majora contain sweat and sebaceous glands and are equipped with nerve endings, the irritation of which promotes sexual arousal. During sexual arousal, the labia increase in size.

In front, the labia majora are in contact with the anterior eminence (symphysis pubis, eminence of Venus).

Between the labia majora are the labia minora, which also have the ability to erect. The labia minora are covered with thin skin on the outside and mucous membrane on the inside. There are Bartholin's glands on either side of the vaginal opening. These glands secrete a secretion that moisturizes the vulva during sexual arousal; Without such hydration (lubrication), sexual intercourse becomes painful for a woman.

The clitoris is located in front at the junction of the labia minora. Anatomically, the clitoris is similar to the male penis. Its irritation causes sexual arousal and orgasm in most women.

The entrance to the vagina is completely or partially covered by the hymen, which is often torn during the first sexual intercourse. It must be said that the preservation or absence of the hymen is not indisputable evidence of the presence or loss of virginity, since it can be almost absent from birth or, on the contrary, be very elastic and stretchable, and persist throughout life even with the presence of a sexual partner.

The vagina (vagina) is a muscular tube 7-10 cm long. In the normal state, the anterior and posterior walls of the vagina are in contact. The walls of the vagina are very elastic and stretch easily, this is confirmed by the fact that the vagina stretches to the size of the baby’s head during childbirth. The entrance to the vagina is characterized by high sexual sensitivity, which its internal walls do not have. During sexual arousal, the tissues surrounding the vaginal opening fill with blood and compress the penis. A woman can consciously enhance this effect by squeezing the corresponding abdominal and perineal muscles. However, talk that during sexual intercourse a spasm may occur, as a result of which it will be impossible to remove the penis from the vagina, is nothing more than a myth.

In the upper part, the vagina converges like a dome above the cervix. The cervical canal opens into the vagina, through which the vagina is connected to the uterine cavity. The uterus, in turn, is connected to the ovaries by fallopian tubes. The ends of the fallopian tubes look like fimbriae, which capture the egg entering the abdominal cavity from the ovaries.

In the fallopian tubes, the egg unites with the sperm, that is, fertilization occurs.

On either side of the uterus, near the ends of the fallopian tubes, are the ovaries, which “produce” eggs, as well as the female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone. Girls have a certain supply of eggs after birth, but they begin to mature and leave the ovary only at the time of puberty. On average, one or two eggs (usually one) are released from the ovary during one menstrual cycle. From puberty to menopause, only about 400 eggs reach maturity and leave the ovaries - less than 0.1% of the total number found in the ovaries. The release of an egg from the ovary is called ovulation; it occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle (the first day of the menstrual cycle is considered to be the first day of menstrual flow).

The fringe of the fallopian tube directs the egg released from the ovary into the tube itself. If, while in the fallopian tube, the egg is fertilized by a sperm, pregnancy occurs, but if not, the egg is carried away by the current of menstrual blood.

In the next issue of the magazine we will talk about the practical significance of anatomy and talk about erogenous zones.

Erogenous zones in men are areas of the body and skin that increase a man's arousal when touched. Women often think that men have one single erogenous zone - the groin area and the genitals. However, in reality it turns out that men have quite a few erogenous zones throughout their body. At the same time, representatives of the stronger half are in no hurry to reveal all their secrets and weaknesses.

Every woman wants to be the ideal lover for her man. To do this, you need to give the man what he wants and influence his erogenous zones correctly. Since few men can directly talk about their erogenous zones, you will have to learn about them experimentally, that is, observe a man’s reaction to caress and touch.

Where are men's erogenous zones?

Lips and tongue are one of the most sensitive places in the human body. This is where a very large number of sensory nerve endings are located. It is believed that the lips have the thinnest skin. Moreover, sex most often begins with the touching of the lips of partners. Today there are a huge number of types of kisses, from the simplest and most unobtrusive to passionate and sensitive.

Often, when kissing, the tongue also takes part. These types of kisses are considered the most passionate, and there are also quite a few types of tongue movements in the partner’s mouth. Don't bite your partner's lips too hard or leave hickeys to show your passion. This often negatively affects a man; not everyone likes hickeys.

The neck and back of the head are also erogenous zones for men, and one of the most sensitive and powerful. Nature dictates that the head is an important organ, so only the closest people have access to it. Touching and caressing the back of the neck and the back of the head causes a pleasant sensation in a man and promotes relaxation. As a result, the man begins to get excited.

Many say that the earlobes are a sensitive area for representatives of the stronger half. This area is really very receptive to caresses and touches, so you can start caresses before sexual intercourse by touching the man’s ears. Oral sex will not be superfluous. You can also whisper compliments and pleasant words into a man’s ear.

Hands have never been considered an erogenous zone, but there is a special zone on the palms - the area between the middle and index fingers. This place is often compared to the area between the legs. There is also another erogenous zone, stroking it can cause arousal in a man. This is the place between the bumps under the ring and middle fingers on the palm. This area is considered a projection of the groin area on the hand, so caressing this area can cause an erection in a partner.

There are also other erogenous points in men, such as the breasts. You can carefully play with the curls on the chest of men, if any. You can also allow light caresses in the nipple area, however, you need to understand that men’s nipples are not as sensitive as women’s, so too persistent caresses may not appeal to some males.

You can cause an erection in a man by stroking the entire chest area and doing. Men like touch in this area, especially those who have well-developed pectoral muscles. This suggests that the man devotes a lot of time to this area during training. Accordingly, admiration for the large muscles in the partner’s chest area will give him additional confidence and relaxedness, and affectionate touches will lead to arousal.

One of the most erogenous zones in men is the stomach. For any member of the stronger sex, stroking the belly is a direct signal that the woman is about to move to the groin area. The approach of sexual pleasure entails an increase in erection, which any woman will notice. For a stronger effect, you can caress a man’s belly not only with your palms, but also lean against it with your belly or rub your chest along the surface.

Magic points for men

Places of arousal for men can lie even in the most unexpected areas. For example, on the back of the knee. For some representatives of the stronger half, this area is erogenous, and touching such a tender place causes sexual desire. In other cases, caressing can cause tickling.

In addition, it is believed that some men are aroused by foot massage. It is not for nothing that in eastern countries women wash the man’s feet before sexual intercourse. This process is not only an expression of respect for the man and submission of the woman, but also an action that allows the partner to relax, establishing a special relationship between a man and a woman.

Often massage leads to lovemaking. This is explained quite simply - there is more than one sensitive area on a man’s back. The most sensitive points of excitation in men are the area between the shoulder blades and in the sacrum area. A gentle, methodical impact in this area brings pleasure to a man.

In addition, the massage itself helps to relax and submit to the sensations. You can additionally use creams or oils for better gliding of your hands. Also, many girls stroke the man in these areas with a feather. The main thing here is not to overdo it, as such actions can cause tickling.

A man's buttocks are also a very sensitive area, so you can caress and touch them without being embarrassed. In addition, for many men, their buttocks are a source of pride, so admiration and attention to this particular area of ​​the body will definitely please your partner. You can do whatever you want with them: stroke, bite, lightly scratch, etc.


And, of course, on a man’s body – this is the groin area and the penis. Caresses in this area are the most pleasant and exciting for men.

There are many caresses that can be applied to the male genitals. In fact, any touching of the penis becomes arousing for a man. It is important not to push too hard so as not to hurt your partner. In addition, you should not immediately start sexual intercourse, you need to start with the less sensitive parts and gradually move on to the most important thing.

Only you can find out what erogenous zones your man has. Men are just as sensitive as women, so you shouldn’t think that they don’t need caresses and touches on their body at all. Of course, in most cases, men get excited quite quickly and easily, however, in order to give your partner pleasure, you need to pay attention to his body, without immediately moving on to the most important thing. The agonizing wait only strengthens the man’s erection and sexual desire.

How to influence erogenous zones

The secret of arousing a man from Thailand

Thai women have a certain secret that allows them to excite their men with just one touch.

To do this, they “install certain flags” on their partner’s body. You need to choose one area on your man’s body that you will touch every time during sexual caresses, before you begin actual sexual intercourse. Such an area should not be in a place that is accessible to other people, otherwise any accidental touch will cause sexual arousal.

When a woman caresses a certain area on a man’s body several times before sex, he gets used to the fact that this action will be followed by pleasure. In the future, touching such a secret zone will evoke sexual intercourse in a man’s memory and bring him into a state of excitement.

Also, after sex, you can caress another area, which will signal the end of the process and sexual arousal. This place will be useful to use when there is no desire to have sex with a partner. It is enough just to touch the second secret zone, and the man’s body will be rebuilt, and sexual desire will disappear. At the same time, he will not complain that “his woman always has a headache.”

Knowing your man's erogenous zones can make sexual intercourse more vivid and memorable. And if you also “set flags” on your partner’s body by choosing secret places, then in the future sexual relations with another woman will seem inferior to him.

Do you have serious problems with potency?

Have you tried a lot of remedies and nothing has helped? These symptoms are familiar to you firsthand:

  • Increased irritability;
  • Lack of desire;
  • Sluggish erection;
  • Sexual dysfunction.

The only way is surgery? Wait, and do not act with radical methods. It is POSSIBLE to increase potency! and find out how experts recommend treating...

What is sexual arousal and its main signs in men

No matter how strange it may sound, sexual arousal is a kind of stress for the body, which is accompanied by increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, and dilated pupils. Therefore, an indirect sign of sexual arousal in men can be considered a certain agitation, with the appearance of hoarseness in the voice.

Signs of arousal in men

Of course, an erection is the main and main sign of sexual arousal in men, when blood rushes to the head of the penis and it becomes very hard. At this moment, the pressure in the penis can reach arterial pressure, which leads to a change in its shape and an increase in size - 6-7 cm longer and 2-3 cm larger in diameter. Although in some cases, when a man experiences emotional sexual arousal, an erection may not occur. This is a sign of various vascular diseases, diabetes, psychological disorders and stress. All of these diseases prevent adequate blood flow by making it difficult for the cells in the arteries to relax.

Men get excited much faster and easier than women, and the level of excitability depends on the amount of hormones in the body and, of course, anthropology. For example, tall guys are less susceptible to sexual desire than short males.

Features of male excitability

At the mere thought of sexual intercourse itself, a man can be overwhelmed by a wave of excitement. But at the same time, if he is so quickly aroused, then his arousal itself disappears quite quickly, as does the process of ejecting sperm. Therefore, when in intimate proximity with such a man, it is extremely important for a woman to use not only various kinds of caresses, but also releasers. The latter are visual, auditory, nasal stimuli, female genital organs and a man’s touch on them, and the excited female body itself - a man reacts extremely sharply to it.

During sexual intercourse, in the process of rubbing the male penis against the walls of the vagina, a man experiences an even greater increase in sexual tension, since at this time the nerve endings are very irritated. Therefore, many men experience redness of the face and rapid breathing. By the way, you can prolong sexual intercourse if you stop friction for a while during it. Thanks to this, blood flows out from the head of the penis, and it softens, and then, resuming the rhythm, the erection occurs again with renewed vigor.

How does orgasm occur in men?

The peak of arousal in men occurs at the moment of achieving orgasm, at the moment of ejaculation, after which a surge of pleasure and relaxation is observed. At the same time, orgasm can be divided into 3 stages: a gradual increase in excitation, the highest limit of excitation and a decline in excitation - orgasm.

A few seconds before the start of ejaculation, a man begins involuntary, but at the same time incredibly pleasant contractions of the ejaculatory duct, through which sperm is already beginning to move. These contractions, lasting only a couple of seconds, are a sign of an incipient orgasm. But after the release of sperm, these contractions stop, as does the orgasm itself.

Upon completion of sexual intercourse, a man experiences detumescence, that is, a reverse process. Rapid outflow of blood from the head of the penis, reducing its size, changing its condition and shape. Moreover, if a man experiences a strong sexual attraction to his partner, then this process can last much longer.

When a guy gets excited: signs

After the onset of orgasm, men experience a refractory pause - a period of absence of arousal even with direct erogenous influence. The duration of such a pause can vary - from several minutes to several days.

Factors that determine the normal course of sexual intercourse

  • Neurohumoral – responsible for the influx of hormones that activate sexual desire and contribute to the appearance of arousal;
  • Mental – responsible for the onset of an erection before sexual intercourse;
  • Erectile – stimulates the male sexual organ;
  • Ejaculatory – responsible for timely ejaculation.

The active development of sexual desire in men begins at the age of 20. The peak of this development occurs at the age of 30-35 years, and stops by 60-65 years.

Erogenous places in men are sensitive areas of the body, the stimulation of which leads to increased libido. It is a mistake to believe that the nerve endings located in the perineum are responsible for the sexual arousal of representatives of the stronger half of humanity.

Male erogenous zones are located in certain places from birth. Interestingly, these amazing points can change position, dull or sharpen sensitivity. Surgeries, injuries, alcohol and nicotine can affect the body, including the location of the magic points.

Erogenous zones in men: where are they located?

So, where might the most erogenous zones in men be located? Anywhere! Every man is a new unexplored object that requires attention and patience. It is quite possible that a representative of the stronger half of humanity himself had no idea that he could be aroused by kisses on the navel or blowing on the back of the head.

Where can erogenous points be concentrated in men?

  • tongue, lips;
  • back of the head, neck;
  • back, stomach;
  • legs;
  • breast;
  • perineum, anus, penis.

Nerve endings located on the tongue and lips detect the slightest impact. The movements can be graceful and teasing, or they can resemble sucking. Almost all men are delighted when the hair on their head is sorted, the back of their head and neck are stroked. The reaction to caresses in this area is a response from childhood, when my mother stroked my head. By entrusting this part of the body to you, a man speaks of complete revelation, since he is deprived of control over what is happening. Some people will like gentle stroking, while others will want you to run your claws through their hair.

Pay attention to your hands for a man's erogenous zones. Between the middle and ring fingers there is a secret place, which is a projection of the groin.

Knead and stroke the magic zone and you will soon see a noticeable erection. There is another secret area on the back of the hand between the middle and index fingers. Turn a hand massage into foreplay and enjoy the sensations together with the object of passion.

Almost every man will enjoy caressing the breasts, but the effect on the nipples is individual. If the fair sex caresses pink halos bring unimaginable pleasure, then some men may even find such stroking unpleasant. To excite your partner, use your breasts while stroking his torso.

The belly is a place that excites a man's fantasy. After all, it is located in relative proximity to the genitals. You can massage your stomach with your palms or your stomach, chest and even your hair. Do not neglect the impact on the feet and popliteal areas. Some men experience exciting emotions when their limbs are massaged.

Of course, no one has canceled the back massage: it is better to carry out movements from the lower part, moving upward. The effects on the sacral spine or interscapular space can be especially pleasant. A feather or claw strokes can add variety to a pleasant massage session. Experiment with kissing and touching your hair. You can crush your partner's strong back with your feet.

Erogenous zones in men: methods of influence

How to influence your partner’s magic points is up to you. However, it is necessary to know the entire arsenal of “weapons” in order to feel as knowledgeable as possible.

The methods of influencing erosion zones are as follows:

  • biting;
  • licking;
  • kisses;
  • touch;
  • flip flops;
  • squeezing;
  • vibrations.

The most common impact on the body is kissing. Using your tongue for caresses, you can give your partner maximum pleasure. Gentle biting can bring special pleasure: the main thing is to control the degree of impact. Touches can be barely perceptible, airy, or burning.

Compression that deforms areas of the partner's skin can dramatically increase arousal. For example, some women like to squeeze their partner’s buttocks, back, and arms with their palms.

Spanking is spanking that can be used during love games. Do not particularly control the degree of spanking, since men are more “thick-skinned”, and you are unlikely to be able to give them painful sensations.

Frequent vibrations displace layers of the skin, so vibrations are considered a powerful stimulant. By blowing on your partner's sensitive areas, for example, on the head of the penis, you can give him an unforgettable sensation. You can experiment with cold or hot air flows, causing different skin reactions. The temperature effect on the body using “ice and fire” is known to many. The shock of cold creates euphoria and increases libido.

What determines the degree of male arousal? Mere knowledge of the location and impact on male erogenous zones is not enough. There are special secrets that will help turn love play into special magic. Smells play a big role in the rise or fall of arousal. Strong culinary aromas can discourage sex, as can a partner’s lack of cleanliness.

Extraneous sounds are distracting and annoying. The screams of children, the sounds of a jackhammer and passing cars make it difficult to concentrate. Music should not be considered a panacea for all ills. Without knowing your partner's tastes, you may accidentally make the wrong choice and be disappointed.

Physical exhaustion is not the best ally for good sex. After a difficult day at work, a man may experience depression in his erogenous zones. By influencing the receptors, you will only irritate it. Such experiments will end with suspicions of infidelity or impotence, although in fact, the man is simply tired.

Increased irritability can lead to refusal of sexual pleasures. Any touches and even kisses will be perceived as irritants. If your spouse or loved one has had an extremely difficult and stressful day, it is better to postpone sexual play until next time or give him a chance to calm down. Painful sensations, for example, migraines, abdominal cramps and other ailments, nullify any desires. Therefore, a headache is not always a reason to refuse unwanted sex.

Alcohol and extreme sports can lead to a state of strong sexual arousal, but if you constantly use these methods to get high, you will come to the point of being emotionally oversaturated. Learn to find new ways to explore each other's bodies without unnecessary excesses or health risks.

Magic points you didn't know about

Admit it, you didn’t even think about the fact that your stronger half has secret points. Expand your horizons and practice on your loved one!

C is the point located along the outer edge of the ear. The distances from the lobe to the cartilage are in the shape of the letter C. Concentrating the nerve endings here will help turn on a man in a couple of minutes. Start with kissing the neck, and then move on to caressing the ears. Don’t forget to whisper affection and bite him to drive him completely crazy.

8 – point located at the base of the penis. Run your fingers around the base of the penis and then around the scrotum, making a figure eight. Subtle touches will help quickly bring your partner into a state of combat readiness. You can gently press your finger at the base of the genital organ to slightly slow down the flow of blood and increase excitement.

W is the point that is located on the chest. Place your partner on their back and sit on top. Draw the letter W on the chest from left to right and vice versa. To make the sliding of your fingers more pleasant, lubricate the tips with massage oil. Start with light touches and finish with strong pressure.

O - located in the protrusion of the base of the spine. According to tantric teachings, touching this zone awakens the male's sexual energy. While your partner is lying on his stomach, massage the sacrum with your thumb, moving in a circle. Gradually increase the radius and move on to an intense back massage.