Movement in early pregnancy. When the baby starts moving


The fetus begins to make the first movements early, already at 7-8 weeks of pregnancy. It was at this time that the first muscles and the rudiments of the nervous system of the fetus are formed. Naturally, the movements of the embryo are still very primitive - these are muscle contractions in response to nerve impulses. From about 10 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus begins to move more actively in the uterus, and, bumping into the walls of the uterus, change the trajectory of movement. However, the baby is still quite small, and these blows are very weak, therefore future mom can't feel them yet.

Fetal movements for the first time

Gradually, when the baby grows up, the pregnant woman begins to feel his movements. It is generally accepted that during the first pregnancy, the expectant mother can feel the movements of the fetus at 20 weeks, with repeated pregnancies at 18. But this is not entirely true. Some future mothers feel the first movements already at 15-16 weeks, and someone really only after the 20th. A woman who is expecting her first child most often begins to feel the movements of the fetus a little later than a multiparous woman. This is due to the fact that the latter know how the movements of the crumbs are felt at first and what they should feel, and inexperienced expectant mothers take them for increased intestinal motility or “gas”. Many women describe the first movements, which are usually infrequent and irregular, as a feeling of fluid in the abdomen, “butterflies fluttering” or “fish swimming”.

Naturally, the time when a woman can feel the movements of her baby for the first time depends on her individual sensitivity. Slender ladies, as a rule, begin to feel fetal movements earlier than full ones. Women who lead an active lifestyle, work a lot, usually feel the movements of the fetus later, because with high employment they usually listen less to their inner feelings.

Early abilities
At 11-12 weeks intrauterine life little man already knows how to clench his fists, grimace, frown. By 16 weeks of gestation, he begins to respond to loud, sharp sounds with amplification. motor activity, at 17 weeks the first facial expressions appear, and at 18 weeks he can already cover his face with his hands and plays with the umbilical cord, clenching and unclenching his fingers.

Fetal movements: increasing activity

By 20 weeks due to the formation of the spinal cord and brain, as well as the accumulation of a certain amount muscle mass in the fetus, its movements become more regular and palpable. From 24 weeks of pregnancy, the expectant mother already feels how the fetus changes position, moves its arms and legs. The motor activity of the baby increases gradually, and its peak falls on the period from the 24th to the 32nd week of pregnancy. At this time, it becomes one of the indicators normal development baby, the child begins to "communicate" with his mother with the help of movements, respond to the sounds of her voice and emotional condition. After 32 weeks, the number of fetal movements gradually decreases due to the fact that the baby is growing up and he simply does not have enough free space. But their intensity and strength remain the same or increase. This becomes especially noticeable at the time of childbirth.

Fetal movements: an inextricable link

Of course, the movements of the fetus depend on the mood of the mother: if the mother is worried or happy, the baby can move more actively or, conversely, calm down. The fact is that when a woman experiences positive emotions, in her body, the amount of hormones of joy - endorphins, which regulate the work of the heart and blood vessels, including the vessels of the placenta, increases significantly, and the baby usually becomes more active. During stress or pronounced negative emotions, biologically active substances are also produced - stress hormones, they also affect the work of the heart and blood vessels.

In this case, at first the baby may begin to move more strongly, and then calms down. It is thanks to this biological interaction that the fetus feels the state of the mother. When she is resting, the baby usually becomes more active, if a pregnant woman is active, busy with some kind of work, the child most often moves less. This happens because it receives less glucose and nutrients, as the blood supply to the muscles and brain of the mother increases. In addition, most often the baby begins to move actively after the mother eats, especially something sweet. This is explained simply: after eating, the level of glucose (an energy source in the body) in the blood increases sharply, which makes it possible for the fetus to be more active.

In constant motion?
At the 20th week of pregnancy, the fetus makes about 200 movements per day, and between the 28th and 32nd weeks their daily number reaches 600. Naturally, a pregnant woman does not feel all the movements of the baby, but only a small part of them. So, after 28 weeks, the frequency of fetal movement, according to the sensations of a woman, is usually 4 to 8 times per hour, with the exception of periods of his sleep (3-4 hours in a row). In the third trimester, a pregnant woman may notice that the baby has certain cycles of sleep and wakefulness. Children are usually most active from 19:00 to 4:00 in the morning, and the period of "rest" occurs more often from 4 to 9:00 in the morning.

Fetal movements: is everything okay with the baby?

Naturally, a pregnant woman should listen to the movements of the baby, because in some cases, changes in activity may indicate a violation of his prenatal state and a not entirely successful pregnancy.

There are several ways to assess the "sufficiency" of fetal movements.

The simplest of them are various options counting by the most pregnant woman the number of movements of the baby. They are easy to use, do not require additional equipment and the presence of a doctor. The disadvantages of such methods are that each woman has different thresholds of susceptibility.

"Count to ten." This is the most common method for assessing fetal movements. It can be carried out after 28 weeks of pregnancy, when the fetus is mature enough for active movements. Its essence lies in the fact that the expectant mother counts the movements of the fetus for 12 hours, for example, from 9 am to 9 pm. If the fetus makes less than 10 movements during this period, this is an occasion to consult a doctor for an additional examination.

Sadowski method. In the evening after dinner (approximately between 19 and 23 hours), the woman lies on her left side and counts the movements of the fetus. At the same time, everyone, even the most small movements. If 10 or more movements are noted within an hour, this indicates that the baby feels good. If the fetus moved less than 10 times in an hour, then its movements are counted for another next hour. Evening time for this evaluation method was not chosen randomly. It is in the evening, especially after dinner and the associated increase in glucose, that the greatest activity of the fetus is noted. If the number of fetal movements during this test is less than 10 times in 2 hours, this should be considered as a sign of a violation of his condition and additional studies should be carried out.

If after 28 weeks of pregnancy, the baby does not make itself felt within 3-4 hours, it is possible that he is just sleeping. In this case, the expectant mother needs to eat something sweet and lie down on her left side for half an hour. If these simple manipulations do not help, it is worth repeating them again after 2-3 hours. If this time the baby does not make itself felt, this is an occasion to consult a doctor. Rare and weak movements can also indicate the ill-being of the fetus, most often a lack of oxygen for it (hypoxia).

For an obstetrician-gynecologist, fetal movements are also an important diagnostic criterion. Too active, violent, painful wiggling fetus or weak, rare movements may indicate a dysfunctional condition. Changes in the activity of the baby may be associated with external influences. For example, if a pregnant woman lies on her back for a long time, then the enlarged uterus compresses the inferior vena cava, disrupting the flow of blood to the fetus, which immediately causes its violent reaction - active movements. The same changes in the activity of the baby can occur in any other uncomfortable position of the mother: if she leans forward, squeezing her stomach, sits with her legs crossed, then the child “asks” her to change her position with her movements. A similar situation occurs if the baby himself squeezes or presses the loops of the umbilical cord, limiting the flow of blood through it. He begins to move more actively, changes his position and relieves pressure on the umbilical cord. But in some cases, an increase or vice versa, a subsidence of fetal movements can be a sign of a serious pathology.

To determine the condition of the baby, the doctor conducts a series of examinations:

  • The easiest - is auscultation (listening)- using a special tube (obstetric stethoscope) or a special device that captures the fetal heartbeat, the doctor listens to how the baby's heart works. Normal should be about 120-160 beats per minute. A decrease in heart rate of less than 120 beats or an increase of more than 160 may indicate prenatal suffering of the child.
  • Ultrasound examination and doplerometry. When conducting an ultrasound, the doctor visually assesses the size of the fetus and their compliance with the gestational age. At oxygen starvation the growth rate of the child slows down, and its size begins to lag behind the norm. The structure of the placenta is also important, the presence of signs of aging in it, as a result of which the function of transferring blood, oxygen and nutrients to the fetus usually worsens. During an ultrasound, the amount and type of amniotic fluid is assessed, which can also change with intrauterine suffering of the baby. Doplerometry of the vessels of the placenta and umbilical cord is a method for studying the speed of blood flow in these vessels. With a decrease in this indicator, we can talk about malnutrition of the fetus varying degrees gravity.
  • Cardiotocography (CTG). This is an important method for assessing the condition of the fetus, which is performed using a special device that registers and records the baby's heart rate. Usually, CTG is performed after the 32–33rd week of pregnancy, since only by this time prenatal development fetus, a full regulation of its activity is established cardiovascular systems s centers of the spinal cord and brain. Until this time, the results of the study may be unreliable. Recording of fetal heartbeats is carried out for at least 40 minutes, and if necessary, the study can be extended up to 1.5 hours. The obstetrician-gynecologist evaluates the heartbeat recording curve, episodes of slowing down and a sharp increase in heart rate, and based on these data, makes a conclusion about how comfortable the baby feels.

If, during additional methods for assessing the condition of the fetus, initial disturbances in the supply of oxygen to the baby are detected, then drug treatment aimed at increasing the access of blood and oxygen through the placenta and mandatory control examinations against the background of ongoing therapy. If the changes are deep and the baby experiences a pronounced deficiency of oxygen and nutrients, his condition suffers, the doctor may decide on the need for an emergency delivery.

But it is important to remember that fetal movements are not only an indicator of his condition, but also a way for a baby to communicate with parents, these are unforgettable sensations that a woman can experience only in this short, but such a happy period of her life.

When I was pregnant, I listened with trepidation to my body and waited for the baby to give me the news, when will I feel the first movements of the fetus? And when it happened - at first I did not believe it, and then I was overwhelmed by indescribable emotions! I think that for any expectant mother, the first fetal movements are emotions that will be remembered for a lifetime, they are akin to what you experience when you see two stripes on a test. Memories of pregnancy are long stored in the memory of a woman as the most pleasant and carefree time, full of hopes and slight anxieties. Fetal movements are not only a joyful moment, but also a very good indicator that can tell the doctor about health, development and how the future birth will go, let's talk about fetal movements in more detail.

When do they appear?
The fetus in the mother's stomach begins to move very early - from 8-10 weeks it swims freely, somersaults and pushes with its legs-handles. Only now the mother does not feel it yet, because there is a lot of space inside the uterus, it floats in the amniotic fluid, which softens the tremors. He still has a little strength and is quite a baby in size - only 3 cm. Gradually, the baby grows and closer to the middle of the term, when his size becomes more than 10 cm, and his strength becomes greater, his mother feels his first timid tremors, which makes future parents very happy.

It is usually believed that during the first pregnancy, movements begin to be felt a little later, by about 20 weeks of pregnancy. Since the mother is not yet experienced and takes the movements for intestinal motility or bloating. Those women who are pregnant with their second or third babies. feel movements earlier - sometimes already at 16-17 weeks of pregnancy. average term baby starts moving. perceived by the mother is 18-20 weeks. Thin women feel movements earlier than chubby ones, but in any case, by 21-22 weeks, movements in all women become distinct. Now, in response to your remarks, the baby will gently tap on you from the inside with a leg or pen.

How does it feel?
Describing movements is not an easy task, it is impossible to unambiguously define them - each mother has her own epithets for this. Some women say that it is like a gurgling in the stomach, others feel jolts or rolling. The first movements are easy to confuse with the process of digestion - many mothers at first think that it is seething in their intestines, although this “seething” is firmly noted clearly in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe uterus. The movements are still irregular - once a woman feels them distinctly. And sometimes there are periods of calm. But while the baby still has a lot of space in the stomach and you should not worry about the irregular movements, distinct movements will be especially important after thirty weeks.

Since then, the movement has been felt as jolts. Movement of the limbs and turning inside the abdomen, the child can calm down for several hours - sleep, and then can actively "warm up" in the mother's stomach. sometimes a mother can even guess by the outlines that it is a baby’s hand or foot. ten or more movements per day are considered the norm, and the activity of the child does not depend on what the woman eats and drinks. However, it seems to many mothers that babies are more active after consuming sweets or after juice, perhaps these products are more to the taste of the baby.

What do wiggles mean?
Always be attentive to the sensations of your body, you should always note the activity of the baby. for you, the excessive activity of your baby or the absence of his movements for a long time should become. If you mark similar phenomena- Consult with your gynecologist. Doctors usually recommend watching the baby move for several days in a row, and note its activity in a notebook. Particularly alarming is the cessation of motor activity for 12 or more hours, since from about 24-25 weeks the child moves in the tummy about 10-15 times within an hour, although it is sometimes permissible to sleep up to two or three hours, almost without moving.

Try to stimulate the baby to physical activity on your own - do a few simple exercises from gymnastics for pregnant women, breathe as you will need to breathe in childbirth, hold your breath for a few seconds, eat sweet or tasty. Which usually wakes up your belly button. Usually this is enough.
Remember - the movements of the crumbs may not always be the same - once they are more intense, even within one day he behaves differently. The fact is that even in the stomach he has hours of rest. And hours of games and entertainment, by the way, often do not coincide with your biorhythms. Sometimes a mother simply does not notice that the baby is moving if, for example, he only flexes and unbends his limbs, changes the position of the head, opens his eyes or sucks his finger.

After 4-5 months, if you want to appreciate and feel the movements of the baby, do this - eat something tasty, sweet - tea with jam, cake, bun or chocolate. 15-20 minutes after eating, lie down in bed to watch TV or read a magazine, lie still for a couple of hours, usually dense or sweet food in combination with the mother’s lack of movement quickly make the baby express itself - they begin to push the mother, encouraging her to walk and stretch. If in this way it is not possible to persuade the baby to be active, it is possible that he is just sleeping, and repeat your attempts later. If during the day, despite all the attempts you have made to stimulate his activity, the baby still behaves quietly and does not detect himself even with slight movements, consult a doctor. The doctor will carefully examine and listen to you, listen to the baby's heartbeat and, if necessary, do an ultrasound, then everything will become clear.

What if he is very active?
Moms can be frightened not only by the lack of movement, but also by the sudden excessive activity of the baby. Often, babies begin to kick and strike hard if the mother sits or lies in an uncomfortable position, experiences hypoxia, worries or squeezes large wreath uterus. This occurs due to a lack of oxygen. Which the baby is trying to eliminate in the only way available to him. This, for example, sitting cross-legged, lying on your back, then it is enough to get up to stretch or just change position.

If the activity of the fetus is increased almost constantly - you need to visit a doctor unscheduled, often this means some trouble for the child, but it's too early to panic - first be examined. Sometimes mom just seems that the activity has become stronger and the kicks are more sensitive, because the baby has just grown up. Any normal pregnant woman worries about her belly button! Doctors will recommend that you check the activity of your baby from 28 weeks twice a day in the morning and evening with the help of simple tests.

One of the tests was developed by Prison - it is called "counting to ten." It is very easy to perform and requires absolutely no preparations and costs. Get a special piece of paper, for example, attached to the refrigerator, and every day mark on it the number of fetal movements from 29 weeks of pregnancy - we count at 9 am and end at 9 pm. Not all movements need to be recorded. And only the first and every tenth of them - we indicate its time in the leaflet. These data can then be shown to your doctor at the next visit, less than 10 movements per day should alert you - this may be a sign of fetal hypoxia - lack of oxygen.

The assessment is then carried out in this way - we note the time of counting and record all the movements of the baby. coups, pushes, kicks, if they all fit in 10-20 minutes, physical activity is normal. If it took more time - perhaps the baby was sleeping or resting. If the whole hour he did not move. Have a bite. Lie still and start counting again. If after that he did not begin to be active, it is worth consulting with a doctor. However, it is not necessary to make predictions on the strength or nature of movements - all children are different and not always the baby should move strongly.

If there are twins in the tummy, it can be felt that the whole belly is constantly moving, and the children are doing this very actively. An ultrasound will confirm the activity of the child or both. The activity of the baby will gradually increase until about 32 weeks, and then, due to the tightness of the uterus, it will gradually decrease. By the time of birth, babies can even calm down - preparing for a crucial moment. By the end of the third trimester, the strength and intensity of movements is greater, but their number may decrease. Mom can already clearly guess where the baby was moved with the leg, and where with the handle, the baby can stretch out and rest against the stomach, if the baby’s head is down - the mother will feel quite strong blows of the legs on the ribs and in the right side, if he is head up - the movements will be more often at the bottom belly.
By evening and at night, babies are often active - and this is normal, you should not worry.

What will alert?
It is a very common misconception that the activity of the baby is a sign of lack of oxygen. Most often, the situation is even reversed, in the absence of movements or very low fetal activity, hypoxia is suspected. Although sometimes it happens, the baby just fell asleep. If after thirty weeks the baby moves little, weakly and very rarely, urgently consult a doctor, the doctor will examine you and possibly prescribe therapy to improve blood circulation in the placenta.

To clarify the situation, CTG is often prescribed, which can be performed from 34 weeks. This method allows you to assess the condition of the baby by analyzing his movements and heartbeats. In 30-60 minutes, the doctor will record with the help of sensors the fetal heartbeat and their reaction to movements. After that, an assessment of the child's condition is carried out. If the CTG is unimportant, the mother may even be admitted to the hospital.

What can the unusual "behavior" of the baby mean?
As we said earlier, the main cause for concern for expectant mothers is a decrease in fetal activity, or a sharp increase in it. If you noted this, maybe the baby is hinting to you that it’s enough to lie on the couch or hang around the monitor and it’s time to take a walk or eat? If the movements constantly alarm you, see a doctor. Most likely, everything is in order - but better once again make sure of it. If there are signs of hypoxia, it is necessary to start timely treatment. Hypoxia may occur different reasons- complicated pregnancy, your illnesses, anemia, problems with the placenta. However, if you notice them in time and treat them -All will pass safely.

About truth and fiction?

Many expectant mothers think that the baby in the stomach, like the mother, should know when it is day and when it is night, respectively, play during the day and sleep at night. Alas, this is not so, and the baby does not distinguish between the time of day, and therefore sleeps when it is convenient for him. Sometimes it happens during the day, and at night, when mom wants to relax, he wakes up in a playful mood, and he cheerfully kicks the half-asleep mother in the ribs!

Sometimes the baby in the mother's stomach can hiccup or cough, this is not dangerous and does not indicate illness - this is training for life outside the tummy. Hiccups are caused by excessive swallowing of amniotic fluid.

By the movements of the baby, many even try to determine the temperament of the child - there are calm babies. Which do not push hard and do not give mom trouble. And there are fidgets who kick their stomach so hard that mom starts to groan! Now is the time to call dad. The voices of male children are often soothing even while they are in the stomach. Remember, kids don't like harsh sounds, loud voices and stress - they react to them with fading.

Fetal movements during pregnancy are extremely important not only for the expectant mother, but also for doctors. A woman always looks forward to this exciting moment with impatience and trepidation, even if she is not pregnant for the first time. And the gynecologist, analyzing the frequency, regularity and nature of the movements of the crumbs, makes a conclusion about its development and general condition. Despite the huge breakthrough in the field of prenatal (that is, prenatal) diagnosis, fetal movements inside the womb remain one of the most important indicators in terms of significance. Therefore, they need to be monitored throughout pregnancy, counting movements and analyzing their features.

But today we will talk about when the first movements of the fetus appear and when they are felt during pregnancy, what they look like, what they can be compared with and what they talk about.

At what time are the first fetal movements felt during pregnancy

It's hard to believe, but the embryo makes its first movements at a very early stage, already starting from 7-8 weeks. Of course, they are still reflex and unconscious, completely uncoordinated and very weak. However, already at this short term nervous and muscular tissues reach their development to such an extent that even a very modest, but still motor activity begins to be carried out.

The size of the fetus at the 8th week of pregnancy does not exceed 2 centimeters. He is still very small, and can swim freely in amniotic sac without even touching its walls. Of course, the expectant mother cannot feel these movements, but the baby develops and improves very quickly, reaching everything every week. top level development. A week later, he learns to swallow amniotic fluid, and this is a very serious job. A 10-week-old fetus can open and close its mouth, wave its arms and squeeze them into fists. At 11 weeks, baby stretches and urinates for the first time!

Then he becomes even more active - somersaults, sucks his fingers, yawns, reacts to changes in light and sounds. At 15 weeks skeletal system is already getting stronger, and therefore very soon you will feel its tremors physically. Starting from the 16th week, the fetus already reacts to sounds coming from outside, at the 17th week the facial expressions begin to work actively (the baby squints), and after another week it already works with might and main: it closes from bright light, plays with the umbilical cord, clamps fingers into fists. Places in the womb are gradually getting smaller: the chances of feeling the first shocks increase.

All this time, the baby is getting stronger, his movements are becoming more coordinated, strong and active, and by the 15-16th week, his mother can feel the presence of another life in her womb physically, in the form of pushes and swarms. But still, in most cases, for the first time this happens a little later.

The first movements during pregnancy in all women are felt on different terms. It largely depends on the sensitivity of the expectant mother. Often, women take the first movements for muscle contractions of the intestines, and in other cases, on the contrary, intestinal activity is perceived as the movement of a baby. Therefore, the timing when the first movements are felt varies. And yet, medical experience and reviews of pregnant women indicate that, on average, they appear between 18 and 24 weeks. The appearance of sensations earlier or later by 2-3 weeks can be considered the norm, because this sensation is evaluated subjectively.

Most often, obstetricians say that the first movements during the first pregnancy are felt at 18-22 weeks. At this time, the baby makes an average of 200 movements per day. It is most active between the 28th and 32nd weeks of pregnancy: the daily number of movements reaches 600. Most often and most strongly, a woman feels the baby at rest - usually in the evening or at night, when she completely relaxes.

You can talk a lot about this and figuratively, but no descriptions can be compared with the real feelings of your own baby. Moreover, we all evaluate and describe them differently: some are funny, others are romantic, and still others are down to earth and prosaic.

As you already understood from what was written above, the first movements of the child very often resemble intestinal peristalsis: it seems as if the stomach is rumbling. And for this reason, it is sometimes difficult to determine whether the baby is moving or the intestines are “raging”.

Nevertheless, without exception, all pregnant women (ex and real) argue: it is impossible to confuse the so expected and desired first movements of the crumbs with anything. Even if not for the first time, but very soon you will understand: this is definitely a baby!

Moms compare his first movements with the splashing of a fish, the fluttering of a butterfly's wings ... Imagine that you hid a moth in your palms, and it flaps its wings ... Only this is in the tummy.

Physical sensations and understanding that your little blood is developing in the womb are incomparable with anything! Most pregnant women from this moment begin to truly realize that very soon they will become a mother!

What does fetal movement during pregnancy mean?

By the way, at the time when the mother begins to feel the movements of her baby, they already carry a certain meaning and become a real way for the crumbs to communicate with the outside world. And, do not forget that so far the whole world for him is first of all you yourself. From about 23-24 weeks of pregnancy, the baby reacts with physical activity to a variety of physical and emotional stimuli. Whether it’s uncomfortable, uncomfortable or hard for him, or whether his beloved mother feels bad (upset, nervous, tired, agitated, overstrained) - the baby either calms down or gets excited, and you will very soon learn to recognize his “mood”. Approximately from this period, experts say, the movements of the fetus already resemble the movements of a newborn baby.

Experts are convinced that already in the period of its intrauterine development, the baby shows its character through motor activity. However, if you do not notice a single movement within 12 hours, or if you notice for three days in a row that the baby has increased his activity, you must definitely tell your doctor about this. Very often, such changes may indicate discomfort experienced by the child, in particular intrauterine hypoxia.

Regardless of whether you are pregnant for the first time or already have maternal experience, fetal movements are always of particular diagnostic value. They need to be listened to, they should be learned to understand, they, of course, need to be answered with love and affection.

Meanwhile, often re-pregnant women feel the first movements of the fetus a little earlier than for the first time - on average, at about 16-18 weeks of pregnancy. This has several explanations. First, they are already familiar with the sensation and can immediately recognize it. Secondly, the uterus of women who have already given birth is more sensitive to such influences. By the way, thin women often feel the first movements of the fetus earlier than mothers “in the body”. Do not forget that the gestational age is not always determined correctly, and this may also be the reason that you felt your baby for the first time earlier or later than most other women.

In addition, women carrying multiple pregnancies are often confused: it seems to them that the baby is very active or swarms everywhere at once, while with a singleton pregnancy, higher motor activity in the later stages is noted in the area of ​​​​the legs of the crumbs (most often this is the area of ​​​​the hypochondrium because most babies have cephalic presentation, that is, facing the head to the pubis).

Be that as it may, the first movements of the fetus during pregnancy are the first available method of mutual communication between the baby and the mother. Talk to him, sing songs to him, consult, give him your love. He understands everything perfectly now! And this blessed time of your communication, unattainable for anyone, will never happen again...

Especially for - Elena Semenova

For every woman, fetal movement is a long-awaited and desired event during pregnancy. Usually it does not have a specific time frame, because each pregnancy is individual.

Heat what to do measurements
walk eavesdrop flipping
the doctor has a difference
leg stage pregnancy

During the first pregnancy, the expectant mother wants to feel the first movements of the fetus as soon as possible. However, the baby always moves during his wakefulness. It's just that in the early stages it is imperceptible, but by the middle of the second trimester, its activity becomes more intense.

But in the third trimester, the baby becomes quite large, and the movements are reduced to a minimum, usually the baby completely calms down. The first timid movements of the child with a singleton or multiple pregnancy depend on the following factors:

  • woman's constitution;
  • fetal position;
  • features of the attachment of the placenta;
  • individual sensitivity;
  • emotional state;
  • motor activity;
  • lifestyle.

Active women who move a lot throughout the day may not feel the sensations that cause the first movements of the fetus, which are observed during the first gestation.

It is impossible to generalize the impressions and feelings from the first movements of the child. For some, they are similar to trembling and fluttering in the stomach, others feel like hunger calls, and still others clearly feel bumps, jolts and nutrition. Let's take a closer look at exactly when the tangible movement of the baby begins during the first and subsequent pregnancy.

How to recognize the mood of the child

Magic Moment Features

A good gynecologist at the first conception always talks in detail about exactly when the fetal movements begin. Of course, there are certain norms according to which the movements of the crumbs begin to be felt.

At first conception this moment starts around 19-20 weeks. However, sometimes at the 15th week of pregnancy, girls begin to feel a barely noticeable movement of the baby. This only confirms that the body of each woman is unique.

At the same time, already at the 12th week, the baby begins to move the arms and legs that have appeared. However, he is still quite tiny, so his movements are imperceptible. Do not be afraid that you will not understand how you can recognize the movement of the fetus. For a short time, you will intuitively feel your baby, and in last trimester the baby will kick very actively and it will be impossible not to notice it.

A weekWhat happens to the child
18-20 weeksThe baby is growing up, so his movements are more noticeable. He already hears his mother's voice and reacts to it.
20-22 weeksHe has not taken a certain position, but there is still quite a lot of space in the uterus, so the baby rotates and turns over in all directions.
22-30 weekThe baby twists its legs, turns its head. His arms are already strong enough to wrap around his legs, grab the umbilical cord and sort it out.
30-32 weeksThe baby is still free to rotate and roll over, but by this time is usually in a stable position.
32-38 weeksThe baby is rapidly gaining weight, and there is less and less space in the uterus. Its activity is reduced due to the peculiarities of the position: the head is pressed against the chest, and the legs and arms are pressed against the body. The child can kick only occasionally, but strongly.

The motor activity of the child characterizes the course of pregnancy. By the intensity and frequency of his movements, you can judge how he feels.

Magic Moment Features

When the 25th week of pregnancy is approaching, girls sometimes note quite large intervals between fetal movements. Even if there is no activity for a day, this does not mean that something has happened to the child. It's just that he is not yet strong enough, and the expectant mother has not yet learned to recognize his movements.

Fetal movement during pregnancy at 27-28 weeks is felt about 10 times in 2-3 hours. From this age, he constantly begins to "communicate" with his mother and let him know about his well-being, pleasure, joy and anxiety.

Also, the baby reacts to the emotional state of the mother. When she is happy or worried, he can either calm down or start kicking especially actively.

A woman should monitor the movements of the child. future mommy need to.

  1. Every day, count the number of movements of the baby.
  2. Record the time of every tenth movement.

If there are from 5 to 10 movements, then there is no reason for concern, because everything is fine with the baby. When the baby does not make itself felt within two hours, you need to walk around, climb the stairs, and then lie down. Try to eat something light. This usually helps to activate the baby.

Listen for fetal movements that appear at 38 or more early week pregnancy. They reflect functional state baby. Do not be afraid if the baby behaves more actively than usual. This is not a pathology and often usually occurs due to the uncomfortable position that the expectant mother has taken.

Reflection of the functional state of the baby

When a girl sits leaning back or lies on her back, the baby moves more than usual. This happens because the uterus begins to squeeze blood vessels that deliver blood to the placenta and uterus. As a result, less blood flows through the umbilical cord to the baby, so he feels the lack of oxygen and moves more actively.

What should be done.

  1. Try changing your body position.
  2. You should lie on your side.
  3. You can sit down and lean forward.

Blood flow will return to normal, and the baby will calm down.

Actions when there is no activity

If during pregnancy the norm of fetal movement is violated, it is necessary to inform the doctor about this. The decrease in motor activity is warning sign. Often it indicates that the child suffers from a lack of oxygen (hypoxia).

When you notice that the baby has not been moving for about 6-7 hours, you should urgently call the gynecologist. If you are not able to get to the hospital on your own, you need to call an ambulance.

First of all, the doctor will listen to the baby's heartbeat with an obstetric stethoscope. On average, it should be about 130-140 beats per minute. The maximum rate is 160 strokes. If heartbeat is normal, cardiographic examination is carried out. This method diagnostics evaluates the functional state and determines possible hypoxia.

During the examination, the specialist attaches the sensor to the anterior abdominal wall with the help of belts. The sensor allows you to determine the curve of the baby's heartbeat. The girl holds a button in her hand, which must be pressed when the slightest movements of the child are felt. Normally, the heart rate increases in response to movement.

If on late term the doctor diagnoses severe hypoxia, then they are prescribed premature birth. This saves a child's life. With a mild degree of hypoxia, treatment is indicated that prevents complications.

Motor activity of the second child

Fetal movements during the second pregnancy feel almost the same as during the first. Sometimes, due to the location of the placenta, the following features are observed:

  • the localization of shocks changes;
  • pushing force increases.

There will be a second birth

The placenta may be in the anterior or back wall uterus. During the second pregnancy, a woman feels even the slightest movements of the fetus earlier. It is considered normal when, during the second pregnancy, a girl begins to feel them already at 4 months. It's about 16 weeks. Sometimes the movements of the baby can be seen at 3 months. They are like the light flutter of a butterfly. By the way, at the second conception already at 7 obstetric week the first movements of your fetus may begin, but you are unlikely to feel them.

The most reverent, unforgettable feeling during pregnancy is the first long-awaited stirring under the baby's heart. When to expect it? What do periods of activity and rest mean? How to conduct a movement test on your own and what studies can confirm that everything is in order with the baby?

Signs of new life: fetal movements

Positive pregnancy test, registration in women's consultation, regular visits to the doctor... Everything is so new to you. But most powerful emotions cause the first movement of the baby. The sensations are painless, still weak and indistinct, but so different: as if a fish swam in the stomach, or a butterfly fluttered in the palms. It is from this moment that the realization comes to you that a new life is growing inside.

In fact, the child begins to move with. He already has the first muscle bundles and nerve fibers. It is still very small and, surrounded amniotic fluid practically does not touch the walls of the uterus. In the process of growth and development of the nervous system, its movements become more ordered. The baby reacts to external stimuli, touches the walls of the uterus. Then you feel the movement.

Degree of sensitivity

When does the child show up? It is believed that during the first pregnancy this happens in, with the second - two weeks earlier. But the timing is approximate and depends on many factors.

If you experienced mom, and similar sensations are familiar from past pregnancies, you will recognize them earlier. High susceptibility and thin girls. A woman "with weight" is prevented from feeling the first movements by subcutaneous adipose tissue, and sometimes she takes them for features of intestinal motility.

Not the last role is played by the placenta. If it is located on the front wall of the uterus, the movements of the baby will become obvious to you later.

Note to the doctor

So, the day came when you realized: the child is moving. Remember the date. The doctor will definitely ask about it and note in exchange card. Based on this parameter, he will calculate the estimated due date. During the first pregnancy, 20 weeks will be added to the date, with the second - 22.

By stirring, you can determine the position of the fetus. In the place of its greatest activity, limbs are usually located. If the shocks are mostly felt closer to the diaphragm, the baby is head down. If in lower sections belly - probably breech presentation. Before the child has the opportunity to take the correct position.

Methods for diagnosing a baby's well-being

Cardiotocography (CTG) helps to control the well-being of the baby. On the stomach, where the heart tones are better heard, a sensor is placed. The second is installed on the upper part of the uterus to register the uterine tone. In your hand you will hold a special button, which must be pressed with each movement. The signal is recorded on paper.

The interaction of the nervous, muscular and cardiovascular systems is also checked. If the child moved, and his heartbeat increased, the reaction is correct. If the heartbeat did not change when moving, this indicates the first signs of hypoxia and the need for close medical monitoring. Such a study is planned. It is carried out twice a month.

The state of blood circulation in the system "mother - placenta - fetus" allows you to assess ultrasonography with dopplerometry. On this ultrasound, a qualitative and quantitative analysis of blood flow in uterine arteries, vessels of the umbilical cord, aorta and cerebral arteries of the fetus.

cramped house

You will feel the baby's greater activity on time. During this period, it grows rapidly, develops, and there is still enough space in its "house". Later baby becomes crowded in the uterus, and its vigor decreases. Especially before childbirth. With growth, the nature of movements also changes. WITH nervous system the fetus is already sufficiently developed, the formation of the "activity - rest" cycle is taking place. The baby can move vigorously for an hour, and then calm down.

Many pregnant women complain about the obstinate nature of the baby. During the day, he behaves calmly, but as soon as he lies down to rest or fall asleep, the "dancing" begins. And the child just likes the pleasant swaying of the stomach when you go to the store, take care of the house. In addition, when you are in a relaxed state, blood circulation improves, and the baby has more strength to "play pranks." And with his energetic movements, he makes you get up, change the position of the body. Don't worry. On long terms Pregnancy your rhythms of sleep and wakefulness will most likely coincide with him.

Do you feel rhythmic twitches in your stomach? This is your baby hiccuping. Don't worry. The relationship between the hiccuping processes of the fetus and the violation of its intrauterine state has not been established.

Monitor child's activity

What matters is the change in the motor activity of the child within a few days. Unusually strong, erratic, thrashing movements will speak of a violation of his condition. Possible reason such an increase reflex activity- an increase in carbon dioxide in your blood. The doctor will prescribe additional laboratory research and give recommendations.

A decrease or cessation of the baby's movements after violent motor activity may be a sign of hypoxia, when the child lacks nutrients and oxygen. provoke placental insufficiency may be an unsatisfactory state of both your health and the child. We will have to establish the degree of development of hypoxia. At acute form urgent health care, in chronic - constant monitoring and treatment.

Baby movements: count to 10

This is the simplest and most common baby D. Pearson's movement test. It is recommended by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and is listed in official documents management of pregnancy in our country. It can be used by everyone at home to independently monitor the condition of the child. In a special table, every tenth movement is noted from 9:00 to 21:00. This is how the features of his motor activity are determined. Under normal conditions, the tenth perturbation is noted before 17:00. If the number of movements within 12 hours is less than 10, it is advisable to inform the doctor. If the baby does not make itself felt within 12 hours - Emergency urgently to the doctor!

If the baby does not move for three hours, there is no cause for concern. He can just sleep.

Movement language

Sometimes the movements become especially intense in a short period of time. This baby "protests" because of your uncomfortable position. If you lie on your back for a long time, the large vessels of the uterus are squeezed, blood flow to the fetus is reduced. By his actions, he is trying to force you to change position.

The baby calms down during a cold snap, when you worry, worry, sit in one position for hours. Try eating something sweet - he should respond to the treat. He enjoys walking fresh air at least three hours a day good food, long sleep, a reasonable alternation of work and rest.

Another child really wants you to communicate with him. On recent weeks during pregnancy, his movements can sometimes cause pain and discomfort. Change body position, stroke your belly, say a few kind words prankster, and everything will be back to normal.

Irina Lebedeva gynecologist, head of antenatal clinic
at maternity hospital No. 32 in Moscow


You have to be very sensitive about these things. Especially with the first child. Probably, you are more calm about the second birth. And the first ones are always scary. Especially if you have never had sisters or brothers and you do not know how to handle a baby.

Comment on the article "Fetal movements during pregnancy: what do they mean and how to count?"

Fetal movement. Medical questions. Pregnancy and childbirth. I'm ashamed to say, I'm waiting for the fourth, so I felt the first movement very early. I'm now 19 weeks and I can't remember if I should already feel fetal movements regularly or not?


so I bought a home doppler so as not to panic.

Everyone says and writes that the second time you can feel it earlier, but for me it’s the other way around. I felt my daughter at 18, and now it’s only at 20, but I have a placenta along the front wall. I asked the doctor a question, she said that 20 is the norm for hair to feel out) I don’t know about the unit)))

Very strong movements. ... I find it difficult to choose a section. Pregnancy and childbirth. You are moving and should feel stronger. And I have somewhere from the 26th week the child seems to be rolling, I even have sharp kicks and the first movements of the fetus during pregnancy.


I have a very violent baby, and also at night the peak of her activity. I myself can’t fall asleep, it also wakes my husband up if I snuggle up to him - the truth beats so much that he wakes up. And for a long, long time, without a break. Not kicks, but real pushes, so it throws me up on the bed. But we were still on ultrasound at 12 weeks, the doctor said - oooh, fighting baby, I haven’t seen such an active one for a long time! Already then I was jumping all over my stomach :)

Well, there are children who are active and not very ..... they are all different))))
Doppler can be done to calm the soul))))

Movements and colds. Ailments, diseases, toxicosis. Pregnancy and childbirth. Movements and colds. Girls, I'm a little sick. Already 4 days. And from the first day of illness, I noticed that the child began to move less.


Katyusha, maybe the baby just feels that you have weakened, so he also hid?

If there was heat, in short, everything was talking about the flu, then you could be worried about a lack of oxygen, for example. And if only mild cold- that's okay!!!

about movements and the placenta. Fetal development. Pregnancy and childbirth. about movements and the placenta. I recently read somewhere that if the placenta is located along the front wall, then the baby's movements are felt less, they are more delicate, that the placenta is, as it were ...


no, well, at 28 weeks the placenta does not absorb so much that it is not audible. it’s just that you have a calm baby, or maybe the weather really is.
For my own peace of mind, I bought such a device for listening to the child’s heart, I don’t remember what it is called in Russian (I’m in the states). my girlfriend was most active late in the evening when I went to bed. they say that during the day, mommy's movements lull the child, like in a cradle, and when she sits / lies, the baby wakes up :)

I have had anxiety since 16-17 weeks, during my first pregnancy at this time I already felt everything, and now the placenta along the anterior wall and the first sensations appeared at 18 weeks, and now I don’t really feel it, I already tortured my doctor about this ...
Today, too, there was nothing all day, but I think we sleep there)

The first movements. Second and subsequent births. The first movements of the fetus during pregnancy. Sensations of fetal movement - what week of pregnancy? They say that in the second and subsequent pregnancies you begin to feel the baby move earlier ...