Why Teenagers Don't Gain Muscle Mass. Tips for getting fat for teens


Due to rapid growth, adolescents often face the problem of lack of weight - bones grow quickly, and body weight does not keep up with them. To avoid health problems and provide the body with the necessary resources, many teenagers need to gain weight. Especially for athletes, because for competitions you often need to meet standards, weight categories, and just be in good shape.

There is a special diet for weight gain that can tell how to gain weight for a teenager, but it is not suitable for everyone, as it is aimed at adults, and their metabolic processes are much slower than those of teenagers.

The basis of how to gain weight as a teenager is a protein diet. In a regular diet, we increase calories by adding protein (meat, milk, sour cream, butter, eggs) and introducing additional meals and snacks. In order not to earn a stomach disease, it is better to divide the entire daily amount of food into 5-6 small meals. Since the metabolism in the body of a teenager is accelerated, it is necessary to maintain a balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and a teenager who wants to gain weight not only can, but also needs to eat sweets regularly.

Diet for weight gain

This menu will tell you how to quickly gain weight for a teenager.


Breakfast - milk porridge with butter and dried fruits or jam + sandwiches with butter, cheese or sausage + orange, banana or apple + tea with sugar, cocoa or coffee with milk or cream.

Second breakfast - yogurt, preferably sweet, fruit + sandwiches, always with butter, cheese, ham or sausage to choose from + sweet fruit juice, compote or milk. Alternatively, corn flakes or muesli with milk or yogurt + banana. The second breakfast should not be very dense, but it should have a certain proportion of the calories allocated for the day.


For lunch - be sure to have a rich meat soup (shchi, borscht, pea) + for the second pasta (add cheese to them to increase calories) with a cutlet or fried fish + fresh vegetable salad (vitamins are very important, so it is advisable to regularly eat greens and fresh vegetables ), it is better to fill it with mayonnaise or sour cream, and not vegetable oil + on the third - a glass of juice, compote or tea + chocolate or a bun for dessert.

afternoon tea

An afternoon snack, compared to other meals, is quite light: a glass of milk with cookies or a fruit salad with yogurt, bananas and kiwi (choose other fruits yourself, these should be present in a fruit salad due to calorie content and vitamins) or fresh vegetable salad, seasoned with mayonnaise or sour cream with cheese. How to gain weight for a teenager by increasing calories? You can add avocado to the salad, it is high-calorie and significantly increases the nutritional value of dishes without weighing them down.


Dinner can be light or substantial depending on the time of day. At night it is better not to fill up, and if you stay up late, you can add another snack after dinner. Dinner options: rice or mashed meat (goulash, beef stroganoff, fried chicken) + juice, milk or tea + bun or chocolate. An easier option: sweet porridge with candied fruits or nuts + a sandwich with cheese or sausage and butter + tea, juice or milk.

An evening snack is introduced additionally if the calorie content of foods is not gained during the day, or the day is spent very actively, and the calories gained are reset, or if you stay up late and need more energy. Most often it is milk or kefir with cookies, juice with a sandwich or a bun is possible.

This diet will tell you how to quickly gain weight as a teenager, but you can vary it or simply add the main ingredients from it to your regular diet, increasing its calorie content. A nutrition system based on protein products will help a girl or a young man gain weight without accumulating fat, and will also have a beneficial effect on a developing body. It is important to remember that the body of a teenager is just being formed, the internal organs grow after the bones, he needs vitamins and microelements. Calcium - to strengthen bones, potassium and magnesium - for the heart, so it is better to accompany the diet with vitamins, for example, a vitamin complex.

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Boys and girls tend to be very critical of their appearance, look for the slightest flaws. Dissatisfaction with one's figure can bring a lot of grief and disappointment, become a source of serious psychological complexes. Therefore, it is important for parents to take seriously the feelings of a grown-up child regarding his appearance, to try to provide him with support and assistance. The problem of excess weight is familiar to many.

But no less trouble for teenagers causes excessive thinness. To solve the issue of insufficient weight in a child, unless, of course, this problem is associated with a disease, it is recommended after puberty.

There is much less information on how to add kilograms than on how to deal with excess fat reserves. So, how to quickly get fat as a teenager? Let's try to analyze the causes of underweight, and actions that will help correct the situation.

Main reasons

period of rapid growth. This feature is observed with almost all children aged 13-16 years. This age jump is especially noticeable in boys. In a few months, they are rapidly stretched, adding up to 10 centimeters. Muscle tissue, as a rule, does not have time to increase as rapidly as growth, it is possible to control growth.

This process visually looks like a significant weight loss. The figure becomes angular, with not very pleasant proportions, often teenagers begin to stoop. This is a natural process and there is no cause for concern. Moreover, such a growth spurt is accompanied by excellent appetite. Over time, the ratio of muscle mass and growth is normalized.

Decreased appetite. This reason is not always related to the state of health. Many teenagers deliberately limit their diet so as not to gain excess weight. The result of such actions may be excessive thinness. Emotional experiences lead to a decrease in appetite. Parents need, first of all, to establish the cause in order to act correctly in the situation.

Excessive mobility. Underweight in teenagers can cause excessive activity. Naturally, it is not worth limiting the mobility of the child. In this situation, it is enough to adjust the diet by adding more high-calorie foods. It is good if vigorous activity is aimed at physical development.

A different approach if stress or illness led to weight loss. In this case, you should contact your family doctor as soon as possible.

To gain weight


  1. Follow the routine. Take food every day at the same time. Choose the right foods and distribute portions. Good sleep is important.
  2. Eat at least five times a day.
  3. Introduce more foods that contain a lot of proteins, carbohydrates, fiber into the diet.
  4. Limit the consumption of fatty, as well as fried foods (it is better to cook for a couple). Refuse the popular fast food, all kinds of semi-finished products from the fast food series.
  5. Get rid of the habit of snacking tasty or eating "on the go", which leads to overeating and the formation of adipose tissue.
  6. It is useful to drink plenty of liquids: high-quality water, natural juices, teas, milkshakes.


What products should be included in the menu of a thin teenager? These are meat and fish dishes, poultry, all kinds of nuts, legumes, pasta and bakery products. Fresh vegetables / fruits / berries should also be on the menu!

In adolescence, it is necessary to consume dairy products, especially with insufficient body weight. Fatty sour cream is a protein-rich () product that is highly digestible. Butter has similar properties, it contains a lot of vitamins necessary for the body. All milk sweet porridges with butter are very high-calorie and useful.

Important products are whole milk, which provides the growing body with calcium, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, kefir. Sweet buns, mouth-watering pies, cookies, cakes, muffins are suitable food for those who want to gain weight. There are all these goodies with sweet tea, juices, fruit drinks, compote. Desserts are shown to thin teenagers - chocolate, sweets, cakes, soufflés. There is a large selection of cereals. And here you can opt for those that you like and cook porridge from them.

But rice is a must-have product for weight gain. It is cooked in meat broth or milk. Well "works" for the growth of pilaf muscles. From meat products, beef, pork, lamb are suitable for weight gain. Among the fruits there are excellent helpers to increase muscle mass: bananas, mangoes, persimmons, melons, grapes, apricots. Give preference to natural juices with pulp.

They help the digestion process, are not inferior in taste and useful properties to fresh fruits and berries. From vegetables in the diet should be potatoes, beets, pumpkins, zucchini, squash, and carrots. Vegetable salads are seasoned with vegetable oil (olive, sunflower, soybean oil is suitable), and not with mayonnaise.

Physical activity is important

In addition to nutrition, a teenager must develop the muscles of the shoulder girdle, arms, legs, and abs. Dumbbells, barbells, cycling, swimming are the main types of physical activity that will help give the body elasticity, muscle volume and a healthy, attractive look, use it to get started.

An excellent solution for those boys and girls who are embarrassed by their excessive thinness and teenage angularity is a visit to the gym. Join a gym to build muscle.

The specialist will advise taking into account the characteristics of the body to form the correct posture and build muscle tissue, give advice on proper nutrition. Read more about training.

Tips for gaining muscle mass and weight for different categories of people. Complete video workouts, nutrition plan, detailed recommendations.

Being underweight can be just as much of an aesthetic problem as being overweight. An overly thin person, like a full one, can be classified as unhealthy people. How do you know if you have painful thinness? In addition to external signs, there is an indicator of body mass index. When his mark drops below 19, this is a signal to work on his body.

How to eat to gain muscle mass and weight?

To gain weight, include the following foods in your diet:

  • Vegetable fats. Add healthy vegetable oils to cereals, soups and other dishes. Diversify your menu with a fruit like avocado. You can simply spread it like butter on bread, or cook salads with it. Snack on nuts and seeds
  • Cereals. These should be varieties that are easily absorbed by the body. Rice will not help in this matter, as it worsens digestion. Opt for buckwheat, millet, germinated cereals, quinoa
  • Sweet fruits and dried fruits
  • Starchy vegetables - pumpkin, sweet potato, beets
  • Legumes
  • Fatty dairy products. Add fat sour cream to the salad, snack on high-fat milk

IMPORTANT: Avoid caffeine found in coffee, black and green tea. It does not allow moisture to linger in the body, and also disrupts the functioning of the stomach and adrenal glands.

If your goal is to build muscle mass, but otherwise everything is in order with your complexion, then pay attention to the following products:

  • Buckwheat grain. It is high in complex carbohydrates, 12% highly digestible protein, B vitamins and minerals. But there is very little fat in the croup, and even that is useful for building your muscles.
  • Egg white. The yolk contains a lot of fat, remove it when cooking or eat only 1-2 pieces. per day. But a complete egg white is an important building material for muscle tissue. Its norm per day is 3-5 pcs.
  • Cottage cheese
  • Lean chicken meat
  • Lean fish
  • Lean beef
  • Seafood
  • Dairy and dairy products.
  • Bananas, honey, pasta, bread, rice are foods that give energy during strength training

When building muscle, give up semi-finished products, sausages, chips, canned food, food with chemical additives, dyes, flavor enhancers, etc. Also exclude pork, as this is too fatty meat, and fat, as you know, only makes the body heavier and fills it with garbage .

How to gain, increase weight with vitamins?

IMPORTANT: Vitamins and minerals are needed for weight gain by both athletes and people who are far from sports.

Vitamin A accelerates metabolism, stimulates the growth and development of cells, which has a beneficial effect on the rapid growth of muscle tissue.

The content of vitamin A in foods

All you need to increase body weight B vitamins. These compounds send energy straight to the cells. Flaw vitamin B1 affects the work of the digestive system, which in turn impairs the body's functions for the absorption of nutrients.

Sources of Vitamin B1

Vitamins C and E are antioxidants that neutralize free radicals formed as a result of redox processes. Ascorbic acid is involved in the burning of fat, in place of which muscle tissue will be built.

Vitamin E in foods

Phosphorus is involved in bone tissue, which will be pressed by increasing muscle mass, so its abundance is also important when gaining weight. For the same reason, the body needs calcium.

Magnesium and sulfur participate in the synthesis of amino acids, from which muscles are formed.

Copper is responsible for the growth of all tissues in the body, it is also necessary for the growth of muscle tissue.

Starring zinc muscle protein is created.

IMPORTANT: Whole complexes of vitamins and minerals for weight gain can be found in stores specializing in nutrition for athletes. These are drugs such as Hi Tec Vitamin A-Z, Mega Mass 4000, etc.

Can Protein Gain Weight? How to drink protein to gain muscle mass?

Thin people can easily put on weight by eating erratically and eating high-calorie foods. But from fast carbohydrates and fatty foods, such a person will not only get better, but will become overgrown with fat folds. Therefore, experts advise "thin people" to build muscle. And protein, or protein, is responsible for the growth of muscle tissue.

Today, protein can be obtained not only from food, but also from sports supplements. Supplements are designed specifically for athletes whose protein requirements are increased through strength training.

There are several types of synthetic protein:

  • whey, which is the most digestible, is taken after physical exertion
  • casein - slower protein, taken at night
  • egg
  • soy
  • meat

IMPORTANT: In order for proteins to act, power loads are needed. Without sports, the use of proteins will give minimal results.

Take protein shakes half an hour after your workout and before going to bed. If you are a busy person and cannot always find time for a full meal, protein shakes will also come to your rescue. They are easy and quick to prepare, and you will always be sure of a sufficient daily amount of protein.

Experts remind that most of the protein must still be obtained from food.

How to quickly gain weight for a girl, girl, thin guy, teenager 15 years old at home?

Parents worry about their children, so it's no surprise that being underweight is a cause for concern. First you need to find out the cause of the deficit of kilograms in a teenager.

  • A sharp growth spurt. Adolescents aged 13-15 years old can stretch 5-10 cm in just a couple of months. In this case, you should not worry about the child’s sudden weight loss
  • Loss of appetite. Deal with the reason why the child does not want to eat. It can be teenage experiences, diseases, protests.
  • Diseases and stresses that affect the metabolic rate and can cause weight loss. In this case, take the teenager to a qualified health care provider.
  • Too high activity. Do not demand from the child to move less. It is better to adjust his diet properly

Diet tips for teen weight gain:

  • Add more protein, carbohydrates and fiber to your child's menu. These are foods such as bread, fish, nuts, legumes, pasta, etc. Most of the teenager's diet should be fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Feed your baby more often, from 5 times a day, but in moderate portions
  • Fatty meals and fast food are heavy foods for the body. It takes a long time to assimilate it, during which the child may not have an appetite. So keep fatty foods to a minimum.

IMPORTANT: Enroll your teenager in a fitness room to gain muscle mass. Otherwise, with an increase in the calorie content of the diet, the child will begin to recover due to adipose tissue, and not muscle.

How much muscle mass can you gain in a month?

Gaining muscle mass is a rather lengthy process. We are talking about lean muscle tissue without taking into account water and fat. Muscle growth is impossible without playing sports, so we will talk about how much muscle mass can be gained in a month by exercising in the gym.

The number of kilograms depends on the experience of the trainee. A beginner has a higher potential, so with the right training program, healthy eating, and protein intake, he is able to build muscle by 5 or more kg per month. In the future, this figure will decrease.

How to gain 10 kg of muscle mass How to gain 5 kg of weight? It takes several months for these numbers to come up. On average, an athlete gains from 0.5 to 1 kg of lean muscle per week, which is 2-4 kg per month.

How to gain weight with drugs or pills?

Preparations for weight gain can be conditionally divided into 2 large groups:

  • preparations for men
  • preparations for women

The first group is called steroids. These are special substances that supply an additional portion of testosterone to the male body.

From this, a man is able to quickly build up muscle mass, his body will take on a more masculine shape, and the hairline will become thicker.

IMPORTANT: Steroids are prohibited by law in many countries, they act as doping in official sports.

Women care less about their muscle growth. If they resort to the help of pharmacological agents to increase mass, it is because of thinness, which they consider unattractive. Here are some of the drugs that can be found in pharmacies:

  • Duphaston- a medicine that was initially prescribed to women planning to conceive. Its side effect is weight gain.
  • Oxandrolone- a hormonal drug that is sold only with the permission of a doctor for weight loss due to injuries, operations
  • Nutrizon- protein pills, which the doctor prescribes for both anorexia and BMI deficiency. The main work of the drug is the regulation of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Riboxin- a relatively safe medicine that has gained popularity among people involved in sports. It stimulates blood flow and regulates the energy balance in the human body. Highly effective only with physical activity and special nutrition

IMPORTANT: Medicines for weight gain are not harmless adjuvants. All of them in one way or another affect human health, so their intake should be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor.

How to gain weight in the legs? Exercises and workouts to increase muscle mass in the body and legs?

No amount of nutrition will help you build leg muscles, as muscle tissue will form evenly throughout the body. In order to get better in the legs, you need a special training program aimed specifically at this part of the body.

You can turn to a qualified fitness instructor who will suggest leg exercises or machines that will help you increase the mass of the thighs and thighs.

Certain sports will also be useful, but in addition, they will diversify your visits to the fitness club. Try ice skating, rollerblading, dancing, skiing.

Ideal exercises for beautiful and strong legs are jumping rope and running. Practice jogging and jumping every day for at least 20 minutes, and the first results will not be long in coming.

A great way to “pump up” your legs will be home workouts. Here are a few self-study rules to make them effective:

  1. Train as often as possible. It is ideal to practice daily, but this applies to experienced athletes. It’s worth starting small (1-2 workouts per week), gradually increasing the number of sessions.
  2. Do not try to immediately perform several approaches and many repetitions. Increase the load evenly
  3. Start your workout with a warm-up, during which all the muscles of the legs will warm up. End your workout with a recovery stretch for the muscles - a hitch

IMPORTANT: Train in running shoes with good cushioning so as not to damage your ankle.

Video: A set of exercises for the legs and gluteal muscles

How to gain weight with diseases: diabetes, gastritis, pancreatitis, anorexia?

Weight changes are a common problem diabetics. The fact is that food in the body of a healthy person is converted into glucose, from which our body receives energy.

In a diabetic patient, the body cannot obtain energy from glucose, therefore, it consumes adipose tissue for this purpose. With a lack of daily caloric intake, a person begins to lose weight.

How can a diabetic gain weight?

  • Contact a specialist who will calculate the daily calorie intake for you, or do it yourself using formulas on the Internet.
  • Eat a healthy diet for diabetes. This includes moderate carbohydrate intake, low glycemic index foods, small and frequent meals.
  • Physical activity will be useful for both regulating blood glucose levels and building muscle mass. Loads should be moderate, not intense. Spend at least half an hour a day doing cardio or moderate-intensity fitness

At pancreatitis the digestive function is disturbed, as a result of which the nutrients are not absorbed in full. This provokes weight loss, which can become pathological.

Here are some tricks on how not to lose muscle mass with pancreatic disease, as well as stomach disease gastritis.

  • Add some baby food to your diet. Such products are specially designed for the growth and development of children. Children's cereals and purees contain a full range of nutrients that will help keep weight at one level.
  • Get yourself a kitchen scale to measure portions. Many patients with pancreatitis rely on "the eye" and eat less than they can afford.
  • The best option is to see a qualified nutritionist who can create a personalized nutrition and calorie plan for you.

But in the case of such an ailment as anorexia, nutritional advice is unlikely to be relevant. Those who believe that anorexia is a disease of the gastrointestinal tract or simply poor appetite are mistaken.

Anorexia is primarily a mental illness associated with the fear of fullness. Therefore, treatment and weight restoration should begin with an appeal to a psychiatrist. Further, the therapist and nutritionist are connected to the complex treatment.

IMPORTANT: In the treatment of anorexia, group psychotherapy is very important, since most patients are closed and are in the grip of fears or real phobias.

When the issue with the psychiatrist is resolved, you can proceed to special weight gain diets. Here it is important not only to eat more, but also to stabilize the appetite, which is usually absent in anorexics. Food can even make them sick and vomit.

For the patient, it is necessary to create pleasant dining conditions: beautiful dishes, a calm, friendly atmosphere, artistic serving. Appetite foods such as apples, lemon, herbs, dairy products.

There are also drugs specifically designed to stimulate hunger. The diet prescribed by a doctor for anorexia is high in carbohydrates and proteins and low in fat.

How to gain weight with folk remedies?

Pollen tincture


  • flower pollen - 500 g
  • condensed milk - 2 cans

Flower pollen is sold in stores specializing in beekeeping. Combine the components in one container and send them to infuse in a cold place for 14 days. When the product is ready, take it on an empty stomach 15 minutes before meals, 1 tsp. Every 5 days, slightly increase the dose, eventually bringing it to 2 tbsp. for women and 2.5 tbsp. for men.

Infusion on beer


  • beer - 200 ml
  • walnut - 3 pcs.
  • natural honey - 1 tsp

Grind the nuts to crumbs, combine them with honey melted in a water bath, then pour the resulting mixture with beer. Drink this remedy in a volume of 200 ml every day at a time, regardless of the time of day and food intake. The course of treatment is a month. During this time, you can gain up to 3 kg.

Phytonast for weight gain


  • centaury - 20 g
  • calamus root - 20 g
  • dandelion root - 50 g
  • yarrow - 50 g
  • Benedict root - 50 g
  • nettle leaves - 50 g
  • St. John's wort - 100 g
  • linden flowers - 100 g

Grind all the ingredients and pour boiling water at the rate of 200 ml per 1 tsp. dry matter. Leave the infusion under the lid for an hour, then pass through a sieve or gauze. Drink 50 ml of a warm remedy 3 times a day before meals.

How can brewer's yeast help you gain weight?

Brewer's yeast contains vitamins of group B, vitamins PP, H, D, E, F, K, as well as the minerals iron, magnesium, calcium, zinc, etc. The vitamin and mineral complex of yeast helps the absorption of amino acids, which are also included in their composition and serve to build tissues, including muscles.

Brewer's yeast has the following effect on the body:

  • improve digestive function
  • beneficial effect on liver function
  • speed up metabolism

IMPORTANT: Brewer's yeast causes appetite, so build your diet correctly so that you do not gain weight due to overeating due to adipose tissue.

By themselves, brewer's yeast is not able to affect the growth of muscle mass. But coupled with intense strength training and proper nutrition with a high protein content, they will noticeably speed up this process. cook special yeast drink, which should be taken as a supplement to your regular strength training diet.


  • yeast in a briquette - 50 g
  • black bread - 15 g
  • water - 300 ml

Cut the bread into long thin sticks, dry in the oven, place in boiling water and leave for 3 hours on the table. Pass the liquid through a sieve or cheesecloth, add 45 g of yeast to it and send the container to the stove.
Heat the infusion to 70 degrees and cool naturally. Add the remaining yeast, close the container, insulate it with a towel and leave to infuse for another 8 hours. In the finished drink, you can add a little honey for sweetness.

How to gain weight after illness, surgery, childbirth?

Weight loss after illness, surgery, childbirth does not paint a person. And no matter how much they tell you about the beauty of thin people, weight loss due to ailments is a blow to health. Here are the basic rules on how to restore lost pounds after illness, childbirth and surgery.

  • A beautifully set table, bright dishes, a pleasant atmosphere of the meal will help restore appetite after illness and surgery. A healthy feeling of hunger is promoted by outdoor walks, sex, and the permission to feast on your favorite food.
  • Follow the daily routine, eat at the same time
  • To restore body weight, proper rest and sound, long sleep are important.
  • Go in for sports aimed at increasing muscle mass
  • Follow the rules of a healthy diet. Proper nutrition does more than just help you lose weight. It rather normalizes the weight, in whatever direction it deviates. Therefore, even with a lack of body weight, proper nutrition will be useful.

How to gain weight as a smoker?

When the question arises of how to increase the weight of a smoker, many people advise him to quit smoking. Indeed, according to statistics, most of those who quit a bad habit gain several kilograms.

But usually it is adipose tissue, and few people want to get better at the expense of fat - the body looks unattractive, health problems appear. Therefore, the question is how a smoking person gain muscle mass without stopping smoking.

Helpers on the way to a beautiful and healthy body will be proper nutrition, good rest and sleep (at least 8 hours), as well as a complex of vitamins and minerals.

Since a smoker regularly poisons his body with toxic substances, experts recommend constantly resorting to pharmaceutical preparations, because vitamins from food are usually not enough for smokers.

IMPORTANT: There are products that neutralize some of the harm from cigarettes. These are cabbage, fresh tomato and carrot juice, germinated wheat grains.

  • The heaviest meal of the day is breakfast. Also, do not neglect the second, lighter breakfast. The first meal should not be immediately after waking up, eat within an hour of sleep
  • Don't eat raw foods on an empty stomach. In the morning, it is useful to eat both vegetables and fruits, but the dishes should be cooked and warm.
  • If you are a coffee lover, then do not drink it on an empty stomach, but only half an hour after a nutritious breakfast
  • In winter, eat vegetables, fruits, berries that you have frozen yourself or buy mixes in the store, but only those that have been safely quick frozen
  • Of the fruits in winter, citrus fruits are the most useful.
  • The last meal should be a couple of hours before going to bed, but not later. You can't eat at night
  • Keep a food diary where you record all the meals you eat. This will help you control your calorie intake and avoid unhealthy foods.
  • Do not drink water or tea with food. After eating, if you are very thirsty, take a few slow sips of ordinary warm water.

IMPORTANT: Svetlana Fus advises to eat right not only during the period of weight loss or weight gain, but also not a month or even a year. The nutritionist claims that only by adhering to proper nutrition all your life, you can have a healthy and beautiful body at any age.

How to gain weight and muscle mass: reviews

According to reviews, any short-term diets aimed at increasing body weight give a short-term result. Pharmacological hormonal drugs work in a similar way, which, moreover, also have a detrimental effect on internal organs.

Only proper nutrition, healthy sleep, avoidance of stress, sufficient physical activity can help build muscle mass qualitatively. In combination with folk remedies and taking vitamins and minerals, these methods will help you get the figure of your dreams.

Video: Nutrition for mass gain

Video: Workouts for gaining muscle mass. What program to use

Due to active growth, most teenagers face the problem of being underweight. A sharp strengthening and increase in bones leads to the need to increase adipose and muscle tissue. Nutrition plays a major role in providing the body with the necessary resources.

To gain mass, the number of calories consumed by a teenager must exceed the amount of energy expended. It should be noted that the emerging organism needs a more high-calorie diet. The simple rules described below will help you gain weight and muscle mass, and avoid health problems.

1. Balanced fractional nutrition is the basis of success

The diet of a teenager should be dominated by carbohydrates and proteins (cereals, legumes, lean meat, fish). Such a balanced menu should be divided into small portions. The break between meals should be 3-4 hours.

Servings can vary significantly in calories. Their volume must be increased until the weight gain becomes noticeable. Such a diet will have a beneficial effect on the physical and mental health of a teenager.

2. Performing basic exercises with light weight

Systematic training with low weight will provide an active increase in strength and endurance. Early transition to serious weight training programs can slow down or completely stop the growth of a teenager. The increase in muscle volume as a result of power loads occurs due to the active production of testosterone in the growing body. Its level in adolescents is much higher than in adults.

A properly designed training program and a reasonable working weight will provide the necessary increase in muscle mass. Before training, it is better to eat low-fat, easily digestible food. How to eat right after a workout.

3. Good rest and sleep

The body of a teenager spends a significant part of the incoming energy on growth and formation. Therefore, special attention should be paid to proper rest. The optimal duration of sleep for muscle relaxation after exercise is 9-11 hours.

As a result of performing strength exercises, muscle fibers are torn. For muscle growth and complete tissue repair, the break between workouts should be at least 48 hours.

4. Additional intake of vitamin complexes

A growing organism needs regular replenishment of vitamin reserves. Deficiency of useful elements can significantly slow down weight gain. Adolescents are advised to use special vitamin supplements that increase the activity and quality of training, accelerating muscle recovery.

5. Fatty homemade milk instead of tea

By replacing the usual drinks with ordinary homemade milk, you can greatly simplify the task of gaining mass. Natural milk has a very high calorie content, which allows you to replenish energy costs. During active development, this well-known source of calcium is an indispensable product that helps prevent diseases of the joints and bones.

6. Cottage cheese before bed

For dinner, it is better to eat foods rich in protein. This will unload the digestive system, provide the body with a full, healthy sleep. For an evening meal, low-fat cottage cheese with the addition of raisins is perfect.

7. High-calorie snacks in the form of shakes and smoothies

Vegetables with honey or nuts will help to increase activity, enrich the body with useful substances. Those wishing to get better will be useful to try and high-calorie cocktails, consisting of available products (yolk, olive oil, sour cream, milk, banana).

To gain mass, a teenager should only follow the above recommendations. You can quickly achieve your desired goal and improve your health by increasing activity, observing a diet and giving up junk food.

How to gain weight as a teenager, - parents are interested. Currently, parents often face the problem of overweight in children, but there is also the opposite problem, namely the lack of weight in the child. The problem of weight gain, in the vast majority of cases, is solved after the onset of puberty.

In adolescence, it is common to look for all sorts of flaws in the body. Including learning how to gain weight for a teenager. At the same time, teenagers always find flaws even if the body is a perfect figure. And this causes the emergence of a wide variety of complexes, such as excessive thinness. For this reason, parents and their children are interested in ways that can solve the existing problem. But unfortunately, there is much less information on this topic than recommendations on how to lose unnecessary kilograms.

In this article, we will introduce you to valuable recommendations that will help your teenager gain weight. But first, we propose to figure out what is the cause of underweight in adolescents.

Causes of thinness in teenagers

The first reason is the growth spurt. This happens to all teenagers, but it is most noticeable in boys aged 13-15. In just a few months, they can add ten centimeters in height.

In the vast majority of cases, muscle mass simply does not keep up with such active body growth, and for this reason it seems that the child has simply lost weight dramatically. However, as we can see, there is no cause for concern, so do not rush to the doctor for weight loss and do not rush to find out how to gain weight as a teenager.

The second reason is a decrease in appetite. This reason is very common among teenagers. At first glance, the solution to the problem would be obvious, but in practice everything is not what it seems. Therefore, you don’t need to press on the child and say: “Until you eat everything, you won’t go outside,” you should first find out the reason for such a sharp decrease in appetite.

The reason may not be harmless, for example, feelings, because the maximalism of teenagers distorts reality simply beyond recognition. What seems normal to an adult can become a drama for a teenager. If your child refuses to eat, then first talk to him, because it is quite possible that you will be able to get to the bottom of this problem. And then the question of how to gain weight for a teenager will disappear by itself.

The third reason is stress and illness. Quite often they lead to some kind of metabolic disorder, and it affects the weight of a person. This reason does not apply to adolescents, but it does not become less significant from this. In this situation, the best solution would be to contact a qualified doctor who will decide whether to think about how to gain weight for a teenager.

The fourth reason is physical activity. In some cases, the lack of weight is caused by excessive physical activity. In this case, there is no need to rush to limit the child. You just need to adjust your diet.

How to gain weight as a teenager?

Introduce more foods that are rich in protein and fiber into your diet. This will help the baby gain weight. Such products include meat, fish, nuts, poultry, legumes, pasta, bread. And in the diet must be fresh vegetables, fruits, berries.

In addition, the number of meals should be increased. For a teenager, five meals a day is the best option.

You should not eat too much fatty and fried foods, as they are digested by the stomach for a long time and create a feeling of satiety for a long time, which in turn reduces appetite. The same applies to fast food and eating fast food.

To recruit a teenager, it would be reasonable to join a gym in order to build muscle mass. A competent instructor will always help you choose an individual set of exercises, taking into account the characteristics of your body. If this is not done, then the weight will be gained, but not as a uniform increase in muscle mass, but due to the deposition of fat.

Now it will be easier for you to find the cause of teenage thinness and choose the best solution to this problem.