10 signs that a guy loves you. Loves or not? dk.,ktyysq ve;xbyf k.,bn bkb ytn signs of falling in love


How many items are on "your" list?

1. You analyze too much everything he says and does, attaching importance to what does not mean anything at all.

He never said he loves you, but you assume it because he looks at you SO. He never called you his girlfriend, but you assume that you are because he never told you about another.

2. You twist everything when you talk about him.

Your friends think that he loves you very much, but that's only because you tell them only pieces taken out of the context of your relationship. You share only pleasant moments, but do not remember how he disappears for weeks and does not even write to you.

3. You only pay attention to the good.

He often texts you "Good morning." He says how beautiful you are. He even admits that he has feelings. And you focus only on this, ignoring all the things that he did badly and wrongly. Because it's easier...

4. You make excuses for his behavior.

When he only answers your text at the end of the day, you tell yourself that he must be busy, that his phone is dead, that he must have a reason why he is not around - it can’t be that he’s just doesn't appreciate you.

5. You pay more attention to his words than his deeds.

You believe him when he says that you are the only one with him, that he wants only you, that he will never leave - even though he walked with other girls the day before and came home late, so there was betrayal. You blindly believe in what he says, although it does not correspond to his actions.

6. You take red flags as compliments.

He makes a jealous scene when you're hanging out with your friend and you're happy that he's jealous. He begs you to send him your nude photos, and you're glad he wants you. You are pleased with what should offend.

7. You only think about the past.

Do you remember your first meeting, the first months of the relationship, when everything was perfect. You dwell on it, avoiding thinking about how everything has changed and how badly he treats you now. You forget that feelings can change.

8. You assume that he thinks like you.

You think that kiss meant something. That he wouldn't have dated you for so long if he didn't want a serious relationship. You think he thinks the same as you.

9. You draw him completely different in your head.

The person that you imagine in your head is not the same person that is standing in front of you. In your head, he is kind, sweet and sensual. But in reality, it's not like that at all.

10. You really want to be with him.

You like him so much that you twist everything he says and does, trying to see something good in it. You think he loves you because you want him to love you. You see what you want to see and ignore reality.

Everything that concerns feelings, love, falling in love, sympathy is so fragile and tender that it seems - one movement, and it will disappear. When everything is just beginning, the heart goes to the heels at the sight of the object of its admiration, there is a fog of euphoria in the head - how to understand if your feelings are mutual? Moreover, no one puts them on display, does not shout about them at every corner, but on the contrary, tries to hide them as carefully as possible. For a moment, it seemed that the guy was still in love. A minute passed - no, probably, it really just seemed ... Fortune telling on coffee grounds, chamomile, loves or dislikes the stars can be very, very long. And it is unlikely that this will give you a satisfying, unambiguous answer. But to become more attentive, to look at the guy, his behavior and understand if he is in love is quite possible.

Our feelings, even the most hidden, can be recognized if desired. If we change from the inside, then changes occur on the outside - in behavior, appearance, speech, gait, facial expressions.

How to understand that a guy is in love?

10 signs that a guy is obviously not indifferent to you.

1. You can suspect that a guy is in love with you if in your presence, he began to behave somewhat strangely. Not the fact that you will like the changes, on the contrary, you will be surprised. The quiet woman can begin to behave provocatively, arrogantly, boorishly, so that no one notices that he is embarrassed by you, and the soul of the company suddenly loses all its charm and enthusiasm, because it feels uncomfortable in your presence and constantly thinks that you are nearby.

2. You constantly feel his eyes on you. Sometimes you manage to catch him, but he quickly looks away. Ask your girlfriends to observe how often the guy looks in your direction. The main thing is that he does not notice that he is being watched. Try to check this version yourself: when you feel that the guy is looking at you, take out the mirror to supposedly fix your hair or makeup. In the reflection, you will see where the guy’s gaze is directed, you can also turn sharply in his direction and if he looked, then you are definitely interested in him.

3. You should be alert that too many random encounters. If a guy is in love, then he wants to see you as often as possible, to be as close to you as possible. Consciously or not, he will seek contact and therefore can literally “get confused” under his feet all day. Meet you in the morning at the entrance, be next to the wardrobe, then in the dining room, during a break, just pass by, ask something trifling, turn to your interlocutor. Do not be surprised if you meet him in an unusual place - near your house, in a store, cinema, where you went with your friends. This can only mean one thing - his intelligence is working well and he is in love with you.

4. This point is a bit controversial, with the guys themselves opposing it. The fact is that a guy in love is betrayed by his gallantry and care. But here the male representatives are protesting - supposedly they are always like that, and not only when Cupid struck their heart. But we, girls, know that sometimes it is not so easy to get chivalrous deeds from them, especially not in emergency moments when honor and dignity are at stake, but in ordinary everyday life. So a sudden concern, an offer for help, an unusual concern about your well-being, mood, can tell you that someone has fallen in love.

5. By nature, men are very inattentive. Rather, they pay attention only to what they are very, very interested in. The rest of the information instantly disappears from their heads. Girls do not understand this, we often remember even what we should have forgotten, something accidentally told to us and entrusted. A guy's good memory for the little things in your life says a lot.. He remembered what date your birthday is, and not “like in the fall?”, He knows who you are according to the horoscope, what city your sister lives in, what is the name of your cat, what juice do you prefer? He is definitely in love with you.

6. He changed his plans for you. No not like this. HE CHANGED HIS PLANS FOR YOU! Only a man in love is capable of such an act. Just be careful, you need to understand that it was you who became the cause. Perhaps you let slip that you are still going to come to this boring subbotnik, to stay after work to help decorate the room for the holiday. And, having heard this, the guy postponed his affairs, although earlier he was going to ignore these events. And if you directly asked for his help, knowing that he was busy, but did not receive a refusal - congratulations, this is love!

7. A guy in love will try to talk to you about topics that interest you.. The reason may be a phrase you accidentally dropped about love for dogs - in a couple of days he will decide to discuss with you the subtleties of caring for toy terriers, talk about his pet, invite you to a thematic exhibition.

8. Have you noticed that the guy has become better looking. If earlier he calmly walked in the same jeans all week, and now he has clearly begun to preen, then someone's opinion is important to him. He may ask you for advice on whether this shirt suits him or whether you like his perfume (oh, this is an occasion to hug you). But it’s better for you to be the first to notice the changes that have taken place and compliment him. To receive praise from the one you are in love with - what could be better? He will not be able to hide his joy and his pleased appearance and red cheeks will betray feelings.

9. For his beloved, the guy will try to become better. We unconsciously begin to behave a little differently next to the object of love, we try to look better, smarter, more experienced, more interesting. Even notorious hooligans with their lady of the heart try to control themselves, "be good." Such behavior can only mean one thing - the guy fell in love and really wants to make a positive impression.

10. Do you know guys who would like women's whims? They irritate, anger, infuriate - in a word they do not cause tenderness. Except for those moments when a guy is in love with a girl. In this case her whims seem to him a manifestation of weakness and insecurity. And he has a heroic feeling to save his beloved from adversity, satisfying all her whims.

He never said he loves you, but you assume it because he looks at you SO. He never called you his girlfriend, but you assume that you are because he never told you about another.

2. You twist everything when you talk about him.

Your friends think that he loves you very much, but that's only because you tell them only pieces taken out of the context of your relationship. You share only pleasant moments, but do not remember how he disappears for weeks and does not even write to you.

3. You only pay attention to the good.

He often texts you "Good morning." He says how beautiful you are. He even admits that he has feelings. And you focus only on this, ignoring all the things that he did badly and wrongly. Because it's easier...

4. You make excuses for his behavior.

When he only answers your text at the end of the day, you tell yourself that he must be busy, that his phone is dead, that he must have a reason why he is not around - it can’t be that he’s just doesn't appreciate you.

5. You pay more attention to his words than his deeds.

You believe him when he says that you are the only one with him, that he wants only you, that he will never leave - even though he walked with other girls the day before and came home late, so there was betrayal. You blindly believe in what he says, although it does not correspond to his actions.

6. You take red flags as compliments.

He makes a jealous scene when you're hanging out with your friend and you're happy that he's jealous. He begs you to send him your nude photos, and you're glad he wants you. You are pleased with what should offend.

7. You only think about the past.

Do you remember your first meeting, the first months of the relationship, when everything was perfect. You dwell on it, avoiding thinking about how everything has changed and how badly he treats you now. You forget that feelings can change.

8. You assume that he thinks like you.

You think that kiss meant something. That he wouldn't have dated you for so long if he didn't want a serious relationship. You think he thinks the same as you.

9. You draw him completely different in your head.

The person that you imagine in your head is not the same person that is standing in front of you. In your head, he is kind, sweet and sensual. But in reality, it's not like that at all.

10. You really want to be with him.

You like him so much that you twist everything he says and does, trying to see something good in it. You think he loves you because you want him to love you. You see what you want to see and ignore reality.

10 signs a man is truly in love

    1. Thoughtful look.
    2. He listens more than he speaks, the feeling that he is ready to listen all his life.
    3. Tries to be as close to you as possible.
    4. Sees off.
    5. Carries your bag.
    6. Sings songs, recites poetry.
    7. Interested in everything related to you.
    8. Holds a hand.
    9. He invites to visit when his mother is at home, introduces him to relatives.
    10. Makes gifts.
  • 10 signs that a man loves you:

    1. he is generous
    2. he tries to look good
    3. he talks about you to other people
    4. he doesn't care about other girls
    5. he tries to get closer to you
    6. he compliments you
    7. he gives you flowers
    8. he is embarrassed
    9. he doesn't want to let you go after the date
    10. he is interested in your business.
  • Signs of true love on the part of a man are as follows:

    1. such a man pays you a lot of attention,
    2. he does not require anything from you: to look like this or that, to behave this way or that, and so on,
    3. he spares nothing for you, he is ready to give everything in the world,
    4. he is ready to sacrifice a lot: not only his time and strength, but also his habits, principles,
    5. he doesn't care if you love him or not,
    6. he will never offend with humiliation or insult,
    7. It may seem to you that he understands you without words,
    8. even if he is rude, he will try to smooth out his rudeness, be more gentle, treat his beloved like a crystal jug,
    9. he will want to be more often
    10. he will also look for ways to help you.
  • A man loves if he shows sexual interest in you but does not show sexual interest in other women, stands up for you and supports you in any situation, helps you, respects and listens to your opinion, demonstrates in every possible way that he is interested in you as a life partner and easily agrees to marriage and most importantly, he is happy when you pay attention to him and take care of him.

    1. a man who wants to live only with this woman loves her
    2. he wants many children from her and right now
    3. forgives her everything and even far from stupidity
    4. always looks at her with a special look
    5. will tear for her anyone who even says a bad word about her or thinks out loud
    6. always take care of her, about her health (a warm hat in cold weather, etc.)
    7. often spends his free time with her (damn, more often than with friends)
    8. respects her opinion, and even if she does not accept it, she will definitely listen
    9. he definitely wants to marry her
    10. compliments her and shows signs of attention (gifts, flowers, pleasant things)
  • The surest sign of falling in love is one: a man photographs the object of his adoration everywhere and everywhere. He, as if subconsciously, wants to keep you in his memory for a long time. And all those signs that were listed can be imitated, if you want to achieve sexual intimacy or marry by calculation.

    I can identify the following ten signs of a man's true love:

    1) A man makes concessions;

    2) A man pays for you everywhere;

    3) The man himself is the first to call you;

    4) A man gives you gifts;

    5) The man in front of you is embarrassed in some situations;

    6) A man is obedient and can be controlled;

    7) A man showers you with admiring glances;

    8) A man begins to dress better and take care of himself;

    9) a man gives a lot of compliments;

    10) A man constantly strives to be alone with you.

  • Everyone loves in their own way and expresses their love in the same way. Let's try to find common signs of love in a man.

    1. Diligently and persistently seeks the object of sighing
    2. Trying to introduce a woman to his friends, parents
    3. Diligently stuffed to visit her parents
    4. Builds relationships with the child of the beloved (if any)
    5. He tries to spend as much time as possible with his beloved
    6. Tries to make pleasant surprises
    7. Looks at the object of adoration with his mouth open
    8. Supports and helps in all endeavors
    9. Thoughtful. Sighs often
    10. For a while, he even abandoned his friends and hockey
    1. If your lover proudly talks about your, even if very insignificant, achievements to friends and relatives, you can be sure that the man loves you madly. He may ring that you are the best housewife, it may be career achievements, or maybe you know how to cook the most delicious soup in the entire city.
    2. A beloved woman is almost always a desired woman. He wants sex with you anytime, anywhere. A man in love simply does not attach much importance to excess weight or unwashed hair.
    3. A man who really cares about you will never leave you in trouble or illness.
    4. The financial side can also tell a lot. If a man is too stingy, you should think about his true feelings. It's your birthday, did you get a toothbrush as a gift from your husband? Hmmm, I doubt he cares much about you.
    5. A man who truly loves you will never cheat.
    6. He is trying to get rid of bad habits - a good sign. If a man, at your request, tries to stop drinking, to come home on time, it means that he is ready to make concessions for the sake of you, beloved.
    7. He is often jealous of other men. Rejoice, dear women!
    8. A man who fulfills your whims, even if sometimes completely inexplicable for them, certainly has feelings for you.
    9. Sometimes, you notice his gaze and gentle glance furtively. A loving man always looks at his woman.
    10. Are you the most for him, despite all the tantrums, the lack of makeup and the vicious past? Be sure that he loves you!