Is it possible to burn. What to do with severe skin burns



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It is important to know: what can and cannot be done with burns

Whatever the causes of a burn, this injury is always very painful and unpleasant, and with severe burns, pain shock and death can occur.

Burning with boiling water or steam

This common type of burn can easily happen in the kitchen while making coffee or tea. First of all, in this case, you need to place the injured hand or other part of the body under the tap and turn on the water, then cover the affected area with a wet bandage.

If there is only redness, it is enough to lubricate the arm or leg with a special pharmaceutical burn gel, apply a spray - any cooling agent with anesthesia.

It is forbidden. The first thing that comes to mind when getting a burn is to lubricate the affected area with a cream or ointment. Doing this is not worth it. No need to smear the skin with sour cream, oil - this can only bring an infection. If the burn is severe, do not pierce the blisters, apply ice or snow.

You can rinse with a solution of vinegar or citric acid if alkali is to blame. Then you need to close the wound with a sterile bandage.

It is forbidden. Compresses in this case will not help and are generally contraindicated if you do not want to aggravate the situation.

If you notice burning and pain on the skin after being in the sun for a long time, you should apply a wet cold bandage to the affected areas, it is recommended to take a cold shower or bath with cool water.

Gels for burns from a pharmacy also help - reduce redness and relieve itching.

It is forbidden. Forget about cooling the affected area with ice - this can cause skin necrosis or at least contribute to scarring at the burn site.

You can not use soap, rub the skin with a washcloth, use a scrub - this injures the skin even more. Alcohol (dries the skin even more), petroleum jelly, greasy creams and ointments (clog pores) are also prohibited.

Also, for a while, coffee, tea and alcohol should be excluded from the diet - they contribute to dehydration. With sunburn, you can be on the street only in closed clothes.

Burn shock occurs in the first time after receiving deep burns. This is a life-threatening condition. With it, patients complain of severe pain, their nervous system is very irritated, the blood thickens, its volume decreases, the pressure decreases, and tissues can die at the site of the burn. It occurs with a significant burn - if 30% of the body is burned in adults and 5-10% in children. If the burns are deep, shock occurs when 10% of the adult's body is affected. The shock lasts up to two days, if the situation is serious - three days. Burn shock is the onset of burn disease and can lead to death.

There are four stages of burn shock. At first, the victim is characterized by nervous, excited behavior, is capable of inappropriate actions, complains of thirst, nausea.

In the second stage, the patient is conscious, but already inhibited. His skin is dry and cold. Possible fever, nausea, thirst.

If the victim survives, the second stage of the burn disease develops - poisoning of the body with toxins.

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What not to do with burns: mistakes in first aid


There is an opinion that a thermal burn must certainly be lubricated with sunflower, sea buckthorn or olive oil. Doctors are unanimous in their opinion that such an action does not cure burns, and does not alleviate the condition. As a result, a fatty film forms on the damaged area, which aggravates the healing process. Therefore, refrain from treating the wound with any oil. This also applies to dairy products: kefir, sour cream, fermented baked milk, as well as fats of animal origin.


Whatever the medicinal properties of a medicinal plant, with a burn, their use is unacceptable. Doctors do not recommend trusting folk methods for severe skin lesions. If the skin has been damaged by acid or alkali, then exposure to alcohol tincture or decoction can increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdamage.


In the first minutes after the burn has occurred, the use of ointments and creams is unreasonable. If fat is present in the composition of these medicines, then the action is identical with oils: the wound is covered with a layer of fat that does not allow air to pass through. As a result, the burn takes longer to heal or weeping areas appear.


Doctors warn that the use of alcohols on an open wound leads to severe damage to damaged tissues. Refrain from treating the burn with alcohol-containing solutions, vodka, and even hydrogen peroxide. These manipulations are carried out with open wounds, cuts, but not with burns.


After a burn, blisters filled with ichor often form on the damaged area. To avoid infection and aggravation of the situation, in no case pierce them. After a while, this bubble will gradually decrease.


Try not to trust folk methods in the treatment of burns. Some people, when burned with a hot object, begin to sprinkle the wound with baking soda, starch, flour, talcum powder, baby powder, or other powders. Doctors do not recommend the use of these funds in first aid and consider them ineffective.


First of all, try to stop contact with the hot object that caused the burn. Then place the damaged area under a tap or in a basin of cold water. The duration of the cooling process is at least 15 minutes. This will help stop the process of tissue destruction. Then apply a wet bandage to the sore spot, and keep the victim calm. After a couple of days, when the wound begins to heal gradually, you can use tea tree or calendula essential oils. These remedies will prevent the formation of scars and scars.
If you find that the damage is large or turns blue, seek medical attention immediately.

Remember that following safety precautions will prevent burns and keep you healthy.

Burns are tissue damage caused by exposure to heat, toxic substances, and other factors. Providing assistance in the first minutes after a burn is extremely important, so you need to do everything right.

There are several types of burns:

  • thermal - a burn from hot water or steam, an open flame, a hot object;
  • chemical - a burn from acid, alkali and other chemical compounds;
  • electrical - burns from contact with a source of electric current;
  • solar - a burn from a long stay in the sun.

When can you treat a burn yourself?

The main thing to remember is: It is possible and necessary to provide first aid on your own only with a first-degree burn.. If we are talking about the second, then you need to answer yourself the following questions:

  1. The area of ​​the affected area exceeds 5 cm?
  2. Is there a large swelling at the site of the burn?
  3. If there are bubbles, have they burst?

If you answered yes to all the questions, then you can do it on your own. In all other situations, go to the doctor or call an ambulance (especially when out of town in nature): specialists in the appropriate conditions should deal with such cases. And if a limb is seriously injured, try to keep it above the level of the heart until the doctors arrive.

What are the degrees of burns:
1st- pain, redness and swelling of the upper layer of the skin;
2nd- the same symptoms plus blisters - watery blisters;
3rd- violation of the integrity of not only the upper layer, but also the surrounding fatty tissue of the skin, loss of sensitivity at the site of the burn, blisters with cloudy liquid or blood;
4th- charring of the skin, subcutaneous fat, muscles, bones.

First aid for thermal burns

  1. Get rid of irritants.
    Get out of the open sun into the shade, break contact with a hot object or current source. Release the damaged area of ​​​​skin from clothing, but without removing it, but by carefully cutting the tissue around the wound. Apply a sterile dressing to the wound itself.
  2. Refrigerate the affected area if possible.
    Soak the affected body part under cool running water for 15-20 minutes, but do not use too cold water or ice. Make a compress. Cooling gel can be applied to clean skin. But with burns of a higher degree, cooling can lead to hypothermia of the body.
  3. Apply a sterile gauze bandage.
    Your goal is to protect the affected skin from accidental damage and infection. But make sure that the bandage does not press.
  4. Take pain medication if needed.
    To make tissue regeneration faster, you can use an anti-burn ointment, but usually minor injuries go away on their own.

With a chemical burn, you need to be even more careful. Cooling water may not be suitable for all burns. Water in reaction with some substances can heat or even ignite the substance. Chemical burn inflicted acid, neutralized with alkali, you can use a soap, soda solution or ash. For chemical burns alkali you need to use a weak vinegar solution. It is better to shake off or blot the excess substance with a cloth and try to get to the doctors as soon as possible: the treatment of the burn should be entrusted to them.

Traumatic damage to the skin as a result of exposure to high temperatures or contact with chemicals leads to burns. Almost every person has personally experienced burns that had varying degrees and appeared during prolonged exposure to the sun, non-compliance with safety precautions with electrical appliances, or through negligence, which is more common in children.

Light burns can be treated at home, using both traditional methods and over-the-counter pharmacy drugs. It is important to remember that only 1st or 2nd degree burns can be treated at home. If burn injuries are severe enough or have damaged most of the skin, then home treatment is not acceptable and can not only harm human health, but also lead to serious consequences. Let us briefly consider the main types and degrees of burns, as well as first aid and remedies that will help restore the skin after a burn at home.

Traditional medicine recipes and drugs for the treatment of burns, which will be mentioned in this article, can only be used for light burns (1 and 2 degrees) of the skin. If there is a burn of the respiratory tract, mucous membranes, or the percentage of burn injuries occupies more than 40% of the skin and has a 3rd or more stage, then the only way out is to immediately consult a doctor or call emergency medical care.

Types of burns

You can get a burn in several ways, which is why there are several types of burn injuries to the skin.

  • Thermal (thermal) burns - appear as a result of exposure to human skin of fire, steam, hot liquids or objects.
  • Electrical burns - caused by contact with electrical appliances or lightning.
  • Chemical burns are close contact with chemicals that have a local irritant property.
  • Radiation burns - appear after prolonged contact with ultraviolet rays (sun rays, solarium).

Regardless of the origin of the burn, with the resulting injury, the integrity and irritation of the skin occurs, which causes severe pain in a person, redness of the skin in the area of ​​injury, followed by the formation of blisters (grade 2).

Degrees of burns

There are many reasons that can cause a skin burn, but before proceeding with treatment, you need to establish how severe the burn is. All burns, regardless of the cause of their occurrence, are divided into first, second and third degree burns.

First degree burn

Minor damage to the skin from high temperatures is referred to as first-degree burns. Such a burn on the skin causes only redness and pain. A first-degree burn does not require a person to be hospitalized and is successfully treated at home.

Second degree burn

Second-degree burns penetrate deeper into the skin. This type of burn injury is characterized not only by redness of the skin, but also by the appearance of blisters that are filled with a clear liquid inside. Most often, 2nd degree burns appear when scalding with boiling water, prolonged exposure to the sun, or contact with chemicals. If the burn of the 2nd degree is extensive, then a large loss of fluid occurs in the human body.

After such burns, scars or scars may remain on the skin. Important: If a 2nd degree burn is larger in area than a person’s palm or is on the face, you should definitely see a doctor, this will help to avoid cosmetic problems in the future. Treatment of burns of the 2nd degree is carried out at home and is successfully treated with pharmaceutical preparations in combination with traditional medicine.

third degree burn

Third degree burns are quite dangerous. When they are received, the skin is destroyed, the subcutaneous tissues and nerve endings are affected. Such burns can be obtained as a result of contact with chemicals, oily substances, from electrical appliances or lightning. The condition of the victim with 3rd degree burns can be either moderate or severe. Treatment is inpatient only. Usually, after receiving 3rd degree burns, a person needs a skin graft.

In the case when the burn damages 20% - 40% of the human skin, the injuries are deep, there is a malfunction of the internal organs, the condition of the victim is severe, then it makes sense to talk about the 4th degree of burns, which often end in death.

First aid for burns

After receiving a burn, it is important to provide first aid to the victim, which will help at times to minimize the consequences and alleviate the condition of the person. It is important to remember that further treatment and the recovery process often depend on how first aid is provided. Therefore, it is very important to behave correctly when getting a burn. One of the important things in first aid for burns is calmness and lack of panic. Only a “collected” and self-confident person can carry out pre-hospital medical measures. So, first aid for burns is as follows:

1. As soon as possible, stop the contact of the injured person with the source of high temperatures. If a person is under electric current, then you can not touch the person or the source itself. It is necessary to use any insulated object and eliminate the current. In the case when, after cessation of contact with high temperature, further destruction of tissues occurs, it is necessary to apply cold (ice, snow, cold water) to the burnt surface, but not more than 10-15 minutes.

2. Considering that the injured person feels severe pain, any painkiller, anti-inflammatory drug (Ibuprofen, Ketanov and others) can be given.

3. After anesthesia, the damaged area of ​​the skin must be treated and a sterile gauze bandage should be applied. A good result can be obtained when using a special dressing material "Kombiksin" or "Diosept", which can be used for burns of varying degrees.

4. Chemical or thermal burns can be treated with running water. Burns with alkali - a weak solution of citric acid. If a person has received a chemical burn of the skin, home treatment is carried out depending on the substance that caused damage to the skin.

Usually, chemical burns require professional medical attention, but if the burn is minor, you can flush with a strong stream of cold water. In the case when the burn is caused by quicklime, it is strictly forbidden to cool the surface of the body with water, since such substances, when in contact with water, have the opposite effect and burn the skin even more. Also, when providing first aid after a chemical burn, it is forbidden to use any external medicines on your own. Since the reaction of a chemical in combination with a medicinal composition can be very different and not always favorable.

When receiving severe burns, after rendering first aid, you need to wait for the arrival of an ambulance and be sure to tell the team on duty about your actions. If the burns are minor and the face or mucous membranes are not damaged, then you can do without the help of a doctor. Children are an exception.

What not to do with burns

Incorrect or untimely first aid for burns can lead to complications that will affect the treatment process and increase the recovery period. In case of burns, it is strictly forbidden:

  • lubricate the skin after burns with vegetable oil;
  • use products containing alcohol;
  • independently open "blisters";
  • clean the wound from the remnants of clothing;
  • use urine.

In case of burns, it is recommended to put cold on the damaged area, but you need to remember that for no more than 10 - 15 minutes. If the amount of time is increased, death of the nerve endings may occur, followed by the development of skin necrosis.

Complications after burns

Minor skin burns do not cause any complications, but if a blister appears at the site of injury, which indicates a 2nd degree burn, there is a risk of infection with subsequent suppuration and inflammation of the blister. The presence of an inflammatory process can cause an increase in body temperature, general weakness of the body and other ailments. After suppuration of the burn, a scar or scar may remain on the damaged area.

With burns of the 3rd degree, complications are much more serious and can negatively affect the work of internal organs and systems.

Pharmaceutical preparations for skin burns

The main thing in the treatment of burns is to reduce pain, accelerate healing and disinfection of the skin. The pharmaceutical industry provides a large number of drugs for the treatment of 1st and 2nd degree burns. Such drugs are available in the form of an ointment, cream or aerosol for external use. Each of the drugs for the treatment of burns has a different composition and mechanism of action, so before using any remedy, you need to read the instructions for the medication or consult a doctor. Consider the most effective medicines for burns, which have an antiseptic, wound healing, regenerating effect.

  • Betadine is an antimicrobial drug that contains povidone-iodine. It is widely used to treat burns of 1 and 2 degrees. Apply the ointment to the skin in a thin layer 2-3 times a day.
  • Levomekol is an effective drug that has a bactericidal, analgesic property. The use of Levomekol for burns allows you to relieve pain, accelerate healing, and quickly restore the skin after burns.
  • Solcoseryl is a biogenic regeneration stimulator often used for skin burns. Apply to the skin 1 - 2 times a day, only after the burn wound stops getting wet.
  • Panthenol is a popular remedy for burns, which contains dexpanthenol and B vitamins. The use of Panthenol improves tissue regeneration and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Apply in the form of an aerosol or cream. This drug should always be in the home first aid kit, especially in a house where there are children.
  • Amprovizol is an aerosol. Combined drug for the treatment of burns, which contains propolis, anestezin, menthol and vitamin D. This drug has anti-burn, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, analgesic and cooling effects, accelerates skin healing. It is recommended to use for thermal and sunburns of 1 or 2 degrees.

  • Olazol is a wound healing, anti-burn agent. The preparation contains sea buckthorn oil. Available in the form of an aerosol for topical use. It has an anesthetic, antibacterial effect, reduces exudation, accelerates the process of epithelialization of wounds.
  • Caripazim is a herbal preparation that has a wide range of indications, including those used for burns. The composition of the drug includes vitamin complexes, amino acids, carbohydrates and other substances. The use of caripazim - treatment for burns allows you to relieve inflammation, accelerate healing, restore the skin after injury. Produced in vials. Karipazim can be used to treat burns of the 2nd degree at home, but before use, you need to read the instructions for the drug.

A burn is an acute injury to the skin due to exposure to heat, a chemical, ionizing radiation, or electric current.

In everyday life, you can most often encounter a burn with boiling water, steam, boiling oil, a heated curling iron or dishes. If we talk about the external environment, then the most common burns in this case are sunburns, as well as those that occur upon contact with plants that contain stinging poison, such as nettle or cow parsnip.

Burns are accompanied by quite severe pain and sometimes can even lead to pain shock. In addition, injuries of this kind take a very long time to heal, especially with the wrong first aid.

Given this, we want to tell you what to do with burns at home, what first aid should be and what should never be done. But first, let's look at what burns can be and how to determine the degree of their severity.

Depending on the factor that caused tissue damage, burns are divided into three types, namely:

  • thermal;
  • chemical;
  • electrical.

The most common type of burns is a burn with boiling water.

There are also four degrees of burn severity, and in order to determine it, it is necessary to carefully examine the skin, assess the location, size of the lesion and depth.

For first degree burn hyperemia, swelling of the skin and single small blisters with liquid in the burn area are characteristic. Such burns heal without a trace and do not require inpatient treatment.

Second degree the burn is characterized by more pronounced damage to the skin: large blisters with liquid, pain and itching in the affected area. In most cases, treatment is carried out at home, but in severe general condition and childhood hospitalization is indicated in the surgical or burn department.

At third degree burns damage not only the skin, but also muscle fibers with a ligamentous apparatus. The burn surface is covered with a scab, blisters with liquid. Also, this degree is characterized by severe pain and swelling of the tissues. In this case, there is a high risk of purulent inflammation.

For the treatment of third-degree burns, patients must be placed in a burn center, where conservative therapy is carried out, and, if necessary, surgical treatment. The recovery period can take up to two months.

fourth degree- the most severe and is characterized by the formation of a black scab, charring of tissues. Injuries of this kind in everyday life are very rare.

Unfortunately, a burn threatens not only with a local inflammatory reaction, skin damage or pain syndrome, but also with intoxication of the body, which develops due to the decay of the affected tissues. Accordingly, the larger the area of ​​​​the lesion, the stronger the intoxication of the body. Therefore, in addition to the severity of the burn, the area of ​​the burn surface is necessarily determined.

What to do at home with burns?

The algorithm of action for thermal, chemical and electrical burns is significantly different, so first aid directly depends on the nature of the factor that caused the injury.

We propose to analyze the algorithms of actions for the most common types of burns.

1. Stop the aggressive factor.

2. Remove clothing if possible without damaging the skin.

3. Remove jewelry from fingers, watches, bracelets, earrings, etc.

4. Cool the burn surface with cold water - 12-18 ° C for 15-20 minutes:

  • what to do with a finger burn? The finger is placed under running cold water or in a container of cool water;
  • what to do with a burn of the hand? The hand burn is cooled under running tap water or immersed in a bucket of cold water;
  • what to do with a face burn? In this case, the face should be washed with cold water until the feeling of heat passes. When the tongue is burned with boiling water, the mouth is rinsed with cold water for 10-15 minutes;
  • what to do with a burn of the lower limb? A leg burn with boiling water is also cooled under running water or in a container with cold water, you can also take a cool bath.

5. Apply an anti-burn agent (Panthenol, Olazol, Bepanten and others).

6. Apply a sterile dressing.

7. For severe pain, take an anesthetic or use a local anesthetic spray.

8. To reduce the risk of infection, especially with burns of 2-3 degrees, it is recommended to apply a bandage with Dimexide or Furacilin solution.

With a severe burn, when the bubble has burst and an open wound has formed, it is not recommended to use water for cooling, as this threatens to become infected. In this case, you need to apply a sterile bandage, apply ice to the bandage and call an ambulance.

With 1-2 degrees of severity, burns are treated at home under the supervision of a surgeon. Burns of 3-4 degrees are treated exclusively in stationary conditions.

For a 2nd degree burn, treatment consists in applying bandages to the burn surface 2-4 times a day using ointments that contain antimicrobial components (Levomekol, Levosin, Streptomycin). Before applying a bandage, the burn is washed with one of the local antiseptics (Chlorhexidine, Dimexide).

The burn surface on the face, neck or inguinal region is not covered with a bandage, they can be lubricated with an anti-burn agent, which will also protect the wound from the penetration of pathogenic microbes.

If we talk about what to do after a burn with boiling water, then traditional treatment can be supplemented with folk remedies.

  • sea ​​buckthorn oil: applied to the burn surface 2-3 times a day;
  • aloe juice: the cut leaf of the plant is placed on the wound for 30-40 minutes;
  • raw potatoes: Raw potato puree is mixed in equal proportions with liquid honey and used as compresses.

Burning a child with boiling water: what to do?

Regardless of the severity, localization and area of ​​the burn, the child must definitely call an ambulance, since it is impossible to predict the reaction of the child's body to an injury of this kind. In addition, the younger the child, the more severe the consequences of a burn can be.

First aid for a child with a burn is as follows.

What to do with an oil burn?

The density of oil is much higher than that of water. Therefore, when hot oil gets on the skin, its temperature lasts for a long time, which contributes to the spread of damage to the deep layers of tissues.

With a thermal burn with vegetable oil (sunflower, olive, etc.) such an algorithm should be followed.

  1. Rinse the burn immediately under running cold water for 15-20 minutes or immerse the burned part of the body in a container of cold water.
  2. Take an anesthetic (Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, Analgin).
  3. In case of a 3-4 degree burn, seek medical help by calling an ambulance.

Sunburns are no less rare than burns with boiling water or oil, because in the pursuit of a beautiful tan, we are often too zealous or neglect sun protection.

After a sunburn, there is a bright hyperemia, local hyperthermia, soreness and itching on the skin. In severe cases, blisters, fever, chills, and symptoms of dehydration appear. In addition to the above, children with sunburn become lethargic, capricious, irritable.

The first aid algorithm is as follows.

  1. Stop exposing your skin to direct sunlight. If there is a burn of the face or other part of the body, then you need to hide under a canopy, trees or in a cool room.
  2. In cases of chills, fever, general weakness, dizziness, nausea or vomiting, you should immediately call an ambulance, as this may be a sign of sunstroke, and not just a burn.
  3. If the general condition is not disturbed, you can take a cool shower or immerse the burned part of the body in a container of cold water. If this is not possible, then you can moisten pieces of cloth or a towel with cool water and apply to the skin for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Apply an anti-burn agent (Panthenol, Pantestin, Bepanten, Pantoderm and others) to the affected areas of the skin.
  5. Drink enough liquid, preferably clean water at room temperature without sugar and gas.
  6. With severe pain, you can take an anesthetic drug (Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, Analgin);
  7. To reduce itching, swelling and inflammation, antihistamines are indicated (Tavegil, Tsetrilev, Suprastin).
  8. During the recovery period, zinc ointment, Desyatin lotion, Actovegin ointment, sea buckthorn oil, aloe juice and other traditional and non-traditional remedies can be used to accelerate the healing of burns.
  9. Avoid direct sunlight for the next two weeks and cover the affected skin with natural fabric clothing.
  10. Use sunscreen.

A burn after a solarium is not as common as a sunburn, but still such an injury is also possible. A burn after a solarium is treated according to the principles described above.

An iron burn always leaves behind pigmentation that disappears after a few years.

What to do with a chemical burn?

Burns belong to chemical damage to tissues:

  • Dimexide;
  • iodine;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • Finalgon;
  • vinegar;
  • ammonia;
  • from mustard plaster and others;

First aid for a chemical burn of the skin depends on the nature of the aggressive factor.

First of all, you need to stop the effect of the factor on the skin. The chemical must then be neutralized. For example, in case of acid burns, the skin is washed abundantly with a solution of baking soda, and in case of alkali burns, with solutions of citric, boric or acetic acids.

Then a sterile gauze bandage is applied to the affected skin and the patient is allowed to take an analgesic drug.

Hogweed is a fairly common plant in Russia, the juice of which contains furocoumarin, therefore, upon contact with any part of this plant, a burn appears on the skin.

Immediately after contact with cow parsnip, redness and itching appear on the skin, but over time, rather large blisters form in the affected area, which burst, forming an open wound.

Such burns should be treated under the supervision of a dermatologist or surgeon. But since it is not always possible to turn to a specialist in time, we present to your attention the algorithm of actions in case of a burn by this plant.

  1. Eliminate contact with the plant.
  2. Eliminate exposure to sunlight on the affected area of ​​the skin.
  3. Wash the affected part of the body with plenty of clean water and soap or a weak solution of soda if there are no blisters.
  4. Apply a sterile bandage.
  5. Treat the burn with a solution of Furacilin or potassium permanganate.
  6. Lubricate the burn surface with Panthenol or any other anti-burn agent.
  7. Avoid sunlight for 2-3 days.
  8. If necessary, take an analgesic, and with severe itching, an antihistamine.

With a strong cough, suffocation, angioedema, huge blisters, head burns, vomiting, you should immediately call an ambulance. Also, burns with cow parsnip in children are exclusively treated permanently.

By following these rules, you can avoid prolonged healing of burns, the appearance of infectious complications and gross residual effects.

As you can see, regardless of the nature of the burn, the central place in the first aid algorithm is cooling the affected area of ​​the skin and only then applying the anti-burn agent. In addition, there are a number of prohibited actions, such as lubricating a burn with oil, fat, kefir, sour cream or other folk medicines that can aggravate the burn.

It is also important to assess the severity of the burn, since only damage of 1-2 degrees can be treated at home. Moreover, children, regardless of the severity of the burn, must be examined by a specialist.

Each of us at least once in our lives had to burn ourselves. Whether it's hot coffee, steam from a kettle or a hot iron. The suffering of burned skin is severe. It is especially difficult for children to endure them. And how often it happens that there are no necessary medicines at hand.

But it's not a problem! Minor burns can be treated with home remedies. .

Signs of minor burns that can be treated at home - when do you need to see a doctor?

Burns come in four degrees of severity:

For your information: 70% of the total body area is a critical value, above which a burn is considered fatal.

There is a simplified system for measuring the area of ​​the burn.

It is known that the size of a human palm is equal to 1% of the total area of ​​his body . So, by applying the palm, you can measure the area of ​​the skin lesion.

There is also the 9% rule. It says that on:

  • head
  • breasts
  • belly
  • each hand
  • Every thigh
  • Shin and foot skin - 9% of the total body area.
  • On the back - 18% .
  • On the genitals 1% .

With extensive burns, it is more convenient to use the rule of the palm, and for small ones, the rule of nines.

Folk remedies can treat minor burns. For example - scalding with boiling water or steam, as they rarely reach 2 degrees of severity.

The main signs of minor burns are:

  • Redness
  • puffiness
  • Sharp pain at the burn site
  • Whitening at the epicenter of the burn
  • Blisters

If you notice charring or damage to the lower layers of the skin, consult a doctor immediately!

12 Best Home Remedies for Minor Burns First Aid

The burn is characterized damaging effect of high temperature . The skin is affected, for example, by fire, which heats up human tissues to a level above the permissible level, after which this tissue begins to “break”.

To avoid major damage, need to stop the heat penetrating inside the human body . That is, if the upper layer of the skin is damaged, then it is necessary that the heat does not hit the layers following it. Cold water or cold compresses applied to the affected area before the blisters are ideal for this.

The second problem with a burn is dehydration.. Damaged tissue loses its moisture. Broken shells of skin cells do not hold the cytoplasm - that's why blisters are obtained.

Therefore, the next necessary condition for the treatment of a burn is moisturizing the damaged surface . But this should be done after the acute pain has subsided, and the risk of damaging the underlying tissues has decreased.

  • Milk is ideal for moisturizing. It soothes the skin while gently nourishing it. This cosmetic product was adopted by the ancient Egyptians, led by their beautiful queen Cleopatra.
  • Yogurt also has moisturizing properties. In addition, it contains live lactobacilli, which restore the skin well.
  • Sour cream is another fermented milk product that will support damaged skin. Even our grandmothers advised to smear with sour cream after sunburn, so as not to peel off. 20% fat content of this product or even 15% will protect your skin from pain.
  • Potato or potato starch . Many people know that if, after a burn, a potato wedge is applied to the damaged area of ​​the skin, then the burnt area may not hurt. This is due to the magical property of starch and potato juice, which saturates the skin with moisture. You can also apply a compress of grated potato pulp wrapped in a piece of gauze. The cooling and tonic effect of this folk remedy has a beneficial effect on the site of skin lesions.

Along with cooling and moisturizing, it will also be useful in the treatment of burns. antiseptic properties of some products.

  • Honey is the most valuable anti-inflammatory and natural antimicrobial agent. To obtain a healing effect, you need to apply a compress of honey or spread a thin layer on the surface of the burn. Damaged skin may pinch a little, but this discomfort will soon pass and the wound will begin to heal.
  • Aloe juice. Almost every home has this plant. To reduce pain and speed up healing, either squeeze the juice onto gauze and apply it to the affected area of ​​the skin, or apply half an aloe leaf, after cutting it in half.
  • Black tea contains a lot of tannins, which have a tonic and antiseptic effect on damaged skin. Both a wet tea bag and a cloth soaked in tea can be applied to the affected area.
  • Many vegetable oils have strong healing properties. For example - wheat germ oil , as a well-known folk remedy for stretch marks, burns, wounds and abrasions. It also helps with the first wrinkles. It is worth regularly smearing a thin layer of this oil on damaged skin and after a while the burn will quickly stop bothering you.
  • Almond oil has the same restorative properties. But it has a lighter texture and therefore it is absorbed faster. Most of the restorative properties are due to vitamin E, which is included in all these vegetable oils. This vitamin effectively regenerates the skin, moreover, makes it softer, velvety and tender.
  • Vitamin E also has sea buckthorn oil . If you lubricate the injured areas of the skin with a thin layer or make lotions with sea buckthorn oil, then the burned area of ​​​​the skin will recover much faster.
  • Another effective remedy is carrot juice. because it is also rich in vitamins. Mainly - vitamin A, which also has regenerative properties, and therefore lotions of carrot juice help in recovery. If immediately after the burn, immerse the damaged area in carrot juice or make a lotion with it, then the pain will subside.

May be effective for minor burns not only pharmaceutical drugs, but also home remedies . Know what and how to use correctly so as not to resort to the use of medicines for minor skin burns.

Be healthy!

The site site provides background information. If you experience alarming symptoms with burns, damage to a large area of ​​​​the skin and a significant deterioration in general well-being, consult a doctor!