Weak fetal movement at 25 weeks. When do fetal movements begin during pregnancy and how to recognize them? Cervical abnormalities

For a wedding

And here is the long-awaited stage, when the belly has grown significantly and the baby will soon be born. Most women during this period feel in seventh heaven, because their toxicosis goes away, almost no pain is felt, and the fetus is constantly moving.

Fetal movement

At week 25, the fetus begins to move so actively that you can’t even imagine. Apart from the morning hours, when the baby is fast asleep, almost all day he fidgets and moves in his tummy, thereby providing the mother with a lot of positive emotions.

According to gynecology, the length of the fetus at this stage of pregnancy is 29-30 cm. The body of the fetus is covered with dark fluff, and the blood vessels of the lungs finish developing - all this is different at the 25th week of pregnancy. Fetal movements are chaotic, because it is impossible to accurately determine when it is active and when it is not. Only towards the end of the period does the movement of the embryo begin to become uniform.

How long does the baby sleep at this time?

According to some doctors, the baby sleeps more than 20 hours a day at this time. The movements felt at the 25th week of pregnancy are moments of wakefulness that do not last long. At this time, the baby pushes with his legs or turns over from side to side.

Close and unbreakable connection with the baby

The mother is already beginning to feel more closely the inextricable connection with the baby. Constant movements at 25 weeks of pregnancy prove this once again. The baby makes itself known all the time, thereby reminding you of the imminent birth.

The 25th week of pregnancy is rich in bright events in the life of a mother. Fetal movements once again show how much the mother’s mood affects the fetus. As soon as the mother eats a tasty meal, thereby increasing blood sugar, the baby immediately reacts. He begins to actively move and push under the influence of adrenaline if his mother is nervous or angry.

Fetal movements at the 25th week of pregnancy are the way in which the baby reminds himself of himself and his fight for life begins. At this time, it is useful to start singing lullabies to the baby, trying to calm the child. This is the time when fetal movements at the 25th week of pregnancy are active and develop the baby’s character.

What is hidden behind the fetal movements at 25 weeks?

Fetal movements at week 25 can mean a lot. You can get a lot of useful information by analyzing how the fetus moves at week 25, because the baby’s movements during this period completely depend on the connection with the mother. It is interesting that before this stage of pregnancy the movements were not so noticeable. Now it's a different matter. The mother begins to feel the baby more clearly, his nervous system is almost completely formed. He feels everything and actively reacts to it.

At week 25, the fetus’s full understanding of comfort is palpable. The movements that occur at week 25 become more conscious. All movements are rational, since the fetus understands what needs to be done to change conditions to more comfortable ones. Moving at 25 weeks involves turning away from loud noises, responding to a lack of oxygen or nutrition. Often, when the mother rests on her back, the fetus begins to move more intensely, thereby making it clear that important blood vessels are being compressed. He doesn't have enough oxygen, and he pushes, protesting this situation. What should mom do? It is recommended to lie more on your side.

As you know, the first fetal movements are noticeable already at 18 weeks. Some mothers feel their baby's movements much later, at 20 weeks. As for movements at week 25, they should be completely noticeable. During this period, expectant mothers feel movements similar to the sharp fluttering of a butterfly or the splashing of a fish. Gradually the movements intensify and are felt more clearly.

The baby’s movements at week 25 can be unpredictable and semi-reflexive, but every day normal movement, controlled by the baby, is felt. The baby actively reacts to anxiety or joy. It is during this period of life that it is useful to listen to a lot of classical music, talk to the baby and even sing a lullaby to him so that he calms down. This is an already formed little man who has not yet been born, but actively reacts to everything that happens to his mother. At week 25, the baby’s movements, as mentioned above, are more conscious.

Can mothers feel pain during this time?

It happens that the baby’s movements at week 25 are abrupt. If after changing your position, usually turning on your side, the pain does not go away, you should consult a doctor. Often, for those mothers who are carrying twins, the sensations from movements are more intense and sharp.

How many times a day can movements be felt?

It is believed that 10-15 movements per hour are normal. Then there is a lull that lasts about three hours.

It is worth remembering that sudden and sharp movements of the baby may indicate a lack of oxygen supply.

Carrying a child is a responsible process that requires a lot of effort and health from the expectant mother. The 25th week of pregnancy is the most part of the period. Just a little more, and the long-awaited meeting with the baby will come.

Waiting for a miracle

Two red lines on the test are good news for many married couples. From this moment on, the woman is responsible not only for her life, but also for the life of the future baby. Now that the baby is beating under your heart, you need to do everything to ensure that he is born healthy and on time.

First of all, you should change your daily routine - good rest and long walks should come first. You need to pay attention to your diet: harmful foods, exclude alcohol and stock up on vegetables and fruits. It is very important not to forget about taking vitamins and minerals, which are so necessary for the growth and development of a small life.

The expectant mother should avoid stress and negative emotions. You should also refrain from excessive physical activity, because in the first trimester there is a high risk of spontaneous abortion.

Second trimester of pregnancy

The second trimester of pregnancy is the 4th, 5th, 6th months or from the 14th to 26th week of development.

All the worst is behind us. The threat of interruption is a very small percentage, nausea and morning sickness have gone away. Thanks to the rapid growth of hormones, the expectant mother becomes prettier before our eyes and blossoms. Her shape is rounded - her breasts fill out, her tummy becomes visible to others.

The baby, which was previously called an embryo, now bears its full name - a fetus. All his organs have already formed and continue to improve.

In the second trimester, the mother experiences a wonderful phenomenon - fetal movements. For each woman they manifest themselves differently and at different times. Basically, the first tremors are heard from the 16-18th week. Now you can communicate with the baby. He hears his mother's voice well and can distinguish music from noise. With his movements, the baby shows joy or dissatisfaction.

By the end of the trimester, the future baby is growing noticeably. A baby at 25 weeks of pregnancy will weigh about 600-800 grams, and its dimensions will be slightly larger than a school ruler (32-36 cm).

At 18-22 weeks, parents can already find out the sex of their child. The genitals are fully formed and are clearly visible during ultrasound examination. Now you can calmly start preparing your dowry.

25 week of pregnancy

The sixth month is almost over. The baby has become quite big and smart. He controls his movements. May show his joy or displeasure by pushing. The baby's internal organs continue to improve. Its osteo-articular system is strengthened.

At 25 weeks of pregnancy, the movements of the baby can already be felt by those around you. Sometimes a protruding leg or cam is clearly visible. The baby can play with his limbs and also knows how to suck his fingers! The baby's skin becomes more elastic. Fat begins to accumulate under it, which gives the cheeks a round shape, and forms folds on the buttocks and legs.

The fetus at 25 weeks of pregnancy became more human-like. Its weight is 700 grams and its height is 30-32 centimeters. The reproductive system is actively developing. If it is a boy, his testicles descend into the scrotum, and if it is a girl, a vagina is formed.

The baby's lungs are maturing. The child can now take independent breaths. He trains on amniotic fluid. The first attempts to breathe on his own can provoke hiccups, which can be heard quite clearly by the mother at 25 weeks of pregnancy. Movements and rhythmic movements indicate this.

Changes in the mother's body

The second trimester is a favorable time in the life of an expectant mother. The morning sickness and malaise disappeared, the woman became less irritable. Her appearance changed noticeably. The belly has grown well at 25 weeks of pregnancy. It's time to buy a couple of new things. After all, constantly gaining weight, mom can no longer fit into anything. Things must be made from natural fabrics that do not cause allergies, have a loose fit and do not squeeze the stomach. You should also choose a new bra that will support your breasts well.

Many inexperienced mothers are interested in the question: 25 weeks of pregnancy - how many months have passed and how many are left before giving birth? The fact is that the entire pregnancy period lasts 40-42 weeks. This, in turn, is 9 months from conception, or 10 obstetric months, which must be counted from the first day of missed menstruation.

The expectant mother's feelings at 25 weeks can be very different. Sometimes shortness of breath and heartburn appear. All because of my growing belly. Proper nutrition and staying in the fresh air will solve the problem a little. No less common in pregnant women is the phenomenon of varicose veins. You can relieve discomfort with anti-varicose stockings.

If the expectant mother works, she will soon need to take care of maternity leave. Therefore, all work at work must be completed on time.

The 25th week of pregnancy is a fully formed baby, and in most cases it can survive outside the womb. However, this phenomenon should not be considered the norm. A woman should monitor her health and try to carry her baby to the expected date of birth.

Tests in the second trimester of pregnancy

Being in an interesting position, a woman should visit her local doctor every three weeks. Before each examination, the expectant mother undergoes a general blood and urine test. Another mandatory type of examination is ultrasound. During the entire pregnancy it can be prescribed three or more times.

Usually the second scheduled ultrasound occurs at 21-22 weeks. But sometimes, for various reasons, it can be the 25th week of pregnancy. A photo of the future baby taken using ultrasound can be saved as a keepsake in a family album.

At the end of the second trimester of pregnancy, women may be diagnosed with various pathologies of gestation (uterine tone, polyhydramnios). The main reason for the appearance is diseases and infections of the mother. Therefore, the doctor should know about any pain, discomfort and discharge. Warning symptoms:

  • Increased body temperature.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen or lower back.
  • Discomfort and pain when the baby moves.
  • Increased swelling of the legs, large stretch marks on the abdomen.
  • Discharge mixed with blood or other strange color.

If a woman's condition matches the description, she should immediately consult a doctor. Perhaps the baby’s life, like his mother’s, is in danger. An accurate diagnosis can only be made after additional tests and diagnostics.

Complications of pregnancy

The 25th week of pregnancy is often characterized by the appearance of various complications. However, timely intervention by specialists will help save the baby’s life.

  1. Placental abruption. Accompanied by bleeding and pain. The pregnant woman's condition is characterized by weakness and fatigue. There is pain in the lower abdomen.
  2. Preeclampsia. It appears more often after the 20th week. The placenta becomes more vulnerable. She begins to leak protein, which enters the mother's tissue and forms edema. The placenta also swells. As a result, the fetus suffers from oxygen starvation.
  3. Low water. Accompanied by painful movements of the baby. The general condition of the mother is weak. The diagnosis can only be made using ultrasound. It is fraught with dislocations and bending of the child’s bones.
  4. Polyhydramnios. Difficulty breathing, swelling, stretch marks, the abdomen is enlarged beyond its time limit. The woman feels weak and unwell. The disease causes premature birth.
  5. STD. Any discharge at the 25th week of pregnancy should alert the expectant mother. Normal discharge is white and transparent. They have no smell. Any changes may indicate STD infections. They are part of the TORCH group of infections and pose a threat to both the pregnant woman and the fetus.

Pregnant women are more susceptible to all sorts of diseases than others. Ignoring symptoms and delaying a visit to the doctor can have irreversible consequences.

25 week pregnancy: twins

Pregnancy is always a huge responsibility for the expectant mother. Especially if she is carrying twins. From the very beginning, the load on a woman’s body will be double. Basically, parents find out that there will be two babies at the first ultrasound at 5-6 weeks, rarely at the second - at 12-14 weeks. A woman expecting twins should be more attentive to herself:

  1. More vitamins.
  2. More fresh air.
  3. Half the load and stress.

Many mothers carrying twins are interested in their development at 25 weeks of pregnancy, what happens to the children at this stage. Together with the ever-growing mother’s belly, both babies grow. At 25 weeks, they already understand each other’s presence and are constantly trying to grab or pinch the “other self.” By the 28th week, twins become viable outside the womb. The rate of development of multiple pregnancy significantly exceeds the development of singleton pregnancy.

Most often, twin pregnancies end in a cesarean section. All because the babies were in the wrong position.

Daily routine and nutrition of the expectant mother

25 weeks of pregnancy - how many months are already behind us! Just a little bit, and the mother will be able to take her baby in her arms.

In order for the long-awaited meeting to take place and the birth to be successful, without complications, a woman needs to lead a healthy lifestyle, in particular, adhere to proper nutrition.

An incorrect diet for a pregnant woman often leads to the birth of a very large fetus. And this is not entirely pleasant, and not entirely possible in a natural way.

So, the expectant mother should always have in the kitchen:

  1. Dairy products. This is a source of proteins and calcium necessary for the structure and growth of the baby’s skeletal system.
  2. Meat and fish, which contain B vitamins, as well as proteins, fats and iron.
  3. Cereals, flour products (bread) - contain fiber, carbohydrates and beneficial microelements.
  4. Fruits, vegetables and herbs.

Foods containing cholesterol should be avoided. Proper nutrition has a beneficial effect on the health of both mother and baby. In addition, this is the best prevention of certain diseases.

Termination of pregnancy at 25 weeks

The course of pregnancy is individual for each woman. Some people face a lot of problems and pathologies, being absolutely healthy. And others, having a list of various diseases, give birth to strong babies.

With the current ecology, many pathologies in the development of the fetus occur already in the middle of the period, when it is the 25th week of pregnancy.

Ultrasound photos adorn many family albums. Preparations for meeting the baby are in full swing. And then, like rain falling on your head, “the pregnancy must be terminated.” How?! Why?!! A lot of tears and hysterics immediately begin. For future parents, such a verdict is a real shock.

  1. Fetal defects are incompatible with life.
  2. A serious threat to the mother’s health (malignant tumors, acute polyhydramnios, which can result in uterine rupture).
  3. Injury to a child.

Usually all developmental defects are visible on the second ultrasound. Of course, it is better to consult several specialists and do additional tests. Sometimes there may simply be a medical error.

Premature birth

The threat of miscarriage and spontaneous miscarriage are often common occurrences in the first trimester of pregnancy. Very rarely this can happen when you are 25 weeks pregnant. The development of the fetus at this stage is generally successful.

All the baby’s organs are formed and improving. Closer to the 28th week, the fetus becomes viable in case of premature birth. With the development of current technologies, doctors are able to save babies born even at 25 weeks.

Of course, after the birth the baby will still be nursed. After all, he is weaker than other newborns.

Often children born earlier are given various diagnoses and disabilities. Therefore, in any case, we must try to bring the baby to term. If the expectant mother discovers symptoms of premature labor, she should immediately call an ambulance. The doctor will try to delay the birth and prolong the pregnancy.

Symptoms of premature birth

The main reason for the birth of a baby prematurely is serious illnesses and infections of the mother, which were ignored and not treated. Also, premature birth can occur in women over forty; when carrying twins; with Rhesus conflict; for some pathologies (polyhydramnios).

The onset of premature labor can be determined by the following signs:

  • The amniotic fluid has receded.
  • A nagging pain began in the back and lower abdomen.
  • Contractions, the interval between which is constantly decreasing.

Such symptoms are a mandatory reason for hospitalization. Sometimes timely treatment helps extend the gestation period by several weeks.

The birth of a premature baby does not always affect its development. However, this applies to seven-month and eight-month-old children.

Prevention of premature birth

In order to carry a healthy baby and give birth exactly on time, the expectant mother must follow the following instructions:

  1. Before pregnancy, undergo examination and, if serious illnesses are detected, undergo treatment.
  2. Do not let any illness become chronic.
  3. Conduct prevention of somatic diseases.
  4. Lead a healthy lifestyle, eliminating alcohol and drug habits.
  5. If there is a threat of premature birth, observe:
  • bed rest;

Twenty-fifth week of pregnancy

Features of the course of pregnancy at 25-26 weeks

The 25th week of pregnancy has begun. In other words, the sixth month is coming to an end. The fetus is already almost formed, but has not yet grown and become strong enough for independent life. His weight will continue to increase, and his organs will finish forming.

Fetal development at 25-26 weeks

At this stage, the child’s height is at least 33 centimeters and the weight is just over 600 grams. Muscle mass continues to form, bones lengthen and become stronger. All this makes the child stronger. This is why at 25-26 weeks of pregnancy, movements become more noticeable. This is also facilitated by a reduction in space in the uterus. Now the condition of the fetus can be assessed by the intensity of movement. So, too active mobility indicates that he is not particularly comfortable, which is most likely due to oxygen starvation. At the same time, pain caused by fetal movements is not a pathology and should be perceived as normal. In order to understand whether the child’s movement is normal and whether it’s time to sound the alarm, it is enough to count the tremors felt within one hour. Normally there should be at least four. If you take into account the baby's sleep periods, then you should feel at least 10-12 movements per day. The 25-26th week of pregnancy is especially important for the formation of the lungs. It is now that the alveoli of the fetal lungs and a special substance are formed that prevents them from sticking together. The readiness of the lungs to breathe can be assessed by the composition of the amniotic fluid, which should normally contain a high content of phospholipids. If you don’t yet know who exactly you are expecting, this can now be easily determined using an ultrasound. It is at 25-26 weeks of pregnancy that the formation of the genital organs in the fetus ends. At this stage, you can already talk to the baby. He hears you perfectly and even reacts to music and the intonation of dialogue with others. In addition, his eyes react to light and, when in bright light, he can even cover his eyes with his hands.

Condition of a pregnant woman at 25-26 weeks

The mother also keeps up with her baby and is actively gaining weight. Now the increase in volume is noticeable not only in the hips and abdomen, but also in the chest. Therefore, it is necessary to change your underwear to a larger size, while giving preference to natural fabrics. At 25-26 weeks, the uterus rises 25 centimeters above the pubic bone. The weight of the fetus directly affects the condition of the mother. It’s already quite difficult to breathe, and after eating I suffer from heartburn. Constipation may occur due to intestinal compression.

If your stomach suddenly hurts

Most often, back pain appears at 25-26 weeks of pregnancy. This is partly due to the fact that the weight of the fetus and your own is steadily increasing. As a result, the ligaments are stretched, the muscles are in a tense state, and the spine begins to “get tired” from having to carry so much weight. These pains are normal if they occur periodically during long walking or in an uncomfortable position, as well as when the fetus moves too intensely and goes away after rest. If the pain does not decrease at rest, you should see a specialist. Perhaps this is a sign of lumbosacral radiculitis, which very often occurs in pregnant women at 25 weeks. This pathology is treated with various ointments, massage or physiotherapeutic methods. Increased weight also affects the condition of the legs. This is especially noticeable in patients with signs of varicose veins. In order to at least slightly reduce discomfort, you should elevate your legs several times a day, and also use compression stockings throughout the day.

Should I call a doctor?

Despite the fact that pain is most often associated with stress and weight, there are also those that should be paid special attention to. If during pregnancy you experience abdominal pain and swelling of the legs and arms increases, you should see a doctor as soon as possible, as this may be a sign of late toxicosis. Parodic pain in the abdomen or lower back can be training contractions. But if they continue, intensify and are also accompanied by bloody discharge, this indicates premature birth. Therefore, you need to lie down and call an ambulance for hospitalization. No less indicative are discharge at 25-26 weeks of pregnancy. White, curdled, itchy rashes are a sign of infection. The same goes for greenish discharge. Brown and mixed with blood are a symptom of pathology. Of course, this can also occur with cervical erosion, but it is better to see a doctor and rule out a pathology such as placental abruption. Watery yellowish discharge indicates water leakage, which is often observed at the beginning of the 26th week. This is also a reason to visit a specialist.


In order for your pregnancy to proceed perfectly without any complications, you should pay attention to the following:

  • Weight gain;

Only the 25th week of pregnancy has begun (obstetric, i.e. 6 months), and the baby has not been sitting quietly for a long time. His activity and movements seem to shout: “Let me out!” I want to see the world." But it's too early.

The child is not yet developed enough to be born. In the near future, the mother can only see her child through an ultrasound, feeling constant movements.

What's happening to the baby

Over the past few seven days, the fetus has changed a lot.

  • Height is approximately 35 cm. Weight was approximately 600 grams, and now - 700. The baby is developing and growing by leaps and bounds!
  • In the photo, the baby fully corresponds to your ideas about a child: a proportionate body, a cute face, chubby arms and legs.
  • During the current seven days, the fetus will build up a good fat layer.
  • The skin will become denser, stop wrinkled, and smooth out.
  • The face is not yet fully formed, but the genetic features are already present. True, it’s difficult to see it well in the photo.
  • Also, at weeks 25 and 26, bones become stronger.

The bone substance becomes harder and denser. The spine is formed. By the end, the baby will have about 30 vertebrae, about 150 joints and over 1000 ligaments.

  • The muscle system becomes more complex.
  • The lungs are well developed, a special substance is gradually formed and accumulated, which will prevent them from sticking together when inhaling and exhaling.
  • All genital organs are practically formed: visible.

At the end of 25-26 weeks, you can easily determine the sex of the baby.

  • The fetal brain is undergoing rapid development: it is able to control not only such physiological things as hematopoiesis, but also various little things.

For example, perceive and remember sounds.

  • The baby reacts to external light, which is able to penetrate the layers of the mother's skin.
  • Coordination is improving.

The baby is able to catch or grab something.

He meaningfully kicks the walls of the “house”, feels his arms and legs, and all his movements are attempts to explore his little world.

What's happening to mom, feelings

The 25th week of pregnancy for a woman is, in general, a calm time when everyone takes care of you and takes care of you.

You are such a big hulking mother-to-be who retains a vestige of elegance.

belly, photo
  • The belly is large, but not huge yet.

It prevents you from walking, bending, sitting down, even sleeping.

photo week 25
  • You fully feel that your child lives in it, because... you feel constant movements.

You happily talk to your baby, tell him stories, play music. And in response - movements.

By the way, now, with denser and harder bones, fetal movements will be more noticeable.

Especially if you are pregnant with twins. Moreover, sometimes the movements inside are more like strong kicks. And an unsuccessful kick to an internal organ can bring some trouble to the mother.

belly photo
  • You will receive maternity leave only in 3-5 weeks, and until then you will have to go to work.

Try not to overwork yourself. Get plenty of rest and relaxation.

Physiologically, the development of pregnancy is manifested in certain signs.

  • There is more hair on the head and body.
  • Your arms go numb, your legs swell, your back hurts, your stomach feels tight.

All this is standard.

  • The uterus is now the size of a volleyball.

And if you are, then even more.

It puts pressure on the diaphragm, leading to shortness of breath and snoring. This is rarely harmful. But if you have difficulty breathing, consult a doctor; complications are possible.


  • At current stages, sometimes premature births occur.

Yes, the fetus is able to survive in this case.

8 out of 10 people born prematurely survive.

However, this may have some consequences.

  • The lungs, although quite well developed, are not enough to breathe independently.

You may not even be able to take a breath. Ventilation sometimes helps, sometimes it doesn’t.

Although the blood circulation of the mother and fetus occurs separately, some exchange still occurs.

  • The composition of the baby’s blood at this stage of pregnancy is not yet fully formed; important elements are missing.
  • The capillaries are not yet fully formed.
  • The ratio of leukocytes and erythrocytes is still incorrect.

Over time, in a couple of weeks it will return to normal. However, once outside the uterus, the baby will have a hard time.

If the baby is born prematurely, he will be placed in a special incubator for several months, where he will continue to develop.

It seems that only recently a woman at 20 weeks felt for the first time that her baby began to move, but a month has already passed, she is in her 25th week of pregnancy, and fetal development is actively continuing. The baby is growing, his weight and height are increasing, and the tremors are becoming more and more noticeable. During your examination, your obstetrician will remind you what corresponds to 23 weeks from conception. This is a calm stage of pregnancy; no significant changes in the woman’s condition and well-being are expected. The risk of miscarriage is low; in case of premature birth, the baby has a chance of life.

The 25th week of pregnancy has arrived, what happens to the expectant mother’s body?

The uterus continues to grow, its volume and weight grow, it puts more and more pressure on the stomach and intestines. For many women, this causes heartburn and stool retention. The belly at 25 weeks of pregnancy is quite large, it’s time to think about purchasing a special bandage. This is especially necessary for those mothers who often have lower back pain. The skin stretches, becomes dry, and the woman experiences itching. Stretch marks begin to develop on the skin of the thighs and abdomen. After childbirth, it is not easy to get rid of them completely; try to prevent their excessive formation. Series of cosmetics for pregnant women offer special products for moisturizing and nourishing the skin. For some, the 25th week of pregnancy will be remembered by the problem of enlarged veins in the legs. Give up high heels and give your feet more rest. When sitting, try to place your legs on an elevation to increase blood flow.

The mammary glands increased in size, the nipples became swollen and darkened. Drops of colostrum may be released from the nipples. Do not squeeze them out under any circumstances; gently blot them with a soft cloth.

A woman’s weight can increase by 300-500 grams during these 7 days. From the beginning of pregnancy, a woman should, on average, gain 6-9 kilograms; a strong deviation from these figures should be a signal to consult a doctor and order a more detailed examination.

Excessive weight gain may indicate the occurrence of edema, which can lead to complications during pregnancy.

You can reduce the risk by changing your diet, giving up salty foods, and reducing the amount of fluid you consume.

The formation of the baby, his weight and height

It's 25 weeks of pregnancy, what happens to the baby? The outline of his body is increasingly similar to a newborn, but the time of birth has not yet come, although all the main organs are almost formed. The child is approximately 33-34 centimeters tall and weighs 700 grams. The subcutaneous fat layer is developing, the cheeks are rounded, the nose stands out well on the face, there are eyebrows and eyelashes. The child's skin thickens, becomes denser, and infantile folds begin to appear. The ears are forming, now they are soft, not embossed.

Physiological development

Let us examine in detail what results the fetus has at the 25th week of pregnancy.

Surfactant accumulates in the lungs; it is necessary to prevent the lungs from sticking together as a result of the baby’s first breath after birth. The respiratory system is in the process of formation. A premature baby most often cannot breathe on its own, and if delivery occurs at 25 weeks, a ventilator will be required. But now the child is training and swallowing amniotic fluid. He can hiccup; his mother notices this by the trembling of her tummy.

The developing bone marrow took over the process of blood formation, which was previously handled by the liver and spleen. The brain continues to develop.

The skeleton develops, the bones become stronger, and the calcium content in them increases.

The heart beats rhythmically, the beats per minute are 120-150.

The baby’s reproductive system is becoming more and more improved; on an ultrasound, it is no longer possible to confuse a boy and a girl; the external genitalia are clearly visible. The boy's testicles begin to move into the scrotum.

A baby at 25 weeks loves to play with his fingers, feel his face, and grab the umbilical cord. The grasping reflex becomes more and more pronounced.

The baby has sufficiently developed vision and hearing. He notices bright flashes of light and hears sharp sounds. It has already been determined whether the little one will be right-handed or left-handed; he grabs all objects with one of the handles more often.

Fetal movements at week 25 are distinct and clearly perceptible. And the baby develops a daily routine, there is time for rest and wakefulness. These periods may not coincide with the mother’s daily routine; many of the children like to tumble at night, preventing the pregnant woman from sleeping. Some babies already take the correct position in the uterus, lowering their heads down. But it is premature to worry about this; there are still two months ahead for this process to normalize.


Controlling vaginal discharge will help avoid possible problems. Normal discharge at 25 weeks of pregnancy is clear or whitish. They look uniform and have a slightly sour smell. If their character has changed dramatically, foam and mucus have appeared, the color has become yellow or greenish, it’s time to sound the alarm. If this is accompanied by burning and itching of the genitals, pain during urination, the woman may be infected. In especially severe cases, this is accompanied by chills and fever. Any infection needs urgent treatment. Sometimes a woman notices brownish or bloody, not very abundant discharge that occurs after sexual intercourse. Perhaps this is a sign of erosion; the doctor will suggest treatment methods. Watery discharge is a reason to urgently consult a doctor; this may indicate leakage of amniotic fluid. This is one of the signs of the onset of labor, usually accompanied by cramping pain, pain in the back and lower abdomen. Even if you only notice a feeling of unnatural wetness in the genital area, consult a doctor as soon as possible. If the membranes are broken, there is a high risk of infection entering the uterus and infecting the baby. Urgent treatment is necessary and can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Cervical abnormalities

For some women, the 25th week of pregnancy can bring an unpleasant discovery; the doctor will discover that the cervix has pathologies. This can lead to miscarriage, premature development of the birth process, when the increased weight of the uterus begins to put a lot of pressure on it. The cervix shortens, its tissue becomes softer and more elastic, and it may dilate. All these processes occur without pronounced symptoms; constant monitoring by a specialist is required; do not skip scheduled examinations. If this pathology is present, special rings or sutures are applied to maintain pregnancy, and medications are prescribed that reduce the tone of the uterus. In particularly severe cases, the woman is advised to remain in bed.

Painful sensations

At 25 weeks of pregnancy, a woman may experience various pains. The center of gravity has shifted; in order to maintain balance, the woman has to lean back. This causes pain in the lumbar region, in the sacrum. A prenatal support bandage and the use of chairs with a backrest can help. Sometimes the pain intensifies so much that it resembles an attack of radiculitis. This can be caused by the pressure of the uterus on the pelvic bones, which leads to pinched nerves. To avoid these phenomena, you should not sleep on a very soft surface, do not sit for a long time, try to bend over carefully. Vigorous movements at week 25 often cause pain in the hypochondrium. In this way, the baby signals to you that he does not like your position, change it.

The load on the legs has increased significantly, nagging pain in the muscles is annoying, women who had varicose veins before pregnancy especially suffer. Try not to stand on your feet for a long time, do not cross your legs. Before going to bed, it is useful to do contrasting foot baths and a relaxing massage. After consulting with your doctor, you can purchase special compression stockings.

With the development of the fetus, the mass and volume of the uterus increases, and an increasing load falls on the muscles that hold it. This causes pain in the lower abdomen. They usually occur during sudden movements - turning, getting up from a chair, coughing. These are episodic, fleeting pains. If the stomach is very tight, the pain has the character of contractions, becomes more frequent and painful, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance. This may indicate the onset of premature labor. If childbirth occurs, there is a chance of the baby coming out, but the risk is very high.

Abdominal pain can be caused by such a common phenomenon among pregnant women as intestinal dysfunction and constipation. To alleviate the condition, review your diet, include prunes, beet dishes, olive oil, and eat more fruits.

Analyzes and examinations

Using an ultrasound at the 25th week of pregnancy, the doctor has the opportunity to compare the size of the fetus with the standard ones. The fetal heartbeat is studied. The thickness of the placenta wall, the condition and volume of amniotic fluid are also assessed. With each examination, the doctor evaluates the height of the uterine fundus. If there is a discrepancy with the norms, it is important to determine the cause of this violation. Before visiting a doctor, a woman takes a urine test. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe additional testing, for example, to check hormone levels. Monitoring the level of hemoglobin is also important; its decrease can cause weakness, rapid heartbeat, and dizziness.

Sexual relations

If your health and well-being are in order, there are no contraindications for sexual relations. Sex at 25 weeks of pregnancy does not pose a threat to pregnancy, the main thing is to avoid dangerous positions. Hormonal changes lead to the fact that a woman experiences sexual sensations more acutely than before. The man is grateful to the woman for her attention to him, the woman feels desired and loved. It is advisable to limit or eliminate sex if a woman has brownish vaginal discharge, there is a threat of miscarriage, previous pregnancies have ended in miscarriages, or placenta previa is low. If the pregnancy proceeds without complications, you can have sex, because during orgasm the muscles of the uterus are trained, the mood improves, stress decreases, and the woman experiences pleasant emotions.

There are no special tips for week 25, continue to lead the same lifestyle as before.

To improve digestion and avoid constipation, include in your diet foods that have a laxative effect - fermented milk products, steamed prunes, beet dishes. Eating apples, pomegranates, and liver dishes will help avoid the manifestation of iron deficiency anemia.

Try to prevent swelling. Reduce the amount of salt in food, give up processed foods, sausages, and canned foods.

To ease the symptoms of heartburn, you should eat five to six times a day, the portions should be small. After eating, it is useful to take a walk in the fresh air. If signs of varicose veins appear, alternate walking with resting on a bench. Your doctor may recommend purchasing compression garments.

If your pregnancy is going well, on the advice of your doctor, begin preparing your nipples for feeding. Wipe them regularly with a terry cloth, this will make the nipples less sensitive and reduce the risk of cracks. Impact on the nipples can cause contraction of the uterus, increase its tone, therefore, there is a chance of causing premature birth. So do this all very carefully. To reduce the likelihood of stretch marks appearing on your chest, purchase a comfortable bra made from natural fabric with wide straps.

Remember, no matter how good you feel now, your body needs rest. Therefore, relax more often and do what you love. Positive emotions are very important for you now, meet your loved ones, watch good films, read good books.

How long should a child move?

How should a child move normally and what can be considered pathological? This question is very important. Every expectant mother should understand how important it is to monitor the nature of her baby’s movements. After all, this is the main indicator of his well-being.

So, how often should the baby move in a given week of pregnancy? There are no specific rules for weeks. However, it is absolutely certain that in the middle of the second trimester of pregnancy, at a time when the expectant mother is just beginning to feel her baby, his movements may be irregular. More precisely, they are regular, but not everything is felt by the mother. There is only one relative indicator when a child moves normally at 20-25 weeks - every day. Over a longer period, a woman should feel at least 10 series of baby movements per day. That is, if the child moved several times within 5-10 minutes, this should be considered one series. Of course, you shouldn’t manically calculate how much the child should move and compare it with your own situation, but a sharp decrease in the number of fetal movements requires certain actions.

So, if the baby is quiet, the woman may need to wake him up. For this, a little physical activity is enough, for example, going down and up the stairs. You can stroke your belly with a little effort - children usually respond quickly to this. Or have a snack - it has been proven that after the expectant mother eats food, her child begins to behave more active. All this must be done without delay.

If, despite all efforts, the child still does not begin to move, consult a doctor, and urgently. The first and simplest thing a doctor can do is to listen to the child’s heartbeat using an obstetric stethoscope, determine its approximate frequency and draw conclusions regarding possible hypoxia - a lack of oxygen, as a result of which the child becomes less active. Further, if necessary, the woman is sent for an ultrasound with examination of fetal blood flow or for CTG. And if hypoxia is indeed confirmed, doctors act depending on its severity. In case of acute hypoxia, an emergency caesarean section is performed. For chronic conditions, various drugs can be prescribed to improve blood flow. True, they are not very effective.

How many times should a child move as much as possible? Nobody knows the exact number. Much depends on the duration of pregnancy and the position of the baby in the uterus. At the end of pregnancy, there is less movement, as it is more difficult for the baby to move in the uterus. But the movements become much more noticeable. You may even notice bulging in some parts of the abdomen during them, and the mother may experience pain if the baby rests his foot on her rib. Fortunately, getting your baby into a more comfortable position is not difficult, you just need to move a little. Movements may become more frequent when the woman lies on her back, since in this case the inferior vena cava is compressed, and the child experiences a lack of oxygen. In addition, the child becomes more active when the mother is in an uncomfortable position, for example, sitting with her back arched like a wheel.